Low-pressure tires all-terrain vehicles: overview of the best snow-shots. Review of departures on low pressure tires, domestic and foreign models Werethod on low pressure tires with Romania

Ordinary passenger car A trip to the snow-covered area, slippery or loose soil, is difficult. It is able to get bogged in dirt, snow and sand, up to the fact that it will be necessary to call a special equipment for evacuation. If it is necessary to move on rough terrain over long distances, it is reasonable to use special transport - snow-beams on wheels over low pressure.

Characteristic features of snow-blurry

The main feature of departures on low pressure tires is the presence of a frame on hinged joints. Thanks to it, the wheels can accommodate at any angle, which is necessary to increase the permeability.

Such a design does not allow all-terrain vehicles to fall at the special equipment on the side. This is especially important when moving on a rocky, shuffling surface.

The number of bridges in this technique may vary from two to three. Motor all-terrain - diesel or carburetor. The latter is considered more efficient for long trips, such as hunting.

Varieties of departures with low pressure tires

Universal designs of snow-spread robes on low pressure tires are called all-terrain vehicles. There are no obstacles for all-terrestrs. Such machines due to the special structure of the tires are able to overcome even shallow streams and rivers. But the technique can also be directed on trips to certain types of soil. Depending on this, the model is divided into:

  • snowmobiles;
  • swamps;
  • amphibians.

The first of them are more often used in the areas of the Far North, where the tundra is covered with snow for almost a year. They are needed not only for trips to rest or hunting. For residents of remote settlements, this is the only way to get to civilization.

The second type is designed for trips on the swampy terrain. Swobbers are used for hunting for ducks, moose, boars. As for amphibians, they are able to move water due to the presence within wheel disks Special floating fillers. One more important feature Amphibians - the tightness of the bottom and the compartments adjacent to it. For vehicle movement, the water device is sometimes used.

Pros and Cons Low Pressure Tires

For all-terrain vehicles, special wheels are usually installed, although there are models and tracked suspension. At all-terrain vehicles on the wheels of low tire pressure, due to its structure, minimize the risk of puncture. But most speed Such technique will not be able to dial.

Cabin features and its capacity

Weight technique and its maneuverability depends on the number of passengers. The Soviet are double all-terrain vehicles. Most of them and the cabins are not - they look like motorcycles. Another plus in a small fuel consumption. They choose the rangers and rescuers for rapid movement over long distances.

To learn to the nature of the large company, you need all-terrain vehicles from the cab, where 4-6 people can fit. Good models with heated cabin and closed body for long journeys in the cold climate.

We are in demand by the model of all-terrain vehicles of different manufacturers

It is much easier to make a choice in favor of a model of a low-pressure all-terning bus, if you know which of them are the most popular, and why. You can do it by reading the reviews of the owners and analyzing the main characteristics.

Models of brand MAX

Three options of all accommodations of this brand are popular:

  • maneuverable "Max 2" for two people;
  • spacious "Max 4" for six people;
  • cargo "Buffalo".

The first two models are universal, since it is not difficult to move from sushi to the surface of the water and continue to move at a speed of 12 km / h. On dry soil, the technique is able to dial up to 75 km / h. Each of the six wheels have independent control, which allows you to overcome any obstacle.

ARGO 8 × 8 Outfitter

Both varieties of this model - on the tracked and on a wheelchair - are popular with extremals of the whole world. In the wheel execution she has eight tires. This is a universal model capable of moving along the rocks, swamps, snow-covered soil and ice, as well as water.

All-Argument Argo 8 × 8 Outfitter

Amphibian Tinger.

Its advantage is almost absolute permeability, and a disadvantage - low speed (largely due to a tracked device for movement). High-speed maximum on land - 45 km / h, on water - 4 km / h.

But he has a spacious closed cabin, where five travelers are freely posted. They are completely protected from weather transformations. This is an excellent option for those who comfort appreciates more movement speed.

More often used as a cargo, because it has caterpillars and big Body Closed type. But he can transport people to ten people at the same time. Despite the larger mass, it is easily moving through the snow, dirt, burly.

