Chevrolet picker country - where to choose models of an American company? De picking a Chevrolet Aveo for Russia and other countries de letting a Chevrolet Aveo

The popular model of the American concern GM has been updated, one of the few car models that is widely used in warehouses in Russia. The car is also carried out in the USA, but under other names - Chevrolet Sonic.

Cars from the USA are marked on the roads in single copies, obviously imported, so it is very important to judge the current behavior on our roads and vouch for the quality of the collection.

Reception in Nizhny Novgorod

Chevrolet Aveo having removed the registration in Nizhny Novgorod, not just, but on the cob 2013 rock. Tse became the beginning of the signing of the agreement about the contract in the fierce 2012 rock. At some point, the launch of a car in a sedan body was launched, and a little later, a hatchback was launched. Weeding is secured for weeding up to 30 yew. Auto carefully.

At the cob stages of folding, the following shortcomings were indicated:

  • On the machines, third-party sounds were heard in the wheel calipers. Pіznіshe injustice stuck.
  • Insufficient soundproofing of the cabin in the area of ​​wheel arches and doors. Nedolik manifests itself when robotic cars on road surfaces with ushkodzhennyami, but it is used by the way of installation of additional materials.
  • During the run-in, there was a decrease in the level of the cold cooler, without a sign of the winding of the name, or in the middle of the empty motor.
  • During the warranty period, the values ​​should be removed from the fret of the ABS sensors or the wiring to the new one.
  • During the first period of operation, third-party noise was blamed on the ventilation system and heating of the cabin.
  • With an active vicarious nest of a cigarette smoker, it is indicated that the smoker is often burnt out.

Warto means not the very motoring of the robot of the automatic transmission, that is the same as the mechanical transmission itself. Ale and there are signs of leakage of oil seals and filler plugs.

When operating in winter minds, it is possible to warm up the engine more thoroughly, which can be the cause of malfunctions in the cooling system and the scorching of the cabin.

Avtotor group of companies in Kaliningrad

The production of Chevrolet cars at one of the factories of this warehouse auto giant began in the late autumn of 2008. At the same time, it was known that the undertaking was insured for the absence of design pressure up to 150 thousand rubles. Auto. The first car to become the Chevrolet Lacetti.

The launch of the production of the Chevrolet Aveo of another generation took place in 2011, when the delivery of hubs for the high-unit folding model began.

Zagalnі v_dguki about akіst zbirki avtomobilіya tshogo plant dositlivy. Objectively, the car is tacitly distinguished in class, but and impersonal shortcomings appear as follows:

  • It is indicated that the withdrawal during the warranty period of the power steering kerma (in the period up to 10 thousand km).
  • Installed stabilizer bars can see knocks that are used after the constriction on the service.
  • On okremih cars revealed non-balance during the vykonannyh operations of the outer body parts and interior panels. Invalid gaps between the body and front bumpers, skin materials and body panels were indicated.
  • After operation in different climatic minds, the squeaks of plastic panels appear.
  • There are problems with the closing of the doors, due to the incorrect adjustment of the locking mechanism. And the strengthening of the doors was insufficiently fixed.

Also, today we would like to talk about those who deserve a chance and the right to own one of the most famous American car brands - Chevrolet. To say that the country of the Chevrolet maker - either England, or the USA, or Russia - will be in any case incorrectly, shards looking at the localization for a specific skin market, auto makers from commercial markets often pronounce on the practical model lines, not ubiquitous presence of DKD - high-knotted folding.

Virobnitstvo abo zbirka?

A full acknowledgment of food, which we want to know today, will require a principled appointment, what should be understood under the understanding of "virbnitstvo"?

AvtoVAZ, with its group of companies OAT from satellite factories, was the only enterprise in the world, as it vibrated auto components and ordered further collection of them on a wet conveyor. Як наслідок - повна відсутність необхідності вести діалог з постачальниками компонентів про економічну складову, про доцільність хоча б періодичних виробничих аудитів, ну і як закономірного результату - сотні деталей шлюбу, які потім встановлювалися на автомобілі, що вже набили оскому всій країні своєю ненадійністю і непередбачуваністю.

