Ronnie Coleman.

Golovna Fines There are not so many bodybuilders on our planet who could boast of great and proportionate meat. There is talk about a prominent athlete, eight times

Volodar, who won the title in bodybuilding “Mr. Olympia”, and simply good person whose name is Ronald Dean Coleman Genetically gifted to bodybuilding Ronnie Coleman, expressions mesomorph

  • (staturi type), mav
  • such dimensions
  • and with displays: Height: 180 cm. Vaga: mid-season 149 kg, zmagalny – 138 kg. Biceps
  • : mid-season (in Masi) 62 cm, zmagalny (on dry land) – 60 cm.
  • Strength performances (mid-season): deadlift - 365 kg,
  • bench press
  • - 250 kg. Training experience: since 1987 Genetically strong (endowed) groups of muscles: chest, back, biceps.
  • Coach: on the cob kar'eri Brian Dobson

, Pizneshe - having trained myself.

Longest achievement: 1998-2006 – creation

4 Mr.Olympia2006 2 Ronnie Coleman's uniform at the gymHistory of appearances (reach)2006 1 Grand Prix Romania 2006History of appearances (reach)2004 1 Vidcrita category2002 2 Mister Olympia 2006History of appearances (reach)2002 1 Bodybuilding absoluteHistory of appearances (reach)2001 1 Mister Olympia 2004History of appearances (reach)2000 1 The Seeley Show 2002History of appearances (reach)1998 7 Mister Olympia 2002History of appearances (reach)1997 4 Mister Olympia 2001Mister Olympia 20001997 5 Mister Olympia 1998History of appearances (reach)1996 1 Mister Olympia 1997Olympia1995 11 Ironman Pro 1997History of appearances (reach)1994 15 Open category for bodybuildingMister Olympia 20001993 6 Mister Olympia 1996History of appearances (reach)1992 —

Grand Prix Ukraine

Mister Olympia 1994

Niagara Falls Pro 1993 Mister Olympia 1992 Ronnie Coleman productions on stage Childhood and special life In a small town called


, Louisiana, USA, born in 1964. Ronnie Coleman was born. From Ronnie’s childhood, he was physically mіtsny, always garniy genetics what you got from your father. Ronnie Coleman with his girlfriend and daughter At 12 rocks Ronnie got his way good results at the sport, at that hour he began to choke basketball

, baseball and football. Having grown up, Ronnie began to engage in professional activities.

Having met with the local restaurant's manager Ronnie, I understand that working with numbers is not for anyone. After about an hour Ronnie Coleman makes an important choice for himself, he gives up football and chooses bodybuilding , fragments are important first, even without injury, and also enters before school police to Arlington. Having received the patrolman's arrest, Ronnie begins to get serious about the climb.

And in 1990, Ronnie’s family achieved its first success by winning the title “Mr. Texas”, notably those that Ronnie won instructor gym to participate in this championship. Ronnie Coleman knows his own squad

Rowade Kristin Achker, when I was 43 years old (2007), they had two children at the same time


, Jamelia and Valencia Daniel. Ronnie Coleman with fans Training and food from Ronnie Coleman Ronnie Coleman's training is brilliantly simple, and at the same time very effective..

In her training program, Ronna is always a vikorist basic right on the legs, back and chest, as well as bench press, squat and deadlift.

He says that only the right ones brought everything to you.

m'yazovu masa

Once a week, Ronnie does important training to practice basic rights. Varto means that Ronnie is already very fast renews itself You write yourself that you train every day without fail. Ronnie Coleman in training

Training program from Ronnie Coleman The first three days you train with additional barbells and dumbbells, then a rest day follows, and work begins with simulators and dumbbells for three days, and then everything is repeated. Ronnie himself seems to have no inner attitude, concentration, or belief in God
Nothing would have worked out for anyone. DAY 1. 4 15-6 365
GROUP M'YASCH3-4 10-15 265
3. 3-4 10-15 265
4. 3-4 10-15 90
5. 4 10-15 90
RIGHT3 10-15 40
7. 3 10-15 68
8. 3 10-15 90
9. 4 10-15 140
NETWORKS4 10-15 25-30
REP.4 10-15 20-25
VAGA Monday 1. 4 15-30 136
2. 4-5 10-15 265
4. 3 10-15 90
5. 3 10-15 142
2. Deadlift with emphasis on the chest with a barbell4 6. Dumbbell lift for biceps while seated alternately100
10. at supermerezhi 11. First, lift the dumbbells in front of you with your chest resting on the floor 1. 4-5 10-15 227
2. 3 10-15 184
3. 3 10-15 184
4. 3 10-15 Tuesday
5. 4 10-15 Tuesday
6. 3 10-15 77
LEGS3 10-15 160
3. either (depending on the mood)3 10-15 70

