The crash of a cyclist along the road.


traffic rules Twelve golden rules for a cyclist29 leaf fall 29 leaf fall has arrived, new rules road ruhu- among them, for example, like this: retinati

I'll spend part of it

It is not possible to cross the zebra crossing on a bicycle. For damage there is a hefty fine. We figured out what the rules are for cyclists and what is needed to feel comfortable in the traffic of cars.

Will cyclists require a special toll system?

Stagnation on the offensive: Walking has priority, fluidity is to be adapted accordingly.

Installation for cyclists is obligatory, regardless of the time: First of all, there is sufficient illumination, which consists of a self-starting front and rear light, a white front highlight, a red reflector and an orange ring oru, divisions and spokes of winners.

In addition, the law transfers working heat and pressure to the kerma.

Winter tires

otherwise similar ones are not needed for bicycles.

In most cases, the cyclist is forced to ride along the roadway or along the road, which is not a common situation in this area.

And if a bicycle path is laid across the street, the cyclist is responsible for moving onto it.

However, here is the understanding: since the bicycle is more than a meter wide, you cannot use the bike path - so as not to offend other cyclists. At any time, you can only move along the sidewalks at the same time (div. Rule No. 5). Is the speed limit also for cyclists?

It’s not easy to know: who can drive faster?

This varies depending on the fluidity zone, which is superimposed by the signs: fluidity zone 30 or fluidity level in the zone bordered by the rider, for example, also stagnating with cyclists - regardless of how

electric motor

, So and without anything.

Cyclists who live in front of an electric motor should therefore think about equipping their bicycles with a speedometer.

Cyclists, next to pedestrians and motorists, and the most vulnerable streets and highways.

Cycling rules. Adults are obliged to wear boots if they are found on distant routes, while people up to the age of 16 are obliged to vikorize them at any time. It is also important that you recreate objects or clothes so that you always study. Our recommendation is to use the wheel well on all paths, as the system is effective in preventing the wind from falling at low speeds. Don’t miss your bike and check with it before you ride to make sure it’s in good condition and that the wheels are durable

correct vice


Make sure that you carry out the maneuvers you intend to do correctly and with sufficient time to inform others.

transport arrangements . When the price increases, the law allows you to cycle in parallel, in a group of two bicycles maximum, subject to intense rutting or low visibility.

It is prohibited to ride a bicycle with headphones after using drugs or drinking more than permissible alcohol.

  • Only those over 14 years of age may drive on the side of the motorway that is clearly blocked by a signal.
  • Circulation along highways and highway barriers.
The replacement of a bicycle in a storage compartment is an increasingly noticeable reality in the region.

rule #8

If cyclists gather in a group and move in a column, they can only ride along the roadway along with the cars.

Column - if there are no more than 10 individuals in one row.

If the race involves the riders of bicycles due to the size of the bicycle and the cyclist or the width of no wider than 0.75 meters, they are allowed to ride in two rows - in a company of 20 people.

Since there are more participants in the race, groups will have to race one at a time on a distance of 80-100 meters.

Thousands of people take up the profession not only to occupy, but also to move to their offices, colleges and universities.

And it is believed that the local government is increasingly reducing the rate on the mass supply of bicycles as a way to ensure the transfer of traffic among its residents, and not just to speed up wasted traffic, as well as to increase the desire for healthy traffic and awareness of turbo traffic. about the unnecessary middle ground.

For example, Bogota is in eighth place on the list of the world's top cycling destinations, for objects that convince people how they choose transport options, exclusive roads and special protection on the side of power.

Undeterred by all this, the Colombians largely ignore it, and some of the bikes also flout the rules and have to comply with the rules of the regime. We are bringing them up to date. rule #9 But let's get over it. complicate their visibility. There is no fault in using up other transport means or increasing the price of a larger transport means that attracts it from the point of view of other waters. They are protected from treading sidewalks, places designated for pedestrian traffic, and for those methods that are protected by transport agents.

You are obliged to drive on the permitted roads of the legal court and, as soon as there is a smell, on those that are designated for you. The stench is to blame road signs

and norms and reduction of fluidity.

Do not overtake other vehicles on the right or stand in the space between cars and motorcycles to pass through their respective routes. They will be guilty again of vikorystvat freely in the dark of anger from the car to pass. Since a bicycle allows the transit of passengers, they are required to wear dry clothing, as prescribed by the Ministry of Transport.

