Types of vehicles, characteristics and purpose. Various types of transport for children: list, description and features What kind of transport is the helicopter

Transportation - (from Lat. Transporto - Move), this combination of funds and ways of reporting activities of which ensures all the activities of people. Paths of messages are roads. Technical facilities, refueling, communications, workshops. Transport and most important strategic resource. There are terrestrial, water and air transport. Land types: rail, automotive and pipeline; Water - sea and river; Air - aviation. The tenth of people works on the TRANSP.

Transport system - a set of all types of transport related technologically, technically, economically and regulatory legal acts.

  1. Main types of transport, their brief description

Railway transport In many industrialized countries, one of the leading places occupies among other types of transport. This is due to its versatility - the ability to serve the manufacturing industries and meet the needs of the population in transportation, regardless of weather: in all climatic conditions and at any time of the year.

Having modern types of locomotives and wagons, a powerful railway, using modern means of automation, telemechanics and computing equipment, railway transport, along with other industrial production industries, enters the economic potential of each country.

During its existence, the length of the railways of the world has reached almost 1.3 million km; At the same time, they do not have equal in the volume of the transverse ability and continuity of operation.

1825G. First railway in England

Automobile transport Provides:

1) a relatively high speed of movement;

2) Delivery of goods to areas where there are no other types of transport.

It is most convenient, as it allows you to deliver cargo directly from the sender to the recipient without overload; Effective in intracity and long-distance transportation of passengers. At the same time, the cost of freight and passenger transportation by road is higher compared to other species. In the world, 31 million km, and in Russia 1 million km the length of roads.

Sea transport Provides mass transport to foreign countries, as well as between ports within the country located on the coast of the seas. Sea transport are most effective in directions where sea routes are shorter than land, and where there are no other types of mass transport. For Russia, the importance of sea transport in the maintenance of the northern regions of Siberia and the Far East, where there is no railways. The cost of sea transportation of goods is lower than other types of transport, and especially when transporting long distance.

River transport Carries out local and long-distance carriage on routes that coincide with the location of shipping rivers and canals. It has a high sustainable ability, especially when using high loading vessels on deep-sea rivers, as well as on the routes of the River-Sea. The cost of river transport is lower than other types of transport. However, the substantial disadvantage of Russia's river transport is the short-term navigation during the year and low speed speeds.

Air Transport- The most high-speed type of transport, by means of which are carried out mainly passenger transportation to neighbor and long distances. The proportion of freight traffic is low. The work of air transport is very influenced by weather conditions. The cost of air transport is significantly higher than on other types of transport.

Pipeline transport It is used for transporting mainly oil, petroleum products and natural gas and is almost independent of weather conditions, it is capable of transporting liquid and gaseous products to very long distances, is a relatively cheap type of transport. In Russia \u003d 15000 km

Industrial Transport carry out the movement of objects and products of labor in the field of production.

Trunk general use transport includes railway, automotive, sea, river, air and pipeline.

Urban transport Provides transportation within the city and includes a metropolitan, trolleybus, tram, bus, taxi, cargo car, etc.

For children - a fascinating, interesting topic, acquainting their classification, telling about the peculiarities and purpose of each variety. At the same time, the task of parents or teachers is not only a conversation, but also consolidate the information received through various games.

Why do children need to know about transport

The full development of babies is carried out through acquaintance with the outside world. Interesting questions for children: what is the transport, why do you need people. The acquaintance of preschoolers with transport classification forms their new knowledge about various types, their features, purpose, enriches the vocabulary, enshrines the generic concept of "transport". In addition, a detailed consideration of this topic allows you to learn the following:

  • compare different types of transport, it is important for children to be able to find common and distinctive features;
  • combine them into groups on a single base, classify;
  • know the rules of behavior in a variety of types of transport.

The study of the new material contributes to the formation and personal qualities of preschoolers: criticality, responsibility, thinking, memory, speed of reaction, imagination.

Transport classification

All transport is classified according to different bases: method of movement and purpose.

By way of displacement, the following types are distinguished:

  • ground - movement occurs exclusively on the ground or rails (bus, trolleybus, train);
  • water - moving around the sea or river (motor ship, boat, barge);
  • aviation - flies through the air (aircraft, helicopter).

The following types of transport are distinguished for purpose:

  • passenger - transports people, delivers them to the right place (bus, river tram, aircraft);
  • manuzhova - for the carriage of various goods (wagon, barge);
  • special - used in certain activities, equipped with professional equipment (fire truck, ambulance, police car);
  • agricultural - used in the preparation of arable land, harvesting and similar works (tractor, combine).

Characteristics of land transport

Ground transport performs movement on the ground using wheels, rails, animals, caterpillars. May be passenger, freight or specialized. Here it is necessary to describe the following main types of transport for children:

  • The bus is transporting passengers, delivers them to the desired point of the city, has a strict route and special places for stopping, where the landing and landing of people. The tolleibus and tram, different from the bus, which do not work on gasoline, and on electricity, and the tram runs along the rails.
  • Train - railway transport by moving on rails can be both passenger and cargo, performs carriage between cities and villages.
  • Fire truck - used to extinguish fire, equipped with special equipment, has a beep, warning other drivers about its approach.
  • Ambulance - intended for the transport of sick people, has all the necessary equipment, which allows you to deliver the patient to the hospital in a satisfactory condition. Like a fire truck, has a special flasher and a beep, notifying that the ambulance must be skipped.
  • A police car is used to patrol roads, prick of criminals. The machine is equipped with a powerful engine that allows you to develop good speed, which is so important when pursuing.
  • The cargo machine is designed to transport various goods: food, construction, household and many others. May have yellow speakers that the car is lucky dangerous baggage.

Transport is also underground, for example, the subway delivers passengers to the destination, like a bus or tram.

Features of water transport

Considering different types of transport, for children will be interesting and the water, moving by the sea, lake or river. Like the ground, this transport is passenger and cargo:

  • The motor ship - can transport people to the destination or be used as a pleasure vessel on the river, acquaintance of residents with picturesque places of water space. The steamer performs the same functions as the motor ship, the main differences between these courts are in the specifications.
  • The boat - has various purposes: used as a rescue vessel, to carry out walks in the water, for excursions.
  • Barge - used to transport various goods. It is characterized by convenience, speed of delivery, efficiency.

