Subjects of Russia with the lowest level of urbanization.



Driving school

15:53 ​​- REGNUM The Altai Republic became a rural region of Russia in 2014.

According to the data, as of September 1, 2015, 151 thousand live in Altai. 266 villagers and a total of 62 thousand. 278 city dwellers.

Rural residents in the region account for 70.83% of the rural population.

This is the greatest display in the Siberian Federal District, and in all of Russia.

This is the data from analysts at the business information agency, reports 27% of correspondents.In another place, with 100% of the ratio of rural residents to urban residents in the region, the Chechen Republic is ranked - 65.23%, in the third row is another region of the Eastern Caucasus - the Republic of Ingushetia.
1 Over 59% of residents there live in rural areas.40,22
2 The top 5 largest rural regions of Russia are completed by the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Republic of Dagestan - 57.33% and 54.91% of rural residents.35,76
3 The Magadan region has become the most urbanized region of Russia.33,65
4 As of September 1, 2015, 141 thousand people live in the Magadan region. 310 residents and a total of 6,795 rural residents.33,12
5 Apparently, some of the villagers become less than 4.58% of the total population.33,08
6 This is the lowest show in Russia.33,07
7 Top 5 rural regions of the Russian Federation30,22
8 Top 5 most urbanized regions of the Russian Federation (without regulation of places - subjects of the Russian Federation)28,74
9 Central Federal District28,74
10 Subject of the Russian Federation28,03
11 Share of the rural population, %25,27
12 Tambov region24,81
13 Lipetsk region23,78
14 Oryol region22,18
15 Kursk region18,75
16 Voronezka region18,39
17 Belgorod region18,25
18 Bryansk region1,177

Ryazan region

Kostroma region

Smolensk region

Tula region

Tversk region

Kaluzka region

Volodymyr region

Ivanivsk region

Moscow region

Regardless of the evidence of rapid urbanization as a worldwide process, different countries and regions have their own peculiarities, which, first of all, is to recognize variations in different regions and the pace of urbanization.

Beyond the level of urbanization, all parts of the world can be divided into great groups.

However, the main features can be avoided between more or less common areas.

At the beginning of the 90s, the rate of urbanization in developing countries averaged 72%, and in developing countries - 33%.

Smart urbanization:

Low rate of urbanization – less than 20%;

Average rate of urbanization – from 20% to 50%;

High rate of urbanization – from 50% to 72%;

A very high rate of urbanization – over 72%.

Weakly urbanized regions - Western and Western Africa, Madagascar and parts of Asia.

Among urbanized countries - Bolivia, Africa, Asia.

The economically developed regions of Nina are characterized by “in-depth” urbanization: intensive suburbanization, creation and expansion of urban agglomerations and megacities.

In economically developed countries, however, great efforts are beginning to regulate and manage the urbanization process.

In this work, which is often carried out by trial and error, architects, demographers, geographers, economists, sociologists, and representatives of many other sciences take the part of state authorities.

Many problems of the world population are intertwined in the process of world urbanization.

A very large proportion of urban residents are characteristic of the most guilty countries in the extreme corner of Asia: Israel (91%), Lebanon (87%), Turkey (69%).

In industrialized countries, urbanization has long been exhausted.

Most of them entered the 21st century practically completely urbanized.

In Europe, urban residents account for an average of 74% of the population, including in Zakhidny - 81%, in other countries - even more: in Belgium - 97%, the Netherlands and Great Britain - 90%, in the FRN - 87%, although in some countries There are fewer urban dwellers: in Austria, for example, – 56%, in Switzerland – 61%.

Early Europe has a high level of urbanization: the average is 73%, as well as Denmark and Norway – 70%.

It is noticeable that there are fewer of them in modern and similar Europe, but, of course, for other indicators of urbanization, there are areas in the lower regions that are developing.

In Canada, the share of the British population is 80%.

The concentration of industry in transport has ruined the economical minds of life in great places.

In many areas, the population is now growing faster in small towns, outskirts, and lower agglomeration centers.

Often the largest places, first of all the places - millionaires, lose the population through their migration to the outskirts, the places of their companions, to the rural localities, where they can bring the local way of life.

The industrial population of the apologetic regions is practically not growing at all.

Entry 2

1. Place and urbanization 3

2. Classification of local settlements based on population size 8

3. Main stages of urbanization 10

The place is likened to a living organism, a foldable system with foldable dynamics.

The place is the subject of research of many sciences, the object of national planning and programming, place-based design, occupying the minds of local workers, scholars, and scribes.