Great svitovі brandy pratsyut zovsіm іnakshe. Components, from which cars are selected, are made by third-party companies, also by light brands - take the very same Faurecia - whose plastic products (elementi іnter'єru and ekster'єru) are victorious, and for Ford, і for Renault, і for Nissan, і more for rich brands around the world. Gestamp - steel stamping of body elements, Johnson Controls - relays and switches. The leather factory of these companies is present on all continents and practically in all different countries.

Maybe, at once, I’m afraid of the mystery, but so the ranks of the automaker are not so good, the skils are simply picked up on the assembly line by a car with components, as if having done far more than one third-party picker.

So scho mova soon go about the sbіrku, so be accurate in terms.

"Chevrolet" and "Chevrolet"

And now, as we have already clarified the moment in terms of choice and choice, let's sort out a little, what is the Chevrolet brand.

For the most part, since the brand and trademark of Chevrolet belongs to the American automobile concern General Motors, in the future, for the sake of style, we will simply call it GM.

Історично компанія Chevrolet народилася в північній частині США, де і до цього дня продовжують випускати у світ ті моделі, які і подарували бренду світову популярність, пошана і славу - масивні позашляховики, які по прохідності цілком можуть змагатися з усюдиходами, витончені і потужні спортивні моделі, with the help of rice, such atmospheric engines of the hostile expansions and fatigue, and, of course, supercars. Tse at the pivnochi of America. Unfortunately, I can’t say that American-made models are widely represented on the Russian automotive market.

And another one promoted the company, whose product at the same time promotes the skin of the 4th car showroom of our country, which is sold in Pivdenniy Korea.

I want to wear the name exactly the same - Chevrolet, but the product can be 100% relied upon to throw the Korean concern Daewoo into the summer. A rich memory of the 2 most popular models of the 2000s - Espero and Nexia. Well, today's pivdennokoreisk Chevrolet - tse sucily cars of the class "economy" or "economy +".

That's the reason for the food "where to choose a Chevrolet Cruze?" or "de pick a Chevrolet Aveo" is unambiguous - in Korea, on the bends of the old Daewoo factory!

If you want to understand the management of the GM company, it is more possible. From the point of view of the sales management, the stench robbed even a reasonable crop, adding that the Daewoo company was practically ruined. Then now the model range of the company has cars of all classes and categories, from low-budget small cars, to supercars and business sedans, which can be truly cosmic in the range of vipadkiv.

This is even more important from the point of view of the strategic positioning of the brand.

It’s not surprising that a quick-witted person with a greater ability to join a company, like a dbaє about all, and about the quiet, who can buy a premium class car and about the quiet, who only a little bit get their first in life "economy" in the world, saying goodbye to the foreigner a classic of the Russian auto industry.

Korean Americans

Residents of Russia and Europe, if they ask questions about those, like the country is a Chevrolet car manufacturer, give an unambiguous opinion that Korea.

All in all, naturally, leftovers of the left part of cars sold in Denmark in a given hour on the markets of Russia and Europe are definitively chosen on the conveyors of Pivdennoy Korea and, in fact, nothing else, like the sale of the car was based on the Korean brand budget.

The most popular and in our old fashioned models were and continue to be called Matiz and Nexia.

Wanting close to 3 years ago, a model of the economy-plus class, the Chevrolet Lacetti, reached the budgetary economy-class cars, which took a new life after a small facelift for the Deu Gentry.

In order to make Chevrolet pragne to enter the Russian and European markets beyond the scope of becoming the leading economy class, step by step instilling comfort, which are for sale more expensive, and, also, comfortable and smarter cars.

What is the purpose of this year in the Russian market for cars under the Chevrolet brand?

