Stoli horn. Folding table for Horn Kensington sewing machine. Unprecedented promotion - trusted service

At the present-day world of handicrafts, in a tie-in from the rampant progress, there are coming changes. It has long been irrelevant for mothers at home to have a sewing machine. It is not a secret for anyone that the result of the work is not only due to the technique of the master, but also to the technical characteristics of the attachment, and, of course, to the working place of the sewing machine.

The modern workers of the sewing technique respectfully raised the needs of the workers and honored all the favors of the caregivers, who were responsible for the obstruction of the working place. I like a bag, your comfort is represented by high-tech modern accessories, which will save your time, space in the booth and susilla: a folding style for a sewing machine. Vibration in Australia steel for overlock and sewing machine with a rich functional working surface as practical and versatile as possible. Vіn equipping with hand-held police and boxes for collecting the necessary materials and tools. Steel possessed by a manual system to lift and lower the machine. At the bottom, special rollers are rolled up, as if to make it easy to move the table in a place that is necessary.

We sell on supplements 2 years of warranty for any goods and ensure the availability of components, spare parts and accessories!

Wash the return and exchange of the goods.

New purchases! Buying equipment in our company, you can always be convinced that we will deliver you a new, practical product, more complete sets, so be it, the equipment before delivery is checked by our managers-mechanics for a complete set and production.
At the same time, we have a technique that is not suitable for you, You do not need to explain the reasons 14 days from the day of purchase can її turn to the company's store.
In case of malfunctions caused by the virobnik plant, you can remember the technique that was delivered to us 30 days from the day of purchase.
If you are rebuying in another city of the Russian Federation, then wash 14 or 30 days and wait - *.
From the minds of the warranty service, you can find out for the help: /page9.html.
In the event of a breakdown of equipment when transported by a transport company, we conduct an exchange for the client without a cost.

* - When transshipment of goods from the usіh mіst RF krіm Moscow utrimuєtsya payment for transport, at times yakshcho You were moved to purchase without explanation, for the authorities. In all other cases, for the transportation of the vantage, the Company Dama Budinki pays for the cost of the expenses.

Warranty goiter:

For all goods, delivered to us, there is a guarantee term for 12 months to 60 months in the fallage of the picker and model of equipment. You can look at the list of warranty servers at the address: /vstavka-garant.tpl.php. If you buy goods, which are serviced for a guarantee, in Moscow, it is necessary, if you apply for warranty repairs, you need to resend to the address of the transport company in Moscow. The services of a transporter to Moscow are paid by you, back to the warehouse in your city you are paid.


Acceptable, the client (not Vi) having added from us "Product number 1" and after 10 months you will need to return to the warranty service. The client needs to know the warranty card and look at the address of the service center in his place, then you can also find it on the site at the address: /vstavka-garant.tpl.php to our addresses through the transport company, having paid for transportation in one day (from 300 rubles to 2100 rubles, in the fall to the region), back, we will pay for the transportation ourselves.

Unprecedented promotion - trusted service:

Dovіrchiy servіs (alternative servіs in all places of the Russian Federation Crimean Moscow):

Tekhpychi techies in our compound, automatically pirkudoga, yak forgiven you, you have the guarantee of the injustice of Techniki, Yakshcho taki is not at your own way the line of the main warranty, they bought a typewriter from us, and you will move the sample in єkaterinurza. to us at the same time, paying for transportation in one day, and back they sent us for our rahunok, now you can return to any service center at your place, and all the windows, due to paid repairs, our company takes on itself .

Our guarantees:

In the event of a breakdown of equipment when transported by a transport company, we conduct an exchange for the client without a cost.

Moscow, Region.

Return, as well as return or exchange of goods.

New purchases!
You can pick up the goods by a person who has made an appointment, or another person who is known for the address indicated in the order and is ready to pay and accept the goods.
Oberzhuvach is necessary to reconsider vіdpovіdnіst of the brought goods to the promised one.
The courier transfers the goods to the Buyer in the original packaging of the picker, in the assortment and quantity, designated in the order.
As soon as you bring the goods to the vіdmіnniy vіd zamovlenogo, you can vіdmovitysya vіd this product until the moment of payment. When in the process of transferring the goods, zovnіshnі vimіnі nedolіki (vm'yatinі, podryapini, vіdkoli, trіshchini і t.d.) appeared, you can move in the product without delay at the time of delivery of the product, before you pay it, or it will take 14 days. If the complete set of the ordered goods is damaged, you can also change the goods without delay at the time of delivery, until you pay for it within 14 days.
In case of repeated delivery of goods Pokuptsev, payment for delivery services will not be charged.
Your dії, as if the goods were not delivered:
Yakscho vіdbuvaєtsya vіdmova vіd vіdpovіdaє opisu, the packaging is not damaged and so on, so vіdmova vіd goods do not blame the Seller, in such a state of mind, a servant was given for the delivery of the goods to be paid.
Whether there is a product, which is not good for you, without being worthy, you can turn stretch 14 days or exchange for 30 days if the goods are not correct. All changes to the return and exchange of goods are consummated quickly and at vіdpovіdnostі until the legislation of the Russian Federation (Law about the defense of the rights of the spozhivach).
Be mutually and always know about the difficult situation.

