Resource testing deu Gentry. Test drive Daewoo Gentra. What's the point of being honest? History with history

The new Daewoo Gentra came into the world only in 2013, i.e. recently. Wanting to go to some vipadka, it’s possible, new, well forgotten old. In fact, you have in front of you a restyled Chevrolet Lacetti with a new power unit, additional interior and functionality. True, in view of their predecessors, the gentry can only be seen in front of a sedan. Without a doubt, the price is competitive.

On our roads, Deushki of Uzbek bottling mostly run. The automobile plant UzDaewoo Auto is engaged in the release. І cars, which go from їх conveyors - ce Uz-Daewoo.
І about the quality of the country's warehouse can not be judged speculatively, but on specific applications - our Daewoo (Uz-Daewoo) matiz і Nexia also belong to the Uzbek plant.

At the restyling plan, part of the hood was changed: headlights, bumper, radiator grille.

new dvigun Daewoo Gentra . Vіn zovsіm trohi do in tightness, then turn over in terms of economy. European eco-standard for economic vitrata paliva.

Timing belt is now Lantsyugov's, not Remnov's.

The gearbox is available in options 6-automatic or 5-mechanics. With an automatic machine, the car will cost 40-50 thousand more.

Gentra milking smoothly in the management of the zavdyaki soft pіdvіstsі. Well, I will not stop the role here of playing the same basic tires.

Yak and have a vipadku z body shape, Gentra has only one engine. If it is not included, that all cis will be exchanged only once.

salon simple and spacious. Decorated richly in what is downgraded in the Lacetti. At the shortest complete set, elements of decor are added. The panel is transparent and zvichna. The rear seats are folded flat, expanding the space for the valise three times.

The salon does not look particularly chic and bells and whistles - but do it all for a good and smart ride. Let's not be banal, guessing that the car is not rozkish, but zasib peresuvannya. I don't think anyone would want to drive to the bakery in a Lamborghini, but in our minds there are more difficulties, less trouble.

Do not be surprised at those that Daewoo Gentra is a budget class car, which is supposed to ennoble the interior. Deu does not show up at the right time and tries to bring the stuffing and style to good standards, it is possible for skilki. І not unnecessarily accepting bonuses.

Among its competitors, Gentra boasts a decent basic package. The latest package of options to bring Gentry practically equal to the comfort of a European golf-class car.
Among the competitors is one of the best options for the price \\ quality.

The main competitors are Chevrolet Cobalt, Renault Logan. Approximately in the same price range are Peugeot 301, Fiat Linea, , . Competing with our cars - Lada Priora, .

Options Daewoo Gentra

Gentra is presented in \u200b\u200b in several configurations.

Not zalezhno vіd tsogo, on the car you can install a mechanical box (5 gears) or automatic (6 gears). That is, you can turn the mechanics into the most expensive configuration and navpak - add the machine to the base.

Basic equipment ( Comfort):

  • mechanical adjustment of the front seats.
  • armrest for the front row
  • height adjustment of kerma
  • box for mittens
  • air conditioner with filter
  • back row with headrests
  • audio preparation, 6 speakers
  • electric drive and heating of mirrors
  • support of the rear warehouse
  • vikon electric drive (sklopidomniki)
  • Electric tailgate and gas tank shutters
  • central lock
  • immobilizer
  • foglights
  • headlight corrector
  • two front airbags
  • three-point belts (with pretensioners on the front) with indicator
  • security for children - Isofix-fixed, blocking of rear doors and sklopidjomnik
  • steel wheel discs
  • fully sized spare tire
  • set of tools


+ :

  • support of the front seats
  • audio system, 6 speakers

Maximum configuration ( Elegant):

  • transverse adjustment of the water seat
  • regulation of kerma i by height and by villot
  • windshield support
  • armrest for the back row
  • sunroof with electric drive and blind
  • decor pid tree
  • lithium wheels

You can take a look at the basic equipment in the video below.