Maneuverable "Tarus 2x2"

This model will choose a person who likes to hunt, fish or just go to nature alone. Easy all-terrain vehicle on two wheels will pass through any obstacles and off-road. If you wish, it is easy to disassemble and pack in the trunk of a roomy car for a long-distance moving.

Choice rules

To the one who wishes to buy a snow-groove on low pressure tires, it is quite difficult to make a choice. Before this should analyze the possibilities of using the technique and the characteristics of the soil in this area.

Wheel all-terrain vessels are more maneuverable, lungs, develop a good speed. But sometimes it takes an option with caterpillars. They have a better clutch with a clay surface, eliminates the possibility of damage to the tire when traveling along a forest array, littered with dry branches.

It should be considered how many people should hold the model. For single travelers, it makes no sense to buy heavy transport - it is not economically.

Many of the owners of snow-spread robes on the wheels of ultra-low pressure believe that the domestic equipment in the native expanses is better. It is already adjacent to local realities, it is not afraid of temperature drops and is easily reinforced in hiking conditions.

Vessels are necessary for connoisseurs of natural beauty, to which you can not get on the usual SUV. If you correctly pick up the model, the trip to the most remote corners will turn into a pleasant and exciting journey.

Today, in many programs about hunting, traveling, tourism and extreme holidays, you can see unique transportation - all-terrain vehicles on low pressure tires.

Such technique is easy to learn on huge wheels, incredible clearance and unique patency. it the best way For movement in the sand, viscous soil, stony surface and water.

A bit of history

The first all-terrestrial cars on were represented by Tank Kristy. After a few years, faster versions appeared on the basis of this model.

Their advantages include universality and excellent permeability. Such equipment confidently felt on solid coverage (wheels were connected to work) and on off-road (caterpillars helped).

But the time has shown that the tracked technique is far from the best option.

The car enthusiasts have noticed that with a decrease in pressure inside the tire, the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of the wheel from the ground increases. As a result, the vehicle's passability increases.

For example, on some trucks (Ural-4320, GAZ-66 and other), the driver can adjust the pressure in the wheel, based on the situation on the road.

Sometimes used sht with a special protector, which improves all-time quality.

Feature of special tires - in greater width and softness, if compared with conventional tires.

Today, tires having ultra-low pressure are becoming increasingly popular. But there is one big minus. Installing such wheels is possible only on special technique. If there is a desire to put them on your car, you will have to produce a serious alteration.

Main species

Depending on the scope of application, design features and appointments, all-terrain vehicles are several species.

Excellent manifest itself on a swampy terrain and find their use in agriculture in the drainage of wetlands of the Earth.

In addition, such devices are very useful in the construction of roads, oil and gas pipelines, as well as geological exploration.

It feels well on the snowy terrain. These are reliable assistants for fishermen, hunters and travelers. They are suitable for cargo transportation and replace personal transport by residents of the northern regions.

Capable to overcome any obstacles. For them, there is no problem dirt, stones, snow and even shallow rivers.

"Sharpened" under overcoming deep barriers, even subject to complete immersion. For example, externally amphibian agricultural machinery, which cope with their tasks on any terrain are very popular today.

Constructive features

Ways on low pressure tires have a unique permeability primarily due to an unusual approach to the design and reducing pressure inside the tire. In this case, the contact stain is one third or one fourth one from the entire surface of the tire.

Due to the increase in the area of \u200b\u200bcontact, the load on the soil is reduced, which is very important for the technique of agricultural purposes.

When pumping tires, it is necessary to navigate the pressure difference (between ultra-low and low) about 0.3 MPa.

As for the amphibious all-terrain (we have already mentioned), their floating properties are provided by special fillers in tires.

At the same time, the bottom of such cars is absolutely hermetic. If it is necessary to increase the speed of movement to the case, the wheels are connected, but more efficiency has, of course, water.

In addition, all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires have a particularly articulated frame.

This constructive feature Allows the wheels to occupy any positions relative to each other (it all depends on the features of the machine itself).

The application of the framework of the articulated type allows to improve the passability of the technique and minimize the likelihood of its turning.