Aviation transport, its characteristics

Aviation transport moves through the air, it can carry passengers, cargoes, to participate in rescue operations or in forest fires. The most interesting will be the following types of transport for children:

  • The aircraft - depending on the size and purpose, it can perform various functions: to transport people and a variety of cargoes, processing fields, extinguish fire in the forest, participate in hostilities.
  • The helicopter - rises into the air with the help of special blades that are quite unchecked. This type of transport can also be passenger, cargo or military.
  • Airship - its feature is the development of relatively low speed and rise to a small height, used for tourism, in rescue operations, for terrain patrol.

Games for children

To better remember the types of transport, for children it is worth organizing a variety of games, among which the following can be brought:

  • Riddles - will help to allocate distinctive features, classify transport, in addition, will operate logic, thinking, intelligence.
  • The mobile game "Find my house" - children are distributed cards with any type of transport, the houses are determined for them: air-airfield, ground - garage, water - pier. The task of preschoolers - after the signal, get up near the desired base.
  • Puzzles - cut into small parts of a picture with a plane, train, bus, steamer - mixed, children are invited to find the necessary elements, collect the drawing and say that it is depicted, for which it is used.
  • The game "Types of Transport". For children, various roles are prepared - passengers, driver, captain, pilot. The heads of the courts are gaining passengers, whose task to demonstrate the right and improper behavior on the bus, on the ship or on the plane.

Thus, receiving information about the types of transport, children will learn about their features, distinctive features, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in them, enrich their vocabulary.

types of Transportation, Types of Transport Substances Through Membranes
Transportation is a set of all types of communication paths, vehicles, technical devices and structures on the ways of communication that ensure the process of moving people and cargo for various purposes from one place to another.

All transport can be divided into a number of groups ( Modes of transport) By certain features.

  • 1 by moving medium
    • 1.1 Water
    • 1.2 Air transport
      • 1.2.1 Aviation
      • 1.2.2 Airplane
    • 1.3 Space transport
    • 1.4 Ground transport
      • 1.4.1 by the number of wheels
      • 1.4.2 Railway
      • 1.4.3 Automotive
        • by appointment
      • 1.4.4 Cycling
      • 1.4.5 Vehicles driven by animals
        • Gouuva
        • View
        • Berchic
      • 1.4.6 Pipeline
        • Pneumatic
      • 1.4.7 Other land transport
        • Lift
        • escalator
        • Elevator
        • Funicular
        • Cable road
  • 2 by appointment
    • 2.1 General Vehicles
      • 2.1.1 Public transport
    • 2.2 Special use transport
    • 2.3 Individual transport
  • 3 for used energy
    • 3.1 Transport with own engine
    • 3.2 Caused by the power of the wind
    • 3.3 Muscular Power
      • 3.3.1 Vehicles driven by man
      • 3.3.2 Transport driven animals
  • 4 Perspective Types of Transport
  • 5 cm also
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Links

By displacement environment

Depending on the medium in which transport performs its functions, it can be: water, including underwater, ground, including underground, air and space. It is possible to combine media amphibians, flying boats, eco-plane, ships on an air cushion, etc.


Main article: Water transport Truck river ship ship lift

Water transport is the most ancient type of transport. At least before the appearance of transcontinental railways (the second half of the XIX century) remained the most important type of transport. Even the most primitive sailing ship over the day overcoming four to five times the distance than the caravan. Transferred cargo was large, operating costs - less.

Water transport still retains an important role. Due to its advantages (water transport - the cheapest after pipeline), water transport now covers 60-67% of the total world cargo turnover. In the inner waterway, there are mainly mass loads - building materials, coal, ore - the transportation of which does not require high speed (competition is affected with faster road and rail transport). On transportation through the sea and oceans, there are no competitors at the water transport (air transportation are very expensive, and their total share in freight transportation is low), therefore sea vessels transport a variety of products, but most of the goods are oil and oil products, liquefied gas, coal, ore.

Cruise ship

The role of water transport in passenger transportation has significantly decreased, which is associated with its low speeds. Exceptions - high-speed vessels on underwater wings (sometimes the function of long-distance express buses originating) and the court on the air cushion. The role of ferries and cruise liners is also great.

  • Vehicles: Court
  • Message paths: Over / under the surface of the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, canals, gateways
  • Alarm and management: Lighthouses, Bui
  • Transport nodes: Sea and river ports and train stations

Air Transport

Main article: Air Transport


Main article: Aviation Boeing 737-8K5 (WL) G-FDZT (8542035433)

Air transport is the fastest and at the same time the most expensive type of transport. The main sphere of applying air transport is passenger transportation at distances over a thousand kilometers. Trucks are also carried out, but their share is very low. The main air transport is transporting perishable products and especially valuable goods, as well as mail. In many hard-to-reach areas (in the mountains, areas of the Far North), there are no alternatives to air transport. There are no airfields in the landing site at the landing site (for example, the delivery of scientific groups to hard-to-reach areas) is used not by airplanes, and helicopters that do not need landing strip. The big problem of modern aircraft is the noise produced by them during the take-off, which significantly worsens the quality of life of the inhabitants located near the airports of districts.

  • Vehicles: Airplanes and helicopters
  • Message paths: Air corridors
  • Alarm and management: aircraft, dispatch service
  • Transport nodes: Airports


Main article: Aeronautics Airship B-6 "Osoaviahim" 30s, the USSR Contemporary Polish-Grayscale "Zeppelin NT", Germany. The airships of this type are made since the 1990s of the German company Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik GmbH (ZLT) in Friedrichshafen. This was airships with a volume of 8225 m³ and 75 m in length. They are significantly smaller than old chapels that reached the maximum amount of 200,000 m³. In addition, they are filled with exclusively non-flammable helium.

Currently, the concepts of aviation and air transport actually became synonymous, as air carriers are carried out exclusively by air courts heavier than air. However, the first aircraft were easier than air. 1709 The first air balloon was launched. However, balloons were uncontrollable.

