Yokohama iceguard stud ig35 test guide. Test of winter tires R15, R16: middle hummocks and icebergs. Real benefits of Japanese gumi

Testing, testing and expert evaluation of the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tire. Yokohama ice guard ig35 test

Yokohama ice guard ig35 test. Tests, testing and expert evaluation of the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tire

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Japanese studded tire Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 for Suvoro winter: reviews, test, description.

New description

Test result:

Test result:

More reports about the test, as well as about those how the test was carried out, you can see here

Test result:

More reports about the test, as well as about those how the test was carried out, you can see here

Add a note about the tire

Winter Studded Tires Yokohama Ice Guard IG35: test.

Tests, tests and expert opinion about the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tire. The rezulteo tire buying guide summarizes the results of tests taken from different European tires. Rezulteo provides detailed information that allows you to choose the best tire choice. More about tire testing methodology

Methodology for assessing technical indicators


Dzherela recommends to companies that, as an independent rank, it is recommended to tire tires on the basis of a constant method, which includes the maximum number of criteria in tire hardness, and to set objective ratings for the test results for a group of similar tires in the fallout type.

Before the base is included, only ti dzherela, as they meet these criteria. These criteria are also applied for the Gerel skin test.

Dzherela, vikoristovaniya for the designation of technical indicators of tires:

  • Test results published in specialized publications.
  • Data taken from the Regulation (EC) 1222/2009 "On the marking of tires set to the efficiency of the fire and other parameters". Abo Estimates, which are scored in the marking of car tires (MOBS *) with the availability of official data.
  • Data published by independent testing laboratories.

Reported list of gerels (according to Regulation ЄС 1222/2009), selected for evaluation of the skin virus rating, is submitted for publication.

evaluation scheme

The final score is made up of 9 basic indicators, which are topped up by 4 other basic indicators for winter tires.

Basic indicators divided into 5 groups: 3 - for summer tires, 2 - for winter tires.

The skin basic indicator occupies a different coefficient in its group of individuals of the third level of significance in the category.

Below are the groups of indications and their basic indications:

rozrahunka method

The skin basic indicator is evaluated according to the following principle:

  • A score of 10 points is given to the tire that has the highest score in the song test.
  • The rating of other tires is changed in proportion to the rimmed RMS deviation of the discriminant.
  • All results that outweigh 9 times the RMS response will be rated 1.

As if dzherelo vikoristovu vosnu scoring system (as it is not based on a 10-point system), in such a way a linear recoding is carried out.

The summation score of the baseline indicators will be grounded on the arithmetic mean score subtracted from the results of the skin test.

Note: Tests conducted by automotive magazines and specialized organizations, as a rule, are based on the widest types in the market. Irrespective of those that the indicators of tires can be slightly shaken up in the staleness of the tires, we wanted to better appreciate the assessment of the entire panel of the tire model.

The system of assessments from stars

Stars represent a graphical element of the assessment of a group of exhibitors. The stench is assigned to such a system:

* MOBS: Data about branding of tires is taken from widely accessible information sources on Internet sites. find out more

From the statistic you know:

look at the model


Weak sides

Vіdguki koristuvachіv

Tires are top ranked for two reasons - for a superior tread design and an affordable price. However, they have no obvious advantages. Car enthusiasts expect a good balance, good coldness on ice and snow porridge, as well as good acoustic comfort.

Bad and resource - thorns as a whole can be worn for three seasons during active operation, and the protector even more. Among the drives for anxiety - rotten hook on the snow and hardening of the gum below the temperature of -20 degrees.



Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 Tire Tips

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Japanese studded tire Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 for Suvoro winter: reviews, test, description.

Japanese studded tire Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 for Suvoro winter: reviews, test, description.

New description

Description Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 is a new generation studded winter tire with a directional tread pattern.

According to the manufacturer of the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tire, the stench will ensure safety in the safest minds on snowy and icy roads. 3D slats superbly embellish the car on a given trajectory.

For ok_snogo v_dvedennya v_dvedennya і snіzhnoї porridge z plyami contact in the tire Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 vikoristanі navіvradialnogo sprаvіdії grooves.

A polypsheny warehouse of gum sumishy overpowers the thorn in the landing area.

Independent test tires Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

Test of winter studded tires R14, "For kerm - Sergiy Mishin", 2012.

Test result:

9 place - Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

More reports about the test, as well as about those how the test was carried out, you can see here

Test of winter studded tires 2013, "Program Avtomobіl"

Test result:

5 place - Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

More reports about the test, as well as about those how the test was carried out, you can see here

Great test of studded tires 205/55 R16, "For Kerm", 2015.

Test result:

12 months - Yokohama Ice Guard IG35

More reports about the test, as well as about those how the test was carried out, you can see here

Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 Tips

Add a note about the tire

Yokohama Ice Guard IG35: another popular winter tire

Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 - these tires are considered to be affordable, before they are screwed to their big names. However, how many are really good in their exploitative powers?

From the statistic you know:

look at the model

These tires are known to the type of winter studded gumi. Released in 2010. Presented on the market in sizes R13 to R22. The width of the tire can be staggered in the ranges from 145 to 325 mm, and the height of the profile - from 30 to 75.

In this rank, Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 is suitable for different cars themselves - from a budget small car to a sports roadster or a great country car. Positioned in the middle price category.

Qi tires can be adopted by design. The central part of the tread looks like a “melt”, which looks effective and gives you an idea of ​​how Ice Guard IG35 is good to show itself on wet asphalt roads and in snowy porridge.

The shoulder zones of the tire are marked by turning blocks - the stench provides a good grip on ice and snow, and also demonstrates stability in corners.


Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 is not bad to ride on the ice, showing sufficient power and predictive steering response. Exchange rate is good. The efficiency of galvanization is also not vile, just like the traction of the susilla.

Dodatkovo varto means a low noise level, moreover, both on a low road, and on asphalt. With this, on a wet asphalt pavement, aquaplaning is not bad.

Weak sides

Undaunted by the thick of it, the behavior of the tire at a lower cost should be done in the middle. Thrust susilla to bring on the battle snow of never-seeing, and the galvanic efficiency is equally low.

At the corners, early and sharp blows can be blamed, with which the kermo becomes uninformative. In regular modes, a bagel with a deakim delay reacts to turns. In deep snow on the Ice Guard IG35, it is more likely not to zazhdzhzhat - Japanese tires can dig in with an insignificant ball of snow and skid heavily.

If there is a need for asphalt paving, then it’s not varto and here there are some special checks. With a slow ride, the tires are overridden, but with an active one, you can notice a low sensitivity of the steering, a stronger stance on high speed and wear in corners. With any galvanization, it can be unimportant, so it’s the smoothness of the move itself, moreover, it’s on the other unevenness.

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Dzherela recommends to companies that, as an independent rank, it is recommended to tire tires on the basis of a constant method, which includes the maximum number of criteria in tire hardness, and to set objective ratings for the test results for a group of similar tires in the fallout type.

Before the base is included, only ti dzherela, as they meet these criteria. These criteria are also applied for the Gerel skin test.

Dzherela, vikoristovaniya for the designation of technical indicators of tires:

  • Test results published in specialized publications.
  • Data taken from the Regulation (EC) 1222/2009 "On the marking of tires set to the efficiency of the fire and other parameters". Abo Estimates, which are scored in the marking of car tires (MOBS *) with the availability of official data.
  • Data published by independent testing laboratories.

