Service "Sober Driver": What is it worth using it?

Life is fleeting and unpredictable ... There are situations when it is not possible to sit behind the wheel of your beloved car or do not have rights to it. For example, when you have sharply deteriorating well-being or when an important event happened in your life and you allowed themselves to be unnecessary ...

Some motorists, ignoring the law and risking their own lives, as well as the lives of other road users, are still sitting behind the wheel. For all others who have their own principles and maintains the "sobriety of the mind", even in a state of alcohol intoxication, there are several outlets from the current situation.

1. Taxi. The easiest way to call a taxi, leaving your car at the scene. However, there are some points that sometimes do not allow this to do. For example, if you "floated" or you "used" somewhere outside the city, in the forest or on the highway, then call a taxi in this case is simply meaningless, because to leave your car in such places is unsafe. There is no guarantee that the other day your car will wait for you and will be in the same condition as before you left it. In addition, it is not known whether you will be able to go on your car as another day, you may have to take a taxi again, and these are additional costs. And if it is too early to work somewhere, but there are no cars?

2. Minibus. You can, as an option, use the services of a route vehicle, however, as in the previous case you will not have a guarantee of the safety of your car. In the afternoon, the bus, somewhere outside the city, the bus may simply not be, in the evening there are even less chances. And if this happened in the evening or even worse - at night? What then minibuses?

3. There is also a third, more convenient and pleasant option - use the service " sober driver". The popularity of such a service is growing every day, and companies in which it can be ordered is abuse. The most important thing to know the company number providing such services and will preferably agree on where and when you need to pick up. If it is a paragraph and you You can not further continue the movement, independently driving a car, you can call the operator and order an immediate service sober driver.

Advantages of the "Sober Driver" service:

  1. You can call a "sober driver" at any time convenient for you, that is, anywhere and ever.
  2. You are guaranteed to get home on your own car, while no one you will fall into an accident.
  3. You will not need to look for parking to leave the car for the night, and the next day, when you have a specific "Bodun" for you, you don't have to ride again in a drunk for my car and experience it there or not.
  4. You save on a taxi that would have to take on the first and on the second day.

What is needed to use the Sober Driver's service?

You need to have:

  1. The number of the company that provides such a type of service.
  2. or passport.
  3. Documents that confirm your ownership of this vehicle.
  4. Tehtalon (technical transport).
  5. Certificate of compulsory insurance.

Only in this case can you count on the fact that the "sober driver" will sit for and deliver you wherever you say. If you do not trust and worry about the safety of your car, it is better to give up the use of a car in advance, that is, before you go for a birthday or somewhere where you are going to "eat" - just leave your car at home.

There is also another option - not to use at the event, in this case you do not have to spend money on a taxi, "sober driver", as well as drunk fines. As an option. You can ask someone from your loved ones to whom you trust, execute the role of a "sober driver", in this case the most important thing that you are confident that a friend or relative is really sober. Otherwise, the risk of not only to scream and break the car, but also to break up ...

Service "Sober Driver" Very convenient and worth their money, it is essentially the same taxis only with the delivery of your car.

In conclusion I would like to say that independently of which of the listed options you will prefer, the main thing is that you did not sit down the wheel drunk, Everything else is the little things in life. Even if on the second day it is necessary to return for the machine after you call a taxi, not a "sober driver", it will be cheaper than to realize your and possible someone else-broken car, in case you fall behind the wheel or want to purify. Let something happen better with the car (vandals will damage, take the tow truck, ...) if only your life and life of your loved ones were safe, everything else is not important. Take care of yourself and let you all be fine.

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