Airship - managed aircraft lighter than air. November 13, 1899 French airproofer A. Santos-Dramont made the first successful flight of airship, having flipped around the Eiffel Tower in Paris at a speed of 22-25 km / h. The period between world warriors were widely used in military, civil, scientific, and sports purposes. Passenger airships even made regular flights between Europe and America.

At the end of the 20th century, interest in the airship resumed: now instead of explosive hydrogen or expensive inert helium, there is a mixture. Airsholes, though a lot more aircraft, but much more economical. Nevertheless, still the scope of their application remains marginal: promotional and entertainment flights, monitoring of traffic. The airships are also offered as a climatively acceptable alternative to aircraft.

  • Vehicles: Aerostats and airships

Space transport

Main article: Cosmonautics

Ground transport

Maybe underground. It is divided into different types of transport for a number of signs. According to the types of pathways, it is divided into a rail (rail) and a straightforward. By the type of propulsion on the wheels, tracked, using animals and others. Here are the main types of land transport without strict classification.

By number of kens

Monocycle Cargo Tricycle

In terms of the number of wheels, wheels, wheels are divided into:

  • Monocycles (from Lat. Mono One, Single and Dr. Greek. Kýklos Circle, Wheel) - 1-wheel vehicles (due to high ability to keep equilibrium at the moment the main sphere of the use of monocycles - Circus art),
  • Bicycles (from Lat. Bi Two and Dr. Greek. Kýklos Circle, Wheel) - 2-wheeled vehicles - bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles, etc.,
Quad bike
  • Tricycles (from three and dr. Greek. Kýklos Circle, Wheel) - 3-wheel vehicles - some bikes, motorcycles (trains), cars, etc.,
  • Quadrocycles (from Ital. Quattro Four and Dr. Greek. Kýklos Circle, Wheel) - 4-wheeled vehicles. Under the quadrocycles in the post-Soviet space, most often understand the motovisters, and in the USA - 4-wheeled bikes. But they, by definition, include any 4-wheeled, including most passenger cars.


Main article: Railway transport Cargo train in Russia

Railway transport - the type of ground transport, the transportation of goods and passengers on which is carried out by wheeled vehicles on railways. Railway tracks usually consist of iron rails mounted on sleepers and ballasts, which moves a rolling stock, usually equipped with metal wheels. The rolling stock of railway transport usually has a smaller friction resistance compared to cars, and passenger and cargo cars can be linked to longer trains. Trains are driven by locomotives. Railway transport is a relatively safe view of transport.

Arriving at the beginning of the XIX century (the first steam locomotive was built in 1804), by the middle of the same century, he became the most important transport of industrial countries of that time. By the end of the XIX century, the total length of the railways exceeded a million kilometers. Railways tied internal industrial areas with marine ports. Along the railways grown new industrial cities. However, after World War II, the railways began to lose their value. Railways have many advantages - high lifting capacity, reliability, relatively high speed. Now the railways transport a variety of cargoes, but mostly mass, such as raw materials, agricultural products. Introduction of containers facilitating overload also increased the competitiveness of railways.

High-speed train ICE3, Germany

First in Japan, and now in Europe, a system of high-speed railways, allowing movement with speeds up to three hundred kilometers per hour. Such railways have become a serious competitor of airline at short distances. The role of suburban railways and metro is still high. Electrified railways (and by now most railways with intensive movement are electrified) much more environmentally friendly road transport. The most electrified railways in Switzerland (up to 95%), in Russia, this indicator comes to 47%.

Due to the use of rails, which have a small grip, railway trains are extremely susceptible to collision hazards, because it usually follows at a speed that does not allow the opportunity to stop a fast or braking path with a longer visible for the driver's survey. Most of the forms of trains control consist of instructions of the movement transmitted from the train brigade responsible for the site.

  • Vehicles: locomotives and cars
  • Message paths: Railway track, bridges, tunnels, overpass
  • Alarm and management: Railway alarm
  • Transport nodes: Railway stations and train stations
  • Energy provision: Contact Network and Traction Substations (on Electrified Railways), Locomotive Failure and Equipment Points

The tram is the type of street and partially street rail public transport for the transportation of passengers according to the specified routes (usually on the electrodynam) used mainly in the cities.


Metropolitan (from Fr. métropolitain, Sokr. From Chemin De Fer Métropolitain - "Metropolitan Railway"), Metro (Métro), English. Underground, Amer. English Subway- In the traditional understanding of the city railway with the route trains for transportation of passengers, engineeringly separated from any other transport and pedestrian movement (non-shear). The general case is the metropolitan - any extra-supersian city passenger transport system with route trains running on it. That is, the metro in a traditional understanding or, for example, urban monoraments are examples of metro varieties. Train movement in the metro regular, according to the schedule of movement. The metro is characteristic of a high route speed (up to 80 km / h) and a superal ability (up to 60 thousand passengers per hour in one direction). The metro lines can be laid under the ground (in tunnels), on the surface and on the overpass (especially this is characteristic of urban monorails).


Monorail road- A transport system in which cars with passengers or trolleys are moved to the vehicle installed on the overpass or individual supports - monorail. The monorail roads are distinguished - the wagons are based on the running trolley located above the way beam, and suspended - wagons are suspended with the chassis trolley and move under monorail.

Log trail

Local transport (also "light rail transport", LRT, from English. Light Rail) - city railway public transport, which is characterized by smaller than that of the metro and railway, and large than the usual street tram of the message speed and bandwidth.

A variety of legal tram is a high-speed tram including an underground tram and an urban railway). At the same time, the differences between such legal systems from the metro, the urban railway (S-Bahn), are oddels, which often becomes the cause of terminological errors. In general, this term, as a rule, is used to designate high-speed electrified railway systems (for example, tram), isolated from other transport streams to most of the network, but allowing the system and single-level intersection, and even a street movement (including tram-pedestrian tram-pedestrian zones). The difference from a slight metro, closer to the usual metro, the lobescale transport is closer to the tram.

