Enter the garage in reverse (enter at the box).

Auto gadgets and products

To safely drive onto the curbs, use special humid exits.

They compensate for the difference in height and reduce the risk of damage to the bottom of the car. This is especially relevant for the visibility of low-slung vehicles. The curbs are also suitable for cyclists and wheelchairs. In addition, if necessary, you can use special services vehicles. Where are gum curbs installed? Such gates are installed to organize parking, at the entrances to Zhitlov budinkas

or there would be office work.

In addition, they can be maneuvered at simple elevation changes, so that it is easier to maneuver a car on folding road sections.

As a rule, curbs are prepared from wear-resistant gum black color, which is designed to vitrify the most intense exploitation for any

weather minds


Additionally, a light-colored coating is applied to the surface to make the roads visible in any light, so that water cannot pass over or seal the edge of the curb with the bottom of the car.

Installation of entry/entry on the curb

Fakhivtsi have been repackaged so that the seasonal gum can be best preserved on a flat bed or on special racks.

It is necessary to work with smooth surfaces, without bumps that stick out, and ribs.

Any influx of sharp details will appear on the gum in a negative way.

You can fold the tires one on top of the other, as their standard is a maximum of 205 mm. Only the stack is over two meters high. If the tires are larger, they must be laid in rows or placed vertically.

  1. Temperature regime
  2. The temperature range is wide: -30 - +35 degrees Celsius.
  3. In this case, it is important to be careful not to overheat the gum.
  4. If you have a garage or burner equipment of any type, it is necessary to keep the distance between them and the tires to at least one meter.
  5. If the seasonal gum in the garage is still frozen, you need to warm it up first, and then start installing it on the car.
  6. Immediately we are thinking about our actions
  7. brown weather , what do the garage workers need to confirm? You already know for sure how best to preserve seasonal gum.
  8. First of all, we need to remember about the protection from sleepy sleep.

Also, the huma is caused by the overworldly moisture and dryness, brood and saw.

The best option is to add racks to save hanging tires from adhesive material.

It is clear that in some ways you can save tires in a garage on the wall, and in a rational manner.

A good choice is to use hanging frames or shelving that is attached to the walls.

The police are afraid of stationary and temporary ones.

If you want to build a tire rack, you will need to make five frames.

They are joined into one frame, and then attached to the wall.

The wheels are placed compactly there.

The hooks are taking advantage of their great popularity among car enthusiasts. These are made of metal, which are securely fixed to the walls. The wheels are easy to hang on them.

This method is effective; the fragments are difficult to contact on the surface of the tires. You can save gum in the garage on the wall by mounting the brackets from metal. The tires there are even more stable.

In addition, it’s easy to remove the space between them so that the stench doesn’t stick together. Video: How to save seasonal tires - Do you want to know how to best save seasonal gum?.

It turns out that it is possible to correct the walls even better.

Watch the video to improve your eyesight

Various options

rational placement of tires.

You can equip your garage with mounts to save wheels on your own or you can entrust it to the right guards.

In our photo gallery on this page you can see what solutions we presented to our clients for placing wheel brackets. The placement of the brackets was thought out by us, based on the rules for organizing the garage space, its area and the needs of the rulers. Your replacement set of wheels will give you an even more stylish and complete look if you buy ours, as well as those from the company.

These accessories will leave tires, wheels damaged, and wheels damaged by scuffs and scuffs.

You can save 4, 5 or more tires if you fit. 18", 19", 20" - tse external diameter


or the inner (seat) diameter of the tire in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm).

Marking R - means radial spreading of the cord thread, D - diagonal with the same diameter.

The diameter (or radius) of the wheels has different meanings for our wheel bracket.

In this article we will look at one of the ways to establish examination law.

In our version, the right post is larger, the A post in the left mirror is not at all important.

4. We turn the kermo in the extreme right position, completely collapsing back, when we stand from the rear lines of the car to the first pillars, the right-hand and left-hand are the same, it stops.

