ZMZ 514 diesel maximum speed. The Crisis of the Middle Ages. Smearing and chilling

elegant hunter

As you can see, post-ashlyahoviks are considered to be used by important workers. The stench is the fault of the mother's song of perevagi, as if to allow them to go overboard in the minds of an important off-road. Sob the car is inspired by the depressions, you will need an exhausting engine and a new drive.

I realized that with such vimogi, the vitrata of the paliva increases. Not all off-road lovers are ready to spend pennies on gasoline. That is why the auto industry has begun to virolyat the UAZ Hunter diesel.

What is a diesel UAZ

UAZ Hunter is the fall of the time-worn UAZ 469, which is popular among car enthusiasts of the Donin. The very same became the main cause of Hunter's cob. The car cannot boast of a prestigious design, but its technical characteristics ensure high sales.

Hunter with a diesel engine, having removed all the best qualities of his predecessor. At the same time, sprat polypshen was introduced into the design of the pozashlyahovik, as they allowed it to be raised in a different way. For example, the mechanism of closing the doors has been realized, now the stench is curled up just to make noise without any noise. The hull was covered with expensive enamel, as if looking like a modern look to a zashlyahovik.

In order to improve the road clearance, they lifted the car's bottom and sounded the door opening. It’s lightly pushed into the comfort of the sky, it’s become less easy for the rocks to get into the cabin. The seats became more anatomical, which allowed for more space in the cabin. Now, in the back, you can add additional seats, and the baggage compartments can be equipped with front doors, like on modern zashlyahoviks.

Hunter did not have a small number of 469 models, among which the design of the checkpoint and the low pressure of the motor were listed. Modernization of the diesel zashlyakhovik Volodya with offensive advances:

  • salon becoming more comfortable and comfortable;
  • signifi- cantly lowering the pale vitrata;
  • engine and transmission modernized;
  • the design scheme of the suspension has been reduced;
  • zbіlshilisya obsyag salon and vantazhopіdyomnіst.

Diesel engine to make cars more maneuverable

Vіdguki vlasnikіv vіdchat about those scho avtomobilіl becoming rich functional. Yogo can win not only in the minds of off-road, but also in the capacity of a family car for views on nature.

Numerical look at the zashlyakhovik confirmed that the new one was equipped with a 5-speed manual gearbox manufactured by Hyundai Dymos. The checkpoint of this brewer is of high quality, significantly overturning the characteristics of the vinaigrette analogue.

Advantages of a diesel engine over a gasoline engine

Depending on the type of engine - diesel or gasoline, it is necessary to check the relevant information between them.

Petrol Hunter is equipped with a 4-cylinder 16-valve engine ZMZ-409 with a capacity of 128 liters. With. and volume 2.7 l. The brewing plant recommends refueling the engine with AI-92 gasoline. Vitrata Paliva stores 13.2 liters per 100 km in a mixed cycle. Pozashlyahovik develops speed, which reaches 130 km / h.

The diesel Hunter has a 4-cylinder 16-valve engine ZMZ-514 with a capacity of 114 liters. With. and volume 2.2 l. The average vitrata paliva per 100 km stores a total of 10.5 liters. UAZ building rozganyatisya up to 120 km / year, developing a torque that reaches 270 Nm.

Vihodyachi s tsogo, you can stverdzhuvati s upevnenistyu, scho diesel engine allows you to spare not only for more cheap type of fire, but also on yogo vitrati. With this, the maximum speed of the ZMZ-514 is not enough to program the speed of the ZMZ-409. The price of an economically-priced oil-burner outweighs the var- tity of a gasoline Hunter by 50 thousand. R. Savings on gasoline to pay off the overpayment already after 20 thousand. Km I'll go.

Diesel engine makes auto tightness

For an hour of operation, the diesel engine does not react to the passenger involvement of the car. The results of the test drive showed that the economical motor does not overheat like in Russia on asphalt pavement, so even before an hour of important off-road driving. With a different gasoline engine, the problem has been present even before.

