Restoration of rear window heating threads. Shamanic methods. Heated rear window heating. What to do? Step-by-step instruction repair rear window heating in an industrial way

If heated does not work rear glass Auto B. winterThe visibility is significantly reduced, undermining the safety of the driver and passengers. That is why when identifying a malfunction should immediately do repair.


How does the heating of the rear window work?

All circuits of heating rear window auto are similar and practically do not have significant differences among themselves. AvtoVAZ models, as well as imported cars are equipped with the same type of construction and the principle of functioning. Thin tracks are applied to the surface of the rear window - conductive threads. Passing electricity forces them to warm them. From the outside of the glass there is a quick melting of snow and ice, and interior The surface is getting rid of fogging.

Scheme of heating

Before detecting malfunctions of the device and try to eliminate them, you should familiarize yourself with the heating scheme and deal with the components necessary for its stable operation.

Auto rear window heating circuit

Deciphering the scheme:

  • 1 - conductive threads;
  • 2 - indication on the instrument panel;
  • 3 - button on / off;
  • 4 - Ignition Castle;
  • 5 - relays;
  • 6 - Mounting block.

On the video you will learn how to repair the heating of the rear window yourself. The roller is provided by Experiment _ TV.

Possible malfunctions of the device

If the heating of the rear window does not work, then one of the above components fell out or an open circuit occurred. You can check all nodes of the heating device yourself if there is at least the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe repair of machines. Below in detail we consider the causes of the malfunction of each node.

System fuse

Initially, when heated problems occur, make sure that the safety element is integrity. Its burnout will affect the device performance. Each automaker in its models accommodates this fuse in different places. To quickly find its location, it is recommended to use the instruction manual for the car or service book.

It is necessary to remove the found item and check for suitability. The blurring fuse should be changed to a new one, otherwise further attempts to search for glass heating faults will be meaningless.


One of the reasons for the failure of glass heating can be a relay malfunction, this element is located in mounting block. The relay turns off the heating when the motor stops working. This device is not subject to recovery, so it is changed to the new one.

Wiring faults

If the fuse and relays are in good condition, the diagnosis of electrical wires is required. They probably broke, burned out or cut off at the place of attachment. In this case, the heating strips will not receive voltage.

Test the condition of the nutrient electrical conductors like this:

  1. You need to turn on the heating button.
  2. Using a multimeter, check the voltage on the first and second terminal for connecting the wires to the "tires" of heating. They are located at the bottom or on both sides of the glass. The absence of stress is the cause of the inoperability of the heater.

The first thing you want to take in this case is to clean the contacts of the terminals and all the plots of the connection, they can oxidize and do not pass the current. If the tester still gives "0", it means somewhere in the wiring there is a break. A visual inspection of the entire path of electrical caps is performed. Finding suspicious or damaged areas, you need to connect them, since in these places, it may have occurred.


Heating stripes are also affected by damage. Before looking for a problem area, you should read directly with the workflow in the threads.

The voltage supply is carried out on the entire heating node and dispersed evenly for each parallel to the connected tape. As a result, these tapes perform the role of electrical conductors. Due to resistance heated to small temperaturewhich is enough to remove ice and snow from the glass surface. If the integrity of one of the threads is broken, the electric current will stop circulating according to it, the heating of this glass area will not be performed.

Night integrity disorder


When you click on the button, the indicator that is notified about the start of work should light up. If the switch is activated, the indicator is lit, and the heating still does not occur, it means that the contacts of the buttons came into disrepair. As a result, the supply of electricity to the heater is not carried out. The wired toggle switch is not repaired - you need to install a new one.

Repair of heating with their own hands

The most common cause of non-working heating is damage to thin conductive threads. Modern technologies allow you to restore the sections of the cliff of these threads with their own hands without attracting specialists.

Search Fitution Cliff

First you need to find damaged strands. The process will not take a long time, as the cliffs are excellent noticeable with the naked eye. Multiple damages are extremely rare, which are difficult to see, in this case you need to use a voltmeter.

The thread has a resistance of 10 ohms, its voltage is specified on each site. In the first - tension equals twelve volts, on the third - already six, and on the fifth - zero. To search for the cliff, the voltage in the center of each element is measured. If there is damage, the multimeter will give 12 or 0 volts, it is clear from here that a break from the left or right side of the thread.

Troubleshooting the heater using copper solution

To work, you will need:

  • sulfuric acid;
  • copper rod, diameter up to 10 mm;
  • copper sulphate;
  • tissue band 50x30 cm;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • glass cleaning agent.

