What are saw logs used for?

The topic “Dry bellows on the straight tubular parts” brought me to my thoughts, as having bought a black motorcycle (IZH Yu-5) from 87 Rots, I took over the protection of the front fork from the saw and the beam.
Yavskie sawmills could be made with vikoryst, but they were expensively costly, and I decided to try to prepare independently, vikorist technologies, which we put together at the MVTU for the production of curved vessels in a high vise.
We have a roll of millimeter-thick gray gum, which has not been processed with gasoline or acetone, wound on a cardboard tube with a separate ball of cotton fabric.
I am victorious.
Previously, I had a chance to work with it on the piston cuff of the Moskvich 408 of our all-terrain vehicle.
To prepare pipeline mandrels with a polymerization temperature of up to 180 degrees, we vicorized dough from riverine sand mixed with polyvinyl alcohol in water.
Before speaking, with this thread, wrap the metal patches on the muffler well so that they burn out.
Depending on the temperature, the stitch shrinks and presses the patch tightly.
After shrinking, it can be coated with tarpaulin and rolled for a long time without making any noise to rustle.

(So ​​I stole a bunch of beans from myself)

Yeah, let's move on.

After vulcanization of the gum, it is no longer necessary to pull out the pump, unwind the stitch, remove sand from the middle of the corrugated hose and cut it into two saw blades. Of course, you can also use square (at the cross) saw blades to work like this.

On the one hand, who respects this dry cover to another row of details, on the other hand, the masters at the service station first check them themselves.

If it’s torn, it means you’ll soon be on the lookout for damage to your unit. Today I want to talk to you about saw blades, an invisible part of the front suspension, on many car components. So, why is it necessary, let’s face it, there will definitely be live photos.

  • What's the matter, what's the matter

  • Pilovik

  • – this is a dry cover, with an “accordion” look, formed from gum or high-acid silicones.

  • The main task is to increase the term of service of the node or device that is being protected.

  • It is clear that the stagnation of saw logs increased the resources of rich elements not just by times, but by dozens of times. De zastosuetsya Basically, saw blades are installed on the front elements of the front
  • rear suspension

For the skin node, their stench and are divided constructively, so you can focus on:

Shock absorbers, who would say at once that they are not saw blades, but withered, but in essence the function is the same, can be attributed to them here.

To be fair, it is important to note that some are plastic, not humic. SHRUSI. The front grenades are also protected by gum covers. Steering rack. There are only two of them here

What else do you need? Everything is simple in these elements - connection, which must be performed hermetically, when contacted with water or a saw, the knots will quickly wear out. So for example,

CV joint There are spherical elements that move in special grooves, so that in these grooves you can absorb moisture or sand, and the stench is noticeable.

In order to oxidize them, you will bring the soil, and the axle of the sand is treated like an abrasive, just grinding grooves and balls themselves. Steering rack

– a shaft that passes through direct seals is also susceptible to theft by the saw blade, since there is no protection – the shaft begins to rust, before the work begins, sand is lost, the seals break and begin to leak. The guides for the shaft, as a rule, are made of polymers, and when operating the shaft in the sand or iron, they also quickly come out of order. Kulova and kermov supports

, one of the most desirable parts.

They have a so-called finger, with a hinged tip and polymer inserts, if you rub the sand between them, the polymer will quickly come out of tune.

  • The sawdust is simply necessary here.
  • And only the main elements, all the culprits must be stolen safely from a saw or a beam, otherwise expensive repairs or an accident may occur
  • cul-de-sac support
  • if it is worn too much, it can simply fall apart, the car wheel will fall on its side, but what will happen in the hour?

The legacy may be disastrous.


The material that is stagnant in the production of sawweed is responsible for achieving even great importance.

High temperatures are not responsible for melting and cracking at extreme positive values.

However, with a bad road surface, for example, an uncleaned road or concrete, crushed stone, it can be damaged with low mileage.

For example, my friend managed to do something wrong while driving 3000 km, driving to the dacha, washing a rod with crushed stone and then breaking the CV joint.

So, ideally, you should cover the bottom of the car with a metal shield, so you can also increase the resource of the “robotnik” saw blades.

Can be replaced

If, honestly, a lot of people don’t mark these elements and it seems like they are torn, then continue riding on them, but it’s not right.

If you regularly replace the saw blade, you will be able to prolong the life of your unit.

Otherwise, 500 – 1000 kilometers and you will need to change it!

Do you need this?

For example, try replacing the kermo, the price tag is not small at all. SO CV joints are not cheap. There are so many people you can feed yourself - and how can you buy a lot of sawdust? So it’s absolutely possible, for example, many dealers keep a stock of the product, and if your warranty has expired, you can find analogues in spare parts stores.

What I would like to say is, guys, change the elements at the different stations, and even when replacing, you will need to remove (often replace) the entire assembly, if you remove it incorrectly, you can cause damage. For example, the bulge and kerma tips break easily, which can damage the grenade. The axle requires such a part, I think the material is brown, read our AUTOBLOG

First of all, we need to figure out what the CV joint blade is, and why it can break.