Specifications Daewoo Gentra

  • 4-door sedan, 5 months
  • dimensions
    • dozhina 4 515 mm
    • width 1 725 mm
    • height 1 445 mm
  • clearance 140 mm
  • front and rear wheel width 1480 mm
  • luggage compartment 405 capacity - 1 225 l


  • 1.5 l, gasoline, I4
  • tension 107 k.s.
  • palevo AI-95

Operational indications:

  • maximum speed - 180 km \\ year
  • rozgin up to 100 km \\ year in 11.9 s
  • vitrata paliva in the mіsk cycle - 8.5l \\ 100km, in the zamіsk cycle - 7l \\ 100km,
  • gas tank volume - 60 l
  • loaded weight - 1245 kg, maximum - 1660 kg
  • wheels - 15 inches

Hydropidsiluvach kerma.
Galm_vna disk system, ABS from other complete set.
Transmission: 6-speed automatic \\ 5-speed manual, front drive.
Pіdvіska: front - MacPherson, back - independent multi-row.

Current prices Daewoo Gentra (2014)

  • In Ukraine - from 99 000 UAH.
  • In Russia - from 399,000 rubles.

Daewoo Gentra - the best option for lower price \\ quality. With a wide range of standard equipment, the wines become one of the found among competitors.

About the shortcomings of Daewoo Gentra

  • The strength of the body of corrosion, do not marvel at the factory anti-corrosion coating.
  • Unprotected leakage of the engine control module.
  • Vzagali, practically vіdsutnіst vіdsutnіst vіdsutnіst vіdsutnіst vіdsіtu vіdsіku іdsіku - transversal rozashuvanny dviguna. What do you think about doing additional repairs after the purchase (put a crankcase guard), but it is installed \u200b\u200bto change the base clearance.
  • Large gaps in certain parts of the body. Here you can see the problem with the hard closing of the doors.
  • Suffering soundproofing.
  • The armchairs of both rows are not without shortcomings - here they are short, here they are low.
  • Great walk checkpoint

I want to stay two to whom yak.

About the pluses and minuses of Daewoo Gentra, which were not in our glance, write in the comments.
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Daewoo Gentra video review:

Gentra in the basic configuration, looking at the Vlasnik.

Test drive Daewoo Gentra:

Pictures of Daewoo Gentra:

Having been worn on the assembly line for 9 years, the American-Korean Chevrolet Lacetti sedan is not on the quiet, but knows a friend of youth and new names Daewoo Gentra, having risen on the assembly line again!

The Daewoo Gentra model was mostly inspired by the latest generation of Lacetti units and units. Ale, all the same, in cars there are deacons of cіkavі vіdmіnnosti - it’s necessary to do more. First of all, the “gentry” of the city has a bigger modern and brighter look, and the main changes hit the front part: the optics became narrower and took on a drop-shaped shape, the bumpers took off a new sculpture, the design of the hood was removed and the contours of the anti-fog headlights were removed. The profile and feed of Gentra and Lacetti are practically identical.

Inter'єр Daewoo Gentra repeats as much as possible those that can be bulo bachiti in Chevrolet Lacetti. P'yatimisny salon dosit open space, however, vpershe vіdkrivayuchi car doors, eyes like no joy. For example, the seat upholstery is velour. It is possible that a fabric is given to someone, but I think it is not the most practical material for laying a practical budget car. Then not a leather classmate Gentra can boast of such elements of water comfort, like podgolovniki, podlokitniki and other dribs.

Obviously, you can’t call the Uzbek collection ideal, but it’s all over the place: there are no visible problems with reinforcements, as there are obvious gaps between the details.
At the same time, the power to the quality of the materials is, as well as to the singing of the budgetary constructions. Although the plastic looks more or less pleasant, then it is harsh and cheap on the dotik vin. For example, the important control of the mirrors of the rear view is flimsy, the kermo on the dotik is called by the reception, and the important checkpoint is the old way - to turn on the reverse gear, it is necessary to pull up the hill. To whom it will happen to call, wanting a great plus for such a solution - you definitely won’t miss the “rear” call.

Ergonomics is normal here, everything is known under the hand and in the field of dawn. On the numerical guts and shukhlyadkas it is possible to rozіphati kupu drіb'yazku, kermo is regulated by height and by villot. And the ergonomic solutions of Daewoo Gentra and zovsim pleased: for example, the trunk lid can be pressed against the large button, zapped on the door of the water above the speaker.

Vzagali, in this car, as a memory and understanding of "class belonging", you can take a little to what. The panel of accessories is simple, understandable and informative, and the green light is not less than an eye. The standard audio system includes a radio receiver and a CD / MP3-programmer with an AUX socket and six speakers, which ensure the sound quality and reception.