Repair damage to the conductive threads are necessary like this:

  1. At the first stage it is important to prepare a surface with damage to restoration work. To do this, use the rag moistened in alcohol and wipe it glass. When the dirt is completely removed, degrease the surface.
  2. We glue the tape on both sides of the conductive thread at the break point. Sticky tape is fucked so that the width between the strips corresponded to the heating thread.
  3. Copper rod from one end is winding with a cloth. The so-called brush is fixed with threads.
  4. Copper solution is prepared. Half of the glass of water is thoroughly mixed with two teaspoons of copper sulfate. A slightly concentrated sulfuric acid or electrolyte from car batteries is added to the resulting liquid.
  5. Terminals from the heating device are connected to the mass. The wire from the "positive" terminal of the battery is connected to a previously made tissue of a metal rod.
  6. The resulting electrode impregnated in solution is thoroughly rubbed the sections of the torn threads. The ends of serious cliffs are pre-processed using an electrician. They also establishes a binder jumper from the finest wire. As a result, slightly damaged areas are tightened with copper.

Troubleshooting the heater with a conductive adhesive

Conductive glue is a specialized pasta, which includes a fine powder palladium, as well as nickel gold or silver. Thanks to the elements listed, this substance perfectly conducts current and is characterized by good connecting properties. The process of restoring the heating threads of feed glass with a conductive adhesive is faster and more efficient.

To proceed to restore threads, we perform the same procedures for cleaning the glass surface and the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe tape. For the preparation of conductive glue in repair kits, two substances are provided that should be carefully mixed in a separate container. How to prepare the composition and further use it for the purpose is written in the instructions on the package.

The application of glue occurs with a brush or cotton sticks, the size of the layer should not exceed 2 mm. The average time of pouring the conductive composition is 30 minutes. After 24 hours, we remove the excess substance, this is done using a knife or any acute subject.

When removing excess conductive adhesives should be used extremely gently, otherwise the surface of the heating device will be damaged again.

Video "Repair threads of heating rear window"

Detailed explanation of the repair of heating threads. The roller is taken from the channel "Logbook Renault Megan".

Each vehicle is equipped with a rear window heating device, which allows the driver in bad weather to have a complete picture about what is happening from behind his car. But sometimes it happens that this device fails, from which safety when driving is significantly reduced. How is the repair of heating rear window, how to make this procedure with your own hands? Find out below.


Description of the rear window heater

First of all, it is necessary to deal with what is a conductive heating of the car, how the filament of the incandeship film works and what kind of malfunction is characteristic.


Heating windshield or rear well copes not only with ice thawing in winter time years, but also with fogging in dry weather. Thanks to the threads of the incandescent film, glass can evenly get rid of ice while the machine is heated. When the heater's air flow is only beginning to become warm, heating windshield or rear will already make it completely transparent. The heater is the only one effective method In the fight against fogging.

As for the windshield - its heating is carried out as a result of the impact on it of warm air. As for the rear, then in this case the heater is a certain amount of incandescent threads on the film mounted on glue that operate from voltage. On the heated glass, these threads are installed, characterized by greater resistance. The filament of incandescent mounted on glue is carried out through themselves energy that allows you to highlight heat. Ultimately, when the heating button of the rear window is pressed, the threads begin to warm and completely heated.

Principle of operation and function

If you do not work the heating of the rear window or wind, then for proper diagnostics, breakdowns need to be dealt with the principle of work. Below is a scheme of work and connect the heater with your own hands to the on-board network of the car. As you can see, food goes with a positive battery terminal through the ignition lock, as well as fuses, in the end, entering the device controller and the relay contact. As for the minus conclusion, it connects to the body vehicleThe mass is also connected one of the conclusions of the heater.

During the activation of the heater, the current begins to go to the relay winding. After the relay is triggered, the power contacts are closed, as well as the simultaneous connection of two conclusions marked with numbers 87 and 30. The voltage enters the car heater, passing through the threads installed on the glue, interconnected in parallel. After that, the voltage passes again through the mass of the car and returns to minus the battery.

Possible malfunctions and their signs

If the heating of the rear window does not work, then the motorists usually recognize this when it starts sweating or falls on it. Including the function of the heater, you can wait for a very long time, as a result, the results will not be or the glass is heated partially. Here you do not need to be a big specialist in order to understand that the device requires repair.

Depending on the connection scheme, the car heater or rear window can be turned on both when the ignition is turned on and without it, but usually still works with the on. Depending on the car, wind or threads mounted on the glue on the rear window can only work after starting the engine. This allows you to prevent an accelerated battery discharge (video author - Logbook Renault Megan).