6. Climb onto the shkarpetki - “donkey” Vschert Sereda


all the stoves 7. Vidzhimannya on bars in a Hummer 8. Live down on a vertical block with a collar grip Ronnie gives the advantage intuitive training 4-6 , sets 5-6 can be reduced to a minimum, mainly only basic ones (squats, bench presses, and deadlifts), but sometimes not against any training cycle, pamper yourself and Exclusive rights, For more repetitions (8-10).

Training program from Ronnie Coleman The first three days you train with additional barbells and dumbbells, then a rest day follows, and work begins with simulators and dumbbells for three days, and then everything is repeated. Ronnie himself seems to have no inner attitude, concentration, or belief in God
Thursday BACK BICEPS DELTI 1. 4 10-15 265
2. 3 10-15 90
3. wide grip3 10-15 without add.
wags3 10-15 Tuesday
4. either (depending on the mood)4 10-15 45
6. 3 10-15 68
5. Dumbbell lift for biceps, alternately standing3 10-15 40
7. Raise one hand on the biceps on the lower side3 10-15 35
8. resting at the knee, seated4 10-15 170
9. Live in Smith's car, sedentary2 20/15/10/8 10. (drop-measures with increased values)
11. 3 10-15 16-25
12. 3 10-15 16-25
Vaga varies Monday 1. 4 15-30 136
Friday5 10-15 180-200
3. 3 10-15 408
4. 3 10-15 100-120
2. Squat with a barbell on the chest3 10-15 5., sedentary

Mustache The famous king of bodybuilding, Ronnie Coleman, continues training, despite serious injuries. How to strengthen expertise,

Ronnie Coleman

He is the most powerful athlete in the whole world in this sport.

All our efforts will testify to the strong will and unbreakable spirit of an athlete. Fans will cry out for Ronnie Coleman, and opponents will insist that the size of the meat mass that a bodybuilder can achieve is extreme. Both these and others to develop the athlete’s personal forms.

Let's talk about the fact that Ronnie was "bloated." What does it look like now? The way Ronnie Coleman looks can be seen from the photo.

Nina is not as hostile as she was before.

Ale yogo form was not completely wasted.

Children's rocks


I think Ronnie Coleman went to the gym that was located near the school. Having started to vikorize almost all simulators, with which maximum vagina


Some of them have already achieved great success in sports and were accepted to Gramlin University.

Ronnie was also asked to join the football team.

Right from the start, the boy didn’t think seriously about the athlete’s career.

You have set yourself the goal of developing a profession and finding a highly paid, prestigious job.

Ronnie, who is the main source of income for the family, cannot allow himself to take up work without generating income on the right.

However, the share was disposed of differently...

Career, not related to sports

Having mastered the profession of an accountant and received a diploma, Ronnie Coleman moved to Dallas, since this place was more promising.

At first, he delivered food to earn some pennies, and then promoted to accountant..

So anyway, the career transitions did not bring satisfaction, as the profession was not suitable for the would-be bodybuilder.

The beginning of Mister Olympia's career growth dates back to 1991.

And within 5 years the athlete had overcome his first injury.

Unfortunately, it was bad that the muscle developed before training, which caused a herniation of the transverse-crural lobe of the ridge.

And due to the fact that in the history of sportsmanship, which is much more common in bodybuilding, the incidence of injury remained high.

Perhaps for whom she would become a virok, but not for Ronnie Coleman.

After the celebration, you continued your training.

Moreover, the vaga lost its great value.

Yogo records: barbell squat – 360 kg and leg press – 1044 kg.

