Vodіyske sidіnnya rozmіri uaz bukhanets. Self-tuning to the UAZ salon “loaf. Change of technical characteristics

The production of the legendary vichiznyanny car UAZ-452 was built in the distant 1965 rotsi. The Ulyanivsk Automobile Plant has been tasked with setting up the most reliable, powerful car, such as a small car, without any special efforts, to get on its own way. The engineers of the UAZ fit into their employers - a call similar to the "bukhanets" hlib car was given for tasks from the supervisor of the tank colony.

Altogether naturally, at that hour the main power and engineering ideas were straightened to the stem of the most simple, a little borderline good car The comfort of the cabin and the quickness of the car was given a minimum of an hour. A lot of vіtchiznyh automobiles і year-olds іddayut to a nominal car, and not just some foreign analogs. The reasons for this are for the most part: the low price of the car, reliability, simplicity of operation, lack of opportunity to show imagination for the tuning of the UAZ "Bukhanets" salon.

Tuning to the UAZ "Bukhanets" salon: how is it possible to polish?

"Bukhanets" is always highly valued in the middle of the waters and, to visit this year, since there is a great number of foreigners on the car market, say goodbye to the child of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. UAZ-452 has a design that is simple, so everything is possible in a car polish and modernization.

It's not just tuning to the Loaf's salon with your own hands, but rather to make sure you get the right amount of time, give the car an additional styling. In general, it seems - to shake everything up, to create the maximum value and additional value for the visitor.

You can build up with the UAZ Bukhanets salon:

  • Replace the old seat or sheathe it with foam rubber;
  • Vstaniti new kermo s elektro - or hydro-pidsilyuvach;
  • Heat insulation;
  • Install the hatch in the salon;
  • Put the іnshu;
  • Equip with additional possessions.

All changes and policies are possible in the UAZ-452 salons, smut, fantasies and pennies.

Replacement of old children

If you go to the shop about the completion of the "Loaf", then in the first place there are a lot of vasniks of the car to use the same seat. First, there is a dilemma - to fix the old seat with foam rubber, or to get a new seat from the other car. Unambiguously say, it is more beautiful - it is ill-fated.

On one side, it’s simple to set up a new crystal and don’t spend an hour on the thoroughly old people. The axis of the only vіlnogo mіstіya on the passenger and vіdіyskoy sydіnnі is not so abundant. Install a non-branded crystal, do not go. If you talk about Russian counterparts, then in the salon "Loaf" you can get a seat from the "nine" or from Moskvich-2141.

Possibility of a crystal can also be found at the onset of inomarks:

  • Honda Civic;
  • Toyota RAV4;
  • Opel Astra;
  • Passat B3.

Importantly, the sydіnnya didn’t bully high, in the first place it’s not handy. If we have planned a part of the trip to the fishing trip for the "bukhanets", then in the salon we will not occupy the organizing of the individual bedrooms and the folding table. At the rear passenger's view, the bazhano replace the "old" illumination. Salon plafonіv to fill up a lot, shydko plant whether the accumulator is not difficult to store. The exit from the camp of the offensives is the replacement of the light bulbs on the light bulbs.

Install mo noviy kermo

The tuning salon of UAZ "Bukhanets" cannot do without replacing kerm. Bagatyokh vlasnikiv cars are not vlashtovuє rіdna "bagel". From a standard kerm, your hands quickly become tired for an hour of trivial trips, which is a lot of power for an hour to tune the UAZ-452 with your own hands, before you replace the warehouse with comfortable water. Ale in the whole food is also difficult. On the right in the one that is going to go along the slopes more yakisne steering wheel not so easy.

Photo tuning salon from patriotiv vіtchiznyany car industry on butt UAZ 452 Bukhanets

There are a lot of car-graders who have their own vibrations on kermis from "Gazelle", but without additional processing, they will be very high. Yak alternative - installation of a specially adapted steering wheel for UAZ-452. Such annexes can be found practically in a leather car shop. If there is a special bazhanya and possibilities, replace the steering wheel, it is not, then you can get by with a simple payment for obid.

