Utilization of cars - learn the terms of recycling of cars according to the program. State program of utilization of automobiles. Wash the programs. How to park a car? List of vehicles

There are quite a few people who didn’t want to own a mother’s car. However, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy. Everyone knows that the art of the “salting horse”, to reach the temple, and financial ability do not allow such a purchase to be victorious. But in the same food, the government went to zustrіch to its hulking people and saw the deacons cats. The purchase of a car for the recycling program in 2019 is available for the majestic mass of our spivvitchizniks for the same reason.

The arrival of a new car

Let's just say that the program for transferring finance from the state treasury was split up by the federal order. The main meta program is to extend a helping hand to the Russians. Therefore, only individuals with Russian citizenship can become participants. Tse nagolovnіsha mind.

Sobi, yakі vlady vyroblyat on the given state program, it is your responsibility to ensure the development of the Russian auto industry. To be able to put food, how to buy a car for the recycling program in 2019, it is necessary to think about how to buy more than those TK, as prepared by the industrial factories.

The car, which will be disposed of, is liable to a person for at least 1 ruble, as he claims to be a certificate for a discount. As a result, it was decided to put together a contract for the exchange of a decommissioned car for a new trade-in - that is the shortest period of time before decommissioning into scrap - pivroku.
Like in the first, so in the other part of the wine city 50-350 yew. Rubl.

Also, there are other recipes, for which one is indicated, how to put an old car for disposal and buy a new one. You can ask the dealer about it, which will take care of paperwork on the decommissioned car.

Program participants

Go and about the TK, which is direct to the smitnik, and about the quiet, how to replace them. Tobto, all tsіkavo, by looking and yakі it is allowed to buy natomіst.

Yaki cars can be recycled

Really take part in the program in 2019 roci є, utilization be-TS. It is absolutely unimportant, what kind of a new run, if it is released, like a brand of a car. The law is less likely to state that the car, like a write-off for scrap, is fully equipped. Absolutely all units, which are transferred from the factory, are in no way responsible for obov'yazkovo buti.

If you want to get a certificate for the disposal of a car with a dvigun, which is valid from the factory, then it’s completely efficient that it’s supposed to be collapsible. You will have to give that unit, which is standing in the vehicle at the decision on obl_k.

Available before buying a brand

Having applied for the government program, a lot of water will help you find out, like brands of cars, you can come for the recycling program. After the execution of all documents, if you see a coupon certificate, give you the necessary recognition, as a prospect.

Ale, get a certificate, go to a car shop and choose whether or not the car does not come out. Virobniki themselves accept the decision, like models of cars to take part in the program.

Buy less domestic cars, don't use a foreign government program. It’s less likely that the pickers themselves will cheat, like the cars they will sell for disposal, and they’ll be able to work on new cars with a fixed price. The state does not contribute to the formation of prices.

Cars under the recycling program -2017, a list and prices for yaks will be given later. If you want to buy them, you need to find out from car dealers what you need to do.
Having completed the documents for the disposal of an old car, you will see a certificate for a new car. Reduction - 50,000 rubles. Ale, don't think that all these cats were zarahuvalized at the time of payment. Deyakі virobniki transfer less sum of money.

All discounts are active until the end of 2019.

If your plan is to buy an investment, then insure your purchase for the utilization scheme for the new one - up to 350,000 rubles. Auto dealers will tell you more about everything in detail. For example, KamAZ in the trade-in program only transfers a number of fuels.

It is necessary to say that the list of cars under the program for the recycling of cars in 2019, the meanings are higher, not residual. You can make a short list, as well as nizhki.

available discount

Also, you can buy from the dealer what kind of car you can buy using the recycling program-2017.

Models buvaє kіlka, and maybe only one. For example, the Citroena discount is presented only on the C4. And Phot Ford represents for the reduction of anonymous models, as they are picked up in the Russian Federation.

