Methods for reducing the tightness of the dvigun. How to increase the tension of the engine-basic technical and software methods. Comprehensive or private supplementation of universities

The idea of ​​creating a hard engine is addictive for wealthy car owners. A strong motor allows you to quickly gain speed and join the hot stream. At some point, if necessary, it is easy to create a dynamic maneuver and leave behind a bigger road for a foreign car. Such moments bestow impersonal nі z chim not equal vіdchuttіv.

Tuning the engine helps to achieve a significant increase in the dynamics of the car. As soon as competently go to the task, you will see the full potential of the motor. In these articles, there is a speech about those, how to increase the exhaustion of a diesel engine. Describe the methods to help improve the power unit and achieve a real result. But first, proceed to tuning, learning the principles of operation of diesel engines.

How does a diesel engine work

Palyvna sumish. The peculiarity of a diesel engine is the way to make and borrow money. The back of the head is to go into the cylinder again, and then we squeeze the piston. At the singing moment, a hot drink is fed through the nozzle. Due to the high temperature of the compressed air, it is ignited in the cylinders.

Eating system. This is the headline in a diesel engine, which ensures the supply of the necessary portion of the fuel to the combustion chamber at exactly the right moment and with the necessary pressure. The eating system is of two types: mechanical and electronic.

The mechanical ones were equipped with old engines. Special features of the injection pump system, pumping fuel to the injectors. The tension in the attachment to lie down in the frequency of the wrapping of the crankshaft. The steps described in the tuning methods are not suitable for such engines.

Modern cars are equipped with an electronic eating system. For help, the high-pressure fuel pump is pumped into the ramp, and then it is blown in by electro-magnetic injectors. Dosing, pressing and moment of application to control, electronic control unit. By changing this robot, you can easily change the dynamics of the engine. The same motors are suitable for tuning.

To increase the pressure to lie down as a result of burning sumish. The high pressure and the regulation of the application help the fire to burn up and see the maximum of the core energy. Zavdyaki balance between the kіlkіstyu povіtrya and fawn to go out istotno podvishchiti the characteristics of the motor pressure.

Tuners of diesel engines have a few options for the expansion of dynamics: chip tuning, installation of a dampening module, turbocharging.

Chip tuning
The simplest way to relieve the stiffness of the engine. This method is used to change the EBU. Such a procedure is the responsibility of the fakhivets, which may be necessary for the robotic technical tool and special software security.

How to increase the dynamics? The electronic fuel supply system is controlled by the ECU. This block is to contain a microprocessor in itself, which controls the volume of rotation, uptake, and rotation of the crankshaft. The ECU interacts with different sensors, otrimuyuchi information about the camp of the engine. Looking back at the data, changing the mode of operation of the power unit. Flashing the control unit helps improve the dynamics.


  • vitrata paliva changes;
  • moving motor dynamics;
  • get the maximum dryness;
  • there is a failure in the ICE robot after pressing the gas pedal.


  • to change the parameters before the warranty expires, as the car is new;
  • the procedure for flashing the ECU is connected with a risk - the traces are not negotiable.

Modules for reducing sweating
Є popular ways to improve the exhausting characteristics of a diesel engine. These are special modules that interact with the system of hot eating. The stench does not get involved in the ECU robot, but in parallel with it, various electronic sensors are controlled. The installation procedure is clumsy, just read the included instructions.

