Kazka Fox and Vovk.


Golovna Analysis and significance of the folk tale in the application of the RNS “Little Fox - Little Sister and Little Wolf” for children’s reading
Zhmurenko Olena Mikolaivna, teacher of MBDOU d/r No. 18 “Ship”, Rozvilka village, Leninsky district, Moscow region.
This material is addressed to teachers of the kindergarten, teachers of cob classes, and also to any fathers involved in the organization of children's reading.
The significance of the Russian folk tale in the process of developing and developing the child’s specialness is undeniable; for the children born and raised in the minds of the world, it is even more relevant - the child does not know, obviously, what it means “threshing floor”, “susikki”, “forest” ", "rags" is something that is not familiar with the elements of rural life.
Cossacks are a kind of moral code for the people, and the main characters of the Cossacks are a model of human behavior in reality.

Literary and mystical analysis of works (Kazkas)

1. Name of the work, genre (type for kazki) (author for author’s works)
2. Topic (about whom, what - the main ideas)
3. Idea (for what purpose, for what purpose)
4. Characteristics of goals.
heroes (quotes from the text)
5. Artistic integrity of the creative work (features of composition, adopted methods of depiction, characteristics of the movie - application to the text)

6. Symbols - meaning in work with children

Analysis of the RNS “Fox - sister and gray wolf.” By genre:
“Fox - Sister and Gray Wolf” is a Russian folk tale about wild creatures. Kazka theme:
This story talks about intelligence and stupidity, about cunning and straightforwardness, about good and evil, about kindness and greed. The idea of ​​a kazka : Kazka in vidrіznyaty good vid, to talk about those, they are far from viburny і ultraships of Varto rumored to say about those, they didn’t hot without special zusil, not the time of the naval -navigable noble - the founded man. For reach
good results It’s not good to deceive, you need to try and work hard to achieve your goal.
The main characters of the tale
- this little fox is a sister and a gray wolf.
Foxy sister:
- cunning shakhray, deceiver: 1).
“Lie as if dead”;
“Oh, brother,” like a fox-sister, “you’re bleeding, but I’m sick, I’m sicker than you;
I’m trudging along.”;
- Smart, smart, villainous: “... The fox chose an hour and began to lightly throw everything out of the cart, one by one, one by one, all by one by one.
She threw out all the fish and went on her own.”;
Order ("Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman"), exposition ("A grandfather and a woman: “You, woman, bake pies, and I will harness the sleigh, then I will go after the fish.” Having caught fish, I’ll bring a whole load home”), tie ("And the fox chose an hour and began to throw everything lightly from the cart, everything according to the fish and according to the fish, everything according to the fish and according to the fish. She threw all the fish and went herself. : The fox has three episodes (three plot motives) - "The fox steals the fish sleigh", "Vovk bilya polonki", "Save the beat of the unbeaten."), climax ("It's early morning. The women went to the polling station for water, called Vovk and shouted: "Vovk, Vovk! Beat him!" sister, yes!") .
Animism(the creature looks and behaves like a creature, but he can’t think, he thinks, he worries), for example, 1. “And the little fox runs next to the wolf and says: “Clear, clear stars in the sky!”
Freeze, freeze, wolf’s tail!”; 2. “How many fish have landed!”
- Vovk thinks. - And don’t be a fool!” Anthropomorphism
(population), for example, “What are you doing there, little fox?”- Vovk asks.

“I’m helping you, jigu, - I say: catch, fish, and even more!” The tale is written in a popular way with short dialogues between the characters.

Old words are being wikipedaled:

anyway, profit, matting, eka, yoke, dizhka.

Vona called the crane to her.

Then she ate all the porridge herself.

The fox was pleased and I think she was excited to eat at the crane’s house.

The crane became hungry.

You are planning to ask the fox to come to your guest.

After preparing the okroshka and pouring it into a thin loaf.

The crane took revenge on the fox;

And they often fall for her, either through garne khutro or through her robber activity.

There's the kindest of myslyvets - sneaky, cunning, silent.

Their victims are hares, horsetails, mice, snowflakes, fish, grass beetles, young roes, as well as their own birds and hatched eggs.

Because she often climbed the hens, the rulers of their birds did not like her.

Therefore, among the people, the fox has emerged as an image of a secretive villainess.

Nicknames for foxes among Kazakhs

  • Among the Cossacks, the fox is painted with perfect beauty through its luxurious ore coat. And, regardless of the character’s negativity, they often affectionately call him “kumanets” or “sister.”
  • Similar connections exist with the other anti-hero of the fairy tales - with other creatures that can, however, be fooled. And another change of mind is a nickname - a sly female image that has become popular among the people.
  • It is cunning and bitter in the tongue of a gossip or susidka, who was in the village of the skin, to soothe the coronavirus and achieve her own goals. In one of the Russian fairy tales, the foxes give birth to them - Patrikeevna.
  • The honor of the woman is above all, and the honor of the priest of Novgorod, Prince Patrikey Narimantovich.і He became famous among the people as a cunning and unscrupulous manager who manipulates people and makes money in dishonest ways. The image of a fox from folk tales
  • In the skin of the Cossacks, specific chanterelle rice can be seen. Rarely does she act as a victim.
  • Basically a ceremonial deceiver and a shahrai:"Fox and Crane"
  • depicts duplicity - outward good-naturedness and hospitality, which is sensitive to other people's needs and desires;“Sister Fox and Vovk”

shows the adventurism of the feverish, her knack for blasphemy and gawking, the hypocrisy of instilling in her brothers-in-arms;

"The Fox is a Confidence"

- the image of the ore heroine emphasizes approachability and vindictiveness;

The old man was on his way from fishing, rapping a dead fox in the morning.

You are glad that you will return home not only with food, but also with a gift from your friend.

