Dent repair PDR technology. PDR technology: vm'yatin removal on car body Vm'yatin removal technology - PDR. Practical work done

Merezha ryasnіє podomlennyami about PDR-repair. Sound the articles on this topic, rivet the services themselves, trying to win respect for themselves. Tse maє its effectiveness, but do not start it, of course, we trust such publications.
The magazine, in which I periodically work, in its time released a whole cycle of materials on the topic of paintless repair. Stats were assigned to the "dribbed bourgeois", that is, for those who want to install this technology in their service. Well, I share it with the same masters of Pasativ, you won’t find such a complete analysis in the official Autopress. We were assisted by the distribution of manufacturers of Av-Masters, a single enterprise for the manufacture of similar Av-Tool.

Khloptsiv, I will not overwhelm the information. I will give two articles on the basis, technology, stages, types of tools, devices, etc. I also recommend knowing such guys in your region.

In short, PDR technology is less expensive and more efficient than classic bodywork. On the car, a red (factory) farba is saved, and the hour for the repair of hailstones is shortened to 1-3 days. The effective way of working with some faults on the body of a car, in that case, as a lacofarb cover, it is not wrong. The service is especially successfully realized in the centers of local repair and local furnishing.

On the butt of the Volkswagen Passat CC, we can show you how cleanly and smoothly you can see a dent using the help of technology for removing dents without farbuvannya and the AV-Tool tool.

At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate and inspect the car, as well as classify the type of indentation:
The simplest type of damage is gentle vm'yatin without damage to the paintwork.
Gostrі vm'yatini traplyayutsya vіd zіtknennya z gostry subject. At the center of such damage, 40% of the falls are chipped.
Late bruises (scars) mean that there was a blow to the dot, the fall of the barrier or some other object.
Folding type of stitching on the ribs, the shards seem to show for the hardness of the details. The edge is softly zlamati, and it’s like it’s poshkodzhen, it means that the blow is strong.
The volume of the indentation can spread over the entire area and mothers all resurfacing more than ushkodzhennya.

Now the material is shown, from which the detail is broken. Tse mozhe buti steel or aluminum alloys. There are different types of steels among steelmakers: thin, thick, ductile and less ductile. Aluminum is more flexible, so the price for the work with it is higher. It is also necessary to evaluate the level of the LKP and determine if it was not repaired earlier. If the surface was farbowed not in the factory minds, then it may be possible to crack it, or to wind the farby. Meister in advance of the client about possible risks and, having spent the year for repairs, proceeds to assess access.

An external and internal inspection of the car is carried out. It is necessary for the assessment of the hour, which will be needed for repairs. Sounds like small local expenses can be used up in a couple of years, but great expenses, for example, in the summer, can take a couple of days.

The car is obov'yazkovo mієtsya and hangs, after which the next pick up the tool. The task is to use smooth and voluminous dents to lie on the glue system, but with deep scars, hacks are formed. Our vm'yatina is a hybrid, to speed up the process fahіvets prepared at once the insult of the system. The gluing system will be vikonaniya ryvok, which will lift the greater part of the surface, and I will help to bring the surface to the colossal camp.

Now the detail is being sorted out, the clips of the skin are being taken, and the covers are closed. Varto vrakhovuvati, scho correction of the same type of ears on various details of nerіvnotsіnі in terms of labor intensity. In case of failure, it will be possible to dismantle the stele, as it will be impossible to repair the adhesive system. In order to get to the point of failure, the necessary important pressure with an individual vagina. Therefore, before the cob, it is better to prepare the optimal set of dekilkoh gachkiv. It’s better to fight in order to make the maestro handy to work in foldable and important places.

For example, on the door panel, a dent can grow both in the upper, and in the middle or lower parts. To that fakhіvtsev it is necessary to kіlka gachkі v raznoї dovzhini and forms, yakі pratsyut on twisting. Also, varto stock up on power-type hacks, pіdvіshuvali for special rings. The stench can get in good luck in that weather, as there is no nearby for a stop. In m'yatini zustrechayutsya and in mіstsyah, where to pass the upper pіdsilyuvach, vіdpovіdno need a pair of gachkіv z vіdnіmі zvorotny zagina. And in the middle of the door, thin “whale tails” are hung, as if to pass between the golden leaf and the pidsiluvache. And if you carry out a power robot, then you will get one more check.

The painter is able to calculate accurately, correctly, on the surface.

Call fakhіvets rob tse for an eye or for a dotik. Smooth and flaws are simply unremarkable. In the light of the PDR technology, special halogen lamps are installed, under the light, you can clearly see all the flaws.

The technology is grounded on the lamanna of light and darkness: in order to make it easier, it is necessary to set up light in a special way.

When working with poshkodzhennyam, the master of victorious special methods to improve the memory. The dent rises, and the lamp falls proportionally. At the lower position of the dzherel of the light, installed along the plane so that the exchanges spread along the surface, you can pump the moon, as if they were rising above the "horizon". Qi upper points are removed with a punch with a hammer.

For finishing re-verification of the surface fakhivvets vicorist dark smog on the lamp, as if blown into the repaired area, it is created in under-utilized areas. It is not the fault of smugha to succumb and break.

In the end, the part is collected and, if necessary, polished.

The adhesive system is suitable for the correction of a smooth, gently sloping shock. You don't need to pick anything. Easier to install the fungus, fire the gun, insert the glue haircut, apply glue to the clip.

It will be installed exactly on the dent, if the metal can be repaired for the help of a mini-lifter. I will bring the surface to the ideal with a punch with a hammer.

Repair of dents without filling using PDR technology

Grad, not far away parking abo viletіv z-pіd kolіs solid kaminchik - and the axle on the surface of the car body appears a dent. Zvichayno well psuє looking not only expensive and respectable car, but also other cars, not seeming already about the mood of the owner of these cars. Previously, with such vm'yatini, it was possible to fill a car, but it means to take it into repair for a few days, moreover, it's a minus for a car, because car parts are called in. At the same time, a new technology appeared to straighten out the dents without farbuvannya, as more and more gaining popularity. The technology is called PDR, Paintless Dent Repair. This technology was broken up in 1974 in Nimechi. However, in our country this practice appeared quite recently. But for modern car owners, such a repair is more convenient - even if it’s not necessary for them to leave their car in the salon for a few days and get to work by public transport. In another way, after the repair of the stench, you can drive a wet car the same way as before - without any restrictions and overstaying, which should sound appropriately after the farbing. And, nareshti, naygolovnіshe - you can overcome such difficult problems, like pіdbіr farby and “getting into color” - in times of PDR blockage, the body is covered, like before, factory farboi. Varto indicates that the price for such repairs is lower, lower for painting and body work, and the hour is spent only 1-2 years in the fall after the maestro. Technology for repairing dents without filling PDR is the ideal solution for those who have their car ready for sale. Adzhe, as it seems, “striking on the robe”, and the lack of indifference of the old-looking car is a guarantee that it’s smarter to buy.

