The middle term for the service of studded tires. The term of winter gumi service: Velcro and studded. How to designate stitched tires

Mayut obmezheniya termіn sluzhby. At the same time, a number of factors are added to the term of applicability of gumi, repairing natural wear and tear in the process of exploitation and ending the old gumi, changing and step by step input of nominal parameters.

As practice shows, the term for the service of winter gum is less, lower than river cover. Moreover, the term of applicability of winter studded humi in a number of vipadkіv vіdrіznâєєєєtі vіd analogs without studding. Let's take a look at what term of service and term of applicability of winter tires.

Read in my article

Zimova studded gum: term of exploitation

Once again, it is significant that the term for the operation of winter tires is three times less, the lower analogous term is one hundred and fifty times less than summer tires. While visually the tires are practically the same, the storage of winter and summer gums is strongly permeable. Without going into details, the summer tire is thick, even as the winter gum is softer and more elastic, as a result of which it wears stronger and stronger.

To pay respect, in times of violation of the rules of conservation and operation, the processes of old rubber and the high wear of winter tires can significantly speed up. For reasons why, when choosing winter tires, it is necessary to pay respect for a number of features.

In the first month, when buying new or used tires, it is necessary to designate a tire manufacturer and know the date of tire release, so that you can understand how many tires are available. At the time of purchase of winter studded gums, it is necessary to add respect to these aspects.

To restore respect, to signify, to walk the skils of the winter gum, to distribute tires on branded roads and cheap ones. Firms in the houses of light makers are invigorated by endurance. If the tire is taken correctly, it is correctly selected for a specific car, it is installed on a disk with improved tire features, the same term for the service of winter studded tires or Velcro can be folded into 5 years or more.

However, cheap tires (Chinese or state-of-the-art domestic) in the same minds may not come out and bet seasons. On the right, in the fact that expensive tires in their warehouse may have patented components, they allow the human being not to age and save their power of a trivalent term. Cheap tires do not sound like such additives, otherwise their quantity is insignificant, which leads to cracking of the tire, loss of elasticity, etc.

Winter tire service term

Let's turn to the spiked winter gum. Mostly, the pickers choose those that are either close to 50-60 yew. Km. Those same stosuєtsya and Velcro. However, in the course of such a display, one can reach it in that moment, as if “fresh” for the date of preparation, the tire is practically used in ideal minds.

With such minds for winter tires, you should understand the near-zero temperature, keep the recommended pressure in the tire, and also drive with a low speed on the roads, as if covered with a ball of snow and ice. In other words, you need to think so, on the way, a studded tire or Velcro is covered.

However, the car is operated aggressively (starts quickly, more actively galvanized), the car often drives with high speed on dry asphalt, winter gum is operated at positive temperatures (higher than +8 degrees Celsius), in which the thorns and winds are fluttering.

Crim the term of the gumi service, it is also necessary to give respect and the term of appurtenance. All the three things are understood, and it is necessary to separate them. Just as simply, the term of service is actually a resource of tire during operation and fall due to impersonal factors, as well as the term of appurtenance to fall due to date of variation and minds of saving.

So it was clear that the tire is not being used, but just a new one is stored in a warehouse, the gum is all the same old and will become unsuitable for an hour. As a rule, even though the tires of the splint rokiv lay in the warehouse (4-7 rokiv and more), it is not possible to ensure the full performance of the declared performance characteristics.

Come out, absolutely new in terms of wear, but old, after the date of manufacture, the tires will be stronger and more worn when installed on a car, they can be more thick, and they will have elasticity.

On the surface, there are microcracks, which, in the future, under the pressures, increase rapidly. Cause huma for yourself, as it has been lying in storage for a long time, start selling it with commemorative discounts. More importantly, in some minds, the gum was saved. It is not allowed to have high water content, temperature rise, direct sleepy changes. Also, the winter humus is saved in special packages, in order to minimize contact with repeats.

In the other season of winter humus, as a way to avenge a lot more components to save elasticity, dry out and crackle. Tse means that you should save your mind before the end of the world, the tire will save power and after 2-3 years, then, as a grossly damaged mind, it can mean that after a couple of years the tire is not suitable for operation.

In order to determine the date of tire preparation, it is necessary to pay attention to the marking. The date of preparation is applied on the side surface, in front of a four-digit number (after 2000). However, it is necessary to remember those who, before the year 2000, were aware of something. On this topic.

What is the term for tire operation: winter gum

Also, as if to sum up the information, the term of exploitation of winter studded gum or Velcro can be distinguished from the improvement of other features.

  • First, please respect the date of preparation and save winter tires;
  • Otherwise, it’s important to make a tire tire (brand or cheap tire);
  • Third, let's pretend, in some minds, a car will be operated (snіg, asphalt, etc.)
  • Fourth, we take the type of tire itself (studded or without studs) to respect.

Just talk about those, which term is the exploitation of winter studded gumi, in which case the most important indicators will be the gumi, wash the exploitation and probig.

As a rule, such tires are produced by brands (when it was repaired that the date of release of the tires took no more than 3 years, the rubber was taken correctly and the bula was inserted \u200b\u200b on the disk with the improvement of all vimog), they cost about 50 thousand. Kilometers on snow and ice.

However, studded wheels can last no more than 30 yew. Km. when driving on asphalt, especially if the car is used aggressively. As a rule, the presence of over 60% studs and tread wear of more than 50% indicates the need to replace the tires. In extreme weather, you can re-ship the gum again.

When it is important to think about how to get the best mind, the tires are at the top of the line, the run on them is minimal, so the tires all the same waste their power in 8-10 years.

Visually, in the old gumi, it shows the change of color (from black to gray), the appearance of cracks, rozsharuvannya and so on. In such a situation, the tires need to be changed independently in the face of the tread, spikes, sidewalls, etc.

As practice shows, on average, winter tires of good quality serve close to 50 thousand. Km abo 5 years. To come out, the term of the gumi service becomes close to 5 years with apparently small runs up to 10 thousand. Km. for the season.

Before speech, the terms of operation of the winter gumi are clearly indicated in the traffic rules. Zgіdno PDR, it is necessary for the gum to reduce wear and tear, tobto, if the tread depth is less than the 4 mm mark. Winter tires are due to be marked (lower mark, M + S, etc.).