Outacador transport

Outacada transport, headband (eng. Elevated Railways, in the US abbreviated: EL) - City rail speed extra-sufficient separate system or part of the system of urban railways (S-Bahn), metropolitan, legal transport (depending on the execution, quantity of cars and mass The overall parameters of rolling stock), laid over the ground on the overpass.


The car (from the car ... and lat. Mobilis - moving) - a means of firewall with its own engine. Automobile transport is now the most common type of transport. Automobile transport younger railway and water, the first cars appeared at the very end of the XIX century. The advantages of road transport are maneuverability, flexibility, speed.

disadvantages. At all stages of production, operation and disposal of cars, fuel, oils, tires, construction of roads and other automotive infrastructure facilities, significant environmental damage is applied. particular, nitrogen and sulfur oxides emitted into the atmosphere when burning gasoline cause acid rains.

Cars are the most wasteful transport compared to other types of transport in terms of the costs necessary for moving one passenger.

Automobile transport requires good roads. Now in developed countries there is a network of motorways - multibone roads without intersections, allowing the speed of movement over a hundred kilometers per hour.

  • Vehicles: Different types of cars - passenger, buses, trolley buses, cargo;
  • Message paths: road, bridges, tunnels, overpass, overpass;
  • Alarm and management: Road rules, traffic lights, road signs, motor transport inspections;
  • Transport nodes: bus station, bus station, parking lots, intersection;
  • Energy provision: Car refueling stations, contact network;
  • Technical support: Car maintenance station (STA), parks (bus, trolleybus), road service
By destination

For the purpose of the Automobile are divided into transport, special and racing. Transport serve for the transport of goods and passengers. Special buildings have constantly mounted equipment or installations and are used for various purposes (firefighters and utilities, autochannels, truck cranes, etc.). Racing are intended for sports competitions, including to establish the speed records (record-racing incomplete). Automobile transport in turn are divided into passenger, freight and buses. Trolleybus - Bus with electrical drive. Cars have capacity from 2 to 8 people.

Trucks Almost all types of goods transport, but even at long distances (up to 5 or more thousand km) of the road train (truck tractor and trailer or semi-trailer) successfully compete with the railway during the transport of valuable goods, for which the delivery speed is critical, for example, perishable Products.

Cars (Individual use cars) - the abusive majority of the currently existing cars. They are used, as a rule, for traveling to distances to two hundred kilometers.

Public road transport For operation in cities and suburbs, it is now used primarily low-profile city buses, and for long-distance and international flight and tourist transportation - long-distance and tourist liners. The latter differ from urban models with a high level of floor (for placing luggage compartments under it), a comfortable interior with seating places, the availability of additional amenities (kitchens, wardrobe, toilet). Communications with an increase in the comfort of tourist buses at the end of the 20th century, they are quite successfully competing with railways in the field of transportation of tourists.


Bike (from lat. Velox - fast and PES - foot) - two- or (less often) tricycle machine for movement, driven from 2 pedals through a chain transmission.

Velomobil is a vehicle with a muscular camp of legs, hands, or even all possible muscles.

Transport movable animals

Lavazza 0002782 M.

The use of animals for the transport of people and goods is known since ancient times. People can ride on some animals to riding or bargaining alive or groups in wagons (carts, calls) or sleigh for the carriage of goods or passengers or shove them.

Manpowder Main article: Manus transport

The gentle transportation is the type of gell transport, in which the force of animals (horses, oxes, elephants, donkeys, camels, deer, llamas, dogs, etc.) is used as a thrust. Over the course of many centuries, the manpure transport was the main type of land transport. With the development of the railway network (from the 2nd quarter of the 19th century), it loses its importance for long distance transportation, with the exception of mountainous areas and deserts and regions of the Far North. The 20th century, the use of manguard transport was limited by areas that did not have railways; The important importance of the gentle transport for agricultural production and for intracity and local transportation is still maintained; For the suggestion to railway stations and ports and delivery from them. But with the development of vehicles and the tractor park, the value of the geases has sharply decreased in these areas.

Basic main article: Support transport Support transport

The means of transportation of goods in the mountains, deserts, wood-swampy and taiga area with the help of pack animals. It is used where because of the off-road, the nature of the terrain or weather status is impossible to use the mantels, roads or helicopters. To secure and retain cargo on the back of the animal, blouses or pack siders are used.



Pipeline transport is quite unusual: it does not have vehicles, or rather, the "part-time" infrastructure itself is a vehicle. Pipeline transport is cheaper rail and even water. It does not require a large number of personnel. Main type of cargo - liquid (oil, petroleum products) or gaseous. The pipelines and gas pipelines transport these products over long distances with a short line with the smallest loss. Pipes are placed on Earth or under Earth, as well as on overpass. Cargo movement is carried out pumping or compressor stations. The most casual type of pipeline transport - water supply and sewage. There are experimental pipelines in which hard bulk loads move in mixed with water. Other examples of the pipeline for solid cargo - pneumatic, garbage chute.


Pneumatic transport - "The combination of installations and systems that serve to move bulk and piece goods with air or gas."


  • to load bunkers and adjustable release of materials from them.
  • moving materials between warehouses and shops.
  • bookmark made of mines of mine rocks.
  • removal of waste production, such as ash, chips, dust.
  • Pneumatic mail is used to move piece goods. Closed passive capsules (containers) are moved under the action of compressed or, on the contrary, cutting air through the pipeline system, transferring inside the well-friendly loads, documents. This type of transport is usually applied to delivering mail, letters, documents from where his name follows. The pneumatic mail was used in the 19-20th centuries and is used today, for example, for the delivery of paper bills in supermarkets without a cashier, from the workplace.

Pneumatic mail - Type of transport, system of movement of piece goods under the action of compressed or, on the contrary, cut air. Closed passive capsules (containers) are moved through the pipeline system, transferring inside the well-friendly loads, documents. This type of transport is usually applied to delivering mail, letters, documents from where his name follows. The pneumatic mail was used in the 19-20th centuries and is used today, for example, for the delivery of paper bills in supermarkets without a cashier, from the workplace.