It is significant that having prepared documents for the disposal of an old car, you see a certificate for 50 thousand rubles for a new car. Ale, not in all cases, the sum will be insured in the account of payment when the car arrives. Deyakі virobniki transfer less money. If you want to win the discount sum again, then it is recommended to buy a car, for example, a discount of 50,000 rubles is installed on it.

Buying cars, which were in vzhitku for the program

Many people don’t know how it is possible to take a car for disposal and buy a used car. The relevance of such nutrition is clear - the quality of a brand new horse is high, and the discounts for their purchase are not high. Why, cause a lot of someone who doesn’t mind the arrival of a BO car, rushing with a penny to the aid of the state.

But hurry up to confuse you - used cars do not take part in the state program. Vlad help to buy a brand new car. But you can know how to withdraw and take a loan from a bank. If you have a certificate for a reduction, then, better for everything, a loan will be given to you.

Also, someone who doesn’t know how you can buy a car with a test for the program of utilization, let's move forward. Today, a lot of car dealerships sell cars under the trade-in scheme, accepting old cars from people and presenting new ones for a surcharge. What are the benefits of such an exchange?

Lyudina, as if you are building a BO car, you can’t doubt that there will be problems with documents for TK. Dealers also guarantee that the technical state of the machine is in order.

Such ways are for today. So, how to buy for the program of utilization of a viide, it is necessary to smartly dim all the ways of buying a brand new fair horse.

It became clear that the car recycling program will continue its work in 2017. At the very least, the economy of the country will not be affected by the devil's crisis. For wealthy hulks, it means the possibility of building an old transport facility (TZ) and with a bad fortune to come to a new place. It becomes less and less necessary to recognize the entire sovereign project.

Sens auto recycling

The automotive market in Russia is periodically in crisis. Sales go down rapidly, as is the purchasing power. At the same price, navpaki, grow. The situation is aggravated by the impersonal old TK, issued in the 60-80s of the last century. Therefore, in 2010, the RF Department launched a program for the disposal of cars, so you can:

  • Support the auto industry, and together with it, the sovereign economy;
  • Reduce the number of old cars on the roads of the country, as they often become the cause of an accident;
  • More parking places, because Often old cars are not used, but stand by the yards of residential houses;
  • Polypshiti environmental situation (even old transport does not meet current environmental standards for fluff and instead of sloppy speeches);
  • Help the citizens to get a new car with a bigger mind.

The program woke up badly. In 2011, roci її were told. True, after three years they renewed it. Moreover, it has recently become clear that there will be a lot of car recycling in 2017, that’s why it’s rich, the terms and mind will change, as well as the prospects. About tse and rozpovimo gave.


Most motorists click on the date before the recycling program. As of today, it is clear that the first launch of the support for the automotive industry will continue until the summer of 2017. Denis Manturov, a certifier of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, spoke about this. True, you can not turn off the one that the program can be told.

All the same, our economy is seriously deposited in oil vats. Therefore, in times of a sharp reduction in prices per barrel, the state will not have the necessary amount (about 10-20 billion rubles) for financial support of such projects. Before that, the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation stands up for її skasuvannya, arguing with great vitrates and tim, that someone wants to bring a new car within the framework of the project even more.

The car recycling program was adopted more than six years ago, and it brought a lot of good things to the economy of the country. The program was blamed for a while for only a stretch of twelve months, but then we failed to continue, that information about those How will you be in 2017 in Russia , Tsіkavit bagatioh.

The program for the utilization of cars should be beneficial for the majority of Russians, even if it’s not enough to upgrade the state-owned “car fleet”, moreover, the most similar innovations were appreciated by the manufacturers of industrial cars, as well as those, who, apparently, are recycled. The main umovoy є those who stain the money, otrimani in the building of the old transport security, can only buy a new one, with which brand of car is designated by a special list, stored by the government.

