Dilyanka for the repair of accumulator batteries. Battery robots. Naming a group of cleaners


The theme of my diploma project is "Organization of the accumulator shop of the motor transport enterprise at 370 ZIL-5301". The accumulator shop is more important than a place in the outside technological process of ATP.

Have declines in colic CPCP Russia has occasionally been straining for the infrastructure of the motor transport with a system for organizing the transportation and maintenance of the modern technological base for the maintenance and repair of the Substation AT. With a large amount of cost adjustment of the efficiency of the transportation process with an one-hour decrease in the transportation process, there was a shortage - the jokes of the new optimal solutions are needed, just more in the minds of the transition of the entire economy of the economy to the economy. Privatization and shareholding of a number of ATPs in general or a private transfer to private authority, including PS, has been tempted to make a hundred changes, both in the organization of the transport process, and in the organization of the repair. Knew significant changes, both in the most important, and in the explicit manner, the very structure of AT management. So, for example, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has been removed from the Ministry of Transport, a robot that has been directed to work with one another, earlier in the past there were some types of transport in the transport system,

At the same time, it means that earlier, the basic provisions of the operation, maintenance and repair of the AT PS have been deprived of virtually no changes, they did not ruffle any "cosmetic" innovations. Yak and earlier, a hard-core importance of improving the efficiency of robots and vehicles in general є mechanization and automation of virobnichny processes in the repair service in the ATP with the availability of new technologies, in addition to the possession of the garage For a healthy building, a viable industry, unaffected by a collapsible economic situation, the promotion of a wider range of garage ownership is practical for all types of robots and, in the first place, the work of a Victory. I have a very important role in improving the productivity of repair robots, as well as in reducing the efficiency of robots according to the maintenance of the flow method, and in the TP zones of special posts (except for universal ones), the number of substitutes for the aggregate inadequate repairs to put in advance the repairs from the revolving fund - this will allow the car downtime to be repaired very quickly. In ancillary workshops, a significant effect is given to the routing technology, which allows the speed of non-rational vitra of the working hour.

Even more important is the need for different types of diagnostics, that is, in the case of quick and accurate detection of new problems and malfunctions, it allows to predict the possible resource of the vehicle's service life without repair, and in the course of optimal repairs his mother, allowing to improve the cleanliness of the organization of the work of the repair service of the ATP, including the supply of food. Acknowledgment of the diagnosis in the ATP to indicate the value of a decrease in emergency situations on the line of technical reasons and about the economy of viral resources - up to 10-15%. Zd_jsnennya put the building in front of the repair service of the ATP to allow, in addition to the significant positive moments, to promote the local culture of virobniztva, to establish the optimal sanitary-hygienic minds for robots. In the most direct way in the field of efficient robots for motor transport, for the transfer by the factories-virobniks and in the conversion process of a fundamentally new type of PS - as a type of heavy-duty vehicles-tractors for transport ).

It is unreasonable to allow more promptly and more efficiently in the transport process during the servicing of the population of the Russian industrial sector, with one-hour changes in the dose after the participation of the Russian Federation.


Battery repair, charging and recharging the battery. At the great auto-racing gifts of the fahivtsi іddіlennya viroblyayut and TO battery at TO-1 and TO-2. Considering the technology of servicing and repairing the battery and the occasional vimogi before the production in the workshop in especially great motor car gifts, attracting the attention to the charge for taking, taking care of and repairing

Acidic acidity is used for drinking in bottles of organic acid and distilled water, as well as for preparing and saving electrolyte, for which a bath with lead or faience is used. Vaughn stands on a wooden table, vicious with lead. Bezopasnoy when pouring acid, the bottle is installed at the special pristosuvannya.

In the case of a reception, there is a problem with the battery. Here there is a control from the technical mill and a change in service and repair is started. Distant in the debris from the stink I will come for repairs or for recharging.

Battery repair call to get ready for ready-made parts (plates, separators, tanks). For repairs, the battery will be equipped with an electrolyte and come to the site for charging the batteries. The battery is charged, turn on the car;

The battery zvychayno zakr_plyuyutsya behind the cars. For all, a garage number of the car is put on the battery links. In one of them, the reception and repair of batteries is being carried out, and in the other one, the refueling of electrolyte and the charging of batteries are carried out.

2 ROSRAHUNOK VIROBNICHOЇ PROGRAMSVykhіdni danі for the project

Pochatkovі danі

The mind of the meaning

Danі, otrimanі to rozrakhunku

Single vimir

1. Car brand

2. List of vehicles

3. Average car run

4. The number of days of robots in the rotsi ATP

5. The number of days of robots in the battery shop

7. The triviality of letting go and turning to the park

List of literature:

1. The number of days of robotics in the accumulator shop for the purpose of planning for the methodology of the technicum will take 305 days.

3 Correction of periodic maintenanceІMILEAGE BEFORE OVERHAUL

The standards for samples of coriguєmo are based on the following factors:

2. Coeffіcієnt К2, scho vrakhovuє modification of a torn warehouse, accepted according to the table. No. 3 "Dodatki" equal - Up to 2 = 1.0;

3. Coefficient K 3, which is natural and climatic mind, for our central zone according to the table. No. 3 "Dodatki" accepted - Up to 3 = 1.0.

The resultant performance for the correction is accepted by step:

1) for periodicity TO - Before TO = K 1 * K 3 = 0.8 * 1.0 = 0.8

2) for probing to cap. repair - Up to KR = K 1 * K 2 * K 3 = 0.8 * 1.0 * 1.0 = 0.8

Standards for the periodicity of maintenance (for new car models, for the I category of operation) are taken from the table. No. 1 "Dodatki", and the standards for interrepair to KR from tab. No. 2.

1. Viconuєmo correction to TO-1:

L 1 = K TO * H 1 = 0.8 * 3000 = 2400 km

2. Correct samples to TO-2:

L 2 = K TO * H 2 = 0.8 * 12000 = 9600 km

3. Correct samples to KR (cycle):

L C = K KR * N KR = 0.8 * 300000 = 240,000 km


Zand the cycle is accepted for samples up to KR


So, as all the planning in the ATP is carried out on the Rik, it is necessary to transfer the indicators of the virobnichoi programs per cycle to the Richu program for the entire ATP warehouse; with a great deal of technical readiness (TG) in front of the front, the vehicle fleet (I) and the transition from the cycle to the rock (G).


Coefficients of technical readiness for maintenance of the vehicle per cycle (D EC) and vehicle downtime in maintenance and repairs for the cycle of operation (D RC).

Naming indicators, formulas

indicators of rosrahunku

Technical readiness coefficient: TG = D EC / D EC + D RC,

de D RC - downtime per cycle in maintenance and repairs: D RC = D K + L C / 1000 * D ZR * SR,

8 + 240000/1000 * 0,25

D RC = 68 days.

DK - idle time in the Kyrgyz Republic at the ARZ, according to the table. No. 4 "Dodatki" accepted - D K = 16 days,

I will look at the centralized delivery of cars from the ARZ, for the purpose of planning. downtime rate by 50%

Д ЗР * СР - prostate pitoma in TE and TP per 1000 km run, according to the table. No. 4 "Dodatki" accepted - D ZR * SR = 0.5 days,

The connection with partial maintenance and repair during the shift hour can also be reduced by 50%

D ZR * SR = 0.25 days.

D EC - the number of days of operation of the car per cycle: D EC = N EOC = L C / l SS

D EC = 2667 days.


Daniy kofіtsієnt viznachaєmo according to the number of days of robots in the park - D RGP (for zavdannyam) for the formula:

TG * D RGP / 365 = 0.97 * 305/365 = 0.81


Yak signified vishche, the whole function is based on the translation of cyclic virobnic programs into ricna: n Г = I * 365 / D EC = 0.81 * 365/2667 = 0.11.

The value of the number of TOІBeforeR IN THE ENTIRE PARK FOR RIK

rosrakhunkova formula

indicators of rosrahunku

N KRG = N KRTs * n G * A Z

N 2g = N 2ts * n G * A Z

N 1g = N 1ts * n G * A Z

N EOG = N EOC * n G * A Z

2667 * 0,11 * 370

N EOG = 108546


Indicators rosrakhunku - N KRG, N 2g, N 1g, N EOG - rounded up to whole numbers.

Viznachennya kolkosti TO ON PARK FOR OUTS

rosrakhunkova formula

indicators of rosrahunku

N 2day = N 2 g / D WG ZONI TO-2

N 1day = N 1g / D WG ZONI TO-1


N ЄV DAY = 355


1. Indicators rozrahunku - N 2 days, N 1 days, N ЄВ DAY - rounded up to the whole number.

2. So, as zones TO-1 and TO-2 in most ATP on Saturdays and weeks and on Christmas Day, they do not function, but zones ЄV do not function, but work the whole park, so that D RG ZONI EO = D RGPannyam park (for ...


D WG ZONI TO-2 = 305 days.

D WG ZONI TO-1 = 305 days.

D WG ZONI EO = 305 days.


Rich work of labor for workshops and production of ATP is taken as a part of foreign labor work for the whole park, and that, in its own way, should start with the formula:

T TP = L DP * t TP, de:

L ДП - out-of-the-box test of the entire rudimentary warehouse of the ATP (in thousands of km);

t ТР - labor capacity according to ТР, given for a skin 1000 km to run a car and hairstyles in parks;

L DP - visually following the formula:

L DP = 365 * I * l SS * A C = 365 * 0.81 * 90 * 370 = 9845145 km.

t TP - birch from table. No. 5 "Dodatki" і accepted -

t TP = 4.8 people-year.

Oscillations of the normative values ​​are given for the main basic models of new cars, for the I category of operation - it is necessary to carry out the correction of the TP for the correction of the corrective parameters - Up to 1, K 2, K 3, etc. " correcting "labor", not "probigiv", as before.

Up to 1 - kofіtsієnt, scho in the category of minds of exploitation.

Up to 2 - kofіtsієnt, scho vrakhovuє modification of a torn warehouse.

Up to 3 - kofіtsієnt, scho vrahovuє natural and climatic mind.

Up to 4 - performance, which characterizes the run in the fleet for the ear of exploitation (from table No. 3 "Dodatki"), і cleverly accepted by us 1.

Up to 5 - efficiency, which characterizes the size of the ATP and the same technical equipment, taken from the table. No. 3 "Dodatki".

Now there is an initial resultant efficiency for the correction of labor intensity - KTR, according to the formula:

Up to TP = K 1 * K 2 * K 3 * Up to 4 * Up to 5 = 1.2 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 0.8 = 1.02.

Viroblyamo coriguvannya of petty normative work of labor t TR:

t TP = t TP * Before TP = 4.8 * 1.02 = 4.9 people-year.

Viznachamo rychnu work according to TR for the above formula:

T TR = L DP / 1000 * t TR = 9845145/1000 * 4.9 = 48241 people-year.

Visually, the part of the robot is from T TR, which comes to the accumulator shop according to the table. No. 8 "Dodatki".

Part of vid. = 0.03.

Viznachamo rychnu work of shop robots for the accumulator shop of ATP according to the formula:

Т Г ПТД = Т ТР * Part from. = 48241 * 0.03 = 1447 people-year.

All indicators of industrial labor input are rounded up to whole numbers.

So how the organization of robots is planned by me for the reasons of the new recommendations of the NIIAT, for the main provisions of the NOT, because of the availability of new models of garage ownership, the productivity of the production in the warehouse

Todi projects on the basis of labor-intensive work in the warehouse shop:

T G DTD. = T T DTD. * Before PP = 1447 * 0.9 = 1303 people-year.

Vivilnjatsya іchna workmіstkіst for іnіku nіvіlnіy nіvyshennija productivity of pratsі (in accordance with the previously adopted standards) - warehouse:

T G VISV. = T T DTD. - T G DTD. = 1447 - 1303 = 144 people-year.


The number of technologically necessary workmen (number of workmanship) is based on the formula:

P T = T G DTD. / F M = 1303/2070 = 0.6 chol.

I accept: P T = 1 chol.,

de F M - work fund of work (with the number of days of work in the process of development and triviality of change), according to the table. No. 10 "Dodatki" of the methodical book of reception:

F M = 2070 people-year.

Visa number of staff (payroll) number of workers:

R W = T D DTD. / F R = 1303/1820 = 0.7 chol.,

de F R - working hours fund for waste, sickness, etc., taken according to table. No. 10 "Dodatki" -

F R = 1820 people-year.

With such a rank, the staff number of working workers is residually accepted: R W = 2 chol.

Note: I accept R W = 2 chol.


Visually, I’m going to buy the area, I’ll borrow in the plans for the possessions and organizational equipment, according to the formula:

F SUM = F SUM + F SUM = 1.697 + 14.345 = 16.042.

To Rozrakhunkov's shop, I’m going to follow the formula:

F SHOP = F SUM * Before PL = 16.042 * 3.5 = 56.147,

Prior to the PL - the competence of the possession for the given workshop, with a glance at the specifics and safety of work;

Up to the submarine is accepted from the table. No. 11 "Dodatki" equal to 3.5.

