Kormoran tires for passenger cars. Shiny Kormoran (Kormoran)

Guma Kormoran (Kormoran) is carried out in Europe under the "krill" of the tire giant Michelin. The largest width on the vetchiznyany market was taken away by vintage tires. The model range is similar to similar lines of Michelin tires. However, Kormoran gained popularity with a low price for aphids with a high quality.

Tire range and technologies Kormoran

Tires Kormoran are produced at factories in Poland, Czech Republic and Romania. The main direct activity of the subsidiary company of the Michelin group is the production of tires for vans and buses. Himself in this category Kormoran became the global leader in the European market.

Kormoran tire manufacturing is based on the same innovative technologies as Michelin tire manufacturing. The choice of high-quality engineering designs, high-quality humic sums and metal frames allowed the company to create tires with a trivial term of service and recognition from the whole world as a quality.

Cormoran frames are accepted for adoption at all manufacturing plants. Therefore, the market of Russia can promote the gum brand of hot and cold welding.

The model line Kormoran has:

  • universal tires
  • kerma tires
  • tires for guiding axles
  • bus tires
  • trailer tires

Virobnik is about the superiority and endurance of gumi, adaptation to the Russian minds and the ability to win one and the same vantage tire of the cilian river.

Passenger line is available for European motorists. Only vantage models are presented on the Russian market. You can buy Cormoran passenger tires on Ukrainian and Belarusian websites.

Tire catalog Kormoran

The vintage line of Kormoran tires has a number of models, divided according to the indication for different axles of the car. Vantage tires of this forager took away recognition for their fineness, durability to wear and tear characteristics. Accepting additions to the operational capacity of tires has become a reasonable price. In fact, the car dealer takes away the Michelin quality for a price of 6-10,000 rubles lower.

From the passenger line of the brand, the buyers have seen some models. The biggest drink is the Kormoran Impulser B2 model. Tires available 15th radius. The average price of a tire is 2300 rubles on the Ukrainian Internet market. The advantages of gumi are named in terms of characteristics on dry and wet coatings, galvanized coating without zatrimok, daily spіvіdnoshennia akostі and tsіni. Three short purchases rated the average for the noise. For a low price, this small amount of coristuvachi is ready to be sold.

Guma Kormoran Impulser is sold in sizes from 13th to 15th radius on Ukrainian sites. You can buy tires of this model for an average price of 2000 rubles. Among the advantages of tires in the eyes of buyers are the names:

  • comfort, security against noise and m'yakistyu
  • mitzna sidewall
  • low price
  • vіdminnі zchіpnі authorities
  • wear resistance

There are no shortages in gumi. All buyers have lost their satisfaction with tires, especially those showing the price and quality.

Tires Kormoran RunPro B2 - a regular model for a Swiss ride, available in sizes from 14 to 16 diameters. The average price of the gumi of this model is 2650 rubles. The maximum variance is 3450 rubles. The tires showed outstanding characteristics, softness, noise resistance and high aquaplaning performance. There are no shortcomings in the price of the Cormoran model, judging by the opinions of the buyers, no.

Tire Kormoran VanPro B2 is recognized for operation on light fittings. Guma is available in sizes from the 13th to the 16th radius. The minimum wheel size is 1700 rubles. The maximum price is 5900 rubles for rozmir 235 / 65R16C. You can buy Kormoran single models on Ukrainian websites. At the guards, the resistance to wear and tear, high levels of power, and the presence of noise are indicated. There are no shortages in gumi.

Kormoran Tire Tips

Guma Kormoran, judging by the vіdgukіv vіdgukіv avtovlasnikov, is similar to the character of a charming fairy tale. Іstotnyh nedolіkіv nemaє nі one representative of the passenger line. For the first time, the gumi were named as the main points of power on the cover. Moreover, for baiduzhe tires, the road is wet or dry. The stench is enthralled to walk in the speck and planks.

Passenger tires Kormoran will provide you with a trouble-free galvanization in a short second. In addition, the tires are breathable with a high level of comfort. The stench is not thick and dosit soft, to smooth out the unevenness of the country's roads. Mitsna sidewall guarantees the protection of tires when hitting pits at high speed.