What kind of “passage” without a diesel engine? Unreasonable. Take it along the ford or the sand, make your way through the forest thickets with a gasoline engine, no matter what. Virobnik richly rokiv shukaє UAZ gіdnu power plant. Ale, everything seems to be ungracious. Insha on the right.


On the back was a Polish diesel supercharged "Andora": 2.4 l, 86 forces - do you remember? Nepogany, in the basis of an English motor, only expensive. They used to buy Yogo, yakbi for new spare parts. In 2005, our marvel, the diesel ZMZ-514, came to replace you. There are spare parts everywhere, and inexpensive generators, starters, chains, cushions for the power unit, injectors, and even a line of stations is lined up. Vіdminno! That axis was bad, the diesel engine was in the hands of the “kolgospnikiv”.

Trohi overheated - and the head went out. Once in a day without looking at the bottom - saying goodbye to the supports of the power unit, after trimming the high turns - breaking the belt, bending the valves ... God bless the cause, pull and navantazhiti yogo mіtsnіshe: diesel inserts grow!

The constructors DO NOT gudzhu: they blew the wreckage of the beast of the task of sporuding from the ZMZ-406 diesel gasoline engine. And it’s impossible to work like that. Let's say, to take into account the same characteristics that a gasoline engine has, the kolіnchasti shaft will be brought to the vantage in the second time more. So, it is necessary to increase the diameter and length of the necks, otherwise flatten the inserts. And the better is the radius of the crank zbіshiti, even the diesel engine is a momentary motor. Hello where? The block is already є, “kolіno” tezh. Take away ZMZ-514 - a new compromise.

Such a motor is used for light cars, for example, "Niv", but lads from Togliatti joke with their couple from the ancestral line. To that, the jeepers, like the Volodya of the 514th, are informed, they hunt with him very low. Navіt znіmayut znіmayut dakh і sidіnnya, schob zavolzkogo diesel life easier.

in a susidic way

However, the poshlyahovy people didn’t sound and started shukati an alternative to diesel. The Ulyanovsk company "Dartech" sent generators to the offshore China, which is a great enterprise: 500,000 licensed diesel engines, including Isuzu, are being introduced to the foreign and domestic markets.

They closed the gap - 92-strong supercharged "four" F-Diesel 4JB1T. They took it apart, bled it out, and recognized it as a accessory for installation on a UAZ. We adapted all the sensors of the engine for robots with control accessories, fixed the power unit and handed over the chairs to the Chinese for the preparation of a plate-adapter for our gearbox and a clutch.

Vitrobuvannya diesel vitriav vpevneno. They reconsidered both in everyday life, and in deep minds - “behind the motives” of the trophy-raids popular in the Ulyanovsk province, in which it is necessary to go for a quick bite, and even for a breath in bagnyutsi and with a lebidka. At the finish line, showing the hour not faster, lower at combat vehicles.

After "Dartekh" made a good series of UAZiv - from "loaf" to "Patriot" - with such engines.


I tested the car on the go. The labor history of a diesel-robot truck cannot be prihovat. Importantly, the box needs to be wielded swiftly, to recognize the edge of traction on the skin stage. Ale zvikaєsh vіrazu. The pace in the city on the river, do not give up the cars in the capital of the province. On the fifth gear, I can collapse without annoyance and for sixty, and break up, without being angry, up to one hundred and twenty. Pull! The lock is tight, but it works smoothly, you can forget about the gassing. That's why it's so easy to maneuver in the parking lot with a diesel engine, like with an automatic transmission.

At the forest distances UAZ - mute elk. Lama guschavin and їde there, where it is scary to step.

We drank winter on the cob at the forest and stared into the still not frozen cola. “Let’s go down and you can’t turn on the gas,” my companion, an engineer of the company, pleased me. It’s scary: as if tumbled in without dispersal, we get up and sink. Climbing behind the cable of the winch into the brudna homeland in the snow and ice - the prospect is of little reception: on the legs there are laces with a thin sole. So go nowhere - I flog in the swamp. Heart zavmiraє, ale shvidko come out. The motor, succulently sopuch on two thousand, is sung in the draft. The wheels are under the ice, they are smart enough to get stuck in the mud, and the car is moved according to how much it happened. The shoes were left clean ... They wouldn’t have rolled them with gasoline.