Reported list of gerels (according to Regulation ЄС 1222/2009), selected for evaluation of the skin virus rating, is submitted for publication.

evaluation scheme

The final score is made up of 9 basic indicators, which are topped up by 4 other basic indicators for winter tires.

Basic indicators divided into 5 groups: 3 - for summer tires, 2 - for winter tires.

The skin basic indicator occupies a different coefficient in its group of individuals of the third level of significance in the category.

Below are the groups of indications and their basic indications:

rozrahunka method

The skin basic indicator is evaluated according to the following principle:

  • A score of 10 points is given to the tire that has the highest score in the song test.
  • The rating of other tires is changed in proportion to the rimmed RMS deviation of the discriminant.
  • All results that outweigh 9 times the RMS response will be rated 1.

As if dzherelo vikoristovu vosnu scoring system (as it is not based on a 10-point system), in such a way a linear recoding is carried out.

The summation score of the baseline indicators will be grounded on the arithmetic mean score subtracted from the results of the skin test.

Note: Tests conducted by automotive magazines and specialized organizations, as a rule, are based on the widest types in the market. Irrespective of those that the indicators of tires can be slightly shaken up in the staleness of the tires, we wanted to better appreciate the assessment of the entire panel of the tire model.

The results of studded and non-studded tires are not equal to each other, shards of stench were tested on different days, in different weather minds, and the spivvіdnoshenna zchіpnih authorities of quiet and other tires lie down in the weather even more strongly. At one temperature, "thorns" appear in front, at other temperatures - soft "flypapers". We z'yasuval tse sche kіlka rokіv that: ZR, 2009, No. 1

Now let's see the participants.

15 inches, non-studded

Naydorochchi tires - Nokian for 4150 rubles, Ale stink and beautiful - Hakkapeliitta R (Russian manufacture) together with Michelin X-Ice 2 served first place. Spivvіdnoshnja tsіna / yakіst - 4.5.

Trochs are cheaper, for 4100 rubles. You can buy ContiVikingContact 5. Our results show: and qi tires in your place. However, according to the spіvіdnoshnіn tsіna / yakіst (4,6) tsya purchase of troch is less viable.

And the axle Michelin X-Ice 2 in a great price of warto on the shortest position is 3900 rubles. Special price / quality, equal 4.2, most preferable in the first trinity. Please note that the tire price has been lowered on purpose, the chips on the market are already a new model - the third generation Michelin X-Ice. We officially presented the past winter beyond the borders of Russia, declaring the official presentation of the novelty at our Mayzha on the river.

On the fourth mile Goodyear UltraGrip Ice + for 3560 rubles. per piece (please note that the price depends on the fee for a high brand). Spivvіdnoshnja tsіna / akіst - 4.1.

Five at the financial rating of the Bridgestone Blizzak Revo GZ - 3520 rubles. The tire is cheaper on the other hand, it is not rich. Having earned 892 points in our tests, the won showed up in the fourth month with even more added to the price / quality ratio, equal to 4.0.

We are close for the price (3500 rubles), and yet there is a tire on the sixth place - Pirelli Winter IceControl. From the sub-bag tables, it takes the same place with 846 points. Vvazhaemo, scho to sell її guilty troch cheaper: at the same time price index / quality cost 4.1 - like that of the stronger “Goodyer”.

Yokohama iceGUARD iG35 for 3400 rubles. in the sommu mіstsі, although in the test she showed the eighth result, having scored only 820 points in total. Once they buy, it means, є tі, who is ready to pay for writing Made in Japan.

Nizhnekamsk Viatti Brina scored 816 points and sent nine places. A tire with a foreign name for a price of only 2600 rubles. a piece is to blame for the good sale, vvazhayut mіstsevі marketers. Let's bless them good luck.

Found tire - Cordiant Polar SL for 2500 re. And in the test, she sent a some to the place, navit outperforming the Japanese product. In our opinion, 826 points, with the average price / quality, equal to 3.0, - the result, good respect.

All tables are reverted to the latest by the click of the bear.

16-inch spikes

Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 for 6600 rubles. ahead of the planet of all. Expensive, but well-deserved, the bones of the best tires in our test: 929 points. Special price / quality tezh "leading" - 7.1.

At another location ContiIceContact. Retail with a helper of 200 rubles. (“Konti” costs 6400 rubles) І 4 balls to give a change in the price / quality index to 6.9.

The third place is occupied by the novelty Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic, - rightly so, the shards of the tire are clearly the leaders. You can buy already for 5500 rubles.

Trochs are cheaper to sell Michelin X-Ice North 2 - for 5400 rubles. The number of stars is slightly underestimated, even in our XIN 2 tests, gaining 923 points, the average price / quality is the most preferable in the leading trinity test: 5.9.

More for 100 rubles. cheaper Gislaved NordFrost 5 (5300 rubles). For subbags, the tire scored 905 points for the test, ranking first place. Special price / quality 5.9 equal to the Michelin. To love our people "Gislaved" is not a penny.

On the sixth station Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000 for 5250 rubles. In our tests, this model could take only eight places, scoring 855 points. Special price / quality one 6.1 - higher, lower for Michelin and Gislaved.

On the current position of the Pirelli Winter Carving Edge, you can buy a yak for 5200 rubles. It is recommended tire size, shards in the stink tests showed up in the fourth place, scoring 918 points. And with such a variant, the indicator price / quality is the most preferable in the first sixth test: 5.7.

Next Yokohama iceGUARD iG35 - and, as it turns out, with a small difference for the price of the "bridge": sold for 5100 kr. The price in the price list is close to that in our test, but the difference between price / quality is 6.1.

Zovsіm in the other price category (4500 rubles) Sell the novelty Hankook - i-Pike RS. Good tire, yak zrobila great crotchet forward in the big model and scored 886 points. Maizhe vpritul approached the line of 900 points, which makes good tires for others. Price index / quality price 5.1 - varto be surprised.

The order is not less than the annual Nordman 4 of the Russian virobnitstva, for a total of 4400 rubles, Tobto for two-thirds of the price of the leading elder brother. Tim for an hour in our bag list "Nordman" occupies a fifth (!) position. Spivvіdnoshnennia tsіna / yakіst so і beckon - 4.8. Good proposition.

For 4000 rubles. you will know Cordiant Polar 2. The place in the price rating corresponds to the layout we have taken, although the difference in price / quality (5.0) is less favorable, lower for Nordman.

Zamikaє parade of popular tires "Kama-Euro 519": a total of 3500 rubles, - the rest of the month and in our test. Buying a tire with a reduced price / quality, equal to 4.3, will not become ruinous for the most modest budget.

RATING friction tires 195 / 65R15


They came into the world in 2010 roci, in our test take the fate of the future.

Weak on the ice in short straight lines - in dispersal, in turns and tackling. In the snow there are more accommodating: more than others, they try to turn, weakly roar, but good chime - like Nokia! The exchange rate stability at the low cost is too bad: the car is noticeably sharpened, vigorously boosted. Utrimati kontrіbniy zavazhaє low informativnіst - kermo according to zusill is practically empty. In swidky turns, the first reaction is good, if you want to cut the donut turn a lot. The transition to forging is soft, which sets the trajectory to trim, however, even here the water confuses the transcendently light, empty kermo.

If you notice not to love, - if necessary, finish them more quickly, without turns and teeth. Changes are directed straight ahead, starting off can be less tight. When probuksovtsі strive to dig in, that vibirayutsya reluctantly. On the asphalt straight line, the car goes evenly only at an accelerated pace. Floating on a permanent balance, despite the non-twist koriguvannya, reacting to an unacceptable steering of the rear axle.