The water seat is mechanically adjustable, there is a transverse support adjustment. Ale axis profile at the front seats in the literal sense of the day, so it’s not easy to sit. The rear sofa is folded for three, but roztashovuvatisya there more beautifully double.

The trunk is small - 405 liters, then under the hood there is a fully sized spare wheel, and the lid is covered with upholstery and the groove itself is trimmed (and on the trunks of state employees there is just bare metal).

Ale naytsіkavіshim є nastupne nutrition - yak Daewoo Gentra on the go? The engine installed on the car is 1.5-liter, which shows 107 horsepower and 141 Nm of torque.

Go with the “mechanics” for five gears or with the current 6-band “automatic”. Complaint about the MCP versions. The chains of such a "gentry" are friendlier; When rozkruchuvannі motor pomit bass. The clarity of gear shifting is not ideal, but if it is better, lower, for example, in Lada Granta. Navitzhennі dvigun in tandem with the "mechanics" vpevneno rozgaє car, badioro and without effort. The dynamics are sufficient enough to make you feel good about yourself both in a sweat, on the highway, with reasonable overtaking.
One of the advantages of the dvigun is those that, with a 16-valve vin scheme, are charged with thrust from the very “bottom”, like an 8-valve. Therefore, high gears can be turned on early, and you can switch to lower gears sooner. The first transfer is short, if you break it, you can practically switch it on to a friend. However, it should be noted that the gear ratios are selected so that on a speed of 120 km / year the arrow on the tachometer may reach 4000 rpm, and in the cabin there is a strong hum of the engine. Road noise also comes to a new one, and all through the unsatisfactory soundproofing of the wheel arches.

Bad Daewoo Gentra їde i z automatic transmission. Moreover, the dynamics of dispersal is practically nothing and does not bother. The box clearly sees the steps, lightly throwing off at the same gas, so the change of gears is practically unremarkable. There is no “dullness”, there is no reaction to the pressure of the Swiss accelerator. In addition, there is a fair manual mode, which is practical. Well, Shosta transmission allows you to save money. In the city, the “automatic” is better than the “mechanics”, and the better with a good robot. That one on the highway is not to blame for any negligence, you can’t be fooled by overtaking.

The Uzbek sedan has a simple suspension design: McPherson struts at the front, a rich scheme at the rear. There will be no problems with the service for sure. The running of the Daewoo Gentra is forgiving. You can not change the swedishness on the big pits and unevenness, the springs of the power capacity of the drive. And the axis of the most important and average unevenness of the sedan is in full obsyazy, through which it is possible to get a little bit of the hard. At the same time, the moves are springy and quiet with them. Insanely, the building of the “gentry” drives along filthy roads to the relish of її vlasniks, and you can look after it for this ostentatious show from budget cars, even if it’s Renault Logan.
On the highway, the sedan should be handled pleasantly and stably, heeling, obviously, present, but not very pronounced, the stench is not strong, and it’s sharp on the car. However, it’s still quiet, until the wheels are smooth asphalt, and beyond the window - calm. It was clear that the "gentry" of the troch nervously reacted to the shock of "shock whistles" in the trucks and the wild wind - visibly waving and, at the same time, waving the steering wheel. That is why, when you see a village, for example, a fox, you need to be ready. Don't like Gentra and asphalt kolії, especially if you spend a lot of time in them during rebuilding: the sedan starts to "walk" in the smoothie.
Kermo at Daewoo Gentra with a hydraulic podsiluvach, which on aphids of electrical analogues is taken trohi tight, although the wines do not grow empty. However, I do not claim the laurels of the "gentry" driver's car, I do not claim it for any reason.
Galma in a car with a vіdminnі and chips, like in front, so in the back of the stench of the disk. Spovіlnyuєtsya sedan vpevneno.

In general, we can say that the Daewoo Gentra sedan is a good car for a low variance. For the richness of wines, bypass the Chevrolet Lacetti, and the budget models of the most famous companies UZ-Daewoo. Obviously, the minuses of the car are, the prote stinks are not so significant, the other pluses and robbing them are practically unremarkable. It can be said that Gentra - tse reversal of the "Lacetti" rock, which has taken off a slightly different sound, a new possession and a lower vartist.

