Generator belt for 8 valves. Lada Granta and Kalina: recalibration and replacement of the belt for the drive of auxiliary units. How the belt of the Kalina generator is driven and how it is regulated


Generator belt on Lada Kalina plays an important role in the robotic engine. Without it, the generator will NOT be brought into operation, which in my turn is threatening not to charge the battery. If there is no battery charging, the car will not start.

Changing the alternator belt: step by step instructions

First of all, to replace the alternator belt with the 8-valve Lady Kalini, you need a tool: a wrench for 19, a wrench for 10, and a cap for 8. Now you can go straight to the replacement process:

Tension moment varto dotrimuvatis strictly. Too little tightness will not give normal wraps to the generator, which will cause the voltage in the side rail to drop. Too strong - I’ll bring it to the “blinking” or I’ll open the belt.

Russian know-how, primary market villages on guard against the power of alternator belt tightening

Experts recommend changing the alternator belt on an 8-valve Kalina leather 25 yew. Km, and the axis of AvtoVAZ - leather 30,000 km. Ale, varto vrakhovuvaty, what is necessary to change the camp of the belt fast. Oskіlki vyhіd zі fret can be і after 10,000 km.

Belt Gates - run 40,000 km, you can see the railing, nothing critical, but better replace

The replacement of this element is not limited by time frames, but is determined by the camp of the generator belt. As soon as you keep a post-yno camp, you can avoid shaving and removing other negative consequences. With any car, it is recommended to carry a spare belt with you, so that at some point you can remember and move away.

Belt selection, catalog number, price

Leather belt in the car may have its own term of service and resource, depending on periodic replacement. Then what kind of alternator belt is necessary to install on the 8-valve Lada Kalina and how to fight?

Original number and belt size:

Varto vrakhovuvati, to replace the generator belt, go and tension the roller, which wears at the same time with it. In the process of replacing yoga, it is also necessary to replace it.

When choosing a belt and a roller, it is not easy for a motorist to face the challenge: original or analogue. І tі, і інші are good. Ale, scho, well, work, because when shopping in a store, you don’t have a belt with you?

Articles of the alternator belt for Kalina

Table of analogues of the alternator belt for the 8-valve Lada Kalina

All analogues of the belt showed themselves to do good and won the dovіra of motorists.

Table of analogues of the alternator belt pulley for the 8-valve Lada Kalina

Identification of faults and replacement terms

It is easy to fix the generator belt failure. Let's take a look at the main indicators:

All these faults should be noted about those who have come to replace the generator belt in Kaliny. Otherwise, the wine may break at the most inopportune moment.

Broken belt on one of Kalin

Video about adjusting the alternator belt after replacing it

A small video about the correct adjustment of the alternator belt on the Lada Kalina.


Changing the belt and the generator roller on the 8-valve Lada Kalina is easy and simple to do. A wide range of goods to choose from, you know, don’t be a relish. With this, the analogues of the original parts can achieve a high quality. Diagnosis of faults is easy to carry out and under the force of any motorist.

You can try a third-party whistle. Having delved into the essence of the breakdown, it is explained that the cause is the generator belt. You can try to solve the problem on your own, or you can see a car service.

If you don’t like it, you didn’t choose any option for solving this problem, nevertheless, you should familiarize yourself with the extension of the generator’s pass transmission. In independence, according to the brand of the car, in the skin unit, there is a generator. The transfer of the wrapper from the crankshaft to the generator shaft is used for the help of the belt, which often becomes the cause of breakdowns or damage to the car's robot. In order to accurately determine that the reason lies in itself in the time, it is necessary in the first circle of the nobility, which you imagine.

Getting to know the car's alternator belt

Vodії, yakі not the first rіkі to drive a car, on special dosvіdі perekonalis, scho before vіїzd it is necessary to do a small technical inspection of the zones of special control. Before them one can see: technical rods, fire-oil materials, oil seals and sawdust, as well as a generator belt.

As it was already planned more, the generator belt - the price for the moment is the only method of transferring the wrapper of the crankshaft to the generator, for which the electric energy is established, for the practicality of the car.

