Troit and do not pick up wraps. Why does the engine not pick up wraps (stop pulling) or pick up badly? Riven paliva in the chamber of the float

As if your car's engine is not picking up wraps, otherwise it's bad to cope with it, stopping pulling, chhae, whooping, wait a little longer. Let's try to figure out here why the reasons for such an unhealthy behavior of the motor are crying out, which we remember you, as you are impersonal, repairing some kind of wiring or a branch pipe, to deliver a trouble with a bay or electronics.

The biggest part of the cause of bad engine thrust and revs

1) Incorrectness either in the system itself for supplying fire, or else it is worn out. As with petrol engines, so with diesel engines, this point must be changed first, as the engine stops pulling and / or more often picking up wrappers.

Gasoline engines most often have a gas pump out of tune, so they change it in the first black, and it doesn’t matter what type of wine, mechanical wine or electric, but it’s a good idea to hit it. Axis, for example, one: water on Pasati, equipment of mono-risk came to the service, skarzhachis on those that the thrust of the motor was gone. How do you think, what could be the reason? Verno, the fuel pump slowly began to get out of tune, as a result of which, there was a “lack of” fire, and the engine, if you are hungry, is no longer on the decks of the badory. What is needed to work? Check the fuel pump itself, and if everything is in order there, then it’s amazing that the organ has broken and fed the fuel, tobto, hardening, a carburetor, a mono-injector or an injector.

And if there are diesels, then in most cases, if the equipment with nozzles goes out of tune, problems arise, as described in the title. Kіntsіvka razpilyuvachіv injectors and out of fret of the plunger pairs of high pressure fuel pumps can lead to a significant loss of engine fatigue, moreover, even to the point that the rest of the engine will stop starting. And if the re-verification showed that the equipment with injectors is alive and well, and the motor is uncompromising, like earlier, if you don’t want to be able to pick up wraps, then it’s better, you have a zaplyuvannya, which means you need to dig into the settings viperedzhennya zapalyuvannya, or rather, do it earlier. In the fire system of a diesel engine, there is a change in the correct EVIL. It begins to pidmoktuєtsya like through the killed amplifying washers, like using medium or aluminum ones, so through a small dirochka, like it appeared in one of the hoses of the auto supply unit. Zagalom, it is necessary to know and neutralize. Hot air filters, which in the equal world can be brought to diesels and gasoline engines, since they haven’t been changed for a long time and the stench is clogged, then the thrust of the engine in such a state can not be corrected. It is necessary to clean, or change the filters, “cleaning” the stuff in the nose of your car.

2) Let's move on to the offensive cause - the inadequacy of the priming system. It is necessary to explain here, why not troit chi your motor, if you troit, you can know the relevant article on our site, and read it. Otzzhe, if this woman is not troit, then start a trace from a simple, from a distributor. First, on the right engine, there is a trace of yoga, and try to make a wicked moment - it will be so great, if the engine is more efficient. If you don’t see it, then look carefully at the candles and darts, and other electrical elements of the structure. If you have an engine of the injection type, then start a wart from the timing marks, moreover, if the installation is correct, the injection engines should lay the moment of supply, like a spark, so it’s a fire. Dali, as if everything is OK with the marks, then it’s a good way to see the sensor. If you don’t know, then in the injection motor there are a lot of sensors and sensors there is darkness! The list includes: і mass windage sensor, і crankshaft position sensor, і camshaft sensor, і lambda probe, і idle speed sensor, and all of them are simply impossible to override. Axis and the whole qyu “masovka”, and lie down on the practice either for yourself, or for the auto electrics, as if you are crazy to the new. One more topic: when your engine starts to dial wraps, it’s rotten after the renewal of the timing belt, or the timing belt, then you’ll be forgiven during installation, so here the tooth is to the left, or to the right it plays a majestic, virishal role, as a result, a pardon of just one tooth can make you satisfied when pressing the gas in the sublog, and the replacement of the “stribka” from the month with the slipping, you take away the more unsinging, zhalugidne zmіschennya from the place with such a “bonus”, as if the vitrata of the paliva was raised.