Іsnuє chotiri vidi modules

  1. Module for changing pulses with injectors. Controlling the activity of robotic injectors - boosting or zatrimu podnyatya heads. As a result, the temperature of the priming is changed, the efficiency of the combustion of the fire is increased, the vitrata is changed. The module is attached to the wires of the injectors. Come up to some kind of diesel engines, which can make up a modern food system.
  2. Module for changing the operation mode of the injection pump. Interaction with pressure sensor. I take away the visual information and underestimate the indication. As a result, the pressure in the pump increases. Tse allows you to move the dynamics of the engine without any damage to the resource. The module is connected to the injection pump and ECU wires. Suitable for diesel engines with a mechanical fuel supply system, issued before 2008
  3. Module for changing the reading of the sensor for the pressure of the fire ramp. I deceive the ECU, telling you about lowering the pressure in the fire ramp. As a result, the control unit thinks that the dynamics of the engine has fallen and fails to remember the intensity of the work of the injectors. It changes the vitreous, and increases the tightness. The module is attached to the wires of the ramp vice sensor. It is suitable for motors that need to build a modern fuel supply system.
  4. Module for optimizing the modes of operation of the EBU central processor. Designates the pressure of the fire system. As it grows, it corrects the signal to the ECU, in order to increase the timing of the injectors. The program was introduced to correct the operation of the engine without the help of the ECU. Chi does not underestimate the readings of the sensors. The module will be put into a high pressure system. Suitable for all modern diesel engines.

Module advantages:

  • increase the stiffness of the engine;
  • change vitrata paliva;
  • are installed quickly and easily.

Shortfalls of modules:

  • change the resource of the cylinder block;
  • short service term for high pressure fuel pump and injectors;
  • promote the wiki of shkidlivih speeches.

Turbine, signifi- cantly moving the engine. It pumps a lot of dust into the cylinder, and the electronic system increases the amount of fire that is served. Potik vіdpratsovanykh vykhlopnih gazі v rozruchuyu turbinі z low revovіnі dviguna. Zavdyaki znikayut turbo lags. The engine thrust is increased from the bottom.

Diesel engines may have a peculiarity - the power of the throttle. To that, the air is automatically pumped into the cylinders, with the help of folding turbine control systems. In order not to overheat the engine, install an intercooler. The coolant is pumped into the cylinder again.


  • effectively burns the fire sumish;
  • signifi- cantly increased stiffness of the engine.


  • short term of service;
  • increased vitrata paliva;
  • high variability of the yak_snoy turbine;
  • obov'yazkove zastosuvannya expensive oil and high-octane fire.

Describe the methods of increasing the exhaustion of a diesel engine, to help increase the speed of a car with a dry one. The simplest way is to install additional modules. But remember, those who increase the dynamics of the engine, shorten their resource. In addition, the guardian їzda zhadaє dodatkovі vitrati. You will have to visit the installation of high galms. First of all, tune the engine, think for a moment what kind of tension you need.

Video: how to reduce the fatigue of any car

: As short as it is, then a fire-polyvna sumish rushes into the combustion chamber, as if we vibrate, shoving the piston down. It would seem logical that in order to increase the tightness of such an engine, it would be necessary either to vibe more, or the combustion chambers are larger or larger in quantity. Ale, everything is so simple for the truth - there are no other ways to improve the stiffness of the engine. Deyakі z tsih voprosіv accessible, іnshі - nі, some of them are legal, deyakі - posture by law, deyakі cheap, іnshі koshtuyut shalenі pennies.

Really, for a small increase in the tightness of a car - in other words, to increase your speed and rozgіn shvidshe, which even a lot of car lovers want, and people just want - it’s just more efficient burning fire, troch more patrician (troch). In the end bag, instead of changing the engine of your car, in a key and cheap way, it can be, for example, just a lot of extra-polyvnoy sumishi, or more of it in the combustion chamber. And you can add to the fire dodatkovі speech, for example, additives or nitrous oxide.

Axis of five shortest ways to reduce the exhaustion of a car engine. Vrahuyte, scho іnodi, dіysno, cheaper vikoristanny tsikh methods zbіlshennya puzzhenі bude remember the dvigun itself. But all the same, the whole way is far from being better.

Turbine for reducing the pressure of the engine

Supercharger to serve for, vlasne, nagnіtannya poіtrya through poіtrozabіrnik richer than normal atmospheric. In this manner, you can get into the motor more richly, which gives freedom for a larger increase in the amount of fire, as you can burn more, the fires will consume the amount of time. All this will lead to a significant reduction in tightness.