The belt is elastic, closed in a string, when it is soft, the car attaches its own movement. This element is included in the category of window materials. So yoga cannot be repaired, like, for example, but only replaced with new ones. To that, so that a breakdown did not catch us on the road, it is necessary to know in detail, like a power belt, in what order it is necessary to service and replace it.

As we found out, the alternator belt is an important element of the entire car design. The main criteria for evaluation are length and width, thickness, and also profile. When the car is working, the belt takes a lot of effort. From which it is possible to make a visnovok, so that the belt is guilty of being more important, but if it is elastic, to secure the garne with rollers and pulleys. The builders of these belts have done a lot of work on yoga outbuildings. The basis of the belt includes an elastic material, which is a kind of covering, reinforced with a material, bagato-ball base.

In the fall, in the form of an internal surface, there are three types of generator belts, and themselves: wedge, polywedge and gears. The V-belt in rosette shape is a trapezium, the veils of which the wines can convey great excitement. And yet, it is special in that the wine is not intended for a twisted bend, so it is victorious for transferring up to one or a few accessories. Poly V-belts are shaped like glued V-belts, as a result of which the veins are three times wider. The teeth of the belts on the inner surface are grooved, which ensures a higher transmission accuracy.

Alternator belt whine. What work?

The whistle of the alternator belt to irritate other third-party sounds is even simpler.

It is a sound that resonates with the ear, which reminds not only the water and passengers, but also the sound of zvichayn. Such a sound is due to the slipping of the inner part of the belt. And for those є kіlka reasons, among them: wear of the belt, the quality of the material of the belt is filthy, as well as the consumption, PMM and cooling rods on pulleys or belts. For this reason, it is necessary to visually look at the surface of the belt for wear and tear, and only then make a decision about this change.

For the cob it is necessary to marvel at such officials:

  • that the integrity of the belt is not broken;
  • with some degree of tightness maє belt;
  • chi is not on the belt or the pulleys of the third-party rods;
  • there are no shifted lines, de-stashed two pulleys.

In times where no defects were found, replace the alternator belt with a larger one. Sometimes even the shortest belts waste their effectiveness, through which a whistle can be blamed. A similar defect can be due to cold temperatures, when such a belt becomes more hard. Ale cey factor is passable in the world of rozіrіv avtomobilya.

Replacement or alternator belt tensioner

As if we didn’t want it, if we all happen to change the belt, even if it’s a skin day, we’ll get better, and in the last bag of wine we’ll come to inapplicability. For the masters of Kalini, this process will be laborious, but if everything is done correctly, then everything will not appear so foldable. Literally, the greatest difficulty, when replacing the belt, is a small obligation of the underhood space. For that, a good showcase will be good for you, like no other. And besides that, you need the deacons of the novice, the keys to 13.17 and 19.

In order to make it easier to carry out repair work on the alternator belt, install the car over the inspection hole, or put it on the flyover. It is necessary, for that which is easier to reach from below until some days.

Generator belt replacement

Automobiles of the industrial production are becoming popular with car enthusiasts. Therefore, the actual supply, which is the cost of spare parts and their replacement in terms of wear and tear, requires a detailed review of that repair. One of such spare parts is Kalina generator belt. Sound yoga change through the skin 30-60 yew. Km run the car.

The car's alternator is an accessory, for the help of which it is necessary to recharge the battery and boost the voltage necessary for the functioning of the system. After the motor plant, the battery often drains its charge, but after the robotic engine, the energy is turned by a transmission path through the generator.

It can be seen that the professionalism of the water without intermediary influences the tension of the generator. Also, in the process of converting the mechanical energy of the motor-powered generator into electrical energy, the robot of all electronic devices of the car is provided.

Kalina masu priladіv і systems, for which electrical energy is needed. It is necessary for the inclusion of the ignition system, the operation of the headlights, both near and far light, for the possibility of coring with an air conditioner, without which one cannot do in the heat of the year, and, obviously, for keeping the battery charged at the necessary level.