Stіykіst to znoshuvannya so vіdnositsya to perevag gumi. A light-duty model has a resource of at least 60,000 km, light tires can travel from 50 to 70 thousand.

From the istotnyh nedolіkіv it is possible to name the availability of tires on the Russian market. It is absolutely impossible to know the humus in the retail chain. And the Internet resources of the countries of the near abroad are ready to promote shorter models of Kormoran tires at an affordable price.

Prices on tires Kormoran

You can buy Kormoran tires for 13,000 rubles for passenger cars in the 13th radius. Tires in the 14th diameter cost from 1600 to 2200 rubles. Guma in the 15th radius can be delivered from 2200 rubles. The maximum var_st of a wheel with a diameter of 15 inches in stock is 2720 rubles.

Kormoran high-performance tires with light lines can be bought for 2000 rubles for the 14th radius. The 15th rozmir huma has a minimum cost of 2400 rubles. The maximum price is 3460 rubles. At the 16th diameter, tires are sold for 3050-3500 rubles.

Lightweight tires Kormoran can be bought for 1700 rubles for the 13th edition. At the 14th diameter, the gum will cost an average of 3200 rubles, at the 15th - 4100 rubles, at the 16th - at 5200 rubles. Vintage gum Kormoran can be bought on average for 19-20,000 rubles for a retail price of 315/80 / 22.5.

Tires Kormoran are resurrected by a constant quality, with great authority and reach a low quality. Navit "big brother" Michelin goes after the showcases of the gum Kormoran.

Tire brand:

Kormoran "Kormoran"

Virobnik / Vlasnik brands:

Official website of the brand's maker:

National and regional sites:

R_k zasnuvannya Kormoran "Kormoran":


Description tires brand Kormoran "Kormoran":

Brand name of car tires Kormoran "Kormoran" first appeared in 1994, for tires of passenger cars, as a Polish company started to produce Stomil Olsztyn "Stomil Olsztyn".

Tire brand name Kormoran "Kormoran" otrimala in honor of the sea birds of the Baklanov family, the corral of pelikaniformes. Great number cormorants bags in Polish In the army і Masuria, "The Land of a Thousand Lakes", de-growing the plant, which is the soil of the virobly tire Kormoran "Kormoran". Stylized image of a bird embellishes the logo of car tires Kormoran "Kormoran". symbol cormoran vikoristovyvavsya factory and before the advent of the tire brand Kormoran "Kormoran".

After the next brand Kormoran "Kormoran" company Michelin « Michelin»The plant was completely re-equipped to the standard Michelin. Tire bending Kormoran "Kormoran" tasks and technologies and quality control of finished products are the same strict as in factories, tires are deviated Michelin « Michelin". Zvichayno, the stink of giving up tires Michelin « Michelin»Schodo akosі and deyakih operational characteristics. Vіdmіnіst polyaє scho scho vrobnіstvі tires Kormoran "Kormoran" DO NOT apply for all technical innovations to the concern. Then, the classical principles of virobnitsia will be established and the solutions themselves will be reconsidered.

tire brand Kormoran "Kormoran" noticeably cheaper, lower Michelin « Michelin”, Ale vіdminnіst vіdmіnіnіst vіdmіnіnіst і spozhі vіvchі vіlіvіvosti become less than 10%. Moreover, the price of tires Kormoran "Kormoran" It is more democratic than the fact that the number of workers will be reduced for the accommodation of workers in the lands of Northern Europe. Current car tires Kormoran "Kormoran" released in factories Michelin Michelin in Poland, Ukraine and Romania.

In this way, the popularity of tires Kormoran "Kormoran" based on the optimal spіvvіdshennі yakosі for a reasonable price. Tire time Kormoran "Kormoran" koristuyuyutsya dosit great drink from European spozhivachіv. main specialization Kormoran "Kormoran"є tires for cars and vintage cars, buses and trailers.

Description of the virobnik brand Kormoran "Kormoran":

OZOS "Stomil"(Olsztyńskie Zakłady Opon Samochodowych "Olsztynska Automobile Tire Plant"), was opened in Olsztyn (Poland) in 1967. 16 sickle 1967 roku persha tire z symbol cormoran zіyshla z virobnichih lines. July 28, 1967 First Secretary Polish United Labor Party officially opened the plant. Car tires were produced under the brand name Stomil « Stomil».

