Kohaniy aphroditi.


The ancient Greek mythology is familiar to all of us from childhood in school.

Today's boys are no less engrossed in stories about the benefits of the gods than living on Olympus, just as their fathers and grandparents worked.

It’s hard to understand today’s people, if they didn’t know who Zeus, Poseidon, Athena and Ares were.

The most popular heroine of ancient myths is Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty and beauty, the eternally young baggage of Olympus.

Aphrodite is an ancient Greek goddess who was famous for her novels, both with people like her and with ordinary people.

There is little power to hide impersonal people within yourself.

Being a squad of the ugly and kulgay god Hephaestus, the patron of fire and forge, she was delighted by the fact that she entered into love affairs on the battlefield.

Having not given birth to her own human child, she bestowed her other rogues with spedkaemts.

After the birth of the god of war Ares, Aphrodite had 5 children (Deimos, Phobos, Eros, Anteros and Harmony).

Through her union with the patron of winemaking, Dionysus, she gave birth to the son Priapus.

Aphrodite is the goddess of Ancient Greece, who became the heroine of the facelessness of ancient myths.

Like any woman, her power will be different.

In some versions, Aphrodite is a magnanimous ruler of human life, in others she is a beautiful beauty, and in others she is a cruel arbiter of fates, the wrath of which is impossible to subside.

The myth of Pygmalion

According to one of the passages, the talented artist Pygmalion is alive in Cyprus.

He hates wives and lives as a hermit, not allowing himself to get upset and create family.

As if he had created a statue of a woman of incredible beauty from an ivory tassel.

Walking through the forest, Narcissus wanted to drink some water.

Having admired the stream of clear, clear water, he exaggerated his imagination and passionately fell into him.

It seemed like the pain was so strong that I would stop eating and sleeping.

Thinking about the beautiful young man steadily, protea, bachachi yo near the water, could not get to the bottom of anything.

And once Narciss realized that he had fallen in love with himself.

This made me feel even worse.

Aphrodite's lover was the son of the king of Troy, Paris.

The patroness of roses, Erida, decided to cook the Greek goddesses and threw them a gold apple with the inscription “The Most Beautiful.”

He was marked by Aphrodite, Hera and Artemis, and they began to squabble about who was going to get it.

The judiciary of the goddesses was entrusted to Paris.

The skin of them tried to bribe the young man with great benefits.

The victor in this duel was Aphrodite, who promised to give the most beautiful of the earthly wives for her squad.

Having gained the grace and support of the goddess of the sun, Paris immediately incurred the wrath of Hera and Artemis.

The rose apple became the beginning of the Trojan War, and the most beautiful woman was Olena, the squad of the Spartan king Menelaus.

Before her, Aphrodite herself punished Paris.

Eros and Gimeney - patron saints of Kohannya and Beauty

Aphrodite can be seen in paintings written by famous artists of the Renaissance.

Titian’s brushes include the work “Venus and Adonis” (1553), the plot of which conveys the reverent feelings of the goddess to a mere mortal youth.

In the painting “Sleeping Venus”, painted by the Italian artist Giorgione around 1505-1510, the patroness of Kohanna is depicted in the form of a naked beauty, who sits on the aphids of nature.

The image of the ancient goddess, created by the master, becoming a part of the ideal wife of the Virgin Mary.

Another masterpiece of painting that depicts Aphrodite is Sandro Botticelli’s painting “The Nativity of Venus” (1486).

On it, the artist depicted the plot of an ancient retelling, which reveals the appearance of the great patron of the khan and the beauty of the sea tree.

Thanks to the works of mysticism and Greek myths, one can see how the goddess Aphrodite appeared to ancient people.

Photos of sculptures and paintings depicting the golden-haired bag of Olympus vividly convey its beauty, which encourages today’s rich people to create new masterpieces.

Greek mythology contains a lot of information about the world, its laws and revelations.

Who has the honor to get involved like that?

The rightful head of Cyprus was Hephaestus, the farrier god, who spent more than an hour at his forge and at least at his bedchamber.

It’s not surprising that the most beautiful of the most beautiful was scurrying and joking around with them.

Kohanna among the Romans) married Ares, the god of war, and gave birth to five children.

Once the man learned about the evil and created a golden barrier to catch the infidels in place of the evil.

After the death, Aphrodite went to Hephaestus.

She has connections with Hermes, Dionysus, and also with mortal men.

The daughter’s grief upset Zeus, and he decided to help her.