Galmuyut on a dry road weakly, on a wet one - worse than all. Uncomfortable: loudly noisy, with the growth of speed everything is stronger. Send parcels in case of medium and great road irregularities, vibrate on other ones. Palyvo stained in the middle when there is some kind of swedishness.



It was created in 2008, it appeared on our market in 2009, but in the tests of ZR it takes its fate first.

On the ice, cross-linking is the weakest. Galmuvannya middle, and happy. And the axle on the snow is galvanized, and it is higher, lower for all the other participants in the test, although in turns they trim the middle road. On a snowy straight line, troch nisporat, drive the car from a given point straight, dragging into more deep snow. Curvature in the middle: the car is rottenly hearing kerma and strives to straighten the trajectory, calling the name of the turn. Zanesennia vinikaє, only as a way of provoking yoga, but well compensated.

In deep snow, it collapses unevenly, moreover, only with a singing step of slipping. Turn around, help yourself to the stake or go, de less opir. On the asphalt, it’s smooth, but when you straighten the lines, it’s stressful. In case of small corners, the kermo is more blunt, but in case of a larger corner, the car sharply changes directly to a larger corner, a lower one is necessary.

Galvanization is more stable both on dry and wet asphalt, galvanic paths are of medium size. Totally comfortable: quiet on the road, it’s less easy to drill on the combs. Send shocks and small parcels in case of other irregularities. Zayvogo paliva is not stained, but they are not allowed to save.



The number of sales and distribution in 2009 is growing.

On the ice, the behavior is unbalanced - the middle hands are split, the weaker grip in the turns and the weakest tackling. Then in the snow everything is equal, the middle is connected behind everything straight. For lowering the cost, one should carry the car evenly, and kermo in the “zero” smart, wise, - but the back will walk from side to side, but not adding to the zealousness. At corners, the behavior is unstable. In the cob phase, an unacceptable skid is often blamed, which can be compensated for by adding gas. When the kerma yoga reaches the limit, the informativeness decreases sharply, literally falls. Why end on the right, nobody can see - you have to fight either for zі znesennyam, or for zanesennyam.

The same innocence in deep snow. Rukhayutsya good less on mezhі skidding. Particularly unsafe is slippage at the time of cob rush: bring it up to zakapuvannya. From the other side, the maneuvers are given without tension, the car vibrates in reverse. Walk smoothly on the asphalt, the reactions when correcting the straight lines are clear. Ale and here the back of the air does not let the water relax, pidrulyuyuchi already following the diy kerm. Why do you give the car a superfluous overhead.

Galmuvannya and on dry, and on wet dorozi weak. You can’t call quiet tires - you can see a moving rumble. Send parcels to the body in case of medium and great irregularities, vibrate on others. Vitrata paliva is more than average, if you are a kind of swedishness.



Created in 2009, it also started to be sold in Russia, in 2011 it was modernized.

On the ice, the galvanization and cross-section are medium, and the opening is weak. On the snow, on the other hand, the difference is the middle one, the galvanization is weak, and the transverse lines of power are the lowest, similar to "Viatt". For lowering the price, go evenly, not reacting to the price of the snow carpet, - the exchange rate at "Pirelli" is traditionally good. Curling is also without respect: kermo is smart, wise, reactions are clear. The transition to forging is soft, the trajectory can be set and adjusted both with kerm and with gas. There is practically no skidding, in the middle the car starts to name everything.

I don’t want to pay deep snow. They don’t want to rush forward, they try to dig in in Russia. Good, I want to reverse vibirayutsya. On the asphalt, summer tires are predicted - a thin kermo in the near-zero zone, infor- mation and readability to the given direct.

Galmuvannya on podiv weak on wet and weakest on dry asphalt. Noise of movement, high vibration load - the firm attaches little respect to comfort. Kittens are not even more willing - vitrata paliva of promotions with be-yakіy swidkosti.



They appeared on the world in 2009, and on the market since 2010.

Deservedly included in the first five. Breathe quietly, who is left behind, with a good balance: all the characteristics of high are not leaders, but are equal to be-yakoy z pokrittiv, like zustrinesh in the winter hour on our roads. For example, on ice i in the late, i in the transverse straight lines showed average results. Not so good in the snow: split and cross-linked middle, ale trochs lead to weak galvanization. On a high speed, you can walk evenly in the snow, but you don’t get information on the cerm. Marriage of innocence and with Russia in the turn. At the entrance, there is a noticeable zatrimka in the reactions, the kermo turns over the world. For some reason, in the first phase of the turn, the car goes into a drift, pulling off the gas. And on the other hand, strive to turn into a skid, which, fortunately, is easily parried.

Kuchuguri roar without tension, go forward in a rush, do not dig when starting off, but don’t like to slip very much. On the asphalt, it is easy to ride on transverse irregularities, to taxi up with a small zatrimkoy. As for the noise, there are no complaints; Ale, on swollen bumps, it’s decent to crush the car and transmit vibrations from seams, cracks and micro-irregularities of the road.

Roll in the middle, without showing any difference to dry or wet coat. At a speed of 60 km / h, it helps to save money, at 90 km / h, look at the center of the sky from the middle point.



The model is the same age as Goodier, created in 2009, on our market it has been sold since 2010.

Garni on the ice in dispersal, galvanic power and cross-linking only in the middle. On the bottom, the cut and cross-section are medium, and the galvanization is weak. Hirshe sings less "Yokohama". For the snowy road, go straight ahead. The experts pointed out not only the primal directives, but also the informative kermo, as well as the negative reactions to the correction of the exchange rate. In swidky corners, the slip is surrounded by a soft wear of the front axle, which is conditioned by a kerma turn or a slight decrease in slip. Informativeness of a temple donut.

The Kuchuguris are reluctant to bark, they rush forward without singing, turn around badly. In reverse, they collapse more strongly, allow them to vibrate from the snow pasture. Walking along the asphalt is practically even, troch nippling on transverse irregularities, and when straightening the troch, the troch gets stuck.

They tumble on a wet coat, but on a dry one they rattle more than anything else. To make it comfortable - to walk along the soft and quiet cover, so that the trochs hiss on the snowy road. Vitrata Paliva is average at 60 km / year, and at 90 km / h of movement.



Released in 2008, they also began to be sold on the Russian market.

Over the course of an hour, sumish was modernized more than once. On ice, show average results in galvanized and cross-linked, but they are good. Then for the snіg they are better for everyone: they were in the lead in the higher rights. And the axis of the exchange rate fluctuated a little: small foldings show up when you try to straighten the turn. With a slight skin turn of the kerma water of the trocha, the tension is increased by the reaction and a slight, aletrival skid. In swidky turns, there are stutters in reactions and a low information content of the donut, which leads to an accruing skid with a prolonged stabilization.

In deep snow they turn the car into a tractor. It is also inspired to destroy, collapse and maneuver in whatever modes, not being afraid of skidding. They swim lightly on the asphalt, shy until the side wind blows in, noticeably zap on the kerm. Transmit vibrations from other irregularities, hard to pass road sticks, zmushuyuchi car shakes. Noisy, unacceptably crunching and buzzing in slimy turns, if you know what to get excited about.

Tackling on wet asphalt is better for everyone. That dry show good results. With a speed of 60 km / h, the economy is self-sufficient (narivni z "Goodiya", "Mishlen" and "Nokia"), at 90 km / year, it does not even count.



