Shiny Triangle virobnik country. Shiny Triangle - garna yak_st і low vartist. Tire Triangle PS01

Triangle has been manufacturing car tires for a long time. Її іstorіya began in 1976. For the whole hour, the variety of all models has significantly improved, and new ones have also appeared. What is the Triangle virobnik? What tire vibrates is this company? How are Triangle tires recommended for cars? Let's talk about it below.

About company

Triangle is based in China. He has close to 5.5 thousand followers. The company supplies car tires not only to its own country, but also sends them for export. Triangle's main products are shipped to Australia, USA, Europe and Russia. A wealth of technologies are similar to those found in Goodyear. However, the quality of finished tires is significantly lower, lower than that of the brand.

The pressures of the undertaking are growing in order to get close to 10 million tires for a river. At the same time, the quality of their zavzhd is left on high. This is confirmed by the company's sound position. Tires are used for the help of current possession, and natural rubber enters the warehouse of many models.

All tires before being sent to the stores or other times, they must undergo a shoe recheck. The stench may have good quality certificates. Also, the products have been re-tested in Russia, and now they are certified here. In total, over 155 tire options are presented in the model range. The stench worries about the worlds and powers.

Tire description Triangle TR968

This model is recognized for cars with a hard engine. How can I judge the Triangle TR968 tires for cars?

The model is given in view of other and less specific features, and itself:

  • The protector's little one looks like the letter V. Zavdyaks to whom they will be safe from opir kochenny and vіdvedennya vologa.
  • The late rib in the center guarantees exchange rate stability.
  • The drainage system is a featureless grooves. It is effective to show the volog when hitting the kaluzha or else the surface of the volog.
  • The chasm allows more drastic maneuvers without the risk of entry. So it’s poglenaє hit when you hit on the nervousness.

Reviews about the Triangle tires of this model confirm that all powers are taken in practice, and not only in theory.

Tires Triangle TR292

Qi tires are designated exclusively for operation at positive temperatures. Virobnik recommends installing them on post-seasons and crossovers. Tires are ideal for transferring on the road and on the road.

In order for the tires to be driven by such authorities, fakhivtsy buv changes in the little treads and 2 gumi balls. All copies will undergo a re-check and only after that they will be sent to the custodian. Risk of buying defective tires. Testimonials about Triangle tires confirm the information.

Tire Triangle TR652

This model is recognized for fittings of small roses. Їх operation is insured on any type of road. These tires can provide a safe operation with an ideal exchange rate. For this fahіvtsy it was necessary to change the little tread and the carcass of the structure. All copies of the tires are seriously checked before the administration of the concierge.

Through those who create a lot of small vantazhivok more, lower passenger cars, tires are supported by colossal vantazhennyam. In order for the Triangle TR652 tires to be able to show off their carcass, putting on additional stiffness. With which tire, it is important not to miss. A lot of motorists, giving advice about Triangle tires, indicate that this model ensures the minimum galvanic path and the preservation of power at high speed.

On the little tread in the center of the tread is a double row of blocks. The stench is represented by a late rib and ensures exchange rate stability. On the frontal part, the blocks guarantee the safety of the connection with the road with the help of maneuvers. Also, the number of thefts from the poshkodzhen poshkodzhenim warehouse gumi. Drainage system ensures efficient water supply under the hour. The slats on the blocks provide additional elements of power. Tips about Triangle summer tires to get information about those that stink more than a stіykі to the effect of aquaplaning.

Description Gumi Triangle TR257

This model is recognized for passenger cars in the summer period. Rozrobka prikryshok conducted vіdnosno recently. As a result, new technologies were introduced. Warehouse gumi buv pіdіbrany specially in order to secure the ideal connection with the road and zbіshiti resource.

The little tread ensures exchange rate stability, for which reason the car has become more transferable. Drainage grooves guarantee the most efficient and smooth water penetration from the surface of the tires. Zavdyaks tsomu on dry and watery pokritti tire zdatnі zabezpechuvat vіdminnі zchіpnі authorities. Bіchna chastina maє impersonal blocіv. For the wind of the passage of the turn, now you are more impressed.