In April 1969, a million tires were produced. At the breast of 1971 a license is bought Uniroyal « Uniroyal»On the production of radial tires for vantages. In 1973, the technological launch of OZOS II, a radial tire plant, began.

In 1992, as a result of the privatization of the state enterprise OZOS "Stomil" the company was created Stomil Olsztyn S.A.

In 1994, a new brand of car tires was introduced Kormoran "Kormoran".

In breastfeeding 1995 rock Michelin Group becomes the majority shareholder Stomil Olsztyn S.A.. From 1995 to 28 May 2004 the company was listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In 2001, the plant started the production of tires for passenger cars and vintage cars under the brand name Michelin « Michelin».

2005 Michelin Group take back control over the company, as I took away the name Michelin Polska S.A.

At the moment, the plant in Olsztyn is one of the largest plants Michelin Group and the largest tire factory in Poland. Manufacturing of tires for passenger cars, vans, vantage and agricultural vehicles, as well as molds, cords and beverages. The plant should have a modern logistics center.

Additional information:


Karmaran, Kormaran, Karmoran, Kormorane, Cormoran, Cormorant, Cormaran, Carmaran, Carmoran / Karmaran, Kormaran, Karmoran

About company Kormoran (Kormoran)

company Kormoran the bula was founded in 1994 in Warsaw. The company specializes in the selection of tires and discs for cars. company Kormoran Polska Sp.z.o.o. to enter the warehouse in the house of the firm Michelin under the name Michelin Polska Sp. z.o.o. and occupies one of the first positions in terms of the range of products exhibited, the quality of service and the volume of sales. Kormoran car tires are produced at Michelin plants in Poland, Ukraine and Romania. Having been present on the market of automobile wheels for more than a decade, the Kormoran company was able to establish itself as a manufacturer of superior, high-class products.

Kormoran products:

Company products Kormoran- high quality tires for vintage cars, trailers and buses. The company specializes in the distribution and selection of tires for special applications: tires for the front axle, tires for the rear axle, tires for the drive axle and tires for all axles.

The popularity of Kormoran tires is based, in the first place, on the optimal performance of good quality at a reasonable price. The deployment of innovative technologies, allowing access to a greater resource in operation. Being a subsidiary of the Michelin company, Kormoran values ​​its reputation, so Kormoran tires are made only from high-yield grades, from the latest technologies and up to the latest light standards. In addition, anonymous tests, revisions, and follow-ups are carried out, before that, how to promote our products to our customers. From time to time, the Kormoran company has been working hard to improve the quality of the products of tire factories of the Kormoran brand, with the destruction of their specialization and optimization of the tire range. I will not leave a role in promoting the quality of playing those who, at the enterprises of the company, arrange supplies of syrovin and components. Engineers and designers, as well as fakhіvtsі vsіh vnіvnіv company Kormoran Polska Sp.z.o.o. gradually improve in mastery and improve the level of their qualifications.

especially products Kormoran is guilty of zatsіkaviti Vlasnikі v vantage avtomobilіv. Tires of the Kormoran brand s lightly show off the unevenness of the road, so they seem to rise to the advanced wear resistance. Another advantage of Kormoran vintage tires is their versatility. In any season of rock, you can beat only one type of tires, so it’s not necessary now to change in the fall in the weather. And you will feel comfortable and uplifted for kerm, you will not be afraid of temperature fluctuations and bad roads. Water to deliver you right satisfaction, and garniy mood to help you avoid accidents.

Cars Kormoran

Kormoran car tires are manufactured in Poland. This company promotes a wide range of car tires for vintage and passenger cars, as well as for industrial and industrial models. In 1998, Michelin, a globally renowned company, teamed up with Polish tire manufacturers to create a new business today for the production of car tires. Since 2002, the company Stomil-Olsztyn and Michelin has been producing car tires in Poland, Romania, Ugorshchyna under the Kormoran trademark. In 2005, the company became the main owner of the Michelin company. The main assortment of the company is made up of summer, winter and all-season tires.

automobiles Tire brand Kormoran- tse friend line of the Michelin line. On this day, the main work is aimed at the preparation of tires for buses, vintage cars. The tires of the Polish brewery miraculously combine in themselves a high quality and a pleasant varity. For the production of tires, we use original high-quality materials, modern technology, innovative technologies and development. With the tires of the Kormoran company, leather water can feel like a kerm of your favorite car. Kormoran products have long established themselves on the market as superior, yakіsna and dovgovіchna.