Other types of ground transport


Elevator (from English Lift - raise), a stationary lift of a commonly interrupted action with a vertical movement of a cabin or platform on a hard guide installed in the mine .. Designed to move people and cargo, as a rule, vertically within one building or facilities.


Escalator (eng. Escalator; original source: lat. Scala - staircase), an inclined plate conveyor with a moving stepped web, which serves for lifting and pulling passengers at the metro stations, in public buildings, on street transitions and other places with significant passenger traffic.


Elevator (Lat. Elevator, literally - raising, from Elevo - I raise), a continuous machine, transporting cargo in vertical or inclined directions. E. bucket, shelf, lulents. Bucket E. Designed for a vertical lift or steep slope (more than 60 °) bulk cargo (dust-shaped, grainy, slicing), shelf and lulents E. - for vertical lifting of piece goods (parts, bags, boxes, etc.) with Intermediate loading and unloading.


Funicular (Franz. FUNICULAIRE, from LAT. FUNICULUS - Rope, rope), lifting and transportation with a cable car, intended for moving passengers and cargo for a steep rise for a short distance. It is used in cities and resort centers, as well as in mountainous locations. The funicular is an elevator in which the movement of people and cargo is produced in wagons moving along the inclined railways between the upper and lower stations with the help of a rope associated with cars and a drive swan. The winter with the drive is usually located on the top station. For the purpose of the funicular are divided into passenger, freight and cargo-passenger. The funiculine has limited distribution due to the intermittent nature of the work, a lot of time on the input and output of passengers or loading and unloading, low speeds (less than 3 m / s), the impossibility of movement for complex tracks.

Cable car

Cableway - Transportation for moving passengers and cargo, in which to move cars, trolleys, cabins or seats, serves a traction or non-traction rope (cable), stretched between supports in such a way that wagons (cockpit-gondolas, chairs, trolley) Do not concern the Earth.

By destination

According to the serviced area, all transport is divided into three categories: public transport that serves the sphere of circulation and population, transportation of non-commodity (intraproductive movement of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, etc.), as well as personal use.

General use transport

General use transport should not be confused with public transport (public transport is a public transport subcategory). General use transport serves trade (transportation) and population (passenger transportation).

Public transport

Main article: Public transport

Public transport - passenger transport, affordable and demanded by the use of wide segments of the population. Public transport services are usually provided for a certain fee. According to the narrow interpretation of public transport, the vehicles attributable to it are intended for transportation of a sufficiently large number of passengers at a time and run on certain routes (according to the schedule or responding to demand). A broader interpretation includes a taxi, Ricksha and similar types of transport, as well as some specialized transport systems.

Intorcian passenger transportation are carried out by buses, city electric transport (trolleybuses, trams), taxis, as well as water and railway transport; In major cities - the subway. The suburban message prevails railway and bus transports, in long-distance reports - railway and air transport, in intercontinental - air and sea transport.

Transport special use

  • Technological transport
  • Military transport

Individual transport

For used energy

Transport with own engine

  • Transport by Stlovel engines
  • Electric transport
  • Hybrid transport

Caused by the strength of the wind

Main article: Sailing vessel

Muscular powered

Transport driven by a person

  • Bicycle
  • Velomobile is a vehicle with a muscular drive, combining the simplicity, efficiency and environmental friendliness of a bicycle with stability and convenience of the car.
  • Ships - rowes - using elements, and using the pole.

Transport movable animals

Perspective types of transport

There are many projects of new types of transport. Here is talking about some of those who had at least experimental incarnation.

  • Magnetic cushion train or Maglev (from the English. Magnetic Levitation - "Magnetic Levitation") is a train held above the canvas, driven and controlled by the power of an electromagnetic field. This composition, in contrast to traditional trains, does not concern the surface of the rail during the movement. Since there is a clearance between the train and the surface of the web, the friction is excluded between them, and the only braking force is aerodynamic resistance. It refers to monorable transport (although instead of a magnetic rail can be arranged a channel between magnets - as on Jr-Maglev). The problem achieved by the magnetic pillow by the magnetic cushion, is comparable with the speed of the aircraft and allows you to compete with air transport in the near and medium-haired directions (up to 1000 km). Although the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch transport is not new, economic and technical limitations did not allow it to be fully: for public use, the technology was incarnated only several times. Currently, Maglev cannot use the existing transport infrastructure, although there are projects with the location of the magnetic elements between the rails of the ordinary railway or under the vehicles.
  • Personal automatic transportation - This is the type of urban and suburban transport, which automatically (without a driver) transports passengers in a taxi mode using a network of dedicated paths. The present moment in the world there is one system of personal automatic transport. This is the Ultra network in the London Heathrow Airport. The system was opened for passengers in 2010. There is also a MorganTown Personal Rapid Transit system, which differs from the classical PRT concept of an increased wagon size.
  • String transport - The project of a transport system based on a generallylanet vehicle, combining signs of automotive and rail transport, developed since 1977 A. E. Unitsky - "String Transport" - Currently, did not go beyond the experimental framework. 2001 year, an experienced section of the cargo transport system was built in the city of Lakes of the Moscow Region. One of the main components of the string transport system - string rail (railway string), or string beam (string beam), or a string farm (farm string) of a special design. Rail (beam, farm), as a rule, is a hollow steel (in perspective - composite) box, inside of which a packet of stretched string wires (or tapes, rods, rods and other extended power elements are placed). The inner space of the box, not occupied by strings, is filled with mineral or polymer compositions.