  • Ale 2006 roku chergova trauma spini zmusila pripiniti zatyatya. But the athlete waited until 2014 for surgery.
  • Following the results of the surgical intervention, a prosthetic cul-de-sac was installed. Whose fate was operated on differently.
  • Following the results of the surgical intervention, a prosthetic cul-de-sac was installed. For the glory of the whole world, Ronald paid in sums.
  • 2014 It’s not at all surprising that the stench was practically everywhere, even if an athlete had a great vagina.
  • As a result, the pieces were replaced with pieces. Carefully discharged from the doctor's office, Coleman proceeded to exercise, and suffered from serious episodes during the day.
  • However, health failed the Olympia champion. At the same time, you train much less, even without having to go to the gym.
  • Operations All the operations that the champion underwent turned out to be extremely serious.

And after the skin wound, I turned around until it got dirty, without harming myself. A short overview of the athlete’s operations:, having stuck it through.


Regardless of serious injuries and numerous operations, Ronnie Coleman is facing the public miraculously today.

And the people closest to me felt more and more suffering.

In his native country, the champion allowed himself to be transferred to a disabled vehicle or the police, as this brought him relief.

What Ronnie Coleman looks like: photo

Now Ronnie Coleman is training hard on the treadmill and lifting the barbell.

You don’t want to waste your sports uniform and don’t want to turn around your wasted money.

Over a period of 6 months after the remaining operation, after spending the mass, the pulps fell off.

I dedicated the renovation to Ronnie.

He has greatly appreciated the world, visiting sports events as a spectator and an honored guest.


Ronnie Coleman's ridge is weakened by supports that often break.

As a result, you have to open the chest and back again to restore them.

Today's champion is 52 years old.

Nothing would have worked out for anyone.

The happy lover has 8 daughters, who are like their father.

For them, the key is masculinity and commitment.

You can see in the photo what Ronnie Coleman was like at the peak of her career and what she looks like now.

Training program by Ronnie Coleman

For those who want to get acquainted with the training program of the champion in more detail, the table is presented below.


Meat groups, which are the main focus




vaga, kg

Back pain, biceps, deltoids


Chest row with barbell

T-bar row

Dumbbell rows on the neck, stretched tightly with one hand (across the skin side)

Barbell lift for biceps from a standing position

Raise the dumbbells across the biceps from a sitting position

6. Dumbbell lift for biceps while seated alternately

The lift of the barbell has a curved bar, resting on the Scott's face to the right

Exercises on the biceps, on the upper blocks from a standing position

Seated barbell press

Raising dumbbells to all sides with chest emphasis on the floor in a superset

Alternating dumbbell lift with the chest resting on the knee

Rozginannya nіg і і stanіsti sedentary at the simulator

Barbell squat

Rozginannya nіg і і stanіsti sedentary at the simulator

Hack squat or leg press

Lost while lying on the machine

Live down on a vertical block with a collar grip

Back, biceps, delta

Training program by Ronnie Coleman

One-arm dumbbell rows

Pull-up on the bar with a wide grip

Without additional vagina

Rows to the chest with a wide grip on a vertical block or rows to the waist with a parallel narrow grip on a horizontal block (depending on the mood)

Rozginannya nіg і і stanіsti sedentary at the simulator

Dumbbell lifts for biceps, alternately standing

Lifting a barbell with a curved bar on Scott's face

Raise one hand on the biceps on the lower block

Concentration of biceps lifts with one hand, focusing on the knee, seated

Live in Smith's car, sedentary

Raise the dumbbells to the sides (drop-measures with increased weight)

Vaga varies

Pochergove lifting dumbbells in front of you while standing

Raising the dumbbells on the standing side in nahili

Getting out of bed while sitting in the gym

Squat with a barbell on the chest

Hack squat

Deadlift on straight legs

Exercising on the exercise machine, sedentary

Stand up on the jumpers in the gym

6. Dumbbell lift for biceps while seated alternately

Stand up on the benches in the gym, seated

6. Dumbbell lift for biceps while seated alternately

The lift of the barbell has a curved bar, resting on the Scott's face to the right

Dumbbell bench press on a lava with your head uphill

Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench

Dumbbell bench press with head down

Raising dumbbells on a thin lava with your head uphill

Close-grip bench press lying on a horizontal surface

French bench press with curved bar, lying down

Unfolding hands, standing forward


Video: the legacy of Ronnie Coleman

The title of the king of daily bodybuilding, Ronnie Coleman, has been deservedly taken away.

All of his achievements are the result of effort and effortlessness.

Once you know what you want to achieve and get to the intended destination, you don’t care much about your self-esteem.

