How to start a car in winter

Many motorists live regions where winter is harsh. Frost reaches -40, and even below. Take a car in such a frost The task is not from the lungs. It is not surprising that a knowledgeable person will lead his car in any frost, when inexperienced will experience problems already at -20c.

It is the opinion that 8m valve VAZ 2110 is better at the frost than 16kl. I do not know why, but my VAZ 2111 (16kl) starts in the frost to -40-marads almost always from the first time.

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What are the secrets on the launch of a car in the frost? What do you need to do with the machine so that it starts even in a latter cold?
Let's try to figure out these questions.

So, the first rules that must be executed in order to start the car in frost no problem:

  1. The car must be a good (For example, if in the summer your car started from the second time or the starter twists longer than it is supposed, then in the frost to start such a car much more difficult)
  2. Good and well charged battery (A very popular reason by which car owners get in the morning in a taxi, and not in their car :))
  3. Motor oil should not be very thick.
  4. Availability of high-quality gasoline.
  5. Quality alarm (Statistics show that more than half of cases when the car cannot start the car in the frost - this is a blocking by alarm, because the Chinese relay freezes).

The order of the car startup in winter:

  1. Turn off all electrical equipment (stove, light headlight, seat heating or mirrors, etc.)
  2. Turn on the ignition and wait (It is necessary to wait when the idling regulator (RXX) will be installed in the initial position.
  3. Turn on the rank of 15 seconds (So \u200b\u200bwe warm up the battery (AKB))
  4. Squeeze the clutch and try to start (Scroll starter should not exceed 10sek)
  5. If the car has not started, we are waiting for no less than 5min (at this time you can see how others try to unsuccessively to start your car :))
  6. We try to start the 2nd time. 2-3 Attempts at 5-10 seconds, with a pause between attempts for 30s.
  7. If there are single flash, but the engine does not startYou should press the gas pedal "to the floor" and try to start with a pinned pedal of about 10 seconds. (Cylinders purge)
  8. We try to start the last timeIf it did not come out, then there is no point in trying to try. Most likely flooded candles.
  9. Unscrew the candles. For 16kl after removing the cover of the engine, the stud from the receiver is unscrewed and there is a through hole. It must be closed.
  10. Candles can be dried and cleanBut it's better to buy new ones.
  11. Remove the connector from the ignition module (MW)so that it is not burned.
  12. We turn the starter with the "in the floor" gas pedal About five seconds. (blow cylinders)
  13. Back draw a MZ connector And screw the candles.
  14. We try to start. If you again to no avail, then it is better to leave this Liberty :) Most likely there is a malfunction in the car.
  15. If between attempts to launch the car you sat the battery, then you can try curl car from battery other machine.

Recommendations for easier engine launch during the winter period:

  1. Use oil for winter (5W40, for severe frosts - 0W40). With a decrease in temperature, the oil becomes thick. The thick oil, the more difficult the starter to scroll through the engine. The first digit to "w" is just a low-temperature viscosity. Oil viscosity.
  2. Throughout the winter do not allow the gasoline level less than half of the tank (so that the condensate is not formed). It is recommended that the water is removed from the fuel system (pour 1-2l. Technical alcohol for a full tank, the water will turn into vodka and after burning)
  3. Elephant Ignition Candle Clearance It is best to reduce to a minimum value (that is, 1 mm)
  4. Before leaving a car for a long time in the cold, recommended "Light" spark plugs. That is, within minutes, raise the engine speed up to 3000 rpm, and then dramatically drown.
  5. For "resuscitation" of frozen cars you can deceive the EBU With the help of a resistor. If the resistor is 30-50k, connect parallel to the coolant temperature sensor (DPT), the computer will assume that the temperature rose and will prepare a poorer mixture that prevents the pouring of the candles. If there is a socket next to the machine, you can warm the dish with a hair dryer.
  6. Ensure that there is no battery leakage current. (In the frost, even a small leakage can very quickly plant AKB)
  7. Install signaling with auto start(Permanent engine launches will not be cooled), or install Additional Preparations (Autonomous / 220W) Oil / Tosol Heaters (for example, an autonomous Webasto, or a TEN to heal toxol from 220W, or a grandfather head :)). Review of pre-car heaters.
  8. Run the engine need short scrolling, not paying attention to solitary outbreaks or "grasp".
  9. Can use insulation for acb. Order Ready thermo case for battery or make heated for battery yourself. But as a rule, a new battery does not need insulation and will twist the starter and after a long downtime in the cold.
  10. Make heat insulation of the boost space or to cover the motor Dornitit or autoWaterto preserve heat.
  11. Use more "hot" analogs of spark plugs.

Recommended candles for winter and their hotter analogues:
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