Rating of the nevivanih and nevibaglivih cars themselves. Sam_ nebivani avtomobili

When choosing a leather car, a motorist wants to spend an hour in deep thoughts, sometimes suffering from their experiences and battles, and sometimes alive in front of the radio moment - - for someone first, and for someone else - chergovy. However, varto virishiti rich food, and one of them is a car with some kind of subdivision.

It’s better to sign up for a date, if you want a boost

Pidviska - what is it?

It’s definitely not leather for us in the 21st century, it’s possible to ride in a cart on a cart, to taste the skin dimples and vibes. So the axis is tse and є yaskravy butt of a transfer case without tієї samoї podvіski. The most important part of the car, like a boost, signifies the level of comfort, the ease of management, as well as the stability and prohіdnіst. On this day, there is a dekilka of sightings, in the middle of which you can see the advancing main parts:

  • Kriplennya.
  • Stabilization elements of transverse springiness.
  • Rozpodіln_ elementi directing forces.
  • Extinguish the moment.
  • Spring elements.

Leather look pіdvіski maє its pros and cons.

Suspension behind spring step

According to the type of the elastic element, the pіdvіsku is accepted to be divided into chotiri vidi:

  • Torsion.
  • Spring loaded.
  • Resorna.
  • Pneumatic.

The torsion bearing is itself twisting under the shear's twists. One of the torsion bars is high springiness. The basis of the construction is steel, hardened under the influx of high temperatures. If you characterize the torsion suspension briefly, literally in a few words, then it will come to your head in a step forward: resistance to shock tension, durability, compactness.

Resources knew its zastosuvannya to finish for a long time. More dependent nobles could afford to take possession of a riverbed, which significantly increased the comfort of travel. The basis is metal plates, which are joined together, as a part of the function of shock absorbers, reducing the stress on the rest. Hydnist - high vibrancy, short - not the best, softly seeming, signs of elasticity and a large mass of construction.

The pneumopidviska is characterized, in the first season, by high versatility and increased comfort. In transport facilities with pneumo-pneumatic road clearance, it can be regulated in height, as well as the degree of springiness can be regulated. Through its folding, this kind of undercarriage does not expand much in our country.

The spring running part, as the main "competitor" of the torsion bar, may be even wider. The main advantages are low varity, accessibility, superiority, as well as greater comfort. Minuses - low vantageopidyomnіst, sensibility of the spring to high vantagen.

Torsion or spring?

Is it a shorter spring: torsion or spring? Vlasniki, experts and simple dwellers, cannot know the point of dotik, insulting the skin of thoughts in nutrition about those, yak, vreshti-resht, the running part of the vibrati. Modern molds have begun to combine in some models of cars and fix the types of elastic elements. For example, the so-called “heels” or “pick-ups” can carry the front spring suspension, and the rear one - the torsion bar, which ensures the comfort and comfort for passengers and water, and the ability to transport small-sized luggage in a couple of hundred kilograms. Some spring suspension can be stagnant in cars of the representative class, in quiet cars, in which they can’t be transported in the middle-sized ones.

Fallow or not independent?!

The skin car enthusiast should also think about these diets when choosing his “last_vki”. Itself on and share pіdvіska: fallow and independent. The fallow is a construction, in which two wheels of one axis are tightly tied together. With any movement of one wheel in the axle, it flows into the movement of another. The fallow “construction” is victorious mainly on rear-wheel drive cars, with the butt of the “Zhiguli”, as well as other large cars and tractors. One of the leading nedolіkіv tsgo type - great vaga zbіrki. In times, if the place of tasks is like a good one, the smoothness of the move is used.

An independent pіdvіska is a foldable construction, in the same one the wheels in the axle cannot lie in the same wheel in the same axle, but if the deyak is stale, then it will be minimal. At the same time, vicory vines grow a sprat of a type of construction of this type: McPherson (MacPherson), multi-link, Single-vehicle. Skin from them, naturally, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Most effective, soft and comfortable - richly important, but there is nothing more practical and expensive to operate. There is a wide variety of ways in cars of the representative class. The majority of operating transport facilities have a MacPherson mileage - an independent mileage with an average service level and a pleasant equal comfort.