Catch your respect, learn some ways to improve the term of service of winter tires. First of all, it is necessary to check the rules for the operation of tires. It is also important to constantly follow the recommendations of the vice in the tires, rechecking the indication for an additional pressure gauge. If the pressure is higher or lower than the norm, tire wear will significantly accelerate.

Even more, the chassis of the car, to be more precise, the suspensions, are strongly involved in the wear of the gumi. It is necessary to regularly reconsider the similarity, as well as fix the obvious inaccuracies.

Finally, it is significant that swedish gumi, especially mild winter gum, occurs in that moment, if there is an imbalance of wheels, a battle is seen on the kermi. In this case, problems can be with the disk itself or with a tire (it is necessary to roll the disk and balance the tire).

Also, the imbalance of the charge is often blamed as a result of the purchase of snow and ice on the disk, which also leads to wear. To take into account such a factor, it is recommended to drive the car in a warm parking lot or garages, see snow and ice from the wheel on the car, etc.

It is significant that the winter humus is soft, it is afraid of stormy blows and great tensions on the sidewall. Tse means that when passing through turns, it is better to throw off as much as possible, to unikati in pits and vibes (especially with warm edges). Such a pіdkhіd allows you to avoid the early appearance of hernia on the tire, porіzіv, rozrivіv and other defects.

Read also

How to set the date for the release of car tires: the order for the release of tires, the date of marking. What respect should be given, dated to the year 2000 and after.

  • Straightened, non-directional and asymmetric tire: why so special. Write Rotation on the tires, what does it mean. Installation of tires for the type of tread.

  • The term for the service of winter studded gumi is an hourly interval of a carefree vikoristannya, for washing up the tires for recognition and passage of all the joys of the virobnik. The period of operation is called for by the scribe, as if it is not, then in Russia there is a decimal term for the law. But, as it sounds, the real period of careless zastosuvannya is far from the declared one, and the reasons for this difference, basically, wash the exploitation.

    Call the tire manufacturers in terms of the applicability of winter tires to the five-year warranty period. We take the light of the day to prepare (and not implement) gumi and can be the same, or turn over the resource (the real period of victoriousness) of the powder, which is often called the country-varner:

    Butt of a series of tires

    • European wheels (season "winter") sound to serve approximately 50,000-60,000 km.
    • Vitchiznian car tires - 20,000-40,000 km.
    • Chinese tires for cars - 50,000-80,000 km.

    It is possible to make visnovok: to build new inexpensive economy-class tires with the right choice for 2 seasons, do not wear out. Dali avtovlasnik is guilty of independent control of the tires.

    Tim avtomobilistam, yakі nіyak can not choose between "studded" or "Velcro", varto recommend studded wheels with even stronger minds. As practice has shown, serve the stink three times more (their approximate resource is 30,000 km) of the friction gum.

    The date of creation is already marked on the plate. The less tires were stored at the warehouse, the more you can use them.


    The serial number is due to the effects of the leather batch produced at the tire factory. The series includes Latin letters and numbers. Marking can be done sideways on the counter. From one side of the tire, the numbering is done again, from the opposite side, only alphanumeric serial numbering can be done. The series is printed on a stamped oval. Tse help to recognize the numbering. The day of release of the gumi is the end of the last 3-4 digits of the series. Today there is a wide demand for tires with a random numbering.

    Tsya the most comfortable system is taking the cob in 2000 rr. Pochatkovі 2 digits - the date of the preparation of the tire, and two kіntsevi - the river. Є y іnshі ways, how to recognize the date of creation of gumi for motor transportation.

    If you don’t forsake the days and don’t have mercy, you can “transfer” the robot to an automatic service. For this reason, use a unique service, a virtual calculator, which the Internet promotes even more. It is easy to process the service: enter the last 4 digits of the series into the special field of the calculator, roztashovani on the choice. At the end of the day, the car driver on the screen will play informational data about the date of the creation of the tire.

    Also, the waters will know how to decipher the three-digit code, the code with stars and other options.

    This means that not 4 digits are shown on the bus, but 3, which means that it was prepared \u200b\u200b until 2000 pp. In such a situation, the digital number indicates the next step: the first 2 digits - the date of the preparation of the bread, and the final number - the order of the creation of the tire. Even though the series is honed on two sides with stars, such tires were made in the 80s, and even after the number you can see a tricot and a star, or I tried a small star - in the 90s.

    Yaka znosostіykіst - faktori vplyu

    tire care

    A large number of officials are pouring into the wear of tires: the country is a virobnik, a car race, wash the operation and save the wind during the season of zastosuvannya.

    Skіlki to serve winter studded gum, to lay in the coming moments:

    • Saving method. Take care of tires in cold, dark and dry places, for example, in garages. Too high temperature regime, moisture content and ultraviolet light are detrimental to the humic surface. Tires in the selection with discs should be stored horizontally on the racks, and empty tires should be correctly placed in the vertical position.
    • Tick ​​on tires. Systematically, it is necessary to control the pressure in the tires - low indicators are negatively indicated by the term zastosuvannya. It is also not safe to shift on overinflated wheels, it is necessary to control the need with a pressure gauge. For winter, the ideal vice is 0.2 bar higher.
    • Changing style and roadbed. For a successful operation of the tires, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations. The car can "walk" in the average speed mode - no more than 90 km / year. So the period of operation of the studded rubber will move up by 40%, which means that it should be over 120 km / h. Galmuvati is also required smoothly, so as not to “fire” the tires. Fans of drifting are also "golden" customers of specialized shops according to the number of gumi packed. Russia has two bidi, and with one of them (with a non-smooth roadway) the power has a lot of rock, not without success. Yakіst dorіg vplivaє on the term of the service of the winter gumi.
    • Rearrangement of the trunk. Tse provoking nervous rozpodil navantazhennya, scho pіdvischuє vіdsotok znoshuvannya Kolіs.
    • The cost of the correct balance of the number of times and the collapse-convergence, another problem for the gumi of motor transport. Tse vplivaє on znoshuvannya car tires. When replacing tires from winter tires to summer ones, it is necessary to balance them in a car service in the reverse order. Also, through the loss of balance, the car suffers maneuverability, the car can be brought in, which can cause an accident. Shchob didn’t happen, it’s important to stitch for the rozval-skhodzhennyam at the service station.