What is the point of such a repair? And the essence of it lies in the fact that from the inner side of the part, with special tools, a vice is made on the weak surface, which is to bring the self into the indentation. Fallow vіd clay, rosemіrіv, roztashuvannya ushkodzhen, and also I will become a lacofarb coating and bodywork metal, metal tightening methods can be from the outer side or from the inside. For vir_vnyuvannya vm'yatin zsrediny vykoristovuyutsya special tools and different configurations. Zavdyaki їх different commodities and dovzhinі can get into important places without parsing and removing body parts. Since there is no access to the indentation from the inverted side, the gluing technique is used. Tse - special piston, which is tightly glued to vm'yatinі and vityaguє її. For usunennya vm'yatiny z easy poshkodzhennyam lakofarbovy coating technique paintwork. So, even though in the zone of indentation there are streaks and vodkali, then this zone is “sleep”. I chim won more, tim skladnіshe komogtisya yakosti in repair. Even though coarse and non-delicate undercoats are easily used with abrasive - special polishing. There is a small chip, and the farb in other cars on the road is seen without a trace.

However, not all indentations can be cleaned with PDR technology and you need to know about it. For example, it’s poshkodzheno lakofarbove pokrittya, but the metal is heavily deformed. Most often, there are even small indentations, but they are so deep that they cannot be repaired without farbuvannya - the metal is overtightened. And the main indicator of the fact that the metal is stretched is the fact that the farbi is in the deepest world of poverty.

For example, find a better vm'yatin - 4 cm - among car repairmen are called hot "bunnies". 95% of such “bunnies” can be seen, and only 5%, according to the statistics, do not get PDR through some random rotting and deepening.

So, repairs without farbuvannya are practically not allowed: the thresholds of a car, in 95% of cases, are overturned, if they are gently sloping and without severe creases; the edges of the parts of the hood, trunk and doors, so that the stench sounds glued and cooked, and there is no access to the tool in the middle - such a dent can only be easily polished; stіyki dahu, yakscho on them - gostrі zalomi; those vm'yatini in the panel, yakі z'appeared as a result of an onslaught, an indirect blow and when the body was skewed.

And the axis, even the body itself, not too small vm'yatini, practically in the ideal state and the farba did not go wrong - after the repair for the PDR technology, it will not be left behind.

Ale, in the home minds, to make such a repair without farbuvannya is not easy on the right. Navіt dosvіdchenі majstry do not have to be charged for such collapsible tools. І neridki this year, if I give ice to the service, the car mechanics with “green” and young fahivtsy, and in the bag of a dent on the body of their client become even more unacceptable, or they start moving. For this reason, it is logically explained - it is important for the building to win over the poor, the building itself is deprived under the pressure of unacceptable observation, and to practice with such a technique, only a person can be informed. Otherwise, the experiments of the newcomers at the right hand will end with the traditional repair already with the furnishing.

For those who want to master the wisdom of PDR, fahivtsi recommend training on the details of the name. It is important for Aje to learn how to push in the “correct” time and to reach the singing techniques of weakening the tension, otherwise it will be necessary to tighten the metal - but it’s not easy to put it down.

And the axis, even on the poorest part of the body, is marked by a pit of corrosion, or the metal was exposed through the farby’s shattered shmatka, or the scraggly pin is more glibok - the best way to find yourself in a special service station for farbuvannya - the “home” PDR technology is already powerless here.

As soon as there is an indentation, in the place where it was earlier straightening that farbuvannya, then the possibility of zastosuvannya for її correcting the PDR to lie down in view of the very ushkodzhennya. So, even though there is no putty in the area of ​​the dent itself, the technology of removing dents without filling is implemented without problems. And it’s better not to repair the axis of the fixed place in such a rank - putty can elementarily crack. Everything that can be tried in such a state of mind is to carefully drive the dent itself to an unfathomable level.

And among motorists, there is such a myth: if you leave a car on the sun, you will disappear on your own. But really, metal is only played on the sun, and that means it expands, which is why the vm'yatini can become visually smaller, so it becomes bigger. And just like metal oholone, all the poshkodzhennya will come again with their large amount of expansion.

Chi do not govern all the dents and for the help of dry ice, hair dryer and compressed air. Only less than 2% can be corrected in such ways. Such a technology is called a thermal drop, and it’s only there, if the indentation is not close to a decorative line, on a rounded one or a pidsilyuvacha. And so, as if there weren’t any in the middle of yourself, there were good creases and broaches of humpbacks. Only a few small "bunnies" are cleaned up in such and similar ways to them, and all the same, it is still necessary to add a surface to the surface with a tool.

PDR - dent repair technology without filling

Without a doubt, you’re talking about car services, how to propagate the vikonati body repair without farbuvannya. “Repair the wing without straightening, without putty and without farbuvannya - all the same, turn around for help to the Philippine doctors for the treatment of appendicitis,” - so respect more of the quiet, who happened to be so stunned. Ale technology for repairing dents in a "non-traditional" way is effectively used. It is called Paintless Dent Removal, which in the literal translation sounds like “painless dent removal”.

Fahіvtsі, yakі likvіduyut neznachnі poshkodzhennya zastosuvannya skolіvіnі ії іnstrumentu, z'appeared sche in sixty roki, і the main place of їх works, as if not to be wondrous, boules avtomobilnі backwaters. The main managers of these workshops were to fix other defects on the car bodies that came out of the assembly line. Vm'yatini vіd іnstrumentu аbo vіd іn thе wrong place leaning on nоdbаlіvіy svіvrobіtnika - tse in the minds of the great virobnizstva not rіdkіst doninі. As a result, the car wears a commercial look. For an idea, it’s necessary to send it to body repair, and then to farbuvannya, but in the minds of the mind, it’s unprofitable to do it, and it’s hard to do it smoothly from the point of view of technology. You won’t put a new car at the farbuvalnu camera, but you won’t install it again, but you’ll pick it up to the skeleton and it’s a hell of a lot of trouble.

Here and come to the aid of the master, yakі vmіyut fix minor defects and bodywork elements on commercial vehicles. It is necessary to say that until the song moment, the skins of them worked, spiraling on and off on their own until the end, while working at the Mercedes-Benz factory, Oscar Flag and Erix Nussle did not recognize this knowledge and did not create PDR technology in the 1970s.

Today fahіvtsі, scho vodіyut tsієyu tekhnologiєyu, є in the standard layout of any automobile plant. Їx qualification of the flooring of the temple, if you don’t know if the bula was indented or another defect, then it’s simply impossible to show the spot on the body. Vtіm, you know as you know, then in the same way you won't be vikriti їх in unprofessionalism. You, for example, can you know such a place on your car? Hi? And there, maybe, є, і not one ...

