Real vitrata paliva fret viburnum 2 wagon. Skilki gasoline stained Lada Kalina - passport and real data. How to change vitrata

At the leaf fall of 2004, the first series of people's car Lada Kalina was presented to the AvtoVAZ concern. For some kind of tribute, the first signs of a fractional serial release appeared on the market in the distant 1998. If well virobnitstvo nagogodit, then the car began to be completed in three types of body 5-door hatchback and sedan, and pіznіshe i station wagon. The data of the virobnik confirm that the vitrata paliva at Lada Kalina is on the middle level, which is confirmed by the numerical reports of the Vlasniks. Nadal, modernization was carried out, both to the body and the power unit of this car, today the LADA Kalina series is launched again.

Official data about saving gasoline

There are two series of cars and more of their modifications, data on the consumption of gasoline Lada Kalina are slightly modified, stalely in the installed engine and body type. As a rule, a station wagon is more fuel efficient, a lower hatchback and a sedan, which are more expensive than a car. However, behind the firmness of the virobnik, there is an insignificant difference in the windshield, but it can be found in the hatchback and sedan of the same series, modifications and the release date.

In theory, Lada Kalina may average gasoline consumption for a 1.4 liter engine close to 9.6 liters. locally i up to 6.3 l. in Russia on the free route. Naturally, skin modification has its own peculiarities, parameters and technical characteristics, as the very same thing pours into the vitrata of the pale at Lada Kalina, look lower.

first generation

The first car in the body of a sedan was on sale in 2004, the car was equipped with a 1.4 liter engine with 89 horsepower. Vitrata paliva Lada Kalina 1118 (factory designation)

  • Misto - 9.6 l. per 100 km.
  • Track - 6.3 l. per 100 km.
  • Changed pace - 7.8 liters. per 100 km.

It should be noted that in 2009 the year was marked by the release of the first generation of LADA Kalina sedans, however, the cycle was long overdue, and right up to 2011 the model was given to the year by the AvtoVAZ concern

Hatchbacks went on sale three years later, closer to the end of 2006, then the production of Lada Kalina (1119) was added. In cars, like vtim, and sedans, they began to install a larger exhausted engine, which is a 1.6-liter heavy-duty engine and was carried out with an exhaustion of 81 liters. / S., I 98 y. / S. According to the requests of the factory retailers, which were confirmed by the Vlasniks, a car with an 81-horsepower engine is so small that it showed a hundred-kilometer track:

  • Misto - 10.2 l.
  • Track - 6.6 l.
  • Changed pace - 7.4 liters.

As soon as the engine is forced to exert 98 Chinese forces, then for a hundred kilometers of the road in different minds it becomes calm:

  • Misto - 9.7 l.
  • Track - 6.4 l.
  • Changed pace - 7.1 liters.

Only in 2007, the roci automobile concern Vikotiv Lada Kalina with a station wagon body (1117), the parameters of the vitrati paliva in her are approximately the same as in cars in other bodies, even in Russia, in the midst of the city, it is reduced by 200-300 gr. more gasoline.

One of the highlights, which are released in the domestic series, was the LADA Kalina Sport (11196), the light car was produced in the 2008 rotation. The indicators of the consumption of gasoline for her per 100 km add up:

  • Misto - 9.4 l.
  • Track - 6.7 l.
  • Changed pace - 8.9 liters.

Like the entire first series, LADA Kalina Sport stopped being released in the middle of 2013.