I’ll look at how new wakes and primitives will be called with a grid multiple - 3 m, and in the most widespread dimensions of workshops є: 6 * 6, 6 * 9, 6 * 12, 9 * 9, 9 * 12, 9 * 24 і etc. - I accept the size of the workshop equal to 6 * 9 m.

Todi shop floor area, warehouse 54 m 2.




Dimension. size (mm)

Planned area (zagalna) m 2

Energy efficiency (zagalnaya) kW

Brand abo model







force shield



Installation for cooking



electric drill for


visverdlyuvannya shtiriv

Clamps for assembly


Electrogel for


Installation for distribution





The amount of

Dimension. size (mm)

Planned area (zagalna) m 2

Type, model

Rack with a knit

for battery charging

Rack for special charging


Shafa section for

leakage of the battery with a Vitiazka


Bath for zlivu elektrolytu

Verstat for battery mounting

Portable lead screen

own manufacturer

Combined bath-workbench

rosette SKB AMT

Verstat for plate assembly

own manufacturer

Verstat for collecting batteries

own manufacturer

shafa section

own manufacturer

Visok-rack for


spare parts and materials

Screen for entering lead



Battery rack

Box for smitty


Bedside table for attachments


style office


Steel for battery control

own manufacturer

Shafa for vypryamlyachiv

own manufacturer

Visok for transport

own manufacturer

pobutova's bedside table


Visok for transport

acids in bottles

Stil pid installation for

own manufacturer

distribution of electrolytes

Buttelle with sour






The accumulator shop in my project has a large overall dimension - 6 * 9 і, apparently, the area is 54 m 2. So, in the workshop є zones with specific minds, I propose the distribution of the workshop for the time of publication:

1. Adding to "RECEIPT and CONTROL"

3.3 * 2.9 9.57 m 2


6.1 * 3.7 22.57 m 2

3. "Charger VIDDILENNYA"

4.8 * 2.7 12.96 m 2


2.2 * 4.1 9.02 m 2

Rozdіlnі shop propony conduct behind the aid of highly efficient ventilate projection partitions (outlet SKB MAK). The floor in all cases is guilty of butti vikladeniya tiled tiles, farbuvannya walls of a plain color. The lower part of the wall is proponated with cakhel tiles at a height of 1.5 m.

The TO-2 zone, the electrical and carburetor workshop, which is the most gravitating in terms of the technological process, is to be stagnated in the ATU, is to blame for the construction of the battery shop.

"Acidic" is guilty of the mother's self-guilty visit to the street. It is inappropriate for batteries to come from zone TO-2 along the roller table, from the bottom zone to TO-2 and the accumulator shop, to the reception and control of batteries, to clarify the faults of the batteries. Then the batteries can be transported for a trip, or in the "charging" display for recharging, or in the "repair" display for carrying out the necessary work on the TP of the batteries.

In the "repair" update, all the possessions have been removed in the order of the battery repair robots, so that the route technology (developed by SKB MAK) is in order. For the change of unnecessary transitions and for the improvement of the productivity of the work on the whole stretch of the line for the repair of batteries of roller conveyor installations.

The entrances, captured during repairs, can be folded into hermetically sealed boxes for entrances (retail box of SKB MAK). All zap. Parts and materials are transported on a special delivery - racks (distribution SKB AMT). Once the batteries have been repaired, they can also be transferred from the rolling roller table to the workshop for charging and refueling the batteries. Charging and leakage is carried out behind an additional special installation for the distribution of electrolyte (the preparation of electrolyte is carried out in an "acidic" version, as well as a special installation for preparing electrolyte is locked). Before the batteries are consumed, they can be folded on the racks for saving the batteries, and when they are ready, go back to the TO-2 zone to install them on the car.

Do not run up until the battery is repaired and move from the workshop.

12 Main department of the building of the plant of energy consumption technologies ІECONOMIC ENTRANCE TO ATP

The zachist of the navkolishny middle of the high-flowing AT injection is carried out directly behind the backdrop, some of them are guilty of being the field of activity of the drivers in the motor transport headquarters and as I have suggested before being incorporated into my project.

At the present moment, it has been broken up and all over the place there are 30 standards for nature conservation visits. In the morning, it is not allowed to put into operation the ATP (and other industrial facilities) until the end of the day and the end of the cleanup and gas-trapping equipment and annexes. A shkidlivy injection of AT on the navkolishnє center is seen behind two straight lines:

1) direct negative inflow of a / m to the ecology, tied with wikids of the majestic number of high toxic incidences into the atmosphere and with the noise generated by the robots of the car on the line;

2) indirect injection for the organization and function of the ATP for servicing and repairing cars, parking garages, gas stations, etc. the boundaries of the great megalopolises.

According to the data of nature protection organizations in Moscow, close to 90% of all wikids of severe toxic speech attacks fall on AT.

At the connection with the growing deficiency of energy resources in the disintegration of the cilium, the complex has a complex in the production of energy-saving technologies, incl. for ATP.

At the connection with the viscera, I proponate the stem of the frenzied virobnitstva, which will show the ecologic vimogs with the attachments of the fiddly-flowing ventilation system in the systems of the piloters, gas filters, etc. In the ATU, in general, it is guilty of but in the provision of a timely diagnosis of high-current electronic devices, etc. for a quick detection of a vehicle with an unjustified living system, ignition, etc., parameters of robots that do not appear to ecologic vimogs, universities and details, etc.).

With the help of the economy of electricity for illumination in the daytime at the posts of maintenance and repair and on work platforms near the auxiliary workshops, Apparently, it is guilty that the distribution of the installation in the workshops is being carried out (so that it does not work out of the city itself) and the repair of posts from the car. materials. All energy services, repaired from the lights of the piece lighting and ending with an electric drive power plants, Stands and attachments, the guards are equipped with automation elements for switching on from the grid to the end of the robot.

To save heat in the workshop (and, even, and in the workshops), їх next to equip gates with mechanized openings and heat dependence with lower roztashuvannyam (one short types door to the inside of the gate is of the type with a vertical door). In the zone ЄV ATP with posts for mittya a / m proponation system for repeated (bagatorazovy) vikorystannya vodi, with new cleaning machines type "CRYSTAL", etc.

The mechanized installations in the zones must be equipped at the entrances and exits from the post with a dull COMMAND CONTROLLER with sensors for automatic switching on and off of installations, so as to give a great economy.

There is no more part of the entry of an ecological and energy-saving character, as I will propose to propose it in my project.


To improve the quality of repair and increase the productivity of workers, I will go into my project:

1. Everywhere in the implementation of all kinds of diagnostics; It also allows you to quickly speed up an hour for servicing specific faults, and you can find resources without repair.

2. The introduction of advanced methods of organizing virobniztva progressive technology.

3.With the method of adjusting the productivity of the workforce, as it is the process of finding the foreign culture in the workshop, in the process of breaking down the SKB AMT, a direct route technology is used

4. Periodically, by the forces of professional technical specialists, to carry out timekeeping on workmanship with the help of an hourly standard for the detection of neural reserves and the reasons for the development of norms.

5. With the help of polishing the minds of the workers, I propose to carry out a number of sanitary and hygienic visits (cleanliness, good ventilation, good illumination, installation of sound-insulating partitions, design of a single-piece classroom).


The area of ​​the attached S = 54 m 2

Ownership storage n = 3.5

Number of robots per person P = 2 chol.

Turning temperature t = 18 - 20 C

Acceptable volatility 40 - 60%

The fluidity of the turnover is 0.3 - 0.4 m / s

Robots in the battery shop are classified as robots of average gravity.

Energovitrati 232 - 294



Natural illumination at the top and top of the back illumination

e = 4%, at random illumination

Single piece illumination of the room E = 200 lux,

Combination illumination E = 500 lux.

Equal to noise J = 80 dB at a frequency of 1000 Hz.

16 Come inONTB

Robots who are engaged in repairing accumulator batteries and servicing, constantly lose contact with loud words (bet with lead, syrup), such as, for singing minds or improper habits, can lead to injuries to the organs. In addition, when the battery is charged, a chemical reaction is observed, as a result of which there is a change of water with sour water in any proportions, and a volatile gas appears, as a vibration is not only in the fire. At the connection with the tsim, the battery shop of the ATP is guilty of folding three times: "repair", "charge", "acid".

"Charging" viddilenya is guilty of mothers without the need to go to the street or to the back-to-back repair box. The floor in the accumulator workshop is to blame for the asphalting or the tiles. All the robbers are guilty of using a special hook and a lot of money. Battery, weighing more than 20 kg, needs to be transported on a long-term basis. When the battery is transferred, it is necessary to get rid of it (do not pour it over with electrolyte).

Gotuvati electrolyte is required in special vessels, pouring some distilled water, and then acid. The acid can be poured out with the help of special adaptations. Pour the acid by hand and pour the water into it - it is RESERVED!

When preparing electrolyte, it is necessary to strictly follow the safety rules. Dances with acid or electrolyte to be moved in warehouses only for additional special dishes with fixed dances. Corks from the gum should be guilty to lie down to the surface of the dance. Dovgo zberigati in the accumulator shop dances with acid fences. Control over the progress of the charge using only charging attachments (nautical plugs, hydrometers, flasks of the parked tubes). At the same time, the accumulator of goiter's knitting, pull on the gum mittens. Protect the battery and re-charge the battery for short short circuits. In the accumulator shop, it is necessary to rebuild individuals, as they do not work in the shop (except for the staff at night).

At the entrance to the accumulator shop, place a sink, a bedside table with a first-aid kit, an electric breaker, on the bedside tables there are trimmies ready to go (5-10%). For eye care, be careful to neutralize differences (2-3%). If you get acid or electrolyte on the screen of the bottle, then it is innocently prompted for the bottle: a sprinkle of neutralizing razor, and then water with a little sweet. The electrolyte, spilled on the rack or steel, is seen as a ganchirkoy, soaked in a neutralizing solution.

In the accumulator shop, take in water and water. When the end is robotic, it is recommended for the working people to take a shower from the vicarious ones, and then from the extravagant toilet. All tools, trials, attribution of guilt to the right. At the notice on the prominent places there are posters with a direct propaganda of TB. When entering slid vivicity Zagalny vimogi on TB. The guilty robbers undergo safety instrumentation at least once per day. I especially respect after the ventilation has come. Look out for the ventilation of the whole enterprise. To roam the knight's shafi for knitting from the shelves.

Ventilation - vibration-free vidsmoktuvannya in the mountains, feeding from below. Vstanovlyuyutsya panels "take away" charges of power, bathtubs for preparing electrolyte. The number of times, it is seen not less than 2.5 volume in 1 year.

Miscellaneous ventilation is installed on the working machines: for melting lead and verstats for assembling and disposing of batteries.


For a non-safe battery shop, it is assigned to the category "D", and the "charge" one is assigned to the category "A" (especially non-safe). In addition, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules of security for the assigned categories.

In the "charging" door, the guilty door shows the name and the path to the street. Ventilation in the "charging" display (in conjunction with the images of water when charged) can get 6-8 times faster; in "repair" - 2-3 times. Have all lamps in gas-permeable fittings. I will inspect the illumination wiring with a lead wire.

In the "charging" view, it is possible to install plug-in devices, plug-in sockets, electrical devices, and annexes. On the skin box, in the general order, the fire-extinguisher is guilty, like the one of the penny, and the carbonate type (OP and OU).

I transfer the charging attachments (vypryamlyachi) to the special sealed shafs (with a knot) from the warehouse and roztashuvati їkh in the form of acceptance and control of the battery. I will tell you about the remote control, I will be able to install it in the attached workshop for the maximum performance (IP-104, IP-105); ...

Proponently stand in the skin evidence of the origin of the burn:

1. Pinny FIRE EXTINGUISHER OHP-10 - 2 pcs.



4. BOX Z PISKOM - 0.5 cubic meters - 1 pc.

5. SHOVEL - 1 pc.


Z'єnuvati zatiskachі battery with a dart "twist" - BOOK !!!

Control over a glance at a charge with special attachments.

Reverse the battery for short mismatches - RESERVED !!!

Koristuvatisya of a type of "treynikami" and plugging to the socket more than one person - IS BORONED !!!

To look around the battery, use a portable electric lamp, with a vibration-free power supply no more than 42 V.


Enter the accumulator shop with an open fire (syrniks, cigarettes, etc.);

Koristuvatisya in the accumulator shop with electro-hydraulic attachments;

Take dances with acid (you need to take them in a special way);

Spilo save and charge acid and battery batteries;

Perebuvannya outsiders in primіshennі.



Kantuvach - indications for inverting accumulator batteries in case of washing or angry electrolyte. I will quite often lie down on the robot with guided operations.


The tilter is stored on platforms 3, on which two stays are attached 2. Platform of the wheel 5, two of which are welded with brackets 4 to platforms 3, and two of the other 6 can be wrapped around the vertical axis 12, to which the bracket is welded to the bearing end when the tilter is transported according to the appearance of the wrapping, and not just the straight line.