Problematic heat insulation to the salon

For a comfortable temperature in the salons of the "Loaf", it is most beautiful for an hour to adjust the heat insulation. The whole robot doesn’t see much for an hour - it’s enough to lay down plywood, foam rubber and heat insulation with your hands. Yak heat-insulated can be vicoristovuvati pіnopolіsterol. It’s easy to finish it and just work it out in importantly accessible places to get rid of the dullness of the material.

But such material is short-lived - it’s easy to light up and before the hour is strong, it’s very special. That vibrating heat insulator to lay down essentially as a sign of the car and the climatic features of the region. Krim polystyrene foam is also extended by penofol - polyethylene foam with a ball of foil.

I will install a new priladov panel and a hatch in the salons of the UAZ-452

Another shortcoming of "Loafs" is a primitive padded panel with minimal information. I want to embellish the "tidy" and make sure that the hairs are glued to the car and pasted over the car. Ale yak bootie with uninformative attachments? In general, only self-tuning is possible. The solution for all two: the installation of a new panel, for example, for the GAZ-3110, or the maximum equipment of the panel for additional ownership.

You can install it by:

  1. Navigator.
  2. Video editor.
  3. Sensor magnetol.
  4. Anti-radar.

It is possible to equip the panel with a great number of young attachments, there is plenty of space. Also for the continuous flow of fresh food into the "Loaf" salon, I will not be interested in organizing the hatch. For tsoy to know the zvaryuvalny device, drill, grinder. The robot will finish the coin, or the result will turn over all the ochikuvannya.

All kinds of tuning to the salon "Loafs" with their own hands to finish the bagato. UAZ-452 - to finish off a simple, ale unique car, which gives absolute freedom for vlasnikov, as it is surrounded by only a powerful fantasy and penny cats... It is possible to install an automatic sofa in the car interior, add DVDs and modern attachments meaningfully forgive life and additionally help speed up an hour, considering and relaxing during a trivial trip.

Automobile, vidomy rosiyanam yak UAZ 452 "bukhanets", A yak car was built to guide the tank colony. The body of the minibus, insured for the podolannya of tank cartridges, vyshov mitsnim, hocha and not handy. Well, service in the army is not an admission to a sanatorium! Go to the running shodo " bukhanets»It turned out to be unstoppable: cruising easily 80-90 km / h on asphalt, at reduced speed UAZ without kolivan, having finished without traffic.

True, for the connection front wheel drive The chauffeur was brought to a viskakuvati from the cabin and to wiggle with a wrench at the colony mothers, albeit the moment of the watery day, such a rocking is a joy!

Sorry! Naigolovn_sha problem UAZ 452- it is a sign of non-talent for koristuvach. To the very same in the first place, we will look at the topical tuning to the UAZ salon.

UAZ "loaf" know the comfort

When designing cabins UAZ the constructors were cherubated by anthropometric tributes of soldiers to the ear of the 50s. There is nothing marvelous in the fact that our grown-up fellows disgustingly fit into the standards of the middle of the last century. So come on tuning UAZ "loaf" from the modernization of the Water Mystsya - the archіpravіlnoe, as saying bi Lenin, solution.

Cruise of water in UAZi gray scale change from steering column axle to left. Most advanced tuning boxes are available for the seat until the motor driver shrieks. The hood is easy to move without difficulty, while the seat is easy to wear.

By outrageous demand є replacement of a bulky standard steering wheel UAZiv gone rocky in the release of a compact kermo vid passenger car... Installation of a hydrosilicon plant for a small diameter kerm.

In tendencies tuningattached panels UAZ you can see two straight lines. Prihilniki ceremonial blisk lining everything that you can reach with corrugated aluminum sheet.

