Tires for UAZ: selection, description, characteristics. Selection of the "correct" tires for UAZ cars Winter tires rozmir 16

Deyak motorists sounded like riding not only on small maneuverable cars, which are ideally suited for driving in the minds of the great metropolis. It is easier to park a small-sized car, because it doesn’t mean great space and it’s cheaper to take it down (small volume of the engine), but, if you want such a car, like an UAZ, in front of the car driver, greatness of opportunity is shown. Such a car, yak, can rightfully be called a beast-machine. Not stock properly pumped cars, as if the tires are normal ї prohіdnostі, zdatni vporatis z be-like off-road.

Guma "Gudrich", for example, to choose a rich coat of arms in a UAZ car, naturally, has miraculous characteristics, however, it is expensive to make such tires. Have your own line, you can add different things to the autolink Russian tires, yakі nіchim not gіrshі for zakordonnі, tim more zhorstka pіdvіski UAZ zdatna vytrimati raznі vantazhennya. However, as if there were any other variation, the gum on the UAZ may have its own advantages and shortcomings, the material below shows the principle of the correct choice of the optimal gum for the UAZ domestic car.

UAZ "Patriot"

Features, how to ensure the right time to choose a tire for UAZ

Naturally, the main criterion, zgіdno z zgіdno s vybіr tires for the car UAZ, - you know, in which car is operated. It's no secret that tires, as they become an ideal option in the minds of a strong off-road, to help a hairdresser to repair a car, whether it's a change in the hour of a trip to a field or a fishing trip, will be in the light of idle regular gumi. The first type may need tires of special permeability, while the other type has enough.

As practice shows, on a UAZ car, which saves its first look (factory car) and without being reworked for a year, a 29-31.5-inch vent is installed. Most of all, on the car tags and in the local shops you can use the tires, so that you can make them:

  • 215/90R15;
  • 235/85R16;
  • 240/80R15.

Follow the memory that “dress up” the wheel of the UAZ varto with rosemary. When blamed for insignificant vanishings and for an hour, the ruin on the great speed of the car’s engine begins to flash arches. At the link with the price of the particularity of the car, when operating the UAZ in the minds of the average off-road, do not hesitate to increase the lift by 6-8 cm.

  • 265/80R15;
  • 265/85R15;
  • 265/90R15;
  • 285/750R16;
  • 290/80R15;
  • 290/80R16;
  • 320/70R15.

In the middle of other changes, if UAZ can spits, which is regularly used in the minds of a strong off-road, you may need to lift the arches. Varto means that these car owners, as if they were able to drive their UAZ on the netry of impassable ford, will have to rebuild their car ahead of time, global modifications, in the first place, will be cool: body, suspension and transmission. As a master of this oversized, ubiquitous car, it is correct to know all the changes, and it is possible to equip your transport equipment with tires with a size of 35-39 inches.

Guma, yak pіdіyde for the UAZ car, like in other cars, can be summer, vіdpovіdno, winter. Have your own line, qi tipi are subdivided into such vidi:

  • universal (can be used practically in any mind);
  • dirt ( ideal option for average off-road);
  • extreme (like a shrill name, they can zastosovuvatisya on whether it’s posh, no stitch, no trace).

Rules for choosing tires for UAZ cars

Be it a guma like a muddy one, so it is universally guilty of dekilkom vzaimopov'yazanym factors. It is necessary for us to secure the model of the poshlyahovik. In practice for different models Cars will be optimal for absolutely different tires, rozmіr such bezporeddno zalezhatime at the turn of the wheel, the course of the suspension, the free space, the materiality and tightness of the checkpoint. In practice, a lot of car owners in UAZ are trying to do everything they can, so that they can hire a factory-maker of the fence, which is true, for which you can need a significant capital. For example, the easiest way to modify the UAZ "Patriot" is that it is easy and simple to install tires of a larger size. At the same time, with the expansion of the gumi, the clearance of the car increases overnight, looking at the surroundings, it is possible to “sound” your transport load at the tire of maximum expansion.