Operation in Russia

As a matter of fact, our spivvitchizniki cannot specifically. Deposit everything according to what method you take, what you check, from what price range it is. The style of your water also adds to your choice. The best suspension of a car is the one that will make you feel inspired on the road and comfortable in the salon. For transportation and delivery of vantages, it is better to vikoristovuvat pіdvіska bіlsh vitrivalі, tobto torsion or navіt resorna. For traveling around the city on a small car or an economy class car, you can choose a MacPherson strut spring suspension or Single-Vehicle. Business class, naturally, sound to comfort, for them it is important independent suspension to be the main basis for a handy ride.

To work vibir only in the right direction, and, as it seems, no flower, no wand!

Making legends. For some kind of family, the stench of magic is born - the hinged roads sing, and then they reappear. Viprobuvannya is not for the skin machine. This is largely blamed on the power supply of the super crossover for highways. Below - 2019 fate.

win criteria

As a basis, we took an assessment of the reliability of the American Transportation Safety Agency (NHTSA). Yogo doslіdzhennya shaping the policy of transport obshtuvannya and the choice of motorists around the world. Algorithm to test the suvorishe of the winery, which pulls on the whiskers - and the cars will be safe and on the roads of the countryside.

But NHTSA does not slaughter the sector of the domestic auto industry. Therefore, we choose to take it on our own judgment. І on vіdmіnu vіd pоperednоgo dоsvіdu, podіlu on used and new ones will not be - most of the guiding models are still on the conveyor.

NHTSA version

  • The 5th place is taken by the Swedish Volvo XC90. The car is literally full of electronic attachments. All stinks work properly with a minimum of pardons. Be-yaké self-spratsovuvannya tієї zh ohoronї system or block zapobіgannya zіtknen automatically calls out the leads for the analysis of the reliability and the adoption of pardons. The machine without any problems recognizes pishohodiv, creatures and reshuffles with them.
  • 4th place of NHTSA inspects Mercedes GLE. The model is especially popular in Russia. Її sbіrku vykonuє pіdmoskovny technopark Єsipov, so chastkovo machine vіtchiznyan. Nimtsі do not skimp on safety, equipping the car with the most capable systems. Pedantry to the people and politics to the brand led to a low defect rate. The increased wheelbase and the height of the transport system increased the smoothness of the course. Yami on the roads of the country became less memorable. Chi is not a trip, but satisfaction. Especially with the improvement of the bun from Mercedes in a spacious cabin, cost-effectiveness in line with the Euro-5 standard + and a wide range of service.
  • The dream of the new Russian Lexus RX took the bronze place. The crossover is truly functional. Viboins no longer appear on the passenger and water station. You can spend an hour with the help of a modern multimedia system. And the on-board computer promptly checks for malfunctions and wear of the main nodes, ahead of the clock about the arrival of replacement parts.
  • Sreblo doschіv otrimuє Audi Q7. The flagship post-bashing brand has taken off updates not only in design, but also in the technical side. The respect for the coristuvachіv was given to the relay analysis, which is why the coefficient of factory defects was reduced to less than one car per 1000. I do not threaten the comfort of the water and passengers. The car still runs smoothly.
  • Accura MDX takes gold. The model looks like R-class like Mercedes. The car is picked up according to American standards, as it is one of the best in the world. Nadiyny dvigun pass without repair up to three hundred thousand kilometers. The risk of zakolisuvannya is minimal. Here you can see the love of Americans for solid and smooth cars. Steady on corners, sporty in the steering, with a superior driving position, this car is against the spirit. At the salon, forget about all the hardships, helping the 16-inch monitor of the alarm system, which makes it easy to pass the hour at the door.

Vitchiznyan brand

It is important to call the crossovers of the country's folds the best ones for Russian roads. More, even though not all models of foreign countries are produced by Togliatti AvtoVAZ - a regular hero of jokes and a picker of buckets on wheels. I want the auto giant to build a lot for the expansion of its products, may have some technical and managerial defects.