The old man put the fox on the cart, and he himself walked in front.

And the fox threw all the fish onto the road and it flowed in.

The old man, not suspecting anything, arrived home, but did not see any fish or fox.

He realized that he had been outwitted, but it was already too late.

How the Wolf trusted the fox

  • And the fox sits and caresses the fish.
  • The hungry wolf, who ran by, asked for some food, and the fox replied: “Go and catch it yourself.”
  • The fox wanted to get in touch with the wolf.

She pleased him to sing and tuck his tail into the shell, then sit longer so that the fish stuck to it.

Vovk trusted the fox and did as she said until his tail froze completely.

Vovk was attacked by people who had come to the reservoir to draw water and beaten.

The wine flows in, and the frozen tail comes out. Don't bother the fox

Vovk wants to catch up with the fox in order to read it again, through his gullibility, having been found out.

The fox wanted to take a walk in the village and stuck her head in the dough.

The heroine of the rich Russian fairy tales took after her father’s name Patrikey, which has an ancient root: Greek patricos - “father”, Latin patricius - “gentry”.

Also, people were given a lot of honor.


Creatures can be seen as samples that fall into the people's world (including people - who are also the world, the microcosm).

On one side, between the hare and the hare - checking the liquidity, spiciness, winefulness;

with Vovk - sweetness and decisiveness;

with the Bear - the resistance of strength: with the Fox - accessibility, cunning and boasting.

The moral is obvious: going through copper pipes is the most important thing, and at the cost of the greatest threat to the tried light, great and small.

If you look at the plot from the perspective of the psychology of creativity, then the song Koloboka, sung to the Hare, is a creative move, the first evidence of the hero’s actions, which turns out to be successful.

Vikoristannya yogo suddenly - under the hour of contact with Vovk - reinforcement to the truth, thirdly - fixation of a stereotype.

Also, the sustrich from the Fox can also be seen as malicious stereotypical behavior.

Kazka: Vovk and the fox

A tale about a cunning fox who tricked a yak into a servant.

The she-wolf called to the fox in her kumi, singing to everyone that the fox would help her in life.

The wise fox, having quickly set up camp, outwitted the shepherd, and turned the situation to her advantage.

Kazka: Fox and kin

The Lord drove the old horse out of the house, saying that such an old and German horse is not needed by you, and that you will bring your strength, bringing you to the left, and take him back.

After believing for a long time, the fox finally told her about his grief.

The fox took pity on the horse and asked to help her.

After which the leva fooled her with her cunning and turned her horse home.

Kazka: The yak fox outwitted the lion

The Kazka watches for the strong to attack the weak.

As if the fox had gotten angry, became hungry and was so angry with him that she wanted to cheat on him.

Having outwitted the left and lured him into the herd, the fox taught him a lesson and made everyone afraid and respectful.

Kazka: Vovk, that fox dog

A tale about how a fox, through carelessness, was ruined to death.

In order to get out of the well, the fox deceives the wolf and, by fighting herself, destroys the wolf.

Otherwise, the dog will catch the fox, hoping to punish the fox for its deceitful and cunning nature.

Kazka: Yak kit walked with foxes choboti kupuvati

At this place, the kitty had to bathe their boots in the place and rub the fox at the paw.

The kitten quickly became the fox's greed, and thus wasted his life.

But the fox could not run into the cat with her image, and thereby brought harm to herself and her homeland.

Kazka: How the fox began to fly
A story about how a crane tried to fly a fox, but nothing happened.
Kazka: The yak fox sewed a fur coat for Vova
The bad wolf asked the cunning fox to sew his fur coat.
Look at the end,
I'll give you some peas.

This girl has a bad smell under the fox's licorious rinses, which fell on her paw, and she carried him home.

Once again, the cat called for help, fighting him against the evil fox.

As if the cat had turned home, but there was no bird in the house.

Then they go to the fox, and they cunningly twist their way to death.

Kazka: Lion, Vovk and fox

This little fox sensed that the wolf was begging for her left.

She began to hide behind herself, and the wolf over there tried to use her cunning.

Kazka: Fox

There is no peace in the forest for the animals like the fox.

And they became angry with the fox, the hedgehog, the woodpecker and the crow.
Let's get the stinks out of the forest.
And the fox slept peacefully, and it seemed to her that her man was killing her.
Without being able to see what was on the right, she ran from the flock back out of the forest.
Kazka: Fox-sister and Vovk-buddy
Having caught some fish, you are on your way home.
The fox is lying dead on the road.
- I, tail, through the stumps, through the bushes, through the logs, I spit and ran with respect for you.
The fox got angry at the tail and stuck it out of the hole:
- Wait, dogs, my tail!
The dogs grabbed the fox by the tail and pulled it out of the hole.

Kazka: Woodpecker, fox and crow

The fox began to grab the woodpecker's chicks.

The woodpecker scolded and scolded, but could do nothing.

Then I caught the old crow, and she taught him how to catch a fox.

When the fox found out that the crow had killed the woodpecker, he wanted to take revenge on the crow.

The crow was wiser than the fox, and was able to dodge the cunning fox.

Kazka: The Fox and the Crane
The fox and the crane were chatting.
The fox asked the guest for a crane.

I cooked some semolina porridge and spread it on a plate.
The crane knocked and knocked on the plate with its nose, but didn’t get anything.
And by this time the fox had eaten all the porridge herself.
The next day, asking the crane and the fox to come as a guest.
Prepare crane okroshka and pour it into glazes with a thin neck.
The fox didn’t get wet, and its muzzle couldn’t get through the gleam.

And the crane pecks at the honey beetroot with its long nose and praises its savory fruits.

As it went, so it went!

From that moment on, the friendship between the fox and the crane ended.

Kazka: Fox, go get that stump