The Thunderer hurled special complaints at his brother Hades, so that he would unnecessarily release Adonis from the world of the living.
The frowning king of the underworld has waited a while.

From that hour, the short young man was allowed to destroy the mountain, right in the vicinity of Aphrodite.

When Aphrodite found out about the death of Adonis, filled with incredible grief, she herself went to the mountains of Cyprus to look for the body of the kohan young man.

Aphrodite fell along steep mountain stirrups, in the middle of gloomy gorges, along the edges of deep chasms.

  • The sharp stones and thorns of the thorn wounded the lower yogis of the goddess.

Drops of divine blood fell to the ground, leaving no trace of where the goddess passed.

  • Aphrodite found the body of Adonis.

Girko was crying over the young man who died so early.

  • So that the memory of him will always be preserved, the goddess of virility from the blood of Adonis commanded the lower anemone.
  • And there, where drops of blood fell from the wounded legs of the goddess, fruit trees and chervons grew everywhere, like the blood of Aphrodite.

Zeus the Thunderer looked over the grief of the goddess Kohanna.

  • He ordered his brother Hades and his companions Persephone to release the cheek of Adonis to the earth from the dark kingdom of the shadows of the dead.
  • From that hour Adonis was lost from the kingdom of Hades, and he lived on earth with the goddess Aphrodite.
  • All nature rejoices when the young, beautiful lover of golden Aphrodite, Adonis, turns to the earth before the bright changes of the sun.
  • the daughter of Salmonea, the son of the god Eol, the squad of the Thessalian king Creteus (Crepheus) and the mother of Eson, the king of Iolka, Pheret and Amiphaon, gave birth to the god Poseidon, who took the image of her kohan god Enipeus, the twins of Pelias and Neleus


  • god of the river of the same name in Etolia, son of Ares, father of Marpes, god of the god Apollo, and then the warriors of Idas and mother Cleopatri
  • human name: (Latin) in the name of the god of redness and trade
  • god of trade in ancient Roman mythology
  • Roman god of trade, merchants and profits
  • This god of ancient Roman mythology is depicted as a Hamanian
  • What ancient Roman god does the Greek Hephaestus represent?

("pan") - the son of the king of Cyprus Kinir and Mirri, a young beautiful god who rules the order of speeches on earth.

A just and wise king lives in Cyprus Kіnir.

Kіnir They were born in Byblos and transferred to Cyprus much of the Phoenician culture. Kinir taught the people of the island of Cyprus traditional music, dancing and a variety of crafts.(Kіniras) - king of Cyprus, son of Apollo, father

Mirri (Smirni), father and grandfather of Adonis. Apparently Kinir’s squad boasted that their daughter
beautiful for Aphrodite herself.

The goddess did not recognize such an image and inspired Mirra with a passion for her father.
As if in the morning, when her one-year-old got Kinira so drunk that she no longer understood anything, Mirra climbed into the bed again. Kinir, having learned that his daughter had deceived her into conceiving a child of such a small family, she became so angry that she pulled down her sword and the falcon Mirra rushed out of the palace. Once Father had caught up with them, Aphrodite hastily transferred them to the light tree, and Father’s sword split into pieces.

Little Adonis fell through the cracks. Aphrodite, already complaining about the misdeed, put Adonis into bed and handed him over to Persephone, the queen of the dead, asking him to be welcomed in a quiet place. Persephone, who had burned with bitterness, opened the screen and saw Adonis in it. He was so cute that she took him in her arms and carried him to her palace, where she hugged him. One day, Aphrodite descended into Hades and fed Persephone, what became of that screen that she was given to save.
Persephone called to the young man of unearthly beauty.
Aphrodite spent the entire hour with the Kohanim.
Aphrodite loved him in the mountains and forests of Cyprus, like the maiden Artemis.

At other times, she had to deprive herself of her khan in order to go to Olympus.

And Adonis fell in love one by one.

Persephone, having learned that Aphrodite was dishonest in spending more time with Adonis, decided to take revenge.

She destroyed Ares, the son of Aphrodite, and declared to you that Pinnonarogena gives precedence to you, the great Ares-Enial, who is a mortal, effeminate, handsome Adonis. Having become engrossed in jealousy, rather than eagerly quarreling with Aphrodite, Ares transformed into a wild boar and headed straight to the place of his rival’s watering.

When Adonis's dogs attacked the trail of the majestic boar, the young man was content with such rich treasure.

He didn’t realize that there would be no water left.