Budget small cars Spark, Cobalt, Lanos and Aveo (selected in Korea)
- Comfort-class sedan - Chevrolet Cruze, crossover Captiva and family minivan Orlando (also from Korean brand Deu)
- Chevrolet Niva - the same products of a commercial enterprise based on BAT AvtoVAZ
- I found the right ancestors and pearls of the brand - the Camaro, which became famous not only among the middle of the world, but also on movie screens, the legendary Corvette model - a sharp and striking sports car, and the classic American Malibu sedan.
- Worth the important athletes - the TrailBlazer and Tahoe - American jeeps with great engines and great dimensions. Before the speech, "Tahoe" is an official car of the Secret Service under the President of the United States, which by itself sounds like a significant recommendation.

So you can not put the managers of car dealerships with the food "de pick a Chevrolet Lanos, Captiva or Orlando." Now you definitely know what to pick them up in Pivdenniy Korea.

It is also significant that cars, as selected in the USA, are razor-sharp in cars in Korea, or in Russia. Everything is called for more, for a different quality, for a different price, and especially for a different price.

Never mind a test drive and remember that the hallmark of Chevrolet, that very calmly American brand, is still missing all the same important jeeps - TrailBlazer and Tahoe - try it yourself and for sure, you deserve it!


Today, we will not pay much respect to the models of the Chevrolet company, presented in the Happy States, - all the same, it is practically impossible to buy them on the territory of Russia or Europe.

More than that, you have to blame the difficulties with their repairs, so you still need to get such a car according to the "syria scheme", which we do not recommend for you.

On the right, in that the entire manufacturing base for the song market will be based on the song information system, as you carry in your own without a fault the VIN numbers of cars generated for that other market.

And the VIN number of a car for a car dealer is a passport, commemorating the person of the machine that was sold. For the VIN, it is determined from some components the car was selected, which were the warranty repairs, which were replaced, and which were not, and which and how many should be trimmed in the warehouse for scheduled or emergency repairs.

There are no American models in this list, even if they are not to blame, they are carried out on this continent, and it will be problematic to repair them at times of breakdown, Spare parts in a direct sense will happen to check through the seas, but the price and time and nerves and lack of hands will be very difficult.

Considering that in the nearest futures of Chevrolet it will be possible to reopen the product range for Russia and Europe, so it is possible for us to become available electric cars and classic American sedans and minivans from the famous picker. For the time being, it’s proponuєmo to enjoy it, so, with hope, marveling at the future of the American virobnik in Russia.

Without a doubt, there are no such people in the country, as if they weren’t talking about the famous brand - Chevrolet, cars that are successful in practice in the whole world. The Chevrolet country is the United States, and the company is located in the structure of a majestic corporation - General Motors. Today you know everything about your company, as well as about your own cars.

First of all, GM is not such a company, but the head of the structural subdivision of Buick Motor Company, William Durant. In 1910, the rozі yogo vytіsnili z podpiєmstva i shchob vіdnovіtі their reputation, vіrіshiv vіrіshiv brіshistatiї іnzhenerіnym talents іnfamous racer Luis Chevrolet. In this rank, Luis became a performer on Buick cars with an advertising method.

Leaf fall 1911 was famous for the fact that the Chevrolet brand first entered the world market by launching the Classic Six sedan. This model is to blame for competing with the famous, at that time Ford T, which has already been released in millions of parties throughout America. The sedan was p'yatimiscevim, and also installed with a motor, the volume of which was 5 liters. With tsomu, vin having developed swidkіst mayzhe 104 kilometers per year.

The emblem of a famous bugle bug company was presented in 1913. Її vyniknennya became the subject of superechok, one side of some kind of hardened, that William vipadkovo poached the little ones on the trellis in the hotel and took yoga as a basis, and the other one thought that it was like a Swiss cross, so like a racer from Switzerland.

After successful years of car production in Canada, Chevrolet was able to bring in a sufficient profit, and even William bought all the shares of GM, becoming president. In this way, Chevrole became a structural undertaking of the corporation.