Dartech launched more than two dozen cars with F-Diesel engines for more than two decades. There was no need for a narcissist from Vlasniks. Sterzhuyut, scho navit in Japan, in Hokkaido, ride such a car and the owner of a lot of satisfaction. The price of UAZ-Hunter with a Chinese engine is 650 thousand rubles. Expensive? Mabut. Aje factory UAZ with a gasoline engine costs a total of 400 thousand, with a diesel engine - 450 thousand. With the consumption of diesel fuel of 8 liters per hundred savings on firewood, pay off an overpayment of 250 thousand rubles, up to 90 thousand kilometers per trip. But with gasoline, they don’t possess quiet, stale qualities, like diesel.

"ZMZ-514" - the whole family of sixteen-valve chotiricyl-cylinder engines with 4 working volume of 2.24 liters. A handful of motors were assigned for driving on passenger cars and commercial vehicles ga3, prote in a bag knew their driving on UA3ax. On "GA3eli" diesel engines "3M3-514" were installed only from 2002 to 2004, in order to increase the quantity. Since 2006, the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant has become a respite for these power units: the stench “got accustomed” on the back of the UA3 Hunter, and later on the Patriot, and creations on their UA3 Cargo base. Ale - all in a few years: in 2015, the rotation of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant is still influenced by the majority of motors of the 3M3-514 family. What are the reasons, and what are the features of this family - read on.

The main reason for the introduction of diesel modifications of "Patriot" and "Hunter" is a meagerly low drink per car. Not only that, the UAZs themselves do not shine with gigantic sales promises, but they also drink on the diesel equipment of the Ulyanovsk post-slavery vehicles, appearing too small, to impress them with promising models. For the sake of entrepreneurship, sales of diesel "Patriots" became only 1% (!) Of the total number of cars sold.

It would have been better if, on such a machine, like the UAZ post-zashlyahoviki, they would simply “ask” for diesel engines. Even more serious pluses: more serious and stable off-road performance, the ability to "maximum" vantage the car and the reason, the fuel efficiency, the high KKD dviguna ... hundreds of kilograms, in pairs with gasoline. The entire torque, equal to 270 N * m, the diesel power unit is already in the range from 1300 rpm to 2800 rpm; diesel is lighter and quieter "pull" is not the lightest UAZ body. All tse - the main indicators of utility. And utility for a jeep or a pickup truck is all right. Those car enthusiasts who have ever driven both gasoline and diesel Patriots have noticed that diesel engines are blown in the shortest possible time for gasoline ones.

However, unimportant to all reworks and refinement, “3M3-514” “still left with an undesirable dvigun, we’ll take it easy. Widespread, often blamed problems with timing drives and high pressure fuel pumps, small resource of the oil pump, damage to the fuel injection main of high pressure fuel pumps, sudden decrease in thrust, falling of the valve plate into the engine cylinder, twisting of the KV plug, cracks in the head of the cylinder block (defect of the casting), after the words of the virobnik, were usunenі. Ale, the bagatioh "UAZovodov" had another thought for the first time.

After equipping the new version of the motor - "3M3-514Z2.10 CRS" - the fire-fighting electronic control equipment attached to the Bosch Common Rail engine became less maintainable, and even more maintainable, then only with knots, yak cost is not cheap, and also more powerful. Problems with uninterrupted accusations, post-yni metamorphosis with the pressure of the fire have reached the level of earlier problems.

In the course of modernization, the motor was supplemented with Bosch injectors and high pressure fuel pumps, a ramp, and heating candles; they supplemented it with a Chinese turbocharger, and the engine still does not shine with any superiority, or dogovichnostyu in vikoristanni. Zrozumіlo, such a reputation was strongly marked on sales. Before that, the price of the diesel UAZ Patriot was 100,000 more lower than the petrol version of the same model.