Why does such an approach belong to the repair? The main plus is that you can see a dent on the body without farbing. True, such a method has one serious fouling: the lacofarb coating is not guilty but it is damaged, so there are no scuffs, no chips, no cracks on it. Until recently, fakhіvtsі did not take up the work and in that moment, as if they were creases on the ribs. But this technology is constantly being improved, and at the same time it was given earlier hopeless from the point of view of the PDR-repair, it’s not without effort, but it’s still getting used up. Special checks, blades and other attachments allow reaching the most difficult places for a defect, after which the stench “appears” in the middle. In quiet places, where it is impossible, it is impossible to install special adhesives or vacuum systems to pull the metal on itself.

Reasonably post food: but now it’s so tormented, like you can just straighten the metal, putty and grind it?

First - tse, as already guessed, saving an hour. One and the same dent for the PDR technology can be sunk in 1.5-2 years, the same way for picking, straightening, priming, puttying, finishing, curing, drying, polishing and then picking up from a good trade or trade, Therefore, as a blyakhar and a painter, one person does not have to be, for example, with pre-trimannian technologies, no less than two people.

Another point is saving money. Repair vm'yatini for PDR technology, from the point of view of fahіvtsya, yogo vikonuє, no more vitrany. Obviously, it is necessary to pick up the tools, but on the other hand, there is a stained part, so as not to block the glue system, and it will end. Painters and robots need to add a bath not only without a hitch, but buy additional stained glass materials: degreasers, retailers, crepe, putty, skins, primers. Plus, let's not forget that while your car is standing in the drying chamber after the barn, for electricity, as it is necessary for the work of the owner, it is also necessary to pay, and the painter, of course, include him in the art work, yak, vtim, and rent a box, and іnshі stained glass overlays. For repairs using PDR technology, it is not necessary to turn on the box for an hour: everything can be done right in your garage or at the station.

Vrahuєmo and those who in most of their bodies of modern cars may be galvanized, which protect their types of corrosion. It’s a pity, but with the traditional repair, straightening and preparing the metal before filling, this microscopic ball of zinc is left without a trace, and if there were no good modern painting materials, ensure the same zahist, like zinc, applying to the body for an hour of car production is impossible, stink .

Tse means that in an hour you can renew the repair due to the appearance of corrosion. And the PDR technology does not destroy the lacofarb cover and the protection cover under it.

And, obviously, it is practically impossible to blame the car for the PDR technology that the car is under repair; Mіstsya repair, and zovsіm see yoga with giblets.

So if as a result of an accident or for some other reason your car has a dent or dent, do not rush to the painter. For the cob, visit the PDR-center. Better for everything, even today you will be in the repair zone, or I will come home to you, and in a couple of years you will be adorable with a big car.

Until then, the majority of services, who have mastered this technology, can advance the cost and hour of repair according to the photograph. And even as they stink to advise you at the repair due to the impossibility of stopping the PDR technology, then boldly violate the service, what a sense of bodywork and painting robots.

What is PDR technology? How do you work for the removal of vm'yatin without farbuvannya?

What is PDR technology?

How do you work for the removal of vm'yatin without farbuvannya?

It's a pity, the skinner of the car, the most accurate one, sooner or later it sticks with such an obvious problem like a dent. Tse mozhe buti vm'yatina vіd fly smіtya on the road, vіd nedbaloї parking, falling in the snow from the dahu, or in the form of such elemental dashing like hail. It doesn't matter! The fact is overwhelmed by the fact, it’s a dry dent, but you don’t want to farbow it. It’s not enough to ask for a penny for that, that farbowat the whole detail ... You’ll be alone in a rage.

Ale technologies are being developed, including body repair. Otzhe, to show for a second, that a dent can not be farbowed, but simply seen. Do not believe? Let me tell you the story of such a hoary technology from removing dents without filling and calling it Paintless Dent Repair (PDR or PDR in Russian).

History of PDR technology

This story began in the 60s. Oskar Flyg and Enrich Nussle were the spokesmen for the Mercedes plant. During the period of the Chergovy exhibition, the stench was repairing cars. yakі were poshkodzhenі vіdvіdvаchami in the course of the exhibition. Oskar Flyg, having seen small indentations with the handle of a hammer, preparing the car for filling, but then he went to work on the jewelry lining, which he did not need farther filling (until that moment, all defects in the body were faring). It was one of the first highlights of the development of this technology on the bare elements and became the right point in its development.

Understandably, at the moment, technology does not stand on the ground and those, as the tools looked like before, and why the technology is formed at the same time two different speeches. From the same time, as the technology looks like at the same time and how the systems are included in it:

The first system, as we are told, is the (most obvious) system of gachkiv. When working with the gachkas, the indentation is straightened out by the method of injection on the defect from the inner side of the part (indentation pressing).

The attack, the most popular among the beginnings of self-sufficiency, the formation of the removal of dents without farbuvannya is the glue system, one of the simplest. The glue system includes such warehouses as glue, glue adapter, hammer, mini-lifter, hammer and a lot of other additional tools. In this way, the indentation is straightened out by the method of pouring onto the part from the outer side, in other words, gluing at the indentation. One of the top tools in this system is cold glue, which is even more popular in the middle of advanced crafts.

Zrozumilo, when you see the swelling and the swelling of the indentation, you can close up with it, that the bumps, peak pluses appear. The system of osadzhuvannya is recognized for the removal of both folded swellings. When settling, cores, Stemmer, blending hammers are actively vicorated. The system of osadzhuvannya pratsyuє by tapping nakolіv, tobto pouring from the outer side.

Blending is the chain of osadzhuvannya, having poured into the dent from the outer side by the method of osadzhuvannya, nakoliv on the surface, for the rahunok of which it is felt under the dent.

The system has come - the whole system of overvoltage. She has ironing boards and countertops, or pillows for sleeping. Pratsiuє by hitting with a trowel on the dotichniy surface metal with the shutters of the stop from the inner side of the indentation.

For a comfortable work, it is insanely impossible to do without the widest warehouse - all accessories. Here you can enter such an important and irreplaceable possession, like a different opening, adhesive tape, stop, tighten, screens, nozzles, plugs and richly-richly other.

Attachment for removing vm'yatin without farbuvannya

Innovative solutions for robots with cars with a great zone of other things, for example, like following a hail, becoming an attachment for an induction injection on a dent. The THOT Box induction fixture of Swiss manufacturing has proven to be the best and most handy in robotics. The principle of operation of the inductor is applied in the magnetic head and point heating of the metal, for which the winding of the vm'yatin is built up. The main advantage when the vm'yatini is removed behind the auxiliary inductor is the presence of reinforcing robots, so that only the outer side of the part has been injected into the defect.

Lighting for removing dents using PDR technology

Well, and the rest, but one of the most important storage kits for removing dents without farbuvannya - it’s very bright. Why? Everything is more simple here, if you don’t fix a defect, then don’t fix it. In this hour, the German vibrator of the Nussle company has become a breakthrough in the light directly, and the six-lane lamp itself has an innovative rose and is thought out to the point with a tripod and a control system. With the most important and professional light, you will sing and wake up the most insignificant defect.

leading edge technology is the fact that a dent can be seen without filling the details, which means that when reselling, nothing can be said that you have a dent, the car does not go into the status of a bat.