Oscillations of polyvinylchloride aluminum are fastened to the metal of the body on top of plastic noise insulation, in the car it is visibly quieter. Lose yourself in tidying up the salon i trunk of UAZ... With the diligent professionalism of the viconavts, the aesthetics of the interior will grow.

Shanuvalniks ergonomic comfort vicoristovuyut trauma safety materials. Uskladnennya forms go on to cority with a spatku nonviolent to the salon. Mice for attachments and speech shuhlyadok on such a panel more and more yak perche. re-ownership UAZ More on the cob variety!

Reinforcing the motor drive into the tray for the drums is inexpensive and superbly reworked.

Trim your hand on the pulses of all systems of the car - find the right water supply UAZ 452... It is easy to read svіdchennya prladіv - the lock of the singing control of technology in the best minds!

Above the frontal slope, there is a place that is suitable for the distribution of dynamos, magnitols, stationary radio stations and other auxiliary electronics. Vicorize yogo! Options for the reform of the upper cabin " loaves"- bezlich!

The console, prompted by the symmetrically motor drive, is also able to accommodate the powerless information screens and control handles of the opaluvial system - more precisely, opaluvial systems. povnotsinny tuning UAZ "loaf", Especially for polyurethane foam, ill-fated without the installation of additional opalescent!

Tuning scorched UAZ 452

Know the water: in part of the thermal regime, old UAZ 452- Pekelny pidstup machine! In the frosty winters, dvigun, seeming from the bottom of all the windows, was overcooled, and the driver was not allowed to do so as they were in the scorched cabins. Vlіtku, the motor, being taken away from the nasty blowing, overheated - and, not boiling, the water turned on rude ...

True, all the burdens and relief fell on the share of the front seeds. V bodies « loaves“As a rule, at some point in time the temperature would rise, it was close to the outboard temperature. Chomu axis tuning UAZ 452 zavzhdi supervodzhutsya installation of autonomous obіgrіvacha for the salon. True, in some overclocking the extreme form ...

Potbelly stove behind the water? such tuning UAZ you can be smart. However, the method can be vypravdaniyu, in a persistent way, because of the taiga lack of traffic - even more in the list of firewood, less gasoline. And in a different way, drov'yana is rude (though, after all, it is not a potbelly stove), it’s quite useful for scorching a hairstyle.

In all the other vipadas, there is an autonomous cleaning of the car interior, which is right on the spot.

Thermal problems of the old 72-strong dviguna UAZ, Know about the replacement of the motor for a new 98-strong model.

It's quiet in the salon

Corrugated aluminum sheet, which is widely used in the tuning of pozashlyakhovikov (look at the interior of the tuned Nivi salon on the side), additionally helps to reduce the level of noise in the cab UAZ 452.

Popular and sometimes inexpensive two-piece aluminum sheet corrugated with aluminum is not suitable for installation on a machine stand - due to natural plasticity and non-resistance to abrasive wear.

Tuning equipment for the UAZ 452 salon

When bazhanna bodies UAZ 452 You can get a chef and a two-bedroom lіzhko, in the afternoon to transform into іnshі items of soft furniture.

A kitchenette with a small refrigerator (in the photo is a wine of blue colora), a room with drinking water, a miniature and an electric stove to harmoniously add to the comfort of those who go up in price. UAZi 452.

In most vipadkiv " bukhanets»Vikoristovuya for trips to places, de for sleep to fill up an inflatable mattress, and the kitchen will replace cauldrons over bagatyam. Ribolovno-mislivsky variant tuning UAZ 452 Today's demands are strong as nikoli!

The wide top hatch is the attachment of the hunter. Suvoriy claps the shutter, how to sound out UAZ "bukhantsya", Zbentezhiti і elk, і wed, і visit a car inspector... In addition, the hatch will serve as a ritual entry, as the love did not go for the script and the participants in the action overwhelmed, who is to blame for them.