The 3M3-514 family traces its history back to the beginning of the 1980s, when the Zavolzky Motor Plant started working on the creation of a diesel engine, based on the ultimate carburetor engine for the Volga - 3M3-402.10. Until 1984, the last example of this power unit was created and passed through laboratory and road testing, including at the NAMI autofield in the warehouse of the GA3-24 Volga passenger car. Working volume - 2.45 liters, compression stage - 20.5; with an aluminum block of cylinders, pistons with an aluminum alloy, with a special micro-relief and a barrel-shaped profile of the seat, jet coolers of the pistons, a signaling device for changing the oil filter, a spark plug for a pre-start valve. However, this model did not have a sale.

Only in the first half of the 1990s, the factories of the Zavolzky Motor Plant turned to the development of a wet diesel engine for passenger cars and light-duty vehicles. For some reason, the task was set to build a diesel engine not just on the basis of the gasoline "3M3-406.10", but also to achieve maximum unification with the basic power unit.

Vyhodyachi z frontal directions and exercises ensure maximum unification with the base engine "3M3-406.10", the cylinder diameter changes up to 86 mm. What was reached by installing a dry thin-walled sleeve in a chavunny monoblock; zі zberezhennyam rozmіrіv kor_nіh і rod bearings і base dvigun і, otzhe, practically povnoї unіfіkatsії according to obrobtsі cylinder block and crankshaft. From the very cob in the new diesel engine, the turbocharging was stopped, and the cooling of the supercharging air.

The first star of the future "3M3-514", under the name "3M3-406.10", was crushed in the leaf fall of 1995. At the Yaroslavl Diesel Equipment Plant (YAZDA) for the technical assistance of the Zavolzky Motor Plant, a small-sized, multi-nozzle fuel injector was developed and manufactured. As a result, the cylinder head was made not for chavun, but for aluminum.

In 1999, the first batch of diesel engines "3M3-514" was prepared for the first time - 10 units. In 2002, stinks made their debut at GAZelle. However, with the help of the first two children, to bring the first to the fate of exploitation, it was clear that it was foldable for the maintenance of these engines, and the superiority of them did not show any criticism.

In the opinion of the experts, the archaic manufacturing facility of the Zavolzsky motor plant did not have the capacity to provide the necessary hardness to the metal and to improve the accuracy of the processing of auto parts. Diesel engine, on the vіdmіnu vіd of the gasoline, which I didn't recognize. Before that, the post-commissioners of the components contributed their “spoonful of dog” to the growing flow of substandard. And in the distance, the unstable quality of the buyers sharply sang, badioro on the cob was brought to the idea of ​​the arrival of a modern economic turbodiesel to replace the carburetor engines. In the bag, until the beginning of 2004, the serial production of diesel engines per 3m3 burned out, in fact, without opening.

Prote, dorobka and finishing "3M3-514" continued. They changed the design of the head and the block, with the increase of their hardness. For a bigger yakіsnogo gas seal, the replacement of the vitchiznyanoy cylinder head gasket was replaced by imported bagatosharova, metalevu. Doopratsyuvannya and the preparation of pistons were laid on the German company "Mahle". Changed, with a method of increasing reliability and resource, boules of connecting rods, timing lances and a number of other details.

The launch of the serial modification of the 3M3-514Z, and since 2006, the UAZ Hunter began to be equipped with motors. In 2007, the roci "3M3-514Z" was adapted for installation on the classic vantage family of Ulyanovsk "capless" cars. Nezabara appeared "3M3-514Z" from the high-pressure fuel pump of the company "Bosch", about which there was a language, and then - from "Common Rail". The ci versions reduced up to 10% less diesel fuel and demonstrated better engine priming at low speeds. However, the stench did not take away the great breadth.