It should also be noted, the device can operate on a current from 10 to 25 amps, it all depends on a particular car.

So, if the rear window heating does not work, then the fault types may be several:

  1. The system does not turn on. In the event that the lamp located on the button does not shine when the system is turned on, most likely, the problem is either in the button or in the fuse. If the lamp is on, but the threads planted on the glue are not warm, the relay must be checked. In some cases, the problem lies in the connecting connectors of the device with a car electr cap, so you need to check these elements. Diagnosis is carried out in accordance with the service documentation for the car.
  2. If the rear or windshield turns slowly, especially in the period of winter cold, the essence of the problem can be in bad contact of one of the connectors, it needs to be checked. In the end, the resistance of the contacts will increase, and the voltage will be less powerful, respectively, the threads planted with the glue will warm up longer. In order to test it, you must use the multimeter and measure the voltage indicator on the terminals of the device. If there are differences in the testimony, they must be no more than one volt. Otherwise, it will be necessary to restore the heating of the rear window of the car.
  3. Horizontal footprints remain on the autoglack - Another fault type. One of the most common problems in this case is to break the filaments of incandescent in certain places. Usually it is possible to check and reveal such a breakdown without special devices, just to the eye, because in the place of the breakage of the autoglass will not flaunt or swam. It should be noted that even with a small mechanical effects of the track destroyed, so when cleaning the autoglass, it is necessary to carefully use the scraper. If you practice transportation overall cargo, make sure that they do not rest in the rear window.

Diagnosis and repair

Methods for finding a problem thread

With your own hands, repair and diagnosis is not so difficult.

There are several options for checking with your own hands:

  1. First of all, this is a visual check. When moving the autoglass, turn on the system. In the place where the breakdown occurred, it will take off almost immediately. In this case, the rest of the surface will not be warm. This method of diagnosis with your own hands is the easiest.
  2. Another option check with your own hands - using a voltmeter. You need to activate the ignition of the car and, accordingly, the heating system. One probe voltmeter should be put on a vehicle mass, and the second turns into the food foil, after which it must be reduced to the heating yarn. When performing such a procedure, you will notice that the voltage level is no more than 5 volts. If this indicator decreases to 0 or increases to 12, in this place there was a breakdown.
  3. Another diagnostic version with your own hands is the same voltmeter. One voltmeter probe is connected to the plus of the system, and the second must be moved along the incandescent thread, from the minus side. Where the breakdown occurred, the voltage level will decrease to zero, in which case the repair will be required.
  4. The last diagnostic option is your own hands - using an ohmmeter. The device's probes are connected to minus and plus system. You need to take a piece of the rolling and moisten it in distilled water, then spend on the thread. When the arrow of the Ommeter starts to move, it will talk about the cliff.

Repair options do it yourself

How to repair the heating of the rear window at home? There are several ways:

  1. Using Remkomplekt. In practice, repair kits usually have the same characteristics - usually they allow you to restore up to 10 cm damaged threads. Such remklects include the threads themselves, as well as a canister or tube with a special polymer resin. For repair, you need to accurately identify the place of the cliff, then disconnect the heating system. Next, you need to remove the protective film and attach a new thread to the place of damage. Using a brush, a polymer resin should be applied, repeat the application procedure after complete drying. Before the next use of the system, it is necessary to wait a day.
  2. For repair, you can use a conductive paste - the substance layer must be applied to the break point. It should be noted that when applied it is necessary to capture several centimeters on each side, wait about a day after applying. So that the paste dried faster, it can be blown up with a construction hairdryer.

Video "How to repair the heater at home"

A detailed system for repairing the system with your own hands is given on the video below (the author of the video is self-skinned and gadget +).

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There are such problems in the car in which you can ride, as before, but they constantly worry, cause unpleasant feelings. Such faults refers to the failure of the glass heating contour from behind the car.

Typically, this electrical circuit is always repaired. And the troubles happen to these threads for the following reasons:

  • crack on the window;
  • refusal of contacts;
  • chain rupture;
  • natural wear part of the track on the window;
  • application scratches on the track mechanically.

The filament is most often ruined on the window. Sometimes it can be determined visually, but more often - with the help of the device. Next, we will figure it out how to diagnose, and how the rear window heating is repaired.

How to restore heat with glue

We will understand phased process Repairing rear window heating when the thread breaks with their own hands. We will be useful:

  • electric tester;
  • conductive glue used for glass repair;
  • tin foil;
  • scotch;
  • solvent, clean fabric.

Read also about and.