Especially muddy ones, it’s important to pay respect for the preparation of the car to be off-road. Avtovlasnik is guilty of putting up to the design of that little tire tread, which, due to these factors, lays "strength and depth" off-road, which way you can drive a car. Optionally choose a larger tread pattern suitable choice). For example, for a trip through the swampy moors, it’s best to bathe hire a yaksha. mud tire. This type of tires is lighter, which does not tear the turf and easily makes it uneven, crusting with the possibilities of an additional joint. Garnim choice It is possible to name such tires, which are equipped with diagonal grooves, such as a building to see through the mud, “weeping” it is called when wrapping the wheel.

Far from being the last factor, on what a trace of respect when choosing tires for UAZ, is the versatility of the tire, yak, in its line, stale in the form of a tire (brand traction), tire size, construction and little tread.

Varto means that you should think about buying the optimal bet, the tires are better for a long time, as practice shows, often sell only the most popular models, rich tires, you can simply don’t buy them, the smell of stink is sold exclusively for the first time.

Purchase of tires for UAZ "Loaf"

UAZ "Loaf"

It is due to this fact that the UAZ “Bukhanka” car was vibrated by the country's auto industry to be up to the class of Russian posh zashlyakhoviks. For an hour of its іsnuvannya, the car was worthy of riches to car owners. Navit at once a car is worthy of its rightfully deserved popularity. Nayimovіrnіshe, respect for such a transport zasіb bula was brutalized not only by private waters, but also by great organizations through the garna the passage of the “loaf” and її lack of security. You can use such a car at the workers of the forestry state, “bukhanets” can be planted at the agricultural support robots, it will help the service of the Ministry of Taxes and the Swedish help. These machines can easily cope with roadless stitches, it is especially important to choose the “correct” gum, as to lie down in the future.

Selection of winter gum for UAZ "Loaf"

As in the priority of the car driver, the driver is to blame for the technical characteristics of the car. Such a gumma can be universal, on my vlasnik transport security I am guilty of the ease of passing and without roads, and impassable ford, and equal roads, covered with asphalt.

In most cases, UAZ “loaf” car drivers sling the edge on domestic tires, for example, such as Ya-192. Tsya huma can be brought to tires of the Vysk type, like an aggressive tread. True, for hard frost Such a guma is beginning to kovzati, allowing the driver of a careless transfer of clothes. Prote, Ya-192 clearly show their characteristics on the road plots with deep ford in the spring-autumn period.

Tires K-151 are blown with a wicked quality, which can be seen up to all-weather tires. The stench may be an aggressive tread, at the same time such a gum is visibly soft, and why the "buh" can travel on it in the cold.

Vibelyuchi winter tires on the “bukhanets”, it is necessary to follow two criteria: first, the car can be easily kerosene, and in a different way, do not hit the icy road surface. Great stamina winter period take care of the small flame of the road. Buying studded tires, next choose those models, on which studs are studded in a chaotic order. The possibility of independent studding of tires is not included, but the truth is, there is not any gum for this manipulation.

Selection of mud gum for UAZ "Loaf"

UAZ "Bukhanets" is considered an ideal car for a trip to the fishing grounds. This helper will be indispensable for those who often go to the forests for mushrooms and berries. All-season Guma Kama-219, which is equipped with cars at the factory, is not suitable for off-road driving, it is impossible to drive on it and on the highway in severe frost.

As in the plans of the avtovlasnik є trips to the roadless or covered with fox stitches, then the wine is guilty of knowing about those, how to correctly select the mud hum on their “loaf”.

An irresistible option for mud tires Cordiant Off Road, yakі є universal tires from the lower price segment. Trochs are more expensive than koshtuє guma Contyre Expedition, What may be the same with the front version of the little tread. Perevaga Contyre shines in its lightness and softness. You can use your choice on the Cooper Discoverer STT model like an American breeder. Prote, the variety of such tires is richer than other options.

Mud tires

Selection of summer gum for UAZ "Loaf"

Vibirayuchi avtovysnik, like shukay gum for a "loaf", is guilty of vrahuvaty such tires. Summer gum deshcho zhorstkіshe for winter. This type of building tires withstand high temperatures, providing good keratinization on hot tracks. It is better to wear your choice on models with an asymmetric small tread, to prevent why you will be safe from the side of the road. The depth of the gumi will be poured in exclusively on the riven zcheplennya with wet road pavement. It is necessary to carefully consider the marking of the tire, to find out about the quality of the gum and the power of the tire.