4-stroke diesel engine may be lined with L-like reshaping of cylinders and pistons, wrapping one hot crankshaft, and upper reshaping of 2 camshafts. The motor is provided with a native cooling system of a closed type, with primus circulation. The system is maschennya є combined - under a vice and spraying. The upgrade of the 3M3-514Z2 motor can be done by chotiri valves on the skin cylinder, and after cooling, which goes into the cylinders, the intercooler is closed, (yogi zasosuvannya allowed to increase the tension of the power unit and polypshiti yogo robot at low speeds. u200b\u200bcharacteristic of the "turbo-yami" effect, however, it is superfluous and does not require maintenance and repair.

Left side of the engine: 1 - branch pipe of the water pump for coolant supply to the radiator; 2 - water pump; 3 - hydraulic power steering pump (GUR); 4 - temperature sensor of the cooling radiator (control system); 5 - coolant temperature indicator sensor; 6 - thermostat housing; 7 - sensor for signaling an emergency oil pressure; 8 - oil filler cap; 9 - front bracket for the engine support; 10 - oil level indicator handle; 11 - ventilation hose; 12 - recirculation valve; 13 - exhaust pipe of the turbocharger; 14 - exhaust manifold; 15 - heat-insulating screen; 16 - turbocharger; 17 - heating tube; 18 - crankcase; 19 - plug of the opening for the installation pin of the crankshaft; 20 - plug of the oil sump filler; 21 - hose for oil filling from the turbocharger; 22 - oil injection tube to the turbocharger; 23 - faucet for pouring coolant; 24 - inlet pipe of the turbocharger

Bosch injectors are double-spring, which allow the front injection of the diesel fuel. Fine cleaning fuel filter with a manual pump, a heater, a water separator - the same as manufactured by the Bosch company, a high-pressure fuel line - from the Guido company.
The turbocharger "S12-92-02" is being produced in the Czech Republic, at the plant "ChZ-Strakonice AS". The same is true of vikoristannya and turbines "Garrett", which have a higher coefficient of brown air.

The block of cylinders with a special chavun, a monoblock with a crankcase part, is lowered below the crankshaft axle. Mіzh cylinders peredbachenі special ducts for chilled water. At the lower part of the BC there are 5 supports of the main bearings. Bearing caps are made in assembly with a block of cylinders and, obviously, not interchangeable. At the crankcase part of the cylinder block there are nozzles for cooling the pistons with oil.

The cylinder head is made of aluminum alloy. At the upper part of the cylinder head there is a gas underflow mechanism: rose undershafts, important for the valve drive, hydraulic bearings, inlet and outlet valves. The cylinder head is provided with two inlet channels and two outlet channels; flanges for intake pipes, intake manifold, thermostat, caps; є landing places for nozzles and candles for heating, vbudovanie elements of heating and cooling systems.

Front panel: 1 - pulley-damper of the crankshaft; 2 - position sensor of the crankshaft; 3 - generator; 4 - the upper casing of the belt for the injection pump drive; 5 - injection pump; 6 - povіtroprovid; 7 - oil filler cap; 8 - oil maker; 9 - ventilation hose; 10 - belt for fan drive and power steering pump; 11 - fan pulleys; 12 - tension bolt of the power steering pump; 13 - power steering pump pulley; 14 - tension bracket for the belt drive of the fan and power steering pump; 15 - power steering pump bracket; 16 - guide roller; 17 - water pump pulleys; 18 - belt for the drive of the generator and water pump; 19 - top dead center indicator (TDC); 20 - TDC sign on the rotor of the sensor; 21 - the lower casing of the belt for the injection pump drive

The pistons are made from a special aluminum alloy, with a combustion chamber, fitted in the piston head. The volume of the combustion chamber is (21.69 ± 0.4) cm3. Piston seat has a barrel-like shape in the later straight line and oval - in the transverse section, secured with anti-friction coatings. Piston rings on Z on the skin piston: two compression and one oil extractor.

Dvigun connecting rod - steel forging. The connecting rod cap is assembled in assembly with the connecting rod, in connection with which, when moving the motor, it is not possible to rearrange the caps from one connecting rod to another. The connecting rod cap is bolted to be screwed into the connecting rod. A steel-bronze bushing is pressed into the piston head of the connecting rod. Colinshaft - steel forging, 5 bearings, crank radius 47 mm Wear-resistance of shiyok is provided with hardening of HDTV or gas nitrogen baths.

