Noise insulation with liquid rubber. Liquid car soundproofing. Theory, species and specific examples. The main characteristics can be attributed

Making to our car service, many customers biased relate to liquid noise insulation, and often in every way refuse to use this method of noise insulation of the car.

Especially, for such people we decided to write what liquid noise insulation, painting its features, advantages and disadvantages before standard.

I hope that we will eliminate all your prejudices, and you will realize that this method is very effective.

Specifications and properties. Energetic vibration gearbox. Does not contain asphalt or solvents. We advise for your application. As it sometimes happens, the result of the experiment, which has just finished the challenge between two scientists, led to the remarkable substance "Aergel".

For example, it is the easiest solid material that exists today. Aergel in solid form has a texture similar to the texture of foamed polystyrene and sticking to that of glass. But before it is to determine what is Aergel, we begin with the definition of what a gel is because it follows from it.

History of liquid noise insulation

Liquid noise insulation appeared in 2000, thanks to the work of such a Swedish company as Auson AB, which has released the NOXUDOL 3100 material). This company has a century-old history, and is engaged in the invention and the production of various materials that reduce the impact on the mechanism of destructive impacts of the external environment. In particular, the company has large developments in the field of anti-corrosion coating, which is a big plus, since noise insulating materials manufactured by this company have more anti-corrosion properties.

The gel is a substance entering a liquid and solid puppy look. The gels have a density similar to liquids, but its structure is more similar to the structure of the solid. The most common example of gel is edible gelatin.

Well, the aerogel is a gel, in which the liquid content of the gel is replaced by air or a gas-type gas. Later we will see how Aergel is produced. In fact, the word "Aergel" refers to the type of synthetic structure of a substance, a solid foam structure consisting of a network of interrelated nanostructures and having porosity of at least 50%. Mesoporny, branched and interrelated foam, this is a airgel.

Now Noxudol is used with yacht noise insulation, wagons, in many production facilities. Use Noxudol and such car manufacturers like Volvo, Nissan and Ford. Liquid noise insulation uses a huge number of foreign companies, including car service for noise insulation.

In Russia, this method began to be used in 2009. To this moment I did not get widespread due to the recent appearance. However, according to our forecasts in the next 5 years, liquid noise insulation will be popular and displaced old, not very effective method Casting mats.

Mesoporous belongs to the material with many pores of very small diameter, precisely containing pores with a diameter of 2 to 50 nm. Mostly Aergel is a bunch of bubbles that form a block with the appearance of gelatin. Bubbles are filled first with liquid, and then air.

The two most common types of aerogel are obtained from silicon and carbon. For example, silicone aerogel is 3 times heavier than air, but even if you evacuate the air that you have between pores, you are even easier than air. Since their properties are the most important of the airgels, let's talk about them.

Information about the material we use

Now, there are several materials on the liquid insulation market, such as (Noxudol 3100, Merkasol Sound Stop, Dinitrol, Stp Noiseliquidator, approximate antishe, etc.). We trust only Swedish quality and use Noxudol 3100.

Noxudol is an elastic, noisybro-insulating paste based on a water-soluble polymer. Due to the high plasticity, it prevents the occurrence of resonant frequencies and effectively absorbs the vibration of the acoustic range, due to the mutual movement of the layers of the absorbing material, which leads to the transformation of the mechanical energy of oscillations to heat. The coating from which noxudol does not have a large resistance in the forward direction, but in the opposite direction resistance is extremely large. Thanks to this, all oscillations are scattered, unwanted vibration and noise suspended. Thanks to these properties, Noxudol3100 is distinguished among all noise absorbing materials.

Material with lower density, usually 15 times heavier than air, although some can reach only 3 times more. Excellent warm - and sound insulation. It is capable of protecting 39 times more than the best fiberglass. In fact, its most common industrial use is to use as thermal insulation in buildings windows to avoid heat loss or cold.

High resistance to high and low temperatures. It can be placed to protect even from flame. Low refractive index, the lowest for solid. This property does not distort things when viewed through the aerogel. We should not confuse themselves with his appearance and its fragility. This material is able to maintain a thousand times its own weight, but the eye a little blow will break it, as it is very fragile.