Take on the drive mechanically for the help of the belt or the lancet from the crankshaft, the turbocharger wraps with a fantastic speed - less, 50,000 revolutions in the quill (there is a lot of speed, lower the engine itself - it will approximately reduce the turnover, take a look at your maximum gauge). Everything is superfluous so that you can enter more and more often into the combustion chamber.

Mayzhe is 50 horsepower more than the Chinese forces, as the turbocharging is correctly installed according to the characteristics and design of the motor itself.

Maite on uvazі, scho turbocharging - to finish the road with satisfaction. For example, at the VAZ, a turbokit (ready to collect a turbine for installation) will be costed together with a robot for installation in the order of 70-100 thousand rubles. In addition, it is important that the presence of the turbine directly affects the term of service of the engine and the term of the removal of critical parts in a smaller direction.

Sports boost filter as a result of an increase in sweating

Sports povitryany filters correctly named " check the zero support with filters"The stench allows a greater amount of the wind flow to enter the engine for a more effective combination of repetition / fire, at the same time blocking the wandering speech and houses from getting into the engine.

Sports winding filters, as a rule, are made up of a thin ball of special material placed between mesh balls. The essence of their robots is based on the principle that, once again, dragged into a dvigun, it is guilty to drag it there freely. However, the obvious replacement of the filter from the paper may have the power to repair the opir flow again and again the crisis, as a result of which, significantly less time is spent in the engine. And the sports filter may be zero opir to the flow again, lower even a trifle, but adding to the tightness of the engine.

How much stiffness of the engine is increasing? Nothing at all - close to 3-8%, but vіdguki vlasnikіv to talk about those who still remember the increase in tension.

Such a small increase in tension is compensated by the low quality of the "zero" - often the price for such a replacement filter is not higher than the original original filter for a car.

Greater sweating, cooling air

If you want to get better, the temperature may also affect the efficiency of your engine. Another marvelous, but a good way to improve the exhaustion of the motor is the whole set of cooling system afterward, which serves as one single method - cools again, which then comes near the engine of internal combustion.

Air cooling systems can lead to an increase in the productivity and efficiency of the engine, based on the idea that it is more colder, more colder, less warmer, and it means that wines should be more sour, which is necessary for a more dynamic engine.

How much stiffness of the engine is increasing? It’s a pity, but the kit for cooling is cheap, but the installation requires significant changes in the design of the motor. And as a result, the tension will increase, even if it’s noticeable, but not much.

Chipovka for zbіlshennya tuzhnostі motor

If you don’t have an old car and haven’t found one, then it’s worth asking if you have an on-board computer that controls such functions, like synchronization of the robots and various components of the engine, the concentration of the sum of the winds and the fire, and the heat of the fire is too hot.

"Chipovka" of a car - the program of redesigning the factory adjustments of the robotic motor for various purposes - most of all for reducing the pressure of the engine, or (more) for saving the fire. Chip-tuning through a computer with a specially installed program, connecting to the socket of the on-board computer of the machine, setting new parameters for various functions of the robotic engine of your choice. For example, "chipovka" instructs the car engine to use gasoline more effectively, or to put the kut in the early stage.

How much stiffness of the engine is increasing? Chip-tuning is an inexpensive way to increase engine productivity. Zalezhno according to the model of a car, this type of tuning can be costed from 3-4 to 12-20 non-subjective minimum incomes of citizens. But sometimes - especially in small places, it is not easy to know a competent "chip engineer" to a specific car model. You can try to "clean up" the car yourself, but for whom you will need some knowledge and understanding. In some vipadkah and zovsіm it is possible to zip the dvigun with such an independent robot.

Changing the shaft - increasing the dynamics

A simple way to alternatively reduce the stiffness of the dvigun is to change yoga and, as a result, increase dynamics.