Even though Daewoo Gentra made its debut on our market, it called for a great harvest on Ukrainian roads. And we can already tell you about the head food - what is it, how is it and how much is it?

Under the name of Daewoo Gentra, a chergovy coil of life taken from production, ale popular with us Chevrolet Lacetti, has begun. Krіm imeni that prizvishcha, vіn chіnіv sіsce narodzhennya. New sedans are assembled at the GM-Uzbekistan plant in Asaka. Why did our spivtchizniks say what kind of car? Aje and EMB-lema Daewoo is well known to us.

All on the right in that the Gentra looks like a freshly installed sprig of a modernized front part of the Lacetti hatchback - with new radiator grilles and a bumper with a different lower edge, which plays the role of a splitter, and fog lamps. Such a facelift will remake the car. In addition, Daewoo Gentra has a large mirror behind the wide range. Looking through them is better and, more importantly, electric control, which can now be stored behind an additional electric drive.

Daewoo Gentra 2013 r

Pick up a car at the GM-Uzbekistan plant in Asaka.
motor- 1.5 L (107 HP)
Box- 5-st. "Mechanics".
Chotiri- Comfort, Optimum, Optimum Plus and Elegant.
Debut in Ukraine- Spring 2013
varity- from 99 000 UAH.


Chery E5 1.5 L (109 HP) Type 99 900 UAH

Geely Emgrand 7 1.5 l (98 hp) Type 99 900 UAH

JAC J5 1.5 l (112 HP) Type 104 900 UAH

jukaemo vіdminnosti
The body of the recognition, and the axis of the door zakrivayutsya in a different way - instead of a dzvinkogo "platy" strike a little more "expensive" dull sound. True, it’s better to stand comrades, and, to close the doors, they need to splash harder, that locks on our car will need to be adjusted.

The salon is the same as in Lacetti, so we know it. And the axis is new to the tree and the new version of Gentra.

Two spinning handles (for all configurations) you can change the heft of the pillows and the height of the entire chair. Є і regulation of the transverse support.

Box for mittens with lighting and cooling function for drinking in all versions.

At the disposal of the rear passengers of the car in the high-road vikonn, there is a padlock with trims for two containers with water.

The familiar interior in Daewoo Gentra is refreshed by the processing of the tree and the head unit of the audio system with control buttons on the ceramic, the CD-programmer with the mp3 roaming function and the AUX socket. As before in Lacetti, in the high-road Vikonan Gentra allows you to adjust the kermo not only by the cut of the cheek, but by the villot. Vtim, the range of movement of the column is small, and I happened to sit closer to the kerm, I wanted to lower it.

The head unit of the audio system is a new design, with a CD-programmer, reading mp3, and AUX rose, and also - in a high-road vikonann - with remote control on ceramic.

The two largest equals have equipment for the front seats.

According to the CDX nameplate on the front fenders, the Lacetti officials immediately lied that the car we have is in the most equipped and equipped with an “automatic”. I do not understand the obviousness of the letter designation itself. Age for Daewoo Gentra vikoristovuyutsya names of equal equipment, prote schodo complete set of stench guessed.

Zovnіshnі rear-view mirrors in all configurations - with heating, electric drive and folding function.

Luke z electric drive є only in naybagatshmu - vikonnі Elegant.

The most “packaged” version of the Elegant sedan is easily recognized by the sunroof and light-alloy wheels. Ale AKP on the "Dzhent-ru" will be installed from the beginning of 2014, moreover, it will be available for absolutely all configurations, starting with the basic Comfort. So far, only the 5-step "mechanics" have been proponated. There is only one motor - the price is new for our motorists, a 1.5-liter gasoline unit with a capacity of 107 liters. With.

Engine capacity of 1.5 l (107 hp) Equipped with an extra lancet timing drive, two separate shafts and complying with the Euro 5 environmental standard.

smut innovation
Rozgin Daewoo Gentra will not call you bad. Ale ce rozumієsh, if you turn the engine up to high wraps at a sharp start from light for or an intensive set of speeds on the zamіskіy route. For a ride in the place of engine traction, it’s enough to snuggle up in the pot, to exaggerate and swear.
The advantage of this unit is that with a 16-valve scheme of faults from the very “bottom” it pulls from the “eight-valve” uplift. So high gears can be turned on early, and it’s easier to switch down. Tim more chіtkіst inclusion of gears and vibration of the mechanism is far from the ideal. In the first hour, it was easier for me to stay on a higher level, lower it, turn on the lower. And looking at the short first transmission, a friend can turn it on practically without a miss. True, the transmission numbers are such that with a speed of 120 km / year on the tachometer it is already close to 4000 rpm, and in the cabin there is a strong rumble of the engine. Until the new house noise from the road. Kolіsnyh arches would not have been disturbed by additional insulation - it’s already wonderful, like flying z-pіd kolіs pіsok and brud sіchut on metal.