    Decrease by 2 Bars in tires zbіshuє galmіvny ways in the second time.

    Taking the factori to respect, you can get into the term of appurtenance of winter gumi.

    Skіlki rokіv can be exploited

    Cracks on the roof

    If the tires are properly installed, then their resource can reach 100,000 km - a car race, for the completion of any kind of water for statistics, approximately 4 years will be required. Fakhіvtsi to please in the end of the winter season, appreciate the gummi thorns. If there are more than 50% of the elements on the field, it means that the tires will last one more season, but if they don’t break, you can change the wheels on the wheels for the entire summer period until they are completely worn out, after which new wheels arrive.

    How many seasons to pass Guma

    The reasons for the wear of the tires can be done too richly, the prote їx are simply significant, importantly on the surface of the tread little one.

    As for the oval edges of the slope, to the most serious wear, the lower center of the tread, it’s not enough to talk about a weak or transcendent grip in tires. And not the same wear of the tread edges, including on one side, reminds the water about the problems with the alignment. Krіm znoshuvannya, on those skilki walking tires, vplyvaє i style of transferring to cars. In case of extreme wear with a sharp galm, the tread will wear better. It becomes clear that it is not only those wheels that are suitable for a car race, but also other moments:

    • riding style;
    • the roughness of the road;
    • fate in emergency situations.

    It is important to remember about the regular technical inspection, as well as through the skin 14 days you need to control the pressure in the tires.

    In order to balance, so yoga should work through the skin of 15,000 km of a car race. On arrival at the crossing, it is necessary to look at the tires for the presence of pimples and hernia.

    What the growers say

    Marking "H"

    Guma on motor vehicles works well, as well as other products from gums, znoshuєtsya. Innovative sums of unique ingredients shorten the process, but with a trivial twist, the development of microscopic cracks in the tread small and on the side of the cracks, which often come with deformation of the frame structure, is confirmed by wear.

    Experts are happy to replace the tires, if the term vikoristannya ends, it doesn’t stop like gum.

    The safe operation of gumi is relevant for 6 years from the day of release. Virobnik "Michelin" guarantees the term of exploitation within the decimal period. A lot of brands are added to the term in 6 years for the mind, but gumi has no trouble.

    Krіm tsgogo, it's important to revise the questions for the categories. Zrozumіlo, scho huma, marked ZR (over 240 km / year), with the exception of the permissible speed for it, it is subject to the most serious concerns, lower tire category S (up to 180 km / h). Shvidkіsnі virobi with index H (up to 210 km / h), with the method of safety when driving, due to stop for no more than 6 years. For living automobile prichepіv (like often a three-time hour to stand with a reduced grip on tires, and for some small car trials), tires are well preserved, and they are also guilty of replacement after 6 years, rarely - 8. It’s easy to make it easy to figure out how to finish.


    The basis of the product designation is the DOT marking on the side of the tread, the day and date of the creation is indicated.

    For tires, it is necessary to take okremі disks, as the skin overboarding significantly reduces the period of repair of auto tires. Krіm tsyogo, the disks of the collection of the debt were already prepared for the summer, so there was no hurry in the preparation of the spring.

    Select the correct product for the assistance of the manager of the specialized store. If you follow the orders of fakhivtsiv, then the tires will last longer, it will not be necessary to change them earlier.

    As a rule, the term for the service of the winter gum with spikes is smaller, lower for the varieties, which are used for driving in the wind. Vaughn m'yakshe i, vіdpovіdno, znos vіdbuvaєtsya shvidshe.

    Under understanding, there is a need to understand the optimal operational term for choosing winter tires. It seems simpler, it shows wines, you can approximately ride on them for the understanding of technical standards and recommendations from pickers.

    Call the given period equal to 5-10 years.

    Russian GOST 4754-97 establishes that pneumatic gum can be beaten for 5 years from the moment of preparation. And zashlyahovі pokryshki up to 10 years.

    Vykoristovuvat huma older than 8 years is not safe. The tire for a long time to finish the great gap, the hour wears elasticity, through which it is more fastened to the road.

    Pneumatic tires look like this

    It is possible to rewrite the tires on the side of the beads. Here the list of rozmіschuє special markings, de persha і other figures indicate the day, and dvі nastupnі - rіk the creation of goods.

    Vіd zaznachenї on marking dates vіdrakhovuєtsya pridatnіst tire zgіdno z GOST standards.

    Don't forget the ostentatious signs, appointed on the paper, or the gum itself, indicative of action. The pickers themselves recommend that they conduct a technical inspection and check the balance of wear.

    Timchasі frames can lie down and in the type of tires. be:

    • studded wheels;
    • Velcro tires.

    The term of exploitation is to lie down and in the country, in which the company is located, as if humming:

    1. Shiny kraїn Єvropi zdatnі vіdkatati vіd 50 000 to 70 000 km, without losing your power.
    2. Vitchiznyany trochs were less vibrated - from 20,000 to 40,000 km.
    3. Chinese tires serve approximately 50,000 - 80,000 km.

    On average, for new tires, this indicator is formed over six seasons of operation. The term of service of winter gumi-velcro is trival, lower in studded models, but it is not suitable for regions with a suvorim climate.

    Spiked gum - the best solution for the winter

    View of what to lay down the depreciation

    Different officials can add to the fit and wear of tires: in the form of a country-virobnik, the passage of that mind to the way of saving. Let's take a closer look.


    Insufficient number of atmospheres to repair the negative impact on the gum, the term of service is changing.

    The pressure in the tires is to be blamed for being optimal in order to continue the term of their service

    Water style and driven roads

    To ensure long-term operation of car tires, it is necessary:

    • Chi do not exceed the average recommended speed - 90 km / year. The cost of studded tires is 45% shorter, in pairs with a ride on dryness, about 120 km.
    • Rukh along the highway is to blame but smooth, it is recommended to have unique sharp turns and slips. Galmuvati needs to be done smoothly, so as not to fire the gum on the asphalt.
    • Road coverage and yogo quality play an important role in the wear and tear of the wheels. But on the Danes, the factor of zvichaynі vodії few people can get in.

    Tsikavo! It is important not to change the trunk. Tse dopomozhe niknut nerіvnomіrnogo rozpodіl navantazhennya on tires.

