Rear move on one-sided movement. Movement with reversal - where it is prohibited and allowed, PDD fines. Emergency situations and difficulties in maneuvering by reverse

Reading time: 4 min.

Where the movement is allowed and prohibited reverse 2019? Fines for driving back in the wrong place.

The traffic police fin rate for the movement in 2019 is:

500 p. (in the city and on the track) or 2500 r. (on the motorway) you can pay 50% discount

Article Codecha RF 12.14.2 and 12.11.3.

According to MDD, the rear movement is prohibited for: pedestrian crossings, in tunnels, at bridges, overpass, overpass and under them, on railway crossings, in places with the visibility of the road at least in one direction less than 100 m, in places of stopping vehicles, on motorways . The prohibition of movement in the rest of the roads in the traffic rules is not provided.

The penalty for riding with reversal will be either 500 or 2500 rubles.

Article 12.14. Violation of maneuvering rules

2. Early or movement in places where such maneuvers are prohibited, with the exception of cases provided for by part 3 of Article 12.11 and part 2 of Article 12.16 of this Code - entails overlap administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Article 12.11. Violation of the rules of traffic on the motorway

3. The turn or entry of the vehicle into the technological breakdowns of the separation strip on the motorway or movement by the reverse move along the motorway - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred rubles.

Where is the movement of the reverse move?

The reverse movement is regulated by clause 8.11 and 8.12 of traffic rules. Consider them in more detail.

8.12. Vehicle movement with reverse moves, provided that this maneuver will be safe and will not create noise to other participants in the movement. If necessary, the driver must resort to the help of other persons.
The reverse movement is prohibited at the intersections and in places where the reversal is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 8.11 of the Rules.

In traffic rules, it is clear that before the start of the movement by reversing the driver must make sure the safety of maneuver and that it will not create noise to other participants in the movement. It follows from this that there is no direct prohibit on the movement by reversing, except for clause 8.11 of the rules of traffic rules and prohibit a reverse move at the intersections in paragraph 8.12 of traffic rules. Thus, the movement with reversing is allowed in the same place where the movement of the front move is allowed, with the exception of intersections and places where the reversal is prohibited.

Where is the movement of reversing forbidden?

Movement with reversal is prohibited in the same place, where the movement of the usual leading move is prohibited, as well as:

  • On pedestrian crossings;
  • In tunnels;
  • At bridges, overpass, overpass and under them;
  • On railway moving;
  • In places with the visibility of the road at least in one direction less than 100 m;
  • In places of stops of shuttles;
  • At intersections;
  • On the motorway.

Where the movement movement is prohibited:

9.9. The movement of vehicles in dividing strips and roadbrains, sidewalks and pedestrian tracks is prohibited (except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 12.1, 24.2 - 24.4, 24.7, 25.2 of the rules), as well as the movement of mechanical vehicles (except mopeds) on the strips for cyclists. The movement of mechanical vehicles on cycling and cycling tracks is prohibited. Movement of road-operating and utilities machines, as well as the entrance to the shortest way of vehicles, carrying goods to trade and other enterprises and objects, located directly from the Obolin, sidewalks or pedestrian tracks, in the absence of other entry capabilities. This should be ensured by traffic.

Thus, it is not possible to drive around the cork on the side of the side of the side of the brick - this is the same movement and by law it is prohibited. But the movement by reverse along the road with one-way movement by law is not specified, and it seems that it is not prohibited - the main thing is to make sure the safety of maneuver.

What signs prohibit the movement by reverse?

The basic rule when moving by the reverse move, which is applicable in most cases: if the usual ride is prohibited, then the movement is prohibited. Signs "Movement is prohibited", "Rotate is prohibited" is also applicable when moving by reverse.

IMPORTANT: Strictly prohibited by the movement by reverse on the motorway. For violation, the penalty will be 2500 rubles. This is due to the high resolved speed speed on the highway and as a result with the severity of possible accidents.


You drive up to the intersection. At the intersection there is a sign, turning right is prohibited, and "brick" hangs on the road itself. You drive under the sign of the prohibition of the movement by reverse, deciding that you will avoid punishment. But having come to find that the traffic police inspector already runs to you, because you have been seriously broken pDD rule. The punishment in this case will be from 500 to 5,000 rubles.