see also

  • Types of bicycles


  1. The word "transport" in the emergency in the emergency situations on Dicacadimic.ru
  2. Airship - BSE - Yandex.Slovar
  3. Airplane - BSE - Yandex.Slovar
  4. Tram - BSE - Yandex.Slovari. Checked February 28, 2013. Archived from the source March 9, 2013.
  5. Monorail road: BSE encyclopedia - Alcala.ru. Checked February 28, 2013. Archived from the source March 9, 2013.
  6. Buslov A.S. "Prospects for the development of legal trains in Voronezh." - No. Collection of theses of the Abstract of the International Scientific Conference "Strategy and Resources of Development of Large Cities of the Center of Russia", VSU, 2008.
  7. Baklanov V.V. "The introduction of the loss of transport is one of the ways to improve the quality of transport service of the population of Moscow." - № International Practical Conference "The Trends of Development Trends in Moscow" October 16, 2008.
  8. 1 2 Car - BSE - Yandex.Slovaria. Checked February 24, 2013. Archived from the original source on March 13, 2013.
  9. BICYCLE. Checked February 24, 2013. Archived from the original source on March 13, 2013.
  10. 1 2 3 Vvedensky B. A. Small Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1959. - T. 3. - P. 222.
  11. Support transport - BSE - Yandex.Cholovari. Checked February 18, 2013. Archived from the primary source March 13, 2013.
  12. 1 2 Pneumatic transport - BSE - Yandex.Slovaria. Archived from primary source June 18, 2013.
  13. Lift - BSE - Yandex.Slovaria. Checked on February 16, 2013. Archived from the source March 9, 2013.
  14. Escalator - BSE - Yandex.Slovaria. Checked on February 16, 2013. Archived from the source March 9, 2013.
  15. Elevator (mechanical) - BSE - Yandex.Slovaria. Checked on February 16, 2013. Archived from the source March 9, 2013.
  16. Funicular - BSE - Yandex.Slovaria. Checked February 28, 2013. Archived from the original source March 13, 2013.
  17. TRANSPORT. Checked February 18, 2013. Archived from the original source on February 25, 2013.
  18. Passenger traffic - BSE - Yandex.Slovaria. Checked February 28, 2013. Archived from the original source March 13, 2013.
  19. The Search Engine That Does At InfoWeb.net
  20. Innovative projects
  21. http://president.kremlin.ru/transcripts/6094


LOOKING E. Yu. Transport: Experience of philosophical reflection

types of Transportation, Types of Transport Substances Through Membranes, Types of Transport for Children, Types of Transport Pictures, Types of Transport in English, Types of Transport Presentation, Types of Transport Pictures, Types of Transport Russian

Types of transport Information about

Any enterprise interacts with the external environment. This interaction is particularly important when organizing and managing material flows. The successful functioning of the company that produces any goods is reduced to such a scheme: the purchase of raw materials is the shipment of the finished products of the intermediary - the sale of goods to the buyer. Each stage of this link accompanies transport logistics.

This type of logistics contributes to the qualitative and safe movement of goods. At the same time, it is necessary to economically spend the resources and choose the most optimal route.

All nuances of logistics companies will help. Thanks to experienced and qualified personnel, each stage of transportation is thought out to the smallest detail, the cargo arrives at the destination by holistic and at the right time.

Transport logistics is a complex science that requires special knowledge.

Transport logistics - that these are simple words, its goals

The concept of transport logistics is largely similar to the concept of simple logistics. If you give a definition of simple words, this is the organization of delivery and moving material objects, cargo on the optimal route using vehicles.

This subsection is extremely important. When the entrepreneur is just starting his business, then with a small amount of sales, it can independently deal with transportation. But with the growth of their business, sales are growing. Now it is problematic to engage in the movement of raw materials and a finished product. In this case, rationally use the services of a transport logistics company.

Such an organization will ensure the safety of cargo, will select the optimal route to save money for transportation.

The main goal of transport logistics is the delivery of goods to the appointed place and time with high quality indicators and in the desired quantity. This means that punctuality should be observed, the goods should not be spoiled and arrived in the same quantity as indicated in the documents.

Transport costs occupy one of the main positions among other types of costs. In order to managing the enterprise - to make this indicator less. That is why transport logistics is considered as:

  • effective way of impact on costs thanks to the correctly selected transport;
  • rational organization of the entire transportation process from the point of dispatch to the destination;
  • the possibility of high-quality storage and processing of cargo.

Firms - Manufacturers and Intermediaries are ready to pay transport - logistics companies for:

  1. You will select the optimal type of transport for a specific cargo.
  2. If necessary, be able to combine several types of transport in one chain.
  3. Select the optimal route.
  4. We will economically spend resources, reduce the cost of transportation.
  5. Provide the safety of cargo.

In the interests of the logistics company, to fulfill their duties qualitatively, because competition in this industry is high.

To reduce the cost of enterprise for transportation, it is necessary to choose the optimal transport - logistic scheme.

The history of the occurrence of the industry

Transport logistics originates from the European Congress in Berlin of 1974. This term was first pronounced on it, his full definition, goals, tasks and development prospects were given.

An impressive spheres of the influence of such logistics were indicated. The need for such a concept arose due to the development of the global economy. There was a need to systematize these processes, to create a competent scheme of cargo movement and ensure their safety.

Transport logistics quickly found a response in the West and the market for such services was formed there in 1990. Its container increases annually by 20%. Even during the crisis and economic downturn, transport - logistics services are in demand.

In Russia, this type of service appeared only during the transition to a market economy. This industry is still actively developing and gaining momentum.

The negative impact on this direction are factors:

  • instability of economic processes;
  • slow production growth;
  • poor condition of transport routes;
  • low technical base indicators.

The hope of optimizing the process is given by two factors:

  • high level of training specialists, personnel of this industry;
  • the emergence of new organizations, sales and supply schemes.

Transport logistics- There is a completely young direction that the transformation is under the influence of external economic factors. That this is an important industry, no one doubts. Especially positive features will mark large enterprises with a large turnover.

Main types of transport, their definition

Transport logistics topics and differs from simple logistics that the movement of goods is derived by transport. Its a big variety allows you to optimally make a route and use several types at the same time, if it reduce the costs and save the delivery time.

Transport can not be confused with the vehicle. This is a broader concept.

Transport - This is a combination of vehicles, communication paths, various buildings and structures on these paths to move goods and people.

Distinguish several types of transport. By appointment, it is divided into:

  1. Common Transport (Passenger, to move goods, etc.).
  2. Special purpose (military, medical).
  3. Individual use (personal cars, airplanes).

By energy costs, transport happens:

  • driven by its own motor (thermal, electric, hybrid);
  • driven by wind (sailboats and various vessels based on this principle);
  • working from the strength received from man (bicycles);
  • transport moving through animals.