Easy speeches are more fluent, lower more important speeches are the basis, as physics gives us. It is efficient to solve low-tech solutions at the same time and at the same time. It’s easy to believe, but you can’t blame the spare wheel to appear on the full auto dynamics. Vtіm, in which case to believe the guards of low-pressure cars, as if they wanted to travel only once with only passengers.

There are a lot of options available in case of zayvoi vaga. The plus of this method is that you yourself choose, how expensive you will change your vag. Aje is the one on the right - rozvantazhit trunk vіd nepotrіbnogo motlohu, and zovsіm іnshe - for example, replace sklyanі vіkna on more light plastic or acrylic or well remember the drum galma on the disc. So, until a certain improvement in the dynamics, we carried out the replacement of wheel disks.

Without a doubt, a leather car enthusiast asks for food early, how to increase the tightness and the cool moment of his own “flying horse”.

For some, it’s blamed for the numerical modifications of the car: it was hung with all sorts of coats and looked like a sports car, and God forbid, if only it were good to destroy the city.

For some, the tension and the cool moment are emphasized - the food of the first order of importance, on which respect is emphasized when choosing a car. However, there are no mezhі bazhannyam, and the possibilities of a star car are clearly not enough.

The main and simplest way to improve the fatigue and other dry characteristics of a car is, paradoxically, replacing a car with a smaller, more powerful driver.

Regardless of the obvious simplicity, the conclusion is about the improvement of the white characteristics of a car of a similar rank, the wines of the state are far from skin.

Someone has a shrill opinion about the presence of the necessary sum of penny koshtіv, to whom the primary car has become “painfully” familiar, to change it, and if you just want to enjoy the process of step-by-step “pumping” your cars.

If you have a bad temper, if you want to “speed up” your car without changing it again, then this article is written for you.

How to increase the pressure of the engine, vikoristovuyuchi injector control unit?

At the same time, the most popular option is to increase the tight parameters of the car, which transfers, which installs a block for changing impulses, controlling the injectors with injectors, taking control over the heating system through the “needles” of the injectors.

Such an increase in the pressure of a diesel engine is installed in the opening of the wires, as if it were a hot water injector.

The signal for the movement of yoga robots is trimmed, it changes, and it saves money, because the impulse of the flooring is short (no more than 0.0002 seconds), which causes it to block (it simply cannot be accepted by the block).

So, as the blocks of change impulses do not have high-voltage cascades, they can send a signal, the stench cannot be transmitted by the main impulses.

Similar blocks, which are produced under brands known to Russian motorists GreenBOX, TUNIT, R-Box, TuningBox, BlueBOX, TBS, Power-Box, Can be mounted on all types of diesel engines, equipped with an electronic installation system.

Їх vikoristannya allows you to save money. In addition, the number of varieties is more low available.

When describing the block of increased pressure of a diesel engine, there may be a number of shortcomings:

Changes to the resource of the internal combustion engine, viklikane tim, that the attachments include the active functions of the fire supply;

Foldable and trival installation;

Zbіlshennya emisії shkіdlivih spoluk;

The soot filter is already worn out through the daytime impulse, which calls to ensure the correct burning of the fire.

Reduced engine fatigue on high pressure diesel engines

The improvement of the operation of the motor is achieved by installing a special block, which replaces the operation modes of the oil pump (TNVD). Suitable for old engines equipped with old pumps (released before 2008) under the brand name BOSCHVP 44.

Such installations are characterized by the fact that in them a high pressure accumulates in the pump, and not in the HP ramp.

The increase in the pressure of a diesel engine can be reached by an underestimation of these values, which indicates the pressure of the fire. And this is the reason for the movement of the vice in the pump (in the first building).

The whole work is controlled by a solenoid valve (using the same vise). Moreover, it is necessary to change the resource of the high pressure pump to change the life of the pump.

The description of the reduction in the exhaustion of a diesel engine may be accommodation:

Shvidky installation;

Daily direct injection into the supply of bulky elements;

The resource for the block of cylinders is not reduced;

The element base is inexpensive and objectively clumsy.