Selection of a new alternator belt for Kalini

Firm belts above

Since the car has passed the mileage, it is necessary to replace the timing belt. The first step is to start replacing, it is necessary to select and add a detail, as it is necessary to comply with all standards for ensuring comfortable operation for a designated period.

Through the nuances of the structure of the system, the drive is directly dependent on the tightness and expansion of the belt, depending on the number of air conditioner installations in the car. At different times of daytime, the length of the belt is to become more than 1 m, and in case of daytime - only 88 cm.

In the future, Kalina may change the design of the drive system, so on models of the early period, the timing belt is due to the mother dovzhin of 82 cm.

Removing the alternator belt

For vikonannya, it is necessary to select the next set of tools to replace the belt:

  • heads for 8 and 13;
  • keys are standard on 13 and 19;
  • oil is plastic and penetrating for processing parts of the mechanism when folded;
  • tension roller (as a result of diagnostics, the need for replacement was revealed);
  • new timing belt of different models and old age.

It is necessary to understand that during the replacement with a hand-held hand, it will take an hour to prepare the robot, I will tie up the elements, so as to transfer access to the Kalini generator:

  • clean up the zakhist;
  • take the wheel, vikoristuuchi balloon key;
  • rent a car lift;
  • tidy up the ICE pillow.

The robot should be hunkered down in the pit, so it is necessary to have free access to all the details of the machine. After the preparatory work has been carried out, proceed without delay until the timing belt is replaced on an 8-valve engine.

With a key of 8, we will equip it with a ratchet, loosen the large locking nut that is loosened on the tensioner rod. With the presence of a treble, a cap or a standard key is 8. Then they beat in an offensive order:

  • remove one or two terminals from the car's battery using the alarm system method;
  • dismantle the windshield washer (tank with a native);
  • remove the cover of the generator by unbending the fixation of the head and expanding it in different sides;
  • remove the washer from the gas belt under the mechanism and remove the drive belt;
  • for the help of a key, loosen the timing belt, which is fixed with nuts, and reduce the tightness;
  • carry out the work on loosening the tightness;
  • take the guard, and then the belt itself;
  • if necessary, remove the roller for yoga, for which the front will need to remove the plug;
  • in reverse order, starting from the roller, install new spare parts and fix them behind the additional bolts and trimming elements.

After installing the timing belt, it is necessary to protest against the force of this tension and, if necessary, adjust it.

Generator belt tensioner

It’s like a day-to-day performance in one’s own strength and there is no helper, it’s better to see a technical service station, a professional maistre to work correctly and in a kilka once a swidshe.

Timing belt tightening process

To determine the tension, it is necessary to press the belt on the timing belt with your hand. Bazhano vikoristovuvaty special tool, which you can get in any car shop. Under the influx of zusilla, the belt is guilty of bending no more than 8-10 mm down.

Vidsutnіst progina svіdchit pro natіgnі natjag, є є vіdhilennyam i vymagaє reguluvannya. Even if the tightness is not strong enough, with a robotic mechanism, you will be afraid of such a title of z_skovzuvannya according to the shkif. This process is not safe for a robotic battery, since the rest does not take away the necessary electrical energy, after which, sometimes, it is often not necessary to recharge. As a result, the battery psuєtsya and quickly get out of tune.

Even if the belt is tensioned, there is an increase in the tension during the hour of operation of the machine with air conditioning or without it, then the tension roller and bearings, as they interact with the generator, will work out their practicality earlier.

Note for correct belt tension

When revealed inconsistency, the tightness of the next viconate was followed by a number of manipulations directed at correcting the situation. With the method of weakening the tightness, it is necessary to vicorate a special adjustment pin, wrap around the annual arrow until the necessary equal tightness is removed. In the course of the work, it is necessary to check the tightness with a special tool. To increase the tightness, turn the adjustment pin in the reverse direction, and change it with control.

Vikoristovuyuchi simple technique, which requires the minimum number of tools, adjust the tightness, after which Kalina will be operated without breakdowns until the scheduled replacement of the timing belt.