Thread fines with reverse

For movement by reverse, it is fined in several articles, depending on the situation. The smallest penalty will be 500 rubles, and the largest - 2500 rubles.

Let's deal with what kind of violation, as you may be fined.

Movement with reversal is treated in the laws of the Russian Federation as a maneuver, which means that the driver will be punished for non-compliance with traffic rules when maneuver.

If you traveled back on: at a pedestrian crossing, in a tunnel, on the bridge, on the overpass, overpass and under it, on the railway crossing, together with the visibility of the road at least in one direction less than 100 m, at the place of stop of the route vehicles, on Crossroads, fine will be 500 rubles.

If you traveled to the highway, the penalty will be 2500 rubles.

You are going to become a happy motor vehicle owner and begin, naturally, carefully study the rules road. Well, how without them? A natural question arises: "When moving along the road with one-way movement (in accordance with the rules), it is strictly forbidden to make a turn. Consequently, and the movement by reversing is also not welcome? " Let's try to figure out than the movement by reverse on one-sided road is dangerous, and in what cases these actions entail a fine.

Any motorist should be able to move back. Is it possible to implement this maneuver (in principle) if you are on the road with a movement only in one direction?

Movement with reversal according to traffic rules

Is it possible to move back to one-sided movement? Yes, you can, if there is no data that your maneuver creates certain inconvenience to other participants in a specific road traffic. The most interesting thing is that the violation is fixed only if the reverse move crosses the intersection. But if before him - there are no complaints: drive at least a kilometer, even two. The main thing is to watch all actions be produced before crossing roads.

In addition, the movement back is categorically impossible:

  • on pedestrian crossings;
  • in places intended for stopping flight routes;
  • before railway crossings or on them;
  • in tunnels;
  • on the road in case of poor visibility (not more than 100 m) in one direction (for example, in the case of very strong precipitation or dense fog);
  • under the overpass, bridges and overpass, as well as on them.

Important! The rules of traffic rules are not said about this, but in the second ruling of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (2012) there are significant addition to this issue. If the movement is reversed by one-sided movement, the driver carries out without any objective reasons (for example, wanting to produce parking or drive around the obstacle), then these actions are interpreted as a violation. Avoid punishment will not work. No persuasion on DPS inspector do not affect.

The amount of the fine for movement by reverse by one-sided movement

Including rear transmission, you must be aware that the vehicle is moving in this way is a potential participant in the dangerous situation on the road. And do not excuse that you are a supervisor, and do not neglect traffic rules. If you move the reverse move by one-sided movement, the fine is definitely provided if you make it a maneuver at the crossroads or other prohibited locations. What is its size? It depends on where you make your actions:

  • on the motorway - the size of the fine is 2500 rubles;
  • where moving route transportation - from 1500 to 3000 rubles;
  • on the side of the road - 500 rubles.

Driver's actions when performing a reverse movement

Of course, using the rear gear, you are unlikely to remind Schumacher (who does not know is a racer) and you can't develop in any way most speed. But nevertheless, exercising reverse, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations that may help you avoid big troubles:

  • make sure the safety of the maneuver is not only for his own person, but also for people around you, as well as vehicles;
  • skip pedestrians and all cars (and those that remained after you should be at a considerable distance from you so that they should not be changed direction of movement or reduce speed);
  • closely monitor the situation on the road in the rear view mirrors;
  • if necessary (for example, in the case of poor visibility or leaving the parking), do not be lazy and exit the car to make sure there are no obstacles to your following (not bad if someone helps you, adjusting the movement of the machine and feeding the corresponding signs );
  • produce maneuver at minimal speed so that if any interference occurs to quickly react;

  • use a beep, which will attract the attention of other motorists to avoid an emergency;
  • be extremely attentive and focused; Do not be distracted by foreign objects and actions (for example, a conversation on the phone or with those who are sitting on the right).

Important! In case of an emergency (when riding a reverse move on one-sided movement), non-compliance with the above requirements will be interpreted by the court as an aggravating circumstance. Therefore, do not neglect them. In some cases, a clear adherencethemsave life not only to you, but also someone else.