Okremo varto discuss the fact that the hour of the transport service is guilty of revisiting 6 months, to which only the government will give people the right to withdraw a loan. Moreover, physical or legal persons can take part in the program, however, you can call this fact the main one, even if you can find additional minds for the disposal of cars, to which there are advances:

  • it is not possible to scrap a new car, so it is important to do it for the program of the six-digit age of the car;
  • it is necessary to be a citizen of Russia (people who come with a view of living, cannot take part in the program);
  • to scrap the transport without a specially hired dealer is not viide, and it is necessary to pay for the services of the service (about 10,000 rubles);
  • pennies, withdrawn within the framework of the program, can be used exclusively for the purchase of a car, moreover, you can choose only from domestic models.

Can I secure a sum for a yak sum?

The amount of the loan, which will be used in exchange for the delivery of a transport loan, was assigned more than a few years later, and let a lot of experts know that it is to blame for the increase in the cost of the financial inflation, the crisis created a lot of problems for that . In the current hour, the price for the disposal of a car in 2017 in Russia is high, even if it becomes 50-350 thousand rubles, and it is necessary to say that the minimum amount is seen for cars, and the maximum amount is for vintage cars. Already today, within the framework of the program, the authorities were able to sell over 130,000 cars, so you can guess about those that the inhabitants of the region take away their belongings and, which is important, stain them for recognition.

short laces

Summuvati is the whole of the Vischevodi -format, the Program of Utilizai Pіdіde Tim, who has a senior auto mobil, do not brisk it, Ajah for the ryman’s tules is just the same. Vlada calls for respect for those who the program may close quickly, but for the time being no one gives accurate information about those until which date the disposal of cars is carried out, so do not miss the opportunity to take part in the program right now. More than that, after buying a new car, there will definitely not be anything to worry about, even if there is more stink on the Russian roads, so, if you are satisfied with driving a new car, it’s impossible to parry.

It is also necessary to say that the authorities saw 10 billion rubles spent on the disposal of 10 billion rubles, as they will be crying out to the citizens of the Russian Federation, and therefore, it is necessary to understand that the term for the program of exchanges is not time-based, but material. Varto apply for participation in a similar program as early as possible, so that you can simply not get financial help for buying a new vehicle.

Within the framework of the state program for the disposal of old cars in 2020, a number of Russian and foreign car dealers will promote the delivery of vintage cars of various tonnage from them with a sum of money.

Washing up the disposal of the vans is determined by other categories of transport costs, by the amount of compensatory air supply and the need for exchange tax, cars of the same type purchased by tonnage.

Depending on the brand of the car, the dealer center, within the framework of a partnership agreement with a picker, can independently form the propositions of how to exchange an old vintage car for a new one, but in the norms, so as not to destroy the powers of the state programs.

Wash vintage car recycling programs

In 2020, roci in the independence of individual minds of utilization, promoted by dealerships, as a rule, are published on their official sites, and there are a number of shoes and tongues that could be used for remanufacturing cars.

For utilization vantage is the mother's fault:

  • timely passing technical inspection;
  • new technical base;
  • a package of documents certifying the rights of the Volodinnya TK;
  • vіdsutnіst znachennyh kuzovnyh poshkodzhen.

Utilization of a vintage car can take place in two forms, the exchange of an old transport vehicle for a new one: without intermediary within the framework of the recycling program, or for the Trade-in program, which can be brought in before the car in order to help the deacons mind.

It is also up to the minds of the minds of all the cultivators to rely on the reception of transport facilities of the Russian and European censuses, regardless of the century. The program is being expanded both on physical and on wine lists on legal entities, the list of which will be updated by another quarter of 2020 and when dealer centers are requested to be placed on these sites.

In order to get a compensatory air supply, it is necessary for the car itself to submit documents that certify the person, a certificate of registration of TK and a passport of TK.

KAMAZ behind the recycling program

The new KAMAZ 2015 can be picked up for the program of utilization of old vents.