Smells cannot transport objects that change their visibility or destroy them by water.

  • If you ride at night, you must wear a white light on the front of the bike and a dark light on the back.
  • When cyclists are associated with cyclists or similar, they are required to comply with the rules established by the relevant sports organizations.
Since there are so many cyclists collapsing in groups, they have to go one after another.


  • It is also important to drive through the streets with a low car.
  • Do not wear hearing aids when riding a bicycle.
  • Be sure to use your horn when overtaking another cyclist or pedestrian.
Mobilization by bicycle in the city is not child's play.

Remember that when you ride a bicycle, you are on a road that has more hazards and complications, and you also bear responsibility for your safety and the safety of others. .

rule #11

A cyclist would do well to have a minimal set of tools to fix the bike in case of any breakdown: a wrench or a set of hexagons (available depending on the bike model), as well as a repair kit that will help with any problem. Puncture the tube and put the tire on the wheel.

This rule is not spelled out in the traffic rules, but if you follow it, you can get out of an even unacceptable situation. The Law on Road Traffic Regulations establishes a rule that regulates the transit of bicycles on the roads of the city and is often even unknown. For example, cyclists who ride on long distances must be glued to the right side of the same shoulder.

In addition, the cyclist is responsible for knowing that he is another passenger on the road and that, as such, he is responsible for complying with a number of standards.

For legal purposes, a bicycle is just another vehicle with the same requirements as a car or a motorcycle.

There is no straight road for them -

While there are stinks, the standard for cyclists is the same as for other waters: they must carry their bikes with proper lightening, as stinks circulate at night, around sunset and at sunset, due to insufficient lighting. Any and all roads, underground passages or tunnels.

The rules of the road still manage to mentally regulate the life of a cyclist on the road.

It’s very difficult to drive around the place normally, without breaking the rules.

This is due to the fact that the area has a normal cycling infrastructure.

As a Moscow cyclist, I sometimes break the rules in a timid manner.

I would like not to intimidate anyone, lest I become a victim of circumstances. Golovny, if you break the rules, remember: in the first place there is safety. It’s also tight, so that a cyclist wears an outfit that is duly praised.

Both yours and your bicycle will be identified at a distance of 150 meters.

I often walk along the sidewalk myself.

The most important thing you need to remember is: when you drive onto the sidewalk, do not respect pedestrians.

Remember, you are on the sidewalk and visiting, and you must behave in proper manner!

You can’t rush along the sidewalk honking at pedestrians.

You can overtake - overtake. If people are walking in a heavy stream, follow closely behind them or get off your bike and ride with their hand. Sometimes, with an empathetic voice, I ask people to make way for the road, as I know that the sidewalk ahead is empty and so on.

This is the second time I’m telling pedestrians not to speed up.

It's crazy to freak out when some asshole on a bicycle starts ripping the pedestrians apart.

Normal cyclists don’t hesitate at all.

Finally, before speaking, the traffic rules also include clause 24.6.

“If a cyclist’s rushing along the sidewalk indicates unsafety or creates a barrier for the crash of other people, the cyclist must dismount.”

Crossing the road along a zebra crossing

Here's the story.

You cannot cross an unregulated zebra crossing on a bicycle.
There’s more than one smudge to move in this direction” - sometimes I turn it left-handed, first moving into the row to turn, as this is safe and does not create a mismatch.

Well, I'm so glad.

Behavior on the road

The most important rule here is that all your duties must be taken care of as much as possible!

There are no unexpected maneuvers on the road, especially if you are a small, dry cyclist. Show with your outstretched hand that you are about to turn. Signal for the cars to let you through.

Remember that for rich people, a bicycle at an old age is still an extraordinary phenomenon.

It’s like you’re crossing the intersections and you have

Head road , It’s better to jump and roll over, so that no one is going, but if you are, then they let you through.

Remember an important rule - when driving parallel to parked cars, stand at least a meter away from them!

Sometimes water opens the doors.

This could be an unpleasant surprise.

4. Run-in is completed after 5 new gas tanks have been knocked out.

If you are walking on the road, you need to trim as close as possible, so that you can be seen, and so that you do not respect anyone.