How to qualify the movement by rear under the sign "Brick"

Again "Zakovka": How to be a sign "Entry forbidden" (in Prosonarody "Brick")? Everything is very simple: drove under this sign (no matter, front course or rear) - you will have to part with some amount of money from the wallet.

The violation is qualified according to part 3 (Article 12.16), penalties (5,000 rubles) or the ability to make hiking (after all, without feeling behind the steering wheel) for a long 4-6 months.

Well, if anyone else will produce and reverse (on one-sided movement) At the crossroads, the DPS inspector will record a violation in part 2 (Article 12.14), and again you will part with the "Annna" amount of money. And what - "you like to ride - love and sosochos to carry." Something like that.

Emergency situations and difficulties in maneuvering by reverse

Very often maneuvering, using the rear transmission, it is necessary not only by carrying out the movement by reverse along one-sided street, but also leaving the parking lot near any building. It is at such moments that the small accidents occur, which in principle could be easily avoided, you show care and concentration.

On a note! Do not park at the already thick forced parking. It is worth finding another. And there is still a good option: just put the car in any allowed and not "dangerous" place and go to the destination on foot. Cheap, angry and healthy health. Why not?

Other difficulties:

  • You threw a parked alien machine. Try immediately on the spot to solve the issue of compensation for material damage.
  • Pedestrian suffered from your inept actions. Hold him help and try to solve the question in peaceful way.

Important! In no case leave the scene. It will only aggravate your position.

The car, which is ahead, begins to move by reverse

What are your actions if the car, located in front, begins to move by reverse? Yes, unexpectedly, but in no case begin not to move back. The fact is that in the event of an emergency (on traffic rules), the court recognizes exactly the one who committed movement against the general transport flow (Naturally, if other participants in the incident lack other aggravating causes).

Basic mistakes when moving back

The number of emergency situations arising when moving by the reverse course of one-sided movement (2016 and 2017 are not exception), great. The reason for hundreds of cars came to a dissent state, and thousands of pedestrians were injured, elementary errors made by drivers were steel:

  • Some car enthusiasts are badly "getting lazy" with the car. Sometimes they can't start moving directly: the vehicle leaves then left, then to the right. They unscrew the steering wheel, but do not return it to the zero position. In fact, everything is extremely simple: consider how many revolutions you have already done. Or grab the steering wheel at the top point with one hand and do not let him go. Then you have every chance to fix the zero position.

  • Keep the wheels directly (that is, rotate the steering wheel less in order to avoid the zigzag movement) to determine the direction of movement and the angle of rotation of the wheels.
  • How best to navigate: on the mirrors or looking at rear glass? The question is, of course, interesting. The optimal option is to use both methods, sometimes even combining them. It all depends on the specific situation. If the possibility of pedestrians, cars or something else is too large, then it is advisable to just look back. In case of parking between two cars or in the garage, it is better to do this in the rear view mirrors.

On a note! To be in full confidence, maneuver by reverse, do not consider the head to turn your head. Especially one should not forget that the viewing angle of the mirror is quite small (that is, there is a dead zone). Yes, and delaying your attention on one reflector, you lose control over the other.

We train to ride the reverse course without using mirrors

In order to competently produce a reverse move by one-sided movement, you must first master this maneuver without using the rearview mirror. Make it is easy - just need a permanent training. Start the move by turning the head back, through the right shoulder control of everything that happens directly on the road. The position of the steering wheel is very important: everyone, even a minor movement leads to a displacement of cars in one direction or another. Do not allow it. Therefore, it is better to move on low revs.

We train to ride reversing using mirrors

Osiving fully turning only his head, you can begin to take the next step - using mirrors. So that the reflectors did not let you down at the most responsible moment, they should correctly adjust them.

In order to master such a ride method, you need to train a lot, to do it all the time, get used to the dimensions of your car. Since driving skill is a practical skill.

What situations are forbidden to move with reverse?