Dobutlivaya polyvannya, vdala ribalka - the whole trophy! And the trophies need to be put together. Dosvіdchenі mislivtsі transfer in the car is kindly closed to the videobox. Neridko in the isolated the trunk of the UAZ roztashovutsya trench tool, spare wheel. It is possible to transport ammunition and ammunition in the lock-up boxes.

The game, however, has only one disagreeable feature ... Bagato twarin (that riba) smells like a pungent smell, so it’s impossible to transport them in the middle of the car.

Trunk and navisi UAZ 452

Trunk on the dakh UAZ Great virility in everyday situations. Krim transported by a chimal vantage, the called trunk can become a platform for a zasidzhennya oblastuvannya. Yogo can be covered with an awning і vikoristovuvati yak bezpechne bedroom misce in the warmth of the rock. Besides, trunk for UAZ zapishaє dakh vid ushkodzhennya for an hour overflowing dense thickets.

Ale є is not safe. The signs for koristuvach kolah use the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe installation on the trunk of the UAZ 452 winches with electric drive.

Do not rob the fatal pardon! Do not stand on the trunk "bukhantsya" winches! Inakshe zyattya z dakhu, let’s say, spare tires, beckon to skip - that's all! - to reimagine in a very difficult and difficult time.

why should you know spare wheel lebidkoyu, you will happen to:

Go upstairs and bring the prick at the working position;

Fasten the wheel;

Lower the wheel to the ground;

Go downstairs, pull out the wheel;

Go upstairs, wind the rope;

Turn the attachment from the working position in the transport;

Zl_zti z dakhu.

However, everything is worth it - physical culture is not healthy for health. Rodzinka intercourse from being a winder, relieved by a mechanical rope handler, є shielding, so that a tightly wound rope gets stuck in the middle of winding turns. Usunennya zashkivleniya - busy all-clay lusciousness, ale traumatic for the hands and not safe for the psyche.

For whom UAZ trunk neadminno varto vikoristovuvati - so tse for installing additional headlights. Yours on the right, put a drop of loose light or mount the finished block. There are some in the distance options for tuning "chandeliers" you will know in the statistics on the side.

So viglyadaє ...

And so to light one optics for pozashlyakhovikov.

We've gotten rid of some aspects tuning UAZ... Follow the site updates, and reject a lot of the best recommendations. tuning UAZіv new models.

If Vi is the owner of the old UAZ models, then there is a great number of brands that use the UAZ bukhanets salon. All for a few days of professional Mysteries to replace old non-handy accessories on modern models, as it is not only to add comfort for an hour on far rises, but I am also safe.

The whole process of modernization of the salon is guilty of last. Існує кілька main stages, de varto popratsyuvati:

  • Install the seat or the sofa
  • Replace the attached panel
  • Install zuchni partitions for sub-zones of the salon
  • Carry out replacement of pokrittіv on pіdlozі and body cladding
  • Install shelves and handrails, which will help passengers
  • Replace the steering wheel

As a matter of fact, the current industry and the geniality of the designers allow the tuning of the UAZ bukhanets salon to be carried out indefinitely. Uncommonly, the most important intervening factor is the number of available financial considerations.

Plating change for the UAZ "Bukhanets" cabin

Call the virobnik plant sheathing the salon with carpet or more material; Subscribe to viroblyayut yogo substitute for:

  • plywood
  • sheet steel
  • tree leaves
  • aluminum sheets

Leather material is not enough, but more often corrugated aluminum leaves are stagnant. Daniy material є ideal option So, it’s easy to see it and not to get corroded.

Surely, if the interior design is not critical to you, then you can easily vibrate any material. You can know the whole year in the Internet at a power supply "UAZ Bukhanets Tuning Salon Photo" There is a great number of photographs, on which you can evaluate the visual characteristics of the material.

Replacement of a seat in a UAZ salon

Sydinnya, yaki bully rozrobleny Ulyanovskiy Automobile Plant, May be a thrifty design and absolutely not suitable for extreme high roads on impassable roads. To navigate the water, which accurately assess the road situation, is not too cold - after a year of a good price, I will suffer from discomfort.