There are no risks in the diversity of colors, patyokiv i thorny ball of putty.

No special boxes needed and the great mist. Finish one box i for the whole instrument, i for repair.

Technology of removal of vm'yatin without farbuvannya - the price of new opportunities in body repair with a great number of wins both for customers and for masters.

Navіt masters of traditional body repair can know for themselves a lot of cіkavogo to ease their work and speed up work with painting robots.

Our center is ready to offer you a wide range of services in the field of dent removal without rinsing.

Here you can choose a good tool with the best quality guarantee, especially, repair your car and learn innovative technologies. Maistris come to us from the US of Russia and such places as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don ... and from the entire world: the borders of the CIS, Israel, England, USA , Canada , Estonia and many others. And in terms of all education, we need you to live;)

Vm'yatin Usunennya Technology - PDR. Practical reasons for the work carried out.

After careless parking, did a dent appear on your car? Abo proyshov hail and flooded the poshkodzhennya on Dahu? Vіdpovіdno to the classical technology, it is necessary to putty for repairing, and then to repair the repaired part. And then I call for the replacement of a plaque element with an inevitable attack. If you want to change the price of a car on the secondary market, then you need to repair it. If you want to see more of a thick lacofarb coating, like, in our time, it is easy to overturn with a special tool.

Ale, you can repair the PDR, and you won’t need a farbing. The advantages are obvious - after the repair is not enough, neither in the sight of a farby ball (and putty), nor in the areas of repair of details. When it’s a gloomy hour, stained for repairs, it will be lower. Aja will not be able to clean up the packaging materials. And you can beat the car after the repair “to the fullest”. That is why it is not necessary for the regime to spare the exploitation, while the farba is fresh.

essence of technology

The essence of PDR technology lies in the repair of loose parts to the cob mill, without ruining the lacofarb ball. The technology itself seems to be done simply - with a special tool, the deformations simply bend back. Ale, simplicity is blown away.

For help glue

If you want a number of so-called "slappers" or dented in the middle of the pose of the virgins and the ribs of the hardness, you can correct it without picking up anything in the car. For this purpose, special clips and different sizes of stone are used, which are glued with special glue to the mental center of the vm'yatin.

It is necessary to correctly and precisely mark - where to glue the piston. І tse zovsim non-geometric center vm'yatin. Here everything is to be deposited with voltage in the metal, and the building will mean the right place to come only with proof.

The very nature of the virіvnyuvannya vimagaє no small right. Aja can't just pull the piston and turn the first stan. You will need a number of deeds, jewelry quality. Otherwise, the twisted metal along the edges of the indentation will be a sprat of vipirati, which cannot be positively identified on the aesthetics. It is necessary to “carry” the metal along the path of the otrimanny vm'yatini in the right direction. Only in this way you can’t get enough of the slips. If so, it is not possible to do lacofarb coverage, even if it is not possible to repair dents according to the PDR principle, no matter what. To that, often, for a simple dent, they straighten it into a sprat of prijomiv. Then, from the side, everything looks simple and looks like chaklunstvo.

And on the distant completion, the adhesive piston needs to be removed. For whom there is a special retailer, which pours only on glue, but not on the farba. Cim same retailer zmivayutsya follow the glue.

thermal renewal

Another option for repairing PDR for some other types of damage is simple heating. Obviously, in this way it is possible to insert far from all the small things, as a rule, only minor indentations with a small degree of deformation.

Then the process itself is simple. After that, having established the possibility of removing the vm'yatin in such a way, they simply heat up the place with a hair dryer. Metal, expanding in response to temperature and moving its plasticity, creates its own shape.

However, even here knowledge and evidence are necessary for success, otherwise you can solve the problem. For example - if you want to heat a boat, which is more serious and not suitable for renovation in a thermal way, then additional damage to the near-cordon ball is expected. Correct this one later.

Direct mechanical injection

Everything is not so simple here. This method zastosovuetsya in case of deformation of the ribs of the hardness or virgin elements. Ring in the air in the middle, sometimes navit z chastkovym razbirannyam car interior.

In the first technology, there are victories of the impersonal different attachments, at the sight of the hacks and the key. With this, you can use the adhesive method. With a special tool, the indentation is seen in the middle in the sprat of priyomiv. Repeating the way to the metal in case of otrimanny deformation, only in the right direction. Shards of indentation can be serious, and if the shape is renewed, the edges can be left behind, then it is possible to wind up “overlapping” at the turning beak, with distant turns. This method is used to turn the metal along the edges of the indentation to the outer edge.

Obviously, this procedure is already more trival and more important than a sufficient amount of zusil vіd maistra. But all the same, it looks like classic technology.

So, in deyaky vipadki, vikoristovuetsya vityaguvannya. This is characteristic, if the poshkodzhennya took away the power elements with a folding form. Rotate them to the first view effectively to the most twisted.

What tools do you need?

For work on the repair of dents using PDR technology, special tools and special applications will be required.

Abi tool, you can't buy it for a penny. For the new vicory, special alloys with a high quality are used. Adzhe is often brought with a thin twig, which climbs into a technological opening, spends a significant zusilla. That kind of glue vikoristovuetsya firm, a kind of summation with lacofarb coatings, stagnant in auto industry, maє high adhesion and can easily be removed from zastosuvannyam firm materials. That is why such a set and cost is close to 90 tr. That y viroblyayut їх only in the USA and Germany.

The property for repair can also be specially equipped. Adzhe is sure to improve the relief of the vm'yatin to the aid of a special contrasting lightening with parallel lines. For їх vіdobrazhennyam in the zone of indentation it is possible to precisely improve the relief. On small plots, finish a portable option, and the axis for repair, for example, dahi, requires lighting on the entire wall. Moreover, the contrasting lines of guilt are strictly parallel and equal distance from the point of caution.

Until then, just bring tools and often carry out repairs with your own hands, hardly chi viide. Let's have a chance to finish the trial hour, so that we want to start coming out. Necessary professional training. And the cost is too expensive.

Yak vibrati maistra

For reasons described above, the presence in the technical center of a special tool and a trained master does not give any guarantee of good performance. Aje chimalu plays the role of a professional here. The process of such a repair of folding requires patience, impersonal knowledge and evidence.

Therefore, the main selection criterion is whether the master will conduct the work. Here it’s smarter to hurry up with the recommendations of friends and acquaintances, as they have already been working on repairs at some kind of master. Reshta vmovlyannya little perekonlivi.

Do some vipadkas varto robiti have such a repair?

Possibility of renewal of a large form to lie in the form of a step of poshkodzhen. Moreover, like the metal itself, so the lacofarb coating. Metal in the poshkogenom mist is not to blame for the mother of rozriviv. Also, the points of fastening (point sealing or gluing) are not to blame. As for the lacquer-farb coating, there is a mistake, if it is not possible to use polishing, then the sensation in the repair carried out according to the PDR principle is used. Farba is not guilty of buti poshkodzhen.