In the all-terrains on wheels there may be two or three bridges. In the first version, all the wheels are leading. At the same time, each of them is the possibility of blocking the mid-scene and inter-track differential.

Another feature of such systems is the ability to disconnect one of the bridges. If there is a lot of permeability, it is better to give preference to a three-piece car with a system 6x6.

Or four bridges with 8x8 system.

As for the main node, departures with low-pressure tires can have both carburetor and diesel engine.

The diesel version is more suitable for medium and large equipment, and carburetor - for small all-terrestrial devices designed for lovers of hunting or fishing.

Types of all-terrain vehicles on low pressure tires

Westers with sht differ in functional purposes.

They are:

  1. Passenger. This technique is intended for the transport of people in the amount of up to 15 people;
  2. Cargo-passenger. The peculiarity of such all-terrain vessels is that they can accommodate both passengers (up to four) and loads (for these purposes a special trailer, platform) is provided;
  3. Cargo. Have your own trailer and a special platform for the transport of various goods.

Domestic and foreign models of all-terrain

Today, in the automotive market, all-terrain vehicles with low-pressure tires are represented by many models. Let's look at some of them.

Car market of the Russian Federation.

Designed for movement on water and any off-road. At the same time, the most interesting thing is that it does not apply to the class of all-terrain vehicles.

Created to translate up to 80 kilograms of cargo and up to two people. It has a four-stroke engine on board from 9-15 horsepower. May develop speed up to 25 km / h. The average cost of such a "miracle" is 170-200 thousand rubles.

It is an amphibious all-terrain motor with a three-cylinder engine for 53 horsepower.

Develops speed up to 45 km / h. Polyethylene is used as the main material for the body, there is additional protection.

It can perform its functions at temperatures from -40 to +40 degrees Celsius. It has a load capacity to halftone.

It has a weaker dual-cylinder engine with 35 horses. The remaining functions are similar to the version discussed above. Cost - about 600 thousand rubles.

Full characteristics Tiger Hood 6x6-1.

UAZ upgraded version. Easy to maintain and repair. The mechanical part does not differ from standard models.

Can pick up a gasoline or diesel engine. Speed \u200b\u200b- up to 70 km / h, weight Limit - 450/350 kilogram on land (water), respectively. Cost - about 1.4 million rubles.

It has characteristics similar to the last model. A distinctive feature is the use of warmer plastic for the body and the advanced temperature range (-60- + 60 degrees Celsius).

Excellent option for farmers and oilmen. It has a good load capacity - 400/300 kg (land / water) and all the characteristics of the model of the main line.

Six-traded all-hours price for more than two million rubles. It has the characteristics of the leader of the line. Load capacity - 700/400 kg.

It has similar to the last model characteristic. The car fell up to 2.8 tons and became spacious (capacity - up to 8 people).

Foreign automotive market.

Abroad, manufacturers also do not sleep. The following models are popular there.

Powerful all-terrain-like amphibia with six wheels, the engine on 18 "horses" and the maximum speed of up to 30 km / h.

It has different colors, the housing is made of polyethylene. Works in the same temperature range as past versions. Adiquid cargo to 317 kilograms on land and up to 227 kilograms - water.

Another American all-terrain vehicle with 8-wing wheels. Motor volume - 750 cubic meters. cm.

Yanmar C12W 6 × 6. Werethod-dump truck. Load capacity up to 650 kg, maximum speed - up to 40 km / h.

Swedish military all-terrain vehicle with a 2.0 liter motor and 82 horsepower.

Each car owner knows what to go along the perfectly level pavement road is a real pleasure for the driver. But if the road is solid pits and cracks, the trip turns into torment and for the driver, and for the car. But if you need to drive around the crossed, swampy or snowy area, then for a regular car, such a way will certainly become an impassable obstacle. Designed for urban roads of the tire and suspension will be lit in the mud, and then will remain hope only for the aid of the tow truck. If you move over long distances of rough terrain, it is necessary for such a goal special vehicles exist - all-terrain vehicles.