On the upper part of the stays there are 2 installed bearing universities, in which there are 8 lodgings. Lodgement can be used to install a rechargeable battery. The battery is secured to the lodgments for additional presses. The lodgement with the installed rechargeable battery can be turned on any crate. When the flywheel 7 is fixed when turning 90, 180, the flywheel lock needs to pull the flywheel on itself;

1. The rechargeable battery (AKB) is placed in the lodgement of the tilter from the left side along the roll.

2. Before the robot for draining the electrolyte, it is necessary to turn on the hand of the turner, for which it must be locked with screw jacks, which are mounted on the platform, right-handed and left-handed from the handwheel.

3. In order to turn over the battery and power the electrolyte or water, you need to pull the flywheel on yourself perpendicular to the vertical area. The flywheel is seen from the fixing with the lock and you can turn it over the year's arrow on any kut.

4. Turn the battery when turning 90 and 180 enough to release the flywheel.

5. To turn the battery in the cob, hold the robot on point "3", then wrap the flywheel of the anti-clockwise arrow.


Pochatkovі danі:

P = 10 kg is the force per spring.

D = 12 mm - spring diameter.

13 mm - spring extension.

150 kg / cm 2 - the most accurate stress.

1. I start the diameter of the dart - d

2. I start the number of turns of the spring - n, de:

G - spring modulus of another order

G = 0.4 * E = 0.4 * 2 * 10 6 = 8 * 10 5 kg / cm 2

E - modulus of springiness of the first order (Young's modulus)

E = 2 * 10 Waga 6 kg / cm 2


1. Type - oversupply, with a manual drive

2. overall dimensions, Mm - 980 * 600 * 1020

3. Masa, kg - 60

4. Wrap-around - by hand

1) = 8PD / PD 3; d = 3 8PD / P =

3 8 * 10 * 12 / 3.14 * 150 = 2 mm.

2) = 8PD 3 * n / G * d 4; n = * Gd 4 / 8P * D 3 =

13 * 8 * 10 5 * 0.2 4/8 * 10 * 1.2 3 = 10 turns.

List of vikoristanikh dzherel

1. ЄPIFANOV L.I. "Methodical handbook of course projects

TO Automobile ". Moscow 1987 rik.

2. KOGAN S.I. V. A. Khaikin "Protection of workers at the enterprises of motor transport". Moscow "Transport" 1984 rіk.

3. BN SUKHANOV Borzov I.O. Bedarev Yu.F. "Technical service and repair of automobiles". Moscow "Transport" 1985 rіk.

4. KRAMARENKO G.V. Baranchiki I.V. "Technical service of automobiles". Moscow "Transport" 1982 рік.

5. RUMYANTSEV S.I. "Car repair". Moscow "Transport" 1988 rіk.

6. RODIN YU.A. L. M. SABUROV "Dovidkove avtorepniknik". Moscow "Transport" 1987 rіk.

TOV Karetna is registered with the address Leningradska region, m Vsevolozhsk, vul. Pryutinskaya, 9A. The main type of business: Vantage transportation behind contracts ...

  • Expansion of the zone of the AU KHMTPK modular distributor with the box of the pneumatic parts marking

    The history of the Khanti-Mansiyskiy Technological-Pedagogical College was repaired in the 1930s, since the statements of the Ostyak-Vogulskiy National District were built. Ostyak-Vogul pedagogical technicum became the first middle ...

  • Organization of maintenance and repair of buses in Nizhnevartovsk passenger motor transport enterprise No. 3

    At the diploma project on the basis of the analysis of the state d'yalnosti of the openness of the shortage of the technical service of buses in the Nizhnevartovsk PATP-3. Tom for ...

  • Projecting of a dilyanka of miyki aggregates in a car repair shop

    At the end of the robot, the plant has been installed with the modernization of the robot of the aggregate dilyanka. TOV "Neftespetsstroy" є a great enterprise, transport servants organization of naphtha and footwear galusa. ...

  • Modernization of equipment for the repair of gearboxes of cars in the auto repair plant of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

    So, as the plant grows in the Central part of Russia, then all regions of the Central part of Russia will be transported to the zone of its service. Technics ...

  • Adequate organization of maintenance and repair of equipment of the rural and farmer state

    Establishment of the VET is not considered to be specific to any vimogam. Equipment and organization of work deficiencies. However, all types of maintenance of tractors are carried out at the PTO ...

  • Adequate technological process for the repair of engines

    The analysis of the state-owned agency of TOV introduces a number of obvious problems. Everything is tied up with organizational malfunctions in the government, ala ...



    Natural illumination at the top and top of the back illumination

    e = 4%, at random illumination

    Single piece illumination of the room E = 200 lux,

    Combination illumination E = 500 lux.

    Equal to noise J = 80 dB at a frequency of 1000 Hz.

    16 Come inON TB

    Robots who are engaged in repairing accumulator batteries and servicing, constantly lose contact with loud words (bet with lead, syrup), such as, for singing minds or improper habits, can lead to injuries to the organs. In addition, when the battery is charged, a chemical reaction is observed, as a result of which there is a change of water with sour water in any proportions, and a volatile gas appears, as a vibration is not only in the fire. At the connection with the tsim, the battery shop of the ATP is guilty of folding three times: "repair", "charge", "acid".

    "Charging" viddilenya is guilty of mothers without the need to go to the street or to the back-to-back repair box. The floor in the accumulator workshop is to blame for the asphalting or the tiles. All the robbers are guilty of using a special hook and a lot of money. Battery, weighing more than 20 kg, needs to be transported on a long-term basis. When the battery is transferred, it is necessary to get rid of it (do not pour it over with electrolyte).

    Gotuvati electrolyte is required in special vessels, pouring some distilled water, and then acid. The acid can be poured out with the help of special adaptations. Pour the acid by hand and pour the water into it - it is RESERVED!

    When preparing electrolyte, it is necessary to strictly follow the safety rules. Dances with acid or electrolyte to be moved in warehouses only for additional special dishes with fixed dances. Corks from the gum should be guilty to lie down to the surface of the dance. Dovgo zberigati in the accumulator shop dances with acid fences. Control over the progress of the charge using only charging attachments (nautical plugs, hydrometers, flasks of the parked tubes). At the same time, the accumulator of goiter's knitting, pull on the gum mittens. Protect the battery and re-charge the battery for short short circuits. In the accumulator shop, it is necessary to rebuild individuals, as they do not work in the shop (except for the staff at night).

    At the entrance to the accumulator shop, place a sink, a bedside table with a first-aid kit, an electric breaker, on the bedside tables there are trimmies ready to go (5-10%). For eye care, be careful to neutralize differences (2-3%). If you get acid or electrolyte on the screen of the bottle, then it is innocently prompted for the bottle: a sprinkle of neutralizing razor, and then water with a little sweet. The electrolyte, spilled on the rack or steel, is seen as a ganchirkoy, soaked in a neutralizing solution.

    In the accumulator shop, take in water and water. When the end is robotic, it is recommended for the working people to take a shower from the vicarious ones, and then from the extravagant toilet. All tools, trials, attributions of guilt are right. At the notice on the prominent places there are posters with a direct propaganda of TB. At the entrance slid vivicity zagalny vimogi on TB. The guilty robbers undergo safety instrumentation at least once per day. I especially respect the way the ventilation has come. Vona shy away from the ventilation of the whole enterprise. To roam the knight's shafi for knitting from the shelves.

    Ventilation - vibration-free vidsmoktuvannya in the mountains, feeding from below. Vstanovlyuyutsya panels "take away" charges of power, bathtubs for preparing electrolyte. The number of times, it is seen not less than 2.5 volume in 1 year.

    Miscellaneous ventilation is installed on the working machines: for melting lead and verstats for assembling and disposing of batteries.


    For a non-safe battery shop, it is assigned to the category "D", and the "charge" one is assigned to the category "A" (especially non-safe). In addition, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules of security for the assigned categories.

    In the "charging" door, the guilty door shows the name and the path to the street. Ventilation in the "charging" display (in conjunction with the images of water when charged) can get 6-8 times faster; in "repair" - 2-3 times. Have all lamps in gas-permeable fittings. I will inspect the illumination wiring with a lead wire.

    In the "charging" view, it is possible to install plug-in devices, plug-in sockets, electrical devices, and annexes. On the skin box, in the general order, the fire-extinguisher is guilty, like the one of the penny, and the carbonate type (OP and OU).

    I transfer the charging attachments (vypryamlyachi) to the special sealed shafs (with a knot) from the warehouse and roztashuvati їkh in the form of acceptance and control of the battery. I will tell you about the remote control, I will be able to install it in the attached workshop for the maximum performance (IP-104, IP-105); ...

    Proponently stand in the skin evidence of the origin of the burn:

    1. Pinny FIRE EXTINGUISHER OHP-10 - 2 pcs.


    3. CARBON EXTINGUISHER ОУ-2 - 2 pcs.

    4. BOX Z PISKOM - 0.5 cubic meters - 1 pc.

    5. SHOVEL - 1 pc.


    Z'єnuvati zatiskachі battery with a dart "twist" - BOOK !!!

    Control over a glance at a charge with special attachments.

    Reverse the battery for short mismatches - RESERVED !!!

    Koristuvatisya of a type of "treynikami" and plugging to the socket more than one person - IS BORONED !!!

    To look around the battery, use a portable electric lamp, with a vibration-free power supply no more than 42 V.


    Enter the accumulator shop with an open fire (syrniks, cigarettes, etc.);

    Koristuvatisya in the accumulator shop with electro-hydraulic attachments;

    Take dances with acid (you need to take them in a special way);

    Spilo save and charge acid and battery batteries;

    Perebuvannya outsiders in primіshennі.



    Kantuvach - indications for inverting accumulator batteries in case of washing or angry electrolyte. I will quite often lie down on the robot with guided operations.


    The tilter is stored on platforms 3, on which two stays are attached 2. Platform of the wheel 5, two of which are welded with brackets 4 to platforms 3, and two of the other 6 can be wrapped around the vertical axis 12, to which the bracket is welded to the bearing end when the tilter is transported according to the appearance of the wrapping, and not just the straight line.

    On the upper part of the stays there are 2 installed bearing universities, in which there are 8 lodgings. Lodgement can be used to install a rechargeable battery. The battery is secured to the lodgments for additional presses. The lodgement with the installed rechargeable battery can be turned on any crate. When the flywheel 7 is fixed when turning 90, 180, the flywheel lock needs to pull the flywheel on itself;

    1. The rechargeable battery (AKB) is placed in the lodgement of the tilter from the left side along the roll.

    2. Before the robot for draining the electrolyte, it is necessary to turn on the hand of the turner, for which it must be locked with screw jacks, which are mounted on the platform, right-handed and left-handed from the handwheel.

    3. In order to turn over the battery and power the electrolyte or water, you need to pull the flywheel on yourself perpendicular to the vertical area. The flywheel is seen from the fixing with the lock and you can turn it over the year's arrow on any kut.

    4. Turn the battery when turning 90 and 180 enough to release the flywheel.

    5. To turn the battery in the cob, hold the robot on point "3", then wrap the flywheel of the anti-clockwise arrow.


    Pochatkovі danі:

    P = 10 kg is the force per spring.

    D = 12 mm - spring diameter.

     = 13 mm - spring extension.

    [] = 150 kg / cm 2 - the most exacting stress.

    1. I start the diameter of the dart - d

    2. I start the number of turns of the spring - n, de:

    G - spring modulus of another order

    G = 0.4 * E = 0.4 * 2 * 10 6 = 8 * 10 5 kg / cm 2

    E - modulus of springiness of the first order (Young's modulus)

    E = 2 * 10 Waga 6 kg / cm 2


    1. Type - oversupply, with a manual drive

    2. Overall dimensions, mm - 980 * 600 * 1020

    3. Masa, kg - 60

    4. Wrap-around - by hand

    1)  = 8PD / ПD 3; d = 3 8PD / P [] =

    3 8 * 10 * 12 / 3.14 * 150 = 2 mm.

    2)  = 8PD 3 * n / G * d 4; n =  * Gd 4 / 8P * D 3 =

    13 * 8 * 10 5 * 0.2 4/8 * 10 * 1.2 3 = 10 turns.

    List of vikoristanikh dzherel

    1. ЄPIFANOV L.I. "Methodical handbook of course projects

    TO avtomobil_v ". Moscow 1987 rіk.

    2. KOGAN E. I. KHAYKIN V. A. "Protection of workers at the enterprises of motor transport". Moscow "Transport" 1984 rіk.

    3. SUKHANOV B. N. BORZIKH I. O. BEDAREV YU.F. "Technical service and repair of automobiles". Moscow "Transport" 1985 рік.

    4. KRAMARENKO G. V. BARASHKOV І. V. "Technical service of automobiles". Moscow "Transport" 1982 рік.

    5. RUMYANTSEV S.I. "Car repair". Moscow "Transport" 1988 rіk.

    8 enterprises precision machinery, 5 accumulators i 3 ... Defend trucking by means of ... NKAaviaprom 516.0 370 , 5 800.0 NKTankprom ... organizing massive streaming virobnitsa pereskodzhaє historically on given enterprises planning workshops ...

  • project organizing and marketing management on enterprises

    Course robot >> Management

    ... organizing and management of marketing activities on enterprises. on... Harchuvannya blocks, accumulators batteries, universal ... motor transport shop Motor transport is approved prior to the application. applications on... value: f (x) = 5 * 350 + 3*70 + 3,5 + 4*7 + 2*171,5 ...