Tobto zvichayni vm'yatini on the door, or the doors, or the wings are not a problem, with a full-bodied farbi. Obviously, the stench is not great and not fatal (metal cilium). Such a mess to get right.

Insha on the right, like a blow falling on the vigin, cut abo stick elements. Here everything lies in the nature of ushkodzhen and is determined by the master individually. Have a vipadku fahivets before the cob of repair to turn on all the poshkodzhennya and fault the verdict - what can be corrected, but what can not be seen.

Serious pereskodoyu є deformation of the power cell of the car body, vykonanoї z vysokomіtsnoy metal zі zbіlshenoyu tovshchina. In a number of ways, the elements of inspiration for such technology are not strong. For this option, it is necessary to apply the classic repair methods. Therefore, the recovery after a serious accident with PDR technology is hardly significant.

Then more other damages, in case of small contact accidents, inaccuracies in the parking lot or in case of falling objects on the car's doors, they fail without problems. And even if there are such occasions, zgіdno zі statistics, more. Until then, after such a repair, there are no traces. The car is not free of charge and has not taken a discount, which is positively indicated on the vartosti when selling.

Hello, dear readers! We continue to please you with new and, I am sure, brown materials. Let's talk once again about repairing dents without filling.

It’s a pity, but in the minds of a great one, to finish a tight place, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Kazan, or Yekaterinburg, for example, de potik avtomobilіv dosit significant, zіtknutis with other cars, or it’s not easy to take a hit on the body. If you want to go to places like Tomsk, Voronezh, Kirov, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Penza, or bring customers to service stations in Tula, they’ll try to get in your mouth, no less.

I myself have tested the body of my car more than once. Moreover, the decals of the wine were on top of me, and sometimes they sipped other water in the door and didn’t sway. Well, that's food for the past. What am I trying to do? If the Zhiguli were, I took the important hammer, and simply hit the metal in the middle. Looked at, seemingly out of the door, not particularly kindly. Ale, I didn’t have a choice, but the repair at the service station was not for me.

Already, being the owner of a bigger expensive car, I stopped using this handicraft barbarian method. Then I learned about PDR technology. This is the method of removing dents without filling, which is originally called Paintless Dent Repair.

In our country, technology has begun to actively stagnate only recently, wanting to stand up in our fatherland, in Europe and the USA, so to stand up to more than 50 years. Therefore, a decision was made to describe the method in detail to you, our dear readers.

Features and benefits

From the very beginning of its use, PDR technology was borderline simple and did not allow serious defects on the bodywork. In a good hour її they finished it off, to that one can immediately turn in with great bruises and restore a lot of the metal of the body without a shoddy lacofarb ball.

The method is borderline simple, shards of infection for a new special tool, an additional set of attachments. Deyakі navіt vіrіshi buy yоgo sobі, vikoristovuyuchi in the garage minds with their own hands.

Ale, I’ll tell you, in order to get rid of small bruises, you can try your share and try everything on your own. But the technology may have its own peculiarities, the maistry will undergo a special training for the best possible renovation of the car. By car, if you don’t have a problem, you can practice. And so to please trust the process to fakhivtsy, the addresses of which to know in your place are not a warehouse of problems.

Before the main advantages of PDR technology, we can see:

  • the daily need for the carried out farbowal work after the removal of the vm'yatin;
  • an insignificant hour, which is spent on repair and removal of defects;
  • simple local body repair for vikonannі;
  • small number of steps required for the work;
  • the price is available, yak commemoratively lower in pairs with traditional straightening, de dodatkovo is required;
  • maximum savings in the quality of lacofarb coating on car bodies;
  • Vіdsutnіst nebhіdnostі shukati farb vіdpovіdno up to the color of the body.

But it’s not naive to think that this is a charming method that allows you to carry out body repairs with one hand. The technology has its own nuances and fringes of the exchange.

important moments

The essence of the method lies in the squeezing of the vise and the vytyaguvanny vm'yatin. Tim himself is familiar with the geometry of the body, de viniklo poshkodzhennya.

PDR technique may be considered. Vybіr on the melancholy of that chi іnshoy variant to lie down in the step of poshkodzhennya, deepness and expansion of the vm'yatini. In case of usunennі drіbnykh vym'yatin vykoristovuetsya the simplest set of tools, and the axis in case of serious defects, it is necessary more expensive and more foldable installation.

Є important ALE. Paintless bodywork repairs are not possible in all situations. Situations, how to make similar robots impossible. Before them, bring:

  • strong deformation of the body led to the establishment of cracks and creases;
  • the machine is storing more than 15 years (metal wear, which can not be helped by the PDR method);
  • lakofarbove coated with a nasty quality (from the factory or after refarbing by the car dealer himself), through which the ball can be seen as a result of the winding of the metal;
  • earlier repaired by the method of extreme straightening from hammering, puttying and farby.

Swapping for PDR technology

The vіdguki deyakh avtovlasnikі vme oppose me for an hour. They bought their own PDR tools and think that now literally everything is inspired. On the other hand, it is necessary to study in detail the peculiarities of technology and її feasibility, and then we will tell you about the actual result.

Tse I'm up to the fact that these are the workings of the car body, for which the PDR method will be stupid and ineffective due to objective reasons.

  1. Luggage framing, the edge of the cover on the hood and doors. PDR is not relevant, the shards on the back of the flask can't reach the dents.
  2. Іsnuyut obezhennya on vіdnovlennya thresholds, shards in these elements a couple of walls. It is not possible to get to them from a good side. Ale, yakshcho zalomi vіdsutnі, straightening is possible.
  3. Stіyki on dahu, mayut gostrі zalomi. Їx tezh not visible in times of utvochennya vm'yatin paintless method.
  4. Defects and distortions, yakі utvilis after indirect intrusions on the body.

But remember, even though the lacofarb coating was saved on the ground, there are no cracks or cracks, and also all garages with the geometry of the body, then PDR will become the main helper in repairs.

Metal can remember what the methodology is based on. For additional tools, the master, as if bi, helped to guess the body, as before the impact or accident, the details were ripped apart, as was the geometry. It may sound a little marvelous, but everything is so and є.

see PDR

PDR is more than just a deep understanding, as it conveys a variety of different methods of paintless removal of vm'yatin on a car body.

If you look at the photo and video materials that are worth PDR, then you can remember that fakhivtsy vicorists see different things. I encourage you to get to know them better. All the stinks are based on a mechanical infusion, aloe vera vicorist various additional outbuildings.