Road rules clearly stipulate the ban on the movement by reverse in 2020. This is due to the fact that in the performance of this complex maneuer, there is a high probability of creating emergencies and their serious consequences. Any driver knows that the movement by reverse is prohibited in places where the reversal is prohibited, according to paragraph 8.11 of the Rules of the Road (MDD).

Also, so that the vehicle does not create interference for the movement of other cars and did not prevent pedestrians, reverse movement is prohibited:

  • on marked by zebra or signs due to the animated movement of pedestrians and rotating vehicles;
  • at the intersections due to the large number of maneuvering vehicles;
  • at stops public transport for the entire length of the stopping pocket and not closer than 15 m on both sides due to the liveliness of pedestrians, maneuvering public transport and transport means of movement;
  • in tunnels due to the limited space, artificial lighting or its absence;
  • on overpass and under overpass due to limited space and increased risk of structures;
  • at bridges and under bridges due to limited space, increased danger and strategic importance of the structure;
  • on overpars and under the overpass due to limited space, increased danger and strategic importance of the structure;
  • on railway movies due to limited space, increased danger and strategic importance of the structure;
  • in areas of road with poor visibility (less than a hundred meters) for the safety of motion;
  • on the motorway due to increased speed of movement.

It is also forbidden to move by car towards the moving flow of vehicles:

  • by roadbrains;
  • on a specially highlighted band for social and other transport;
  • by dividing stripes.

Before making a movement by reverse, it is necessary to assess the situation on the road according to the general rules of traffic rules and pay attention to the presence of road signs that are allowing or prohibiting those or other maneuvers.

If refer to paragraph 12. 8 traffic rules, then the movement is allowed when moving in such a way the vehicle does not create any interference to move the rest of the movement and misses pedestrians. At the same time, time limits and distance in existing rules not. However, any experienced driver will say that the smaller the time and the distance to carry out such maneuvering, the time will be safer, and accordingly, less chances to become a culprit of an accident.

Riding a reverse road with double-sided movement Outside the intersections and pedestrian crossings, and when traveling from parking lots, at the entrance and travel from the courtyard and adjacent territories are used everywhere.

Is the movement be resolved by reverse along the road with a one-way direction? As a rule, if the driver turns out to be one-sided road and is going to go back, hence he drove a turn and tries to get to the desired road. Here it should be understood that it will automatically violate several traffic rules:

  1. Moving reverse on the road with a unilateral direction of movement to leave it, the car will surely get to the intersection. And according to paragraph 8.12, traffic rules at the intersections cannot be reversed.
  2. Moving reverse on the road with a unilateral direction of movement, the car will reach the place of rotation to the adjacent territory. And according to paragraph 1.2 of the PDD, the cross-cutting movement in the adjacent territories is prohibited.
  3. Moving reverse along the road with a unilateral direction of movement, the car can meet a pedestrian crossing on its path. And according to paragraph 8.12, traffic rules on pedestrian crossings cannot be reversed.
  4. Signs establishing a pro-ter movement.
  5. Prohibiting sign 3.1. "NO ENTRY". It prohibits movement on a certain section of the road front and reverse. Its action applies to the adjacent road, but also on the movement along the oncoming road with a unilateral direction of movement.
  6. Prohibiting sign 3.2. "MOVEMENT PROHIBITION". He prohibits the further movement of all motor vehicles front and reverse.
  7. Road sign 5.1. The "motorway" prohibits the movement by reverse.
  8. Road sign 5.3. "Road for cars" prohibits the movement by reverse.

Rules of movement by reverse

In addition, two interesting solutions of the Supreme Court often intervene in practice:

  • the first decision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation It suggests that on the road with a unilateral direction of driving a ride, the reverse move is not prohibited, if this is due to an objective necessity. At the same time, the circumstances of this very "necessity" are named in the document only two: parking and a detour of an obstacle that does not allow to go further;
  • in the second decision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation It is indicated that entry from the crossroads on the road with one-sided movement with a reversal is regarded as riding in the oncoming direction and is punishable by this violation. That is, any motorist who has driven into the courtyard, and decided to pass back on a one-sided road, in order not to do "the terms of honor" may lose driver's license For up to six months.