Return or exchange, as the buyer himself delivers the goods to the store, krіm vipadkіv in front of the order.

Turning or exchange is free of charge.
Add-on: return or exchange for the mind, as the buyer himself delivers the goods to the store - 0 rub.

Return or return the goods for the mind, yakscho bula zdіysnen kur'єrska delivery.

We sell on supplements 2 years of warranty for any goods and ensure the availability of components, spare parts and accessories!

Wash the return and exchange of the goods.

New purchases! Buying equipment in our company, you can always be convinced that we will deliver you a new, practical product, more complete sets, so be it, the equipment before delivery is checked by our managers-mechanics for a complete set and production.
At the same time, we have a technique that is not suitable for you, You do not need to explain the reasons 14 days from the day of purchase can її turn to the company's store.
In case of malfunctions caused by the virobnik plant, you can remember the technique that was delivered to us 30 days from the day of purchase.
If you are rebuying in another city of the Russian Federation, then wash 14 or 30 days and wait - *.
From the minds of the warranty service, you can find out for the help: /page9.html.
In the event of a breakdown of equipment when transported by a transport company, we conduct an exchange for the client without a cost.

* - When transshipment of goods from the usіh mіst RF krіm Moscow utrimuєtsya payment for transport, at times yakshcho You were moved to purchase without explanation, for the authorities. In all other cases, for the transportation of the vantage, the Company Dama Budinki pays for the cost of the expenses.

Warranty goiter:

For all goods, delivered to us, there is a guarantee term for 12 months to 60 months in the fallage of the picker and model of equipment. You can look at the list of warranty servers at the address: /vstavka-garant.tpl.php. If you buy goods, which are serviced for a guarantee, in Moscow, it is necessary, if you apply for warranty repairs, you need to resend to the address of the transport company in Moscow. The services of a transporter to Moscow are paid by you, back to the warehouse in your city you are paid.


Acceptable, the client (not Vi) having added from us "Product number 1" and after 10 months you will need to return to the warranty service. The client needs to know the warranty card and look at the address of the service center in his place, then you can also find it on the site at the address: /vstavka-garant.tpl.php to our addresses through the transport company, having paid for transportation in one day (from 300 rubles to 2100 rubles, in the fall to the region), back, we will pay for the transportation ourselves.

Unprecedented promotion - trusted service:

Dovіrchiy servіs (alternative servіs in all places of the Russian Federation Crimean Moscow):

Tekhpychi techies in our compound, automatically pirkudoga, yak forgiven you, you have the guarantee of the injustice of Techniki, Yakshcho taki is not at your own way the line of the main warranty, they bought a typewriter from us, and you will move the sample in єkaterinurza. to us at the same time, paying for transportation in one day, and back they sent us for our rahunok, now you can return to any service center at your place, and all the windows, due to paid repairs, our company takes on itself .

Our guarantees:

In the event of a breakdown of equipment when transported by a transport company, we conduct an exchange for the client without a cost.

Moscow, Region.

Return, as well as return or exchange of goods.

New purchases!
You can pick up the goods by a person who has made an appointment, or another person who is known for the address indicated in the order and is ready to pay and accept the goods.
Oberzhuvach is necessary to reconsider vіdpovіdnіst of the brought goods to the promised one.
The courier transfers the goods to the Buyer in the original packaging of the picker, in the assortment and quantity, designated in the order.
As soon as you bring the goods to the vіdmіnniy vіd zamovlenogo, you can vіdmovitysya vіd this product until the moment of payment. When in the process of transferring the goods, zovnіshnі vimіnі nedolіki (vm'yatinі, podryapini, vіdkoli, trіshchini і t.d.) appeared, you can move in the product without delay at the time of delivery of the product, before you pay it, or it will take 14 days. If the complete set of the ordered goods is damaged, you can also change the goods without delay at the time of delivery, until you pay for it within 14 days.
In case of repeated delivery of goods Pokuptsev, payment for delivery services will not be charged.
Your dії, as if the goods were not delivered:
Yakscho vіdbuvaєtsya vіdmova vіd vіdpovіdaє opisu, the packaging is not damaged and so on, so vіdmova vіd goods do not blame the Seller, in such a state of mind, a servant was given for the delivery of the goods to be paid.
Whether there is a product, which is not good for you, without being worthy, you can turn stretch 14 days or exchange for 30 days if the goods are not correct. All changes to the return and exchange of goods are consummated quickly and at vіdpovіdnostі until the legislation of the Russian Federation (Law about the defense of the rights of the spozhivach).
Be mutually and always know about the difficult situation.

Return or exchange, as the buyer himself delivers the goods to the store, krіm vipadkіv in front of the order.

Turning or exchange is free of charge.
Add-on: return or exchange for the mind, as the buyer himself delivers the goods to the store - 0 rub.

Return or return the goods for the mind, yakscho bula zdіysnen kur'єrska delivery.

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