  1. Vistukuvannya. Zvichayne vistukuvannya є universal method and represents the simplest variation of PDR. Її you can win the leather in the home minds. It is easy to speak about the details, which can be understood. The front side of the obov'yazkovo is protected and crooked, and the manipulations themselves behind the help of a hammer or other similar tool are removed from the vivorit side. The disadvantage of such a method is the complexity of its implementation. Plus, there are more minor defects and you can use a vistukuvannya path.
  2. Hairdryer and style colder. Zastosovuyut promissory possession, and not a simple bututov hair dryer. Yogo task is to heat the metal and make it plastic. Otrimuyuchi freedom in the rush, metal zagaduє its colossal form. After heating, it is necessary to send a stream of cold squeezed wind from the balloon onto the dent. Yogo temperature becomes approximately -78 degrees. Temperature shock, that is a sharp drop, priyaє vpryadlannya metal. Therefore, this type of PDR is often referred to as heat shock.
  3. Magnet. Allows you to turn around with small defects. In order not to harm the lakofarbove coating, soft material is laid between it and the magnet. It is important to start a ruh at the edge and go step by step to the center, swinging metal on yourself. In case of presence, it is possible to fix the tight magnet with defects on the car body with your own hands.
  4. Squeeze again. This is the vacuum method, which ensures the visibility of a viable tool. The essence of the method is in a strong pressure difference. It is necessary to know the center of the ushkodzhennya, put a vacuum suction cup on the right place, activate it and sharply close it to the opposite side of the indentation. In case of larger folding defects, in parallel with the bottom on the metal, pour in the wax.
  5. Applicator with glue. You will need to wake up in the air, you will need a mini lifter, an applicator and hot glue. The lifter is needed to remove the bruises, sticking to the glue applicator. After the procedure, the glue is used for additional chemical speeches. It’s important here, so that the chemistry doesn’t show too aggressive and doesn’t destroy the lacofarb cover.

Like a bachite, dear friends, it’s a good way to get in the face of unacceptable accidents, hitting, falling on the car of any objects. It is impossible to get behind your car and not allow any kind of trouble. I, for example, simply put a stroller in the trunk of a child, and left a significant dent in the body in the bag. I was succumbed to the PDR technique.

PDR technology - repair of dents on the car body without filling, in order to save more factory varnish coating. It is so sparingly visible to the ears that it is possible to see that the part is brought to the first sight by the way of the mechanical movement on it from the inside.

The result is behind the help of PDR technology. Click on the photo for enlargement.

How did the PDR technology appear?

Repair of dents without farbuvannya using Painless Dent Repair (PDR) technology stagnates in the field of automotive service already to finish three hours. Already in the 60s of the last century, in the states of spivrobіtniki in the great car factories, there were presence of fahivtsі, the main profile of such buv was the repair of dents without the need for distant farbovannya. Recently, the development of specialized tools for PDR-viewing has been improved, and companies have also appeared, yakі zdіysnyuali vdalennya ushkodzhenya from the body of a car, most importantly by the cim method.

A set of PDR tools. Click on the photo for enlargement.

The founders of the PDR technique are Oscar Delahoy and Enrihh Nüssle, who were supporters of the Mercedes plant and were recognized for the attractive appearance of cars, as they acted as exhibits at the exhibition hall. For a stretch of the day, the skin vet wanted to help the car, and small indentations were left in the bag due to inaccurate reasons on the body. Obviously, vyschevkazanyh practitioners didn’t have a special tool, but, zavdyaki bagatorichnogo svіd and good reason with handymen, the stench could add such a look to the car for nothing, nibi vin schoyno zіyshov from the conveyor.

Їх maisternіst could not fail to attract other mechanics of "Mercedes" and spіvrobіtnikіv іnshih car dealerships, that's why special PDR-schools appeared. The number of successors in this process became more and more, the technology became more and more collaborative, it added its own arsenal of tools and possessions. As a result, the repair of dents without far-reaching filling has become a reality for significant losses.

Garne lighting is an important aspect in assessing the future front of work. Click on the photo for enlargement.

The tool, which you take into the hands of the first, is a lamp with a tight rose, which helps to “read” the dent, to evaluate the її rosemary, clay, and also the camp of the lacofarb ball. Repairs cannot be done without gaps, which are carried out by squeezing the indentations in the middle of the name, and without an adhesive system, which allows you to correct the geometry of the details from the outer side, as there is no access to the inside.

The main advantages of PDR technology are:

  • conservation of oxide smelting on metal body parts, which protects it against corrosion damage, especially in tacked empty pieces;
  • saving the integrity of the factory lacquer-farb coating, why should you save on the filling procedures, as well as in the future put the car on sale for a higher price;
  • Operative removal of vm'yatin: on virіvnyuvannya navіt folding poshkodzhen ide vіd 20 to 50 khvilin.

PDR removal of dents on the body of a car without the need for some deep filling became especially in demand in the 90s of the last century, if the application of varnish-farb materials on a car became more high-tech, and farby and varnishes - more elastic and less prickly.

How does the technology of PDR-survival develop and on what principles is it based?

The scheme for car repair using PDR technology can be different in fallowness, I will become metal and lacofarb coating of the body, as well as expanding, deepening and roztashuvannya vm'yatin. Having poured into the poshkodzhennya, it can zdіysnyuvatisya like in the middle, so it’s called, as a result of which the dent is either vishtovhuє, or it’s uphill.

Due to modern technology, PDR, unfortunately, cannot be called universal. Іsnuyut deyakі obmezhennya її zastosuvannya, povyazanі z character and roztashuvannyam vm'yatin, as well as features of the car body and the camp of yogo lacofarb coating. Before the boundary of the first type, you can see the steps:

  • Poshkodzhennya edges of the trunk, hood, doors, so access to the inside of these parts is practically impossible;
  • Automotive thresholds, for a little wine, there are no more quiet dents, for some there are no good creases;
  • Stіyki dahu with gostrimi creases;
  • Peroxide of the body and repair of the damage caused by indirect impacts.

Also, it’s not enough to go into PDR-vibration, as if the body of the car, or okremі yogo elements, to one of the following points:

  • already very poshkodzhenі;
  • the integrity of the factory lacofarb coating has been destroyed, so that it is impossible to do without a far-fetched farbuvannya;
  • the apparent lakofarbovy ball is insufficiently powerful and may not be affected by the mechanical inflow of PDR-tools;
  • the car was damaged more than 15 years ago;
  • Previously, repairs were carried out from traditional straightening, puttying and filling.

    Obviously, before evaluating the skin indentation, it should be taken every now and then individually, even in some cases PDR-virgination successfully copes with significant body injuries, and sometimes you can’t get into a small indentation with a coin. In general, well, it’s true, as the integrity of the lacquer-farb ball and the geometry of the details are not damaged, there is no indication that the PDR technology has not been proved to be wrong and the repair is not to blame for the absence of any traces on the body of the car.

    Do you want to conduct PDR-virvnyuvannya with your own hands?

    It's a pity, avtovlasnikiv, as if they try to go to the point of vibrating the vm'yatin for the principle of "cheap and cheerful", to be embarrassed, since the PDR technology makes it obvious that special skills and a special tool are obvious.