People who are constantly needed to ride long off-road districts, often come to the decision to acquire such transport that could pass through the snow, swamp and sometimes even water. Most often with such people are lovers of hunting and fishing, as well as huntsman who are constantly working in the forests. Snow-blurry on wheels of ultra-low pressure can satisfy all the needs of this kind of people. These all-terrain vessels are capable of passing not only on dirt and forest flooring, but also in a thick layer of snow and swampy terrain, and ultra-low pressure tires reduce the chances of puncture due to higher plasticity and amortization.

Features of all-terrain vehicles

First of all, the vehicles of this class allocates the versatility of the suspension system and high engine power. The suspension in some models is designed in such a way that the all-terrain truck becomes car amphibian, as it is capable of moving not only on land, but also by water. When choosing all-terrain costs, it should be paid to the following characteristics.


To ensure high permeability in all possible obstacles, manufacturers often have to sacrifice something in the construction of all-terrain vehicles, reducing its speed, or capacity.

Obviously, the most versatile will be vehiclewhich can pass any intersection area, including water. But if it is known that all-terrain vehicles will not be used to cross deep water obstacles, it is better to choose the model that is most adapted to move on land.

Tire pressure

The wheels are a very important part of the all-terrain vehicle, since it depends on their quality, whether the puncture will not happen during the departure to any acute roasting, after which it will have to be at least changed the wheel to the spare wheel.

Ultra-low pressure tires minimize punctures chances, but reduce the maximum movement speed of transport.

Knowing how dangerous for the wheels the area will have to overcome on the all-terrain vehicle, the wheels of the appropriate design should be selected.


From the number of places in the cockpit, directly depends on how many people can go in it. Conveniently, if there are many people to plant in transport, but the more places in it - the more the whole car will be harder.

If the goal is the choice of the all-terrain vehicle model for the huntsman, which is constantly overcoming long distances, then it is better to give preference to a small vehicle with one or two seats. The all-terrain vessels of such a small size will obviously consume less fuel, which is beneficial in terms of savings.

For competent selection of all the way, it is important to know in what conditions it will be used. If the conditions for using all-terrants are definitely known, then you can choose the optimal model that will perform all the tasks set before it most effectively.

If the conditions in which the vehicle will have to work are unknown, then the acquisition of a universal model will be a reasonable choice, which can cope with any tasks delivered.

Overview of popular models

Some models of all-terrain vehicles enjoy the greatest demand among hunters and fishermen, as they are checked by practice and time. Firms specializing in the production of such cars have authority in the market of all-terrain vehicles, and therefore their products have high quality and meets all the requirements.

Max all-terrain

3 models of all-terrain vehicles are common from this manufacturer: a maneuverable double "Max 2", a roomy six-bed "Max 4" and intended for the transport of heavy loads "Buffalo".

Introducing a six-wheel junction on low pressure tires, "Max" is also amphibian, as it is capable of moving from sushi to water without any difficulty and move along it at a speed of up to 12 km / h. This is quite high-speed transport, since the speed of its movement by land is up to 75 km / h.

The all-terrain vehicle "Max 4" weighs 900 kg and overcomes almost any natural obstacles without difficulty due to the fact that each of the wheels have independent control. This model It is a full-fledged snow-groove on low pressure tires, which is a very universal indispensable vehicle for lovers ride a hunt far from civilization.

All-terrain vehicles "Argo"

In many countries, the most common model of this manufacturer is 8x8 Outfitter. This eight-wheel machine is also produced in the tracked model. The all-terrain vessel moves perfectly in the forests, as well as rocky, swampy and snowy territories, and at the same time is amphibian, therefore it is capable of moving along the water.

Very versatile, but limited in the speed of movement, all-terrain vehicles on the caterpillar suspension. The lack of tire means that it is not necessary to be afraid of a sudden puncture of the camera, but the maximum speed of movement of such vehicles on land is only 45 km / h. By water, this all-terrain one also accelerates not much - only 4 km / h.

Cabind of all-terrain-amphibian "Tinger" is a closed design in which up to 5 people can fit. Driving in such a vehicle is quite comfortable under all weather conditions.