1955 was characterized by the fact that the company first introduced a V-like 8-cylinder engine, which was equipped with two carburetors and developed the power of 165 horsepower. After that, the motor was additionally upgraded and maw was already chotiri of the carburetor, which increased the pressure to 185 k.s.

In 1960, the company began to rotate its cars in Argentina under the Chevy II brand. However, after 18 years, inflation began to spread, and through the yak, it happened to burn out.

In this hour, the company is a light brand. Cars of this brand are also vibrating on the territory of Russia, shriveling up with a wide drink among the middle of the world. In addition, the Russian company LADA, jointly with GM engineers, has released a car under the brand name Chevrole Niva, which knows its place in the midst of the deserted waters of the country.

in house cars

Speaking about the most famous cars of this brand, I would like, first of all, to guess the famous Bel Air, which became truly the people's car of the 50s era. The car in various modifications: from a cabriolet to a sedan, it was also quickly distributed throughout the USA. Bel Air has become a legend in American quiet hours culture.

Bagato, who choke on American "car monsters", know for sure that Chevrolet is the famous Muscle Car maker, among which one can name the Chevrolet Camaro, which, having recognized significant changes and is allowed to go to the fir, as well as the Chevrolet Impala, which in the past was the main car order.

To show respect for a lot of American fighters, it’s awkward to remember that Chevrole Caprice has become the head car star. The famous car vyyshov may be one equal to the Ford Crown Victoria, which is also widely won by the police officers of all American states.

Most of the cars were wide and small enough to reach the volume of the engine, which allowed them to easily gain the necessary speed. In this hour, the company entered the European market, robylyachi the main mass of their cars are budget, and complete with their best in-line engines.

Quietly, the registration of the Aveo model is not out of the question: since the official Seoul liquidated the Daewoo company, General Motors bought the company in the production of passenger cars. The American corporation has been working on the contractions of Daewoo budget cars for the countries that are being developed. So, as the main model range of the pvdenokorean company, without having the power of new vlasniks, a decision was made to develop new models, among them the bula and Aveo. On the other hand, the car was named after Daewoo Kalos, before that, in other markets, it was branded as Holden, Pontiac, Suzuki and Chevrolet.

The first generation was shown on the cob of 2002. And even before the end of the same fate, the car was in the dealer center of 120 countries of the world. Before speech, Aveo was selected in eleven countries, including Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

The model, which came to replace Daewoo Lanos, took off the new T200 platform (wheel base 2480 mm), exterior design from Italdesign, and three body modifications - 3 and 5-door hatchback and 4-door sedan.

The design of the cars that were sold in the Asian and American markets, looked like this for models that went on sale in the European countries. Vіdminnostі buli in the design of the headlights of the head light. For the Asian and American markets, Aveo came with separate, placed below the headlight block, turn indicators, and for the European market - integration into the headlight block.

The car is equipped only with petrol engines. For different rinks, different rinks were propagated for obligatory dviguns. Thus, a line of power units with a volume of 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5 liters is presented on the European market. A 1.6-liter gasoline unit was installed on cars that would go on sale to Pivnichnu America, Asia, Australia and Ukraine. Qi engines were aggregated with a 5-speed manual and 4-speed automatic gearbox.

In 2005, a facelift of the model was carried out, and the builders upgraded only the sedan.

The dimensions of the machine and the wheel base (by 9 mm) have grown. Traditionally, the front and aft parts of the car bumped (the shape of the radiator grille, headlights, rear optics, front and rear bumpers changed). Also, the Aveo sedan has other door handles. Stylistic changes hit the interior: a new accessory panel was installed here, and soundproofing was added to the cabin. So were the upgrades of 1.2 and 1.6 liter engines, which became economical.