The trunk is not changed - with Lacetti upholstery is added and the volume is 405 liters. The rear seats are folded in the proportion of 40:60 - in the "base".

The suspension in the Chevrolet part has not been changed, it is structurally simple: in the front - McPherson struts, in the back - on the later wafers. So, there will be no problems with the service. And the tire axle is different - on Gentra, it is traditional for UZ-Daewoo products to have Continental ContiPremiumContact 2 tires.

Goodbye Hodova. Behind the Daewoo Gentra kerm, you can’t change the speed there, more powerful and dynamic cars slow down.

The sedan is built to be hardy, so it doesn’t attract dry and average nervousness. However, the moves are handled with them quietly and springily, and it is also good to inspire to achieve meanings. And looking at the camp of our roads, the building of the "gentry" trimati "hit the share" is definitely worthy of the Vlasniks.

Kermo with hydraulic support is tight on the aphids of the electric support, and the wine is not roaring with empty wines. Vtim, this car does not claim to be a driver's license. Yogo was valued for their strength, and for their shores.

in truth ochіkuvannya
The novelties are known to be good, having proven themselves with rocky exploitation of the sedan. In every way, Daewoo Gentra looks fresher and introduces new options, which increase comfort and efficiency of everyday operation. Let the engine go even lower, but your behavior is even more predictable 1.6-liter: the difference in the “horses” is minimal, and the main advantage - traction at low and medium speeds - is saved. І vіn obіtsyaє buti nasіlki w nevibaglivim in operation. The robot of the gearbox and steering control is well known and do not bring surprises.

Light-alloy wheel disks are only in high-road vikonann.

Body and comfort

You can change the height of the water chair and cut the pillows. Behind our roads, on your sedan, you can break through the suspension without a fight. The steering column is regulated not only in height, but also in depth, but only in the richest equipment. The automatic transmission is not being propelled yet.

Power unit and dynamics

For higher gear ratios of mechanical transmission at lower tensions and moments, which turn the engine, the dynamics of acceleration to 100 km / year is 1.4 seconds faster, and the vitrata paliva in the region is 0.6 liters per 100 km less, Lacetti with engine 1.6 l. Through the "short" boxes on high speeds of the crossroads, the engine trims high revolutions, and it generates noise and increases the volume of fire - according to performance characteristics for 1 liter per 100 km. Insufficient readability of the gears.

Finance and equipment

Уже в «базі» є фронтальні подушки безпеки, кріплення для дитячих сидінь Isofix, cамозатемняющееся салонне дзеркало, кондиціонер, електропривід і обігрів бічних дзеркал, регулювання водійського сидіння по висоті, аудіопідготовка з 6-у динаміками, передні і задні вікна з електричними склопідйомниками, протитуманні fari. Central lock for all versions, but not for the new one. ABS is available only from a different level of equipment, and the audio system is available in two of the most expensive trim levels. Climate control in a change of possession during the day.

Daewoo Gentra

Global data

body type


Doors / space

Dimensions, L / W / H, mm


Quantity front / rear, mm


Clearance, mm

Weight is ordered / full, kg


Baggage trunk, l


Tank volume, l


benz. s rozpod. e.g.

Roz. and k-t cyl. / class per cyl.

Obsyag, see cube.

Intensity, kW (k. S.) / R / hv


Max. cr. torque, Nm / about / hv



drive type


5-st. smart.

Walking part

Galma front / rear

disk. vent. / disk.

Suspension front / rear

independent / independent

Pidsiluvach kerma


195/55 R15

operational indications

Maximum speed, km / year

Rozgin 0-100 km/h, w

Expenditure highway-city, l / 100 km

Warranty, years / km


Periodicity of maintenance, years / km

Vartist TO, UAH

Min. cost, UAH

Stop. test. auto, UAH

130 000

If you knew a pardon, be kind, see a fragment of the text and press Ctrl+Enter.