Buy special adhesive for rear window heating repair can be in a regular auto shop. We start repairing damaged heating threads, including this system button in the cabin.

  1. First of all, we determine the place of break. To do this, we turn on the tester to the voltmeter mode and, applying foil to the threads on the window, through the foil, check the thread, moving from a positive contact. At the same time, the other probe is applied to the negative context of the heater.
  2. At the site of the cliff, the voltage jums up from zero to several volts.
  3. Next, we wipe the place of breaking the solvent.
  4. We glue the tape from above and bottom of the thread, leaving the distance on the thickness of the thread.
  5. We apply glue conductive to repair the heating threads with a syringe or a brush. It all depends on what is offered in a set with glue. In addition to the empty place in the break, we rinse about the centimeter of each end of the whole thread.
  6. We remove the scotch. Let's wait about 24 hours before the complete drying of the glue.
  7. Remove excess, wipe the place of repair.

So the repair of damaged threads of the rear window heating do it yourself. It is clear that it will have to buy a set with glue.

What to do with contacts and other methods

And now let's talk about how to make the repair of the rear window heating contacts. To do this, you must first figure out the principle of constructing this electrical circuit.

It turns on only when the ignition is turned on, the additional relay is responsible for it. It feeds the system to the system button. When the button is turned on, the light lights up in parallel and the inclusion relay is activated, powered by the fuse. Further, the voltage is supplied with heating threads.

Repair of glass heating contacts is to restore their performance. To repair any faulty terminal of the heating of the rear window, we will need:

  • multimeter;
  • screwdriver;
  • soldering iron, solder, rosin.

All the manipulation described below are available on the Internet as a video titled: "Glass heating repair with their own hands." We collapse further in words. So, the actions are as follows.

  1. Check all the chain elements to search for a fault location. First we look at the fuse.
  2. Next, check the help of the button, measuring the multimeter contacts when it is turned on.
  3. Checking the relay, when it is triggered, the corresponding contacts must be given voltage 12 V.
  4. Measure the voltage of the connector at the windows behind.
  5. We check all the wires running from the button and the relay to the system of heating tracks, look, what is the state of isolation, there is no location on the car body.
  6. A faulty place restore the terminal replacement, additional insulation or propagate contact.

This is where the repair of the heating of the rear window of the car is made. If the chain rupture was on the threads, then we find a specific place for the algorithm already painted above using the tester. Further, in the absence of purchased glue, it is possible to fix the thread break.


  • brass or copper bar;
  • file;
  • red paint;
  • scotch.

  1. Cooking brass or copper with a file.
  2. We mix the paint with the chips in proportion 1/1.
  3. Turn on heating.
  4. We glue the tape from above and below the faulty area, leaving the distance commensurate with the thread thickness. Clean this area.
  5. We apply the composition of paint and chips.
  6. We expect to dry out a few minutes. We remove the scotch.

Here is such an interesting technology. There is another option to restore the lost section of the warming path in the absence of special glue. Consider it on the example of a particular car.

To repair glass heating from behind, Renault Logan, we need to use the following accessories:

  • copper cune (purchased at the fertilizer store);
  • electrolyte rechargeable (sold in any auto shop);
  • cut of the rod from copper with a diameter of about 6 mm;
  • a piece of ordinary fabric.

This method is called electrolytic. It is necessary to produce the following manipulations.

  1. The end of the rod wrap a piece of fabric so that the tip hung a little, and, to fix it, so as not to fall off.
  2. It is possible to prepare a solution for work in such a proportion: a half-table of water plus two teaspoons of copper sulfate, and literally a hundredths of electrolyte. All stir.
  3. Connect the rod with a rag as an electrode to the plus output car battery. In this case, the contact of the thread on the glass with a minus chain must be good.
  4. The resulting positive electrode makeup into the solution and driving along the lost region of the heating path. Copper from the solution must delay the entire area.

This method helps well with all small scratches. In addition, it is not so complicated when execution, as it may seem at first glance.

The price of heat recovery

However, if I still do not want to do anything yourself, it is enough to contact the car service where the entire electric chain will be completely "sound", quickly will find a place of defect and professionally repaired.

And what is the price for repairing glass heating, is written in the table below. Here it is with average data on major Russian cities.

City Cost
Moscow 1100 rub.
St. Petersburg 1050 rub.
Yekaterinburg 1000 rub.
Samara 900 rub.

Here are the values \u200b\u200bobtained in the work of the average difficulty in a popular budget foreign car. For VAZ it will get a little cheaper - percent for twenty. Just car services always take a little less for domestic cars, so it happened, although somewhere mechanisms are easier arranged on foreign cars.