Real data, for the guidance of Vlasniks

  • Viktor, Saratov. For a long time, I’ve been driving my car, I’ve had all sorts of serious accidents, and I’m kind to the car. On the weak sides of the hull, the front arches rotted especially fast. Then the motor is superior, which is how to beat the acidic gasoline, oil and cooling home. Lada Kalina with a 1.4 liter 16-valve engine has a medium vitra paliva. I'm spending mostly on the spot and llu, like before a dozen liters per hundred kilometers of traffic in the open traffic.
  • Sergiy, St. Petersburg. Having bought Kalina a hatchback for maneuverability, driving around the place, in the process of work. In 2010, the choice was made for the speed of 1.6 liter 16 valve version, and I respect that wine is correct. The machine is defiantly nimble, and the vitrata of the paliva on such a Kaliny is lower, lower on less hard brothers in the shop. Obviously, you often have to stand in traffic jams, and the figure of 11 liters per 100 km is not a given.
  • Stepan, Ufa. Nepoganny wagon in vіd vіtchiznyanogo auto industry bv purchases by me from the first hand in 2013 roci, at that time the car was in a good state, even though the stіyki were already knocking. In the process of exploitation, the cob swells all the more, including the engine. At the main, they said that I often poured a low-pitched fire, which is similar to the truth; Vitrata at Kalini for 100 km is approximately 11-12 liters in the locality, but on the highway it can be a troch less, I didn’t catch it.
  • Yaroslav, Kazan. I live on the outskirts of the city and the robot is remembered for me, so the main traffic jams go away, and until the month of recognition I spend with the minimum cost of fire. That is why, for a hundred kilometers, my sedan has less than 9 liters of water. In another way, Lada Kalina can also be more powerful, I feel like I’m impressed, like on the road, so on the Swedish caravans.
  • Oleksandr, Kostyantynivka. Purchase of Lady Kalina with a volume of 1.6 liters. and 8 valves, bula was not the most expensive koshtiv. Oriented by me, following the orders of comrades, moving, whose motor is the best. On the part of the breakdown, the checks did not bother themselves, even though they are insignificant, but otherwise I think it’s not a good idea to go out of tune. Then, a car with such a dvigun has the most fuel economy, and it just doesn’t feel tight for a given set of speed. Axis and get out, which should be on the highway won't be less than 9 liters per hundred square meters.

another generation

Since 2013, the Lada Kalina car line has been updated and new cars have entered the market. Among them, there was no star sedan, from which the release of the series began, but the production of 5-door hatchbacks and station wagons continued. Vitrata paliva on Ladi Kalina has been reduced in the future, but the orders to the picking plant are not always confirmed by buyers.

Another Kalina was supplied with two types of motors, totaling 1.6 liters, but the tightness of them was increased. So the very choice of transmission options appeared, as before it was possible to get a car with a mechanical 5th speed gearbox or a 4-speed automatic. A novelty, having entered the arena of the 5th stage robotic transmission.

The power units that are installed on the Lada Kalina 2, Mali vitratu paliva:

  1. VAZ-21126 - 98 strong engine, volume 1.6 l. with two cylinders and 16 valves, equipped with a system of rozpodіlenogo priskuvannya fire. Indicators of consumption of gasoline in the city 9.9 l., On the highway 6.5 l.
  2. VAZ-21127 - 106 l. / S. A vitrata paliva according to the vіlnіy dorozі buv 5.8 lіtra, in mіskomu vіskomu vіnі vіn vіn becoming 8.4 l. So the very supply of gasoline was rationed to the subdivisions.