It is extremely careful about driving a reverse on the roads with one-way movement. You can use this method of movement only if you are valid and after you fully ensure the safety of the maneuer and the rules of the road traffic. The controversial interpretation of the expression: "All that is not prohibited is allowed!" In the case of a one-way road, a serious proceedings with traffic police officers, a court case, additional expenses and even deprivation of driver's license.

In order for maneuvering with reversal, it is safe for both the driver and others, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • the origin of the maneuver must be denoted by the turn signal signal;
  • before the start of the movement, the driver needs to evaluate the situation on the road, according to the rules of PDD;
  • ensure that the car will not hit the nearby objects, other vehicles, people;
  • when maneuvering with reversal, the driver must miss all other road participants;
  • make sure that the car will not create interference for the moving vehicles and will not force other movement participants to reduce speed mode or change the trajectory of movement;
  • maneuvering must be controlled by mirrors and its own vision;
  • we need to ride a reversal at low speed;
  • in conditions of limited visibility, you need to resort to third parties;
  • movement with reversal may be accompanied by signals alerts or the inclusion of "accidents";
  • try to ride a thread short time.

If the driver when maneuvering reverses asks for a third party's help, all responsibility for the safety of such a way of movement is entirely and completely lies on the driver. Responsibility does not go to a helping citizen, even if a collision happened as a result of his actions.

Failure pDD requirements entails administrative responsibility And the COAP is applied:

  1. The most serious offense is the departure (entry) by the reversing method from the intersection under the prohibition sign 3.1. On the street with a one-sided direction of movement. It provides for a punishment in the form of a deprivation of a driver's license of 4 to 6 months, or in the form of a fine in the money equivalent of 5,000 rubles.
  2. A thread movement against the oncoming car stream along the motorway indicated by the road sign 5.1. shall be punished with a fine of 2500 rubles.
  3. Movement by reverse by specially selected strip, sign 5.3., Clear in the amount of from 1500 to 3000 rubles.
  4. The entrance to the courtyard adjacent to the territory under the action of the prohibition sign 5.2. "The movement is prohibited" is punished, according to Article 12.16. Administrative Code, financial fine 500 rubles.

A limited review, maneuvering of other vehicles and pedestrian movement near the moving reverse machine can cause a collision. Therefore, by moving reverse, you need to clearly think about the planned maneuver and show the maximum concentration for its safe completion. To attract the attention of other road users, you can use light and sound signals. Some driving instructors recommend that all beginners use the "accident" to make a maneuver. And it is also useful to apply this technique to all drivers with a difficult way from the parking lot, especially if it is located in the roadside pocket.

Also useful to attract third parties for safe Movement reverse. This maneuvering method is used for a long time and showed itself as very effective.

To ride a reverse course did not end the road accident, the driver must:

  • evaluate the general situation;
  • observe traffic rules;
  • do not interfere with the movement of other road users;
  • be extremely attentive and focused.


Many young drivers are interested in: "Where is prohibited by a reverse move? And where is it allowed to ride a rear? " In addition to knowing that the content of paragraph 12.8 needs to know. PDD, you need to understand that it is forbidden to ride "against wool" in those places where:

  • extremely high likelihood road accident and his heavy consequences (crossroads, stops, pedestrian crossings);
  • in places of limited visibility;
  • in places of increased risk of structures (bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc.);
  • on high-speed roads (motorways).

If the driver conceived maneuvering by reverse, he must analyze the future action to the smallest detail and completely eliminate the accident. At the same time, each driver must remember that he should miss all other participants in the movement, designate its actions with light and (or) sound signal, and in the case of a substantially limited review, use the help of other citizens.

MDD prohibits the movement by reverse in places with intensive movement and in the zones of transition, disembarking, planting pedestrians. Punishment by violations of traffic rules Includes fines, leaving the driver's license, administrative and criminal liability.

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Movement by reverse - maneuver, who is hardly given by a newcomer motorist. No wonder the so-called "race to the garage" became one of the most difficult tests during the tests of the practical part of the driving exam.

Its main features, which requires the traffic police inspector, and the examiner:

  1. do not create interference, obstacles;
  2. ensure security for other road users.