  • Development of a great station of technical service for diagnostics, repair, technical service of passenger cars

    Robot diploma >> Transport

    ... 370 000 cars on ... on special editions. accumulators robots carried out on accumulative dіlyantsі і chastkovo robots for the repair of property. 3.2 organization ... workshopі on... Technological design motor transport enterprises and station ...

  • Fundamentals of technical diagnostics of automobiles (1)

    Robot control >> Transport

    Battery i in accumulative workshop close the thrusts of power-ups ... PNS 1468-17- 370 3 Portable flaw detector ... 7. Types of designs of working machines on road transport enterprises- M: 1977. Dodatki ...) Model to design organization for a virobnik K_lk_st ...

  • It's easy to add your good robot to the knowledge base. Vicorize the form

    Students, postgraduates, young people, who are victorious to develop the knowledge base in their own lives and robots, will be your best friend.

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    1. Zagalna part

    1.1 Significance of dilyanka

    1.2 Technological process of dilyanka

    1.3 Moderately and based on robots, funds for an hour of robots possession

    1.4 Richna virobnicha program

    1.5 Personal communication

    1.6 Number of workers

    1.7 Vibir of possession for dilyanka

    2. Technological part

    2.1 Layout of the dilyanka area

    2.2 Power consumption

    2.3 Role to consume the compressed food

    2.4 Drawer for water and steam

    2.5 Attachment for zyattya krishok battery

    2.6 Set the number of battery groups to charge

    2.7 Planned solution

    3. Organizational and economic part

    3.1 The size of the capital vitrates

    3.2 Rozrahunok economic efficiency

    3.3 Technical and economic indicators of the project

    4. Protection of pratsi

    4.1 Vimogi T.B. presented before ventilation, scorching and illumination

    4.2 Vimogi T.B. presented before the tool, possession and attachment

    4.3 Technique of security for the visibility of warehouse robots

    4.4 Make the individual get stuck on the door



    technological dilyanka battery repair

    In the process of operating a car, the need for and the power to step by step decrease into the inheritance of parts, as well as corrosion and material, because of the stench of preparation. In the car there are some faults, which are learned during maintenance and repairs.

    Seemingly, to establish the equal strength of the car, all the details of which were discussed equally and the same term of service, it is unfortunate. Also, car repairs can only be replaced by a good way to replace certain parts and assemblies, which may have a small resource, depending on the economic point of view. To that, in the process of car operation, it is necessary to carry out periodic maintenance at motor transport enterprises (ATP) and, if necessary, in-line repairs (TR), in order to replace some parts and aggregates, which were damaged in robots. It allows you to drive a car in a technically reference station.

    With trivial exploitation of the car, they reach the border technical station and the stench is sent for overhaul (KR) at the ARP. The overhaul of a major overhaul is due to the fact that the optimal vitrates are renewed by the car;

    The Kyrgyz Republic of automobiles is much more economical and more important than the people of the world. The main reason for the economic efficiency of the KR of automobiles is the reduction of the surplus resource of їх parts. Closely 70-75% of car parts that have passed the term of service to the first KR, may have an excess resource and can be purchased again, either without repair, or for minor repairs.

    With such a rank, the main reason for the economic efficiency of the KR of automobiles is the reduction of the surplus resource of parts of other and third groups.

    The KR of cars also allows you to drive on a high level of the number of car parks in the country.

    1. Zagalna chastina

    1.1 appraisaldilyanki

    Dilyanka is designed for recharging, charging and repairing accumulator batteries.

    In the practical repair of accumulator batteries, the following defects are detected: a change in the conical surface of the diameter in diameter due to wear when the clew is tightened, or melted or corroded. Removal of the vivedennya at the bushing of the crimp, having shaped the crimp with an electric link and a block of electrodes, the crimp and the radial trilogy of the crisk near the crimp, deformation or the breaking of the crimp at the plug of the plug of the crimp, , priskoreny samorozryad, trіschini in mastitsі i її vіdsharuvannya, trіschini monoblokіv, ruynuvannya Positive elektrodіv.

    1.2 technologicalprocessdilyanki

    Rechargeable batteries should be used for the repair of accumulator batteries from the spare parts.

    The batteries were needed for repair, in front of a hot 3-5% range of calcined soda, a hairy brush was stuck, rinsed with cold water and wiped with ganchir'yam.

    Then we can conduct a call-up inspection of the batteries and change the values ​​of the tension of the dermal battery with the new versions and without the new ones.

    Insignificant and tricky in acid-resistant mastic batteries,

    Viyavleni according to the leakage of electrolyte, learn without rozbirannya. Shchіlini rozfasovuyut (pіd kutom 90-120 degrees) and pour hot mastic. At the time of the leakage of the electrolyte near the spike, I see a hot chisel mastic in the whole place and solder the spike and lead bushings in the crust. Tricycles in mastic on crisps smooth out with a metal plate.

    Before disassembling the battery during repairs, discharge with a strum 1 / 20-1 / 15 of the nominal capacity up to a pressure of 1.5V in the skin battery. Pouring the electrolyte into a ceramic bath, or into a glass bottle, and rinse the battery with distilled water.

    We use the jumpers, which are hard-working with a pipe milling cutter or a drill with a diameter of 18 mm , і I see the acid-transfer mastic from the crust, for which the surface of the battery, covered with mastic, is pro- grammed at a special electric variable oven; You can see the mastic with heated scrapers or electro-hydraulic blades. The cleansing of the mastits of the Krishka is known by a special signatory. Okremі blocks of plates can be used from the tank for additional manual flooding or clamps.

    An incomplete set of blocks can be removed from the tank without the knowledge of a jumper-extractor, or with clamps from zasosuvannyam zhopolenya to drain the battery.

    Rinse the accumulator in wood baths with water, dry it, look around and start the repair.

    The woods charred separators will freeze, and the space and the plastic, which do not conceal the mechanical problems, will be vicious again.

    Plates with grates, pockets, cracks and buildings on the surface of active sulphated mass, and also vipal plates, with occasional active mass, can be seen from the barrets, melting into the barrels. Poshkozhenі plates viplavlayut under the press mіzh two wood planks. Scribble the sticks on the plates. When you see one or more decal non-one plates in the block, you should stop on the right side, ale boules at the top. To detect gaps in the walls of the tank, heat it up to 80-90 degrees celts with water and help for sympathy.

    The tightness of the tank walls can also be reconfigured for their electrical conductivity. For the sake of it, fill the tank with a weak water solution of sirchanoic acid and put it into the bath, filled with the same solution. At the bath, in the middle of the tank, an electric wire is placed, in which through a voltmeter, a stream is supplied with a voltage of 127-220 V. If the tightness of the outer walls is not damaged, the arrow of the voltmeter will fall on the zero scale.

    In the same way, reverse the internal partitions to the lines of the electrodes in the sum of the sides of the tank.

    Tanks with mechanical items (vidkoli, trishchini or break off the stinks) will be replaced or repaired as a result of the material, because of the stench of preparation. Select blocks (positive and negative plates with insertion of separators between them) recirculate with a voltmeter for a short delay, then stand at the top of the tank. On the skin block, put kryshki, such as gouging with an asbestos or gum cord, and pour mastic over the surface of the battery. Take the accumulator battery and fill it with electrolyte of a uniform power, cool down to 25-30 degrees.

    Electrolyte is cooked from chemically pure organic acid and distilled water in acid-resistant containers. When the battery, when repairing the bullet, is selected from new plates, then when pouring the electrolyte before charging, it must be turned on for 4-5 years. I select the battery from the old plates, put it on charge without a showcase. The charge is carried out until the moment of intensive gas release from the electrolyte (boiling point) at steel napruzi on the pins of the skin can 2.6-2.75V. In the first place, the power of electric power has been brought to the standard of 1.23 years and 1.27 winters.

    1 .3 Simple i modefondi hourrobotsworkingpossession

    Robot mode starts a number of working days for a week - 5, a number of working days for a week - 252, and a number of working days for additional and trivial working days - 8 years of robotics. There are two types of funds per hour: nominal and effective.

    The nominal financial fund for an hour of the robot is defined as an hour in years, which can be used for a given mode of robotics.

    F ale= D RNSt (1.3.1.),

    de D p = 252 days - the number of working days at the roci,

    t = 8 years - the triviality of the robot snake

    F ale = 252 x 8 = 2016.

    The nominal fund for the hour of the robot cannot be increased by vicories, so there is inevitable downtime for repairs and servicing.

    Dysny (rozrahunkovy) fund of an hour of robotic possession of F to is an hour in years, a stretch of which, the possession of one can be locked up by a robotic robot

    F before= F aleNSNS (1.3.2.),

    de P = 0,98 - the efficiency of the property in the repair

    F to = 2016 x 0.98 = 1776

    An hour in years is called the richest fund of a workmanship, an hour in years, a workmanship, the numerical value of a nominal nominal fund of an hour of a workmanship is practically added to a nominal nominal fund of an hour of workmanship.

    Nominalny fund of the working hour of the robot F nr to add the number of robots in a change for the number of working days in the rots.

    A daily fund for an hour of work of one worker F іn starts working from the nominal fund for an hour when it falls on the Chergov’s office, a display of state regulations, ailments, etc.


    One vimiru

    take the tribute

    calendar hour


    Svyatkov_ days

    Rated hour

    Planning not to go, all

    Chergova vidpustka

    For ailments

    Through important reasons

    Working hour

    The triviality of the robot snake

    Rіchny nominalny fund per hour

    Daily fund for an hour

    uchnivsky vidpustku

    1.4 Richna virobnich program

    Richna virobnicha program virobnichoy dealership begins with the magnitude of virobnichy programs autorepairment, assigned in the establishment at the diploma project and to become:

    cars FORD F-250 150 pieces.

    cars IVECO 138E18 - 150 pieces.

    Car repair shop is designated for overhaul vantage cars In order to simplify the development of new models, the program should be produced according to labor to one model, which is taken as the basic model.

    I will direct the program for the dilyanka and start using the formula:

    N pr = N + N1 Up to M (pcs)

    de N = 150 pcs. - a program for overhaul of overhaul of cars FORD F-250 150 pcs., Accepted as the main model;

    N1 = 150 pcs. - Richna virobnicha program of capital repairs of cars IVECO 138E18 - 150 pcs.

    Up to М = 1.75 - the efficiency of the labor capacity reduction of the FORD F-250 car to the IVECO 138E18 car adopted as the main model;

    todi N pr = 150 + 150 1.75 = 412 (pieces)

    1.5 Rіchny obsyag robіt

    It will take an hour to talk about it, it’s necessary for a robotic worker to vindicate his own programs. Richny obsyag robit is a ricult labor of repairing singing virobes and turning around in people-years.

    Labor production takes an hour, as it is necessary to vitrate a rogue worker without prioritizing the production of a given product. Diligence is in vogue in people-years, as the normative hour rises behind the current planning norms.

    With the diploma projecting vicoristovuyu to enlarge the norms for an hour, at the production of the analysis of the existing projects for the standard minds of the robust developmental programs of 200 pieces of capital repairs. When a virobnichi program is being developed, it is seen from the standard minds, the normative workmanship is corrected according to the formula:

    t = t n Up to 1 Up to 2 Up to 3 (chol-godinu)

    de t n = 10.73 people hours - labor standard for the repair of units;

    Up to 1 kofіtsієnt of work-in-progress work in fallowness from different virobnichi programs, start with the formula:

    Up to 1 = KN 2 + [KN 1 - KN 2] / N 2 - N 1 x (N 2 -N OL)

    at N 1 = 3000 КN 1 = 0.95 from the table

    N 2 = 4000 KN 2 = 0.9 N PR = 3400

    todi K1 = 0.9 +

    K2 - efficiency of labor market correction, for multi-model repair of car units (with carburetor and diesel engines). = 1.05 s.

    K3 - efficiency of labor productivity, which is the structure of the software programs for the plant (provision of major overhauls of complete vehicles and sets of aggregates, with a ratio of 1: 0)

    todі t = 10.73 0.95 1.05 1.03 = 11.03 (chol-godinu)

    Richny obsyag will start to follow the formula:

    T RIK = t N PR (chol-godinu)

    de t = 11.03 (chol-year) - labor per unit of work per car;

    N ПР = 412 - the program of major overhauls of automobiles is shown in a detailed description;

    todi T PIK = 11.03 412 = 4544 (chol-godinu)

    1.6 number of workers

    Warehouse for efficient distribution of lists and private ones.

    Oblikovy - a secondary warehouse of workers, which is listed behind the lists at the enterprises, which actually includes both for the robot, and for important reasons (through ailments, in the labor force, in general)

    It is called a warehouse of cleaners, which is actually a robot.

    The number of vibrated work visas starts with the formula:

    T YV = T RIK / F NR (chol)

    T SP = T RІK / F DR (chol)

    de T YV is the actual number of rogue robots;

    T SP - list number of rogue robots;

    Т РІК = 4544 (chol-year) - the usual labor of repair robots;

    Ф НР = 2016 year - nominal fund for an hour of robotics;

    Ф ДР = one thousand seven hundred and seventy sixty years - a daily fund for an hour of robotics;

    todi T YV = 4544/2016 = 2.25 (chol)

    T SP = 4544/1776 = 2.55 (chol)

    The number of rogue robots is shown in Table 2.