  • CV joint - the joint of straight body parts - a vuzol, which is practically in the skin
  • current car
  • .

Its function is to transmit the torque that is rotated from the axles to the drive wheels, and thus directly.

Before you carry out a replacement or, as we have a breakdown, repairs, it will not be necessary. To put it simply, understand, the integrity of everything has been destroyed. You can earn money in a number of ways.

First of all, listen to your car. Start the car, shift it to forward (first for cars with manual transmission) gear, turn the brake seal all the way against the lock. After this, turn off the gas sharply until it stops.

As soon as this maneuver you sensed

outside sounds

(crackling, clanging, whistling) from the side of the front wheels - you need to look at the saw blades.

In other words, there are a number of healthy methods. Look around wheel rims . The presence of a thick black substance on them suggests that the sawdust has torn and the butter has splattered out.

  • If it’s true, don’t continue the collapse every time.
  • Thirdly, you can look around the saw log itself.
  • To do this, turn the wheel all the way so that you can clearly turn the saw blade.
  • Make sure that there are no visual defects: cracks, rips.

How to repair

If the saw blade is still in good shape, but you don’t want to buy a new one (we recommend that you change your mind) or wait until it arrives to be able to seal the saw blade to the CV joint.

First option -

vikorystuvati gum patches

  • , as you call vikoryst for
  • car tires
  • .

First of all, you need to jack up the car, remove the wheel and remove the debris from the surface. Then, using a syringe or any other similar tool, fill the saw blade with oil.

It is better, obviously, to remove it, wash it and stuff it, otherwise you can earn it through the hole that has disappeared into it.

  1. Next, take a plastic bag and wrap it around the saw blade and part of the shaft.
  1. Don't forget to push the package near the furrow.

Spin the wheel (obviously when it's collapsing!) to roll over, so that your structure can easily collapse.

  1. Next, take a plastic bag and wrap it around the saw blade and part of the shaft.

Now there is no need to rewind everything with tape.

Plastic and silicone saw blades.

In essence, these are analogues of humic sawdust, made from other materials. Plastic saw blades are famous for their resistance to mechanical damage, and silicone ones are resistant to large temperature changes. Metal saw blades. Yes, there are such things. Let's brighten the butt of such saw blades - the saw blade is retouched on

  1. steering knuckle

, and steals the saw and beam

wheel bearing

  1. and without that, graceful to the point of grandeur.

The metal saw blade gets stuck in the groove between the parts.

Always change the saw blades.

  1. As I have already written, the saw blades serve to protect the brood, apparently, as the saw blade gets damaged, it immediately gets filled with brood and, mixed with damage, destroys the bearings and “wiggles” the crevices, depriving the viroblennya
  2. If the saw blade is damaged and there is grease behind the new leaf, then such a file must be replaced and a new one filled with oil.
  3. So it’s best to do it with a cracked saw blade, so as not to reap the “fruits” later.
  4. Replacing saw blades with your own hands in garage washrooms.
  5. Five paragraphs earlier, I explained that saw blades are attached to clamps, retaining rings, or simply get clogged.
  6. And everything would be extremely simple, just unscrew the clamp and change the saw blade, and then the main forge checks.
  7. It is not difficult to remove an old saw log, even if it is enough to cut it, but in order to fit a new one, it is necessary to weld the edge of the part.

Replacing the saw blade of the VAZ 2109 CV joint.
It’s immediately practical to send silicone-coated aerosol cans to the smallest auto parts store for any taste or pleasure. I won’t repeat myself about the power of this universal oil. And the axis is stagnating as if the people are shuffling, this kind of oil seems to be one-sided. Like anointing the rubber bands on the chins, brushing the locks, trimming the tires. One idiot wrote that the brushes of the squeegee cleaners were smeared with such silicone - he spat that the ice was wiped out from separation :)) It’s not in anyone’s food.
Anyone has a car below:), and even on Niva it’s so easy
humovykh chokhliv saw blades, which protect vitally important parts of the car from water, waste, and similar fluids + galvanic hoses especially. Respectfully, these gums and silicones will require peace. Particularly relevant for winter period . The brood is frozen, the ice is melting from the salt or any other chemicals at a dose, and the hot grains of compressed snow-ice can be wiped along the roads or the gum that was spent in the cold is very effective. And after the end of the winter on the special stink, they simply become covered with a network of small cracks and tear... It’s not good to singly describe how difficult it is to replace the saw blade of the internal CV joint: (( Don't know who you are, but in me
as a rule for the winter season
External treatment of these common humobacters with silicone oil.
Moreover, during the entire period, the machine has had less than one scratch in the frost, after climbing in the snow, it has not cracked :) Having tried different things:
RW6085, BBF, WD-40 /

only silicone, not legron!/

With the same result, they all tend to stick to gum, silicone, and plastic. And the price is approximately the same. It’s really boring to talk about silicone oil

Hi Gear

, ale