Representations in 2007 at the Frankfurt Motor Show updates hatchback vzhe mav outline the future generation of Aveo. where to pick up a Chevrolet Aveo

The front part of the car was radically redesigned: the radiator grille was divided into the upper and lower halves, and the cross-section of the Chevrolet company was installed on the crossbars. The headlights of the head light were changed, they became evil-straight. A different shape of the front bumper has become, which is now clearly subdivided into three parts - a wide central one, and two narrow rectangular side ones, in some kind of “inlaid” round anti-fog headlights.

Also, there was an update of the rear brake lights, in the center of these boules there were built-in round reversing lights, and above them - round turn indicators. To become a new optit, the shape of the rear bumper was changed, in which the false grilles were stylized.

In the new decade of the 21st century, the core of the General Motors Corporation has seen a lot of news about the radically updated Aveo.

Presentation of the conceptual image of a new generation of cars took place in 2010 at the Paris Motor Show. Another generation is not selected in the ranks of the lands, where the selection of the previous generation has gone before. In the same Ukraine, the collection of the first generation of the model will be taxed, as the name ZAZ Vida took away. The novelty is viroblyatimut in China, USA, Venezuela and China.

Aveo updates on the fundamentally new platform of the Gamma II concern, the base of which is 45 mm lower, lower at the front T200. The model has changed in size. The body length of the sedan grew by 81 mm (from 4318 to 4399 mm), and that of the hatchback by 160 mm (from 3880 to 4040 mm). The width of the car "prolunav" by 25 mm (from 1710 to 1735 mm). And in the height of the car, adding 12 mm (from 1505 to 1517 mm).

The design of the exterior has also changed - becoming more aggressive, first of all to marvel at the "under the forehead" of the new embossed hood of the headlights with different optics and the "frowning" false grille of the radiator. It is divided, like in a hatchback of 2007, into two halves - upper and lower. The bumper has become another form, as well as being placed in a new niche for fog lamps. More swollen, athletic steel arches. The design of the trunk lid, rear optics and bumper has been changed again. The exterior of the hatchback in the front part does not look like a sedan in any way.

Well, at the rear of the hatchback in 2007, the release date, we remembered the change: the luggage door and the rear optics became another form.

Cardinal changes were made in the interior model. First of all, increased (for the increase in size) the space in the cabin and the luggage compartment (by 100 liters for a sedan, and by 70 for a hatchback). Significantly improved the materials of the interior trim and upholstery of the armchairs. The design of the cockpit has changed in a significant way.

An electronic-analogue (analog tachometer + digital odometer) came to replace the analog accessory panel, and a new steering wheel appeared.

The central console has been solidly transformed with plastic edging on the sides “under chrome”. A niche appeared at the top for dribbling, and a new audio system was placed in the center. Also, the important control of the climate system was changed, a double-stacked glove box appeared, in the upper section there was a rose for the iPod.

In addition, a niche appeared under the front passenger seat, where you can manually fold documents. Already in the basic version, the model is equipped with airbags for the safety of water and the front passenger, an immobilizer, a central lock with remote control, air conditioning, an audio system with controls on ceramic.

The new Aveo is equipped with modern economical engines, including diesel engines with a volume of 1.3 liters of Fiat type (supplied to all markets, Crimean markets, CIS countries). Moreover, the diesel engine is available in two modifications - it develops 74 and 94 kіnskih forces in vidpovidno. The larger hard motor is aggregated with a 6-speed manual gearbox, and the smaller hard one is equipped with a 5-speed "automatic".

Medium gasoline engines with a volume of 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 liters. Models with 1.4 liter turbo and 1.8 liter naturally aspirated engines are only available for the US market.

On the market of the Ukrainian SND, the model is available with a 1.6-liter engine, which is aggregated either with a 5-speed "mechanics" or a 6-speed "automatic".

de pick a chevrolet aveo

Test drive Chevrolet Aveo first generation restyling (look back)

Test drive Chevrolet Aveo first generation restyling (look back) 2007.
A good budget car, for 200 thousand rubles. Join the VK group

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Without a doubt, all experts and simple car enthusiasts have mentioned that the most successful concerns to become leaders in all segments of the automotive market. Therefore, put a task before your retailers - choose if you want to use one model for the skin class. The Chevrolet company, which is General Motors, is not to blame.