The sixteen-valve viburnum simply pleases with the simplicity of its service. :) I was told that in order to replace the alternator belt, it was necessary to twist the dvigun cushion, but while the car was under warranty and serviced in the service, I missed such speeches.

Old Gates, run 40 thousand. So-so, according to the regulations, change after 30 thousand.

Remin has long been asking for a replacement, new purchases and lying in the trunk at once with a roller. The replacement of the belt happened to be replaced by the replacement of the radiator. Having gone through hundreds of sides on the forums, I didn’t remember anything, I didn’t remember anything. I already had a lot of things to say, ale, I’ll report about every fluctuation:

1. We know the omivacha tank, the tubes are not chipped. Needed heads 8.10.
2. Loosen the belt tension. Keys 19, 8.
3. Lift the wheel.
4. We twist the tension of the front suspension (one nut 24 and three bolts 17 each).
5. We know the breeches of the engine. Purchase of self-tapping screws with a head 8 and two bolts 10.
6. jack the engine by the cushion bracket so that only a little bit of it is supported. The jack is not placed at the very edge of the bracket, the troch is deep in the engine vіdsіku. Otherwise, you will become a shift for proshtovhuvannya new belt and take out the old one no less than yoga. Marvel at the miste.
7. Two nuts and a bolt fastening the pillow to the body (top of the pillow) are twisted on the back.
8. We let the engine move down, so that we can take advantage of the two, which are missing the bolts.
9. Let's twist two bolts of the cushion to the bracket (in the center). Requires Torx E14 socket.
10. Take the pillow, change the strap through the gap.
11. Pull the tensioner roller cap. We turn the video. LEFT THREAD! Minyaemo.
12. We take everything back.

Pillow hanging on one bolt

If the engine was allowed to pass, the pillow was hooked behind the plastic pistons under the self-tapping screws of the brizkovik (square ones), I had a chance to blow them.

One nut snapped at once with a hairpin. Burning back like a bolt.

A new belt on the shoulder, it has lost its tension.

On the forums, I’ll renew a dozen teams on hundreds of sides, how to tighten the belt. Yak Robiv I:

1. Pulling the belt slightly.
2. Starting the engine, step by step turning on the electrical appliances, light, air and air conditioner.
3. whistling - pulling up a couple more turns.
4. Curl dvigun, giving urgency, whistling, lifting.
5. After a day of exploitation, the belt was stretched out, whistling. Pulling up the rest.

Porada: Don't buy 3/8" Torx sets from stock. It’s a problem to know about them, or the adapter is more difficult to know, rather, dial 1/4 + 1/2 inch.

For a long time you are tormented, somehow you will see. Away repairs!

The alternator belt is an important element of the life of your car. In view of the integrity and correctness of the tension, there is a lot of reason for the correct operation of the generator, the quality of the battery charging, as well as the voltage level in the side rail.

If the belt is weakened, it starts whistling, wear of the generator bearings can be increased. Of course, the wrong tension can lead to a swedish ruin and a distant slacking of the belt itself.

Such yaks:

  1. Cracks, Lopin.
  2. Nervnomirny wear.
  3. Obriv.

It is the fault of the nobility, as the regulation of the generator belt in Kaliny is victorious, which is in the order of work.

Features of diagnostics of the alternator belt

With the appearance of one of the overhauls, it is a sign that you are guilty without a call to change the tension of the generator belt in Kaliny. Zrobiti tse is simple.

Press on the belt with singing zusills (about three kilograms) and for the help of the line, bend the bend. If the vein is more than one centimeter, then the belt will need to be adjusted.

More accurate re-verification can be done with an additional dynamometer. In this situation, it is necessary to pull the belt with a 10 kg * s belt (you can beat it on the scale of the instrument) and evaluate the recovery (it should be no more than 1-1.5 cm).

Preparatory work

Before that, how to tighten the generator belt on Kaliny, carry out a series of preparatory work:

1. To clean the nuts of the tensioner on the alternator, saw and wood for an additional brush on metal, you can spray WD-40 so it will be easier to turn them.