Repairs or to comprehend the "born" side of the senses. I will replace absolutely all the major ones with larger ones, earthy and specific models. When you choose to sit, remember that not all cruises go for the UAZ "Loafs", as the width is important.
Give respect not only to the price of the used crystals, but to the quality of the material and operational characteristics... It is not easy to find out the situation, if the replacement of the crystal is to take the screen of the hood for access to the engine, it is absolutely inadmissible.

Steering wheel replacement

The regular kermo is not handy and bulky, which means it is infused into the comfort of the keruvannya by a small car. Kermo on the UAZ bukhanets can be assessed by the decilkom with shlakhs:

  • Having installed the steering wheel from the vehicle
  • Razm_stivshi fabric braiding
  • Having inserted a sports model Kerma

isnu bezlich vіtchiznyanh models sports steering wheels, which are significant to paint the caring of the car in the minds of lack of traffic. Find shkіryanі and progumovanі options, as you can easily get up.

The vibration of the new steering wheel will be flanked by the deprivation of the third party and the obvious certification of documents, which will allow the vicarists to use these attachments.

Remember, when the rest of the V is out, you cannot go through a technical look, but in a small amount there are a number of obmezhenes on the vicoristannya of such a TK.

Adequate passenger compartment for the salon

It is important to upgrade not only the car parts of the car, but to provide passengers with sufficient comfort. As a matter of fact, the spaciousness of the salon has become your other booth for an hour of extreme growth.

Today you can open a comfortable salon with all the necessary space, de Vie can spend the night without zushil. There is a great number of heads and deyaku number of sleeping rooms there.

Some changes in design are practically not injected into passages car - you dont know about scho turbuvatsya for an hour with trivial higher prices.

For the resolution of the problem of energy efficiency, it is not easy to see a hatch in the cabin. The luke opening gives additional access to the sleepy walkways and lights, which significantly reduces the vitrate of the paliva for illumination. It’s on a hot day when the hatch is open to give a new one, so that your passengers will be radiantly. Moreover, the mischiefmakers can lead the shooter in the game without leaving the car interior.

Otzhe, unaffected by those who have a UAZ Loaf salon, in their factory options, do not manage, current technologies allow you to re-create it on a vitwir mystery. Be in the heart of being able to transform the love of ribolovl into a reference for the occasion, no matter what time you can be happy with your company of friends.

In our land, the classic model UAZ ("Bukhanets") is acclaimed by the deserved popularity of the middle mids, ribaloks and lovers of high prices. Why does the stench see the pass to the simple and the first glance to the unremarkable for a particular car If there are more stylish import analogs?

Mabut, the main argument for criminality is “bukhantsya” є її is perverted by the hour and the roads are hopeful. In addition, the car has a low price, but for a part of Russians it also appears to be an important factor.

Surely, the UAZ did not add shortcomings. So, it is even more flexible and comfortable. However, such a shortage of development is explained as much not by oversight, but by the true signs of the given transport service... On the right in that, a collection of these was designed for the victorian at the vіyskovіy right, that on the first mіstі it naturally came the nourishment about its hopes and virtues.

In addition, comfort - you can fix it, if you have done this procedure, like tuning a car, the owner of "bukhantsya", you can radically modernize and polish your attitude, having overwhelmed the last one to your taste.

The price is not as smooth as it is, enough volodya would like to have the least knowledge in this area and to be able to use the tools correctly. As a result of the tuning of the car, it is possible to fully understand it. warehouse part- here everything is in the form of financial possibilities and fantasies of the auto student.

As a happy friend of a car of a similar model, and you need to paint it well, you can get new ideas from the guides, I am lower than glad, dedicated to how to carry out tuning to the salon of the UAZ "loaf".

non-standard seats

Sheathing with foam rubber

An important problem is that the turbine, whether it is a UAZ drive, is strong at the same time, we are trivialized to sit for kerm. To the very same fakhivtsi to smell zrobiti vodijske misce more comfortable, tune-up with foam rubber. As a result of a simple procedure, you will take away a small amount of soft and handy for the repair and sleep of seated and recumbent mice, which is especially important in the roads on trivial cities. You can also supply a seat from your car.