Riding a reverse - skill, which is given by long training. To learn practice, as well as make an accurate turn using rear transmission, It is necessary to follow the instructions for learning:

  1. Stage 1. To begin with, the trainee masters the way to maneuvering with reversal in a straight line. When moving, you should not look in the rearview mirrors. The driver simply turns his head back and examines the surroundings through the right shoulder.
  2. Stage 2. The motorist sets up the rear-view mirrors. In the central frontal mirror, all rear windows should be reflected.
  3. 3 stage. The so-called "dead zones" is detected in the car. This requires the help of a friend or relative (driving instructor). The latter bypasses the car at an angle of 180 degrees. The motorist remembers those zones that are out of view.
  4. 4 stage. At the last stage, a trainee learn to make a turn. The main rule says: where the steering wheel turns there and the car is moving.
  5. 5 stage. An experienced driver should bring all maneuvers to automatism. When moving, paying attention to the displacement of the front wings of the machines.

If the reversal is difficult, then you should resort to the promotion of another person. This assistant watches the maneuver not from the car's salon, but from the road and gives a clear tip to the driver with gestures and words.

Attention! In the role of assistants, passing by pedestrians, other interested participants of the movement or passengers of the car.

Where is prohibited by reverse by traffic rules

It seems that the car enthusiast, which is solved on the maneuver, becomes an unequal participant in the road. At the case of it, it is convenient to "dump" the guilt.

The way of movement does not give advantages, and failure (hitting a pedestrian, a collision with a car) promises sad consequences, namely:

  • administrative offense, or penalty;
  • disassembly with another participant, including the use of abnormative vocabulary and manual attribution;
  • where the guilty side becomes the initiator of the maneuver;
  • criminal offense for causing harm to life and health to another road participant.

To reduce the amount of driver's fault when moving by reverse, it was decided to ban maneuver in certain situations. After all, any "self-esteem" in the intensive road creates an emergency situation.

Therefore, the reversal is strictly prohibited:

  1. With such weather anomalies as fog, hail, strong shower, when the visibility of the road does not exceed 100 meters.
  2. In places intersection of the transport flow with railway linen lines.
  3. At the public transport stops intended for landing of people.
  4. On motorways indicated by signs 5.1 "Main motorway" and 5.3 "Road for cars". The speed of movement here reaches 130 km and more.
  5. At the intersections of any configuration, including pedestrian zebra. The intersections are not taped from the surrounding territories: gas station, courtyards, enterprises, car parks.
  6. On the overpass and where the overpass passes, as well as under these infrastructure objects.
  7. On highlighted bands specially indicated for the movement of public transport.
  8. By sidelines (meant pedestrian tracks, sidewalks) and in the presence of separate bandsFor example, for the movement of cyclists.
  9. In tunnels and bridges.

Attention! The movement in the opposite direction is prohibited according to paragraphs 16.1 and 8.11, 8.12 of traffic rules. The turn on the road with one-way movement is not an illegal action, but if there are obstacles in the form of an intersection, tunnel, bridge, then the movement is immediately terminated by reversing.

Russian drivers often literally understand the provisions. They use rear maneuvering when the traffic jams on the road with one-way movement. But what will happen if the traffic police will appear on the path of such a ter driver?

It turns out that such a method of maneuvering is disqualified by inspectors by "Movement in the counter direction while on the road with one-sided movement".

Such a trajectory of the path is made in violation road sign In the form of a red brick "Entry is prohibited." The punishment for the offense is a weighty penalty or deprivation of driver's license.

Attention! With the opinion of DPS employees agree and Supreme Court RF. Clarifications on the issue can be analyzed in the decision of 09.02.2012.

Where is allowed

The inclusion of the reverse gear is allowed, first of all when parking. This technique is often used:

  • on entry and departures from the courtyards and with the surrounding neighborhoods in compliance with the speed regime;
  • on the territory of the parking lot at the driver's house, to make it easier for the next day;
  • in parking shops, supermarkets.

Rules when driving cars

Riding on the rear handle requires a maximum concentration of attention. First of all, the driver should miss all motorists and in pedestrians who are in the review zone.