    Tire camber

    No less significant concern for the winter gumi comes out of balance. It will significantly increase the wear of tires.

    Rebalancing to help you find out about a lot of problems with the car

    When replacing summer gum for winter, do not forget to balance it. The impact negatively affects the curvature of the transport problem, which can cause the car to pull to the side.

    Timely regulation of the collapse-convergence in the auto repair shop will help solve problems.

    Signs that the tire has gone bad

    If the tread height has reached the mark of 1.5 mm, then everything is richer with winter tires. The maximum indicator for the chiomu vipadka should be 4 mm. After the thogo gum, the term is changed.

    More put out the pickers for Nokian and Bridgestone, put an indicator in the gum at the sight of numbers or reductions, which show the real cost.

    Tire Bridgestone allows you to understand the cost

    Considering nutrition, which is the term for the service of the winter spiked gumi, do not forget about the spikes themselves. At a time of 40% metal elements, the wheels are different. As the nests in them are not broken, it is possible to carry out independent studding. In another turn, you can boldly surmise.

    It is also possible to recheck the applicability of tires for an additional copy of the coin. In an ideal state, the protector is guilty of cursing the writing in full; The term is needed for replacement, as the protector closes only the edge of the coin.

    How to choose gum correctly in order to continue the term of appurtenance

    So that the yakomog's coats did not waste their powers before, for them it is necessary to know colder, darker and dryer accommodation. Changes in temperature, increased moisture and sony changes negatively infuse on the humic virobi, roaring їх.

    Tires, put on disks, are stacked for protection, and empty ones are placed one by one in a vertical position.

    What if you ride on old tires

    The main negative moment in this situation is the filthy connection with asphalt. This negatively affects the keratinization of the car and raises the risk of an emergency situation.

    Riding on old tires may not be safe to finish

    Another risk factor is a thinner tire, which at some point can be ripped apart with minimal stress. The most safe, as PP will be on the safe side. Often it ends in serious accidents.

    Before that, the stained-glass window was worn out more and more pale and the car looked better. And the tire station itself will tell you about the technical maintenance of the car and the reliability of the sergeant.

    In practice, vikoristovuvaty tires, scho mayut average wear, no less unsafe, lower "fox" gum. Navit a dry road becomes a lottery, the shards of galmivny paths significantly increase.


    1. The term of service of the winter gum with spikes and without them is trochic.
    2. It’s good for average shows, the wines can be made 5-10 years, but in practice, tires can be used for 5-6 seasons.
    3. If the gum has served longer, it is necessary to take care of it correctly.
    4. Winter's humus wears better than summer's examples through more soft textures.

    If the given term is assigned, as a rule, by the picker himself, if not, then in our country it is legally equated to 10 years.

    However, as often happens, even more often the real term of service is distant from the nominal and for that there are a lot of reasons, as they are called by one phrase - mind exploitation. And now about everything in order.

    What is the term for the winter gumi service?

    In most cases, virobniks are called the guarantee term for the service of their virobivs for a period of 5 years. Vіn vіdrakhovuєtsya vіd date izpusku (rather than sale) tires and can be zbіgatisya or revisit the resource (the real term of the service) gumi, which, to the word, is often called the country-varner:

    • European tires, as a rule, serve about a thousand kilometers;
    • Russian - thousand km;
    • Chinese - thousand km.

    To the point, for those who still can’t solve the dilemma “hiss or Velcro”, I would like to say that for other equal minds “spiss”, unfortunately, serve a little less (their approximate resource becomes 30 thousand km) Velcro.

    What factors can be directly applied to the term of service of winter tires?

    1. Date of preparation (to be present at the very ceremony).

    The less gumma lying around without work in the warehouse, it is more your fault to serve you. About those, how to recognize the rіk release of tires to marvel here.

    2. Correct / incorrect saving.

    If the wheels (tires) are taken care of incorrectly between seasons, microcracks can be established on them, which can lead to a complete ruining of the gumi. About those, how to take the tires correctly, read for help.

    3. The term of operation (run).

    The more the car passes over the winter, the more the tread wears out during the whole period. At the same time, for the same gumi trivalі simple collection is not good, then it’s better to choose the middle of gold between the lucky victories and 2-3 multiple (per season) trips.

    4. Vice in tires.

    The charge is guilty but not rich (by 0.2 bar) more than what the virobnik recommends. Insufficient and transcendental advancement of the vice quickly the term of the service of the winter gumi at a percentage. Axle table vise in car tires.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    5. Speed ​​of the car.

    Chim over there, it’s less than an hour for you to serve tires. It has been brought to light that the water is overwhelmed by the active swedish mode (120 km / year and more), then the term of the service of the winter winter gumi will be 40 less than the one who chooses a quiet ride - I will not exceed 90 km / year.

    6. Postiyno rearrangement of the trunk.

    Also, the resource of tires will be shortened by a percentage.

    7. Increased road surface temperature.

    Suttevo vplyvaet on the removal of the winter humi, it is very important not to delay the replacement of the hinged humi.

    8. Collapse-convergence of wheels and balancing of wheels.

    The collection of this evidence should be controlled with a special retaliation, even if it be a curb, a pit, or else a road crossing, can lead to the destruction of jealousy, and, therefore, an increased pressure in the singing places and, like a legacy, their mitt's wear. How to robiti skhid-rozval with your own hands to marvel at the axis here, balancing here.

    Zagalom, as if you want the tires to serve you, as long as you can, just be a great master of your "smart friend".

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    The term of tire applicability: what is the wear resistance of a tire, a charge and in a mid-season?

    Car tires are an indispensable attribute of a modern car, which distinguishes the most important functions, which is why it is responsible for the dynamics and curvature of a car.

    Ale, like and be-yakі humovі virobi, the stench is worn out.

    How to signify, steps to wear, how to increase the term of exploitation, how to trust the wart workers, and how to put them on the battlefield?

    About everything, and not only the rozpovist tsya article.

    On this day, before the automobist of presentations, a wide range of tires is updated not only by seasons, but also by operation options, strength, vitrivity level.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    How not to get lost in such a maze of propositions?

    Let's take a look at all of these nutrition. Let's look at the power requirements, what is the term for the applicability of modern wheel tires?

    As a rule, the term is the applicability of automobile shinlets to the moment of its modification.