When choosing gum for a UAZ car, it is necessary to insure a lot of factors. Nasampered, it is necessary to change the fact that a specific model of tires is suitable for the car. The correctness of the crushed choice is also dependent on the selection of the optimal width and size of the tire. Before buying, it is necessary to read the information presented by the car picker in the documents, and it is necessary to bring a couple of tires before the recommendation.

There are more than a lot of people to ride on the Patricks, two of my friends were transferred to the next post-ashlyahovik after Nivi and were more than satisfied, especially the charge - the high clearance allows you to drive in deep snow and do not sweat when parking in uncleared yards. In the yard, it may already be autumn, and the hour will come to change into winter gum.

Since we are Russian people)), then the purchase of winter gumi often starts even in frosts. There is no time to choose, and people just go to the store and take those that you can please the sellers. Such a pidhid is not true; And having written one article to dedicate to those choice of winter gumi on Patriot, I’ll make a good deal at the same time, you can boldly take a look at the presentations.

Tire repair — Stock Vector Patriot

From the Patri plant, they are equipped with all-weather Kama 221 with a size of 235/70/R16, but the stock is more decent, so you can put a larger size - 245/70/R16 and navit with 75 profiles. Well, it’s also necessary to go rozmir 225/75/R16, a little more than troch 235th, then the profile is bigger and better - the car goes softer and forges that unevenness. From the other side, so buy gum from high profile, hello there s soft sidewall, then when the car is re-floated.

For the winter, it’s better to take the humus already, so that it can easily get into the snow and ice. To go out, it would be optimal to put gum with a size of 225/75/R16 on Patriot for the winter. At this rozmirnosti mi and glyano, shcho є garnogo іz zimovoї humi in shops and skіlki tse bude koshtuvati.

Well, even more respect - the Patriot car is great, important, and to that it will be most likely with the prefix SUV. When choosing gumi, one marvels at the vantageopidyomnist, so that it didn’t happen that under Patra Guma’s vaga, through the weak sidewall, it didn’t flatten more, lower it is necessary.

Five days a day winter tires at the Patriot's Rosemary

Nokian Nordman 5 SUVs

(In the photo UAZ Patriot on the fifth Nordman at the 245/70/R16)

P'yatiy Nordman vіd Nokian - the version of the fourth model has been improved, as it was chosen by the faceless positive feedback. That p'yata model, more than for a short time, showed that it was not a darma released - a lot of people to praise. However, don’t forget that the gum is budgetary and that it is equal to I am Hakkoy, then you can choose to be crushed to the greed of Finniv, but there are 2 times more tsinnik there. And how to lie, what should such a worldliness have budget tires stand pid 5k for a balloon, then buy Hakka great roses- The right is really expensive. Nokian Nordman 5 SUV in size 225/75/R16 for autumn 2015 costs 6200 rubles per balloon (you can look at the reinforced sidewall with the XL index). Vіdmіnniy vybіr for winter, the gum is studded, so if you operate a car in the city, de cilia rіk asphalt - it's better to take the gum without studs. Yaku? Look below.

Hankook I Pike RW11

(In the photo - again Patr on my Korean Velcro)

Guma without spikes - Velcro. The Korean company is continuing to win the hearts of car enthusiasts from Russia, issuing more expensive goods for a low price. Velcro Pike — due to the Yandex Market credit, I have a rating of 4.5 out of 5 and 50 out of 50 positive results. I myself can say from Khankuk that they can work the hum of the hum (it’s already the third river on the Dinapro all season and even more satisfying).

I Pike RW11 clearly shows itself a charge there, deep snow, crust, rolled snow road and bare asphalt. Optimally pіdіyde for megacities, yakі clean and їzditi bring zdebіsh asphalt. Patriot, on the other hand, is mainly victorious for zamіsіv, and for that, Velcro is suitable - deep snow is miraculous, you can commemorate the fields. The price tag for a balloon in our range is 6,500 rubles on average.