And we have reached what is confirmed by numerical photographs. Everything about the life, sports achievements, injuries of Ronnie Coleman, as well as an interview with the famous champion in the upcoming videos.

American professional bodybuilder. Chim Vidomy

: 29 prevailed in the aggregate on prof.

zmagannih z bodybuilding.


: eight-time “Mr. Olympia”, an icon of bodybuilding

A little motivation and a lot of power from Ronnie Coleman:

Ron uses supernets for the most effective training of his damaged muscles.

Supernetworks are complex robots that sequentially, one by one, connect in two different directions to “bomb” one and the same group of targets.

Drop networks

Networks for discounts (up to three times).

The set begins with a singing robot.

In this case, the winning of the set is brought to the point where it is physically impossible to overcome the ruins, the techniques being difficult to achieve.

At this point, the tension changes by approximately 25% and again, it has the right to settle down. Important! Pauses between sets must be kept to a minimum (from 2 to 15 sec.) and only used to change the working parameters. Maximum amplitude principle

Borderline stretching and shortening of the sores.

For Coleman, the vaga is secondary, the smut is just m'yazi, and even the robot is at its maximum.

The amplitude on the “again cat” affects the muscles.

When you exercise, you will be more likely to be replenished with blood and living speech..
Zagalnyi opis trenuvan "Big Rhona"
Ronnie Coleman's method is training- It's a whole strategy.
Principle validity which involves a cyclic combination of two types of training for large groups of exercises: strength and pumping (lifting + pumping).

After changing the training, the skin should be applied for 3-6 strokes until smooth. This technology is as old as the world.

Ale “in the hands” of Big Ron Vaughn is performing without a trace! Now more details about skin cycles. Cycle one: Silovy Miraculous intensity. Great workers.“Vibukhov” move to the right without pauses at the peak amplitude point.

1-2 basic right, 5-6 sets with 4-6 reps

Strength (“lifting”) training will be based on the 3 classic strength rights - squats, bench press and deadlift.

Riven navantazhennya.
: critical, between overtraining
Ronnie Coleman's method is training Trivalism to the cycle
Principle validity: from 3 to 9 years, depending on self-esteem and the absence of other side factors (stress, stress, etc.)

After changing the training, the skin should be applied for 3-6 strokes until smooth. roby base right vibukhovymi!

And in isolating robes there is a voice on technology: try to max.

stretching and shortening of the sores.

Nothing would have worked out for anyone.

1. For them, the key is masculinity and commitment. It is important to recognize the work of the muscles in the entire amplitude of the hand.
2. Pumping program of the eight-time "Mr. Olympia" Respect!
3. Training program by Ronnie Coleman Now for the preparations!
4. - 4 sets of 6-15 repetitions. Vaga – 365 kg.
5. Chest-centric rows with a barbell - 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
6. Vaga – 265 kg.- 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
7. Vaga – 265 kg. Dumbbell rows
8. with one hand in the neck - 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Vaga – 90 kg.
9. Lift of the bar for standing biceps - 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
10. Vaga – 90 kg. Dumbbell lift
11. Vaga – 265 kg. on biceps alternately (seated) – 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
Vaga – 40 kg.

1. EZ rod lift(Scott's lava) - 3 networks of 10-15 repetitions.
2. Vaga – 68. Exercising on biceps
3. on the upper blocks (standing) - 3 networks of 10-15 repetitions. Vaga – 90 kg.
4. Barbell bench press seated - 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
5. Vaga – 140 kg. Rising dumbbells
6. to the side (lava stole) - 4 nets. 10-15 repetitions.
10. at supermerezhi
Vaga – 25-30 kg.

1. Lift of the bar in front of you (lava stole) – 4 sets.
2. Lift of the bar 10-15 repetitions.
3. Lift of the bar Vaga – 20-25 kg.
4. Exercise: LEGS Rozginannya nig
5. for the exercise machine (sedentary) – 4 sets of 15-30 repetitions. Vaga – 136 kg.
6. Squat with a barbell – 4-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
7. Vaga – 265 kg. Sit in the Hack Machine
8. for the exercise machine (sedentary) – 4 sets of 15-30 repetitions. or bench leg press (on select) – 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Vaga – 408 kg.
Zginannya nіg
lying on the machine - 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