Advantages of Noxudol 3100:

  • The material is made only in Sweden. Certified by the Swedish National Research Institute, in accordance with the standard SS-ENISO9001 and SS-ENISO14001.
  • Compared with mats has higher noise-absorbing properties with less weight.
  • Used in cars operated in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Finland), whose climatic conditions are very similar to the Russian
  • Compared to mats, has a higher noise absorption coefficient.
  • Low weight material, compared with bitumen mats. Your car will become weighing only 10-20 kg more.
  • Due to its plastic texture and application by spraying, the material can penetrate the hard-to-reach vehicles.
  • Prevents condensate on the applied surface.
  • Has high anti-corrosion and anti-agravain properties. It has high resistance to mechanical loads.
  • Environmentally friendly material that does not contain any harmful impurities.

Technology of applying liquid noise insulation.

  1. Neat disassembly of the salon. Within 4-8 hours, our masters carefully and carefully disassemble the salon. We are ready to sacrifice time in favor of accuracy.
  2. Careful inspection.After neat disassembly, our specialists carefully examine the surface for corrosion, serious contaminants, regular noise insulation
  3. Cleaning the surface. First of all, we remove dry garbage and dust. Then:
    1. In case of detection of serious contaminants and corrosion, we renounce the surface, and then we clean the surface with the grinding machine. The process is carried out as long as we do not get the perfect surface.
    2. In case of detection of regular noise insulation, we primarily inspect its condition. In the event that noisebroisolation lost its properties, it became a flabby - we consider it. In the event that noise insulation from moisture-absorbing material - we also consider this material.
  4. Degreasing the surface. This stage is needed both when applying solid and liquid noise insulation. It depends on how well the material with the surface of the car is "grab".
  5. Polyethylene film.In the cabin there are some details for which the liquid noise insulation is not worth it at all. It can be wires, elements are not entirely desirable for processing.
  6. Applying the first layer of noise insulation. There are several methods for applying liquid noise insulation. We use a deposition method. Thanks to him, noise insulation is applied evenly and falls almost in any place
  7. Drying a car.We drip under a special stove. Within 2-6 hours, the coating dries out and becomes the color "coffee with milk"
  8. Applying the second layer of noise insulation. We carry out this operation like the first layer. Apply the material only after drying the first layer
  9. Drying a car.
  10. Neat salon assembly. As well as disassembly, this process We perform very carefully.
  11. Check car master.Mandatory validation of fasteners, details of the car master.
  12. Car wash.The machine must be supplied to the client in its pure form. We remove pasting, "blots" from the material, send a car to our car wash.

Automakers To express yourself as the best, seek to reduce the cost of vehicles. Moreover, they save on sound insulation of the body, and our motorists suffer because of an increased level of noise in the car.

Aergel of translucent type allows you to enter solar radiation, but prevents heat leakage, as in the case of crystals. Excellent ability to absorb liquids compared with current materials that can absorb only 10 times more of their own weight, this material can absorb 900 times more of its own weight. It can be a very good material for processing oil spills in the sea.

The worst property of the Aergel is that it is a very fragile material, that is, it breaks, giving him a blow very easily. Aergel, hitting it, becomes almost sand. Some solutions to this problem already exist. One of them is to throw away the liquid aerogel around the blanket made of polyester fiber. This blanket serves as a skeleton of Aergel, when it solidifies and makes it less fragile. This is called "Aergel cloth".

Increased noise into the cabin comes from the working engine, and from the movement of the wheels along the road. Well, if it appears not as a result of a malfunction. It can hide the best noise insulating materials. For sound insulation, bitoplast or isotone, installed in the cabin of the car under the trim, are most often applied.

The procedure itself is quite time-consuming, requires full disassembly of the car. Working with rolled or sheet material is very painstaking and long-term, because you need to properly carve the required size. Initially, the pattern will be done, and the insulating material is cut on it. To handle the whole car - may take almost a week. In addition, such an operation is driving a car, and this adversely affects specifications car.

Let's consider two examples of the properties of the Aergel. In the following figure, we see the hand on dry ice at -78 degrees Celsius, just like the temperature of Mars. What problem will we have if we put it right on dry ice? Well, we burn hands because of the cold ice cold. But if we place the fabric from the aerogel between dry ice and hand, we could get it while we wanted, because of its large thermal insulation to the cold. The same happens with a flame, we would not burn because of its big isolation from heat.

The answer is very simple: he is very expensive and expensive in the manufacture. Perhaps over time, new forms of production will be investigated with more affordable prices, but at the moment it is very expensive. Let's see how Aergel is produced. It is part of the gelatin substance, partly solid and partially liquid. The solid part is the thin chains of silicon dioxide, surrounded by alcohol, which is liquid.