PJSC "KAMAZ" for the program of utilization of cars offers to purchasers the whole range of new models of vintage cars, for a little bit of special equipment. Before the exchange, cars are accepted, not older than 30 years, as they may be technically stable on the same level. Vіdsutnіst vіdsutnіstі vіdsіnії іn konklіtії ї ї vuzlіv TK, registered in tekhnіchnomu prіstіvі, prichinі vіdmі vіdmі vіdmі vіdmіvі pіdmоvіnі pіdіnі іnіtії vіdіzіzі avtomobilіya.

In 2020, it is up to the company’s decision to decide to purchase a number of options for the exchange of cars, based on the coefficient of compensatory air conditioning. For the first and other quarters of the production period, the maximum reduction for the purchase of a new car is 300,000 rubles. For the third and fourth quarter, the company plans to increase the amount of compensation to 370,000 rubles.

In 2020, KAMAZ promotes a significant reduction in the number of options for wet harvesting under the vehicle recycling program in 2020: self-skids, truck tractors, flatbed vehicles.

GAS fittings for utilization

New lawn.

In 2020, the company "GAZ Group" for the delivery of new cars for the program of recycling requested a number of categories of vehicles of high quality, including tractors, medium-tonnage and small trucks, vintage minibuses and special equipment. The maximum discount for the purchase of a new car reaches 350,000 thousand rubles and is deposited according to the model and tonnage of a GAZ car.

Also, the form of exchange of the transport tax is added to the residual amount. The program of utilization may have a higher high coefficient of compensatory air blowing, lower Trade-in. Below is a list of the maximum reduction in arrears per model and the size of the car to be purchased.


  • Trade-in - 100,000 rubles.

Cars with a mass of 2.5-3.1 tons:

  • Trade-in - 100,000 rubles;
  • Utilization program - 120,000 rubles.

Cars with a mass of 3.1-4.1 tons:

  • Trade-in - 145,000 rubles;
  • Utilization program - 175,000 rubles.

Vehicles with a mass of 4.1-7.5 tons:

  • Trade-in - 165,000 rubles;
  • Utilization program - 200,000 rubles.

Vehicles weighing over 7.5 t:

  • Trade-in -300000 rubles;

Within the framework of the program for the exchange of old cars for the minds, which are suspended for disposal by the GAZ company, vintage cars are accepted, the mass of which is not allowed to exceed eight tons.

ISUZU Recycling

ISUZU can be bought with a discounted recycling program.

The program for the recycling of old cars takes part in the Japanese automobile company ISUZU, which offers a number of low-tonnage and medium-tonnage options to buyers, for which they do not transfer additional taxes, the cream is quiet, as it is written in the minds of the state program. For more information, see the list of models and the maximum amount of compensation for the purchase of new ISUZU vests.

ISUZU ELF 3.5 and ISUZU ELF 3.5s:

  • Trade-in - 145,000 rubles;
  • Utilization program - 175,000 rubles;

ISUZU ELF 5.2 and ISUZU ELF 7.5:

  • Trade-in - 165,000 rubles;
  • Utilization program - 200,000 rubles;


  • Trade-in - 300,000 rubles;
  • Utilization program - 350,000 rubles.

For the recovery of compensatory wine, it is necessary that the transport fund be used for disposal for at least 12 months.

Wash IVECO purchases by disposal

The IVECO vintage car is sold on a special basis for the disposal of old vintage cars.

For 2020, IVECO offers participants of the old car recycling program a discount on the delivery of new cars of the IVECO DAILY model range with a weight of up to 7.5 tons. The maximum possible reduction in stock is 175,000 thousand and varies in terms of stock due to special offers of dealer centers.

From the other half of 2020, it is planned to expand the program of recycling and on IVECO vintage cars of other types, including tractors, flatbed vans, vans with sandwich panels.

Outlook for 2020

Also, in 2020, the appearance of other foreign auto builders of vintage transport companies, ready to join the program of state recycling of old cars, will be recognized. MITSUBISHI and Nissan announced the possibility of organizing such sales. Here there are new and car dealerships, as if they were changing at your place with a card. Or hurry up by poshuk in the right part of the site.