Domestic Models "Transmash"

Large crawler all-terrainwhich is produced in Russia. Large closed body able to accommodate with a dozen people or another volumetery. The passability of the caterpillar suspension is no doubt in the conditions of snow, dirt and other forest flooring.

Two-wheeled low-pressure all-terrain vehicle is lightweight and reliable single transport to move off road. This model has a collapsible design, which allows it to be compactly placed in the trunk of many fairly spacious cars for transportation.

How to choose the best

When there is a need to purchase a vehicle to move around the rough terrain, each hunter or huntsman turns out to be a fairly wide choice.

Obviously, for the forest you need to choose all-terrain vehicles on low pressure tires, but in some cases the best choice May be tracked suspension. Indeed, in this case, the danger of puncture of the tire is completely leveled, since the metal parts under the conditions of the forest it is much more difficult to damage than rubber.

But it is impossible not to note that all-terrain vehicles on low pressure wheels are designed in such a way that it is comfortable to move around rough terrain. And often they are able to develop a greater rate than similar vehicles on the caterpillar suspension, and the likelihood of getting the puncture in them is actually very small.

When it is known that ride will have to sophisticated conditions The swampy terrain, snow-born on low pressure tires are extended to the low pressure tires, as far as possible to move along a viscous bog and snow. If the hunter loves to travel alone, then it makes no sense to acquire large and heavy transport, as it will consume much more resources, and its additional opportunities will not be used.


Comparative test of ultra-low pressure tires can be found in our video.

The history of all-terrains and tank buildings in Russia began with a licensed tank "Christie", on the basis of which the BT family was created - high-speed tanks. The "chip" of these aggregates was in their versatility - they used the wheels on the roads with a solid coating, and on the off-road caterpillars, thus reducing the specific pressure of the machine to the ground due to the increase in the support area. But operating experience has shown that caterpillar cars for off-road are not a panacea.

If you lower the pressure inside automotive tireIt will increase the stain of its contact with the soil, and therefore the support area will increase, the specific pressure will decrease and as a result - the permeability improves.

On dual-use trucks (ZIL-131, GAZ-66, Ural-4320) and universal wheeled chassis can change the driver in motion, which increases the permeability of weakness soils. This indicator can also be increased by applying low pressure tires (sht) with a special protector.

Excessive tires of ultra-low pressure. True, for them you need to deeply upgrade the serial SUVs, or design cars originally intended for use on low pressure tires.

Ways in the Russian market

The most "bright" models of all-terrain vehicles on tires of low and ultra-low pressure offered by leading companies in the markets of Russia are presented in the next review.

Pretty controversy. It is argued that this "pepelats" (Tekhnomaster LLC, Russia) is able to move on off-road and on the water, Aki do not, but the all-terrain vehicle is not!

  • It is designed to transport two people to 80 kg. cargo.
  • 4-stroke engine, 9-15 horsepower.
  • Speed \u200b\u200b- up to 25 km / h.

In the free from extreme, it is recommended to put the wheels from "Niva" on it and use as a mini tractor. For an additional charge, it is possible to finish the device with different "utilities", such as a removable roof, a waterometer, headlight, and so on.

Basic price: 175 000.00 rub.

Tiger XBH 8x8-2.

8-wheeled all-terrain-amphibia, with fully drive (LLC "Weremetsov Tiger" (Russia)).

  • Engine for 53 horses, (3 cylinders, 4-tact, Chery company).
  • Speed \u200b\u200b- up to 45 km / h.
  • High density polyethylene case (PEVP), the bottom has additional protection. Available different colors of the top of the case.
  • Load capacity up to 500 kg. (on water up to 300 kg.)

A varied selection of mounted equipment and additional accessories, among which caterpillars (plastic, rubber, with metal primers - "BT" remember?), "Kenguryatnik" (for Siberia rather "meblers"), and so on.

Price: 745 000.00 rub.

Tiger XBH 6x6-1.

Reduced version of XBH 8x8-2 by six wheels.

  • The engine is salary - "total" 35 horses, (2 cylinders, 4-tact, Chery company).
  • The remaining characteristics are almost identical to the eight-cycle "older brother".