Tires for vintage cars, trailers and buses in different sizes may have a special purpose - tires for the front axle, for the rear axle, for the front and wire axles, tires for all axles. Tse duzhe zmanochno. Even the leather car driver can choose the best option for the new one.

After the tire is tested, it is tested and carried out without any tests to ensure maximum comfort for the passengers and passengers. For a short time, the company conducts a distribution of gums, a small tread, and improves the quality and durability of products. Engineers, designers, constructors are constantly working on improving the quality of goods.

Vodії vantazhіvok gіdno assess the quality of management of your car. Tires Kormoran easily show off all the unevenness of the road, the stench may be high vantageopidyomnistyu and wearability. If you pick up a set of tires for the leather season, then whatever the weather, you can be inspired in your car.

Winter tires Kormoran

Radial winter tires SNOWPRO series, Kormoran D on / off, D, F, T and others for passenger cars and vintage cars. The stench will take care of the roadside coverage. The quality of the products is checked on the electronic basis. Special little tread ensures the car's passage on snowy roads. The original structure of the material ensures elasticity in cold climates. Good grip on the green road, ensuring minimal wear on corners.

Polish summer tires Kormoran

Summer tires Kormoran are represented by models Gamma, IMPULSER, RUNPRO, K801, VANPRO and others. If you choose Kormoran tires, you can be sure of your safety. The stench is suitable for different types of cars. Zcheplennya with wet asphalt vіdmіnne. On turns, when maneuvering, the car clearly reacts to the flow of water. Original specially designed tread structure;

all season tires

Tires for come what may, whatever the hour of rock company Kormoran represented by such models Kormoran U, Kormoran MD 169 and others. The stench is miraculously consumed by the power of winter and summer tires. The asymmetric little tread is safe, as it is on a nadіyne zcheplennya with a glacier road, and on wet asphalt. Tires are resurrected with a garne of wear resistance, durability.

Kіlkіst vіdgukіv іn tire Kormoran- 1068 pcs;
The average rating by the site's correspondents is - 4.25 out of 5;

The production of Kormoran passenger car tires is adjusted at the factory in Pirot, Serbia. The history of Kormoran begins in 1967, when the production of tires under the Stomil trademark was organized in the Polish municipality of Olszten (Olsztyn, Poland). In 1994, a decision was made at the Stomil-Olsztyn production plant to launch the production of tires under the Kormoran trademark. At this point, all tires are released under a new brand.

In 1998, the partner companies Michelin and Stomil-Olsztyn organized a joint venture for the production of tires. In 2005 Michelin became a 100% owner of the plant and the Kormoran brand. What time will Kormoran be included in the Michelin multi-mark. The factory manufactures a wide range of tires for vans and buses.

Continuing to expand its group, the Michelin company in 2007 buys the Tigar plant and brand in Pirot, Serbia. In 2014, the works at the factory underwent modernization, as a result of which the maidan chimney was expanded. The total area of ​​the factory was folded to 56,000 square meters. Over 500 osib. on the selection. More than 12,000,000 tires under the trademarks Michelin, Kormoran, Tigar, Riken, Orium, Strial, Taurus will roll off the assembly line.

Kormoran passenger tires are vibrated at a modern factory, another one behind Michelin's. All technological processes and quality control of products, which are produced in accordance with the strict standards of the Michelin company. Certification plant for the European system ISO 9001-2000.

Automated production and advanced control at the materials plant guarantee the high quality of the products that are produced. The leather Kormoran tire was shipped from the factory with a unique barcode, in which all the operations that were carried out with the tire are encoded.

Kormoran's current range of passenger car tires is represented by \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200band winter tires for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. A wide model line covers the majority of modern cars.

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