2. Prepare the necessary tool. For work, you will need a key for nineteen and eight millimeters.

If you have shown a weakened belt, then do not call with a robot. Wrath, that through such a malfunction the KKD of the generator changes, there are interruptions in the voltage in the side rail, there is a lot of “slipping” of the belt on the pulleys and other non-receiving problems.

Features of adjustment and tightening of the generator belt

Now let's take a look at how to properly tension the alternator belt. I would like to show that the whole process takes no more than 10-15 minutes. Otzhe, go to the service station and waste your money to pay for the master - it's at least unreasonable.

Diet in the following sequence:

Know the tension bar and lightly turn the locknut on it, otherwise you simply cannot turn the adjusting bolt. Always put on a tank of omivacha, remember, but it’s not obov’yazkovo.

The tensioner bolt is wrapped around, do not hesitate to that moment until the necessary tension of the belt is created.

After that, tighten the locknut with the necessary screws, on which the belt tensioning robot on the Lada Kalina Vikonan, only needs to be twisted.

After the completion of the work of the obov'yazkovo, change the correctness of the tension of the belt (one of the ways, as we have guessed more) and the normal operation of the generator.

To turn on the ignition, carefully look at the accessory panel (it is responsible for the indicator light, charging the battery).

Now you can start the engine and give the car a little repair. Watch for the indicator for the whole hour - after a few seconds, the wine is guilty of dying out.

Remember that the adjustment of the belt gives the strength to bring newcomers. Golovne - clearly dotrimuvatis scheme reverification and do not forget hour after hour to carry out diagnostics of tightness.

In the other case, you can get stuck with more serious problems, which in the future will lead to great losses. So be safe and take care of your car. Good luck on the roads and without any breakdowns. Various additions and propositions should be written in the comments.

The axis of the belt will help replace

The replacement of the generator belt is carried out after the installation of the scheme of this extension. A similar procedure can be done with your own hands or for the help of professionals. The generator belt is used to transfer the wrapping to other row elements of the unit. Deyakі see such details of the building at once bring into operation a dekilka of mechanisms. Remin robit direct injection to the pump, pump, compressor and generator. For uninterrupted and healthy operation of the generator mechanisms, a regular inspection of the Lada Kalina timing belt is carried out.

Belts are used in 3 types:

  • wide;
  • with normal peretina;
  • fan.


The alternator belt at Lady Kalini consists of the following components:

  • pulleys;
  • tensioner roller;
  • poly V-belt.

We know the old belt

Replacing the timing belt Lada before the repair and installation of a new roller or pulley. It is necessary to check that there are 2 schemes of the gas distribution mechanism in Kaliny. Їх vіdminnіst polagaє in the look of the tensioner. For the 1st seat, the timing belt is usually placed in the engine block behind the special bracket. In another version of the scheme, the mechanism includes an eccentric tension roller.

The replacement of the alternator belt transfers the adjustment of these parts for the help of a loose bracket. Vin can be changed for additional wrapping of the adjusting bolt and locknut. Re-checking and inspection of the rozpodіlny outbuilding is carried out with singing periodicity. Virobnik in the technical documents of the transport zabu indicate operational indications, after reaching them, the replacement of the timing belt Lada Kalina is required. For the tensioner roller, this indicator is 60,000 km, and for the main unit - 30,000 km.

Auto mechanics recommend conducting a scheduled technical inspection of the timing belt Lada Kalina shomіsyatsya. This part is replaced when cracks, abrasions, pores and other defects appear. Generator belt replacement at Kaliny is carried out when a high-frequency whistle appears as a result of switching on electrical appliances.

Pokrokov's instruction

Replacing the timing belt Lada and repairing the system to the drive, transferring the stoppage of the advancing tools:

  • key on "19";
  • head on "8";
  • cap key;
  • key to "13".

Kalina is produced with or without air conditioning. Replacing the timing belt Lada in both modes is carried out according to the same scheme. On the back, you need to take the crankcase guard, the right wheel and fenders. After dismantling the expansion tank, the engine is lifted onto a jack. From the right side, roll up a pillow. Twisting the tensioner pin, it is necessary to loosen the timing tension. The next step is to transfer the dismantling of the drive from the roller and pulleys.