    Vidi gumi: vіdminnostі i standards

    Seasonality and wash water

    Tipi and vidi according to seasonality and minds of water:

    Zimova is a seasonally different species, a smut zavdannya is to ensure a perfect fit from a snowy or cold surface of the road.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    The winter variant is divided into friction and studded subgroups.

    The first cost is cheaper, but the powers that be will signify another option.

    Friction is suitable for regions in which the temperature of the winter falls no lower than 10 degrees, and they are afraid not to clear the snow fall. On friction tires, it’s good to drive around the city, someday in the pivdennih regions of Russia.

    Ale, as if to speak for the middle smog, and, for more, for pіvnіch, then here it was already necessary to have more sweat and sash.

    Studded is recognized for suvorih to be tested by frost and road minds.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    Vaughn copes with her working tasks at -20 degrees and helps to easily change the transition from looking at snowy notes and oxen.

    But in the heat of the moment, studding significantly reduces the keratinization and dynamics of the car, moreover, there is no asphalt coating, so in the spring it is necessary to change it to summer gum.

    Summer - the same type of tires with a late, weakly developed tread pattern.

    Її perevagou є more cheap price, in povnnі z winter (frictional or studded), lightness and security of good dynamics, like talking about yakіsny goods.

    The summer version of the tires is divided into three types:

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    1. With a symmetrical little tread.
    2. Z we direct the little tread.
    3. With an asymmetrical little one.

    The symmetrical baby is deviant during the operation of the car on low speeds, on good roads, moreover, dry.

    On wet asphalt, you can watch out for a second slip, aquaplaning, which, as a rule, leads to an accident.

    We direct the little tread: such a design allows water to be brought in from the rear wheels in different sides, which becomes more comfortable when driving on wet asphalt.

    The chain is overwhelmed with ideal, and there is no unsafe forging, as it can lead to an accident.

    With an asymmetric little thing: the price is the most modern type, which ensures not only ideal dynamics, but also good keratinization on any kind of road surface.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    In addition, to exceed the type, to lay low noise level and water resistance to aquaplaning when driving on wet asphalt.

    All-weather: this type is suitable for both summer and winter roads.

    Її perevagou є inexpensive price and versatility, but the all-season in a significant world follows its technical characteristics, like winter, so and summer gum, on snow, and, especially, it’s not cold on the surface, it can’t cope with dry asphalt, it can’t cope with asphalt those dynamics, yak guarantee the same summer tires.

    True, the rest of the hour showed up new all-seasons, with more characteristics, but the cost of stench is much more expensive, below two sets of seasonal gumi.

    Pozashlyakhova: a Danish type of apparitions for extreme minds of the water, which is equipped with a rich warehouse of gumi.

    Highly mіtsnіst and vitrivalіst rob virib practically does not drive in, dovgovіchnym.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    But there is one nuance: on a normal road, an off-road car becomes unusable, a car consumes 40 to 60% kerosene, and in a fallow condition it is a type of tires.

    GOST winter and summer gumi

    Like a humovy vibration, the tire wears out.

    About the wear and tear to speak of the appearance of deformations, cracks.

    In such a state of mind, you no longer know your working functions, which can lead to a total loss on the road, in order to avoid an accident, fakhivtsy recommend changing the tires until the end of the term of appurtenance.

    What is the term of applicability for wheel tires and what are the standards for summer and winter tires?

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    Old winter tires lose their elasticity at low temperatures, and their low tread depth changes traction on roads.

    Summer tires with a century also increase the power necessary for a normal ride.

    I can’t bring tires to a “fox” state.

    As a rule, the gum is attached to the stretch 5-6 years from the moment of preparation.

    Ale on the term is also added to the mind of the morning and exploitation.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    According to DSTU, tires are upgraded to sprat types after the level of wear resistance.

    The term of applicability of car tires according to GOST

    1. S - maximum speed 180 km/h.
    2. H - maximum speed 210 km / h. Term of attachment - 5 years.
    3. ZR - swidk_sny variant, scho allows ekspluatatvat virib on speeds higher than 240 km/h.

    It is not easy to make a mark on the tire, for which it is necessary to change the stamp, indications on the side.

    The first digits indicate the preparation day, the other two digits indicate the day.

    What officials say about the term tire operation?

    On the term of exploitation, there are five main factors:

    1. The level of interest of a car: tires on a passenger car, recognized for driving around the city, as a passenger transport vehicle, are worn less, lower on cars that carry important luggage.
    2. Rozmir pokryshok. Here varto vrakhovuvaty a sprinkling of nuances: too wide gum is quickly erased on corners, and low-profile is erased when stuck with stones and uneven roads.
    3. Water style. Ricky galvanism, high speed, dashing turns - everything is imperceptibly signified in terms of life virobu.
    4. Road mind. Zvichayno, driving on ideal or, even if it were, over-the-counter roads of the city, allows the tires to serve longer, if you happen to be exploited in the minds of the provincial roadless.
    5. Probig is also the primary factor in your diet.

    Trust the virobnik?

    Naychastіshe, passing through the rows of clothes of imported and vіtchiznyanogo virobnitstva, marveling obіtsyankam, yakі give virobniks to your goods.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    I immediately blame the logical question: why do you trust the pickers, and if so, then how can you not have mercy on your choice?

    In the first place, it’s not necessary to buy a car for a car on the market, it’s bigger, from hands, so in such a state, you can take a drink as much as it’s unlikely to last a long time, and that technical characteristics of such a virus will be doubtful.

    Too low a price is also to blame for the purchase, it’s bigger, like a brand, first, home.

    Buying is the best way to buy from great car dealerships, in the reputation of those you are convinced, so that you can exercise your rights in the event of a necessary turn.

    It is also necessary to reconsider the terms of applicability, which indications on the packaging and the goods themselves for the presence of defects.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    Vіdomі vіrobniki give іn іn 1 tо 2 rіv garantії, yavnіst yakої goods, yakscho vіn not ekspluatuvavsya, in case of loss of technical characteristics, you can return to the store.

    Zvichayno, a great pity, imported goods are treated with a finer quality, lower vіtchiznyany, it is necessary to accept, as a fact, a summary fact.

    Although, in the rest of the decade and Russian virobniks began to overwhelm them, but still ....