Before the cob of mass release of this model, it went through an impersonal testing. The indicators were out of sight. There are positive things to say about Triangle tires for the summer.

Tires Triangle TR258

Tires TR258 are recommended for installation under crossovers and crossovers, including for the summer period. The stench exudes high brightness and low grade.

On the little tread there are 3 posterior ribs. The stench will ensure the effective examination of water from the surface. The tires are resistant to the effect of aquaplaning. A lot of motorists, flooding the information about Triangle tires, indicate that the authorities are taking care of driving for an hour.

Tire Triangle TR646

These tires are all-weather and are recommended before installation in a minibus and fittings of small sizes. Bagato Vlasnikov "Gazelles" install their own model. Vaughn maє miraculous power and equalized low rank.

Warehouse of gums is specially divided in order to increase the resource of tires and secure the most efficient connection with the road. Also, to ensure the security of the authorities, a little protector was changed behind the rahunok. Tse confirm the opinions about Triangle tires, the country-manufacturer of such - China.

Description Triangle TR928 tires

This model is recognized for cars with a hard engine. The little tread here is covered in such a way that you can ensure exchange rate stability and efficient introduction of water. The bichna part guarantees a transverse connection with the road.

Description Gumi Triangle TSH11

The tires are designated for the summer period. Virobnik recommends its installation on a car with a hard engine, independent of the class.

Tire Triangle TR246

This model is recognized for crossovers and post-seasons. On the tread, you can see the most bending blocks, for which, without special problems, you can fix the unevenness of off-road. Also, the protector and yogo grooves are used to protect the water and the mud, so the connection with the road pavement is always left on high.

Tire Triangle TR777

These tires are recognized for the operation of cars in return. The stench is reminiscent of low rank and high authority and characteristics. Cars that are flooded with warnings about Triangle winter tires of these models, indicate that on any type of road the stench is as smooth as possible and allow sharp maneuvers.

Description Triangle PL01

Winter tires of this model are best installed in passenger cars of medium sizes. The model was developed for the regions, where you can use the most efficient way to operate.

Tire Triangle PS01

Tires for winter operation PS01 were developed specifically for passenger cars. Warehouse gumi and protector ensure the vіdminnі zchіpnі power and other characteristics.

Guma Triangle TR757

Dana Zimova model is recognized for passenger cars. The protector here is symmetrical and straight, for which the effective windings of the water and snow are ensured, and also a perfect connection with any type of road is guaranteed.

Tires Triangle TR767

This model is assigned to commercial cars of small size. Tires have proven themselves well in the minds of the advanced foldability of exploitation. So stink vodіyut zbіlshenim resource. The tires are not equipped with spikes, but all the same, they can be fixed on the road.


Tires Triangle - tse miracle choice for motorists, like you need yakіsnі tires for low varіstyu. So, we looked at the reviews about the Triangle tire builder. As a rule, motor vehicles indicate that the products of this enterprise of Volodya are three factors - superiority, safety and longevity.

A lot of vlasnikov tires are hardening, that the tires are already in operation for the third or fourth season, but the stench is still in excellent condition. And the very nuance to rob them is even more addictive.

As he named Triangle Product Manager Zhong Sheng at the SEMA show, “in order to achieve the status of a global company, we should better honor our dealers for the increase in presence, fill in the gaps in the assortment for additional products tire lines for poshlyahoviks and pickups.

"The new model naming system and two new tires are introduced at this show to clearly demonstrate Triangle's strategy for the passenger and commercial tire segments," added Jenner Powell, vice president of marketing at Triangle. - A new leather product in these segments will be released under a sub-brand, so that customers can easily determine their position. Let's hope that our clients evaluate the transition from the choice of strategy to real actions in terms of implementation.

