Toning films for automotive glasses. Toning automotive glasses. Toning cars. Company Tonservis

Our autocentre is engaged in tinting the autogolate since 1994. The main emphasis we make the highest quality tinting and the use of the best materials known in the world and our country.

We are the first in Moscow who came up with and carried out a tinting film under the SCO glass. Visually it looks like a factory tinting of the car. Most of our customers after tinting a car in our auto center tint the following cars Only with us, and also recommend that you are our familiar and friends, especially after comparing the quality of the toning and the quality of the tinting film (visually) with other cars, toned in other places.

Recently, many toning centers have appeared in Moscow, using low-quality cheap toning films under the guise of well-known world manufacturers. It is hard to determine the difference in the first time.

We guarantee the use of a metallized film to toning LLUMAR ATR (which is confirmed by certificates and can be verified from third-party experts)

Our toning specialists are recognized as one of the best specialists of the city of Moscow, including dealer auto centers that abandoned the so-called "outbound tinting" produced by Jonson and other firms that are not very high-quality, but very rapid tinting autosamins.

Our company consulted, and also helped to find personnel for organizing their own tinting in dealer autocentrics, and not use the services of firms offering the so-called "outbound tint".

Tinging the tinting of cars in our auto center from 2.5 hours for "Zhiguli" and up to 7 hours for "complex" foreign cars, but we guarantee the highest quality toning.

The time of work of our autocentrov: from 10-00 to 20-00 without days off.

Toning conditions
The process of tinting a car must occur as a clean and light room. Therefore, we pay it special attention. Since the masters perform the tinting of the car besides high qualifications, should still feel comfortable in the workplace. Accordingly, the better the room was prepared for work, the better the quality.

Toning process
The process of tinting the car's glass in all occurs approximately equally. Washes the glass and the film is applied. However, the continuity begins further, and the final result depends on these trifles. It suggests a comparison with the car steamers: everyone prepares the surface to color, everything is painted, however, the difference is so obvious at the exit, which is not even a specialist. Also in tinting: everything is washed, everyone is applied to the film, however, from how they do it, the final result is so different, which is also visible from the expert. Our technology and little things have been worked out for many years of work so much that we suggest compare the quality of the car toning in our other tinting centers.

Toning car car dragging vehicle More secure, beautiful and comfortable, as well as helps the car be less sensitive to the effects of external factors, the machine with the film does not overheat, and the upholstery does not fade longer. Toning protects transport from ultraviolet, excessive noise, and your property, and the personal space becomes invisible eyes.

In winter, the film can also be performed by an additional function of thermal insulation. In the afternoon, the film guards from blinding the bright rays of the sun, from the highlights of the snow, and at night, from bright light from headlights of passing cars. And if the car suddenly falls into an accident, the film will reduce the likelihood of injury sitting in it: it will be able to detain some of the fragments of broken glass.

According to the requirements of the GOST, the tinting of any machine cannot be higher than 25%, passing light is at least 75%, the tinting of side front windows can be made by 30%, providing transmission of at least 70% of light. Rear glasses You can donate completely.

The process of tinting the car

Masters of our car center tinging auto glass produce various high quality films. The car toning procedure takes 1 hour to 3 hours depending on the type of car. Professional toning takes place in several stages:

  • Initially, the specialist cuts the film to toning the auto drain;
  • Then, with the help of a soap solution from the film, a protective layer is removed;
  • The final stage becomes staging on the glass of the car toning layer. In some cases, after that, drying with a hairdryer.

Use glasses after tinting is better not earlier than a day so that the film is properly dried.

What film is better to apply to toning the machine?

We offer our customers only high-quality film brands:

  • "LLUMAR" and "SUN CONTROL" - Manufacturers provide a guarantee for this product.

What types of tinting do we offer customers?

Masters of our station produce tinting a car classic darkened Color, mirror and athermal films.

  • Color films (without metal) are one of the most popular types of tinting machine. This film does not create glare, noise for the radios, well reflects heat, but quickly burns out.
  • The Metallic film contains metal, most often aluminum, located between the protective and color layer. It creates increased protection against solar exposure, reflects infrared radiation, does not fade.
  • In the mirror film, the protective layer is located outside, creating a shine that protects against IR rays, light and heat.
  • Athermal film is almost completely transparent (10% dimming), it absorbs almost completely ultraviolet and IR rays.

Tinging the car film-chameleon 80%

This paper uses the "Sun Control" toning film. This species, in addition to its external advantages, has beautiful protective characteristics. Do not worry about the indicators of light-resistant - they fully comply with the requirements of GOST. The athermal effect of tinting chameleon will protect the interior overflow from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, and be in such a car will be much more pleasant.

Work time: Up to 2.5 hours - windshield and two side windows.

Two side: 30 minutes. Each glass.


- frontal - 6,000 rubles.,

- front side - 4000 rubles.

The cost of toning

Prices for toning Very loyal. The final value of toning will depend on the type of film of the selected film (mirror, art, adjustable, etc.), as well as from the glass where it is necessary to make tinting.

rear window + two side
- 3500 rubles. "Sun Control"
- 4500 rubles. "LLUMAR"

Any car needs not only in care, but also in its improvement. One of these moments is tinted glass car. The company "Tone Service" carries out full-fledged work related to the provision of the service under consideration.
Toning allows you to give a car a new design, does not distort the main color of the machine, hides the interior from the extra eyes, and also protects the driver and passengers from bright sunlight. The modern film of the film is manufactured in such a way that it does not overthrow the significant parts and the light gamut inside the main indoor space motor vehicle. It also protects against the penetration of ultraviolet rays that contribute to the burnout of the machine's interior. Wash toning film quite easily and does not require the use of special cleaning products.


The film consists of 224 nanoslook, which makes it much more efficient and better than cheaper analogues. The main advantages are:

  • Maximum protection against light;
  • It does not allow in the heat heat heat, which contributes to the smaller use of the air conditioner and reduce the fuel consumption. If the outside of the car is the temperature of 40 degrees of heat, then it will not exceed 25 degrees inside it. The same thing happens when cold weather;
  • The toning film will not allow to cool the cabin too quickly - it is very practical and efficient.

The company will help ensure your car with high-quality tinting film. You can enclose the car, both completely and separate parts. It is also possible to quickly conjunction. We work our most best specialistswho know their business. You will be pleased with prices for all possible methods and stages of tinting. If required, you can contact us in the company now. We constantly have discounts and promotions. Work is carried out quickly and efficiently. We value our customers, so they are ready to delight you with their work and take into account all the wishes regarding the provision of this service.

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