3) The reason has come - this is the problem with the supply of povitrya. Also, you can bring to the point of exhaustion the pressure on the track in the cylinder, which is the same after the sensor of the mass winding, more the computer is constantly investing in the warehouse of the fire-recovery sum on the basis of these records, as it is based on the information on the balance sheet. So the axis, q_ data are transferred to the DMRV, and if there will be more, less need, then, as a result, we are guaranteed to save money with a weak motor power. A fresh filter, like a bagan, once in a feast, the rosebuds are wiped out, like a rock they don’t change. As a result of this, it is necessary to make it difficult to repeat, dvigun, which is filthy picking up wraps and put on tightness, I don’t see it, and black dim. So, just replacing the filter solves the problem.

4) I'm on the verge, we will complete our look at the remaining extended problem, as if we were to blame the wobble. Otzhe, first of all, go to the ocean of prose on this topic, we would have to change the camp of the catalyst, as if it were more wine. We can look at the butt of the Audi, for how much it squeals, as if it were clogged, it’s not worth it. Also, on the Audi 100 C4, with a 2.3-liter five-cylinder engine, it was a hit, if you didn’t get the wraps, 4 yew. On the tachometer, there is a boundary! The Maistris have been racking their brains for a long time, as a result, just in case, they misinterpreted the catalyst and threw it away, and the motor became like a beast. It turns out that it is not a secret for the bagats that motors with a full-length exhaust system see 10-17% more tightness - in the fallow type of the model, and in tandem with the cism in the world of car tuning, such a device, like a "forward flow". Tse slang is short in the sense of a straight-through whirl, so the whirl pipes are blown with a larger diameter, and the catalytic converter is smudged and slag, tse, navpak - for the “anti-tuning” motor, well, so, for the wild erudite. And now let's move on to prosy, also a real vipadok. They brought a KamAZ engine for overhaul, the reason: the tension disappears, and the turnover is not gaining. Roztin of the head showed that there was a “crunch” on the motor, judging by the good wine, the oil was good, and the oil of the whole cream, which was burning down right in the middle of the exhaust manifold! At the bottom of the bag on the sides of the cotton collector, there was a lot of soot on it, there was less than an opening with a diameter of three inches, and it is equal to the fact that a person has constipation, and wines do not rejoice without voicing a call!

One of the signs of a malfunction of the engine is those that the engine is not picking up wraps (“it doesn’t spin”, as it seems to be a lot of cars). You can carry out the first revision on your own.

The engine is not gaining wraps. What to convert into Persian black?

Fire supply system. Call out the reversal of the reasons why a gasoline or diesel engine does not pick up wraps, start over from it. If the language is about a gasoline engine, then in the first place you should check the correctness of the gasoline pump - it doesn’t matter, mechanical or electric.

In diesel engines, the recalibration is started with equipment with injectors, which is the most common cause of exhaustion by the engine. In addition, the next turn off the imovirnist pidsosu again in the septic system.

Like a gasoline engine, so a diesel engine has a cost, so it’s like a wine momentarily clogged up and injected into the engine’s traction.

Immersion system. For the cob turn, chi do not troїt chi dvigun. Then guess, without changing the rest of the hour, the belt or the timing belt. Even more often the belts or timing belts are installed incorrectly, through which the engine does not pick up wraps and "stupid".

In addition, you should carefully look at the darts and candles, so that you can perekonatisya in their integrity and correctness. A sensor can also be added to the engine thrust (DMRV, DHX, crankshaft sensor, camshaft sensor, throttle position sensor, etc.).

Submission repeat. Another wider reason, for which the engine does not pick up wraps, is that it is necessary to repeat on the way the pale-colored bag in the cylinder. Besides, next.

Whip system. In rich cars, they are significantly affected by traction, so the re-verification of the exhaust system of the varto is almost the same as the catalyst (as well as vin є).

Another even wider reason, for which the dvigun does not gain wraps, is filthy. If you refueled at an unknown gas station, perhaps the problem itself is in the quality of the fire.

If everything is already listed in the norm, then for more detailed information, it will be easier to get back to fahivtsiv, so that you can accurately determine the cause of the malfunction.

You started early and loudly took up your rights: the machine muttered peacefully, turning its whiteness ... Passing the hour, and intuitively you understand - the sounds are more appropriately voiced, even as the machines go straight to the finish line. Marvel at your worker and understand: in fact, the stage is already set. Ale, dial the need for the speed of the machine, I can’t, I can’t: the turnover is significantly lower than the tasks ...

Talk about loudly whiteness in such a weather is not brought up: at low speeds in a short fall it will be noticeably gray, in a high wind it will be wet. Hello, “back at the future” and holding speeches with your hands ... Don’t you want to? In this moment, let's try to break up, what could have led to the fact that the machine does not break up under vigimanni. Possibly, there is no such breakdown.