The first two tires to be released prior to the new system were the Triangle Sportex UHP tires, as well as the Triangle Protract, which lie down to the lower market segment. Tire issues were developed jointly with A3T - launched in Akron (Ohio, USA) in 2011 by the Triangle technology center, which in 2015 will work on 29 great projects. The launch of tires on the market will be accompanied by the launch of advertising campaigns, targeting both dealers and finalists.

Triangle Sportex, Yakі come to change the model, mayut optimized flame contact and large blocks for polished keratinization on dry pavement, as well as three main central and additional transverse grooves for increased adhesion on wet pavement. Crimson, asymmetric little with additional tread pattern and special design elements to reduce noise.

In the other half of 2015, 21 roses will appear on the market, and in 2016 there will be 13 more. and Skhіdna Asia, as well as Australia.

Other novelty - Triangle Protract- bula razrobleny z zastosuvannyam modern technologies of computer modeling, scho allowed to reduce opіr kochennyu. Krіm tsgogo, yak zazayut in the company, the tires are changed by a change in equal noise - to wind in a worn-out camp, and the whole later ribs improve the wear resistance and keratinization.

Triangle Protract will be on sale in 2015 in 25 sizes, and in 2016 the line will increase to 33 sizes with a diameter of 13 to 17 inches. The main markets are: Pivnichna and Pivdenna America, Europe and China. Change the tires for the model range.

In Las Vegas, Triangle also announced that they have formed a new business venture with Oriente Triangle Latin America, Triangle's tire distributor in Latin America. Triangle will hold a 70% stake in the new joint venture, Triangle Tire North America (TTNA), as it will become the Chinese brand's main tire distributor in the US.

At the SEMA press conference, Oriente Triangle CEO Gustavo Lima said, “We are honored to have Triangle as our partner in the Successful States market. The reason for this decision is that the company can provide its American American customers with high level of service and free access to all necessary information, including about actual measurements, conducted tests, etc. You want to make sure that distribution and promotion of the brand are as efficient as possible, and that Triangle focuses on what it is at the same time.”

Mr. Lima also added that the new company will be based at the Oriente Triangle office in Miami, but will change after the president is announced. As soon as it is cleared, the warehouse management of the company will be appointed until September 2015. “American joint ventures will be enchanted by American managers of the highest equals,” said Mr. Lima. - We already talked with the kіlkom candidates, and jokes are still troubling.

The distribution program will be broken up by Triangle's core business and managers of the new company. “Nayavnі pleasing will vykonuvatisya, and at once the American market is divided into three zones. The new program will be created and implemented in 2015 rotation. It is planned that the first tires in the warehouses of the new company will appear in the fierce offensive fate.

The drive of the one, the yaki ditches of the product plan to realize in the regions in 2015 Rotsі, pan Lim Zobnazchiv, the bugato in the same way, the result is the result of the roslice of the America. virobnitstv. As a matter of fact, a decision on this matter will be made by September 20, 2015.

“Obviously, let the hammer go down, and in the fallow, we will expand the strategy for the future, - rozpovіv vin. - We already have strong lines of vintage, trailer and OTR tires, and we are concentrating on these segments, so there will be more imports of tires for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. We have come to the global market for a long time, and we may want to build Triangle as a premium Chinese brand.”

Even more often, before the production of Chinese brewers, there is a lot of people to be skeptical, respecting її insufficiently sour and superfluous. So, the Chinese tires Triangle might be nayriznomanіtnіshі - they are sharply negative to overwhelmed. What is special about tsієї gumi and chi varto її choose? Let's try to get to know each other.

Potuzha technological base

In fact, the tire concern Triangle is one of the largest in China, and it is also technologically advanced. What can I say, as if the robot of the company has a lot of control and supports the Chinese order. For the river, the concern produces anonymous models of tires for the various transport needs themselves, as they are sold all over the world in great circulations. To come out, that Triangle tires, tips about yaks do not make the best, really, with a lot of respect and for their quality, they do not compromise with the rich analogues that are released in the world.