The most popular budget car is Chevrolet, the obvious leader among them is the Chevrolet Aveo model.

Some car enthusiasts can be labeled with the prefix “budget”, but it’s not necessary to get hung up on what, even Aveo is chosen by the smaller companies. Varto indicates that the design of the car was carried out by an Italian company, which had previously worked with Audi and Ferrari.

Photo: Chevrolet Aveo 2017

The debut of the Chevrolet Aveo car appeared in 2002, and the model became even more popular. However, the first modification of a budget car was not available to Russian buyers.

Only in 2008 roci, after that, as they started to vibrate in another generation of Aveo, having spent the car on our market. For Russia, it was a shock, even though the company's policy was so hot, Aveo became more accessible, less competitors.

You will be squealed with food: “Where are they going to pick Sherola Aveo?”. In today's stats, we have a double, ale persh for everything, there are significant nuances.

First, a car, which is delivered to the Russian market, can be equipped with one of two gasoline units with a volume of 1.2 and 1.4 liters, as a building produce 83 and 100 Chinese forces. In a different way, for the joy of domestic car enthusiasts, starting from the third generation, the model is produced at the Kaliningrad plant.

Russian fahivtsy choose Aveo in three trim levels: LTZ, LS, LT.

However, the Russian modification of the Chevrolet Aveo has an exclusive 1.6-liter gasoline engine.

Not long ago, an American company opened another branch at the Gorky plant. At this enterprise, some of the best Russian fahivtsiv work, and the quality of cars is respected even higher.

Obviously, the productivity of the Gorky plant cannot be called hostile, since only 30,000 cars leave the conveyor, which is enough.

Where do you know other businesses, like the Chevrolet Aveo?

As it was already said above, the car is picked up at the US pressures, as they are brought in by the head ones, and at two Russian factories. But don’t forget about the Zaporizhzhya plant, which is how to build Aveo for Ukrainian motorists. The model on the local market is called ZAZ Vida.

Photo: collection of Aveo in Russia

Not long ago, serial production began to flourish in Chinese factories. The current model of the troch is reminiscent of its brothers. In the first line, the change bumped into the adjoining panel and light optics. It was planned early on that the Chinese models would be exported to other countries, but later, in conjunction with the peculiarities of the local model, as the ideas evolved.

Already traditionally, the quality and the superiority of the car lie in the field of yoga production. Ale, at the moment, dermatology releases Aveo models only for the local market and the sudan regions. However, the Americans are planning to increase the productivity of their factories, and significantly expand the market for zbutu.

Well, in the leather region of the virobnik, the car is called in a different way. For example, in Canada Sale, in the Australian market - Holden Pana, and in the USA Deo Kalos T200.

Video: Chevrolet Aveo folding process

the amount of the collection

If we analyze the great number of opinions of domestic motorists, it becomes obvious that there are absolutely no claims to the interior and running gear of the car. The main thing is the roughness of the body. In Persian black, buyers negatively perceive the thinness of the metal, which is a friendly environment for corrosion. The shortened and lacquer-farb coating was sharpened, as if after a short time of exploitation, it began to peel off.

The American version of the Chevrolet Aveo, in its line, passed all the tests and trials. Varto marked the greatest ball, which car was recognized by the independent European company NCAP, as if it was re-verifying the Aveo security system.

To that, before it, how to buy a car, the best way to clarify the edge of the picker.


Chevrolet Aveo is one of the shortest compact budget cars. Yogo viroblyayyat s 2002 rock, and in the same hour won the hearts of rich car enthusiasts.

The largest backwaters of Aveo production are located in the advancing countries: the USA, China, Russia. Establish small philanthropies in other powers, but without great engagements.

The most popular is the Chevrolet Aveo of American manufacture.

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