Why turn it over into the first line, if the machine is not picking up wrappers?

  • Perverte, as the very program of the day you chose. Possibly, low turnover is a feature of the program itself. For example, for outerwear and thin fabrics, all machines specially reduce wrappings - they help to reduce the deformation of speeches.
  • Reversing the transitional wrappers vigimannia: A lot of machines allow you to manually adjust the amount of wrappings on the whip. Perhaps, you have hooked up the button / regulator of the wrappings of the vіdzhimannya, and it “jumped” to the lower mode?

Well, with the choice of the program, everything is in order, but the machine still does not break up, which means that you need to interrupt the cycle of early work, or else check your end and remove the whiteness. "Estimate" an approximate vaga zavantazhennya. Possibly, the problem itself is in tsyumu:

  • Possibly, you have revantaged the machine. As if the life is too rich, try splitting yoga into two parties and start the “vigilance” mode again.
  • Abo, navpaki - gave too few speeches too late. In this occasion, the gentlemen were told to put into the drum a clean terry towel at once with an underpressed whiteness.
  • whiteness imbalance It is also a common reason why the machine cannot pick up wraps. For example, if it is possible to “give” all other speeches. In such a state, simply place the whiteness on the drum evenly and try to start the cycle again.

Well, everything is fine with the choice of the program, that vaga and rozpodіl navantazhennya on the drum, do not shout out - it means, unfortunately, in the machine it was breaking.

The most widespread breakdowns, in which case the machine does not pick up wraps

Shvidkіst wrapping of the drum to lie in the arc of the bagatioh vuzlіv in the machine. To that it is independent, that she herself became the culprit of the fact that the machine does not want to collect the need for speed, maybe only fahivets.


What is the problem

Varity to repair * **

Faulty water level sensor (pressure switch)

Viyshov z fret driver sensor, Which in a normal state is like a key module, which is a riven drive in a machine. Vihodyachi z tsikh danih, the "brain" of the pralki includes drains or vidzhimannya. As soon as the sensor knows that the water is still left in the machine, in fact, it won’t work like that: the machine will be motivated to pour out the unknown water. With this, the turnover will be significantly lower, lower with vіdzhimanni.
The sensor needs to be replaced.

View 1200 rub.

Malfunction of the tachometer (speed control sensor)

Remove the fret of the tachometer- node, which controls the turnover of the machine - to cause the machine to lose control over the speed and not give a command to open the drum.
The sensor needs to be replaced.

View 1300 rub.

Incorrectness of the “brain” of the cleaning machine: the electronic module (in devices with electronic control) or the choice of programs (in models with electromechanical control)

Trouble in a fee lead to the fact that the machine does not give correct commands to other units of the unit - in our case, the power is not turned on for the required speed.
Necessary "flashing" or change pay.

View 1500 rub.

Malfunction of the dviguna of the cleaning machine

Zlamavsya dvigun - the physical destructive power of the drum. As a rule, the most common cause is in the interturn zamikannya: in which direction the engine works, but only in “pivsil”. If you feel tightness for wrapping the drum at low speeds - when prana and zlivі, but if you pull the drum up to the set rpm for vidzhimu - do not go out. Also, to a lack of swedish wrapping, you can bring an erased graphite shield of the engine.
Necessary inspection, repair or replacement of the engine.

View 1500 rub.

Drive belt failure

Wear and deformation of the drive belt to produce until the thrust is weak, and at high speeds the veins scroll "idle". Through the whole speed, the wrapping of the drum of the machine significantly decreases and does not interfere with the specified speed.
Need to replace the drive belt.

View 700 rub.

* Orientation is indicated in the tables. The master will give the exact cost for repairs after looking at the machine, with the nature of the breakdown, as well as the pick and model.

** The prices indicated are only for the work of the maestro, without adjusting the cost of spare parts.

Krіm zaznachenih vіdzhimanni vіpadkіv, hour problem kriєtsya in the fact that the machine for some reason can't anger the water: in this vіdka about vіdzhimanni so do not have to talk. As you have seen, that the machine does not only develop the need for speed, and yet it does not pour water, go back to our article "".