What are the specialties?

For starters, it means that Triangle manufactures not only winter, but summer and winter tires for passenger cars, which are important to drive more actively. Obviously, the tires can easily cope with any road wits and changes, both on concrete pavement and on asphalt. In addition, Triangle Group's tires are expected to be positive and good for a stable behavior, inspire when looking for a place.

Fahіvtsі vіdznayut, scho navіt for the creation of gumovoї sumіshi vikoristovuєtsya material with a special warehouse. As a result, tires, created on the basis of such a sum, show good adhesion with ice or deep snow. In sum, add special polymeric components, for which the elasticity of the tires can be wound at even low temperatures.

little tread

For most motorists, such a parameter, like a baby projector, plays an important role. The original Triangle tire in every way. Reviews contain information about those that the presence of a V-shaped visor allows, when wrapping the wheel, to create its own anti-snow wedge, which can easily cope with deep snow porridge in a wedge, for example. In addition, such a little one will succumb to the fact that hydroplaning is turned off.

On the central part of the tread there is a rib with uneven edges and grooves. The edges of the rib of the tire are wound with optimal course stability on high speeds. The grooves are ripped in a chaotic order, so water and snowy porridge come out of the tires. The effect can be reached and caused by the fact that the tires ensure a safe grip and allow the machine to show maneuverability.

Options for summer

Summer gum at the Chinese concern is presented \u200b\u200b in a wide range. Whenever the Triangle company recommends summer tires, the tires themselves are different. For example, the TR928 model has a unique tread design, and the wheels show a smooth ride and a high level of safety. But, from the other side, it is obvious that on a wet road the car is unstable, we need to respect it.

Also, the TR918 tires are not so good in rainy weather, but they are no less affected by poor indicators of keratinization and stability when cornering at high speed. Guma TR257 is broken down from the stock of modern materials, and the term “exploitation” and “wear resistance” are great.

Plenty of options to choose tires Triangle TR968. The opinions about them are good, moreover, they are distinguished by such vivacity, like sportiness and deak aggressiveness. To the storehouse of the sum of the summish sum of the silicone, which in modern times has an innovative design and accepts that which is connected with the expensive vіdmіnne, that exchange rate stability is on high. Vіdnachayut water and such a positive moment, like the superiority of galmіvnih characteristics on whether it's wet or dry.

At bagatioh vіdgukah it is clear that the design of the tire is optimized, and the flangeless hybrid carcass helps to reduce the level of outside and internal noise. And tse means that you will be satisfied with the car.


As you can see, the reviews about Triangle tires are rather rich, and all the stench is different. And it’s better not to talk about those who stink with drink from buyers. Chi stinks are suitable for your car - virishuvati you, even more smut - tse vivchiti technical characteristics of the gum and on the basis of the work of the visnovka.

Chinese Triangle tires are not leather Russian car enthusiasts about the quality of gum, and have tried more on their ride.

Reasons to do it simply - someone from the waters is on the alert for the unknown country and country-manufacturer, and who knows the priority of the products of the European brands and almost does not want about the budget counterparts.

From the statistic you know:

However, it’s quiet for a second thought, who came up with a set of tires from a Chinese company, buying something in order to respectfully admire these tires, improve their performance and technical performance.

Product benefits to the brand

Perevagi, not respecting the ignorance of the lack of confidence in the Chinese commodities, poev'yazanі first with a low price, and in a different way to get a great deal of rozroshok spіvrobіtnikіv vyrobnik company.

Tires Triangle appeared on the world market 36 years ago, as a tire maker for the Chinese auto industry.

Today, the company is successfully engaged in the production of tires of radial and diagonal construction for passenger cars, vans and buses, motor vehicles and special equipment, with a wide range of 4200 types of tires on the world market.

As one of the largest tire companies in the Middle Kingdom that can make a great story, Triangle Tire Co. Ltd koristuєtsya pіdtrimkoy order to China.