Rear can not be unauthorized persons and items. Secondly, maneuver is performed at low speed. Thirdly, no need to refuse to help third-party observers.

On the road with one-way movement

It is not always a movement with rear transmission on a one-sided road is considered by law enforcement agencies as forbidden manipulation.

According to clause 8.12, maneuver is allowed to initiate when following several conditions:

  • this is a forced detour, since it is not different that the obstacle formed on the road does not work;
  • movement is considered secure for all participants in the movement;
  • ruiser (motion in a straight reverse) is performed when adjusting the movement by the assistant, which is outside the car's salon.

Attention! The motorway with one-way movement is not considered an affordable strip for maneuver.

At the crossroads

Application rear velocity On regulated and unregulated intersections is strictly prohibited. The driver who wants to make maneuvering must go beyond the "accumulation of pedestrians" at least 15 meters.

In the courtyard

Any movement in the courtyard is associated with obstacles. Moving without interference here is practically excluded. At any second on cargo road A kid may appear on a bike, a disabled person on a wheelchair, another vehicle.

The method of maneuvering is considered safe parking in the yard when the vehicle drives the fodder part, and leaves it before. All machines are installed in parallel to each other, observing the distance and in accordance with the markup.

Rules of movement during parking:

  • actively use parking sensors signals that signal from foreign objects on the car;
  • carefully look into the rearview mirror;
  • turn on turn signals;
  • alternately look into the side mirrors.

When maneuvering, the hurry is not acceptable. Some motorists advise to serve sound signal. Others are recommended to include an alarm.

The main condition at the same time is the monthly monitoring of all road users and objects on both sides.

Attention! If the maneuver is not safe from the driver's point of view, then it should be abandoned.

On Pavement

Side, or sidewalk, cannot be used as a method of tracing cork with a reverse. With video confixation of the offense, a protocol on an administrative offense is drawn up.

In Parkovka

Return from parking with reversal - a difficult task. When the review is closed completely due to nearby vehicles, it is worth getting out of the cabin and look around. It is necessary to make sure that there are no obstacles.

Further actions of the motorist:

  1. To begin with, departure is carried out in a straight trajectory until the back rear seat S. is not stamped rear bumper Right standing machine.
  2. After equalizing the car, the steering wheel turns to the right.
  3. At the same time, the driver monitors the left front wing.
  4. Immediately the situation is tracked in the parking lot in all mirrors.
  5. The car owner gently leaves the traffic strip.

Attention! Owners managing others vehiclesYou often help those who leave on the rear gear.

They sign up that they are ready to skip the car, including an emergency. Making sure that this happens, the initiator of the movement performs the maneuver.

On cargo car

Reverse movement on cargo car It is characterized by a bad overview of the portions of the road located behind.

Therefore, this maneuvering method is used only at short distances and in three cases:

  • unloading, loading of transported property;
  • maneuvering on road traffic;
  • when parking in the parking lot.

When moving with reversal, some features of the truck should be taken into account:

  • with a long maneuvering, not avoid engine overheating;
  • fuel consumption (diesel engineering) at the same time maximized;
  • movement in a straight line when the rear transmission is turned on on a truck, it is difficult to turn the dimming vehicle with a disconnect to a sharp change in the direction of movement.

Rules of movement for the driver of the BolsheGruz:

Inspection of space around the car is carried out from several positions:

  1. With an open car door.
  2. Through the rear window, if the review does not interfere with the cargo and the back board is open.
  3. With the footsteps.
  4. Through side glass Review.

Management method cargo machine Selected depending on the environment, alignment of other vehicles. For security purposes, a beep is served.

Responsibility for violation

The driver's responsibility depends on the degree of inadequacy of the offense. So, a weighty fine threatens to a motorist when moving with a reverse move on the motorways (road plots with increased speed movement).

In this case, one should not create an emergency. The owner of the car is recommended to get to the nearest junction and there to make a turn on another strip.

In violation of road rules, a penalty sanction is prescribed in the amount of 2500 rubles. Naturally, that driver's license will remain with the owner, but loss money Will be tangible for the family budget.

If the motorist enters the zone of action of signs 3.1 "Entry is prohibited" and 3.2. "Movement is prohibited," then you should not risk, maneuvering at rear gear.