1. Training program by Ronnie Coleman Vaga – 90 kg.
2. - 4 sets of 6-15 repetitions. with one hand in nahili – 3 sets.
3. 10-15 repetitions. Vaga – 90 kg.
4. Pull up on the bar (wide grip) – 3 nets of 10-15 repetitions.
5. Vaga – 265 kg. Vaga - no.
6. Vaga – 265 kg. Pull up to the chest
7. wide grip (vertical block) – 3 networks of 10-15 repetitions. Vaga – all the plates of the simulator.
8. for biceps alternately (standing) – 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Vaga – 45 kg.
9. (Scott's lava) - 3 networks of 10-15 repetitions. Vaga – 68 kg.
10. Vaga – 90 kg. Raise one hand
11. on the biceps on the lower block – 3 networks of 10-15 repetitions. Vaga – 40 kg.
12. Vaga – 90 kg. Concentrated steps
Vaga varies
Vaga – 40 kg.

1. EZ rod lift on the biceps with one hand (emphasis on the knee, seated) – 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
2.Vaga – 35 kg. Press
3. Vaga – 68. with the “Smith machine” - 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
4.For them, the key is masculinity and commitment. Vaga – 170 kg.
5. Barbell bench press to the sides (drop networks with increased weights) – 2 sets.
6. 20/15/10/8 reps. Vaga - varies.
7. 20/15/10/8 reps. Chergovyi dumbbell lift
in front of you (standing) – 3 networks of 10-15 repetitions.
Vaga – 16-25 kg.

1. to the sides (standing, kneeling) – 3 networks of 10-15 repetitions. Vaga – 16-25 kg.
2. to the sides (standing, kneeling) – 3 networks of 10-15 repetitions. for the exercise machine (sedentary) – 4 sets of 15-30 repetitions.
3. to the sides (standing, kneeling) – 3 networks of 10-15 repetitions. Vaga – 136 kg.
4. Vaga – 90 kg. Squat with the barbell
5. on the chest – 5 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Vaga – 180-200 kg.
6. Squat in the “Gak-machine” - 3 networks of 10-15 repetitions.
7. Vaga – 400 kg. on straight legs – 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Vaga – 100-120 kg.

on the simulator (seated) – 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Vaga – all the plates of the simulator. Get up on the shkarpetkiin the exercise machine (standing) – 4 sets. And, without proper correction, it cannot be achieved in amateur athleticism.

Ronnie Coleman belongs to the galaxy of great American bodybuilders.

Volodar of phenomenal anthropometric data, perfected by inveterate training, the Great Ron won the title “Mr. Olympia” 8 times, and also won other status awards of the International Federation of Bodybuilding.

Childhood and youth

Ronald Dean Coleman was born on May 13, 1964 in the American state of Louisiana.

His mother did not waste her life, vibrating the light of the future champion.

The great little one has grown up not shodnya, but shogodini.

At the age of 12, Ronnie weighed about 80 kg and had a height of 180 cm. Such physical data meant the share of a boy who took up sports from an early age.

Having started playing basketball and baseball, Coleman suddenly switched to American football.

Three years after joining the school team, Ronald went to the main warehouse and became a leading member of the club, which took part in the Super Cup campaign.

Coleman's training program was as simple as possible and as intense as possible. It developed from a power training cycle and was supplemented by aerobic skills. Loose back and torso pains, Ronnie

especially respect attaching to the legs, drawing the robot with important and light legs. This technique made it possible to improve the body's tone and avoid injuries associated with tissue damage and deterioration of joints.

As a result, Coleman brought his body to ideal proportions.

With a height of 180 cm, an athlete who gained weight, weighed 138 kg and continued lifting heavy weights, his biceps did not reach the required level - 60 cm. In this form, Ronnie first appeared on a worldwide tour ірі, but not peremіg.

Without losing presence of spirit and believe in


Having undergone minor surgery on the ridge and hip angles, Ronnie retained his presence of mind and in 2016, he encouraged Cutler to carry out a successful bid for the title of the world's greatest bodybuilder, and not to lose Vidmova.

Their rivals met, not on the sports podium, but on the set of the biographical film “Ronnie Coleman: The King,” which was the biggest release in 2018.

Special life

At the beginning of his sports career, Coleman met with bodybuilder Vicki Gates, who helped the athlete during the training process and encouraged him in the exercises.

The bursting of wine resulted in the loss of the title “Mr. All-World” and was a blow to the special life of the bodybuilder.