    Table 2

    Vіdomіst rozrakhunu robotik robіtnikіv

    Naymenuvannya Robit

    Labor per unit, chol-godin

    Richne count - at cap repairs

    Richny obsyag robit, chol-godinu

    Richny fund for an hour

    number of workers



    F HP

    F DR

    T I'M IN

    T Joint venture

    T I'M IN

    T Joint venture

    Repair of accumulator batteries

    Most of the robbery robots who are employed without a priori in the operations with the release of the main products (overhaul of the units) on the basis of the additional robots who will also be employed by the servants of the main virobusiness. They are referred to as robots, instrumentalists, industrial workers, etc.

    The number of additional robots on the basis of the formulas:

    T VSP = P1 T SP (chol)

    de P1 = 0.25? 0.35 - admission of additional robots;

    T VSP = 0.26 2.55 = 0.66

    accepted T VSP = 0.66 chol.

    An obscure warehouse for robots and auxiliary robots are distributed for professions and discharges. The range of working workers is determined according to the tariff-quality indicator in the field of fallowness due to the nature and folding of the workers on the date.

    Acceptance: virobniki robots - slusar for repairing the battery 6th discharge - 1 chol.;

    5th row - 1 chol.;

    at once: 2 chol.

    additional work - special work 2 discharge - 1 chol.;

    transport robotic to the 3rd category - 1 chol.

    at once: 2 chol.

    The average number of robots in the box should start with the formula:

    de M1? M6 is the number of working people of the type;

    R1? R6 - robots' discharges;

    Todi R CP =

    Otrimani data about the regional warehouse of robots and additional robots are shown in Table 3

    Table 3

    Oblikovy warehouse for robots and additional robots

    the profession of working


    number of robots

    by changes

    behind the discharges

    Robber robots:

    repair slusar

    additional work:


    transport worker

    The number of engineering and technical workers, services and young service personnel is assigned to a large number of foreign and auxiliary robots according to the formula:

    de P i = 0.1 - list of engineering and technical workers;

    todi: M i = 0.13 (2 + 2) = 0.52

    Accept three (1) maystri.

    Otrimanі danі about the out-of-house warehouses of workers at dіlyantsі zvedemno in the table. 4.

    Table 4

    Warehouse for clean food

    Naming a group of cleaners

    number of workers

    middle class of working



    in the first time

    additional robots

    30% of the number of major robots

    At once working

    Engineering and technical robots and services

    10% of the number of all robots

    usoogo wicked

    1.7. Vibir possession for dilyanka

    Table 5

    Naymenuvannya ustatkuvannya

    Brand, type


    Set exertion


    zaymana area

    Screen for entrance

    Verstat for battery repair

    Bath for zlivu elektrolytu

    Battery rack

    Sharpening machine

    Peresuvna miina bath

    Rack for battery charging

    Slyusarny workbench with facilities for melting lead and mastic

    Shafa for materials

    Wall-boring verstat

    press hydraulic

    Screen for cleaning materials

    electric distiller

    Rack for bottles

    Bath for cooking elektrolytu

    At once:

    14 ,7

    1 8,52

    2. technological part

    2.1 Rozrakhunok area of ​​dilyanka

    I start with the detailed method according to the area of ​​the log, occupied by the planning and the progress of the transition from the area of ​​the possession and the inventory to the area of ​​the house, which will clarify the work area in front of the world.

    I use the following formula:

    F U = F O · Up to P [m 2]

    de F O = 18.52 m 2 - the area of ​​the statі is occupied by the possession and inventory of tobl. 5

    Up to P = 4.5 - the function of the transition to the area of ​​the dilyanka for the repair of accumulator batteries.

    Todi F Y = 18.52 4.5 = 83.34 m 2

    Pislya vikonannya planuvalnoy solution from the graphical part vyroblyayut the specification of the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bdilyanka, according to the KMK.

    F У = b · t · n = 9 · 6 · 2 = 108 m 2

    de b = 9m - spill awake;

    t = 6m - crochet of columns;

    n = 2m - number of columns.

    Acceptance of the area of ​​the dilyanka F U = 108m 2.

    2.2 Rozrakhunok consumer elektroenergy

    Richni vitrati of power energy consumption is started in an enlarged way:

    de = 14.7 kW - set the pressure of the strumming devices of the dilyanka from Table 5;

    3950 - Richniy fund for an hour of robots possession with two robots

    0.75 - the function of securing the installation by a stretch of the snake, to take over.

    Richni vitrati of electric power for illumination of the visa start for the formula: [kW]

    de R = 20W - pitoma is the norm of vitrati of electrical energy for 1m 2 of floor space for one year of robotics;

    2100 - an hour of robotics illumination on the battlefield;

    108m 2 - dilyanka area;

    Zagalny vitrat of elektroenergy become:

    2.3 Rozrakhunok consume the cramped food

    The style is used for blowing parts when folding mechanisms and aggregates, for handling mechanical, pneumatic tools, pneumatic drives, attachment and stands, as well as porcelain cutters for applying lacofarbovyh pokritiv, Installations for cleaning parts kryhtoyu, for mixing rozchiniv.

    The need for a daily routine is to start running from the vitrat with an air receiver (air receiver) with uninterrupted robotic performance in the skin of a one-hour robotic hourly background.

    Richni vitrati of a cramped repetition by starting the yak sum of vitrat with the help of the young friends for the formula:

    Qsqueeze = 1.5qx P x Kch x Code.x FDO ; (3.3.1)

    de q = 5 / year - a pitoma of a vitratus of a compressed povitra by one person

    1.5 - kofіtsієnt, wrakhovu exploitation in the pipelines.

    P - Number of one-time survivors of a compressed meal.

    Кч - the performance of the registration of the change in the span of the winter.

    Kodnya, - is the function of one-hour robotics.

    FDO = one-year-old fund for an hour of robotics when a robot is changing

    Qsqueeze = 1.5 x 5 x 4 x 0.9 x 0.7 x 2000 = 37800

    2.4 Rozrakhunok consume water and steam

    Drink water for virobnichi to be vitrized in bathtubs;

    Qin =gNSnx FDO ; (3.4.1)

    De q = 0.05 - pitoma vitrata vodi per year of robotic one bath

    P = 1 - bath

    FDO = 1776 - a daily fund of work per hour.

    Qw = 0.05 x 1 x 1776 = 88.8 (3.4.2)

    A quantity of steam is required for the scorching effect to start from the maximum heat vitrati Qm.h. behind the formula:

    Qm.h. =Vn (qo + qb) NS (tv-tn) ; (3.4.3.)

    de Vn = 648 - ossyag opaluvalniyu.

    qo + qb - heat vitrate pitoma on scorched

    qo = 0.45 kcal.h

    qb = 0.15 kcal.h.

    tв = internal temperature of the attachment = + 18С

    tn = minimum temperature = 10C

    Beruchi, 1 kg heat output. pair of doors 550 kcal. (2300J).

    The triviality of the opalized period is 4320 years.

    Qincl. = 648 x (0.45 +0.15) x(+18 -10) = 311 0 m.h.

    2.5 Attachment for zyattya krishok battery

    Critters from the monoblock of accumulative batteries know for additional attachment. When the operation is performed from the brace of the signatory, mount on the board of the upper part of the monoblock so that the lower end of the accumulator is twisted into the filling hole of the battery cage. For whom to fix the drowning in the working position. Smoothly pushing on the important, sign the monoblock's crack. At the same time, there is no slid to report a Zusill more than 50 N schob to unicnuti the breakdowns of the crush. If for the nobility it is necessary to report a zusill more than 50 N, then it is necessary to do some additional work or to clean the mastic.

    2. 6 number ofaa group of batteries put on charge in parallel

    Charge the 6ST75 battery from the unit with a power supply of 70 V and a power of 8 A.

    1. The number of accumulator batteries, which can be combined one after another into one group, with 2.7 V springs per one accumulator

    2.K = U / (2.7 X n) = 70 / (2.7X6) = 4.32

    de, U = power supply to the unit, V: n = number of accumulators in 6ST75 batteries.

    In this rank, include batteries in the group.

    So, for the charging strum of 6ST75 batteries, it is 7.5A, up to the unit, which will secure the strum of 8 A, one group of batteries can be connected.

    2. 7 paniruvalnyh solutions

    Possession of and inventory is guilty of being placed according to SNiP and technological process. Virobi, who require repairs, come on the shelves in a clean view of the call. When sorting out details, they do not come to the detachment to be rejected, but the accessories without disassembly are taken to replace all humotechnical virobes. By the way, the slut was installed in such a roztashuvanny at the main stage, de work piece illumination, de the main working hour to spend working. On a dilyantsi є a handbag, a box with a fire and a fire shield. Pidlogi cover with concrete tiles.

    Rational development of possession allows the repair of hydraulic possessions at the expense of an hour.

    3. organalysis-economical part

    3 .1 Opening of capital vitrates

    Capital vitrati on delivery є penny costs, vitraction for dribbling, delivery, installation of new and dismantling of old property, on the future part of the house. Capital vitrati vrahovoyutsya in the main funds of the enterprise in the entire period of exploitation for the first time.

    The main funds take part in the release of products (overhaul of automobiles) in an uncomplicated form for a tricky period of an hour to step by step and spend their part in part, in the world of physical wear. A penny break of wear is called amortization and stretching to the rock.

    Depreciation reduction (transferring wear in parts of the main funds for vibrations from an additional product) pennies from the renewal and renewal of the main funds.

    The size of the amortization of the windings, bends at the side of the road from the primary levels, is called the normal rate of amortization of N a... The amortization rate will be set at the sovereign level, or else it may be accepted by the formula;

    H a= 100: T sl ; [%] (4.1.1.),

    de T sl is the term of the service of the possession or awakening, from the technical minds.

    The normal rate of amortization losses, which is included in the status of the rate-year of capital repairs, is based on the formula:

    A r = [Sum] (4.1.2.),

    de PS - the primary share of the main funds.

    The main funds are cleverly divided into two groups: passive main funds (budgets, equipments) do not take part in the existing products, but it is necessary for the general development and active participation of the main funds - without the middle repair

    Rozrakhunok partostі main funds and depreciation vіdrakhuvan

    Table 1

    Rozrakhunok partostі of the main possession and depreciation vіdrakhuvan

    Naymenuvannya ustatkuvannya

    Brand abo type

    Price for one. possession (yew sum)





    Price for all equipment


    vitrati 15%

    Installation 20%

    Sum (thousand sum)

    Screen for entrance

    Acid bath for washing parts

    Verstat for battery repair

    Bath for zlivu elektrolytu

    Battery rack

    Sharpening machine

    Vertical drilling verstat

    Peresuvna miina bath

    Stand for converting and discharging batteries

    Capital investment and depreciation costs

    Table 3

    Naming capital investments

    First party yew sum

    Shock absorption

    soum yew sum

    Budivlya pid dilyanka

    On the way and on the road (30% of the year)

    Mainly possession


    New ownership (10% of new ownership)

    Attachment and expensive instrument (1% of the property)

    Inventory (8% of the property)

    Preparation of the territory (1% of the budget)

    Інші vitrati (1.5% of the period of time)

    3 .1.2 Rozrakhunok vitrat on wages

    Payment for the repair of the installation is prompted by the tariff system in terms of the availability of robots, the minds of the payment forms. Dilyanka is renowned for being vyrobnitstva with shkidlivny minds pratsi. The tariff system is based on tariff year rates and six-rate tariffs.

    The payment of the most basic robber robots to be paid for the extra-premium system for the actual payment of repair robots according to the current tariff rates of robots in the minds of the first time according to the formula:

    3P T= C 1 Before TT pikR R ; [Sum] (,

    de З 1 - one-time tariff rate of the first discharge, taken according to table 4

    Table 4

    Up to t - the tariff rate, which is stored in the warehouse, once the tariff rate of the accepted category is higher, lower than the first, is accepted according to table 5.

    Table 5

    tariff rate

    Т рік = 4544 people-year - regular repair work;

    R p = 2 people - the number of repair robots taken in the category.

    Payment for additional employees who work according to the weather system for actually performing hourly according to the annual tariff rates for the employees in the weather according to the formula:

    3 P add= C 1 Before TF inR add ; [Sum](,

    de F ін = 1776 years - a daily fund for an hour of robotics of one robot,

    P additional = 1 people. - the number of additional employees received in the category

    For all working children, they have to pay in addition to their salary: a bonus for a timely and efficient service of repair robots will be accepted in the range:

    Basic work - 30%

    Additional robots - 20%

    Engineering and technical robots - 40% 51

    Service and MOPs - 15%

    Regional performance in the range of 60% of the tariff, but not more than 15630 soums per month.