On the road with one-way movement, DPS employees regard this misconduct in part of the third. The penalty will be 5,000 rubles, and the deprivation of rights for a period of 4-6 months is alternatively.

Other types of driver responsibility for illegal passage by reverse:

Type of offense Decoding for the prohibiting item of the COAP The degree of punishment (fine size)
Maneuvering over the intersection Part Four Article 12.14 500 rubles
On the side of the road or pedestrian crossing Part Two Article 12.14 1500 rubles
By sidewalks Part Two Article 12.14 2000 rubles
Movement on railway crossing Article 12.10 1000 rubles
Movement on motorway Article 12.11 2500 rubles
At the crossroads Article 12.13 500-1000 rubles
Attempts to drive around a cork on a one-way road Article 12.14. 500 rubles

Where can I go back, and where not?

Of course, the official document regulating the movement by reverse is traffic rules. Clause 8.12 clarifies that "the vehicle movement by reversing is permitted, provided that this maneuver will be safe and will not create noise to other participants in the movement," and indicates the places where the back is prohibited.

According to this item, taking into account the reference to paragraph 8.11, a reverse movement is prohibited:

  • at intersections;
  • on pedestrian crossings;
  • in tunnels;
  • at bridges, overpass, overpass and under them;
  • on railway moving;
  • in places with the visibility of the road at least in one direction less than 100 m;
  • in places of stops of the route vehicles.

Another PDP point regarding the movement by reverse - this is 16.1, where the rules of movement in the motorway are indicated: among other things, it says that the movement by reverse on the motorways is prohibited.

I heard that the drivers were fined for the movement by reverse along the one-sided road. It is forbidden?

Indeed, one of the controversial issues encountered in practice is a reverse movement by one-sided road. Excluded the ambiguity in the interpretations of the Supreme Court: a current document on this topic - Resolution No. 20 of June 25, 2019. The fact is that fined drivers not for traffic rear by one-sided road, and for departure at her reverse.

The Supreme Court emphasizes in its decree that "based on the content of paragraph 8.12 of traffic police of the Russian Federation, the movement by reversing on the road with one-way movement is not prohibited." However, "the driver's violation of the requirements of any road sign, which caused the movement of the vehicle managed by him in the counter direction along the road with one-way movement, forms an objective side of the composition administrative offensestipulated by part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (for example, violation of the requirements of road signs 3.1 "Entry is prohibited", 5.5 "Road with one-way movement", 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 "Departure to a unilateral movement"). " That is why the Supreme Court indicates that "the actions of the driver who left behind the road with one-sided movement in violation of the road sign requirements 3.1" Entry is prohibited ", according to part 3 of article 12.16 of the Code of Code of the Russian Federation, and in the case when such a maneuver was performed on Crossroads - also in part 2 of Article 12.14 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. "

Simply put, the driver, moving forward along a one-sided road, and then, if necessary, stopped and giving back, the rules do not violate. But the one who travels to one-sided road with a reverse move from another road or from the courtyard - violates, and can be punished in part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Code, which provides a fine of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to manage vehicles for a period of four up to six months, and in case he left for a unilateral road as the intersection, will get another one fine in the amount of five hundred rubles Part 2 of Article 12.14. Well, the controversial precedent himself emerged in many ways because of the drivers who cut off the way, leaving a one-sided road as the back and moving to the nearest desired intersection.

What other penalty can be obtained by reverse?

With the departure with the reverse move on a one-way road, we figured out - it remains to find out which fines are provided directly for riding a rear. Here, as in PDD, there are two options.

According to part 2 of Article 12.14, the CACAP turn or movement by reverse in places where such maneuvers are prohibited, except for cases relating to the movement on the motorway, entails the imposition of administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles. Among the prohibited places are what is listed in paragraphs 8.11 and 8.12 traffic rules - intersection, bridges, pedestrian crossings and so on.

If the driver moves by reverse along the motorway, it will be punished more severely in part 3 of Article 12.11 Administrative Code:<…> movement by reverse by motorway entails the imposition of administrative fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred rubles.

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