    To the number of leaders in the production of yakіsnoї gumi, as well as richly rokіv that, so and today, there are three famous companies in terms of tire applicability, like in all vacancies, to become 5-6 years:

    1. Nokian Tires is a Finnish company that has become famous for its incompetent quality and original ideas. The Nokian Tires concern was founded in 1988, and in 1995, the company's shares were admitted to trading on the Helsinki stock exchange. The history of the company began in 1898 as a subsidiary of Suomen Gummitehdas Oy or the Finnish gum plant. The production of passenger car tires began in 1932. The first winter tire in the world was held in 1934. In 1898, the production of gum rubber was started in Finland (The Finnish Rubber Works).

    In 1904, the plant moved to the city of Nokia.

    In 1925, the production of bicycle tires began. In 1932, the production of tires for passenger cars began.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    In 1934, the first winter tire Kelirengas for winter tires was created.

    In 1936, the first tire from the legendary Nokian Hakkapeliitta tire family was launched. "Snigova Hakkapeliitta" - a helper of winter roads!

    In 1945, a new plant in the city of Nokia was prompted. Now Nokia (previously the largest supplier of mobile phones) does not have anything to do with Nokian. Її products are known at home, both in Europe, America, and in Russia, CIS and other countries.

  • Bridgestone is a company founded back in 1925 by the Japanese Shojiro Ishibashi. At the same time, the reception was going on, like a workshop for the preparation of yakous vodka and silk balls. Along with the development of the auto industry in the world, the Bridgestone business began to expand its sphere of activity. So the workshop for the manufacture of tires appeared, and the quality of such a rock in the river became more and more beautiful. Today, in this work, the majestic state of spivrobitnikiv, is carried out further research of new, more effective options for gumi.
  • Yokohama is also a Japanese company, founded in 1917, but on behalf of its main competitor, Bridgestone,

    Yokohama was first introduced to the tire industry. At the moment, the plant has a large number of branches and exports products all over the world.

  • How to change the steps of wear?

    Worrying about the world, human beings waste their technical power and can become unsafe, lead to a serious accident.

    Otzhe, іsnuіє kіlka svoіdіv, for yak vodіy mozhe vyznachiti stupіn snosu.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    In order to find out about the camp of gumi, it is necessary, in the first place, to turn your respect to the little tread, which is the main element of the tire, even if it is to lie down, like a chain with the road, so the galmіvny way.

    The step of erasing the little one is not easy to assign for the help of a simple coin, as it is laid in the tread slot.

    1. All seasons. If the height of the tread small reaches 1.6 mm, then the first sign that the tire is no longer suitable for operation, it is necessary to change the term, in a different turn, it will be unsafe.
    2. The summer version is effective until quiet, as long as the holes do NOT gap up to 2 mm.
    3. In winter, they are exploited until the little ones grow up to 4 mm.

    The second method of paying the fee is visual.

    It is necessary to carefully look at the tire from the sides, look for signs of damage and abrasions.

    Cracks, fraying, porosity, distortions, uneven structure - everything is to talk about the need for term replacement.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    For yoga position and stand virobi.

    If the indicator raptom is aligned with the tread, and with a turn it turns into a continuation of the little one, then it is a direct sign of total wear.

    Not all methods of follow-up, and others, are not less popular.

    So, a lot of automobіlіstіv wіddâtіv bolshі pіdkhіd pіdhіd іt's food.

    For vimiryuvannya znos, stench koristuyutsya line with a depth gauge or a caliper.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    Obviously, such a procedure is no longer so simple, as it is more refurbished, more so, what is needed at ten different points of the wheel, but such a method will not be more merciful and sing-songly recognize the camp of automobile footwear.

    How to improve the term of appurtenance?

    A sing-songly leather car driver, wanting once in his life to think about such insanely important food, how to increase the terms of exploitation of tires, even regular replacement - not only a waste of time and effort, but also serious financial losses.

    In order to break the rules, learn the rules.

    Let's take a look at them.

    What does it mean? Love to swidkosti - tse, obviously, in the blood of the Russians, what kind of Russian does not value a swedish ride?

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    Tse spіvuvalos shche classics.

    Ale, this style of water just drives in gum.

    And if you add steep turns and nasty roads to swidkost, then you can be sure that after a couple of rocks you won’t lose anything.

    Also, the balance of wheels is poured into the mill, so it is so important to regularly check the technical standard of your car, all the regulation, and not throw it on self-fuel.

    The smallest problem is launching Lanzug's reaction, like, in the end bag, leading to colossal inaccuracies.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    Crimson is very small, a sprinkling of the main factors is added to the tires: the force of gravity, the pressure in the chamber, how to lie in the air and a lot of something else, the car’s car, the sight of the gum, the temperature difference.

    Vykhodyachy zgogo you can introduce the following rules, dotrimanya yak help in the significant world to continue the term of the service to the war:

    1. Quieter you will be farther away. On a lower speed, the tire will last longer, lower on a speed of 120 km / h.
    2. Chi don't play tricks - snickersni! Parts of slippage and galvanization lead to catastrophic wear. In order to get away from him, the next thing was to destroy the month smoothly, calmly, without rivkivs, powerful waters for newcomers.
    3. Stitch for regulation. Buvaє so, that the car is not started, not from this, it is started in the bіk. What is the reason you can pour in on tse? As a rule, the problem lies in the balance of the collapse of the convergence. Spend the Crimea in kerovanost, whose shortfall by the very direct rank pours into the gumis. That is why it is necessary to carry out the regulation of convergence.
    4. Saving humic compounds is not acceptable in hot places. Frost is not so terrible for them, like baking, yak, like that and varto ochіkuvati, even if this material is tane at high temperatures.
    5. Never, ever take a tire from a watery occupant. Vologa, like and speka the very negative rank in the current financial state.
    6. Never take the tires on the streets, under the open sky, so as fall down cry out for roses, and more was said about the Skoda Vologa for gumi. It is not the fault of any water, not only water, but also oil, gasoline, galmivna homeland.
    7. Direct sonyachny change (navit without sintering) reduces the effectiveness of tires.