Price: 605 000.00 rub.

Argo 6 × 6 Frontier 580

It is very similar to that this or similar apparatus "inspired" the Chinese to create a previous machine.

6-wheeled amphibious all-wheel drive, with full drive.

  • Engine with a capacity of 18 horsepower.
  • Speed \u200b\u200b- up to 35 km / h (up to 5 km / h on water).
  • High density polyethylene case (PEVP), various colors and coloring to choose from. Protection of bottom - optional.
  • It is theoretically able to operate in the range from -40 ° C to + 40 ° C.
  • Load capacity up to 317 kg. (on water up to 227 kg.).

Big choice additional equipment To enhance the comfort, "finishing" of all passages to their requests and additional protection.

Price: from 605 246.00 rub.

Argo 8 × 8 Frontier 650

8-wheeled amphibian all-wheel drive, with full drive.

Engine with a power of 23 horses.

  • Speed \u200b\u200b- up to 30 km / h (up to 4 km / hour on water).
  • Load capacity up to 454 kg. (on water up to 408 kg.).
  • For other characteristics, a 6-wheel model is identical.

Price: from 872 805.00 rub.

Deep modernization of UAZ-ICA under the super-pressure tires.

It is produced in two modifications - "tent" and "all-metal" body.

Just repairing and maintaining - in the design, standard nodes and parts from gas and UAZ are used.

  • Engines to choose from - diesel and gasoline, injector (under AI-92) or carburetor (under AI-80).
  • Speed \u200b\u200bon the highway - up to 70 km / h.
  • Load capacity up to 450 kg. (up to 350 kg. On water).

Price: 1 350 000,00 rub.

  • The main characteristics resembles a head model of the line (39041).
  • Load capacity up to 400 kg. (up to 300 kg. on water).

Pickup body of modern design, sharpened for special attachments -, fertilizer spreader or small rig.

For farmers, geologists, oil workers ...

Price: 1 590 000.00 RUB.

  • According to the characteristics, the 39041 model is similar.
  • The main difference is the warmed fiberglass body of the type "sandwich" with doors and hatch.
  • The claimed range of operating temperatures from -60 ° C to + 60 ° C.

Price: 1 780 000.00 RUB.

The six-way version of the all-terrain vehicle.

  • The characteristics resemble the leader of the line.
  • Differences - the car has become heavier (2500 kg. Against 1900 kg.) And loader (700 kg. Versus 400 kg. On a dense soil and 400 kg. Against 300 kg. On water).

Price: 2 200 000.00 RUB.

  • The main characteristics resembles the previous model.
  • The car was heavier (2800 kg.) And spacious (up to 8 places in the body).

Price: 2 500 000,00 rub.

In the video, you can see the whole line of TROLC SUVs, learn their characteristics, capabilities and scope of application.

Want to move in any desired direction without limiting yourself roads? Just choose a suitable "mule" on low pressure tires! The only thing you should not forget that whatever the reliable construction has had the all-terrain design, because of its destination, it is subject to both heavy breakdowns (failure of transmission, suspension, etc.) and "small" damage.

All-terrain vessels on our expanses have always been honored. They are created for various purposes and tasks, separate enthusiasts or specialized companies for which the production of equipment increased passibility - Business. What specific models are in our country?

Let's start with pickups. They are prepared in Krasnoyarsk from Arctic Trucks components. Russian representation is working there for more than seven years. Buyer gets ready car Immediately on the rooms. That is, all modifications are legal, the necessary certificates are obtained.

It is impossible to pass by the most popular all-terrain vehicles, whose passability is comparable to the possibilities of tracked technology, and in some parameters even exceeds it. The car was developed by Alexei Garagashia. The design of all-terrain vehicles began in 2012, and a ready-made copy was presented in 2015 at the Moscow exhibition of crossovers and SUVs MOSCOW OFF-Road Show 2015. The machine is produced serially in St. Petersburg. Sherpa feature is a pneumatic suspension. Four wheels are connected with each other with air channels. So, when driving a single wheel, let's say, the system will evenly distribute excessive pressure on other wheels, and the driver of the stump will not be noticed.