This is a place to put politicians, scientists and science fiction writers in the dark.

You must have a dungeon in your place.

1. The place will not be transferred to us (and this is what we are going to understand), so that this development of non-transformation. .

Floating into place, trying to direct its developments and growth in the right direction, people are faced with its irresponsible reaction and, in addition to positive consequences, overcome many negative ones.

URBANIZATION (English urbanization, from the Latin words urbanus - town, urbs - place), a worldwide-historical process of shifting the role of places in the development of humanity, which seeks changes in the placement of productive forces, especially in roses displaced population, its socio-professional, demographic structure, way of life, culture, etc.

Urbanization is a wide-ranging demographic, socio-economic and geographical process that is based on the forms of matrimony that have historically developed and the territorial division of practice.

In general, statistically and demographically, urbanization is the growth of places, especially great ones, the advancement of parts of the population of the region, region, world (this is the name of urbanization in the colloquial meaning of the word urbanization ія population), and bring the expansion of local life to rural locality.

Science does not have a universally accepted single place.

Most importantly, we would like to refer to the Great Radian Encyclopedia of the latest edition.

By 1800, the portion of the Moscow population in the entire population of the earth's kuli was about 3%, 1850 - 6.4%, 1900 - 19.6%.

From 1800 to 2000, the won increased by a factor of 18 (up to 51.2%).

The changing rate of urbanization in the whole world in the twentieth century can be judged by the data in Table 1:

Table 1. Rate of urbanization.

The main point is that in the 20th century.

The rate of light urbanization is growing even faster.

It is necessary to compare both absolute and relative figures.

It is possible to bring the balance up: during the entire 19th century, the world’s population grew by 190 million people, during the first half of the 20th century – by 510 million, and during the other half of the 20th century – by 2 billion 200 million people.

Nevipadkovo this phenomenon has been renamed "miskogo vibukha" (div. Addendum).

Despite the growth of the country, half of the world's population still lingers in rural areas.

The total volume of the Earth is 12-20 million.

The stench of carnage is so great that it outweighs the occupation of its inhabitants.

The difference between them is indicated by the socio-economic development of the region, equal to the development of its productive forces and the specialization of the state.

The rapid growth of the small and non-silk population at par with the rural and rural population is most characteristic of current urbanization.

As it was meant above all, urbanization meant the increased importance of small settlements in various spheres of life in a marriage.

Moreover, in another world, urbanization processes are revealed to eliminate all the problems of living in a current marriage.

The most formalized appearance manifests itself in the molded and broadened daily world way of living, which has the prospect, obviously, of burying all humanity.

However, a way of living is a clear characteristic that is important to formalize when different territories are leveled, and it strongly depends on the rich characteristics of the population and the state of specific partnerships (population, natural resource potential, etc.).

Therefore, in the development of urbanization processes, judge by several characteristics of the population, which are the meaning of this concept, and in which case they are easily represented by several statistical indicators.

The following people are most widely victorious about such displays:

All the indicators listed in the table characterize the stage of urbanization of the community, highlighting the important processes of urbanization - the growth of several small settlements, including settlements of great size, concentration on The villages included larger municipal institutions, an increase in the number and portions of the city's population.

The most noticeable is the remaining indicator that characterizes the population of the city itself, and that of the villagers, i.e., it highlights the importance of the city’s settlements in the entire settlement structure of both This territory.

Therefore, the indicator of a portion of the Moscow population is also called an indicator of the level of urbanization (urbanization) and, first of all, judges the development of urbanization processes on certain parts of the territory and the Earth as a whole.

You can see a number of threshold values ​​for the level of urbanization.

1. If the cost is less than 10%, then the territory is practically unurbanized.

And in rural settlements, the rural way of life is pre-eminent, i.e., the difference between rural and urban settlements is quite small.

5. After reaching the level of urbanization, the territory becomes practically non-urbanized.

The Muslim way of living, as a rule, expands throughout the entire range of rural settlements, so that the differences between small towns and rural settlements are again practically known, since all settlements acquire a Muslim character.

The number of city dwellers is growing quite rapidly, but in some cases it is decreasing.

During this period, a portion of the Moscow population is clearly visible in the same regions of the world (Table 4.2).

The indicators of the level of urbanized Northern and Latin America, Foreign Europe, Australia and Oceania have approached.

I want to eat the cob XX century.