To be honest, the Daewoo Gentra test drive was not of particular interest to the people. Dobre yavlyayuchi sobі all the characteristics of the Chevrolet Lacetti, which is no good in the past, but we don’t check for a new type of direct fall. Hiba scho spodivaeshsya, scho vin to show up no better for your ancestor. In principle, it turned out that way.

With the latest innovations, the stuffing was lost from the model. Vono and zrozumilo - now to modernize and improve those that are so known and love by potential purchases. Although such a position of the foreman calls out, all the same, it is a deaco rozcharuvannya: new acquaintance with the old one is not so good, as we are still unknown.

Test drive Daewoo Gentra, vtіm, confirming the reputation of the zіyshov zі scene Lacetti and laying the cob of the indecent thought about her. And the deuce of the quality of the model to navit appeared as a novelty. However, it was not possible for the tester to get away from the constant pairing of these two machines.

New look: How to go to the food is unsupervised, the starry look of all modern cars in principle is the same. Vіdminnіst mainly in the details, for rahunok okremі models and forget. Gentra did not show any particular morsel rice. Zagalny outline is average; yakscho por_vnyuvati z tієyu w Lacetti, muzzle shvidsha, headlights elegant, foglights are not so rude, the radiator grille is thinner. Zagalom, less ugly and more modern ringing.

comfort upgrade

Spochatku, sіvshi in the salon, zvertaєsh respect for deak unostentatious, standard and old-fashioned design. However, plastic, let it be and unpretentious, as a whole, can be washed easily, and the panels are good one to one, in Russian, do not rumble and do not creak. A place for the strong handed stash to finish - swarming to the side on the passenger seat. Kermo podlashtovuetsya not only standard, but also in villot, which rarely appears in this class of car.

The front seats are equipped with air conditioning, and the salon is equipped with an air conditioner (although don’t put the rest in the minimum, then everything is more expensive for a gathering and 20,000 more expensive - be kind).

We hope to add to the basic equipment, (also safety belts) what to put in a car with a class more often than an additional option, electric squeegees and a new mince dzerkal: servodrive, heating plus electric storage.

At the nedolіkakh salon obladnannya can guess the step:

  • the doors are squeaking hard to ask: if you don’t clear up - hear,
  • , Ale vіdkrivati ​​yogo is necessary in the old way, with the key. Garazd trunk - tse zustrichaetsya more often, ale doors!
  • on the vіdmіnu vіd Lacetti, there is no possibility to regulate the adjustment of the adjustments;
  • bіchnі pillows bezpeki і stabilіzаtsiyna system is not transferable - navіt yakscho ready to pay extra;
  • on the trunk and earlier there are no internal handles, so when you close your hands, you can definitely wind up;
  • air conditioner - manual on/off, with buttons. Climate control is available daily in the top configuration.

What is worth the drive

The 3rd motor band is higher for Gentra, lower for Lacetti. If the rest was propelled with engines of 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 liters, then only one and a half valves with 16 valves were put on the novelty with a declared pressure of 150 brandy - the same one that is mounted on the Chevrolet Cobalt. On the other side, the motor has significantly more hot and supple lancet gas-fired drive. The kit with this unit comes with a box for 6 steps, morally and physically old 4-5 steps, which was on Lacetti.

Dodatkovo varto means reading to the robot of the machine: it shifts vivirene, with a slight drop in gas, so that the change of gears is m'yako and may be unremarkable. Misbehavior in robots and the accelerator: react mittevo, don’t be stupid, don’t go and don’t let the sports mode.

In the ride, the engine shows itself to be quite grasping. So, not racing (breaking up to a hundred - in 11.9 seconds), but pulling on your class is wonderful, pick up a normal voice at the boundary speed, do not squeal and do not shake the body.

What was not worthy of the testers, so was the reaction of Gentra to the wind blows and the wild wind. The car begins to walk, guiding itself directly, and її to be driven, turning in the right direction. So it is nerve-wracking for a car to move up to the transverse sticks and to cross over on the canvas and to touch deep bumps. However, Gentra's kermo is quite informative, and the galma is to make chips so that you can successfully cope with your temper.

then car just monsters on filthy roads, Which we have in excess. Pіdvіska nastіlki pruzhna - ale not zhorstka! - how to cope with pits and humps without any problems on a decent piece of sand. In case of apparent shaking, those who are in the salons do not guard, and the car’s limbs do not grumble.

