How to restore the TCP on the car at the loss?

Often there are difficult situations - the driver loses documents on a car, and in this case the car is impossible to operate.

Also, in some cases, the sale of the vehicle is missing the main document, the passport of the vehicle, and find the buyer to such a car is extremely difficult. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to restore the TCP on the car at the loss that for this you need to do.

Lost passport TS

TCP is the most important document that is needed during the operation of the vehicle (TC). Usually the driver will take a certificate of registration of the car (STS), and the PTS is stored at home or in some other reliable place. The car owner in case of a stop on the road, the traffic police inspector presents documents - STS and the insurance policy, and it seems to be in the passport of TS there is no need. But without this document it is impossible:

  • remove and put the CU for accounting;
  • make a sales contract;
  • emboss the insurance policy;
  • pass through customs.

Another important point - with the help of PTS, you can restore other documents on the car in the event of their loss or damage.

Often the passport of the vehicle is lost by the car owner - he has the opportunity to sell, but only by the general power of attorney. To the person who trusted the car could become a legal owner, it is necessary to restore the PTS.

What vehicles are issued as a passport

The TCP is required for any vehicle that has characteristics:

  • there is a chassis;
  • there are individual insignia signs (Gosnomer, body number and engine number);
  • the overall design is not subject to change;
  • transport is designed to move on roads;
  • the means of movement can develop speed above 25 kilometers per hour.

If an important document on the machine lost the owner himself, it is possible to restore the TS passport, but for this it will be necessary to collect the necessary package of documents and run a lot to all instances. Restoring the passport of the machine - the procedure is quite complicated, takes a lot of time. If the document is lost, the owner of the car must be applied to the department of the traffic police, where the car owner will receive a duplicate of the lost TCP. To obtain a new car passport, the owner of the car will need to submit:

Also, the car owner will have to write an application for the restoration of the TC passport, to provide an explanatory in the traffic police - under what circumstances was the loss occurred. The owner of the vehicle should be applied to the traffic police department in place of accounting of the vehicle, while showing its car is not necessary.

For the duplicate of the document it is necessary to pay the state duty, until 2015, it was equal to 500 rubles, but then the amount changed, and in 2017 it increased to 800 rubles. If the driver does not want to mess around with the preparation of a statement, he may ask to print text on paper, but this service will have to be additionally paid. After all the documents are collected, the application is written and explanatory, the issuance of a duplicate will take about one hour. And the owner needs to know that the new document will be the "Duplicate" mark. Another important point - when making an application, the owner of the car undertakes to transfer the old passport of the TC in the traffic police if the document is in any way to find. You can not use the lost TCP.

In some cases, traffic police officers decide to check the vehicle numbers, then it is necessary to drive a car into the traffic police to the observation platform. The inspector checks the chassis and body number on the car, then makes a mark in the application form. It should be known that the inspection of the car to issue a duplicate is quite rare.

Much complexity is the production of a car for accounting without a host, if the new routeman manages the car by proxy, and the passport of the car is lost. When a person who is documented by a car, find it easy, the problem is solved simply - you need to ask him to make a duplicate PTS. But often there are situations - the owner on the documents is not possible, and there are already serious complications here. We give answers to the questions asked by many car owners.

How can you put a car to account if only STS is on hand, and the legal owner died?

Registration is possible only through the heirs of the deceased. If the relatives of the owner of the car enter into inheritance, they will receive legal entitled to the use of the vehicle, and then they will be able to restore the PTS. Other ways to legalize the car does not exist.

If there is a contract of sale, but the owner is impossible to find, is it possible to restore the TCP?

No, it is impossible to get a duplicate car passport in this case.

Is it possible to make a duplicate TCP when the general power of attorney is there and all other documents?

The recovery of the document is possible when in the general power of attorney it is noted that the owner of the car by proxy has the right to all actions, including the design of documents. It is very important here that the "generator" is not overdue.

How to be if the traffic police refused to issue a duplicate passport passport

In the traffic police, the car owner duplicate is obliged to issue almost anyway, refuse can for the following reasons:

  • employees of the traffic police have suspicions that the car is in the hijacking;
  • tC license plates are wanted;
  • on the registration of auto imposed a limitation.

The refusal must be officially documented in writing if the owner of the car believes it unreasonable, he has the right to appeal the decision of the traffic police in court.

Restoration of the TC Passport without a master of general power of attorney

The trustee has the right to restore the TCP only if there will be all powers on the design and restoration of documents in the genderness, certified. In the "Generator" information should be specified:

  • a list of all authority provided;
  • the possibility of the right of handover;
  • all confidence data that is transmitted to the authority management law;
  • its validity;
  • date of issuing this document.

The general power of attorney must be valid - if overdue it at least one day, it will be impossible to restore the TCP.

What should not be done at the loss of the TC passport

In some cases, the car owner at the loss of the document in the explanatory note writes that the PTS was stolen. With this situation, serious difficulties arise - the traffic police does not have the right to make a duplicate before the closure of a criminal case associated with theft. The investigation usually lasts for a long time, and the car owner will expect a duplicate several months before clarifying circumstances. Even if the documents were stolen, it should be indicated that the PTS is lost in incomprehensible circumstances.

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