From September 16, 2020, a new program for the disposal of cars comes into full force. Today, the project was given a new start, as new great shows are being minted from the front river. So far, the list of vehicles for recycling has been supplemented with new brands and auto-generators. On this day, the operator sees pennies for the adoption of 40 thousand old cars, plus that quota will reach the end of the year, as the bula was not realized in the past year.

Utilization of automobiles is a widely practiced practice in the world. In the rozvinenye kraina є tsіlі mіrіmі priymalnykh tsіvіv, de vysniki і old i avіrіynykh avіnіh mаyutіvіst zdati svіy avії іn metallobruht.

Costs taken from scrap collections are sent to stimulate collections and recycling costs, pay the population of financial costs at the sight of a certificate for raising auto-motloch and for informational support of the program. Zvichayno like and be-like a new activity began to work, this project ran into low problems. One of them was a note about a single form of approval for the disposal of a transport lane. Іsnuє kіlka zrazkіv ї ї dovіdki in zalezhnostі vіd region. At the moment, a food program has been initiated for the implementation of a universal adjustment - a single one for all regions of the country.

List of cars for the program

Below is a list of car brands with refurbished models and the size of the car. You can take advantage of the disposal or use the Trade-IN program. Choose what will be most visible to you. Some of the car dealerships on official websites have published information about the recycling program in special propositions. Go and check out the latest news about the software that will tell you the brand of car.

Lada AvtoVAZ recycling

The VAZ LADA car recycling program is being continued for a short time.

UAZ recycling

The UAZ program is available, report on the official website.

GAS utilization

Opel recycling

The Opel program can be pinned on time, please contact the dealers in your area.
Model Compensation for disposal
Corsa 40 000 rub.
Antara 140 000 rub.
Astra 80 000 rub.
Mokka 100 000 rub.
insignia 40 000 rub.
Zafira Tourer 80 000 rub.
Astra Family RUB 130,000
Zafira Family RUB 130,000
Meriva 40 000 rub.

SsangYong recycling

Sang-young behind the recycling program

Peugeot recycling

Renault recycling

The Renault brand is still available under the recycling program in dealer showrooms.
Model Compensation for disposal Compensation for Trade-IN
Logan 25 000 rub. 25 000 rub.
Sandero 25 000 rub. 25 000 rub.
Megane hatchback 50 000 rub. 40 000 rub.
Fluence 50 000 rub. 40 000 rub.
Koleos 50 000 rub. 40 000 rub.
Duster 50 000 rub. 40 000 rub.

Nissan recycling

Nisan Recycling Program

Volkswagen recycling

Volkswagen program and special offers.

Citroen recycling

Ford recycling

Skoda cars are available through the recycling program.
Model Compensation for disposal Compensation for Trade-IN
Ford Focus 50 000 rub. 50 000 rub.
Ford Mondeo 50 000 rub. 50 000 rub.
Ford S-Max 50 000 rub. 50 000 rub.
Ford Galaxy 50 000 rub. 50 000 rub.
Ford Kuga 2.5 Trend 100 000 rub. 100 000 rub.
Ford Kuga FWD 50 000 rub. 50 000 rub.
Ford Kuga AWD 90 000 rub. 75 000 rub.
Ford Edge 100 000 rub. 100 000 rub.
Ford Explorer 100 000 rub. 100 000 rub.
Ford Ecosport FWD 50 000 rub. 50 000 rub.
Ford Ecosport AWD 90 000 rub. 90 000 rub.

Skoda recycling

Model Compensation for disposal Compensation for Trade-IN
Fabia 60 000 rub. 50 000 rub.
Rapid 80 000 rub. 70 000 rub.
Octavia 90 000 rub. 80 000 rub.
Yeti 90 000 rub. 80 000 rub.
Yeti 4×4 RUB 130,000 RUB 115,000

Hyundai recycling

Kia Utilization

Mazda recycling

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