The increase in the indicator between these regions exceeded 3 times, and in the middle of the century -1.5 times. A particularly noticeable increase in the level of urbanization in Latin America, which at the beginning of the century was lower than the average light level, and at the end of the century the average light level is significantly higher than the light level of the part. The population of the population in Africa and Foreign Asia is currently growing at the fastest rate, and most countries can already become mid-urbanized (part of the population is close to 50%). ganda.

Updovzh XX century.

There has been a significant increase in the number of local settlements.

The intensive process of creating new places in all regions of the world, in addition to foreign Europe (where the framework for the beginning of the 20th century was mostly already formed).

Thus, small agglomerations are mutually connected groups of settlements, ahead of small towns, united by labor, cultural, everyday, recreational, infrastructural, industrial and other connections.

The most important are the labor ties that, as part of the labor cycle with the help of pendulum migrations, are connected around the settlement into one whole.

I suppose, regardless of the methods used for calculating between small agglomerations, in other countries population estimates are given for the agglomerations themselves, and not for the places within their legal boundaries.

The same thing is happening in most places in the countries that are developing.

And to be honest, the vision of neighboring settlements in the middle of the agglomeration “at a glance” (due to inter-agglomeration) does not make any sense, since there is a single socio-economic system, individually divided by historically formed legal cordons donami okremikh settlement).

Thus, the population of Paris within the legal boundaries of the city is close to 2 million people. But there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that there are a lot of formally independent settlements outside the boundaries of the city (for example, the area of ​​the Black Défense) - this is Paris. And the total population of the Parisian agglomeration ("Great Paris") is estimated at 11-12 million people.
List of the largest urban agglomerations in the world at the beginning of the 21st century. 31,0 representations in the table.
4.3. 21,0 Tsikavo, on the cob of the XX century.
The largest agglomeration on Earth is London (with 4.5 million inhabitants), which is currently in the 20th month. 19,9 Apparently, over the course of a hundred years, the population of London has increased approximately 2.5 times.
And the first agglomeration with a population of over 10 million people. 18,5 in the 1940s rocks.
becoming New York, which is now in the 7th month. 17,6 representations in the table.
For the XX century. 17,4 The population of this place has grown approximately tenfold.
The population of the current leader of Tokyo has grown over 100 years approximately 30 times. 17,0 The population of most of today's largest urban agglomerations has grown by 100 times or more in the last 100 years (Mexico City, Seoul, Sao Paulo, etc.).
The very high growth rates of places in the great countries that are developing (about 5% of the average population growth per 100 years) have formed the current list of the largest agglomerations in the world, about 2/3 of which are located in countries that are developing. 16,7 Table 4.3 Largest urban agglomerations in the world
Agglomeration 16,7 Table 4.3 Largest urban agglomerations in the world
population, million people 16,6 The population of most of today's largest urban agglomerations has grown by 100 times or more in the last 100 years (Mexico City, Seoul, Sao Paulo, etc.).
Kraina 15,6 Tokyo
Japan 13,8 Table 4.3 Largest urban agglomerations in the world
Mexico City 13,5 Mexico
Seoul 12,9 Korea
Sao Paulo 12,1 Brazil
Osaka-Kyoto-Kobe 11,9 Jakarta
Indonesia 11,3 NY
USA 11,3 Delhi
India 11,3 in the 1940s rocks.
Bombay 11,2 Los Angeles
Cairo 11,0 Egypt
Calcutta 10,9 The population of most of today's largest urban agglomerations has grown by 100 times or more in the last 100 years (Mexico City, Seoul, Sao Paulo, etc.).
Manila 10,3 Philippines
Buenos Aires 10,2 Argentina

Over time, mixed settlements within the agglomeration begin to develop in a smaller, central location, including the rapid movement of part of the mixed population from the central location to the outskirts.

This process was called suburbanization (from the Latin word suburb - displacement).

When the meshkans “exit” from the central places, there is a difficult ecological situation, an increase in mischief, a high rate of invulnerability, high taxes and other intelligence, which are evident in the mixed settlements stealing.

Most of the developed countries have already passed the stage of suburbanization.

Through the war, the majority of the population of these countries lives on the outskirts.

And the crisis of the main towns, which was one of the reasons for suburbanization, as a result intensified even more.

The main towns have lost a significant part of their supply base and a number of workers have disappeared.

Apparently, unemployment has increased, the concentration of marginal populations with low incomes has increased, etc. Therefore, in the first decade after the Second World War, most of the apologetic powers There were a lot of state programs aimed at deconcentrating the population and state, promoting suburbanization, then in the rest of the decade the state, and Community programs are aimed at revitalizing community centers.