Dunlop Grandtrek SJ6

One more Velcro, yak was worthy of the Russian crossovers like Tiguan and Tuareg, our city literally has the third leather of these cars to ride on this gum. There are no claims for yakіst here, I’m a bachelor myself, how to drive Tiguan on this sticky - there’s no words, it’s just chic and it’s wonderful to wind on the ice. Zrozumіlo, it’s a lot of money for Patriot and the price for our world is normal - about 6400 rubles. Also, a bunch of positive feedback, to finish the great protector, on which you can travel comfortably and comfortably. Miraculous friction for the great pozashlyahoviks)) Even more Patriots chose for themselves the tsyu Velcro, also becoming a plus great choice rozmіr_v yak u bіk tire width, і u bіk zbіlshennya profile.

Znaishov on YouTube video - Patriot Pret from the snow field on SJ6:

Continental Conti4x4IceContact

Another rozkіshna studded gum from the German concern. Won cost a troch more expensive - on average 7100 rubles, but more money will be spent on leather investments in the purchase of the ruble. High test results confirm. Spikes with the right break-in trim phenomenally, at the expense of cheap humi, depletion of thorns for the winter season can reach close to 5-10 vіdsotkіv. Here everything is on the highest level - the snow is digging more tightly, the sidewall is mіtsna, and the tire itself is m'yaka, so it's more comfortable to ride. Yakshcho є pennies on the Continental, obov'yazkovo take. Epithets, like inducing water, are chic, charming, comfortable, costing their pennies unambiguously.

Nokian Hakkapeliitta LT2

Well, what a rating of winter gumi without Hakkapeliti. Finnish retailers know about the winter humus not a little bit more, less in Koreans, Germans and Japanese. To that, it’s a penny close to 8-9k for a balloon on a Patriot - there’s nothing to think about here. Hakka has always taken the top 3 in all winter gumi tests for 10 years and is trusted.

(In the photo - the newest LT2 on Patriot in size 245/75/R16)

Video - Hakka LT2 for deep kuchugurs:

The model LT2 is given - the price is new, there are still few reviews on them, but the stench is choked. And the axis on scho varto turn respect - on the її front of the LT model - there’s just not a word here, some lines - dig super, holding the vіdminny, galmuvannya for 6 balls of five)) Zagalom, naynadіynisha and stіykіst thorns to vipadance is simply phenomenal (extremely well for the correct break-in). Also, the other model will not be the same. I’ll make sure that this tire is included in our rating, because it has a size of 225/75/R16. If you take a little wider or a smaller profile, you can already marvel at the same model Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 SUV. So chi іnakshe, the price for Hakku LT2 is 8700, for 7 Suv - 9800 per balloon. Like a bachite, the price tag bites even more strongly, prote, like it seems lucky, like you bought a Finnish gum - you can ride on it without problems for 5 seasons at least. Hiss at the place, the depreciation is higher, the high price pays off with long-term exploitation.

Let's hope, the rating of the winter gumi on Patriot will help you to choose. Krym tsієї p'yatirki є more pieces 20 gіdnih models іnshih firms - the same Bridgestone Blizzak or sotka Gislaved NordFrost. Marvel, choose, fill in here your comments about your winter "slippers".

Pozashlyahovik UAZ Patriot is operated both in summer and in winter. And with the arrival of winter, one should be asked about those who need to replace gumi for wintering, to allow me to secure the improvement of the passability of the zashlyakhovik, both on snowy roads, and in the minds of the roadless. Ale, as often happens, think about those who need to transport a car, the car’s leather is repaired a little not from the first snow. With which material it is clear, like winter tires, it is better to choose for your Patriot, and for which the stinks are one and the same.

Depends on tire size

The UAZ-3163 model cars are completed from the factory regular gum, which corresponds to such parameters: 235/70/R16. What does it mean? The first number 235 means the width of the surface of the tire, which is measured in inches, and millimeters. Another number 70 - tse vіdsotkove spіvvіdnoshennia profile width: 235/100x70 = 164mm. Dani R16 talk about the internal diameter of gumi, as it is measured in inches.

With such information, we can say that choosing the winter humus for the Patriot, we should take advantage of such virobs, which may reduce the width of the surface of the tire. Why? You can get rich, that this idea is wrong and rather take a gum with a greater width, but here the stake is not on stability on the roadway, but the possibility of a roadless fit is presented in a looking fluffy snow.