    PDR straightening without farbuvannya is a foldable technology, which is trusted to straightening of the body by the following professionals. Click on the photo for enlargement.

    Don't trust your car and young employees of service centers, because you can't get enough work. Tools for vitrification without farbuvannya have a nice protective reason, which otherwise can be left on the case. Navіt dosvіdchenі maistri to be put to this technology with care and not to take up the job, as if not fully convinced in their own strength.

    If you are just starting to master the PDR technology, it is recommended to practice on old car parts for the first time, in order to learn how to relax the metal stress without any warping, and also to know the place to hit a damaged part without mercy.

    Virіvnyuvannya vm'yatin without farbuvannya can be done:

    1. In the middle for additional gachkіv raznoї raznoї і razmіru, yakscho є access to the “vivoritnyy” side of the part;
    2. Calls for an additional adhesive system: a special plaster sticks to the vm'yatin, like a climber uphill.

    In this rank, before the cob of PDR-virіvnyuvannya it is necessary to resolutely obstezhite poshkodzhennya and perekonatis in the fact that you transfer the car into the hands of the superintendent master. Sometimes you can turn the part to the first look for additional polishing with a small lacofarb ball. Well, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vmyatini, there is a trace of corrosion, and the most difficult thing is to make it big and deep, more likely to go to the traditional straightening and farther farbing.

After careless parking, did a dent appear on your car? Abo proyshov hail and flooded the poshkodzhennya on Dahu? Vіdpovіdno to the classical technology, it is necessary to putty for repairing, and then to repair the repaired part. And then I call for the replacement of a plaque element with an inevitable attack. If you want to change the price of a car on the secondary market, then you need to repair it. If you want to see more of a thick lacofarb coating, like, in our time, it is easy to overturn with a special tool.

Ale, you can repair the PDR, and you won’t need a farbing. The advantages are obvious - after the repair is not enough, neither in the sight of a farby ball (and putty), nor in the areas of repair of details. When it’s a gloomy hour, stained for repairs, it will be lower. Aja will not be able to clean up the packaging materials. And you can beat the car after the repair “to the fullest”. That is why it is not necessary for the regime to spare the exploitation, while the farba is fresh.

essence of technology

The essence of PDR technology lies in the repair of loose parts to the cob mill, without ruining the lacofarb ball. The technology itself seems to be done simply - with a special tool, the deformations simply bend back. Ale, simplicity is blown away.

For help glue

If you want a number of so-called "slappers" or dented in the middle of the pose of the virgins and the ribs of the hardness, you can correct it without picking up anything in the car. For this purpose, special clips and different sizes of stone are used, which are glued with special glue to the mental center of the vm'yatin.

It is necessary to correctly and precisely mark - where to glue the piston. І tse zovsim non-geometric center vm'yatin. Here everything is to be deposited with voltage in the metal, and the building will mean the right place to come only with proof.

The very nature of the virіvnyuvannya vimagaє no small right. Aja can't just pull the piston and turn the first stan. You will need a number of deeds, jewelry quality. Otherwise, the twisted metal along the edges of the indentation will be a sprat of vipirati, which cannot be positively identified on the aesthetics. It is necessary to “carry” the metal along the path of the otrimanny vm'yatini in the right direction. Only in this way you can’t get enough of the slips. If so, it is not possible to do lacofarb coverage, even if it is not possible to repair dents according to the PDR principle, no matter what. To that, often, for a simple dent, they straighten it into a sprat of prijomiv. Then, from the side, everything looks simple and looks like chaklunstvo.

And on the distant completion, the adhesive piston needs to be removed. For whom there is a special retailer, which pours only on glue, but not on the farba. Cim same retailer zmivayutsya follow the glue.

thermal renewal

Another option for repairing PDR for some other types of damage is simple heating. Obviously, in this way it is possible to insert far from all the small things, as a rule, only minor indentations with a small degree of deformation.

Then the process itself is simple. After that, having established the possibility of removing the vm'yatin in such a way, they simply heat up the place with a hair dryer. Metal, expanding in response to temperature and moving its plasticity, creates its own shape.

However, even here knowledge and evidence are necessary for success, otherwise you can solve the problem. For example - if you want to heat a boat, which is more serious and not suitable for renovation in a thermal way, then additional damage to the near-cordon ball is expected. Correct this one later.

Direct mechanical injection

Everything is not so simple here. This method zastosovuetsya in case of deformation of the ribs of the hardness or virgin elements. Ring in the air in the middle, sometimes navit z chastkovym razbirannyam car interior.

In the first technology, there are victories of the impersonal different attachments, at the sight of the hacks and the key. With this, you can use the adhesive method. With a special tool, the indentation is seen in the middle in the sprat of priyomiv. Repeating the way to the metal in case of otrimanny deformation, only in the right direction. Shards of indentation can be serious, and if the shape is renewed, the edges can be left behind, then it is possible to wind up “overlapping” at the turning beak, with distant turns. This method is used to turn the metal along the edges of the indentation to the outer edge.

Obviously, this procedure is already more trival and more important than a sufficient amount of zusil vіd maistra. But all the same, it looks like classic technology.

So, in deyaky vipadki, vikoristovuetsya vityaguvannya. This is characteristic, if the poshkodzhennya took away the power elements with a folding form. Rotate them to the first view effectively to the most twisted.

What tools do you need?

For work on the repair of dents using PDR technology, special tools and special applications will be required.

Abi tool, you can't buy it for a penny. For the new vicory, special alloys with a high quality are used. Adzhe is often brought with a thin twig, which climbs into a technological opening, spends a significant zusilla. That kind of glue vikoristovuetsya firm, a kind of summation with lacofarb coatings, stagnant in auto industry, maє high adhesion and can easily be removed from zastosuvannyam firm materials. That is why such a set and cost is close to 90 tr. That y viroblyayut їх only in the USA and Germany.

The property for repair can also be specially equipped. Adzhe is sure to improve the relief of the vm'yatin to the aid of a special contrasting lightening with parallel lines. For їх vіdobrazhennyam in the zone of indentation it is possible to precisely improve the relief. On small plots, finish a portable option, and the axis for repair, for example, dahi, requires lighting on the entire wall. Moreover, the contrasting lines of guilt are strictly parallel and equal distance from the point of caution.

Until then, just bring tools and often carry out repairs with your own hands, hardly chi viide. Let's have a chance to finish the trial hour, so that we want to start coming out. Necessary professional training. And the cost is too expensive.

Yak vibrati maistra

For reasons described above, the presence in the technical center of a special tool and a trained master does not give any guarantee of good performance. Aje chimalu plays the role of a professional here. The process of such a repair of folding requires patience, impersonal knowledge and evidence.

Therefore, the main selection criterion is whether the master will conduct the work. Here it’s smarter to hurry up with the recommendations of friends and acquaintances, as they have already been working on repairs at some kind of master. Reshta vmovlyannya little perekonlivi.