The block, obviously, cannot be dispensed with without a small amount of data:

From the exhaust pipe, the dimming is fixed (yogo is called after the exploitation);

Resources of the electromagnetic injector and injection pump change;

The floating speed of the internal combustion engine is indicated.

How to relieve the stiffness of the engine in other ways?

Expensive and foldable ways to take care of the internal changes from making structural changes to the car engine (technical tuning) and to spend significant time on the viconnance and the great honor of the specialist, which is the tuning of the tuning, as well as the most important financial substitute for the side.

Expensive and foldable ways to reduce tightness and torque

Expensive and foldable ways to take care of the internal changes from making structural changes to the car engine (technical tuning) and to spend significant time on the viconnance and the great honor of the specialist, which is the tuning of the tuning, as well as the most important financial substitute for the side.

With all the difference in the robotic dvigun of a car, after the installation of an expensive technical tuning, it will be more reasonable, but it will be remembered to be assigned to a motor resource.

The overhaul of the forced engine will be badly hit in the intestines, so you need to get to know vikonavtsiv. To expensive ways to reduce the pressure and torque of the engine, there are:

Installation of supercharging on a naturally aspirated engine

The price of the most expensive and foldable method of technical tuning of a car, which includes a number of foldable entrances (supercharger replacement, engine boosting, collector assembly, testing, etc., etc.).

With this installation of supercharging, the majestic world can increase the pressure as well as the torque for the significant increase in the amount of air entering the combustion chamber. Supercharging is of two types: the largest extensions are turbocharging (eng. "Turbocharger") and mechanical boosting (compressor, eng. "Supercharger").

engine replacement

Insanely to reduce the pressure and torque in this way, a great deal of winding up and significant financial expenses are needed, like on a new motor, and on a new installation, as well as a number of entrances on your way: a designation of a blower engine for replacement, a spacious key, a lock ECU replacement and more.


May be on mechanical damage due to the introduction of structural changes to the engine: replacement of the main elements (for example, camshaft, throttle shutters or turbines) on sports, as well as self-refining of the cylinder block, which will lead to an increase in the engine torque until the torque is increased.

In addition, the engine will become richly powerful before servicing.

Budgetary and affordable ways to reduce tension and torque

So, it is self-founded that there are less costly and affordable ways, so as not to worry about getting technical involvement in the application of a dvigun.

The main principle of such methods is the use of equipment in a robotic engine, the transfer of a vibrator with a method of car performance to environmental standards, as well as a method of reducing the number of warranty works in a service center.

The available ways to relieve tension are:

Chip tuning

The software optimization of the robotic engine can, on the basis of itself, change the parameters installed by the factory in the ECU robots by different methods: for the help of electronic modules or for the help of manual correction ("firmware") of the program control unit.

Electronic modules have a great number of advantages in front of the service of "firmware" of the ECU, and negative reviews in their direction, as a rule, are not supported by everyday facts.

With this new ProRacing OBD electronic modules, the building will automatically, autonomously and safely increase the speed of the vehicle characteristics.

Chip-tuning is the most budgetary way to reduce the tightness and torque and does not require any technical work. In addition, a competent chip-tuning will reduce the amount of wear and tear.

Doopratsyuvannya or replacement of the air intake system

It can be reached by installing a zero support filter or by completely replacing the standard intake system.

In the first case, the increase in tension will be in the range of 2-5% for the decrease in the support of the filter element, the flow will enter again, in the other case, the increase can be significant not only for the decrease in the support of the filter, but also for the increase in the cooling increase.

Denmark's way of meritorious reporting and vimagaє the correct approach to zdijsnennya, otherwise you can seriously damage the engine or simply do not see the result.

Additional repair or replacement of the exhaust gas exhaust system

For the sake of ecology, and just for a significant reduction in external noise, a standard system of winding up in the singing world surrounds the ability of the engine.