But there is another way to reduce the appearance of noise in the cabin. For hidden body cavities, liquid noise insulation is used. In addition to the tangible reduction in the noise level in the cabin, it receives additional anti-corrosion processing. This is a great solution. After all, when gravel or stones in the wheeled arches or on the bottom of the car, the sounds are absorbed. To do this, apply mastic (wax or bitumen), resistant temperature-resistant temperatures and to the effects of chemical reagents, especially in the winter season. From the point of view of ecology, the liquid soundproofing of the machine is not dangerous for nature and the human body.

To dry the gel contained in it, the alcohol is replaced by liquid carbon dioxide under high pressure. Now we lower the temperature, and carbon dioxide turns into a gas, evaporating and leaving behind small air capsules, a thousand times thinner than the spider fabric.

For the production of airgels, a silicon-based gel is first made, as we have seen, but silicon can be replaced by carbon, titanium, among others, to change properties. Types of aerogels depend on silicon replacement as the basis for other substances, which makes them various properties.

With new developments in the chemical industry, motorists have become available new Noise Isolation Auto liquid rubber or already known mastic.

Methods of application

There are two ways of applying liquid rubber or mastic that allow you to improve machine insulation.

I Method. A primer is applied to the treated surface. The next layer is noise insulating material.

Currently, various types of aerogels can be made using silica, aluminum oxide, chromium oxide, tin or carbon. Each of these different types of airgels offers unique properties that may include electrical conductivity, elastic return end, catalytic functions, photoluminescence, water repulsion and oil absorption and much more.

Use and possible use of Aergel. Material for waste disposal, such as oil spots in the sea. There is an aerogel designed to absorb lead and mercury from the water. There are airgels based on titanium 2 mm thick, which can stop the bullet. It is checked on a bomb and explosive decks and armor, as well as on military vehicles.

II way. The processed surface is degreasing. Applied layer of mastic.

For any method of processing the application of one layer of noise insulating material will not be enough.

Liquid noise insulation of the floor in the cabin of the car is one of the most excellent options Reducing noise background while driving. The bottom processing of the bottom with bitumen or wax insulating material makes it possible to feel comfort in the car's cabin.

Heat insulation and noise in windows and walls. Anti-reflective coatings. Clothing with aerogel and insoles in climbing shoes have already been made. Containers for fuel of very light spacecraft. Also, the plates cover the vessel and withstand high input temperatures into the atmosphere.

Pigments for the ink of the printer. Component of toothpaste. Yes, yes, it seems strange, but it is. Replacing paper in speaker cones. Insulating gaskets to protect users from heat laptops. The vessels, which, after the fault, dissolve in water and do not pollute, because they are mostly sand.

But, only choosing liquid rubber for processing, you understand all the advantages that gives such liquid noise insulation of the bottom of the car body. One of them is the ability to process the parts of the body, to which it used to be quite difficult to get. Liquid rubber will be treated and a problem "tunnel", protecting the cardan shaft passing in it. The partition between the passenger compartment and the engine compartment is also available during the liquid soundproofing of the car. Such accessibility provides the tip of the "rubbing complex".

Probably, thanks to its incredible properties, and as soon as the production process reduces costs, many other applications will appear. To finish, we leave you a very interesting video with a resume Aergel. Acoustic foam for acoustic and thermal insulation in vehicles Most traditionalists tend to resort to proven methods.

Acoustic foam for acoustic and thermal insulation in vehicles

Acoustic and thermal insulation of vehicles. More traditional people tend to resort to proven methods. The main material is covered with a microporphorized sheet, which allows the sound to absorb, but, in turn, effectively prevents dirt or liquids. Additional advantage: Laminated surface is easily cleaned. In addition, the rhomboidal structure emphasizes an attractive visual aspect. Easily cut off the cutter.

This noise insulating material is applied by spraying under high pressure. Everything leaves a maximum of 3 hours.

Applying soundproofing material

Why is it necessary to start applying a noise insulating liquid tool, consider below.

If the first layer is used primer, then it needs time for graze. On a wet and sticky surface, any noise insulating material is impossible. The layer of mastic or liquid rubber is uniformly applied. Only then noise insulation will be effective.

If you want to go back or remove

Check the product and its packaging during delivery. The product and its packaging should be in the same condition in which you received it. That is: in the original packaging, full, unused, without arming, with catalogs, manuals and all of its parts. It represents a payment strip if you don't have it, you can request it in the store. The predicted polyurethane is an excellent material used in thermal insulation. It has a low density and closed cell structure, which ensures the smallest thermal value of isolated materials commonly used in construction.