Rice. 5

Since the cob position, shown in Fig. 2, is at a distance, the line of risers AC (and BD) will be parallel to the line of the body.

The wheels move straight, they roll back until the front side of the car intersects the line of the AB pillars, it starts to fall (an additional reference point is the G pillar at the level of the window edge).

Put the gear in neutral and the handbrake.

Rice. 6

For example, Cochatkov’s position appeared as follows:

then with the EF cones turned on, the car will end up in this position:

Rice. 8

Stand on the right side more, which means we turn the kermo to the right, we begin to fall back, if L1 is higher than L2, we begin to move backwards.

Rice. 9 The wheels are running straight, we're collapsing backwards, bye rear wheel

do not appear on the line of posts AB, we are afraid.

Rice. 10

Seen in the mirrors, it means from which side you stand from the sides of the car to the remaining pillars C and D, more in that side you turn the wheels, in our case, right-handed.

We roll back until the car appears parallel to the line of the AC pillars,

Rice. eleven
If the wheels are straight, we'll end up to the right.

On the other side, to the right. Entering in reverse at the box (garage) is constructed in a similar way.

If you think that you do not fit into the box, you can turn to the EF cones and repeat the race.

  • Exam lanes on the right Reversing into the box (garage)
  • Rough beatings – 5 penalty points

By beating the elements of the marking or by twisting the line of the horizontal marking of the Maidan.

galmo parking

  • after the space before the “STOP” line.

Dribni pomilki-1 penalty point

When turning to the right, the engine stalled. Good afternoon, crazy reader. This article from the series “Build a race track with a snowmobile” will examine the specifics of the race on the right

entering the box in reverse

In my opinion, this is the right place for water-cob.

However, you may have the opportunity to learn how to use it.

It’s too early for a candidate to have to drive his or her car into a garage or parking lot.

There are skills there, acquired at the race track, and needed. Let's move from the middle to the right: Reversing to the garage at the autodrome

Maidanchik for the right

entering the garage in reverse presented to the little one: There is a clear box in which you need to drive the car in reverse.

In practice, it may not be just a garage, but rather a parking space.

The candidate near the water may drive to the garage and not seal his wall.

  1. Otherwise, do not damage the vehicles at the parking space.
  2. While there is no need for the dimensions of a clear box (car width + 1m X car width + 1m), in practice garages have larger ones, and from
  3. parking places
  4. narrower and more compact.

The maneuver needs to be completed on a smooth surface, which is equal to the age of the car + 1 meter.

I don’t think I need to explain why I happen to park backwards in this situation.

It is very important to enter into such minds before. Procedure for entering the box in reverse
Go to the line of the cob of the cob to the right, step up.0
Reverse into the garage.2
Hang out at the garage. Get out of the garage and lose your right to boundaries. Table of pardons for the authorities In the first column of the table there is a description of possible cuts, and in the other - the number of cuts that can be allowed. 0 means that after the first submission the score “FAILED” will be given. Pomilka Possible quantity0
Without releasing the vikonannya, the vibrator has the right to continue for 30 seconds after issuing the command (signal) about the cob of the vikonannya. 113.2. Beating the difference in ownership.0
Having flown behind the projection dimensions0

How to enter the garage in reverse?

1. Punch in front of the line to the right.

2. Start to collapse forward.

At this stage, the main task is to move the right rear view mirror of the car closer to chip number 1. The closer the car, the more room there is to maneuver and the easier it will be to move to the right.

Park the car after chip number 1 lands between the front and rear right doors of the car (in the area of ​​the center pillar).

3. Stack the chips.

Turn the kermo all the way to the left. 4. Drive forward, the car turns left-handed.!

Trim the kermo in the far left position.

Marvel at the rear view mirror on the right!

This mirror follows the positions of cone number 2. It is necessary to fix it at the moment when there is a small gap in the mirror between the frame and the car (10 centimeters).