Nizhny Novgorod company "Transmash" turned the popular Gazelle to the all-terrain vehicle Kerzhak. There is both a six-wheeled version and four-wheeled. Frame frames of both modifications. Kerzhak is equipped with a radiator with an increase in 30% heat transfer, bridges from the MTZ-82 tractor. Diesel engine, production of ZMZ, 2,4 liter working volume, and power 98 hp

The all-terrain vehicle on the basis of Lada 4x4 is made by the Togliatti company "Bronno" since 1995. Last year he tested Vadim Crochekov. Togliattians expanded wheel arches to fit huge wheels. Thanks to them, the car can swim. Chassis Borrowed from the UAZ-469, and the 1.7-liter engine and gearbox are native. As an option, the installation of two 70-liter fuel tanks is offered. Machine load capacity - 350 kg. By request, the salon will install backseat. In the standard version there is placed a spare wheel.

Werethod Besphansince 1999, Arctictrans Moscow firm has been produced. The car can be both four-wheeled and sixthical. The design of the all-terrain vehicle is not frame. Both versions are carrying an aluminum body made on the principle of the aircraft fuselage. For all-terrain vehicles put different engines - for example, from Oka, VAZ-2108, etc. Own weight - 980 kg, carrying capacity - 500 kg. Can swim.

Trakol-39294 Released since 2004 by the same name by the Moscow company TRIKOL. There are many options - cargo, passenger, with wheel formula 4x4 or 6x6. The body is made of fiberglass. The machine is based on UAZ and gas aggregates. Diesel motors To choose from: There is a ZMZ and HYUNDAI engine. By order, the tracol will equip a waterman for water movement. Load capacity of all pass - 700 kg. Maximum speed - 70 km / h.

The first all-terrain vehicle Burlak Appeared in 2015. He was created by the Ural designer Alexey Makarov. Total collected 2 all-terrain vessels. The second car, another design, saw the light in 2016.

Onboard gearboxes took from BTR-60. Transmission - Alexei Makarov's own design. The basis of the Burlaka design spatial frame on which an aluminum body is installed. In the front of the car there is a motor capacity of 145 hp Burlac can swim. Loading capacity without loss of buoyancy - 2 tons.

Another all-terrain vehicle production of the Moscow Firm "TROLOCH" on the basis of UAZ-31514 - Trakol-39041. The wheel arches were expanded, and the body itself completed the footnings, to facilitate landing and disembarking from the car. Excellent passability provide delicious tires dimension 1300x600-533. With them ground clearance The car grows up to 500 mm. Tires provide both buoyancy stock. Such a UAZ amphibian develops speed by water up to 3 km / h. If you set the suspension boat motor - 10 km / h. The car can be installed as a gasoline engine ZMZ - 40905.10 with a capacity of 128 hp and diesel Hyundai D4BF (83 hp).

Excellent permeability provide tubeless tires with dimension 1300x600-533.

Excellent permeability provide tubeless tires with dimension 1300x600-533.

Past famous "Loaf" Do not pass. This all-terrain vessel also created Tarlak, and he is called Trecol Pro. As it is easy to guess, in its basis UAZ-2206. The specialists of the company TROLKOV modernized the fuel and exhaust systems, put nineteral springs, reinforced bridges and wheel gearboxes, original drive shafts and so on. The advantages of all-terrain vehicles are capacity and access to the engine from the cabin, that is, the repair can be produced in heat.

And what about UAZ Patriot.? At its base, there are also all-terrain vehicles. Let's say Yamal H-4S, Developed by Yamalspetsmash LLC. The all-terrain vehicle was specifically designed for operation in the conditions of the Far North. Five people can sit in the cabin. Autonomous heater EBERSPACHER IRTRONIC will help maintain a normal temperature in the cabin under conditions of abnormally low temperatures. As an option, the all-terrain vessel will equip the central pressure control system in the tires and the Spruct-9000 winch. Maximum speed Yamal H-4S. - 55 km / h along the asphalt road.

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