I want mainly not as a place of residence, but as a place of concentration of various progressive types of activity.

However, the small agglomeration does not represent the final form of the development of the urban settlement.

Current urbanization in Russia is the process of consolidating great places in an agglomeration.

Sens process

In the local sense, urbanization is a whole process that transmits a change in social functions and cultural changes to the local population, needs, capital, and production resources.

The ecological approach to urbanization, which is extremely flexible, conveys the same principles and methods of developing the territory while maintaining the specifics of the natural environment.

  • Urbanization in Russia has the following features:
  • intensification, concentration, richness of municipal activity in agglomerations and places;
  • The Lord's way of living is expanding at the great centers, and between them;
  • formation of large-scale agglomerations;
  • gradual transition from single centers to smoky, nodular, linear agglomerations;

Increasing the radius of settlement beyond the boundaries of urbanized areas associated with recovery zones and industrial areas.

Among the characteristic rice processes is significant suburbanization, which transmits rapid development of the territory near great cities.

Also, nowadays we are on guard against ruralization, which is associated with the disintegration of the norms and minds of rural life in rural areas.

The first stage of urbanization in our country

The rate of urbanization in Russia has changed dramatically since the beginning of the last century.

In the 20-50s of the 20th century, the region was a little-developed power.

The money was ceded to the European powers due to urbanization.

At that time, the city's population became less than 15 hundred.

As the main cause of the increase in the numerical strength of the town's population, the village people themselves acted.

In the other half of the 20th century, there was a sharp increase in small settlements, reaching a million people, which became a record figure for Russia.

Another stage

Having fallen on another part of the last century.

This hour can be characterized by the rapid industrial development at the end of the war.

In addition to the rapid increase in the number of local residents, this way of life began to spread and spread throughout rural areas.

Features of urbanization in Russia at this time - an increase in the number of places from 877 to 1037 units.

In the USSR, until 1981, half of all Radian settlements were established.

At the same time, the importance of intensive urbanization officials is growing through internal differentiation of this process.

While the sphere of urbanization was initially concentrated in certain places, the new level of urbanization in Russia is being extended throughout the entire territory of the country.

This process is the most important social and economic feature of the state, which is characterized by the subdivision of responsibilities between villages and towns.

Among the regions of the Russian Federation with the maximum concentration of urban residents are the Murmansk region, as well as the Khanti-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Urbanization of the Primorsky region of Russia is expected to proceed completely against the development of the central regions.

Moreover, there is a small proportion of rural residents here, and there are few friendly minds in the region for the development of the territory.

At the end of the twentieth century, signs of suburbanization began to appear.

The minimal concentration of local residents (less than half) is characteristic of national autonomies, which always arise as a result of urbanization processes.

Including most of the Eastern Caucasian republics, they can include Altai, Kalmikia, Koryak, Evenki, and Buryat Autonomous Okrugs.

There is a small part of the local population near the Krasnodar region, but a few fragments here provide ideal grounds for the development of various rural cultures.

Categories of local items

In Russia there are places and they can be resorts, dachas, work places, which were created in earnest by their minds.

There are clear criteria behind which rural settlements are differentiated from municipal settlements.

During these administrative changes that took place in the nineties of the twentieth century, a new entity appeared in our region as the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

This is important because there is no city-dwelling population center.

  • Criteria for vision
  • A number of residents are insured as part of the agricultural kingdom (the indicator is not obliged to exceed 15 hundred thousand from the total number of population).

And the songs can reach a number of residents.

Previously, these areas were afraid of a decrease in the proportion of the Moscow population, and increased differentiation of regions was observed only at the level of urbanization until the end of the 20th century.

  • Among the reasons that have caused these changes in urbanization trends are apparently:
  • it is unjustifiable to transfer the great settlements of the rural Spodarsky type to small settlements;

There are greater savings in the status of “locality” for those settlements where the number of residents has significantly decreased.

In the hour of the social and economic crisis facing our country, people were looking for ways to survive.

It was much easier for all the villagers to bear it, since they were unlikely to be able to lead their own dominion.


In Russia, the process of urbanization has its own unique characteristics.

At the end of the day, the economic situation was becoming increasingly important and had a negative impact on this process.

It turned out that it is much easier to see all the burdens and misunderstandings associated with increased tariffs for electricity, water, utility services, rural residents, and lower townspeople.

As a result, the population of small Russian towns is gradually decreasing, and they are turning into villages of the small town type.

Such phenomena are absolutely not relevant for European populations, so they can be taken into account by the important characteristics of our region.