To improve the quality of tire releases, the only state laboratory in the whole country regularly checks the products of a Chinese company and gives recommendations on how to change the technology of tire production.

The company, which produces tires for passenger cars and sells them all over the world, settled down about 10 years ago, moreover, a lot of spivrobitniks in the company came to the company even though they had a good reputation in other tire concerns.

Often, for reasons of passenger car tires of the most popular Chinese brand, tires of the most popular manufacturers can be called as if they were technologically advanced.

According to the opinions of various experts, a Chinese company, tires for vintage cars are especially good - they are remarkably inexpensive, they do not make much noise, and they often fail budgetary tire sets.

Popular models

The average passenger car is one of the most popular Chinese brands, so the models with good characteristics in their own price category are the most popular. Vlasniki designate a sprat of models:

  • TR246- an all-weather kit for whatever the weather and whatever types of road surface (clay cream), which can have a universal symmetrical little tread.
  • TR787- all-weather gum with large checkers and a reinforced central tread zone, which gives the car heading stability when passing turns and driving on roads covered with snow porridge.
  • TR797- non-studded winter tires for vehicles with full drive, which are prepared by a tire mix with gum sum and special additives, which increase wear resistance and increase traction power on slimy surfaces.
  • - gum-velcro for especially cold areas with an arrow-shaped direction of the little tread, which allows the wheels to move only in one straight line.
  • TR757- studded winter gum with a directional tread, recognized for driving on asphalt roads. Direction of babies on the vіdmіnі їzdovі characteristics when wrapping kolіs in the sing straight line.
  • TR645- summer tires with a symmetrical "road" tread, which is considered universal and suitable for most cars, as an economical small car, as well as middle-class cars.
  • TR249- summer tires for all types of road surface with symmetrical aggressive little. Keep the edges of an unusual shape to make tires passable on dirt roads, which can be relevant for motorists, like looking out for a journey.
  • - one of the most popular summer models of the company, which is distributed in millions of copies. With its low varity, there are good indications of connection with the road and low density.

Advantages and shortcomings

Deyakі vlasniki tires vіdznayut low level of comfort and thickness of tires, in pairs with sets of European, Japanese and tire types. However, the low cost and high wear resistance of tires for rich buyers outweigh the shortfalls.

Today, Triangle tires did not take off the Russian market of great width. But the seriousness of the approach to the quality of the products and the pricing policy of the Chinese company's manufacturing company to talk about those who drink on these tires will only grow.

Triangle tires are one of the largest Chinese tires on the world stage. In 1994, the brand was introduced to the domestic market, and can rightly be considered one of the oldest representatives of the Middle Kingdom in the Russian tire business.

Technologies and range of Triangle tires

The Chinese brewer produces a wide range of tires:

  • for cars
  • for vintage cars
  • for important equipment

The passenger line is represented by \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200band winter tires for cars of the middle class, light fittings and cars with high traffic.

Vantazhna lin_yka Triangl proponuє huma for main tractors, self-skidding and universal vantagevoks, buses and trailers.

Triangle Group tires for important equipment can be used on mining excavators, vans and other important specialized equipment.

Triangle humi has a vicarious watery development, which is confirmed by hundreds of patents for products and dozens of patents for winemaking. All tires pass strict quality control in American, Chinese and European specialized services and departments.

Vintage and special tires Triangl have been tested and praised by great manufacturers of technology, such as Caterpillar and Volvo. Tire stiffness confirmed by Goodyear test results. On the official website of Triangle, the virobnik pressed copies of documents about the passing of the tires of the designated tests.

Triangle tires are actively vikorated by Russian industrial and transport enterprises. On the territory of China, the concern is the largest tire plant, and its products are installed on factory models of cars for over 50 manufacturers.

Popular models of Chinese tires Triangle

For a long time and mіtsno has gone into the activity of the Russian automobіlіst. Triangl, as the oldest of representations in this brand segment, has its own charmers and haters.