    The main salary is based on the formula:

    3 P main= 3 P T+ P + K R ; [Sum](

    In addition to the basic salary pay for all workers of the enterprise:

    3 P add= P d3 P main; [Sum](,

    de P d - a sum of additional wages, with the help of the project you can accept:

    Basic work - 22%

    Additional robots - 15%

    Engineering and technical workers - 30%

    Service and MOPs - 15%

    The Fund for the Salary Payments to the Employees of the Dilyanka Visa starts with the formula:

    FZP = 3 P main+ 3 P add[Sum](

    The enterprise from the payroll fund pays all the workers of the wages to the social funds of the social social security in the size of:

    Social Insurance Fund - 31.6%

    Pension fund - 0.5%

    Occupancy Fund - 0.9%

    TOTAL: - 33%

    Vidrakhuvannya to huge funds in the range of 33% are included in the status of the standard year of repair robots. Rozrakhunok vitrat according to the salary payment of the workers of the house of the workers of the house is represented in the form of tables.

    Rozrakhunok to the fund of salaries and pay for repair robots




    Rate. bid

    fund hour

    salary for tariff

    pay extra

    Basic salary

    Update. salary

    Fund pay


    Before R

    Basic work


    Payments for the salary fund


    Fund pay

    Vidrahuvannya in public funds 33%

    Basic robots

    additional robots

    ONCE working:

    Engineering and technical workers


    Young service personnel

    ONCE staff:

    ALL of the following:

    3 .1.3 Root of material vitrates

    Materials are stored on the premises from materials and spare parts necessary for the installation of repair robots.

    The size of the material vitrates is based on the vitrati standards for one major overhaul, various programs for major overhauls and prices for one unit of material values.

    In the case of the growth of the bulk of the material vitrates, the transport and warehouse vitrati are in the size of 15%.

    Rozrakhunok vartostі materіalіv

    3.1.4 Rcalculation of the largest workshop vitrates

    The Інші workshops vitrati are vitrati, as they do not take part in the release of the product, but are not necessary for the virobnity. The size of the shop vitrates is meant for the folds of a type of kostoris, which is stored in two pieces, leather from which includes vitrati of a type of group.

    Group A includes vitrati, knitted from exploitation possession:

    For power electric power:

    Z e= WC e; [Sum](,

    de W = 113,250 kWh / year - electric power supply,

    C e = 18.5 sum - the price of one kilovat-godini,

    Todi Z e= 113 250 x 18.5 = 2095125 sum

    On the squeeze:

    Z squeeze= Q squeeze C squeeze ; [Sum](,

    de Q squeeze = 64997m 3 - rychna vitrata of the compressed crust,

    Ц sr = 2.5 sum - one m 3 of the compressed povіtrya.

    Todi Z squeeze= 64997 x 2.5 = 1624925 sum

    On water for viral purposes:

    Z tue = Q tueC tue; [Sum](

    de Q w = 8000 m 3 - rіchnі vitrati vodi for virobniki purposes,

    C w = 276 sum - the price of one m 3 of technical water.

    Todi Z tue= 8000 x 276 = 2208000 sum

    On water for by-run purposes:

    Z b = qD RR C b; [Sum](

    de q= 0.08 m 3 - pitoma of drinking water vitrate per one worker in the winter,

    D R= 225 days - the number of working days at the roci,

    R= 3 people - the number of workers in the field,

    C b = 258 sum - the rate of one m 3 of drinking water,

    Todi Z b= 0.08 x 225 x 3 x 258 = 13932 sum

    Zagalny vodi vitrata: 2208000 + 13932 = 2221932

    Vitrata of steam on the scorched dish:

    Z NS = VF beforeq / I 1000 ; [Sum](

    de V= 648 m 3 - obsyag bud_vli dilyanka,

    F before= 4140 - an hour of robots scorching by stretching out fate,

    q= 20 kcal / year - steam vitrate pitoma for 1m 3 bud_vli per year of the robot,

    I= 540 kcal / h - heat output of one ton of steam,

    C p = 15450 sum - parity of one ton steam

    Todi Z n = x 15450 = 1535112 sum

    On-line repairs of ownership will take 3-5% of all costs: 0.05 x 15194300 = 759713 sum

    3-5% of the basic materials will be used for additional materials: 0.05 x 4929360 = 246468 sum

    Spare parts for repairing the property will take 5% of the amount: 0.05 x 15194300 = 759713 sum

    Group B includes vitrati shops:

    On the salary of ІТП, services and MOPs from tables;

    For the repair of a budget with a cost of 2% of the budget: 0.02 x 34020000 = 680400 sum

    For the protection of employees, 5.5% of the salary payments of all robots will be received: 0.055 x 3820333 = 210118 sum

    For the technology of safety, 35,000 soums are accepted for one robot (main and secondary) 35,000 x 3 = 105,000 soums

    Іnshі nevrakhovanі vitrati are accepted 10% of sums of all workshop vitrates.

    For viznachennya zagalnoї sumi vitrat warehouseєmo kostoris:

    Koshtoris workshop vitrat

    Naming articles vitrat

    salary of ITP, services and MOP

    Vitrati on stisnene povitrya

    Vitrati for electricity

    Vitrati on the water

    Vitrati on the scorched

    Continuous repair of possession

    Additional materials

    repair of budіvlі

    Spare parts for maintenance

    Protection pratsi

    Technics of safety

    Інші workshopsі vitrati

    Koshtoris vitrat and the calculation of the property

    Koshtoris vitrat on a dilyanka is a bag of all vitrats according to the name of repair robots. For the calculation of the reason, the amount of all vitrates should be considered for one product.

    At the end of the day, only a part of the work is shown for capital repairs, so in the capacity of one product it is cleverly accepted for the standard-year of repair work and vitrati for a new form start with the formula:

    Z LF= 3C / T pik ; [Sum](

    de 3C - suma vitrat z kostorisu,

    T rіk = 3243 people-year - the usual labor of repair robots.

    Koshtoris vitrat on utrimannya dilyanka

    Availability of the standard-year of the warehouse:

    Z LF= = 8461 sum

    3 .2 Raceeven economic efficiency

    The economic effect is based on the formula:

    E = C 1 - (Z 2 + E nTO); [ crosum](4.2.1)

    de С 1 і С 2 - the property of the vitrates of the planned and basic rock_v, sum.

    E n = 0.15 - standard efficiency ratio

    K - capital investment, sum.

    Ratio table

    Naming articles vitrat

    Pay for robber robots

    Vidrahuvannya on social insurance

    partiality of materials

    Spare parts availability

    Shock absorption

    Інші workshopsі vitrati

    At once



    Nevirobnichi vitrati, 2%




    E = 27439437 - (16463662.31 + 66063000NS 0,15) = 1066324,69 sum.

    3 .3 Technical and economic indicators of the project

    Naming indicators

    One vimiru

    tribute to the project

    Richna virobnich program with overhaul

    Rіchny obsyag repair robots

    The number of the most effective, all

    That number of robots

    Salary Fund, all

    That number of robots

    Average monthly salary:

    one worker

    one great

    Introduced the pressure of the struma

    energy loss

    Virobnycha dilyanka area

    Capital contributions

    fund availability

    Yew sum / slave

    Suma vitrat for utrimannya dilyanka

    Consistency of one standard year of repair robots

    Ownership of one overhaul

    4. Protection pratsi

    The legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan is regulated by the basic norms of practice and regulation of industrial enterprises.

    To the chief staff of the department of protection the work є carrying out a complex of visits to the legislative, technical, sanitary-hygienic and organizational order, directing to the safety of the infallible minds of the efficient and uninterrupted lodging of the viral processes. As a result of these visits, the productivity of the team is guilty. The maximum improvement of the minds of the pratsi, the prevention of viral injuries and professional illnesses, after the visits from the safety technology and anti-fire technology are the main method of robotics in the hallways of protection.

    Protection of pratsi legislation regulating such vidnosini:

    Heads of labor efficiency of robots and services on virobnistvі;

    Standards and Rules for the technology of safety, general health and safety;

    The order of planning and financing of visits from protection of the law;

    Norms and Rules for the special protection of women, children, and special protection because of the reduction of legal age;

    Pilg for people with shy and important minds;

    Medical service for robotics;

    The procedure for the protection of workers in the event of their inferiority in connection with the non-merciless vapors and calories on the virobnist, as well as the professional discomforts;

    Variety of enterprises and townspeople, as well as robots and services for the damage to their protection and for the inheritance of the civilian damage.

    All practitioners, who are employed on a robot, undergo an introductory instruction in the basics of safety technology and general sanitation, as well as instruction on a working mission. Once a week, re-instruction is carried out.

    At the time of the prominence at the prominent municipality, the implementation of the instructions from the technology of safety for robots quiet professionals, such as work on the business. Krim instructions are responsible for the creation of posters from the safe reception of robots and in front of the juvenile signs and writing.

    Especially respect comes to be safe from robots with the help of an individual zaist: a special guy, a special outfit, a means of taking hands, eyes, revealing, organs of life, and also by special means I will take the opportunity to get rid of the electric strum and shkidlivy vipariv vipariv.

    Prannya, repairing a special bag and replacing a special bag that swelled up, they became unauthorized not because of the fault of the worker, the enterprise is viroblya without koshtovno.

    In view of the lists of robots from the smart minds of the pratsi, as the administrative department of the enterprise is located, as they can see food without food - special fats (milk), as well as cute (400gr.

    At the end of the day, a medical first-aid kit is known to be guilty, it is equipped with medicines necessary for the provision of first aid.

    Vidpovidalnost for the adoption of the Rules for the protection of practical and safety technology on the dispatch is carried by the master, and at the same time the foreman.

    4 .1 Vimogi technics are safe to ventilation, scorchedand visibility

    ventilation virobnichnykh serve for the protection of the proper sanitary-hygienic minds of the superfluous middle class.

    On the dіlyantsі, the vital and inflating ventilation is transmitted. Vitiazhna ventilation was seen from the clogging, and the tidal flow was clean.

    Natural and piece ventilation is transferred to the door. Natural ventilation comes through the windows of the community. A piece (mechanical) ventilation system for the transmission, which can be seen when obstructed by centralized fans, of the type and brand of which they choose to go out of the way and the number of times they use according to the formula:

    Q v = VBefore about; [m 3 ] (5.2.1.)

    de, V = FH = 648 m3

    F у = 108 m 2 - area of ​​the dilyanka,

    H = 6 m - the height of the frame

    K about = 5 - the multiplicity of the volume

    Todi Q v= 648 x 5 = 3240 m 3

    Vibrating fan ERZ-3 with a productivity of 3000 m 3 / year in a set of 2 pieces.

    On a workmanship, tied to the visions of high-quality for health vipars, so that in the places of high-speed visions of high-quality for health, out-of-gas gases, it will be possible to install a small ventilation system with 4 fans. їх widening in all attitudes.

    To adjust the temperature regime, a heating system has been transferred to the stove of the primus ventilation of the heated fire. The fans are blown through the air heater, so that they are heated and forced into the opaluvale.

    A central water scorching system has also been transferred, when hot water flows into the heating system (radiator chi pipes), which brings heat into the area. Rozrakhunkov's temperature in the environment is +18 o C. The system of burning is responsible for the transfer of equal heat to the food, the power of muscle regulation and performance. For the establishment of normal minds, nature and piece of enlightenment has been transferred to primitive houses.

    Natural illumination of waking up through windows in the wake-up call.

    The piece of illumination is transferred to the combinovans, to the home and to the miscellaneous. The hall is illuminated with fluorescent lamps along the perimeter of the stele. Illumination lights, roztasovani without the middle in the robotics, allow you to control the light flow, flashing a high level of illumination. Stress of muscle light 12 or 36 V.

    The limit of the main coverage is transferred to an emergency coverage of 10% of the standard. For the evacuation of people, an emergency illumination is guilty of not less than 0.3 lk. The value of the actual illumination is not less than 300 lx.

    4.2 vimogstechnics are safe to the tool, possessionіaddicted

    Decrease in the number of traumatism is quite abundant in what lies not only in terms of quality, but also in reference to stashed tools.

    All tools in front of the ear of the robot are regularly looked around and, in the event of an inequality, are easily installed in the toolbox for replacement. Incomparable and unsuitable for robots, tools are not guilty of taking on work mice Always clean and dry the tools on the work machine.

    The wood handles of the tools are smooth, without knots, cracks and scuffs and made from hard and viscous wood species. To avoid injuries, do not move the handles of tools from soft woods (pine, yalina, yalitsya and іn.).

    The handles of the tools must be properly seated and properly secured. Attach the hammer handles and sledgehammers strictly perpendicularly to the later axis of the tool and wedge them with metal wedges.

    Wood handles for saws, knives, chisels and whistles, are fastened on the tools behind other metal grips, so that they can be protected from rozkolyuvannya.

    The hammers and sledgehammers were to blame for the mother's slight weakening, without vibrations and tremors, since it did not scythe or knock the surface of the striker.