Іnshy kermo with electric or hydraulic power

replacement kerma

If you will find unacceptable large visions in your shoulders, you are welcome to install the replacement of the standard steering wheel more ergonomically equipped, supplemented with hydraulic controls. Yak option, you can simply install the kermo from the іnshy car, placing the yogo (kermo) on the regulated column. Gidropidsiluvach ZF, in addition to the new control element, wrap around smoothly. And if you put a number of additional attachments, control all the robot automotive systems become lighter.

Wide tires paint the passiness, ale to increase the vitrate of the paliva

installation wide tires i disks

To create the possibility of minimizing the grip on the ground and adjusting the stability of the car, and we will guarantee that the car will not sit on the "chere" on the folding ground.

The power bumper moves the "moral" traffic

Dodatkovi elements to zahistu

You can easily mount the bumper with such a pozashlyakhovik - I’ll pull and pull the pipe. You can buy ready-made (bumper "RIF") or change a hair-hand.

Reserve feeding system

Having inserted into the "bukhanets" two accumulators, a generator and an emergency battery, you will get rid of any problems with charging.

replacement of bridges

Tuning UAZ with their own hands transferring and carrying out the replacement of bridges, which are some of the criteria for vital purposes. To improve the passage of time, install a special blocking attachment.

heat insulation to the salon

To provide a comfortable and safe for health water and passengers "bukhantsya" temperature regime, experts strongly recommend the heat insulation of the car. Vona transferring the laying with your own hands of a soundproof coating from sheet plywood, foam rubber or extraordinary traditional heat insulation materials. The floor of the car can be insulated with thin aluminum sheets.

Yakshcho vikoristovuvati in the capacity of heat-insulating polyurethane, yogo tovshchina is not guilty of changing 50 mm. With the surmounting of such material, it is obvious that it’s dullness, which can be ideally placed in importantly accessible places, for example, viginas. It can be expanded polystyrene and inadequate, sprinkling, easy-to-use wine, and when heated in summer, it is shown to be high-powered.

Schob do tuning "bukhantsya" with your own hands, you can insulate the interior with the help of penofol, which is a polyethylene spinning, equipping with a ball of foil. For the thickness of the material, make about 15-20 mm. Plyvku fix the metal side in the middle of the cabin. Such a rank, krym peredbachuvanogo, insulation in the car will be made sound.

Luke in saloon uaz bukhanets

hatch installation

In the middle of the car it took more fresh damage, you can fix the installation of the hatch.


Іnsha priladova panel and dodatkove possession

For the substitutions from the plant in the car, an ascetic priladova board is added, not even informative. The price can be corrected by the way of tuning, but by itself: the installation of additional attachments, replacing the attachment panel from the machine, and also by installing additional possession Such a yak:

  1. video recorder
  2. GPS navigator
  3. sensory magnesium
  4. Anti radar
  5. etc.

"Extra luxury" in the salon of the UAZ Bukhanets car

Non-standard version of internal tuning

You can install an automatic sofa in a UAZ car with your own hands, which responds to the commands of the control panel. When pushing on the key of the remote control, the sofa can be easily transformed in a simple manner. The Іnsha button allows you to put a compact size on the sofa and put on this place, a certain piece of furniture (for example, a small table). A TV set with DVD can be added to the automatic sofa, which can help you to carry out a trivial trip with interest.

Of course, it means that you cannot find such self-made innovations that you cannot guarantee that your car will be damaged in case of breakdowns (after all, the collection of UAZ vehicles does not depend on innovative methods), but rather the success of the new order.