    Also, follow the following rules:

    • the most important mindfulness is the timely replacement of tires in the fallow season.
    • if the car is idle for a part of an hour in the winter period without work, then it’s even better to put it on blocks, such an awkward procedure to allow wear and tear, which is all the same, high and not in such a world, like in Russia, but it’s alright, you’re driving a car.
    • it is necessary to regularly inspect the shoes of your car.

    We have looked at all the main foods that the autogums are waiting for.

    If you are less than a kilkom with simple rules, you can save money in a significant world, like your own time, so pennies.

    And, finally, you are left with less success and fair wind in the road!

    (St. Petersburg)

    Do you have inaccuracies, inaccuracies, or false information? Do you know how to make the article better?

    Do you want to propagate for publication photos on the topic?

    Be kind, help us make the site better! Leave your details and your contacts in the comments - we will contact you and make the publication sooner!

    The author obviously does not know the attachments of the car, stating: “So, for example, in frost, it’s not possible to leave a car with twisted wheels, otherwise you can damage the fire system, and it will be practically impossible to start a car. With a system of zapalyuvannya, you can say goodbye in such a vipadka. » Lighthouse. Saving gumi horizontally / vertically ... Nonsense. Podsumok: illiterate compilation of elementary truths and madness in the form of an unknown copywriter.

    For the respect! The article has been corrected. We appreciate such respectful readers!

    The term of service of winter gumi

    Zimova guma m'yaksha, lower, let's say, river, won't be more graceful to wear (with the wrong vikoristanni) lower summer tires. The blame for this is fair supply - and what is the term for the service of winter tires? Aje bagatto who buys used winter gum, how to buy normal and not lose? In Russia, we have expansions of studding options, so today we will talk about the term of service to the very same wheels ...

    The food is not simple, not all the tires are the same, I'm on the verge of various pickers. Branded ones can walk painlessly for 5 - 6 seasons, or even more, and the axis of a cheap country or from the sky (China), can not go through two seasons.

    New studded tire

    Those spikes can be different, many famous companies have long been using new technologies in manufacturing (the shape can be square or diamond-shaped for example) and also in fixed, in the photo the old round version, you can read the axis of this article about other things.

    Normal tread depth

    First we marvel at the forager, we become the foreman himself, showing the term for the exploitation of his forager. Sound the wines do not repeat 7 years, but still with the ideal victorian. There are no such minds in Russia, we have a rather cold and harsh climate, especially in the pub areas.

    Spiraling on the date of fermentation. Keep in mind the ideal tire condition, if they have been in storage for more than 4 seasons, then their performance characteristics will decrease. Such a guma will also not go for a long time, then, if possible, take bread, with a fresh date of production, otherwise ask for a small amount. I already wrote - how to designate the date of production.

    Properly take care of tires. If you take care of tires correctly, then the stench will serve you longer (report in this article). If you take the wheel incorrectly, then microcracks appear on the tread, gum just waste your power and quickly explode at the offensive stage of operation.

    Znos - filthy thorn

    Run (wear) of the wheel. The term exploitation is extremely good, but it is still not an unimportant factor as a test. But the car is mercilessly exploited in winter, the run can be, but only more than a kilometer during the winter, it dawned on the human being to be very angry. And buvaє scho like a kind of a summer resident, two or three times over the whole winter, it will probably run up to 500 kilometers. Here, I won’t call you.

    Visual review. Obviously, the term winter wheel replacement can be used purely visually. If your tread has been worn down by over 30%, the studs have been worn out by over 60%, then such a wheel definitely needs to be changed. Vono has already lost its operational characteristics. І їzditi on a new one is not safe.

    And in the light of my knowledge, I will say that during the normal operation of the car, I change the winter wheels every 4 seasons. This is my special term for the service of winter tires, about 4 years. True, I buy branded wheels, in which case I tried to try the brewer, KAMA EURO 519. Proyshov rіk polit is still normal, I think if the wheels live three years, then the days of their prices will be better.

    I will say this, if you have a great run during the winter, then think about replacing the winter gum in three years, if not a great one - in five years. If you buy used winter humus, marveling at the camp and the date of preparation - remember that your space is not so great, then buy it better new. And the axis, if it is larger than 20 inches, then you can marvel at the old one, because the art on them can be even more significant. I remember one taking on my jeep, chotiri new tires for the winter already hacking!

    And why do I want to finish the article, read our car website, as the article was worthy of telling about us in social networks or on the forums, it will be the best support for the project.


    I’ve tried KAMI studded tires for a thousand thousand per season for six seasons already. The wheels are in good condition, the cost of spikes is close to 20 vіdsotkіv.

    The term of the service of winter gum is such a period of time, during which the operation of winter tires is possible and permissible, the chips are guaranteed to be safe, accept, for the sake of understanding, the selection of tires for recognition and completion of all recommendations of the tire manufacturer.

    Skilki to serve winter gum - the term for the operation of studded tires

    The height of the little tread of the new winter tire is great, delighting the eye of the owner of the car. At first glance, it seems that the term of the service of the winter gumi will be trivial. However, in practice, do not go out. What shove into the trivality of victoria and the steps to the wear of the winter tire is the fault of the leather water for itself.

    Tire service term

    With the appointed term of service of winter tires, an hour is covered, if the operation is possible and safe with the improvement of the PDR and recommendations of the tire manufacturer.

    For the greater number of vipadkіv virobnik obumovlyuє the physical appendage of the virobi, but legally this pokaznik is accepted equal to 10 fates.

    The practice of operating winter tires shows that the established terms do not always run out of reality. For winter tires of various types, for guidance, in Russia in the middle term of operation to become:

    1. European pickers. The value of the test for the improvement of different models is in the range. km.
    2. Russian pickers. A lot of models are licensed, or the wet ones, as if they were painted. Probіg to become vіd 40 yew. Km and more.
    3. Tires from China. In the middle, with the average functional characteristics, tires show insufferable wear resistance. Vіdomi vipadki run on one set of up to 80 thousand kilometers.

    Vlasnik avtomobilіv at the stage of choosing a set of wheels - studded gum or velcro, next vrakhovuvat, that the viability of vikoristannya does not outweigh the decade of the season or 30 yew. Km. Tse pov'yazano z pіdvishchenim wear protruding elements.

    To pour on the demolition officials

    In the order of the run and the quality of the virus itself, a number of other operational factors are seen, which, without intermediary, are indirectly added to the term of the service of the winter studded gumi. Vrakhovuvati factori sled yak at the stage of attaching a set of tires, as well as stretching the term of applicability.