Pevni come in, for example, replace the catalyst with a half-light and remove the anti-particulate filter, lighten the "vidih" dvigun and protect the number of additional kіnsk forces and newton meters. More expensive, but more wild way - completely replacing the standard exhaust system with a sports one.

To give not only a lightness of sweating and moment, but also to change the term of the life of the exhaust system from the term of the life of the car as a whole, because the sports systems of the exhaust are made of stainless steel.

Vikoristannya yakіsnih vitratnyh materials

Іridієvі candles

Danish way cannot be called tuning, but it does not mean what it needs to be done. Vykoristannya yakіsnih i expensive vitratnyh materials, such as motor oil, filters, candles zapalyuvannya, as well as hotly, in the most uninterrupted rank, pour in like a tightness, and at a cool moment.

At the same point, you can see the choice of expensive iridium or platinum spark plugs, which can even be added to the work of gasoline engines and buildings, not only to increase the pressure and torque, but also to reduce the temperature of the fire.

Plenty of water to mrіyut zbіshiti the tightness of your car. Some of them are on the tse shtovkhaє zhaga shvidkostі, іnshih - professionally zahoplennya auto racing. Using impersonal methods, for the help of which you can easily increase the exhaustion of the engine and increase the maximum speed of the car. The difference of all methods is better in terms of varnosti and efficiency and the more expensive the polypshennya is, the more expensive the motor is. However, varto razumіti, scho zbіlshennya natuzhnostі, most of all, pulling behind him the rise of vitrati paliva, to which preparations are not skin water. Therefore, the first time to accept such a difficult decision, it is necessary to call all “for” and “against”. Let's take a look at the skin's best way, so that you could figure out what you would like for yourself.

8 ways to increase the capacity of a car engine

Relief of the stiffness of the dvigun in this way is an absolute myth. Vіn polagaє in the reduced weight of the car or replacement of important spare parts with analogs of metal and even light material. In this way it is possible to lessen the cost of the paliva, increase the keratinization of the car, and also yogo dynamic power. The job of the dvigun does not get polluted in any way.

In the simplest and cheapest way that you can get on sports cars.

Respect! It is not recommended to carry out such a procedure on your own, as it is a risk to drastically disrupt the work of the program, as soon as you drive the engine out of harmony. Trust the robot to the professionals, who are smartly versed in electronic control units.

The Danish method is not the standard one, but it may be possible to use it. Vіn maє on vіzі mіnіmalne vіdnіnya іn zbіlshіnі otuzhenі і 15 vіdsotkіv i polagaє vіdstavlі direct-flow system vіkhlopu. For this purpose, a new exhaust pipe without a resonator is installed, as it reduces the amount of exhaust gas and flutters more.

In this way, the dvigun winder spends less energy on the release of exhaust gases and gives a greater part of the energy on the expansion of the crankshaft. However, the payment for such an increase in tightness is tse, which is how to finish the swidko nabrida and the increase in the confusion of the insipid middle.

Surely, there are a lot of film lovers who know about such speech, like nitrogen. A metal balloon is installed in the car, leading to a day that, water will take a lot of time for a short period of time.

The principle of doing such a thing is borderline simple. The balloon is connected to the system of hardening and when it is pulled into the middle of the combustion chamber, there are more sour trochs, sound lower. In addition, the furnace becomes more efficient, and, also, the frequency of the crankshaft wrap increases.

From a short period of time, you can count on a non-trial and I will add a large variety of components, which would be great on the budget of the water.

The most optimal option for tuning is a turbocharger. The Danish pump is installed in the supply system again and comes up to the car's swing. When passing gases through the turbine of the compressor, a special fan is blown up and wrapped around, which is pumped repeatedly into the combustion chamber in great pressure.

The stronger the pressure on the gas, the more and more the number of wrappers changes. Reduced tightness is felt strongly, prote, be prepared to find a new, more powerful cooling system.

Installing a turbine is not cheap. However, the choice of the turbine also greatly increases the potential of the engine.