Price, naturally, if you want singing financial and time-consuming vitrates, protest as a result of all the simple manipulations and take into account the fundamental innovations of the exclusive UAZ "Bukhanets"

At the UAZ Bukhanets, the tuning of the body and the interior is not with a special folding і it can be built by its own forces. Reworking the car is easy to make changes, the availability of spare parts and the necessary installation. May I see the progress and the hope power plant, The car is deprived of comfort, t. K. Designed for law enforcement agencies, transportation of naphtha and geologists. That is why there is a great part of the forces and needs to be able to use the modification of the UAZ-452, so that you can create a comfortable mind for driving and passengers.

Body tuning

Zovnishn_y viglyad of the car.

The registration of technology can be seen behind a few straight lines:

  1. Applied zakisnoy or camouflage rosmalyovka. Vibrate rіchny abo winter option in the number of priorities.
  2. Installation of a snorkel for podolannya vodnyh pereskod.
  3. Installation of downward halogen abo LED headlights.
  4. Beefing up with ramies by way of welding of steel linings on the factory sticks.

Trudom_stkim, ale ts_kavim solutions є the conversion of a closed van into a convertible. At the same time, the installation of retractable arcs, safety and sewing of an awning is transferred.

The main directions of body modification. Є More details, which are added to the current view and the functionality of the transport system.

The trunk with your own hands

Do not zapovnyuvat the brown space in the middle of the body with obscene speeches, to make sure the car is great express trunk with gatherings.

For robots you will need:

  • roulette;
  • zvaryuvalny apparatus;
  • Bulgarian;
  • kutnik;
  • nut keys;
  • vikrutka;
  • drill;
  • farba;
  • paint brush;
  • profile pipes.

When folding the armchair virobi, blanks are drawn. Then it is possible to carry out cleaning, cleaning, farming, installation of the trunk and the rack to the frames and arches without beads.


If you plan to pick up a car for a trip according to important accessibility, then you need to have a good driver for the radio operator, which can be punched with a wood burr or a solid object. we reduce the option the lattice from the profile pipes is used.

marvel " Yak zrobiti Leso with his own hands on a UAZ car

In front of the front bumper seat on the UAZ-452, the configuration is required, and the way of mounting to the ram is required. Farbuvannya is carried out by a black farboy, abo to match the body. Rear bumper to complete the process of re-routing the gathering for the handiness of the assignment of people and luggage.

Improving the salon

The internal space of the middle of the body of the UAZ Baton is great to fill, there is a lot of bread in the new space, kitchen furniture and fittings for cooking. Take a look at the interior of the UAZ Bukhanets and replace the inner lining and installation of any electrical wiring. Pidloga, walls, doors, stele are glued over with heat-insulating materials and upholstered with a shkiro or analogue. Do not set up an autonomous illumination with a low mode. On the UAZ Bukhanets tuning salon with your own hands - on the right, relish.

At the UAZ Bukhanets tuning, the salon is not intertwined with internal and external obrobka. Such a corny pererobka, like a regiment, to allow the growth of travel and life on a halt more quickly and efficiently. The optimal option is є її positioning over the windshield slope. With a width of 145 cm, we have a width of 20 cm and a height of 12 cm.

In the police from the veneer, we need to roam for the offensive annexes:

  • magnitols;
  • godin;
  • columns;
  • other speeches;
  • point svitilnikov;
  • vimikacha light.

The otrimana part is pasted over with foam rubber and upholstered with fabric.


If the machine is intended for misleading and ribaloks, it is possible not to use the purchase of virobi.

The overhead is shy like this:

  • take from the seat and back the old fabric and napovnuvach;
  • put on a 10-centimeter ball with foam rubber;
  • upholstered with tarpaulin.

Take meeks and weariness misses for a repair.

To achieve greater comfort, folding sofas are available, as for transformation they occupy the entire or larger area of ​​the floor in the salon. To fight the soft furniture from the timber, plywood and foam rubber. Fold forward or sideways from the opposite design of the sofa. Fastening the base to the bolts until we screw them to the steel straps.

Make friends with friends or save for yourself:

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