    Date of preparation and method of collection

    The release date of the tire is indicated more than 10 years, and is presented on the sidewall of the tire, looking like a 4-digit code. The first pair of digits means day on the cob of fate, and the other two - the rest of the digits of fate. Don't waste your time on new wheels, they've been in storage for more than 3 years.

    Significant injection into the old winter tires gives a threefold period of savings in the mid-season. Ideal minds will be adopted without significant fluctuations in temperature, zavoi vologosti. When choosing a saving method, the following options are not allowed:

    • zberіgannya on the ribs, scho to bring to the vtrati form;
    • investing in stacks to bring the wheels to “flattening”;
    • vyvishuvannya tires without a disk, which calls out vitiaguvannya in the "egg".

    The best option for saving is to add a tire, dressed on a disk for metal damage. In times of impossibility of independent organization in such a way, one should turn to specialization services that provide such a service.

    Wash the exploitation

    Significantly reduce the period of operation and the days of regular factors that are added to the tires:

    1. Probig value. I realized that the tread wears out in case of an increase in the run. Ale and trivalі idle time to put a ruinous shkoda on the wheel. Therefore, it is important to choose a rational middle ground between occasional trips and occasional car exits.
    2. Tire pressure. In return, the payment is increased by 0.2 bar according to the date before the car installed by the picker. Decreasing pressure by 0.5 atmospheres reduces the term of service by 20%, and even less the value becomes not only ruinous, but not safe. Term_novo virіvnyayte vice between tires!
    3. Ruh pіd vantazhennyam. With a constant new demand for a car, your resource will be reduced by 20-30% to get the best winter gum.
    4. Operational parameters. Balansuvannya kolіs slid perevіryati want to b times on the river - for example, before the ear of the season. In the world of need, carry out diagnostics to cut off the collapse of the convergence, I will become a booster - it will also allow speeding up the wear of the tread.

    The temperature of the road surface has been increased, significantly increasing the tread wear of winter wheels. Remember that studded tires operate on clean asphalt. To that, it is precisely to follow the Rules of the road traffic, at the same time carrying out the change of gumi.

    Water style and standard road

    Trival tests of the operation of the winter gumi have shown that for the minds of winter roads a speed of 120 km / year is brought to full wear by 40% more, a lower limit is driving on a speed of up to 90 km / h. Although the rest of the hour, the fixing of the thorns became more overhead.

    High speed slid spivvіdnosti і zі stanom dorіg. Here it is easy to get the winter wheel off the fret in one mile. Do not forget that the camp of the winter roads significantly acts on the cover of the wind.

    Operation with a shifted wear stage

    A lot of car owners know about the excess wear rate, installed for winter tires - 4 mm. To the very same, with the attainment of this value, the exploitation in the warm period is the fate of such wheels.

    Tire tests show that after the fate of exploitation, the galvanic power of tires shortens by 10%. And if the fox tires of winter recognition on summer asphalt are simply unsafe. Rice road accident bagatorazovo growth.

    The middle term for the service of tires, statements by the manufacturer, storage of 7-10 years in fallow land and seasonality - more than a few summer tires on a car serve longer than mild winters. For Russia, looking at the camp of the road, such a show can hardly be reached. Since the quality of the gum is a guarantee of a safe journey, professionals recommend that you reconsider the depreciation after 3-4 years of operation, without checking the term assigned by the picker.

    The way to pay the deduction to lay down depending on whether the tires for the car have been added later The depreciation can be calculated:

    • for special indicators at the sight of the jumper between the protector - if the vins are erased to їх equal, it is necessary to remember the gum;
    • according to the numbers of different depths, as if they were worn on the surface of the tires - in the fallow, since the numbers can be seen, wear is estimated;
    • having frozen the protector with a line with a depth gauge on the most damaged part (the height on the summer gum is more than 1.6 mm, on the winter 4 mm).

    The average level of exploitation may decrease due to weather, road and other officials.

    Factories, what to pour into the waste

    The term of the car tire service should be left uninterruptedly, depending on how often the faults are won and in what order. The bigger the run, the quicker the guma comes into ineptitude. Norm test according to GOST:

    • for passenger cars vantageopidyomnistyu up to 2 tons - 45 km;
    • for vantazhivok 2-4 tons - 60 km;
    • for vantazhnyh cars over 4 tons -

    In the middle term of service on Russian highways, with the Moscow city, it can become close to 5-6 years. Vіn shorten through impersonal minds and factors:

    • vikoristannya pokryshok out of season (m'yaka winter huma is strongly worn in the air, and the river does not show winter temperatures);
    • faulty shock absorbers and problems with the running gear;
    • the quality of the roads;
    • the manner of water - a sharp galvanization and a set of speed;
    • transportation of important luggage;
    • damage to the ruins (in which case the car tires will be worn out by the greater world only from the inner or outer side);
    • vikoristannya low-profile gumi, as if wearing a rich swidshe.

    Mechanical failures can speed up the frenzy - ruptures, deformation during emergency galvanization, bumps after impacts.

    How to maximize the term of gumi service?

    Those, for which term of tire service, can be repaid, lie down in the face of a host of external factors and yogo dampness. The average life of a car tire of a car driver, like the usual rules, with the improvement of imperfect roads in the SND can add up 6-8 years. The term of tire service can be manipulated, so as to comply with the following rules:

    • ensure optimal grip;
    • save wisely;
    • service the car hourly.

    Riven vise without intermediary vplivaє on the steps and type of wear. With an insufficient grip, the side parts of the tread will be erased, with a high grip - the middle part. In the event of a damaged wheel alignment, it is possible to erase only one side of the tread. The cost is reduced according to the most ear-shaped pokryshka, to which it is necessary to put up a similar amount of gum.

    The comfort of operation of the tires is to fall in the way of saving them after the change of the season. The ideal option is a dry, cool and dark place. With the presence of such a place, you can know a sweet or a garage, whose hairdressers for a small fee are ready to withdraw car accessories from their savings.

    Pratsezdatnistnost of shock absorbers and running cars is directly indicated on the wearability of gumi. If you are convinced that your car's work is incompetent, you can in general pay for a three-year tire service term.

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