UAZ Patriot, or famous "bobby", step by step go down in history. Until recently, this super crossover - similar to the American jeep - was built on the basis of the MVS and the Ministry of Defense. 2020 is rolling out a new crossover, about which insider information. There are no reliable reports about the complete set, the characteristics are still unknown. Ale, the retailers spodіvayutsya ocholiti rating naіynostі vzhe advancing rock.

Aurus crossovers are filled with dark cognacs. Ale chi varto to include the gold of the domestic auto industry in the rating is still unclear. The main recognition of these machines is the service of the first powers of the state and representative delegations. Chi give їх zvichaynym bulkers - still food. Now it’s more smut to go overboard in the supremacy of models, so that it doesn’t lead to the Russian tradition. The parade of Peremogi on May 9 will become a re-verification of their potential.


Let's bring the bags. Like your meta - trips around the region, to the country or in important areas, you can't do without a crossover. Ale varto vіddati іnomartsi. Asians are in priority, followed by Germans and Swedes. Posture of doubts and clarity. The rating of automobiles is of the opinion that the best moments of the domestic auto industry are ahead and it is impossible to write off yoga from rachunkiv.

Russian roads are not designed for people with weak nerves, but for such a cover, it’s not only for human nerves, but also for a car. In Persh Cherga, suffering a pіdvіska, repair yakої stand behind the ninіshnіmi worlds of іstotny pennies. The very same experts recommend choosing the corrected models, as if building a vitrimat and navit the best mind and exploitation. Fortunately, such cars are available on the market in sufficient quantity, and they are not too expensive.

Renault Logan

French budget sedan, singsongly, the most popular representative of this list. This car is very popular with taxi drivers, it's the beginning of its "survivability". The virobnik is equipped with a model with a double movable and yakіsny dvigun, which, although it does not fit with a modest vitratoy paliva, but does not require systematic contributions and foldable repairs.

Nissan Almera

Yet another budget sedan, which is recognized as a popular drink on the Russian market due to its availability and reliability, regardless of those that have long been known for sales in the Russian Federation. The honor of the Japanese deserves special respect. There may be a simple design, as if it’s hopeful and practical not to get out of tune. The cream of the "indestructible" Almer's walker still possesses a miraculous machine gun, which will serve his master's long fate.

Skoda Octavia

The Czech car is also airborne by its overriding running gear. Critics point out the competent design and details of the most important quality. It's not surprising, even if all the elements are made of aluminum, which is based on its durability. However, the very victorious metal at once є і nedolіk p_dv_ski through his kryhk_st. On serious vibes, the details are easily covered with cracks. So it is not recommended to operate on serious off-road.

Hyundai Elantra XD

Korean car tezh having spent up to the second rating. It is noteworthy that those who can call the XD boost can already be called superfluous, to those who knock on an unguarded occasion to do it fast, but the stench can not be added to the operation of the machine in the distance. You can pay for the repair, which is also appreciated by our spivvitchizniks.

Chevrolet Lacetti

An American's advice is more practical and hopeful. Do not be afraid of yami and hit navit during regular operation. As practice shows, 5 years is not a term for Lacetti, so the costs for the repair of running cars will be minimal.

Toyota Yaris

The masters of the Russian Japanese small car can zdivuvatisya, having reached the top rating, so it’s not easy to know how often you happen to change bearings into “hodovki”. Ale fakhіvtsі vvazhayut, scho єdiny nedolіk design. In another pіdvіska yogo, it's also superb and practical. However, if you really need repairs, then the cost of wines will be decent pennies.

Fahіvtsі-podvesochnikі can razpovіsti impersonal tsіkavih buttov z practіkі, and mehіvtіsya ossuzhіtsya seldom short rozvіddu pro those zhorstkіshe not zavzhd tsezhdі, and m'yakshe not zavzhdі more comfortable. The operation of the suspension of the machine is not so simple, as it seems at first glance. The stench vikouyut impersonal functions, yakі not quite obvious. I will try to briefly guess about the main ones.