Created in 2008 roci, s quiet pіr і for sale.

A good balance of zchіpnih domineering in all areas, so you can strike on the winter road. On the ice zchіpnі power rіvnі, nezalezhno vіd dіy i regimen - in turn, during dispersal, during galvanization. On the snow there are good cross-cutting and splitting, ale galvanized middle. Walk straight along the straight line, without any pressure on the bazhannya, to wiggle out of the given one straight ahead, as if to react to the kermo while correcting the course. At the corners, it is reasonable to behave, without problems and inconsistencies. Clearly write down the curves, allow you to correct the radius with a kerm or a change of fire.

In notes you feel like you are at home. Seemingly similar to those that take the form of "Continental". Inspired to row, destroy in whatever modes, maneuver without difficulty. Walk smoothly on asphalt, pick up clear reactions, consistent with the behavior of summer tires.

It’s good to galmuyut, regardless of whether the asphalt is dry or wet. Comfortable: it is less easy to sound the tractor track and short ice. There is no respect for the drive for smooth running. Economical in case of small shifts, do not irritate with fire and at 90 km / h.



Created in 2008 roci, s quiet pіr їх practical modernize.

On the ice - unattainable for superniks according to the test of the degree of power in all disciplines: in galvanism, in the run and on the stake. There is a garne on the bottom: when moving and in a turn, it’s faster, like the “Continental”, in the efficiency of the galvanization, it’s easy to do it - another result. Walk along the straight "white" road evenly, without breaking the curve. In terms of keratinization, they are similar to "Bridgestone" and "Pirelli": the floorings and clear reactions, the machine so audibly changes its trajectory when manipulating kerm or gas. The same garna is stabilized after forging, accompanied by water.

Deep snow is better to do, having plunged the gas pedal into the air. True, in this mode, risky to get into such a notice, the stars will not vibrate without a shovel or a third-party help. I didn’t need to get out for an hour of testing - in reverse, the car was vizhdzhav. Walk smoothly on the asphalt, but the experts pointed out small delays when correcting the course.

Roll good on a wet coat and medium on a dry one. As much as comfort is worth, there is little respect - it’s only the noise that rises on uneven roads, the vibrations are transmitted from other unevenness. With be-yakіy shvidkostі vitrata paliva is the lowest in the test.


RATING of studded tires 205 / 55R16


Created in 2008 roci, for sale at this hour. In 2010, the warehouse of the gum summish has been modernized.

Prote on the aphids of other winter tires "Kama-Euro 519" looks weak. On the ice, the zchіpnі zvіlіvosti vlastіvostі dosit іnіkі, іr hіrshe іn "Cordiant". In the snow, the chains are more modest. Single vtiha - the balance of zchіpnih authorities to do it evenly in the right directions: galmuє, rozganyaєtsya and trim the road in corners weakly. For lowering the cost, it’s better not to hurry: the car spurs from side to side. At the slimy turn, the behavior is torn: the car zrivayetsya either in a skid or in a skid. More or less kerma is heard less on the beaten snow. On the ice, with a small wind speed, it leads to a skid. Kovzaє on be-yakoy pokritti dovgo. Trim the car under control to zavazhat even great kuti turn kerma and significant stutters in reactions.

In deep snow, the collapse is not entirely uplifted. At the moment, the cob ruhu is better not to slip. With the wheels turned to the side, the destruction is faster, lower straight. Reverse vibiraetsya without problems. On the asphalt, it is strongly nippled by the road. The steering is directly respected by the even greater winding turn of the kerma, the significant delay and low information content, and the steering of the rear axle is also unacceptable.

Galmuvannya on wet asphalt is weak, on dry - the weakest. On the ice and asphalt, the tread is loudly twisted. Duzhe zhorstki - transmit the parcels in case of medium unevenness and vibration in case of others.



We succumbed to the world in 2009, but in our test they appeared first.

Zayve zaglyblennya thorns to sway the tire practically bezporadnoy on the ice - do not break, do not turn, do not bulge. On the snow, the trims are a little better. The cross-section is closer to the middle one, although the opening is weak, and the galvanization is the weakest. The course on the snow is equal, there are only small niches in the depths of the snake. On the ice, the elements of power are subjectively assessed as the worst. Do not sharply turn the steering wheel, otherwise the car will turn. It’s still a long way to turn, check the skid on the guns. In the snow, the wind is surrounded by a sharp vision into a skid. Parrying yoga is caused by the lack of information of the steering wheel and small hiccups in reactions.

In the deep snow, they collapse unapologetically. There is no clear turn of turns in the ruhu modes, it is good to pull the car with little slipping. Go backwards in a spirited way. Walking smoothly on asphalt, but when making a straight line, it is necessary to lightly steer the rear axle and lack informational content of the kerm.

Galvanizing medium and dry, and wet. You don’t spoil with comfort: buzz loudly in a dramatic voice, shake the body on swollen irregularities, shuffle on the middle ones, transmit vibrations on the other ones. Vitrata Paliva at 60 km / h of movement, at 90 km / year is higher than the average. The sizzles are lessened not too much: in an hour of testing, the value of the performance changed by three "tens".



To finish the fresh tires, created in 2010, are sold in Russia at this hour.

Ale in our test lit up. On the ice zchіpnі power in the usіh straight lines of the middle. In the snow, there is less noise: galvanization and cross-linking are weak, splitting the mlyaviy itself, similar to "Bridgestone". At the lowering of the road, nibble the troch. At the corners, insufficiently high levels of power are indicated - the car is called again.

Kuchuguri is not for these tires: they get stuck in deep snow, as it is called, in an equal place. When starting, they fail, strive to dig in. In reverse, they collapse unsurprisingly. For ideal asphalt, it’s easy to drive, but on our roads this kind of noise is not often. That is why it is necessary to post-correct directly, as it is complicated by stutters in reactions and inadmissible steering of the rear axle.

On a dry road, the machine hums more reluctantly, and the galvanization on a wet road is the weakest. More zhorstki: messages from irregularities are transferred to the bed and the seat, vibrations are vibrated on the kerm wheel. Make a loud noise and buzz with spikes. Vitrata paliva is average, if you are a kind of swedishness. The thorns are embellished nadіyno, there is no vtrat, but the size of the ledge is more modest: it is not possible to stab with such thorns for ice and snow.



Created in 2009 roci, but on the Russian market appeared from zapiznennyam, in 2010.

On the ice zchіpn_ power: middle and in galvanic, і in turns, і in dispersal. Walking in the snow is less winded, lower on the ice. The galvanization is weak, the cut is the most malignant, like in Yokogami, the cross-section is also the most low. On a lower road, troch nipples, but don’t go out of the trajectory. Improved reaction to di kerm. In tight corners, the tightness is surrounded by long-term wear. At forging the front suspension, the car does not react to the kerma turn.

In deep snow, it’s crushing and collapsing, but it’s less tight. Wart the wheels turn a little, traction is used and the car immediately starts to rumble. On the asphalt, go straight, take the course of tasks. But if it is necessary to straighten the steering wheel, the water is tensile steering of the rear axle and insufficiently informative kermo.

With the deaths of the galmive way, “Yokohama” reappeared. Like in her, galvanizing weakly and on dry, and on wet coating. Insufficient comfort: transfer to the body of the stowage of irregularities, loudly make noise with the tread and spikes, bring on high speed. Vitrata Paliva at 60 km / h of movement, at 90 km / year is higher than the average. The performance of thorns and the rate of improvement of the speech are normal. There is no cost per hour for the test.