Z nedolіkіv, krіm velikoї tsіni, maє even more great vitrata paliva.

A diesel engine may work better than a gasoline engine, however, this exhaustion can be improved independently. To reduce the exhaustion of a diesel engine, special boxes are installed, which are divided into 4 main types:

1. Box, which changes impulses, is used to control injectors.

2. A module that optimizes the different modes of operation of the processor of the electronic control unit.

3. Boxing control of the high-pressure fire pump.

4. Box, which can easily change the indication of the pressure sensor of the hot battery.

Regardless of the theoretical simplicity of tuning the engine, it is recommended to carry out all the work only for the help of specialists in the field of car maintenance, since making structural changes to the engine of the car is a serious cost, as it adds to the impersonal parameters. If it is wrong, then there is a risk of wear and tear of transmission parts and undercarriage too richly.

Respect! Never forget about the car's galvanizing system. So, as an increase in dynamic and swedish characteristics, you can strongly stick to the work of the galm. Do not forget that this is the guarantee of your safety on the road. The same is true of steering control, as it may not be risky for high speed. There are no rіdkіsnі vypadki viniknennya road traffic accidents in case of incorrect additional characteristics of the dvigun.

Perhaps, all the ways that allow you to reduce the tension of the engine of internal combustion. For a larger wide effect, you can combine a few methods in a row. However, do not forget that the change in the stiffness of the engine is added to the weight and you can reduce the term of the parts service.

Vlasniki pozashlyahovikiv, small cars, navit racing cars - maybe everyone wants to mother under the hood more "konyachok", lower in fact. As there is no between perfection, so there is no between tightness, you can always add or replace. The fact that a budget car is available does not mean that it cannot be upgraded. Navpaki, with a low budget, car enthusiasts will come up with the best ways to make cars tighter.

Improvement in the exhaustion of a gasoline engine

A policy of fantasy for an additional dvigun does not interfere with anything, but the budget of a car driver. Let's list the main ways, which are the most widely used.

  • Chip tuning. The most efficient way to add "horses" to the power unit. Chip-tuning is already being done not only by okremi services and salons, but also by official dealers without wasting a guarantee. The method is used in the reconfiguration of the electronic control unit of the engine. The block is programmed with new algorithms, which are added to the number of things that are fed into the sum cylinders and on the parameters of the priming. The increase in tension is strongly deposited in the type and brand of the transport vehicle.
  • Improved intake and exhaust. Which way is effective for the first, the more expensive. Exhaustion of growth for a small amount of money, burning in a cylinder. It is logical that the expansion of the intake manifold will increase the amount of sums. And at the same time, the intakes need to be expanded and the exhaust, the shards of the gas were to be proportionally increased. This method is used to transfer and expand the throttle assembly.
  • The same zbіlshennya kіlkostі sumіshi dopomogає i offensive sposіb - dorobka cylinder head (cylinder head). In this way, the inlet and outlet channels are sharpened, the valves are lighter and lighter, the springs are stronger, they are changed for a larger high valve.

Koristuyuchis kіlkom simple rules, marvel at the materials of Procrossover.

  • Improvement of the compression of the cylinders. It is not possible to invariably reduce the entrance to the building. Obov'yazkovo is necessary to supplement the block of cylinders, so that the engine copes with all the necessary work. For which, the process of ripping and sleeving is carried out. The opening of the cylinder is bored, expanding the sleeve, then in the opening of the opening, the sleeve is pressed. Obviously, you need a new lightened piston group.
  • Turbine installation on atmospheric engine. If you have an atmospheric engine (replacements and sums are supplied to the inlet channel with atmospheric pressure), then the installation of a turbine will give an increase in tension up to 200% even more clearly, especially if all forward manipulations are crushed. If the engine is already turbocharged (repeatedly and sumish are pumped under the intake under a vice), then a turbine is installed, as the "blowing" becomes stronger. Together with the turbine, it is possible to thoroughly complete the power and cooling system, reconfigure the cooling unit with the engine.