And vzagali, a lot of books have been written about the work of subdivisions, and most of them are even more. I'll try to find out the main points more "on the top" in order to fit into the format of a knowledge article.

Why can't you do without pіdvіska

Navitt even more equal roads really make vigins for bagatma straight ahead, that very Earth is a little like an inexhaustible flat. And so all the wheels were sticking on the surface, the stink of the mother's fault was the ability to move uphill and down. At the same time, it’s bugged, so that the large surface of the wheel lay down to cover all its width, with any position of the suspension. So, the cars, which have some short-haul and short-haul speeds, are practically condemned to the filth of a wheel connected to the road, even if one of the wheels will be rented out.

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Why is the mother's fault?

For the contact of all wheels with the road, it is not necessary to obov'yazkovo, so that the suspension could squeeze, to reach the point that the wheels can only collapse down. Ale, with Russian cars in the corners, they blame the bіchnі forces, yakі pragnate the frailty of the car. If so, one side of the car can be lifted up, but the other side cannot be lowered, the center of the car’s car is strongly shifted into the beak of the entangled wheel, which in its line has a lot of negative consequences.

In the first turn, there is more expansion of the internal by the rotation of the wheel and an increase in the moment of roll through the movement of the center of the car uphill, and the center of the roll of the suspension (about a little lower). I, as it was clear, as the wheels have no movement, then a little unevenness is due to one of the wheels being caused by the displacement of the body, moving all the other wheels down due to the energy consumption on the pidyom and lowering the numbers. Scho, m'yako kazhuchi, not too comfortable. And also є ruynіvnym for the body and parts of the suspension. Zagalom, pіdvіska is guilty of being balanced, mother hіd constraint and hіd fight for normal work.

Why does the car roll in corners?

Since we have already indicated that the suspension of the car is guilty of buti and that it can move uphill and down, then it is purely geometrically established as a point, center, how much the car body wraps around when sick. This point is called the center of roll of the machine.

And the sum of the forces of inertia, which is injected into the car in a turn, is just applied to the center of the mass. Yakby wins from the center of the roll, then in the turn there would not be any roll, but the wins sound like a richer roll, and as a result, the car will tilt at a moment. І the higher the roll center, the lower the center of the roll, the lower the lower. On special racing structures for Formula 1 cars, the center of the car is placed lower than the center of the roll, and even the car can roll in the opposite direction, like a boat on the water.

Vlasne, roztashuvannya to the center of the roll to lie down in the design of the suspension. І avtomobіlnі іnzheneri badly learned yogo "pіdnіmati" more, zmіnyuyuchi design important, scho in theory could help in roll not only low sports car, but also dosit temples. The problem is that the suspension is designed to ensure the “unnaturally pulled up” center of the roll, successfully fight against the body’s frailties, but when it’s bad, it copes with the main tasks - damping the roughness.

Why pіdvіska is guilty buti m'yakoyu

It’s obvious that it’s easier to lift, while there is less change in the position of the body when you hit on unevenness and when you are sick, there is less stress between different wheels. And that means, and zcheplennya kolіs z road at tsimu not pogirshuєtsya and not vytrachaetsya energy to move the center of the car uphill and down. Well, did we know the perfect formula? But, unfortunately, it's not that simple.

First, at the borders of the border, go tight, and the stench is to blame for the loss of the change of the burden on the whole when the car is loaded with passengers and luggage, and the burden that is due to the passage of turns and irregularities. Too much of a soft suspension when turning, squeeze so hard that the wheels from the other side break into the ground. So it is the responsibility of the suspension not to allow the squeezing of the course from one side and the suspension of the wheel from the other.

It’s bad to go out too early ... The best option is to have a small range of “mudness”, after which the bottoms become hard, but to make such a design more foldable .

In the event of a re-arrangement of the tension between the wheels, there will be an increase in the hard connection between the wheels and the road. On the right, in the fact that the increase of one stake does not compensate for all the expenses for the increase of the other. And in times of vivishuvannya rozvantazheniyah kolіs zbіlshennya zcheplennya on dovantazhuvannya storі not compensate for half of the costs.