Vtіm, with water, or without - as you have shown, that your machine is not picking up wrappers - you can’t put up with it and manually. Return to "RemBitTech":

7 (495) 215 – 14 – 41

7 (903) 722 – 17 – 03

Our foreman will come at the very next hour, carry out diagnostics without any cost and give the exact reason why the unit does not want to see the task of 800 or 1200 revolutions per whilin. Year-a-friend for repairs - and you can forget about orphaned white!

Roll up!

  • Read more:
July 14, 2017

The most unacceptable type of malfunction - if it was half broken in the car. In such situations, the appearance of inaccuracies turns into a warehouse, which I guess I catch fleas. Butt extensions: the engine does not pick up wraps after pressing on the accelerator pedal. The car is here, but it’s roaring up to normal speed, not building - the motor “chhaє” and muffled. If you were able to solve the problem on your own, be aware of the latest list of reasons why you need to address the inadequate behavior of the power unit.

Heating system problems

As soon as you got stuck with the problem of falling engine tightness, fix the problem with the fuel supply system. Even if the engine does not react to the sound of the throttle shutter, or else it starts to go deaf, it is logical to admit that you do not tritely strike a blow. Your actions:

  1. Guess, if you change the filter of fine purification and turn your stan. Zasmіtivsya filtering element passes the lack of quantity of gasoline, such as a few for work at idle without navantazhennya.
  2. The reason is widened - the fuel pump sieve is clogged with debris, it has been emptied in the tank. Often, motorists ignore this replacement, installing only a new filter. To change the rough cleaning screen, to bring the gas tank and pull the pump.
  3. Viyshov s fret the bypass valve to the vise, which throws off the excess fire back into the tank. Pereviryaetsya vimiryuvannyam vice in the fire ramp through a special fitting.
  4. Like in a closed garage, take the car out of the car, smell the gasoline, go through all the hot highways, looking at the subject of the turn.

Note. When the filter is noticed, the noise of the fuel pump is trivaly, audible after the ignition is turned on. The unit cannot raise the pressure in the main line to the norm and is not switched on for a long time.

More serious problems will be more complicated. Both gasoline and diesel engines can suffer from improper operation or injectors. Їх pratsezdatnіst pereviryaєєє shlyakh znyattya and connection to the dzherel zhivlennya. The rozpilyuvach is guilty of creating an even beautiful “torch”, in a different way, forcing replacements.

The cause of a non-stationary burn in a diesel engine is often a fire pump, which creates a high pressure in the system. If the parts of the unit were worn out, the onslaught in the main line falls below the norm, and little diesel fuel enters the cylinders.

At the same time, with pale filters, you can’t make misunderstandings and repetitions. Blow through the zabrudnene element, so do not go out to remember.


In revs, if, when pressing on the gas pedal, you almost shot through the exhaust pipe, or the engine starts to “troit” on idle wraps, try to find out a malfunction in the priming system. Weak sparks on the electrodes of the candles lead to an inconsistent burning of the hot-spray sumishi and exhaust the tension with the power unit. The reasons for the wrong robotic system look like this:

  1. Problems with one or the other high-voltage coils.
  2. The insulation of high voltage wires was drilled, which went from the coil to the candles.
  3. Through the trivial term of exploitation, the candles themselves were worn.

The availability of wearing candles is due to the fact that in the process of testing stinks give a normal spark. Ale, in the cylinders of the engine, there is a present high vice, at any old candles go out. The axis of which the engine does not develop speed, and the sharply pressed accelerator pedal calls out “failure”. It is necessary to check the candles on a special stand, which creates a vice of at least 20 bar.

You can diagnose a breakdown of a high-voltage wire or insulation of a candle in a dark garage. Open the hood, start the engine and watch for your robot. Likewise remember the sleeper on the “colosses”, put new details.

About breaking the fret of the coil, or shaving the high voltage wire, check exactly the top of one of the cylinders. It's easy to try it out: remember yoga with your limbs and change your mind when you stop practicing the other cylinder. You won’t get through with Danish cats, for diagnostics you need special equipment.

Motor problems

Critical wear of the cylinder-piston group of the power unit can also be reduced to a decrease in tightness. Є th іnshі reasons why the dvigun is badly gaining wraps:

  • burnout of the valve in one or more cylinders;
  • vіdsutnіst kompresії аbо її falling below the admissible level;
  • improper regulation of thermal gaps between valve stems and rocker arms;
  • malfunctions of the belt or lancing drive of the gas-spring mechanism.