There is also a gradation of transport along the movement medium.

Terrestrial transport is divided into:

  • railway - transport loads and passengers with wheel vehicles with railway tracks (trains, trams, metro);
  • automobile transport - transports loads and people on the straight roadways by motor means, which have at least 3 wheels (motorcycles and similar means here do not belong to);
  • pipeline - a type of transport that moves through the pipe liquid and gaseous substances;
  • air transport - consists of aircraft and infrastructure adjacent to them (hangars, airports, dispatch);
  • water - transports loads and passengers on natural or artificial waterways (sometimes sea and river).

You can also identify specific types of transport:

  • underwater;
  • space;
  • elevators and funicular;
  • elevators.

All these species are extremely important for efficient transportation of goods. It is important to know their features, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages to be able to choose the best option and correctly combine them for maximum benefit.

Types of transport

Types of transport - This is a narrower concept. But knowing which types of transport help move, give them the definition will be easy.

These types of railway transport can be distinguished:

  • locomotive;
  • electrovoza;
  • electric train;
  • locomotive;
  • track machine;
  • diesel train;
  • passenger and luggage car;
  • isothermal car;
  • tank;
  • half-haul;
  • platform.

Types of automobile transport:

  • cars of general and special purpose;
  • truck total and special purpose;
  • cargo-passenger car;
  • car - tractor;
  • sedino tractor;
  • passenger trailer with different technical characteristics;
  • special and general cargo trailer;
  • caravan;
  • passenger semi-trailer with various technical characteristics;
  • cargo semi-trailer;
  • bus general and special purpose;
  • articulated bus.

The water and air type of transport distinguish the aqueous and aircraft, respectively.

There is also a type of transport as a container. It is also often used when transporting goods.

Each type of transport has its exact definition, specifications and objectives of use. With the help of a wide classification of types, you can get a more holistic and volumetric concept of modes of transport.

Types of transportation

Transportation - A complex process consisting of a variety of links. Could cope with this task can an enterprise independently or use the services of a logistics company. It all depends on the amount of work and budget to which the enterprise has.

There are two concepts in the transportation system: the carrier and freight forwarder. They constitute two sides of one medal, without them an effective process of moving goods is impossible.

Carriers make the physical movement of the cargo from the point of sending to the point of arrival. Freight forwarders carry out a number of auxiliary functions: draw up documentation, help the goods to cross customs, control loading and unloading, insurance, storage of cargo.

Large companies that have the necessary funds always use the services of the forwarder. There is also a notion of a logistics partner. This is a person who indicates auxiliary services. These include: insurance and security companies, customs brokers, companies making goods packaging, and other important objects.

Distinguish such types of transport:

  1. Simone - implies the use of one type of transport. Most often used when you need to deliver cargo from point to point without storage and processing.
  2. Combined - When several types of transport are used. This contributes to improving the efficiency of transportation and reduces costs.

If we are talking about international trade relations, then the second type of transportation is most often used. For example, to the point of shipment, the load is transported on railway transport, then it overloads it to trucks and driven to the airport, and after already loaded to the aircraft. Upon arrival, the goods unload on the car and driven to the destination.

Types of transport logistics and its foundations

Transport logistics is divided into inner and external.

Internal implies the movement of goods within the company and between its branches. The external transport logistics allows you to carry cargo from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Also, such a type of logistics differs on the principle of the organization of the process:

  1. Logistic The principle assumes the presence of only one carriage operator. Due to this, the process is systematic and consistent. So gradually there are general tariffs for transportation.
  2. Traditional- There is no single operator, and all participants interact with each other. The cost of certain services within the transport chain is known only to related participants. Therefore, there are no single tariffs.

The first option is considered to be more versatile and reliable. Companies do not need to worry that some kind of link will fail and transportation will not take place. This is fraught with large losses, and a transport - logistics company will receive a damage of his reputation.

Tasks and transport logistics functions

A complex system that forms transport logistics must perform such basic functions:

  • shipping delivery and optimal process forecast;
  • registration of documentation that accompanies the cargo;
  • compliance with legal norms and rules;
  • calculation of transport services to individual participants in the process;
  • work on loading and unloading;
  • proper packaging and storage;
  • optimization of the process by automating and implementing technical innovation;
  • information support of cargo;
  • customs and insurance services.

The main task of transport logistics is to transport the shipment within a prescribed period qualitatively with minimal costs.

To do this, you need to perform a number of subtasks.

First, the delivery points should be analyzed. The manager must take into account the features of cargo, terrain, landscape, type of transport, special conditions of transportation (fire safety, cargo dimensions, etc.). Generalizing information, it can make a decision to use several types of transport by making intermediate points for unloading - loading.

Then the cargo itself should be analyzed. All characteristics are taken into account - fragility, weight, condition, effect of temperatures and other factors. For example, poisonous substances can not be carried through settlements.

Now comes time to decide on the transport. It is important to consider its characteristics, tariffs and transport time. All types of transport have their own minuses and pros. It is important to choose the optimal option for a specific cargo.

Construction of the route is also an important task of transport logistics. An experienced manager always picks up several path options to have a spare option. You should also calculate risks and expenses in case of damage and delay of cargo.

Control over the implementation of the process allows you to inform the customer about the location of the cargo, its safety. This uses navigation techniques, mobile communications and Internet.

Documentation accompanying

This industry is fully regulated by the laws of different types and content. The main document that is immediately compiled between the customer and the Contractor is the contract. It indicates that the logistics company undertakes to fulfill the task within a period specified in the document, and the Customer undertakes to pay these services in full.

For transporting goods must necessarily be drawn up such documents:

  • power of attorney for transportation;
  • commodity - transport invoice;
  • overhead on the cargo;
  • consolidated statements;
  • invoice invoices.

Depending on the type of transport, which was selected, the documentary base can be supplemented.


Transport logistics - An integral part of the functioning of enterprises of different forms of ownership, scale and profitability. Without this system, the delivery of goods would be imperfect. Companies would constantly lose their income, deprived goods and customers.

A positive feature in the development of transport logistics is that the sphere is improving, automates and goes to new high levels.