The first place, according to the demand of the middle coristuvachs in the linear summer gumi Triangle, was the model. You can buy tires for 1550 rubles on the Internet. Guma is available in sizes from the 14th to the 18th radius. Feedback about the model is overwhelmingly positive. Among the merits are the price, dry coating, low noise level, softness, sidewall damage, wear. The middle of a short period of time is called whistle in turns, good grip on wet roads.

Triangle tires are designed for operation on high speeds and vibrate in sizes from 16th to 24th radius. You can get this model for 1900 rubles on the Internet. The maximum varity of tires reaches 7400 rubles. In terms of performance of Triangle TR-968 tires, the price, wear resistance and sidewall thickness are named in the reviews. Before negative indications, hydroplaning and noise are considered. On high shvidkosts, the gum becomes unsafe.

Winter non-studded guma Triangle Group is carried out in sizes from 13 to 19 in diameter. You can buy gum Triangl ciєї models for 1400 rubles. For the advice of buyers, finish the tires quietly. I have a new price on the list of advantages for the first place. Supplement this change in snow and cold weather and bad behavior on dry asphalt. The list of shortcomings has a bad balance and an unpredictable behavior in a fluffy snow. For suvori winters, this model is not suitable.

You can buy the Chinese gum for light fittings Triangl in the 16th edition for an average price of 2500 rubles. For the advice of buyers, the model does not have a lot of shortcomings. Shini dosit m'yaki і chipki navit on snіgu.

You can see the Triangle in the middle of the zashlyahovyh models. The average price for a wheel is 3600 rubles. Behind the recommendations of the coristuvach tires of the given model, make it quiet for the tires of the increased throughput. Prior to the transfer, they also announced the price and bad running characteristics. Middle of a short period of bad balancing, a big tire, a high number of factory defects.

Triangle Tire Tips

Most of the buyers were satisfied with Triangl tires. However, there is a lot to say about the average shanuvalniks of serious brands, calling out the current characteristics of the Chinese gumi. It is impossible to say that the Triangle was set to the worst Chinese tires, but the stink is true to its price.

There is an indication of aquaplaning to the upper side of the tires. Here the “Chinese” strongly compromise their European brothers. Among the short tires - too large a number of factory defects, as well as filthy balancing. Deyakі avtovlasniki commemorated the appearance of cones during the first installation of gumi.

The price is the best and most important tire capacity Triangl. After a detailed analysis of the observations, it was possible to establish what the very indicator is seen during the purchase. The main characteristics of gum go to another plan for more coristuvachs. Indicators of galvanization and stability in corners can be seen as small tires, and softness and noise - up to dignity.

Pіdіb'єmo podbags, to the positive characteristics of Triangle tires can be seen:

  • bad running performance on dry pavement
  • softness
  • presence of acoustic effects
  • mitzna sidewall

Before the negative indications of the Gumi Triangle can be seen:

  • aquaplaning
  • factory defects
  • galmuvannya
  • bіchna stіykіst
  • balancing

Prices on Triangle tires

Triangle tires for a passenger car can be bought for 1200 rubles for the 13th radius. The average range of passenger car tires for cars of the middle class is 2200 rubles.

High quality models are sold for an average price of 3500 rubles. You can buy custom-made tires for 3600 rubles on average. At the same time, the minimum price in the warehouse is 2500 rubles for the 16th diameter, and the maximum is 6600 rubles for the 18th.

Winter huma Triangle without spikes will cost approximately 3000 rubles for the 17th radius. At the 13th rozmir, the tires will cost 1400 rubles. Spiked gum is sold at 1750 rubles for the 14th diameter. The maximum price of such tires reaches 4100 rubles for the 16th edition.

Tires Triangl were the first to occupy their segment on the Russian market. Today it is possible to catch up with young, but promising Chinese brewers, as if to overshadow the oldest brand of the Middle Kingdom with running displays of their products. Tires Triangle are attached to vikoristannya in the Moscow cycle on cars of the middle class for a calm driving style.

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