Do some vipadkas varto robiti have such a repair?

Possibility of renewal of a large form to lie in the form of a step of poshkodzhen. Moreover, like the metal itself, so the lacofarb coating. Metal in the poshkogenom mist is not to blame for the mother of rozriviv. Also, the points of fastening (point sealing or gluing) are not to blame. As for the lacquer-farb coating, there is a mistake, if it is not possible to use polishing, then the sensation in the repair carried out according to the PDR principle is used. Farba is not guilty of buti poshkodzhen.

Tobto zvichayni vm'yatini on the door, or the doors, or the wings are not a problem, with a full-bodied farbi. Obviously, the stench is not great and not fatal (metal cilium). Such a mess to get right.

Insha on the right, like a blow falling on the vigin, cut abo stick elements. Here everything lies in the nature of ushkodzhen and is determined by the master individually. Have a vipadku fahivets before the cob of repair to turn on all the poshkodzhennya and fault the verdict - what can be corrected, but what can not be seen.

Serious pereskodoyu є deformation of the power cell of the car body, vykonanoї z vysokomіtsnoy metal zі zbіlshenoyu tovshchina. In a number of ways, the elements of inspiration for such technology are not strong. For this option, it is necessary to apply the classic repair methods. Therefore, the recovery after a serious accident with PDR technology is hardly significant.

Then more other damages, in case of small contact accidents, inaccuracies in the parking lot or in case of falling objects on the car's doors, they fail without problems. And even if there are such occasions, zgіdno zі statistics, more. Until then, after such a repair, there are no traces. The car is not free of charge and has not taken a discount, which is positively indicated on the vartosti when selling.

What is PDR technology?

How do you work for the removal of vm'yatin without farbuvannya?

It's a pity, the skinner of the car, the most accurate one, sooner or later it sticks with such an obvious problem like a dent. Tse mozhe buti vm'yatina vіd fly smіtya on the road, vіd nedbaloї parking, falling in the snow from the dahu, or in the form of such elemental dashing like hail. It doesn't matter! The fact is overwhelmed by the fact, it’s a dry dent, but you don’t want to farbow it. It’s not enough to ask for a penny for that, that farbowat the whole detail ... You’ll be alone in a rage.

Ale technologies are being developed, including body repair. Otzhe, to show for a second, that a dent can not be farbowed, but simply seen. Do not believe? Let me tell you the story of such a hoary technology from removing dents without filling and calling it Paintless Dent Repair (PDR or PDR in Russian).

History of PDR technology

This story began in the 60s. Oskar Flyg and Enrich Nussle were the spokesmen for the Mercedes plant. During the period of the Chergovy exhibition, the stench was repairing cars. yakі were poshkodzhenі vіdvіdvаchami in the course of the exhibition. Oskar Flyg, having seen small indentations with the handle of a hammer, preparing the car for filling, but then he went to work on the jewelry lining, which he did not need farther filling (until that moment, all defects in the body were faring). It was one of the first highlights of the development of this technology on the bare elements and became the right point in its development.

Understandably, at the moment, technology does not stand on the ground and those, as the tools looked like before, and why the technology is formed at the same time two different speeches. From the same time, as the technology looks like at the same time and how the systems are included in it:

hack system

The first system, as we are told, is the (most obvious) system of gachkiv. When working with the gachkas, the indentation is straightened out by the method of injection on the defect from the inner side of the part (indentation pressing).

adhesive system

The attack, the most popular among the beginnings of self-sufficiency, the formation of the removal of dents without farbuvannya is the glue system, one of the simplest. The glue system includes such warehouses as glue, glue adapter, hammer, mini-lifter, hammer and a lot of other additional tools. In this way, the indentation is straightened out by the method of pouring onto the part from the outer side, in other words, gluing at the indentation. One of the top tools in this system is cold glue, which is even more popular in the middle of advanced crafts.

OSA system

Zrozumilo, when you see the swelling and the swelling of the indentation, you can close up with it, that the bumps, peak pluses appear. The system of osadzhuvannya is recognized for the removal of both folded swellings. When settling, cores, Stemmer, blending hammers are actively vicorated. The system of osadzhuvannya pratsyuє by tapping nakolіv, tobto pouring from the outer side.


Blending is the chain of osadzhuvannya, having poured into the dent from the outer side by the method of osadzhuvannya, nakoliv on the surface, for the rahunok of which it is felt under the dent.

surge system

The system has come - the whole system of overvoltage. She has ironing boards and countertops, or pillows for sleeping. Pratsiuє by hitting with a trowel on the dotichniy surface metal with the shutters of the stop from the inner side of the indentation.

Accessories for PDR

For a comfortable work, it is insanely impossible to do without the widest warehouse - all accessories. Here you can enter such an important and irreplaceable possession, like a different opening, adhesive tape, stop, tighten, screens, nozzles, plugs and richly-richly other.

Attachment for removing vm'yatin without farbuvannya

Innovative solutions for robots with cars with a great zone of other things, for example, like following a hail, becoming an attachment for an induction injection on a dent. The THOT Box induction fixture of Swiss manufacturing has proven to be the best and most handy in robotics. The principle of operation of the inductor is applied in the magnetic head and point heating of the metal, for which the winding of the vm'yatin is built up. The main advantage when the vm'yatini is removed behind the auxiliary inductor is the presence of reinforcing robots, so that only the outer side of the part has been injected into the defect.

Lighting for removing dents using PDR technology

Well, and the rest, but one of the most important storage kits for removing dents without farbuvannya - it’s very bright. Why? Everything is more simple here, if you don’t fix a defect, then don’t fix it. In this hour, the German vibrator of the Nussle company has become a breakthrough in the light directly, and the six-lane lamp itself has an innovative rose and is thought out to the point with a tripod and a control system. With the most important and professional light, you will sing and wake up the most insignificant defect.

leading edge technology is the fact that a dent can be seen without filling the details, which means that when reselling, nothing can be said that you have a dent, the car does not go into the status of a bat.

Another important point quick repair and yogo vartist. On average, the repair of one vm'yatin borrows 15-30 quills, which means it's better to build a local farbuvannya. And the repair cost is much less, so it’s practical no display materials.

There are no risks in the diversity of colors, patyokiv i thorny ball of putty.

No special boxes needed and the great mist. Finish one box i for the whole instrument, i for repair.

Technology of removal of vm'yatin without farbuvannya - the price of new opportunities in body repair with a great number of wins both for customers and for masters.

Navіt masters of traditional body repair can know for themselves a lot of cіkavogo to ease their work and speed up work with painting robots.

Our center is ready to offer you a wide range of services in the field of dent removal without rinsing.

Here you can choose a good tool with the best quality guarantee, especially, repair your car and learn innovative technologies. Maistris come to us from the US of Russia and such places as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don ... and from the entire world: the borders of the CIS, Israel, England, USA , Canada , Estonia and many others. And in terms of all education, we need you to live;)

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