    The nuts and bolts should be guilty for reference and strictly refer to the size of the nuts and bolts, so as not to ensure the accuracy of the nuts and bolts they use.

    more documents

      The size of the daily labor nitrate, the varied labor of the repair enterprise, the labor labor and the area for the production of RMZ, the number of robotic robots. Підбір of a wicked possession. Technological process of car frame repair.

      robot course, additions 09.12.2013

      The types of AA-factor accumulator batteries, their specialties, overwhelming and short-lived. Features of Nickel-Metal Hydride and Nickel-Cadmium Battery Batteries. Standard and acceleration charge of accumulator batteries. Charge at low temperatures.

      robot science, additions 01/18/2015

      The role of technical service and repairs in the advanced term of service alarm machines... Designated post area for technical service and repair of dilyanka machines. Special features rozrahunku virobnichoy programs shop for repair of fire apparatus.

      course robot, additions 10/16/2013

      Organization of repair of gearboxes of the rear axle of automobiles in TOV "Igapo": dilyanka project; vibration of the possession of the design of the universal stand. Protection of pratsi and ecologic bezpeka; technical and economic assessment.

      robot diploma, additions 11.08.2011

      Characteristics of the technology of extraction of phosphoric acid from apatite concentrate. Technical and economic indicators given to the processі th organizational structure. The construction of capital and exploitation vitrates during the modernization of the filter.

      control of the robot, additions 02/20/2011

      Technological process of dilyanka. Fund for an hour Richna virobnicha program. The number of efficient dilyanka. Vibir of technological possession. Rozrakhunok consume elektroenergii. Planuvalne solution for dilyanka.

      course robot, additions 06/29/2012

      Monitoring and operatively controlling the parameters of the technological process of the production of starter lead-acid accumulator batteries. Principles of battery technology, vibration of technological possession, control, view of the boat and methods of operation.

      call for practice, donations 05/08/2010

      Vybnachennya virobnichoї programs for technical service and repair of the KS-2572 truck crane. The number of posts in the zone of TO and TR, the number of robots; Pidbir possession. Rіchny obsyag robіt from technical service and repair; kostoris vitrat.

      robot diploma, additions 06/27/2014

      Design of the technological process for the repair of electric batteries; distribution box for TR-2 of the motor-carriage depot. Seems to be robotic; installation design; organization and ownership of repair services; technology of safety.

      robot diploma, additions 06/13/2013

      Rozrahunok virobnichoi programs and obruntuvannya type virobnitstva. Razrakhunok capital deposit and exploitation vitrates. Collaboration of the product of the object. Vitrati according to the control and exploitation of possession. Technical and economic indicators of the shop.


    2.3 Vibration and adjustment of labor standards for technological service and overhaul for 1000 km of run

    3. Organizational distribution

    3.3 Technological card

    4. Protection of pratsi




    Increasing the productivity, efficiency of the maintenance of the rugged warehouse of automobile transport in the significant world to lay down the development of the mind, the function of the general-technical base of the production of automobile transport, the main

    The development of the comprehensive and technical base of the automobile transport enterprises can help the modern scientists of scientific and technical progress. The solution to the problems of the development of virobnicho-technical bases, given in the first place to the extent that the dynamically developing automobile transport, is an important place to borrow food for the detailed design of the enterprise.

    Automobile transport can be delivered in various types of transport. Winning Volodya's great maneuverability, good prowess, and being prone to smart minds. At zd_ysnenny bagatokh foldable buildings, the role of vіdіgraє virobnich service is significant. Automotive industry systematically work over the polishing of technologies of production and detailed design of a rugged warehouse.

    I’ll look at how productivity is growing, it’s just a matter of mechanization and automation of virobnichny processes, that one of the main factories is the most equipped with a skin working machine, planting a complex of technological possession, tools and equipment.

    It is of great importance for the improvement of productivity of work during maintenance and repairs and maintenance of a wide range of applications for scientific organization of practice (NOT). The remainder includes a great complex of visits, mid-range organization and service of work missions, detailed receptions, methods and standards of practice, the establishment of friendly sanitary and spiritual.

    Met my course project є project battery life.

    Project management є razrakhunok periodicity TO; viznachennya: the number of service providers for the price, technical readiness rates, additional car programs; razpodil labor and industrial robots for maintenance and technical requirements of automobiles and self-service of the enterprise; labor market growth; rozrakhunok number of robots; vibration of technological possession; Planning of delivery and information

    1. Characteristics of the design object

    The motor transport enterprise (ATP) is located on the territory of a warm climate and belongs to the third category of exploitation.

    The oblast car park will become 400 KamAZ 5415 vehicles, of which 60% have undergone major overhauls and 320 KRAZ 256B1 vehicles, of which 80% have undergone major overhauls.

    The ATP robotic mode is five days, the number of working hours is 2, which will take care of an eight year working day. ATP specializes in transporting vantages.

    The topic for the project is battery information. Accumulators will be provided with the repair of accumulators for applications, we will write them down in control coupons, and for applications of all motor vehicle donations.

    The accumulators are equipped with possessions based on the nature of the new robots. The specialization allows the maximum mechanization of labor-intensive robots, the reduction of the need for the same type of possession, the polish of the mind, the victorious mens of the quality of the robots, the improvement of the quality and productivity. In the accumulative release, there is a start of possession: Screen for entrances, baths for details and preparation of electrolyte, racks, stands, vypryamlyach, shafi, etc.

    2. Rozrakhunkovo-technological distribution

    2.1 Vibrating and correcting the periodicity of technical service

    Periodicity of technical servants to lie in the number of rugged warehouse, category of minds of exploitation and natural-climatic minds.

    Periodicity of TO - 1, L 1 km starts with the formula:

    L 1 = L K 1 K 3, (1)

    de L - the normative periodicity of TO - 1, km, is taken according to table 2.1 L KamAZ 5415 = 4000 (km); L KRAZ 256 B1 = 2500 (km).

    Up to 1 - efficiency, how to clean up the operation, K 1 = 0.9, table 2.7 Up to 3 - efficiency, how to clean it up, K 3 = 1, table 2.9

    L 1 KamAZ 5415 = 4000 0.9 1 = 3600 (km);

    L 1 KRAZ 256B1 = 2500 0.9 1 = 2500 (km).

    Periodicity of TO - 2, L 2 km starts with the formula:

    L 2 = L K 1 K 3, (2)

    de L - the normative periodicity of TO - 2, km, is drawn according to table 2.1 L (km); L KamAZ 5415 = 12000 (km);

    KRAZ 256 B1 = 12000 (km).

    L 2 KamAZ 5415 = 12000 0.9 1 = 10800 (km);

    L 2 KRAZ 256B1 = 12000 0.9 1 = 10800 (km).

    2.2 Vibrating and correcting tests before overhaul

    So it is itself necessary to speed up the periodicity of the test before the overhaul. The resource of the run (run before overhaul) is stored at K 1, modification of a collapsed warehouse - Up to 2 and K 3.

    Periodicity of insurance coverage for the formula:

    L KP = L K 1 Up to 2 K 3, (3)

    de L - standard period before overhaul, km, which is calculated according to table 2.2 L KamAZ = 300000 (km); L KRAZ 256 B1 = 160,000 (km).

    Up to 2 - capacity for the modification of a rucky warehouse, km, which is selected according to the table 2.8

    Up to 2 KamAZ 5415 = 0.95; Up to 2 KRAZ 256B1 = 0.85;

    Up to 3 - the efficiency of correcting standards for fallow from natural and climatic minds, which is selected according to tables 2.9

    L KR KamAZ 5415 = 300000 0.9 0.95 1.0 = 256000 (km);

    L KR KRAZ 256 B1 = 600000 0.9 0.85 1.0 = 122400 (km).

    As cars are used for capital repairs, then the mid-repair run, L, km, is reduced by 20%

    L KamAZ 5415 = 0.8 256500 = 205200 (km);

    L KRAZ 256 B1 = 0.8 122400 = 97920 (km).

    If the car park is new and has undergone a major overhaul of the car, then it is necessary to increase the number of breakdowns in the car run L KR SR, km, according to the formula:

    de А u - the percentage of cars failing to undergo overhaul А u KamAZ 5415 = 40%; And u KRAZ 256 B1 = 65%;

    A - the percentage of cars underwent overhaul A KamAZ 5415 = 60%; A KRAZ 256 B1 = 35%;

    For repairs with urahuvannya kofіtsієntі, it is necessary to speed up koofіtsієnt multiplicity b 1; b 2; b 3 technologic service i in-line repair.

    For TO - 1 coefficient of multiplicity b 1, based on the formula:

    de L SS - average run, km: L CC KamAZ 5415 = 160 km;

    L CC KRAZ 256 B1 = 100 km;

    For TO - 2 coefficient of multiplicity b 2, based on the formula:

    For KR the coefficient of multiplicity is b 3, based on the formula:

    Corrected and reported data are summarized in Table 1.

    Table 1. Correction of car tests


    Probig, km


    with urahuvannya kofіtsієntіv


    in terms of multiplicity

    to rozrahunku

    Average day.

    Average day.

    2.3 Vibration and adjustment of labor standards for technological service and overhaul for 1000 km of run

    Correction of labor-intensiveness THAT work in a fallow state of K2 and a few units of a technologically sumptuous rugged warehouse (Up to 5) Labor home service, T ЄВ, people-year. start with the formula:

    t EO = t K 2, (9)

    de t - standard labor force for daily service, people-year, vibramo according to tables 2.1 t KamAZ 5415 = 0.67 (people-year),

    t KRAZ 256 B1 = 0.45 (people-year.)

    t EO KamAZ 5415 = 0.67 1.10 = 0.73 (people-year);

    t EO KRAZ 256 B1 = 0.45 1.15 = 0.51 (people-year).

    Labor of TO - 1, t TO-1, people-year. after the formula:

    t T O -1 = t K 2 K 5, (10)

    de t - standard labor at TO - 1, vibrated according to tables 2.1, t KamAZ 5415 = 2.29 (people-year), t KRAZ 256 B1 = 3.7 (man-hour)

    t T O -1 KamAZ 5415 = 2.29 1.10 0.80 = 2.01 (people-year);

    t T O -1 KRAZ 256 B1 = 3.7 1.15 0.80 = 3.4 (man hours).

    Labor of TO - 2, t TO-2, people-year. after the formula:

    t Т O -2 = t K 2 K 3, (11)

    de t - standard labor at TO - 2, vibrated according to tables 2.1, t KamAZ 5415 = 9.98 (people-year), t KRAZ 256 B1 = 14.7 (people-year.)

    t T O -2 KamAZ 5415 = 9.98 1.10 0.80 = 8.78 (people-year);

    t T O -2 KrAZ-260V = 14.7 1.15 0.80 = 13.5 (people-year).

    The laboriousness of the in-line repair for 1000 km of run is based on the type of cars, the minds of operation, modification, natural minds, the run of the car and the size of the ATP, t TR, people-year. and for the formula:

    t TP = t Up to 1 Up to 2 Up to 3 Up to 4 Up to 5, (12)

    de t is the standard labor intensity during in-line repairs, vibrated according to tables 2.1, t KamAZ 5415 = 6.7 (man-hour), t KRAZ 256 B1 = 6.4 (man-hour)

    Up to 1 - the efficiency of correcting the standards for fallow from the minds of the exploitation, K 1 = 0.9

    Up to 2 - the rate of correction of a rucky warehouse, km, which is selected according to the table 2.8 Up to 2 KaMaz5415 = 0.95; Up to 2 KRAZ 256 B1 = 0.95

    Up to 3 - coefficient of correction of standards in fallow areas from natural and climatic minds, K 3 = 1.0

    Up to 4 - the performance of correcting standards for pet labor in line repair (km) and triviality of downtime for technical maintenance and line repair (K) in terms of depletion due to running from the ear of operation, K 4 KamAZ 5415 = 1.4; Up to 4 KRAZ 256 B1 = 1.4

    Up to 5 - performance standards for technical servicing and in-line repairs in debris as a result of servicing and repairs of vehicles at ATUs and in some technologically complex groups Up to 5 = 0.80 in a warehouse.

    t TR KamAZ 5415 = 6.7 0.9 1.10 1.0 1.4 0.80 = 7.42 (people-year);

    t TR KRAZ 256 B1 = 6.4 0.9 1.15 1.0 1.4 0.80 = 7.41 (people-year).

    2.4 Designated technical readiness of the park

    The technical readiness factor for the park, α T, is insured according to the formula:

    de D TO TR - the triviality of the downtime of a crumpled warehouse in technical service and line repairs, based on tables 4.5, D TO TR GAZ-53A = 0.5; D TO TR MAZ-53363 = 0.6; D TO TR MAZ-64226 = 0.8, D KR - the triviality of the downtime of a collapsed warehouse in capital repairs, based on tables 4.5, D KR KAMAZ 5415 = 22; D KR KRAZ 256 B1 = 22

    2.5 Designation of the performance of the vehicle and the fleet

    Thus, the park will be gradually equipped with new technology, more productive possessions, if there will be more progress, more cars, etc. Koefіtsієnt vikorystannya park, α u start for the formula:

    de D RG - number of working days, D RG = 257

    D KG - number of calendar days, D KG = 365

    Knowing the efficiency of the park, it is possible to develop the park, L PG, km, according to the formula:

    L PG = D RG α u L CC A u, (15)

    L PG KaMAz5415 = 257 0.6 160 400 = 9868800 (km);

    L PG KRAZ 256 B1 = 257 0.6 100 320 = 4934400 (km).