New on the Russian market. It seems like it's right out of the oven.

On the ice, the heights of power are high, the balance is reasonable. The galvanization and cross-linking are good, the cut is medium. In the snow you can also do it strong. Pozdovzhnі authority is good, transversally - the middle level. On a low road, it’s easy to go down the path, but don’t go out of the trajectory. Insufficient information content of the steering wheel and small obstruction when straightening the wheel were noted. Look at the forging in the corners sharply, the forging machine is lower, it would be better to lower it, but the reinforcing of the chain is softer and smoother.

In deep snow, they collapse without a hitch, with slipping at the time of launch, they show swaying to self-sinking. Go backwards in a spirited way. On the asphalt, the car floats on the smooth. It is important to have a wide “zero”, hiccups in reactions, steering of the rear axle and lack of information.

The galmuyut is weak, moreover, on dry asphalt, and on wet. Respect for comfort: small vibrations in the case of small irregularities and movements, loud noise, powerful studded tires. With a speed of 60 km / year, the cost is lower than the average, with 90 km / year - the most economical. The magnitude of the protrusion of the thorns and the pace of the increase in the protrusion are normal. There were no spikes in the test for an hour.



The largest "year-old" tires in our test.

Viroblyayutsya since 2006, from the same time they are sold in Russia. On the ice, they can boast of an incorruptible balance: they twirl and turn good, roar in the middle. In the snow, the zchіpnі power in the be-yakoy directly in the middle - also good. For snowfall, go straight ahead, without losing control. At the corners on the ice and on the snow, they delight with clear reactions and even a soft transition to forging. However, on a fluffy snow on the nose, a sharp skid is seen, which vimages the water of clear parries.

Deep snow is not bestowed, vpevneno ruhayutsya only on fresh powder. Yakshko trohi schіlnіshe, slezhenija, їhati can be only retracted, without slipping. On the asphalt straight line, the car goes smoothly, the reaction to the change in the exchange rate is negative, but there is not much information on the kermi.

The galvanization is simply a glint: both on wet and on dry asphalt, the tires gleam like a charm. The noise background of movements, like in the majority of "studs", and there are no complaints to the smoothness of the course - all road irregularities are well smoothed out. Themselves are unpretentious when it comes to speed. The magnitude of the appearance of spikes and the rate of growth per hour of testing are optimal. We spent a couple of studs on the front wheels.



Released in 2009, sold at the same time.

The little tread is the slump of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 4 tire. Our tests take the fate of the future. On the ice, galvanization and cross-linking of the middle, good spread. In the snow, the behavior is more pronounced: the later zchіpnі authorities are good, and the cross-section is the least. For lowering the straight line, shave both the front vent and the rear, reacting to the thickness of the snow. With small corners, turning the donut is considered to be insufficiently informative. At the corners you can їhati quickly - the reaction is clear, the behavior is understandable. The dryness is surrounded by light drifts, which can be easily compensated by kerm or by adding gas.

Note not to be afraid: add gas, and the car goes there, where to turn the kermo. Reverse vibiraetsya without problems. Walk smoothly on the asphalt, but when correcting the course, there is a noticeable blockage in reactions and empty kermo.

Galmuyut on dry asphalt is medium, on wet - good. Loudly make noise with the tread and spikes, especially at 40 to 60 km/h. Vitrata paliva is average, if you are a kind of swedishness. The magnitude of the peaking of spikes and її growth per hour of testing is close to the optimum. There are no vtrachenih thorns.



They came into the world in 2007. Since 2008 they are sold in Russia.

Periodically, they update the design, thorns and storehouse sumishi, making the “disguise” immutable. The rest of the innovation allowed "carving" to join the leading group. On the ice later, the zchіpnі power of the middle, and the transverse zcheplennya naivishche. In the snow, the zchіpnі authorities are good for all directions. At a lower price, the course is miraculous. The car went like an arrow and reacted strangely to small turns of a narrow, high-informative donut. Turn to prescribe with a wagnik. Reading, understanding management, strange reactions to the smallest turn of kerma. At the border, the wind is surrounded by soft and smooth drifts, which can be extinguished by a small addition of gas or by turning the kerma. Forging shvidka, but m'yako stabilizes.

Kuchuguri roll easily, at the start they do not dig in, move and retract, and slip, easily maneuver. Walking straight on the asphalt, straightening straight ahead helps a clear “zero”.

Galmuyut on a wet cover in the middle, on a dry good. Traditionally, do not indulge in comfort: make noise, silently fly, rush on any unevenness, nibi pumping. Greater for everything, low price for comfort - a fee for the satisfaction of driving a car on a winter road. Paly streaked in the middle when it's a kind of shvidkost. The magnitude of the appearance of spikes and the rate of their growth per hour of testing are optimal. There is no cost.



2009 rock is being promoted on the Russian market.

The only one of today's leaders of vicorist thorns with a round core. On the ice late, the powers of the middle are good, the transverse ones are good. On the bottom, the layout of the troch is smaller: the later one is good, and the transverse one is the middle arm. For a lower cost, carry the car evenly and stably. Reactions with course correction - without respect. At the corners, the behavior is clear and understandable. The road is mostly surrounded by mild weather, but the car reacts well to the turn of the kerma and tries to stop the trajectory.

Navit in forged wines do not enter the water control. It is possible not only to flash the snows, but notice it through, but it is easy to maneuver in them, to rattle and destroy again. As soon as I started the car, I pulled back the troch and went far. Vibratisya in reverse move forward. On asphalt, the course resistance is good, the "zero" is clear, the kermo shield is practical - the tires are practically like summer tires.

Galmuyut on dry asphalt is good, on wet - medium. Riven noise of movement, on a hard surface there is a slight rumble of thorns, especially in the range of 60-90 km / h. Palyvo save in all speed modes - і at 60, і at 90 km/h. For an hour of break-in and testing, there was no insertion of a spike.



Another new model that appeared in 2010 rotation.

Why is it sold in Russia. Looks like other tires with a "diamond" shape of spikes. On the ice, the strengths of power are good for all directions. On the snow, the same - and later, and cross-linked on a high level. For reduced fares, it is allowed to drive fast, carry the car evenly. But information on cerm is not enough. In corners, the front axle wear prevails. Zanesennia, like such a present, appears softly and smoothly and is usuvaetsya without any special zusil.

In deep snow it is good to go only with intensive slipping, but the mode is uninformative. Buried - and the back hіd is not help. Walking smoothly on the asphalt, kermo is thin, “zero” is clear, the reactions when straightening the line are negative.

Galmuyut on wet asphalt is better than others, on dry asphalt it shows average results, similar to Gislaved. Loudly make noise with spikes on hard surfaces - both on ice, and on asphalt, especially loudly at 70 to 90 km / h. Vitrata paliva is average, if you are a kind of swedishness. The performance of the spikes is within the boundaries of the optimal value. The thorns are drenched in the gum even more intensely.



Presented in 2008, sold since 2009.

Updates are constantly being made to allow them to become leaders. On the ice, they demonstrated the shortest late signs of power, the transverse ones - the middle ones. On the snow - a short cut, good galvanization and a handle in turns. For lowering the cost, go smoothly, without respect. Kermo schіlny, reaction read. At the corners, the swedishness is surrounded by softness, which helps the skidding, which is the easiest to use for small additional gas. Navit in forging the car of hearings to the commands of the water, inventing the trajectory softly and smoothly.