As soon as a new part has been installed, you can choose the design with the improvement of the return sequence. Replacing the timing belt Lada is completed by adjusting the tension. This work is recommended to be carried out on an inspection hole, with which it is necessary to trim all safety entries. As soon as the linkage is replaced, immediately after installing a new tensioner pulley.

The adjustment of the attachment is based on the weakening of the stem locknut. For the help of the key on “8”, the locknut is squeezed behind the rahunka of the adjusting stud. Step by step, tightening the belt allows you to lock up the staff vagi, as if to come to the key on "8". The hairpin is tightened against the arrow of the year, until the value of 2 kg is reached.

The regulation of the timing belt of the Lada Kalina is the norm, if with a zusilli of 10 kgf on the distance between the crankshaft pulleys and the generator, the groove bends between 8-10 mm. It is necessary to note that special attachments of the CNT-belt type are installed in modern cars. Their tasks include the recognition of the acoustic characteristics of drive units.

In some cases, the replacement of the timing belt Lada has been dismantling the reservoir of the cloomivacha. If the new gas-spreading unit is being put into operation on the cob, then it is necessary to check the steps of the tension regularly. If you have the necessary knowledge and do not forget to change the timing belt Lada, it is recommended to carry it out in a car repair shop, or after reading a book on the operation and repair of Kalini.

Change of alternator belt in Kalina

From the generator belt, lay the wire of the robot of the generator itself and the entire electrical system of the car. Replacement of alternator belt for Hyundai Solaris. Replacing the timing belt n-150 8 cl Loosen with a key on the 13th upper bolt of the generator. If the belt wears out, or it sags too much, because the generator does not conduct current and the battery is quickly discharged. Replacing the belt to the generator drive and the lower mounting of the generator (div. Photo 7 and 8). Starting the car will be more difficult. Replacement of the tension roller and belt of the 4zz-fe generator. Replacing the alternator belt Lada Kalina 8 cells: expansion. Check the entire electrical system.

Know what you need to remember the belt, do it importantly, but you can show signs on it:

  • when the engine is running, the light of the headlights becomes weak, dark;
  • third-party noise, whistling when the car is running;
  • after a run of 30 - 50 thousand. on Kalinі varto revise the correctness of the belt. Vіn mozhe mother cracks, "evil" teeth, porіzi, oiling or rozsharuvannya gumi, which can lead to shaving the belt. In this case, it is better to replace yoga.

choose belt and yoga price

as a construction generator maє natyaguvach, then the length of the belt is 883mm. Replacement of the generator belt Lada Kalina Lada Kalina (Lada Kalina (16 cells). Replacement of the tensioner pulley of the generator belt and Gura. 4 STAGES OF CHANGING THE TIMING BELT KALINA 8 VALVES. Hello, read the blog Timing belt Kalina with 8 valve engine.

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When choosing a manufacturer, it should be noted that the official supplier of these belts for AvtoVAZ is the GATES company, so the success of the product should be recognized. Replacement of the alternator belt at Tse in the most important volatility at Kalina 8 valves. Also, the belts of the companies BTR (a lot of filthy winds), Continental, Finwhale, and ANDYCAR are changing. Timing belt replacement n-150 8 cells only generator -. replacement of alternator belt for Hyundai Tensioner and drive belt Hyundai Solaris. Better than the Dayco 825 (GATES tester), elastic belts can be marked with Poly-V, which means that the belt is hard. The price of belts is approximately 500 to 1000 rubles.

belt change generator viburnum

Generator belt replacement Kalina. The simplest and most swedish way. Remin can be replaced with 5 strands

belt change generator Lada Kalina

Today 01. 12. 2015 the fate, having replaced the axle belt on a new generator, run 60000.

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Prices for alternator belt vary in the average from 300 to 400 rubles fallow in the virobnik, which is not for the intestines.