Crime of a deep splintering, ce sche and lead to a scorch damage. Struggling with this unacceptable factor, changing the stiffness of the area of ​​the stiffness of the wheel along the road - so the ranks fell apart. As a result of constructive approaches, directing to the programming of changing the camber when the machine rolls, it is possible to compensate for the change in the wheel joint with transverse forces in a reasonable range and by the same token, the control of the machine is simpler.

Why do you have to work hard on sports cars?

On the curvature of the car, it is very negatively signified whether or not the changes in the cutouts of the installation of the suspension when the car is heeling and the tucks at the winds on the road through the zsv center of the car. And that means that you have to work more quickly, so that the roll changes in the turn.

An extreme exit is a hard stabilizer of transverse stability - a torsion bar, which allows the wheel to move one axis differently. Ale is not the best way. So, I am improving the situation after changing the wheel alignment in the turn, and then changing the interior, according to the turn before the turn, the wheel, and changing the turn. Trochs are better than just growing a pіdvіsku zhorstkіshe. Tse more signifies comfort, but then the inner wheel is not so developed.

Chimale shock absorber value

Krym spring elements, in pіdvіstsі cars pіsutnі і gazovі аbоrіdinnі shock-absorbers - elements, vіdpovіdalnі dо extinguishing colivаn pіdviski i vivendennya energiї, yak vitrachaє car vitrachaє pomіshchennya mas. With their help, you can correct all the reactions of the suspension to the stisk and impact, even if the shock absorber can provide more rigidity in dynamics, lower spring. At the same time, zhorstkіst, on vіdmіnu vіd springs, dzhe raznoy vіd zhorstі vіd vіd vіd vіdvіski i svidkostі її remіshchennya.

Zrozumіlo, zovsіm m'yaky shock absorber can't overcome its main task - extinguishing colivans, the car will just go out after the passage of nervousness. And the installation of an arc of a hard one creates an effect similar to the installation of an arc of a hard spring, as you don’t want to squeeze and by yourself increase the pressure on the wheel and expand everything else. Ale fine-tuning to help change the roll in corners and help the springs, change the pecking of the body during acceleration and galvanism and, if necessary, do not disturb the wheels through rough unevenness. I understood not to allow a "breakdown" of the suspension when passing through severe irregularities. Zagalom, having poured into the behavior of the car, the stink roar no less, the lower stiffness of the springs.

Trochs about comfort and frequencies

It was clear that the comfort of a car without a suspension was zero, even if all the other roughness in the road was transmitted directly to the driver. Brr. Ale, as if to increase the risk of being softer, then the situation will become richer and worse - more and more rozgoduvannya, too, is badly signified in public. It turns out that it’s bad for a person to endure kolvannya, both with a small amplitude and a great frequency in the form of a hard fluke, and so with a great amplitude and with a small frequency in the form of m'yakoy.

In order to create comfortable minds for passengers, it is necessary to use the hardness of springs, shock absorbers and tires so that on the running gears themselves for the car, the frequencies of the passengers and the rive would soon be lost in comfortable boundaries.

The frequency and amplitude of coliving are important in another aspect - the high frequencies of the resonance of the car-drive-road system are not responsible for the possible frequencies of the fluctuations and storms on the road. So the task of the constructor is even more important in that, in order to get around the unsafe regimes, even if at different resonances, you can turn the car over, and spend the turnaround, and just stop moving.

Father, what can be a pidviska?

As it is not paradoxical, even if we m'yakshe pіdvіska, tim better zcheplennya kolіs with the road. Ale, for all that, won't be guilty of allowing strong rolls and changing the contact of the wheels with the road. Chim gіrshi roads, Tim m'yakshoy is guilty buti pіdvіska for otrimannya good zcheplennya. The lower the coeficient of the kolіs zcheplennya, tim m'yakshe is to blame buti pіdvіska. It used to be that the installation of a stabilizer of transverse stability could solve the problem, but it doesn’t, the new one has its own negative picture, and it can make a bigger “fallow” bearing and change the bearing.