The greater number of overhauled faults is the way to win back the compression. The lower valve does not fit into the seat, through which the vice in the same cylinder drops to 2-3 bar, and sometimes to zero. Significant reduction in compression in all cylinders to the mark 9 bar and less indication on the "slow" piston rings.

Porada. The first step is to voice the verdict of the cylinder-piston group, to check the thermal gaps with a feeler gauge. If recently a “specialist” has done wrong adjustment and squeezed the valves, then the compression may decrease.

Similar pardons are used when changing the lancet or the timing belt, if the marks are worn for 1 tooth. The consequences are the disruption of the phases of the gas explosion and the loss of pressure, plus the unstable operation of the engine. With a similar effect, non-bailing water sticks, so as not to follow a wet machine: in the event of wear, the lance (belt) is strongly stretched and jumps on the gears of the rozpodilny shaft by 1 tooth.

A little too high of a high level of oil, penetrating into the combustion chambers through the valve seals, it also kills the robot and the power unit. The middle walls of the chamber and the electrodes of the candles are covered with soot, and the piston rings are coked and sag. Virna sign of inadequacy - clubs of dove-gray smoke from the exhaust pipe.

Other problems

The current car is equipped with an electronic control system for the power unit and flue gas supply. Shards of technical stations of these systems directly pour into the operation of the engine, the loss of tension can be due to such reasons:

  • failure and total obstruction of the catalytic converter installed in the exhaust tract of a gasoline engine;
  • zasmіcheny filter diesel soot tyagne and naslіdki - exhaust gases are nowhere to go and the power unit "suffocates";
  • remove the fret of one or more sensors connected to the electronic control unit.

Changing the passage of the neutralizer and the soot filter is simple: unscrew the front flange of the attachment, open the way to the gases, and start the engine. If your robot is going to brighten up a lot, change the catalyst to a new one.

If the lambda probe goes out of tune, the engine does not pick up wraps at the command of the controller. Chi is not "batchachi" a lot of sour on the way out, the electronic unit can not properly prepare the air-fuel sum, so go into emergency mode. The change of the pallid s will be observed after the installed indications, which will change the stiffness of the motor.

The transition to the emergency operation mode is accompanied by the switched on Check Engine display on the accessory panel. Malfunctions traplesya soon, if one of the main sensors goes out of tune - DMRV (in new cars - DAT), a lambda probe or a throttle position sensor. In order to reconsider the practicality of the appointment of accessories, it is better to turn to a competent auto electrician or to a service station.

When operating a car with a gasoline or diesel engine, the situation is sometimes blamed if, when the accelerator pedal is pressed, a cleared increase in revolutions is not observed. The right power unit is guilty of instantly reacting to the increase in fuel sum in the chambers, burning up the increasing frequency of the wraps of the crankshaft, but, if you don’t see it, it’s necessary to report an incompatibility. Її the reason can be simple and easy to get used to speeches, so serious breakdowns.

The main reasons for the presence of the dynamics of the engine

Water, constantly operating a car, easily shows a deterioration in the dynamic characteristics of the motor, which manifests itself in a fuzzy dispersal, filthy traction, increased heat and oil. Qi processes are often accompanied by the appearance of a dove-gray black tuft. Most often, the reason for this is the following reasons:

  1. Insufficient heating of the power unit.
  2. The quality of the vicorous fire is filthy.
  3. Changed air filter and malfunctions of the air supply system.
  4. Malfunctions of the gas-spreading mechanism.
  5. Malfunctions of fuel supply systems.
  6. Sensor failure.
  7. Malfunctions of the priming system.
  8. Weak compression in the cylinders.
  9. Incorrect operation of the car's ECU.
  10. Specific engine malfunctions that can cause turbocharging or a carburetor.

cold engine

The dynamic characteristics of the power unit do not reach their maximum, while the operating temperature of the cold air does not rise to a value of 90 ° C. In another moment, the engine will become deaf, mellow and detonate.

yakist paliva

Vykoristannya yakіsnogo gasoline or diesel fuel - zaporuk long-term life of the dvigun and otrimannya in the new maximum straining indications. However, there is no insurance against refueling with a non-acidic fuel, which threatens not only significant reductions in labor indicators, but also the ability to start the engine. Regular deterioration of non-acidic gasoline is manifested in intense carbon deposits on cylinders, damage, catalysts and in the intake manifold, as well as in increased wear of the cylinder-piston group.

zabrudnennya filters

Above the world, the lightness of the inspected filter changes the number of times, as soon as it is possible to pass through it into the burning chamber, through which the tension of the engine falls, and the yoga robot becomes nervous. It is similar to the result of a short supply of fire in the combustion chamber in the event of a malfunction of the fire pump, or it is difficult to pass it along the main line or through the fire filters for various reasons.