At the joints, the process of applying sound insulation fluid is repeated. The only difference lies in the degreasing surface with a pulverizer, as such surfaces are not possible to overload. In the narrow cavities of the car, the degreasing agent is injected. Then requires time to evaporate the fluid. It is worth remembering that without free movement of air, the liquid will evaporate much longer than on other surfaces.

This allows you to meet the requirements of the thermal insulation of the building code with the minimum thickness. This insulating capacity is supported throughout the service life of the building. Get a layer without joints or thermal bridges, which is hermetically combined with it, applying it to a clean and dry surface of any type.

Obtaining a projected polyurethane. From liquid components - polyol and isocyanate. When they are thoroughly mixed, an exothermic chemical reaction forming a foam occurs after a few moments. Slightly hardens, forming a thermoplastic synthetic material of the cellular structure with a percentage of more than 90% of closed cells.

And you can finish liquid noise insulation of the machine.

Attention! Specialists in body work They advise after stripping the arched surfaces and the bottom of the car from the traces of the mud, to process the entire surface of the shallow emery paper. Perform this preparatory procedure before degreasing. Then the mixture for primer will be distributed on the plane more evenly.

Machine-building equipment installed in vehicle, the components are injected at the corresponding temperature, dosage and pressure on the mixer, which sprayed them together on the surface coated. He does not create mushrooms and does not attack rodents.

New rules indicate that the materials will be discussed in the "final use conditions", that is, since they will be established in reality. That is, after partition - metal plate, plasterboard or other finishing element. Advantages of the design of polyurethane. This is the most insulating material that exists. Its thermal conductivity coefficient is the lowest of all insulating materials. With an equal thickness, we obtain more thermal resistance and, therefore, a large isolation.

Advantages of using liquid rubber

Motorists gave a positive assessment to another advantage of using liquid rubber as a noise insulating material on problem places Auto - bottom and wheeled arches. On the colored planes, the liquid rubber performs the safety function - protects the bottom from small pebbles from the wheels. Riding the speed and softening the blow, this layer will not allow to destroy the paint and the ground, will prevent the appearance of an open section of the metal and, accordingly, the development of corrosion.

Its great lightness and speed of use. When pumping out of the truck outside, it does not require work or occupies space with bulky materials. Compact possible air gaps and air intakes. Waterproof the wall of external dampness, which can penetrate the capillary of work. There is no need for the inner plaster of the walls of the wall. It is considered a solid waterproof coating. Polyurethane foam itself is quite resistant to the effects of water vapor not to require vaporizolation under normal conditions.

Liquid car soundproofing is very suitable for owners modern machines. The body will be enhanced, complicated. They appear increasingly hard-to-reach places, which means it is increasingly harder to improve the soundproofing of the car with the old way.

Soundproofing car salon

It is impossible to discount the soundproofing of the car itself, and not just the bottom.

After all, liquid noise insulation in the car is only the bottom and the arches will not be able to completely get rid of noise in the cabin, but only reduce its manifestations. Many motorists perform integrated sound insulation of the bottom, doors and other parts of the body. If you take care of this, you can get much more positive: a decrease to a minimum of structural noise; reduction of external noise during movement; Improving acoustics in the car; Lack of rubbing.

Professionals are recommended to perform complete noise insulation of the car - using a liquid and porous noise insulating material. Liquid rubber used for auto insulation, perfectly fill the slots on the joints of the porous material and will provide excellent protection against annoying and distracting noise accompanying the movement of the car.

We decided to carry out noise insulation of the car with your own hands? It will not be superfluous to apply for recommendations to specialists. This will help in the process of working to avoid many mistakes and inconvenience.

  • Before disassembling the salon, you can fix the bolts on the details with the help of a tape. In this case, the assembly will pass much faster, because everything will be in place and nothing is lost;
  • noise-insulating materials must be applied evenly, without voids and spaces. Otherwise, all the work will pass for a gift and good noise insulation will not succeed;
  • disassembly and assembly is best done with the assistant. Especially during dismantling chairs and wheels.

On this video you can see how to perform liquid noise insulation of wheel arches alone:

Are you afraid of the upcoming troubles? Are you afraid that you will not cope with such work? Or simply not enough persistence to perform all stages? Specialists for a hundred will do everything for you. But this procedure can do in a round sum. Do not be afraid of an unknown, liquid noise insulation of the car is fully implemented. It is always worth keeping in mind that the lack of noise noise in the cabin during the trip is comfortable with your own hands for loved ones.

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