Who should own license plates of the AK 77 series. Beautiful license plates - where to buy and how much it costs

In 2013, having typed a document that will facilitate the purchase and sale of cars.

The golden hour has arrived for room sellers.

While the owner is trying to make legitimate sales of numbers, it is not good for private owners to make money.

Until recently, in order to get rid of a bad number, there were necessary “ties” in the organs, or at the same time, it was enough to get home with any person whose number you were given. Excursion into history Already in the hours of the SRSR, the avenues of all sorts of intelligence services of the FSB, FST and government bodies were distributed from the main numbers.

However, after the collapse of the socialist partnership, this fashion for numbers did not die.

All law enforcement agencies still use official registration numbers: a regional code of two numbers, a district symbol and a tricolor.

At the same time, the three Annies (“AAA”), the three “Nasinnya” (SSS), and not so brightly the “zaliznits” of the Moscow Mayor’s Office (“AMO77”), among the ship’s clerks — VGO, MGO, SOO77, appeared more popular.

And the soldiers of the Federal Protection Service

This is due to the fact that it was previously impossible to buy such numbers, the stench belonged only to the state structures.

However, it was one of the guilty ones when Rostourism sold a car with the number “A082MR97” to a private person, which was immediately counterproductive to sales for 10 million rubles.

Such benefits became available after the passage of the bill, whereby the car no longer needed to be removed from the vehicle in order to be sold. In order to put the car up for sale, you can already have a sovereign number with a supporting document. Before speaking, the need to link the number to the car registration address has also emerged, which makes it possible to register the car in any branch of the Department of Road Safety and Motor Vehicles throughout Russia.

At your own expense, you can save your numbers for up to 180 days.

A small term was saved because the numbers were assigned to the car, which then collapsed, so that in a month the buyer might not be found.

Most often for such needs they obtained the Oka.

Aje pay

Please note that State Inspectorate officials should not hesitate to sell license plates attached to old cars. In Contacts or Odnoklassniki you can also get a great deal of information about which vendors sell car signs. News from today's fashionable

social measures


How many numbers are required for criminal numbers? For criminal signs of the type “AMP77” or amazing combinations of the type “Х888ХХ99” you can expect to ask for 17-1.8 million Russian groschen. However, this figure is far from the limit.

For example, if you increase the numbers that are repeated up to 100, their price could be more than five million dollars. The sellers have a reasonable motive to display the number “AMP77” Garn the car

This is an option that the traffic police should let pass on the roads, thinking that the owner of such a car is definitely not for mere mortals.

This logic works without any doubt, doctors, that cars with such license plates drive in Moscow. However, in the event of serious damage, beautiful rooms will not be held back for everything. Before speaking, you can get away with a million rubles if you buy a number on the card like this: “O001OO 77 region”.

Another way to assign status to your car is by using additional numbers to indicate the car model.

The situation is obvious: you got the number that you were entitled to, and finally asked the ruler to buy it, but how can you earn it without breaking the law? Adje registration mark - this is sovereign power and the sovereign’s cars are seen, if you put your own “ sleek horse

  1. » on the surface Why do you need to change the vehicle's license plate? Fahivtsi in this situation follow three routes of the highest nutrition: Sales of state license plates at once special car ..
  2. This operation is simple and legal, which is important.
  3. In this case, the owner of the “garden number” sells you his “lastivka” along with the license plate and the contract for the purchase and sale of a car.

When your buyer(s) register them with the State Inspectorate and issue a new one

sovereign numbers

and you put the “beautiful” bananas into saving (you can save according to the law for 60 days).

After whose car with new license plates you turn over the license plate, and register the license plate to yours

  • transport service You can sell your old car to the owner of the number plate. In this case, you will have to re-register your car and get new license plates, then the original number will be placed on your car, and then it will come back to you with those very license plates. Kin forces, the fragments can then be turned around.
  • - Registration of a car and issuance of new license plates costs 2,500 rubles.
  • - Re-register a car at an average cost of 500 rubles.

It is necessary to add that when choosing a method of purchasing a beautiful room from three items, the remaining one - the third one is the most expensive (about 10-11 thousand), the first two will require an investment of 5-6 thousand rubles.

About the agreement

You will be unable to conclude purchase and sales agreements for any arrangement, no matter how you choose the method of purchasing the number.

And not alone.

  1. The first two have two agreements in two options, the third has three, leaving the remainder to choose the fate of the same number of cars. Another important detail is that it allows the tax to be lost - when selling, specify an amount less than 250,000 rubles. It is also necessary to be careful and note a number of important nuances:
  2. Mothers have no right to deal with reputable companies, and there is a risk of running into evildoers.
  3. The other method is more reliable, since you are handing over your car to an essentially unknown person, and if it turns out not to be doubtful, you will be with her far and away.
  4. Aje document about
  5. purchase and sale

already registrations for Qiu people.

In order to issue a policy, you will need a car up to three times, otherwise you will also have to invest in checking the technicians. To register the car with the Road Safety Inspectorate, you may want to drive it. The “feint” from turning it with an automotor won’t work here.

Wu Qiu Sumu enter the state sign and yogo obligatory reserve.

In Austria, the standard number becomes 227, 2 euros.