In the deep snow, they crumble like a fool, maneuver well, destroy without burrowing. The mode is -: in the form of a professional movement of tension, without turning the wheels, to the “blonde” “gas in the podlogu”. Even better vibirayutsya in reverse. On the asphalt, the road is smooth, but when you roll it, it is unacceptable to drive the rear axle.

Galvanizing on dry asphalt is weak, on wet asphalt - medium. The comfort is not ideal: the sudden noise of thorns on the asphalt and smooth ice, the shovels in the road bumps, swollen in black. Ekonomichnі with any kind of security. The magnitude of the protrusion of the thorns is close to inter-reasonable. The prote middle ledge changes by only 0.1 mm in an hour of testing, which means that the thorns in the gum are trimmed superficially.



Novelty, yak get ready for sale in the future.

We couldn’t get rid of the bags, the shards in the galvanized snow on the Ice Arctic snow, having beaten the broken serial tire, they took me in the rose bags for the “base”. On the ice, high late zchіpnі power, and transverse - middle. In the snow - super-braking, even a good expansion and average cross-sectional power. On a low road, it is easy to nibble, with a zatimkoy reacting to straightening straight. At swidky turns, the behavior is ambiguous. At the cob phase, at the stage of entry at the turn, there is noticeable stuttering in the reactions, which leads to wear of the front axle. After the renewal of the zcheplennya, already on the air, the high level of vindication of the skid, which must be compensated with kerm, and supplemented with gas at once. After the forging of the reinforcement, it is necessary to do it sharply, provocatively to strike the skid in the other direction.

The concept of "deep snow" is not used for these tires. I have never needed help for a car to get out of the snow. On the pavement, they seem to swim side to side, with the help of a post-warning. More wide "zero", zapіznyuvannya on di ї kerm.

Galmuyut on wet asphalt is good, on dry - medium. Shtovkhayutsya on medium unevenness, strongly buzz with a protector and spikes. The magnitude of the protrusion of the thorns is at the boundary. However, I change my opinion for an hour of testing for all in one "top ten" to talk about those who have fixed spikes.


Details about the designation and classification of tires can be found

Vadim KORABLOV, Yuriy KUROCHKIN, Evgen Larin,

Anton MISHIN, Andriy remind,

Valery PAVLOV and Dmitro TESTIV.

Dyakuyemo for the technical support of the spivrobitniks of the autopolygon of AvtoVAZ,

Togliatti company "Volgashintorg"

as well as tire builders,

yaki put their products to the test.

First and another place is occupied by long-standing competitors - Nokia and Continental, which may carefully upgrade their products. Prices (3700 rubles) Almost the same, but the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 (in the Russian Vikonann) is three times better than the Continental ContiIceContact in terms of total indications, then the average price / quality of the “Russian Finniv” (3,9) is three times better, '(4,0).

Another product of the industrial production of Michelin X-Ice North 2 is worth the third position, although the model is no longer new. The price of the troch is lower - 3300 rubles. Therefore, the sp_v_dnoshnennya price/yak_st was trohi tastier: 3.6.

Antiquity Gislaved NordFrost 5 (3200 rub.) For the fourth time. However, in our tests of wines, having scored 892 points, it takes the first position and, according to the price / quality ratio (3.6), is on a par with Michelin. In our opinion, the people of this model buy more for a star, with a good reputation of their predecessors. And the real price is to blame but lower.

The next step in the price rating is the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000 (2900 rubles). The new model may be more modest for our winter characteristics. To that, I take only the eighth position with a result of 829 points, although I want to lay down the same order for “Mishlene” and “Gislaved” according to the price / quality ratio, equal to 3.5. Judging from us, our buyers are ready to pay more for the good promotion of the brand. Vtіm, richly hto tsіnuє pіdvishchenu grizhestoykosti, scho scho vpevneno jumping on the road pits. Our thought is that tires can be cheap.

Yokogami products iceGUARD iG35 (2800 rub.) Traditionally three times cheaper than Bridgestone, although youmayzhe does not compromise on the characteristics (828 points and nine places in the bag list). Vіdpovіdno spіvvіdnoshnja tsіna / akіst (3,4) more privablive. Vvazhaemo, the price tag is new. Buyers with reverence are placed up to the Japanese brand, prote on її tires appear: “Made in the Philippines”. Another reason for popularity is participation in WTCC races.

Winter Carving Edge type "Pirelli" for 2700 rubles. for a vartistyu, less for a somomu mist. Ale for the sub-bags, the “Italian” test scored 912 points and moved up to the first five in the ZR rating. Even a good result, that and spіvvіdnoshnja tsіna / akіst less, nizh for all top tires, - 3.0. Please! Before the speech, the problems with the second ship were gone in the past.

Cheaper you can buy Korean Kumho I'ZEN KW22 and Russian Nordman 4 - for 2400 rubles. "Russian" is clearly better for the results of the test: 913 points and the fourth position, and to that, the price / quality is 2.6. Velmy tsikaviy i vigіdniy product.

Cordiant Sno-Max vіtchiznyanoї rozrobki more cheaper - 2200 rubles. Position in the test (852 balls and some misce) of the day of the bag - the model outperformed the import tires in the same tire range. Spivvіdnoshnja tsіna / yakіst - 2.6.

The cheapest tires are Kama Irbis (or 505), you can buy smaller ones for 2000 rubles. a piece. In the test, the stench did not reach 800 points, scoring only 776. It is impossible to name the last hundred years - the model appeared six years ago, at the same time with Gislaved NF 5, but for the characteristics, it clearly does not match the current level. Let me ask you a question: why haven't you tried the rest of the Kama Euro 518 and 519 models? It's a pity that the most popular winter 175 / 65R14 їх is simply not allowed out, having become obsessed with the old model.

Note: until we get the results of tests in some disciplines.

Table of expert ratings

Sub-bag result: 944 bali

The debut was in 2008, and since 2009 - in Russia. On the cob of this rock, once again, modernized behind a warehouse of gum and geometry of spikes.

The split power is better balanced. Late on the ice and snow - practically better. Crosswise on the ice - even better, more beautiful than "Gislaved". On the snow - more than average. For lowering the cost, go evenly, without respect, react strangely to the straight line. Trohi polypshity іnformativnіst іn kermі - i can put nine balіv.

At the corners, the front wheels clearly prescribe the given trajectory, and the rear wheels troch more quickly for the road, calling for an insignificant overhead. Ale doshit trohi add gas, and the car turns into a turn, be it curvature. Do not be afraid of deep snow, it is easy to maneuver. Like the car stuck its bumper into an unhealthy spot, it won’t vibrate smoothly.

On the asphalt tezh do not fold. Walking straight on high winds, playing on dry land and in wet goodness. There is no respect for acoustic comfort and smoothness.

For hot economy, they take the leading position both at 90 and at 60 km / h.

The performance of thorns is close to between reasonable. I've been thrashing a thorn.

Vіdmіnі galmіvnі yakostі i krashchiy rozgіn nіgu і ice, vіdmіnі transversely zcheplennya іn sіguі і prokhіdnіst. Good exchange rate stability for winter weather. High value for comfort, economy.

Not noted.

Verdict: Add vpevnenosti and drive on any winter roads. Help to protect the fire if there is any kind of swedishness.

Sub-bag result: 927 points

They helped the world in 2010 and soon appeared in Russia. At the roci, having stepped on, they created a gum and a construction of spikes.