Damage to the work of the gas-spreading mechanism

Breakdowns or incorrect regulation of the mechanism of gas-flow under the gas-flow breaks the gas-flow phase from the optimal point, and results in a sharp decrease in the pressure of the engine. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya s reasons nepovnenny zvіlnennya tsіlіndrіv vіd vykhlopnih gazіv, аbo not enough filling poіtryam аbo poіtryаno-polivnoї madness. The jumping of the lancet or the timing belt by one or the sprat of teeth causes damage to the robot and regulation of the mechanism, which ensures the necessary cut of the overheating of the fallow in the engine revolutions. A significant drop in tightness is also expected in case of improper adjustment of the timing valves, if there is insufficient pressure or not completely closed.

Malfunctions of the heating system

In the event of a malfunction in the system of eating a gasoline engine, the loss of tension is felt in the first place. Before them, one can see the replacement of hot water filters, interruptions in the operation of the gasoline pump, eating injectors and depressurization of the hot water pipeline, for which the motor is not very good. In diesel engines, the most common malfunctions of the sump equipment are the cost of the nozzles and the sump pump, the depressurization of the sump line, the freezing of the scorch in the sump line and the replacement of the filters.

sensor malfunctions

In modern engines, in order to achieve high dynamics and low wind speed, the indications of various sensors are displayed, which indicate the position of the crankshaft, wind speed, detonation in the combustion chamber, the exhaust gas storage, the position of the temperature control valves, and the throttle valves. Data from them should be in the ECU of the engine, and injected into the yoga robot mode. The inadequacy of that other sensor to rob the robot of the power unit is not optimal, which is manifested in the exhaustion.

Malfunctions of the priming system

The most frequent malfunctions in the system, which reduce the exhaustion of the dvigun, are burning candles, in which the gaps between the electrodes can be damaged, causing carbon deposits on them or a poor insulator. Decreased quality of sparks or її daytime often є after shaving, damage to contacts or the integrity of high-voltage wires, coils and rozpodilnik.

Piston group wear

During the 3rd operation of the engine, the natural wear of the piston group is observed, which leads to a drop in the necessary compression in the cylinders and the pressure of the power unit. Above-world wear can be caused by plugged piston rings through improper operation of the engine, low fuel oil and low viscosity.

Malfunctions in the ECU robot

The control of all processes of the robot of a modern car is built by an electronic unit, which selects the indicators of sensors, and on the basis of the new program, regulates the operation of the engine. The ECU function can be changed, depending on the different modes of operation in the fallow period, in the required windshield and the type of vicarious fire, the minds of the car operation and other characteristics. Malfunctions in the operation of the electronic unit, or yogo incorrectly adjusted, can lead to both fatigue and impossibility to operate the engine itself.

Specific engine faults

Old car models, like a carburetor, are still actively used by domestic motorists. Breakdown of various nodes in similar systems of eating is manifested in a littered depression of the engine, and may be the following characteristic malfunctions:

  1. Breakdowns of the fuel pump, crying out the fall of the vice in the system.
  2. Getting into the carburetor through the holes, through which the jets clog and blame the problems with the operation of the head valve.
  3. Incorrect regulation of the fuel storage.
  4. Damage to the robotic carburetor shutters and economizer valve.
  5. The float robot is incorrect.

Actual models of new motors can produce one or more turbines, which are pumped repeatedly into the combustion chamber, thereby increasing the number of Kinsk forces, like a building power unit. Breakdowns or damage in their robots, resulting in a sharp drop in the acceptance of the power unit.

The fall of the exhaustion of the engine is guilty of serving as the reason for the diagnostics of the car to reveal the malfunction and її of the total adoption. Kindly, as the reason for the loss of dynamics, it is so easy to enumerate the reasons, as if it were not hot, the filters were changed, or the old candles were lit. Ale malfunctions in the robotic gas-spreading mechanism, wear of the piston group and other more serious problems leading to negain repair, so they can lead to initial breakdown and significantly more high penny losses.

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