In 2007, Ronnie's family became friends with Rowade Christine Achker, who gave birth to two children, a girl named Jamelia and Valencia Daniel.

This lover was not happy, and her friend was soon separated.

Coleman's third team in 2016 was longtime acquaintance Susan Williamson, who was the athlete's special trainer.

Now Sue and Ronnie are a happy rich couple. The athlete loves happy family evenings and often spends an hour with a large number of relatives..

Ronnie Coleman now

In the fall of 2018, Ronnie shared news about her health with journalists.

  • The athlete was afraid that he might spend too many days on a wheelchair due to problems with the spine.
  • The remaining operations, which cost Coleman $2 million, were not successful and, instead of much relief, resulted in undue harm to the health of the famous bodybuilder.
  • However, it was not without reason that this information was released from the author of the film about the king of bodybuilding, Vlad Yudin, and from Coleman himself, who published several photos from a great cardio workout
  • Instagram
  • It is important for Ronnie to look after the livelihoods of young bodybuilders.
  • Of particular interest to the athlete is the seven-time Mr. Olympia.
  • Coleman is looking forward to the 2019 tournament to determine who will be the record holder and renowned king of bodybuilding in the near future.
  • Titles and titles
  • 1990 - "Mr. Texas"
  • 1991 – “World Championship in bodybuilding at an important vase”
  • 1997, 2003 - "Russian Grand Prix"

1998 – 2005 “Mr. Olympia”

I put everyone on my page.

Today we are talking about the icon of bodybuilding of all times and peoples - Ronnie Coleman is no less courageous, strong in spirit, with a strong will, a person who will develop his supremacy at the sports Olympus.

Is the king blowing?

- Pipes!

Opponents and non-fans, marveling at the legend of bodybuilding, which these days are sometimes transferred to a disabled person, would say that this is how your Ronnie is blown away.

Where now is his incredible size, where are his victories, paparazzi, sharpness, all those who made him great?

Then at once - you can change it!

I’m not very strong, what are these people with artificial hip joints, a spine of some kind on screws, all the same turning to the hall.

Deposits and health are the payment for the triumph of the human spirit, the inexhaustible desire not for fame, recognition, autographs and other nonsense, which for them, perhaps, is a headache, and until the knowledge of their body, their abilities, the acquisition of reserves of the body.

The work of creating a new people is hard.

At this point, you can hardly go to bodybuilding without love.

Ronnie brought 26 victories to the International Federation of Bodybuilding and became “Mr. Olympia” all the time.

Why could you do this?

The professional career of an athlete Ronald Dean Coleman, Ronnie Coleman, ended in 2007 and from that time appeared hour after hour on guest appearances.

After the operation, leaving the medical ward, the athlete began training within a week.

Coleman repeated more than once that if he knew that he would have to lie on the operating table, he would carry out his training even more important.

The axis is set to results.

І visibility in front of fans and performers.

Having taken an active part in the business, Ronnie went into business, selling her line of sports food. This market is closely stocked. This meant a lot of time, constant presence at presentations, conferences, symposiums, photo and autograph sessions, meetings with fans, with young bodybuilders.

And the pain in the back was unbearable, there were signs of passing unique non-human attacks on the spine, back injuries (two of them were already retired “in retirement” after 2007), doctors were forced to go to hospital ii.

Ale Coleman could not leave his clients without getting information.

And I renew the high level of respect for those whom I have tamed...

These are two rocks...

In the video from the ward after the operation, he looks like a badger, full of hope, laughing happily as he goes to say hello.

The operations were carried out by the best surgeons, and everything went smoothly. Ronnie's satisfaction. Now Ronnie has six screws made of titanium alloy.

Many days have passed under the shadows: the strong man never gives up, but the weakling can never overcome it.

In 2015, Ronnie Coleman began to move to Moscow.

Knowledgeable people

It seems like it's a private visit.

The athlete flew to Russia as a coach of one of the ex-politicians, transferring to a disabled person.

At the meeting and the interview, I was on my feet.

After this, I was forced to train.

We understand that all the ups and downs of your health are the price to pay for the championship. Ale those who study with him, people who come to the meeting, hear his dear varta and talk about those who are inveterately working in the hall for a reason. How far?

What does this extraordinary person experience in life?

It took six months to complete the update after the last operation.