For zrazkovy zchіpnih authorities occupy a leading position in all the right to ice and snow, for the wine of a krizhan stake. It’s not easy to go behind the winter road, it’s smart to pull the car into more deep snow, it’s smart to walk on the transverse slopes. The steering wheel is insufficiently informative. It’s bad to manage, but with deakim features. At sharp turns, the windage is surrounded by a drift of the front axle, and in the canopies, the larger swing turns show a sway to a sharp skid, which is better to parry on small corners, not allowing to spread.

Noticing not to be afraid, but to emphasize the singing style of water: do not like intense skidding, vvazhayuchi for better pulling. Do not drive the building back up the car from the snow trap.

On asphalt, the course is trimmed without respect. They tumble on dry and wet roads more kindly, skipping forward less than the “Gislaved” disputes. Comfortable - they are not disturbed by noise. But it’s not unreasonable to shake the car on bumps.

Vitrata Paliva is modest, comparable to Michelene, Nordmann, Pirelli and Yokohama.

For an hour of testing, the appearance of the thorns did not change, the studding is still the same.

Shorter galvanization and cutting on the snow and ice, cross-linked on the snow. Even better transverse adhesion on ice and galvanization on dry and wet asphalt.

Insignificant respect for course stability at lower roads, to passability in deep snow and smooth running.

Verdict: Chi svobodayutsya on any winter roads.

Sub-bag result: 921 points

They showed up in 2009. From the same moment on the Russian market.

Mayut a good balance of zchіpnih authorities. Rozgіn on winter dorozі vpevneniy in any mode, slippage when dialing speed does not reduce its efficiency.

For lowering the price, go evenly, stably, not brutally respecting the comrades of the snowy slope, the unevenness of that transverse has gone away, strangely reacting to the straight line. Behavior during the passage of turns on snow and ice was wisely and well predicted; slight lack of wrapping (soft znesennia in between) combined with negligible reactions to di kerm.

In the deep snow, one feels himself inspired, in Russia for better skidding. Navіt yakscho car poveze on cherevі, in more vipadkіv all the same vivezut.

I didn’t lie on the asphalt. On good speed, go straight in a straight line, without hiccups, follow the course. Galvanizing on dry and wet roads is good. Comfortable. To finish the quiet, the sound of a lightly different voice on the asphalt of a different tone. There are no complaints about the smoothness of the course.

Vitrata Paliva is modest.

The performance of spikes is normal, the rate of growth in one hour of testing is insignificant. Tse to talk about the good quality of hissing.

Good galvanization and rozgіn, transverse zchіpnі authority on snow and ice. Small vitrata paliva.

Not noted.

Verdict: To add to the appeal on any winter roads and winter roadlessness.

Sub-bag result: 913 points

The model was created in 2009, and is being sold in Russia right now. Warehouse sumishi novleny tsієї winter.

For zchіpnih power, tires are similar to those of Michelin. Garni on the ice and snow along the lower and transverse power lines, and on the rearrangement they appeared to resemble their great-grandfather "Nokia". On a straight line, they swim lightly, pulling straight at a straight line, trimming in tension. At quick turns, the machine is controlled simply by gas, lower by kerm: for skids, they give ingvinchuvannyam, when added, they increase the radius.

Snizhnu tsіlinu dolayut without problems. In reverse, they vibrate like no matter what. Feature: volіyut m'yake, without slipping, starting off from the moon. And even on the go, you can stomp the gas for a few souls, for sure, to help you. More gas - faster run!

On the asphalt straight line, especially on the snowy road. Insignificant correction in the given direction, which means constant correction. Galmuvannya on wet asphalt garne, on dry - medium. Riven noise is higher than that of more expensive relatives, and the smoothness of the move is the same.

Vitrata Paliva is modest, if you are a swedish person.

The performance of thorns and changes in its magnitude is normal. In an hour of testing, the tires used up three spikes from the front tires, which is hardly critical.

Good galvanic strength on snow, ice and wet asphalt, spread on snow and ice. Vіdminnі transverse zcheplennya on snіgu і prokhіdnіst. Good keratinization on winter days, modest vitrata paliva.

Insignificant respect to exchange rate stability on low roads and asphalt, to noise.

Verdict: Go for some kind of winter roads and winter roadlessness.

Sub-bag result: 912 points

Created in 2008 roci, s quiet pіr їх repeatedly modernized. The last time - on the cob of that rock.

Galvanic power on the snow is the best, on the ice in the middle, and cross-linked on the one and on the other covers, also the middle. Rozgin is good, moreover, be sure to cover it. However, the wines are effective only when driving.

On a straight line, the tires amaze with a clear course, strange asphalt reactions and small turns of a donut turn when straightening a straight line. No matter how you turn, you pass with satisfaction - the understanding of the car helps to support the bright, informative kermo and negain reactions, and is also close to neutral wrapping. Deep snow is better to make a move. When starting off, the tires sag slightly, although they do not show succulence to self-sinking. When reversing the car, it vibrates in a certain way.

On asphalt, the same clear course, like on summer tires. Shchіlny kermo and small kuti with course correction. Galmuvannya on a wet cover of the middle, on a dry one - a door of filth. Tires sound the change of cover and short asphalt, diligently transmit messages from irregularities.

Vitrata Paliva is modest.

The performance of the spines is normal, the change of its magnitude is not critical. Less than one spike was used.

Better than galvanization on snow, good spread on ice and snow, cross-linked on ice. Modest vitrata paliva, vіdmіnna kerovanіst i exchange rate stіykіst no matter how far.

Weak galmive power on a dry road. Insignificant respect to passability in deep snow and comfort.

Verdict: show your best performance in highway modes on any winter roads.

Sub-bag result: 892 bali

Another one of the old-timers - the model was created in 2006, and now it is sold in Russia.

Zієї winter sumіsh novili. Higher dominance on the snow and ice in the middle, then transversely on the snow, the arc of the garni, and on the ice - shorter. Breaking up the need for slipping on the road is so effective.

For lowering the cost, go evenly, but “zero” on the empty kermi, there is no information content. Respect to the point of curiosity is insignificant. Until the bud phase, there are no complaints, but at the heart of the swidness it is surrounded by either znesennia, or zasnesennia, - this ambiguity is noticeably tense. In deep snow, minimal slippage is expected, and the tightness goes straight. Back vibirayutsya easily.

On asphalt, the course is equal, without respect, ale and without vyshukuvan. In galvanic disciplines, the best are both on dry cover and on wet cover. Comfort is standard, although curled on asphalt and thin snow.

Vitrata paliva is more than average, if you are a kind of swedishness. The performance of the spikes is normal, for an hour of testing the average value increased within the limits of the permissible, so the quality of the spike is good. But in the course of testing the tires, they spent five spikes. The last roci had less than two. The trend is on the alert: earlier, this was not the case for Gislaved.

More galvanized power on dry and wet asphalt, more transversely cleaved on ice, more garne - on snow. High rіven comfort, good exchange rate stability on any road.

The middle rozgіn on whether it is covered, the vitreous paliva with whether it is swidkost is higher than the average, insignificantly respected to the point of curing, the cost of five thorns.

Verdict: show your best power in the first black on the good cleared roads, but do not give up on the ice and snow.

Sub-bag result: 852 bali

The debut was in 2008.

In the middle of the ice on aphids, the cross section is tumbled in the middle. In the snow, the arrangement is more logical: a weak opening and a large cross-sectional joint coexist with good galvanization. A decent rozgin is less likely to come out tight.