In addition, be careful not to hit the cone with the front part of the car.

Since your number 2 still hasn’t appeared in the rearview mirror, and you’re going nowhere, you’re going to slow down.

5. Get stuck. Turn the kermo all the way right-handed. Decrease transmission


6. Start ruining.

I'm flying!

Here at the autodrome we have to get into the boxing area, then. From the other parts, you turn it at the head, into any box, either right-handed or left-handed.

There is not enough room for maneuver, so will the order of operation be the same as the descriptions here, for what particular purpose? Danya, Vitayu.

1. Maidanchik is guilty of violating the crimes attributed to

regulatory documents


If the dimensions on the right vary from the dimensions indicated in the statistics, it is possible to turn into real organs.

2. The order may be the same.

The scheme to finish is universal.

I recommend that you check it before testing and have the car checked for dimensions. Tobto.

Before sleeping, visconate to the right 2-3 times.

This mirror follows the positions of cone number 2. It is necessary to fix it at the moment when there is a small gap in the mirror between the frame and the car (10 centimeters).

Good luck on your exams!

Thank you for your confirmation!

Here (I’m writing from one of the regions of Central Asia), unfortunately, the exam track is different from where you started driving at a driving school. From the other parts, you turn it at the head, into any box, either right-handed or left-handed.

The Department of Road Safety and Motor Vehicles did not provide any immediate comments on this matter, so at this time it did not understand the importance of re-engaging the reverse gear for the vehicles along the given trajectory.

The word trajectory does not appear.

This can be understood either way or that way. However, the inventory states:

19. Candidate near the water:

This mirror follows the positions of cone number 2. It is necessary to fix it at the moment when there is a small gap in the mirror between the frame and the car (10 centimeters).

maneuvering in reverse

, installs the transport control at the box so that the projection of the front clearance of the transport control overlaps the control line; From the other parts, you turn it at the head, into any box, either right-handed or left-handed.

There is no mention of forward gearing at this point.

It is also practical to get into the box in one go, because...

regulatory documents

Otherwise, the examiner will not charge the exam.

I'm flying!

Thank you for the tips, I’ve just started to master the circuit and you’ll soon remember everything easier.

I would like some instructions before I go to the garage for new benefits at 45%. But I would like to briefly explain what the order of action will be in this situation).


The article was written in accordance with the instructions of officials before the exam.

The order of descriptions will be corrected when the tests are completed, starting from June 1, 2016.

It's 45 degrees at this point and it's not hard to trim.


regulatory documents

Today I wondered how to drink.

And here it is regulated what kind of boundary structures are built?

Previously, there were stands, but now the officers are pushing them out and placing cones.

Good afternoon! Please tell me, Inspector Giddd emphasizes the right to “reverse into a box” and “parallel parking” without hesitation, so you can drive through without a hitch, which is legal, and what document is it written down? From the other parts, you turn it at the head, into any box, either right-handed or left-handed.

The administrative regulations in this plan are simple, there is no reporting information.

regulatory documents


There is no such benefit in regulatory documents. Ask the inspector about similar illegal benefits. Ask the inspector about similar illegal benefits.

If I applied (it’s true, there were about 15 years of that), the candidates were not prevented from going ahead, but rather were prevented from wrapping up the kermo on car cost.

Motivated the fence of the mighty poshkodzhennyam of the kermovy keruvannya. From the other parts, you turn it at the head, into any box, either right-handed or left-handed.

I suspect that in the new regulations, such a loophole has lost its appearance.

This mirror follows the positions of cone number 2. It is necessary to fix it at the moment when there is a small gap in the mirror between the frame and the car (10 centimeters).

Maxim is healthy!

When you are victorious, you have the right to check in at the box,

front bumper From the other parts, you turn it at the head, into any box, either right-handed or left-handed.

Standing on the control line, the examiner sent me to the refold.

regulatory documents

I didn’t wake up 15 days ago.

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