The greater the width of the tire tire, the greater the support of the car, it is necessary to hem it. Therefore, if you want to make your poshlyahovik more passable in the minds of the low off-road, then it’s better to give priority to tires with such an abbreviation: 225/75/R16 or R18. Therefore, it’s time to choose gumi itself and winter tires and choose for your Patriot.

TOP-5 winter gumi for poshlyahovik

Under the hour of choosing a winter gumi, don’t forget about such a prefix on tires, like an SUV. Tsya prefix to talk about those that winter gum is recognized for cars with a high order weight and the possibility of transporting additional vantazhiv. Also, wheels for the Patriot:

  1. The most budgetary gummi option for the Patriot is Nokian Nordman 5th generation. This tire option is available for both R16 and R18 sizes. All lie down in order, yakі wheels you have the will to bachiti on your poshlyahovik. It is surprising that UAZ Patriot can be equipped with both 16-inch wheels and 18-inch wheels.
    Wheels of this brand cost about 6,000 rubles per wheel. Moreover, it does not matter what diameter you need, the price varies depending on the size of the working surface. Therefore, we recommend the Nokian Nordman 5SUV 225/75/R16.
  2. The Korean wheel models for the Patriot are not too high, they are called Hankok I Pike RW11. These tires are also called Velcro, the stink shards are attached to the movement of the chains from the snowy surfaces of the road. The cost of a single unit with a set of winter gums for this model is about 6500 rubles, and there are options like R16, so R18 diameter. It is possible to operate wheels with such a gum both on asphalt and in the minds of off-road. Irrespective of sight low varity Virobіv, these wheels allow you to easily cope with deep snowy plots, ozeleditseyu and wind through the fields. Guma is suitable both for regular steel disks, and for lithium ones, but with the remaining version of the tire in pairs, they allow you to add unattainable lands.

    Hankok I Pike RW11

  3. Dunlop Grandtrek SJ6. Zimova Guma Velcro, yak nabula wide zastosuvannya like the middle of the Vlasniks of the foreigners of the country, and the middle of the foreign crossovers. Yakіst perevіrena hour - that's all, as you can describe qiu gumu. She’s doing well for herself, like on ice, so on snowed plots. If we add here a remarkably low variability, then we take into account the most effective and most effective option for winter gumi for the Patriot. Yakshcho є sumnіvi schodo vіdminnogo podannja different types without a road, then on the Internet there is a silent opinion, like a winyatkovo positive. Sales also include 18-inch tires.

    Dunlop Grandtrek SJ6

  4. Continental 4×4 Ice Contact. Well, the axis was better and farther away from the popular German studded gum under the name Continental. Warehouse stock is close to 7-7.5 thousand rubles, but here you can be 100% convinced that the gum is not given, at the same time. Perevagoy tires are those who need to finish the m'yaka, and the bichna part of the gumi is mіtsna, so whether it is winter, the passage of the copy is miraculous. Even though the power of pennies is not of great importance, then it definitely follows the same pattern on this model, as it has been 100% for more than one winter season.

    Continental 4x4 Ice Contact

  5. Nokian Hakkapeliitta LT2. Finnish Guma, as it occupies one of the first months of the middle winter species tires. Guma is suitable for the UAZ Patriot and navit more, Danish car With such a gum, looking simply miraculous. The wheel variability, obviously, is richer than cheap analogues and reaches 8-9 thousand. Ale here, like and with the German humor sumnivіv її її effektivnosti and prohіdnosti simply do not exist. The minimum term of service, which may be given to the wheels, reaches 7-8 seasons during normal operation. winter hour. For the post-seasoned UAZ Patriot, both 16-inch and R18 models.

    Nokian Hakkapeliitta LT2

  6. Considering the importance of choosing winter tires for the UAZ Patriot. Even the same kind of virobnik and victorious technologies to lay down the fact that you can take that other lowered weight. In this situation, it’s better not to be stingy and take your horse from the good gum, so that you don’t have a chance to check on the wheel to turn home.

    You can change your KBM and change yoga as necessary!

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