On zasnіzhenіy straight nisporat from side to side. It's easy to do it smoothly, the shards of the bells and whistles do not disturb the information. At swidky turns, swidkіst is surrounded by znesennia. Moreover, the forging of the names is delayed, the renewal of the chain is brought to the check for a long time. Oleksandra Kuzhel make their way in a song, collapse in any modes, do not pull tight.

On the pavement, it is possible to move swiftly only with great care, - swimming in the midst of swarms of smoky water steadily correct the course. The significance of the turn of the kerma and its lack of information are important. Galvanizing on dry and wet surfaces is good, the results can be compared with the indications of Nokia. Comfort is not disturbed: loudly make noise, thump on unevenness, voice the change of cover.

Forget about saving money. Vitrata paliva at a speed of 60 km / h is average, at 90 - movement. Performance of ships in the boundaries of norms, tempi yogo growth of tezh. There are no vtrachenih thorns.

Good galvanization on snow, on dry and wet asphalt, passability.

In the middle of the galmіvnі yakosі on the ice, spread on the snow, transversely chained on the ice. Vitrata paliva movement at 90 km / h, low exchange rate stability on asphalt.

Verdict: For snow, lightly frosted and cleared roads.

Sub-bag result: 829 points

Yak and "Yokohama", the latest model.

They have only one birthday, 2010, but Bridgestone in Russia is only sold since 2011.

On the ice, there are no more gaps, more galvanic power and cross-linking. In the snow, later on, the door is weak. On dispersal, they spend a lot of time at the least slipping, in a yak they look even unstoppable. Walking along the lower cost is equal, there is no respect for exchange rate stability. Hurry up in the turns on the winter frosty: on the ice, the swedishness is surrounded by drifts, advancing raptically and swaying the negainny koriguvannya.

In the snow, the car straightens the trajectory, moreover, it is called the turn of the cove over the world for a long time. In the notices, the ruts are not enough sung, the rushes are more likely not to slip, in reverse they are vibrated to sing singed.

On the pavement, they swim lightly, straight ahead, they are obsessed with strange obstructions and low information content. They play good both on dry and on wet asphalt.

You can make too much noise, you can see an unacceptable rumble and wind on the asphalt and wind on the ice. Be-yakі dorozhnі nerіvіnії vіdgukuyutsya nadmіrnimmi vertical prikornennya.

Vitrata paliva pіdvišcheniy at be-yakіy shvidkostі.

The magnitude of the protrusion of spikes and the pace of yoga changes are normal. There are no vtrachenih thorns.

Good galvanization on dry and wet asphalt, exchange rate stability at low roads.

Weak galvanic strength on the snow, spread on the snow and ice, cross-linked on the snow. Vitrat paliva movement, strong noise, foldable keratinization on winter roads.

Sub-bag result: 828 points

On the ice, late zchіpnі authority is rather weak, transverse - medium.

On the bottom, the balance is a trifle smaller: rozgіn and transversal authorities are arrogant, and galvanization is filthy. It is possible to destroy the car for a month by skidding, then we will fix it more quickly, so as to gain speed, we can only rush into tension.

For a lowered road, the car spurs strongly, strives to move from the trajectory towards deep snow. At the corners, the behavior is more clear, the kermo is smart, the mind is smarter, the cob reactions are negligent. However, swidkіst, whether it be covered, is surrounded by zanesennâ. Not to love deep snow, forcibly rush forward, in reverse, it’s unlikely that you’ll come out of the snow.

On the pavement, you can’t hurry too much: a niche that requires a constant correction, a great turn of the kerma and “humov” stabilization with a fading steering of the rear axle either in one direction or in the other direction.

On a dry road, the sounds are more good, on a wet galvanic path the greatest. Comfort zalishaє bazhati kraschogo - strongly struchuyut on any nerіvnosti. To make noise on the ice and on the snow.

Vitrata Paliva is small.

The thorns, in our opinion, are supermundanely buried, and the low levels of authority on the ice are often explained. The rate of increase in the appearance of thorns is normal, there are no intrusions.

Good galvanization on dry asphalt, pomirny vitrata paliva.

In the middle galvanic dominance on snow and ice, the weakest on ice and galvanization on wet asphalt. Low exchange rate stability on low roads and asphalt, bad traffic.

Verdict: For clearing, often snowing and slightly frozen roads.

Sub-bag result: 823 bali

They appeared in 2008 in roci, through rivers they began to be sold in Russia.

Pozdovzhnі dominnostі on vkritіy ice weak, transversally - medium. On the bottom, there is a back stitch, galvanized and cross-linked weak.

Rushat z mіstsya more often than "whispering", when dispersed, it is permissible to slightly slip. For falling straight, go straight, without respect. In the snow, the behavior of the car was not very clear - the name was called, or it was skidding and looking inside. The transition to forging is sharp and unforgiving. Forging Trivali.

On the ice, the behavior is more stable: only a skid, but a little more sharp. In deep snow they fall down when starting and start to dig in. Rushati more quickly vnatyag, ruhatisya - with easy slippage. It’s not varto to rush along the line: you can go in there, the stars in reverse will not sound.

On the asphalt straight line, it is good to trim, while straightening the straight line, stress the stutters in the reactions.

Galvanic power on wet asphalt is average, and on dry asphalt - the highest. Strongly buzz and whirl, on the roughness it is clearly strashuyu.

Vitrata paliva is small, if you are a swedish one. Performance of ships and yoga change in the boundaries of the norm.

A small vitrata paliva, good exchange rate stability on a low road, good - on asphalt, smooth running is not bad.

In the middle galmive power on the ice and snow, transversely chained on the snow. The weakest galvanic characteristics on dry asphalt. Collapsible keratinization in the winter season, increased thickness, weak penetration.

Verdict: Go for clearing, often snowing and slightly frozen roads.

Sub-bag result: 776 points

Together with "Gislaved" came into the world in 2006 rotation.

On the ice, the zchіpnі power - i transversal, i posdovzhnі - the weakest. In the snow, the later zcheplennya is simply no. І transversely narrower. Rozgin is problematic, it is necessary not to put the wheels in slipping, otherwise it is impossible to get a speed.

On a lower road, it’s proper to go: the car is strongly spurred on unevenness, it’s better to drink in Uzbekistan, in more deep snow.

Kermo is empty and uninformative, like in computer races. At the corners, the car is there, how to be tempted, nibi kermo vіd'єdnanny vіd kolіs. You can call the names, or you can enter into the entry and finish the ruh with a turn. To aggravate the situation, there are significant delays, great cuts for turning the donut and tightening the forge.

Rukh according to the notes can only be pulled in, without a dent. Try to bring destruction to self-storage. In reverse, it collapses unevenly.

They float on the asphalt, gazing at the post-warning. Galmuyut on a wet sound is weak, on a dry medium. Forget about comfort. Strong noises, sendings and vibrations to wind there, where the road looks straight.

Vitrata paliva at a speed of 60 km / year is higher than the average, by 90 - advances. Vistup thorns and the pace of yogo growth in the allowable boundaries. There are no vtrachenih thorns.

Medium galvanic power on snow and dry asphalt.

The weakest galvanic characteristics on ice, spreading and cross-linking on ice and snow. Weak galmive power on wet asphalt. Problematic keratinization on the slimy cover, bad exchange rate stability on the low price. Strong noise, narrow tires, raised vitrata paliva.

Verdict: Permissible khіba for good cleansing roads.

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