The consumption of gasoline in the changed mode of driving at Gentra appeared to be close to 8.5 liters - quite decently, although I don’t mind. On the road, as if the testers were puffing up, I was walking around 7. More precisely, it’s important to say, the shards of the computer-router, which fixes the vitrati, are not on board the model.

Zagalom, the test drive of Daewoo Gentra did not reveal any obvious shortcomings, blunders and shortcomings in the selection. The electors in Uzbekistan have tried, obviously, better than the Japanese, and definitely better than the Chinese.

Severe hostility: Nothing better than Lacetti. And if you add to the list the price and the nuances of the complete set - so it's better. With the declared variety, only the Chinese can compete with Gentra, moreover, with the proposition of more expanded minced meat. However, with a larger engine, a rusty body and a nenadiy podviska.

The operational characteristics of Daewoo Gentra (Deu Gentry) are suitable for modern cars of the same class. Like the entire model range of Daewoo, Daewoo Gentra cars, with the presence of an excellent price-performance ratio, there may be good performance characteristics. The car does not follow its main performance indicators and the building competes for the car industry market in its segment.

The designers did a good job on the design of the Daewoo Gentra. The design of the car changes with its main characteristics - dynamism, tightness and speed. The body of the car may be of general shape. Kraplepodіbnі headlights and chrome-plated grille give it some aggressiveness and chic. The model is equipped with anti-fog headlights, protruding as an element of auto-tuning, which, among other things, is more modern looking.

The Daewoo Gentra bumper has an original design, not to the point of zahisnym and aerodynamic performance. In order to give the shape of the rear part of the body of the Daewoo Gentra, to the prototype of the Italian car, the designers transferred the ability to install alloy wheels (available in the Elegant package). The stench of dovgovіchnі, mayut garny zvnіshnіy looking, nevibagly in service.

The high practicality and ergonomics of the latest innovations in the automotive industry prompted the designers to change the new Daewoo model. Porіvnіnі s models, released earlier, the interior design of the cabin may have a number of advantages.

More expensive on the distant countryside transmission, the Crimean other, comfort. Significantly expand the sofa, make it big between the seats, between the horseback seats and the stele and the chips of the model. Increased comfort is also ensured for the accountability of the seat backrest adjustment mechanism.

The mechanism for adjusting the height of the steering column has been redone. With this, the kermo is regulated by height and by villot. Daewoo Gentra may have a luggage capacity, so it's easy to find out by pressing the button what is in the door. It is ensured that fresh air is brought to the passengers on the rear seats. All tse robat avtomobilі vіdpovіdaє for vimogami ergonomіki, and she is more expensive - accept.

The design of modern automobiles is widely distinguished by technological innovations, directed to the advancement of the safety of the design, ecology and computer equipment. On Daewoo Gentra there are a number of structural elements: hydraulic kerma, airbags, electric wind deflectors, air conditioning, electric control and folding rear mirrors and in.

The adjoining panel is vikonan in the best traditions of minimalism. It's quite informative, like for a car of this kind. The interior is equipped with a stylish electronic yearbook, placed in the center, below the air duct.

Originally and modern looking musical system. Acoustics on a good level. The USB port is not the default. The system for heating the rear warehouse and doors has been optimized, as it is controlled by an additional one-single button from the lower right part of the adjoining panel.

The system of sensors controlling wheel speed and vehicle wheel speed is not included in the basic Gentra package. Only a few in the lower set of Optimum. At the same time, there is a sprinkling of good constructive chips for airbags for all configurations. Sofa, which is folded in the back, there are headrests, on the seats there are belts, back and front. Child car seats are fastened to the body of the car in accordance with the strict ISOFIX standard.

It is simpler for vikoristannі and universale kriplennya, which includes the risk of pardon when installing the car seat and increases the reliability of kriplennya. The first price is an inconsistent translation of propositions, directing to the promotion of constructive security.

On the test drive of the Daewoo Gentry, video demonstrations of the car were carried out at a temperature of extreme wind - minus two degrees Celsius.