  • Zero support filter. It’s not just that this way of varto follows all others. Regardless of the popularity of the method, the effectiveness of the "zero" is practically not possible, so you put it instead of the standard inspected filter in the standard one, so that the car is not tuned. Growth to become up to 5%. At 100 kіnskih forces, the zero support filter will give you a maximum of 5 k.s. growth, which cannot be remembered to navit dosvіdcheny vodіy. More effectively put "zero", if the tension has already exceeded 400-500 and 50 skin forces of tension can be reached by important and expensive pains. Ale, check that such a filter is cleaned again, that it is near the inlet, richer than the standard filter. Clean the inlet system and change the filter more often.
  • Refurbishment of the swing system. In order not to create a closed support under the exhaust tract, a catalyst and a lambda probe are seen from the exhaust system, which is supposed to lower the emissions into the atmosphere. The geometry of the swivel is important (the larger the diameter of the crossbar of the pipe, the lower the smoother the wigini and the smaller it is, the less the support is created on the outlet).

Reduced exhaustion of a diesel engine

Diesel engines are modified from gasoline engines according to the principle of burning sum. Although in gasoline sumishes it is fired by an electric discharge, then in diesel ones there is a stronger squeezing and further detonation. Tsya vіdminnіst not let zastosovuvaty part of overhauled more methods for diesel engines and to rob a diesel engine with little to upgrade. Vartist doopratsiuvan richer, lower on gasoline engines. Significant features of tuning diesel engines:

  • On all modern diesel engines, turbines are already structurally transferred, so tuning is more difficult to replace the turbine.
  • The replacement of the intake and cylinder head in diesel engines is to install a full system for supplying fuel. CommonRail has become the most important and most important system. The installation of Common Rail means the replacement of the control blocks for the injections and the supply of fuel, the replacement of the injectors. Expensive tuning option.
  • Chip tuning can be done in the same way.

The attachment of diesel engines and intake systems is more complicated than that of gasoline ones, so without a primer engineering approach, it is not possible to carry out a super-change of pressure. Ale upgrade cost a few pennies, but car dealers often decide to just buy a new car more expensive.

Do-it-yourself budget option

Even if it’s a job and a cat, you can build a car, you can turn up to a professional in a specialized tuning studio. Polling with your own hands is also possible, but with the presence of a garage, that possession is at least. One on the right is digging in the Batkivsky donated copy for driving around the area, and on the right, it’s like talking about tuning expensive cars, even without special knowledge and smartening up cars easier, lower polypshit showing signs of fatigue.

But you can achieve an increase in tightness without cosmic deposits and wind it with your own hands. Guess how long ago they changed filters, candles, radiators and made diagnostics. Try pouring more oil and oil. Clean the throttle valve, take a look and clean the intake, change the compression in the engine. All this adds up to the tightness and dynamics of the car, to the vitreous fire and satisfaction from the outside.

Possibly reminiscences

  • The resource of the aggregates is constantly changing, as if the stench knew the change. Get ready to diagnose cars more often, buy expensive parts. Be-yaké vtruchannya in the factory design and setting up the lead to the end.
  • Take a moment and think in your mind what you want in car tuning, what is important for you. It's cheaper, easier and smarter to buy just a new, tighter car.
  • If it’s a language about tuning a car that is under warranty, then whether it’s being brought into the factory camp, it’s possible to cause the car to be taken out of the warranty service.
  • The greater number of serious pleas pull behind you more money, pay for it.

Chip tuning of the engine: pluses and minuses, see tuning (video)

Thought of experts about reducing the tightness of the power unit


Remember that the wrong tuning did not lead to improvement, but to a decrease in tightness and further breakdowns, which cost more than the process of improvement itself. Choose only refurbished car services to upgrade your car and remember that breaking the road traffic regulations is unsafe for you and for those who are sick.

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