1.1. General device car

The car is a complex mechanism consisting of various systems and mechanisms. Many different brands and car models are produced, but any car consists of three main parts: bodies, engine and chassis.

Bodyit serves to accommodate the transported cargo. In the passenger cars and buses in the body are, as a rule, passengers and driver. The body of a truck consists of a platform for cargo and driver's cab.

Engine- Machine transforming thermal energy of fuel into mechanical work.

Chassisconsists of a transmission, carrier system, bridges, suspension, wheels and control mechanisms.

In fig. 1.1 shows the KAMAZ-5320 car device.

The torque generated by the engine is transmitted to the drive wheels of the car.

Part transmissionsincludes: clutch, gearbox, cardan transmission, the main transmission, which is installed in the leading bridges, where differential and semi-axis are placed, by which the torque from the main transmission is summarized to the drive wheels.

On all-wheel drive cars, where all the wheels are driven, a handouting box is installed between the gearbox and the main transmission.

Carrier systemit is the base of the entire car, it belongs to the frame or body (passenger car).

Fig. 1.1. Car device KAMAZ-5320: 1 - engine; 2 - clutch; 3 - Transmission; 4 - cardan transfer; 5 - Middle Bridge; 6 - frame; 7- rear suspension; 8 - rear leading bridge; 9 - platform with folding sides; 10 - rear drive wheels; 11 - brake cylinders; 12 - front controlled wheels; 13 - steering; 14 - Cabin

Wheels are installed on bridgeswhich are suspensionrelated to the frame. The set of these elements is called the chassis.

Control systemconsists of steering mechanisms and brake system.

Mutability of the engine, transmission mechanisms, cabins and cargo platform, i.e., the car layout may be the most diverse.

Classification of road transport

The composition of the car and the trailer towed them or the semi-trailer is called motor tray.

Automotive transport is divided into cargo, passenger and special.

Trucks include trucks, car tractors, trailers and semi-trailers.

Passenger vehicles include passenger cars, buses, passenger trailers and semi-trailers.

Cars with a capacity of up to eight people (including the driver) belong to the passenger, over eight people - to buses.

Special vehicles include cars, trailers and semi-trailers to perform non-transport works, equipped with appropriate equipment - street cleaning machines, firefighters, truck cranes, etc. The use of trailers allows you to increase productivity and reduce the cost of transportation. Trailers include trailers, semi-trailers and dissolution trailers.

Uniaxial trailers (Fig. 1.2, but)connect with a car with a drawby. When storing the trailer, front and rear supports are used.

From a two-axis trailer (Fig. 1.2, b)vertical loads on the car are not transmitted.

Rapin trailers (Fig. 1.2, in)used to transport long cargo. They have a swivel casson 3, presenting a reference rotating beam, which provides the right placement of cargo.

Drawn 2 railway trailer is performed sliding, which allows you to transport cargo of various lengths.

Semi-trailers (Fig. 1.2, d)the front of the car is based on the truck device, which is located on the frame instead of the body. Such cars are called saddle tractors. Part of the load from the mass of the semi-trailer and the mass of the cargo carrier is distributed on the frame of the saddle tractor. The semi-trailer disconnected from the tractor relies on supporting support 4.


Fig. 1.2. Types of trailed vehicles: but- uniaxial trailer; b.- two-axis trailer; in- Drowner trailer; g -semitrailer; 1 - Stand; 2 - drawing; 3 - turning offline; 4 - rack

The designation of the domestic rolling stock consists of the factory name of the manufacturer and four-digit digits, where the first figure indicates the class of the car, the second is the view of the car, and the two recent is the serial number of the car model.

Types of cars and their designations:

1 - passenger;

2 - buses;

3 - freight;

4 - tractors;

5 - dump trucks;

6 - tanks;

7 - vans;

8 - reserve;

9 - special.

Passenger cars are divided into five classes depending on working volumeengine:

Class working engine volume, l

Especially small ................................... to 1,099

Small .............................................. 1,1 -1,799

Middle ........................................... 1.8-3,499

Big .......................................... 3.5 and more

Higher ............................................ Not regulated

Buses are divided into five classes depending on the length:

Class Length, m

Especially small ................................... to 5

Small .............................................. 6-7 ,five

Middle ........................................... 8,5-10

Large .......................................... 11-12

Especially big ............................... 16,5-24

Trucks, trailers and semi-trailers depending on their total mass (in tons) are divided into the following classes: less than 1.2; 1.2-2; 2-8; 8-14; 14-20; 20-40; more than 40 tons

Table 1.1 illustrates a digital classification of domestic cars.

The fifth digit in the designation is the modification of the basic model. The sixth mark is added to the designation of the machines of export performance: the export execution is assigned a number 6, tropical version - 7.

For trailers, semi-trailers and dissolution, the following classes are provided: 8 - trailers; 9 - semi-trailers and dissolution. The form is indicated by the second digit, which corresponds to the type of car, for example, 1 - a trailer or semi-trailer to cars, 2 - to buses, etc.

Table 1.1.Indices of automotive rolling stocks depending on class

Cars Buses Trucks
Engine working volume, l Index Length, M. Index Full weight, t With onboard platform Saddle tractors dump trucks Tanks Vans Special
Up to 1.099. Do5. Up to 1.2.
1,1-1,799 6-7,5 1,2-2
1,8-3,499 8-10 2-8
Over 3.5. 11-12 8-14
16,5-24 14-20
Over 40.

The third and fourth digits of the designation of trailers and semi-trailers determine the model depending on their total mass and are a number of numbers (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2.Digital designation of trailers, semi-trailers, dissolution, depending on their total mass

Examples of car designation:

KAMAZ-5320 - a cargo vehicle produced by Kamsky automotive factory, full mass of 15 305 kg, model 20;

KAMAZ-5511 - dump truck, full weight of 19 000 kg, model 11;

VAZ-21036 - a passenger car, the operating volume of the engine is 1.3 liters, is produced by the Volga automotive factory, with the right arrangement of the controls;

ODAZ-99871 - Semi-trailer-van of the Odessa motor assembly plant with a all-metal body, full weight of 29.2 tons.

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