How do you remember the belt of the generator in Kaliny:

A couple of words about the elastic belt - you don’t need to adjust it, start it up on the pulleys, and then on the generator, put the gear and shtovhaemo the car, push the belt forward or install it like that.

After three years of exploitation and a run of 50,000 km, having looked at the alternator belt and having revealed cracks on a new sprat, like boules on scars. In total, there were about 7 such days for all the days of the belt, and it’s possible, that I’m still going through bi-stiles, but I’ve overcome yoga to replace it before the cold weather, so that we don’t have to sweat in the long run.

Yaka dozhina belt is guilty buti?

Respect that generators, like they are installed on Kalina, can be both with a tensioner, and without it. Obviously, it’s clear that I’ve been blown away, why I’ve changed my mind (I just didn’t get to stick to it):

  1. For the design of the generator with a belt tensioner, the length should be 883 mm (in most cases)
  2. If you have a generator with a charger (like a Grant), then you need to buy 823 mm.

Choice of picks

Three of the most possible options, which appeared on store windows, I chose GATES. Why zupinivsya itself on tsіy firms, rozpovim lower. And also some words about other virobniks.

  1. First, I would like to say about Balakovo's belt, in the short "BRT". I have a sum of money with them, and navit two. But only it was not on Kalina, but on another car 2112. The timing belt of the BRT company was torn twice with a run of less than 10,000 km, as a result of which the repair of the engine cost a lot of offense. Maybe, at the local points, when I bought these kits, I came across a drop, but now I can’t get to that picker.
  2. Other belt makers, such as Finwhale, Continental and ANDYCAR, didn’t particularly hit me, although I can’t say anything bad about them, so I can’t say. The price range is approximately the same, in the region of 350 rubles.
  3. Now about GATES and why I chose yoga myself. At AvtoVAZ plant, 80% of cars are fitted with GATES belts. And as for the cost of the components themselves, then I have no claims to the price of the brand. Factory timing belt to go around 50 yew. You can’t see the wear and tear, the teeth don’t show, as often used on non-accented belts. That and hundreds of reviews, even on the Drive, or on the same Kalinoklube to talk about those that the products of the company are more than good.

Having remembered everything in a slander, now you can boldly ride on the treadmill, wanting to put the old one in the trunk as a spare, it’s not enough!

Nezabara Vlasniki, yakі pridbali vіtchiznyanu model Lada Kalina, stikyuyutsya z nutrition about replacing the belt, scho to bring in the generator on-board mesh. However, it’s the same for the Vlasniks, like eight, and 16-valve versions of the practical “rosyanka”. At the link with the quiet surroundings, which Kalini motors are endowed with different design features, in the replacement of the designated stained glass component of the presence of the presence. On the value of the resource of the belt, such factors are added to the first line, like the quality of the very virobu and the intensity of the operation of the car. Only having known a lot of details, you can judge if you need to replace the generator belt.

About the replacement of the belt of the generator unit in the near future, to complete a rich handwritten work, then in our material we will try to explain as best as possible everything that the Vlasniks chirp in the moment. Tse bude zrozumіlo navit malosvіdcheny vlasnik Lada Kalina, oskolki for the work will not be necessary to obtain special possessions, expensive tools and "gigabytes" of valuable information. All things can be built, as it seems, "on a knee by the yard."

recognition belt

The generator is used to vibrate the electrics, as if for an hour, the whole side of the car is raging along with the streamers. Also, for the help of this node, the battery is recharged. Without these important features, a building car will not function well until the battery is discharged again. This aspect of our LADA Kalina’s bells and whistles will often turn into a pass, shaving, raptivus far away from the settlement, without calling a flurry of hysteria and judgment calls on the phone to turn around for help.

Water bottles here show their thriftiness, if you take a new alternator belt “on board”, since this type of component is worthless in terms of weight and dimensions.