Inserts of the crankshaft main bearings - steel-aluminum. Upper inserts with grooves and openings, lower ones without that and more. Inserts of connecting rod bearings - steel-bronze, without grooves and openings. To the flange of the crankshaft on the rear end, the flywheel is fastened with eight bolts.

Right side of the engine: 1 - starter; 2 - fine filter for fine cleaning (FTOT) (not transportable); 3 - starter traction relay; 4 - cover for the oil pump drive; 5 - rear bracket for the engine support; 6 - receiver; 7 - Pipelines of a high vice; 8 - high-viscosity fire pump (TNVD); 9 - rear support of high pressure fuel pump; 10 - point of attachment "-" of the KMSUD rod; 11 - coolant supply hose to the pure-oil heat exchanger; 12 - fitting of the vacuum pump; 13 - generator; 14 - vacuum pump; 15 - cover of the lower hydraulic tensioner; 16 - position sensor of the crankshaft; 17 - oil supply hose to the vacuum pump; 18 - oil pressure indicator sensor; 19 - oil filter; 20 - branch pipe of the natural-oil heat exchanger for coolant inlet; 21 - hose for pouring oil from the vacuum pump; 22 - oil sump; 23 - crankcase crankcase

Rozpodіln_ roll zroblenі z low-carbon alloyed steel, cemented to a depth of 1.3 ... 1.8 mm and hardened. The engine has 2 separate shafts: to drive the intake and exhaust valves. Shaft cams - different profile, non-symmetrical to the cam axes. On the skin shaft - 5 supporting shiyok. The shafts are wrapped in supports, laced in aluminum heads of cylinders and closed with caps. Privіd rozpodіlnyh val_v lantsyugovoї, two-step.

Lubrication system

The engine power system is combined, richly functional. Under pressure, the crankshaft bearings and connecting rod bearings, the bearings of the lower and intermediate shafts, the oil pump drive parts, the valve drive bearings and the lunge tensioners, the turbocharger bearings. Other parts of the motor are brushed by spraying. The pistons are cooled by jets of oil. By the pressure of the oil, induce in the working position of the hydraulic support and hydraulic tensioner. The oil pump is installed between the cylinder block and the oil filter. Vіn gears, one-section.

Cross section of the engine: 1 - receiver; 2 - cylinder head; 3 - hydrosupports; 4 - rozpodіlny shaft inlet valves; 5 - important to the valve drive; 6 - inlet valve; 7 - rozpodіlny shaft of exhaust valves; 8 - exhaust valve; 9 - piston; 10 - exhaust manifold; 11 - piston pin; 12 - pouring coolant valve; 13 - connecting rod; 14 - kolіnchasti shaft; 15 - oil equalizer; 16 - oil pump; 17 - drive shaft for oil and vacuum pumps; 18 - piston cooling nozzle; 19 - cylinder block; 20 - bypass pipe of the heating tube; 21 - outlet branch pipe of the heating tube; 22 - inlet pipe

The cooling system is central, closed, with primus circulation, with the supply of cooling water to the cylinder block, thermostat type TS 108-01, with a hard, repetitive, single-valve pump for the cooling system, Vdcentrovy, driven by a poly-V-belt in the wheel pulley.

New diesel engines of this brand on the market are nearly three hundred non-submissive minimum incomes of citizens, and 270,000 rubles are charged from the badges.

Irrespective of those that the Ulyanovsk all-wheel drive vehicles with diesel engines proved to be much better in terms of driving characteristics, lower gasoline, overpaying for the price of 100 more than 100,000 passengers knew very little. Before that, the engines of the 3M3-514 family had a bad reputation in terms of reliability and durability of work. This led to the death of the Sollers company (which is to depend on ZMZ, and UAZ) for a project under the mental name "Diesel UAZ" and ".

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