You may not be able to praise the view of the number from your chergu Vlada, as it may be inappropriate or obscene.

Switzerland has a price of 10,000 francs.

In this case, the price fluctuates depending on its availability. Once the serial number has been removed, it can be sold under the hammer at auction. It’s great that in Sweden license plates are attached not to the car, but to the person and for ten days.

Residents of this region are truly blessed, and they can even change cars without changing license plates.

To purchase such numbers is 6000 euros, which, frankly speaking, is not cheap at all.

“AMP” is a legendary series of license plates, the origin of which is known to every car enthusiast.

Connected with the numbers 97, this is the car number that belongs to the first persons of the state, the Presidential Administration, the Order and other higher echelons of power.

Numbers of the AMP77 series are actively used on service vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and their subordinate structures. Private car dealers expend the stink forcibly, usually for a decent sum or always to a known name and connections with higher government structures. What does the number AMP77 mean?

There are a lot of waters frying, so the number AMP77 is the reason for the DIBDR officer to “take it under the hood.”
But in this heat there is a significant piece of truth. It is a rich tradition to talk about those who can identify behind the rear of a car with such a license plate number – a great (or rather respectable) minister, a great businessman, or a security official with great “stars” on his shoulder straps. This is the standard setting for the drivers of such cars.
Apparently, the limited sale of AMP77 license plates did not make them sufficiently accessible to “mere mortals.”

And as if it were not there, today, as in the 1990s, and in the 2000s, the behavior of the participants

road ruhu

is regulated as officially approved by the PDR, and by popular “understandings”.

One of the unspoken, or rich, rules that have been verified by people in life is the priority of the rulers of “thieves” numbers.

In fact, and not just through tricks, buying a bad license plate for a car will become a great number of people in the future.

Eight hundred (A7.. MP97) - FSB.

The first two tens are the order, the third ten is the Administration of the President (zokrem kolishni VAAFO).

The AAAFL series, which is the FSO and hung on the cars of the first powers and their accompanying powers, was replaced by a set of serial numbers from the 177th region.

Here are TRK177, KHRK177, OOT177, Head of the FST and EKH99.

AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, SOO77 are vehicles from the motor depot of the Presidential Administration.

If there is a car with a lighthouse, then there is no traffic, and there have been no and no daily crossings on the road for cars with such license plates.

КОО77 – part і was until now at the Constitutional Court, and after the destruction of the “ensigns”, the numbers of this series were hung instead of AACFL on cars without beacons.

AKR177, VKR177, EKR177, KKR177 – numbers that replaced a large number of cars that previously drove blue.

AKR177 and VKR177 - after all, everything was replaced, and in other series there is a thought that part of it went to private owners.

ЕРЭ177 - approximately 300 numbers went to the State Duma to replace the “ensigns” *MP77. Everything is more complicated here.

After the introduction of “blue” (license plates for MVS vehicles. Note), MVS began selling license plates AMP77, VMR77, KMR77, MMR77, OMR77, TMR77 (this series for cosmonauts has been released), UMR77.

However, some of the vehicles (mounts for the AMP77, KMR77 and MMP77) were lost from the subcontractor.


If you turn this machine on to a private person, then it’s well-reasoned (the entry, “the other’s call,” a demonstration to the face, after which IDPS you take under the visor).

РМР77 - Ministry of Justice.

FSVP, prosecutor's office and etc.

AMO77 – almost all cars belong to the Moscow City Council

NAA99, TOV99, SAA99, HAA99 – “close” at the base of the machine (POPIZ – behind the letter).

Mostly everything is from the FSB transport, various NDIs and “postal screens”.

And cool privateers.

There is also an idea that some of the numbers went to people who were going through the program to protect the certificates.

Most often you can travel without any beacons, but you can find them on your own

various cars

KMM - burning, private individuals who are plotting cronyism at the Department of Border Safety and Human Welfare

KMR - order, private individuals are plotting cronyism at the Department of Road Safety and Internal Affairs

KOO - Constitutional Court, management of the President's rights, private individuals who are involved in cronyism at the Department of Road Safety and Internal Affairs

MMM - police, private individuals, who are involved in cronyism at the Department of Road Safety and Internal Affairs

MMR - order, private individuals who are involved in cronyism from the Department of Road Safety and Internal Affairs, the FSB, banks

MGO – loyal to the right of the President

NNN - private individuals who are involved in cronyism at the Department of Child Safety and Internal Affairs

ZMR - order, private individuals who are plotting cronyism from the Department of Road Safety and Health, banks

TOV - private individuals who are involved in cronyism at the Department of Road Safety and Security, the FSB

RMR - Ministry of Justice

SAS - FSB, MVS, private individuals who are plotting cronyism at the Department of Border Safety and Internal Affairs

SMM - police, private individuals, who are involved in cronyism at the Department of Road Safety and Internal Affairs

SOO - the right hand of the President, Rada of the Federation

SSS - FST, FSB, uryad, private individuals are plotting cronyism in the DIBDR

TMR - order, private individuals are doing cronyism in the Department of Biological Research and Development (DIBDR)

UMR - order, private individuals are plotting cronyism at the Department of Road Safety and Internal Affairs

UUU - private individuals who are involved in cronyism at the DIBDR


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