    2.6 The initial number of service providers per pik

    The number of capital repairs, N, is based on the formula:

    Number of service staff, N, based on the formula:

    The amount of TO - 2, N, based on the formula:

    The number of TO - 1, N, based on the formula:

    2.7 The value of the technical service and the in-line repair

    Richniy obsyag robots by generic service staff, T people-year. after the formula:

    Т = t ЄВ N, (20)

    T Kamaz5415 = 0.73 61680 = 45026.4 (people-year);

    T KRAZ256B1 = 0.51 49344 = 25165.44 (people-year.).

    Richny obsyag robot for TO - 1, T, people-year., Start for the formula:

    T = t TO-1 N, (21)

    T Kamaz5415 = 2.01 1728 = 3533.58 (people-year);

    T KRAZ256B1 = 3.4 748 = 2543.2 (people-year).

    Richny obsyag robot for TO - 2, T, people-year., Start for the formula:

    T = t TO-2 N, (22)

    T Kamaz5415 = 8.78 864 = 7585.92 (people-year);

    T KRAZ256B1 = 13.5 374 = 5049 (people-year.).

    Richny obsyag robots in line repair, T, people-year., Start for the formula:

    T Kamaz5415 = (people-year.);

    T KRAZ256B1 = (people-year.).

    Yaksho in the park exploit transport of different types, it is necessary to increase the amount of labor required for technical service and overhaul. The total laboriousness of the service staff, Σ T ЄВ, is based on the formula:

    Σ T ЄV = T Kamaz5415 + T KRAZ256B1, (24)

    Σ Т ЄВ = 45026.4 + 25165.44 = 70191.84 (people-year.)

    The total labor force of TO - 1, Σ T TO - 1, is based on the formula:

    Σ T TO - 1 = T Kamaz5415 + T KRAZ256B1, (25)

    Σ T TO - 1 = 3533.58 + 2543.2 = 6076.78 (people-year)

    The total laboriousness of TO - 2, Σ T TO - 2, is based on the formula:

    Σ T TO - 2 = T Kamaz5415 + T KRAZ256B1, (26)

    Σ T TO - 2 = 7585.92 + 5049 = 12634.92 (people-year)

    The total laboriousness of in-line repair, Σ Т ТР, is based on the formula:

    Σ T TR = T Kamaz5415 + T KRAZ256B1, (27)

    Σ T TP = 73127.808 + 36563.904 = 109691.71 (people-year)

    In addition to technical service and flow repairs, robots from the self-service of the enterprise are involved in the vehicle fleet, so that:

    a) Maintenance and repair of verstatny, energetic and power possession;

    b) Preparation, service and repair of technological property;

    c) Repair of buildings, sporud, plumbing, canals, etc.

    To that, in a business relationship, it is necessary to introduce a self-service business. Obsyag robits self-service enterprise, T CAM, people-year., Start for the formula:

    de Do CAM - kofіtsієnt shо vrahovuє obsyag robіt s self-service enterprises in%. Coefficient to deposit according to the number of cars on the vehicle.

    2.8 The number of rogue robots

    Before productive workmen, work zones and boxes are set up without a priori to work out robots from the technical service and in-line repair of a rundown warehouse.

    When expanding the number of robots, the number of workers should be raised (technically required) - PY and regular (list) - PW number of workers.

    Number of technologically necessary working types of work. When there is a whole lot of robotics, there is a space for a robot to be seen by one worker. At the work post, one or more robots can be picked up at once.

    The number of technologically necessary work visas is based on the formula:

    de T NTD - Rіchny obsyag robіt vіddіlennya T NTD = 2786 people-year.

    F RM - fund for an hour of work

    de CH N - the triviality of the robotic pulling machine, CH N = 40

    D N - the number of working days per day, D N = 5

    D K - number of calendar days, D K = 365

    Д В - number of weekend days, Д В = 103

    Д П - number saintly days, D P = 5

    Visually, the number of full-time robots is based on the formula:

    de F PR - the fund for an hour of full-time robots starts with the formula:

    de F T - a fund for an hour of one worker

    Д О - the number of days in the start-up of the work

    D U.P - the number of days of absence from the robot for important reasons

    5 - the number of working days

    2.9 Raising the number of posts for posting

    de T POST - the laboriousness of the post, T POST = one thousand two twenty-nine people-year.

    P - number of posts

    Do N - reserve capacity, K N - 1.35

    С - number of zmin, С - 1

    D RG - the number of working days at roci, D RG - 302

    T CM - triviality of the winter in years, T CM - 8 years

    Р СР - the number of workers working at the post one hour, Р СР = 2

    η P - efficiency for the working hour of the post, η P - 0.98

    3. Organizational distribution

    3.1 Pidbir of technological possession and equipment on the dilyantsi

    overhaul of car batteries

    Prior to the technological possession, it is necessary to carry out stationary, oversubscribed and portable stands, by the way, all those who attach and occupy a self-contained area on the plan, which are necessary for the display of work according to TR.

    Before the organization is equipped to carry out the inventory (by the way, shelves, shafi, tables), which will occupy an independent area on the plan. Prior to the technological equipment, carry out all the tools, attachment, attachments necessary for the installation of robots according to the TR, as they are not independent independent areas.

    When choosing a technological possession, it is necessary to ensure that there are a number of different types of stands, installations and not to be stored in the number of working ones in the workshop, just as, by the way, the working tables are taken from the number of working tables.

    The transfer of the required technological setup and equipment is shown in the tables.

    Table 2 Technological possession

    Naymenuvannya Brand Gabarity
    1 Screen for entrance 2 0.6x0.8 0,48
    2 Bath for washing details 2257 1 0.9x0.5 0,45
    3 Verstat 1019 1 1.0x0.8 0,8
    4 Bath for zlivu elektrolytu E - 204 1 0.58x0.21 1,22
    5 Shelving 2242 1 1.0x0.4 0,4
    6 stand 1 0.7x0.6 0,42
    7 vypryamlyach BCA-5A (BCA-111b) 1 0.41x0.31 1,28
    8 Melting verstat 1 1.0x0.8 0,8
    9 Shafa for materials 551 1 0.5x0.6 0,30
    2 charges
    1 Rack with police E-409 OG 4 1.10x1.10 1,21
    1 Rack for parts 3 0.6 x 0.5 0,30
    2 Rack for bottles 1 1.0x0.6 0,6
    3 Battery rack E-405a 1 0.5x0.6 0,30
    4-Kisloltnoe viddilennya
    1 Electrolyte bath E-204 1 0.58x0.21 1,22
    2 Butt for filling acid P-206 1 0.4x0.4 0,16
    3 electric distiller 737MRTU / 2 1 0.5x0.5 0,25
    ONCE: 10,19

    3.2 Role of the virobnic area

    The area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bdilyanka begins with the formula:

    3.3 Technological map

    The charging of the accumulator battery is reconverted to the power of the electrolyte. For a change in the primary power of the electrolyte poured into the accumulator battery (which is to blame for the data given in Table 2.4), it is possible to determine the steps of the discharge. Changing the power of the electrolyte, brought to a temperature of +25 ° C, by 0.01 g / cm3, reduce the discharge of the battery by about 6%. that is, at a drop in power of 0.04 g / cm3, the storage battery charge is 25%, at 0.08 g / cm3 - 50%, and at a drop in power by 0.16 g / cm3, the battery will increase. With a large decrease in the electric capacity of the electrolyte in the vicinity of the accumulators, the value of the discharge of the accumulator battery can be increased as an average value of the discharge of the accumulators. The regulation of electrical power in batteries is carried out in the same order as when preparing electrical power. For accuracy, before the change in power, the electrolyte needs to be reconverted. In order to charge the accumulator battery or the three-wheel drive, before the vimir, it is necessary to vitrimate approximately 30-40 minutes before the gas is charged. When adding distilled water to the accumulator battery, you can change the power of the electrolyte only for 10-15 minutes, the water was changed with the electrolyte, and became the power of the electrolyte. A rechargeable battery, vikorystanu vlіtku more, less by 50% (with an average decrease in the electrical power by 0.08 g / cm3), and the charge is higher, lower by 25% (with a decrease in electrical power by 0.04 g / cm3) from the car and charge. The rechargeable battery, supplied to the battery, is then put on recharge when discharged by 25-30%, which will result in a decrease in the power of the electrolyte in the batteries by 0.04-0.05 g / cm3.

    4. Protection of pratsi

    Individuals not younger than 18 years are allowed to repair and service battery batteries independently, as it may be of high quality, they receive an introductory instruction and first-time instruction in a working process without

    A battery pack, which does not go through a quick re-instruction of protection (not earlier than 1 time in 3 months) and a correct conversion of knowledge from safety should not start before the robot.

    The accumulator of goiters'yazaniya dotrimuvatisya rules of the internal labor order, established at the enterprise.

    The triviality of the working hour of Akumul is not to blame for the 40th year. For a day. The triviality of everyday robots (changes) is determined by the rules of the internal labor order, or by graphs of changes, which are confirmed by the administrative committee for the weather with the trade union committee. The accumulator is guilty of the nobility, which is not without safety and extravagant viral factors, as there can be a lot of work during the process, є:

    electric strum;

    sirchan acid;

    fatty caly;

    lead and second half;

    Syrchana acid, if it gets on a part of the body, pozhkozhu shkirny curvature, with which dermatitis and opiqueness are established.

    Calcium powder is analogous to alcoholic acid.

    Lead should be used to cut off the body's organisms, as well as to break up the peripheral and central nervous systems, reduce the roach apparatus, lead paralysis.

    It’s when I’m seeing when charging rechargeable batteries, zmіshuyuchis with sour food, setting up vibuhoneless fumigating gas.

    It is necessary to use a tool, attachment, possession, or a battery without instructions or instructions.

    The accumulator is guilty of special dressing and special abuse, and in times of need for protection in order to achieve an individual victim.

    According to the Typical galuzevikh norms for the appearance of special clothing, special swelling, and in the case of an individual battery, the following are seen:

    a suit of bavovnyany for acid-and-sugar leaks;

    napivchoboti gumovi;

    mittens gumovі;

    gum apron;

    eyepieces are given.

    The accumulator is guilty of the rules of special hygiene after the regulation:

    in front of the toilet, the reception of the house, the turn of the hand, go to the cute;

    do not take and do not live in the accumulator and drink water, in the unique way they get into them a lot of words for good;

    for pitty, it is necessary to vikoristovuvat water from a special designation for a number of attachments (saturatori, pitn_ tanks, fountains too);

    for the sake of the shkіri hands zastosovuvati specially designated zakisnі ointments.


    in applications for charging accumulators, for removing the vibuha and igniting the fire, burning, burning with electric heating attachments (electric tiles with an open spiral, etc.)

    tolerance of charging and acid side components;

    z'єnuvati the clems of the accumulator batteries with a dart;

    recirculate the accumulator battery for short mics;

    pouring the melted lead into the wet form and putting the lead into the melted paste;

    pour water into acid, so that when you do it you can "boil" and you can wiggle the electrolyte from the vessel;

    take in the repair and charger in the battery case with sour acid and meadow in a few cases, which will change the need, as well as empty judges, as the case was taken in the vicinity;

    spіlly sberіgatі and charge in one primitive acid and pool accumulators;

    take in the accumulators and take in the water there, so that they can be removed from them because of the great talk;

    vikoristovuvati sklyanu obіtsyankami for preparing elektrolіtu.

    Vimogi bezpeki pislya end of robots

    The end of the robot and the accumulator of crops:

    Vimknuti ventilation and electrical control.

    Tidy up the work of the misce. Electrolyte, attach the tools and get them to the place for them.

    The amount of money in the robot for an individual zaist (mittens, aprons, etc.), get in the water and get it in the right place for them.

    Learn to take an individual zaistu, special dress and swell and tidy things up in a meaningful place for them. Leave them in good time and take the individual to a dry cleaning and repair.

    Vimiti hands with sweet and take a shower.


    This course project contains:

    - organizing the robotics of the battery box

    - vibrated and primed by the method of organizing the virobnitting of the TOD and dilyanka complex;

    - Rural labor force is insured in the Asia-Pacific region and for the period;

    - registration of the possession of the dilyanka;

    - a number of rogue robots are insured

    - vimogi for TB and vimogi pozhezhnoy safe;

    - vikonaniy planuvalny armchair of the accumulator dilyanka.


    1. Regulations on technical service and repair of a rugged warehouse for motor transport / Ministry of transport and commune of the Republic of Bashkortostan - Minsk: Transtekhnika 1998 - 59s.

    3. Design of motor transport enterprises and technical service stations. Navchalna / M.M. Bolbas, N.M. Kapustin, A.I. Pєtukhov, V.I. Pokhabov - Mn. University, 1997 - 24bc.

    4. Technical service and repair. Collection of coursework and diploma projects. M.: Transport, 1985 - 224s.

    5. Technical service and repair of automobiles. Book of the diploma project / B.M. Sukhanov ta in. - M .: Transport, 1991 - 159p.

    8. Technical service of automobiles. G.V. Kramarenko, I.V. Baranchikiv M.: Transport, 1982 - 368s.

    іnshі materials

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