In winter, on cars in which air conditioning works in the best way, the rear window heater is a real rescue. Driving the machine, without being able to assess the situation from the back, extremely irresponsible, and go to the flooring places with outflows on the rear window is not recommended. Some drivers to remove Failed, use the scraper, but in most car models, the rear window heater is installed capable of eliminating the problem with icing.

The rear window heater is a very simple device, which is a series of horizontal lines from electrically conductive material applied directly to the glass. Near the side faces of glass to threads are suitable vertical conductors, through which the current and enters the electrically conductive material. The simple design of the rear window heater suggests that not so much reasons can lead to its failure. Below we present the main reasons due to which the device may not work, as well as the methods of repairing the rear window heater.

One of the most common faults of this component of the car is the thread break. Thin electrically conductive threads sufficiently touching enough to take place, and this will lead to the fact that the rear window heater will cease to perform the functions assigned to it. Most often, problem zones are diagnosed visually.

If you detect visible rear window heater threads, you can use diagnostic devices for troubleshooting. Get the multimeter and use it to measure the voltage on all sections of each thread. For example, each thread takes 5 conditional control points. The negative multimeter probe is connected to the mass, and the positive is supplied to the control points of each thread. Moving the measuring probe from one end of the thread to another, the voltage drop from 12 to 0 volts should be observed on the device. If in one of the control points, the voltage is higher or below the norm, it means that this section should look at more carefully, since it has a rupture of the chain.

Attention: Apply an acute probe to the threads of the heater should be careful not to apply new damage.

Repairs. Such a malfunction, the car enthusiast can easily be eliminated independently. A special set for restoring the rear glass heater pattern is sold in automotive stores. The kit includes stencil, conductive glue and brush. The stencil is glued on both sides of the damaged area, after which the conductive glue is applied to problem zone. Next, it is necessary to wait until the composition dries off (about 30 minutes) and remove the stencil.

Rear window heater fuse blocked

If any electric device on the car stopped working, first it is necessary. To the failure of the fuse can lead a temporary jump of the current in the onboard chain of a car or a more serious malfunction.

Repairs. First, try simply change the fuse and use the device in normal mode. If the problem persists, and the element again fails, determine and eliminate it.

The rear window heater can stop working properly due to the oxidation of the contact directly glued to the glass. To detect this malfunction, it is necessary to measure the supply wire voltage and make sure that it exceeds 11 volts.

Repairs. If the measurement was obtained less than 11 volts, it is necessary to clean the contact of the oxides formed. To stripping contact, you can use sandpaper paper with small grains or special toolRemoving rust.

Other faults of the rear window heater

If all the diagnostic procedures described above are carried out, but the problem is not found, it means that the heater of the rear window does not work because of the breaking of the wiring or failure of the power button. It is recommended to figure out first possible problems In the button, and if they are not detected, you will have to diagnose the wiring break.

If you are reading this article, then the heating of the rear window is definitely it is an indispensable function of your car. Nevertheless, for many decades, drivers were forced to ride without heating the rear windows. From the thermal functions of the brake of the car was only the very warm air that blends from the ventilation holes at the base of the windshield, but this, of course, it was not enough so that such air could dry and warm the rear window in the rear end of the cabin. However, if you had children, you could give them a little cloth and give orders to make the rear window to be clean, but agree, this is not a very welcome perspective!

Then this curious grid of wiring threads on the rear window appeared. Button on dashboard Includes the system, and directly in front of the fog (condensate) will disappear on it. Soon such a defroster became standard for the rear windows of most cars, and today almost all the cars are equipped with the heating of the rear window.

But, unfortunately, like everything else in your car, heating is also susceptible to breakdowns. And if it happened, then the first step that should always be done in troubleshooting is a clarification, why the rear window heating does not work before proceeding to one or another more specific and thorough diagnostic or repair method.

Repair the rear window heating thread

So, the repair of the rear window heating should be started with the search for a good kit for repairing heating, which, in general, is very primitive and consists of directly conductive means (glue, varnish, etc.) and brushes for its application (sometimes included Cancellation or tape can go for the border of glue. This set is sold in almost any auto shop, and when buying should pay attention to its color - it should be yellow-red, mustard or red - most often it is precisely such means for repair are the most qualitative and Reliable. In any case, you better choose glue from those that the same color that also applied to your rear window.

The second - the price of a set of means for repairing rear window yarns should be at least 300-400 rubles - here is exactly the case when quality depends on the cost.

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