So scho nalashtuvannya pіdvіski zalishаєєєєєєєєє for the right majstrіv and zavzhd vіmagає rich time on natural testing. The impersonal chinniks intertwine intelligently and, by changing one parameter, you can improve and keratinize, and smoothness of the move. And do not make a jorstka pіdvіska rob the car more swidden, and m'yaka - more comfortable. On kerovanosti, the change of hardness of the front and rear suspensions is indicated, one of one and the least change of the characteristics of the hardness of shock absorbers. I am sure that the article is more important to the choice of components for suspension and avoid rash experiments.

Wanting the quality of Russian roads in the rest of the rocky trochs to be painted, the waters still have to dosit often talk about the suspension of their cars. Ale, as it turned out, the hairdressers of the models of the deyaky brands may have even more reasons for concern. The British insurance campaign Warranty Direct has published a rating of brands, the models of which are most likely to provide services for repairing chassis breakdowns. To respect, the failures of shock absorbers, important, silent blocks, hinges, bearings, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of the suspension were taken. They did not lose their drive, differentials and blocking.

10. Volvo - 27.5%.

The Swedish brand has already been famous for the high level of safety of its cars. However, in terms of nutrition, not all Volvo models look better than their popular superniks. So it happened this time. Behind Warranty Direct denim, Scandinavian cars face a high risk of front-loading of suspension and transmission elements. It is noteworthy that most of the problems occur in cars with full drive.

9. Chevrolet - 27.8%.

The brand, which left the Russian market, was a cheap alternative to Opel models, which was closely tied. As it turned out, cheaper does not mean better. Cars with a cross on the hood zmushuyut often invest in the repair of suspension and drive elements.

The German model in the segment of small Russian cars can be taken for granted in the field of passive safety of compact designs. Better manage to go with the longevity of the transmission and transmission.

7. Bentley - 29.2%.

The low arrogance of the British brand, which the Germans, marvel at, is unlikely to be very embarrassed by among motorists. Zreshtoyu, the language is about cars "from the very top police", up to 99.99 thousand inhabitants of the earth can never reach. And, not less, the movers of majestic tightness, and the sporting ambitions of the Vlasniks led to the fact that the British brand's extension showed a high volume of vision.

6. Mercedes - 29.7%.

The German brand, which in the rest of the years reinforces its authority, in the opinion of the British, does not demonstrate progress in the field of longevity and transmission. Most of the problems are found in models with a full drive system and forced motors.

5. Alfa Romeo - 30.7%.

Models of the Italian brand are famous for their beauty and keratinization. However, the durability of the transition was by no means appreciated. In this rank, although one can compare oneself about Alfie's superiority in general, no one blames anyone for the veracity of the data about the vitrivality of transmission and transmission of sumnivivs.

4. Land Rover - 31.4%.

The British brewer propagates one of the best in the world of foreigners. Ale, it’s a great pity, pіdvіska i mekhanіzmi system povnogo drive not zavzhd easily endure the hardships of life. Varto indicates that Jeep, models of which also take an hour off the asphalt, having taken the 27th place in the rating with a result of 17.8 thousand faults in the running gear.

3. Mazda - 32%.

For the rest of the hour, Mazda will be filled with car enthusiasts with modern design and wonderful engines. And, it’s not less than that, the shanuvalniks of the brand will have to get ready to fix the failures in the pipeline.

2. Suzuki - 34.2%.

In Europe, the Suzuki brand introduces, first of all, the Swift and Grand Vitara models. The first one is to finish off the city dweller, the other one is one of the rare modern pozahlyahoviks, who does not pass far from the asphalt. For a lower price, the Japanese SUV offers a new drive and the possibility of manual blocking of the differential. Khodova was the only weak point in the car brand.

1. Subaru - 34.6%.

At the end of the varto, it was noted that the list of brands with the most popular driver was chosen by Mini and Kia cars!

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