About 8 whilins went to warm up the engine. Cars Gentra may have a standard engine with a volume of 1.5 liters, the intensity of which is 107 hp, the power output is 6.9 liters per 100 km. Daewoo Gentra can be equipped with a 5-speed manual transmission or a 6-speed automatic transmission.

In this case, a version of the car with a manual transmission is being tested. Wijzd vikonuvavsya in reversing mode. The rear windshield on this car is turned on for the help of a handy ring on the important shifting of the windshields. Bula overturned the characteristics of the clutch pedal, as a result of switching on the engine from the checkpoint, ensuring smoother shifting from the month and switching gears, as well as the gas pedal, as a result of the supply of the reverse-false sum. Robot pedals dosit m'yaka.

For observations, transmissions, one can say that it’s better to read, go short. The importance of the gearbox is not volody with a clear move, which will make it possible not to have mercy on the choice of gears. The gearbox was installed on the Daewoo Gentra from the Chevrolet Lacetti, so, like on the front, the clutch pedal can be used for a long time. However, it does not show much on the dynamics.

Daewoo is kind to the development of accelerators. The car crashes smoothly, without revving.

Even more important and dynamic capabilities of a car, it is necessary to know about the language. On the front of the Chevrolet Lacetti, on which three engines were installed, of different volume and pressure, on the Daewoo, only one engine was installed, the same as on the Chevrolet Cobalt. Engine Gentra, 16 valves, chotiricyl cylinder, with lance drive.

DOHC, subject to change. With tension 107 k.s., torque 134 Nm. Pratsyuє on gasoline АІ 95. Call priyomistіst estimate per hour of acceleration from 0 to 100 km / year and this parameter is included in the technical characteristics of the transport problem. Rolling up to the first hundred 11.9 seconds. Maximum speed - 180 km.h. Another important factor is the hour of acceleration from 80 km / year and, for example, up to 120 km / h. Rozrahunok is awkward. This is important for overtaking large slow-moving vehicles.

Yak and most cars with engines 107 k.s. rozgіn Daewoo Gentra pass normally and posilyuєtsya at low speeds. After 3800 revolutions of the engine, if the torque reaches the maximum, the car starts to break apart. Only after reaching these parameters it is recommended to increase the volume. In order to technically and safely vikonate obgіn (prevention of one transport zabu іnshim, pov'yazane z vіїzdom іz zamanuї ruhu and stepping on it vіdpovіdno to the PDR), it is necessary to vrahuvati a complex of rіznіh factors, including і wіth wіth fencing.

On the dynamic characteristics of the car, we add also the spivv_dnoshennia of the mass and tightness. The Daewoo Gentra car has sufficient maneuverability for the minds of the mind, which is due to the presence of a 1.5 liter engine and good traction at low and medium speeds. Tse gives the opportunity to re-buddle and override, in other words, not reduce the transmission.

Sound-noise isolation in the Gentra saloon is the best thing. Noise coming from the side. On the idle wrappers of the robotic engine, the noise at the saloon may be indistinct. When dialing the speed (1st, 2nd), the noise increases. Є tekhnіchna mozhlivіst zrobiti dodatkovu shumoizolyatsіyu zadnіh kolіs.

The car is stable and well cared for on the highway, which is important in the minds of the city. The transmission on the Daewoo Gentra is front-wheel drive. Kermo sprat is great, but it reacts quickly to hand movements. Hydropidsilyuvach znimaє navantazhennya z steering control, scho robbing yoga priemnymi and comfortable. Daewoo Gentra with front suspension McPherson. The suspension structure includes a shock absorber. The rear suspension is "bagatoval" in the form of Cobalta. Tse is much more beautiful than the beams installed on the same Chevrolet Cobalt.

For Daewoo Gentra, freedom of maneuver is expanded, when overtaking and turning for a small speed. On the rear and on the front wheels there is a disk galma, so it is technically possible to galvanize.

Daewoo Gentra is a practical budget employee. Car over and over.

As a result of a test drive and based on the basic characteristics of the Daewoo Gentra, we came to the conclusion that the Gentra is the best adopter of the Chevrolet Lacetti. The presence of certain options, such as ABS, can be easily corrected, slightly reducing the cost of equipment. Daewoo Gentra is not afraid of competition in its class of cars. Behind the current positions, she is clearly in the lead. You can rob new Daewoo Gentry test drive, Schob perekonatisya in tsoma sami.

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