I will give our material of exclamations to help these hierarchs, who, through the presence of a proper confirmation of the gesture, raise their hands when feeding about the recognition of the belt. For most modern motors, a generator unit is driven behind such a transmission. The generator belt itself is located in a tensioned frame between the crankshaft pulleys and the LADA Kalina generator itself. From the cob, the wrapper generates electrical energy, as if through a direct attachment it is sent to all the turning on of the car's streamers, including to the battery.

Signs of consumption in replacement

Today, the virobniks will lock the regulatory terms, after the completion of any necessary replacement of the generator belt. Here it is necessary to show the correctness and acquire knowledge of the most effective signs, which allow the Vlasnik to take a look at the need for a change.

The symptoms are identical for different types of engines that can be found in LADA Kalina.

  1. The appearance of a whistling effect during the operation of the motor, which is especially pronounced at the time of the transfer of electric power to the generator set. If the whistling does not disappear after the re-checking and tensioning indications, then you can punish the change with a bold belt.
  2. The appearance of cracks on the working, bichny and tilny surfaces of the humic screed. This is explained to the old material, in connection with which, we can tell about those that the resource of such a component is located on the border, but I am threatening it with non-transferring water.
  3. Deformation of the belt under the influence of external factors or in the case of a counterfeit retailer.
  4. An increase in noise that occurs with the effects of impacts. It is also worth noting about the damage to the integrity of the material structure of the belt, which transfers the change to the belt. Here you can’t get by with a lift!

We repeat, if all the changes in the life of the life of the tightening of the belt cannot be brought to success and the presence of the designation of the sign (or one of them) on the person, then there is no change in the options for the crime.

Replacement (8-valve unit)

Golovne nutrition: how do you remember? After the arrival of a new stained glass component and the preparation of the required transfer of tools, we proceed to the process.

  1. We turn off the engine of 8 valves Lada Kalina and look under the hood.
  2. Shukaєmo space roztashuvannya generator. For beginners, it’s suggested: the whole vuzol was spread out from the right side, as if marveling along the way of the car.
  3. Now we “receive” the tightness, for which we loosen the tightening torque of the screw on the adjusting rod of the tensioner. Before manipulation, it is recommended to reconsider, like a belt tensioner, so that after installing a new component, it will be approximately identical to the standard.
  4. Turn the key to "8" and tighten the cutting of the regulating rod by the same amount, which allows you to minimize the tension as much as possible.
  5. The key of the 13th dimension is the lower fastening element.
  6. We introduce the rod of the tensioning unit uphill and we take the belt of the generator from both pulleys.

As you can see, the dismantling operation on the 8-valve motor did not result in any special folding. Also, the installation procedure, as it turns into a turning point, is simple and fast. After the installation process, do not forget to check the tightness ratio, which is the correct “value” to enable the risk of slipping vibrations to be turned on when driving. Fahіvtsami vindicate the recommendation, due to the need for re-verification, as the tension of the belt is tightened. Tse to fight after the launch of the engine Lada Kalina and robotic yoga for a long time.

Replacement in 16-valve version

Such motors Lada Kalina are equipped with an air conditioner, in order to carry out the procedure for replacing the trochka with water, which was previously appointed on the motor 8 valves.

  1. Pulling the belt loose and dismantled from the pulleys is viroblyayemo through the bottom of the motor shaft.
  2. For cієї mark one of the supports of the engine.
  3. It will also be necessary to lift the car for the right front wheel.
  4. After these manipulations, dismantling the lid from the right side and protecting the crankcase to the unit.
  5. Now the support has been weakened, raising the engine tray forward with a jack (through a wooden or another gasket).
  6. Then the unit is carefully lowered until it is possible to pull the belt.
  7. Installation is vikonuemo according to the reverse algorithm.

P_vedemo p_bags

We hope that our material will be given to help the wealthy Lada Kalina, as they ran into a problem, and it is necessary to replace the generator belt. We reportedly reviewed the replacement options, both on motors with 8 valves, and on 16-valve units.

It is recommended to systematically stitch behind the camp of this belt and at the same time to win over this change, since it is clumsy, and now you know how to remember the belt. Buy all the okіsnі vorobi, and you will not suffer from rapt's unacceptability in the long run.

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