Vlasniki about vitrata on Kaliny 2

  • Petro, \u200b\u200bTyumen. Having bought Lada Kalina Kros in 2015. This is one of the few representatives of the domestic auto industry with a large number of Chinese forces, exceeding a hundred. The first day the car went lively, my hatchback can compete with other foreign cars for an hour on the road. The reverse side of the coin is the consumption of gasoline in the boundaries of the city, about 8.4 liters, I didn’t watch it for a run-in, so after it. There is an engine of at least 10 liters per 100 km of road with traffic jams.
  • Lev, Voronezh. The druzhina is not able to cope with the manual transmission, he had a chance to buy a car with an automatic transmission system. Viber fell on the Lada Kalina of another generation of 2014 release. Naturally, I am wise, that, like on a be-yak-to-be-automated machine, I’ll see the future of my life, lower the mechanics, that’s how it happened. My indicators, according to the place, judging from the data of the onboard computer, sound in the range of 11-12.5 liters per 100 km of traffic. This whole moment was built up in three years after the purchase, having noticed the injector with injectors, for some reason it is more common on the 8-valve Kalina, lower in other engines.
  • Taras. Moscow. Not at all shy about buying my child Kalina Kros, she often lied to me, in quiet situations, if more expensive foreign cars were brought. And if there were breakdowns, but it didn’t, then the repair was not expensive for me. Obviously, it is impossible to add to the plus those that Lada Kalina has a 100-kilometer vitrata, with 106 k.s. more lower in foreign cars of the same class. I have a taste for the place, I pour 12 liters of water into the tank, but on the highway the situation changes dramatically and the volume decreases to 7.5 liters.
  • Illya, Odessa. For a car with such a price, a lot of minuses say goodbye, but stench. In Persh Cherg, there is a vitrata paliva on Kaliny, wines can sometimes be compared with the displays of deaky poshlyahoviks. Regular departure from fret vuzlіv i details tezh trohi dratuє, but the main thing for me is the noise of the road. Have povnyannі s іnomarkami vіdchuttya, nemov їdesh without doors. Obviously, pluses, low-cost service and details are easily accessible.
  • Andriy, Nakhabino. I don’t understand why people have so much hatred for Lada Kalina, even if you can find out everything about her before buying, so minus vistacha, but plus and minus. Basically, squandering gasoline on the high side, well, you can put HBO and save money. Metal, on the body is good and tovsty, its brilliance, does not go in the same way with Chinese plaques. Skoda is only a little bit factory zabarvlennya, and with the rocks on deyaky mistsy poukhiry.

Causes of great vitratypal

It is important that Kalina's gasoline is sated with great vitrata paliva, there may be objective reasons, but don't start it like that. There are situations in which the sergeant himself is guilty of moving the palm of his hand, among them:

  1. Aggressive manner of water - unprimed dispersal on zavantazhenyh tracts of the road, lead to the increase of windfalls, driving along the highway with border security for cars - the cause of zayvih vtrat. According to the weather, it is not possible to overestimate the cruising speed of 90-110 km / h.
  2. Unscheduled service - out of tune, or zasmіchennya deyah vozlіv, scho for supplying gasoline to the combustion chamber, lead to the increase of vitrati. Wear of the piston system, like
  3. Kalina, so in other brands of automobiles, it is also a frequent cause of great burns.
    Neyakіsne palvo - do not trust the unverifiable filling stations, especially the stench without the recognized signs.

Based on the information you have provided, you can find the windmills that Lada Kalina, like the other car, may have a number of shortcomings, but it also has goodness, so before buying, call all the pros and cons.

Looking back at the publication of Tolyatti-Kazan before the car race, a big thought could have formed: the wind speed of the new car is not less, but maybe more lower at Lada Kalina 1. New information appears, and it appears, the amount per hundred - does not exceed 9 liters (for automatic transmission, for "mechanics" - less).

On the first gear, Kalina-2 from the MCP is up to 45 km / h. The change is at 6000 rpm. And the maximum torque of the dvigun, available at 4000 rpm, for “sharp” overtaking of water will burn the tachometer needle for 3500. In such a “non-economical” mode, the average volume of stock is 10.2 liters of the 92nd (so, so!) gasoline for a hundred kilometers. So write the site "Autonews".

Vtіm, with the mechanics you can ride calmer (i, on the 95th gasoline). Some of the samplers used to have around 7 liters.

From the automatic transmission, the numbers vitrati the “Kalini-2” palette are due to the difference between the indicated values. Without overdrive, the automatic transmission shifts to a higher high gear at 5500 (and the speed on the highway "with overtaking" becomes 9-9.5 liters of AI-95).

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The car Lada Kalina first entered the car market in 1998. Since 2004, the release of vazis in modifications of the hatchback, sedan, and station wagon began. Vitrata paliva Lada Kalina, judging by the numerical results of the Vlasniks, is generally accepted, and in reality does not outweigh the statements in the technical characteristics of the paliva show.

Modifications and norms of vitrati

Vivchivshi technical characteristics Lada Kalina, vitrata gasoline, we can say, slightly kolivaetsya in a larger or smaller direction. So the vitrata paliva on 8 valve Ladi Kalina in practice reaches 10 - 13 liters in the city and 6 - 8 - on the highway. If you want to use gasoline on the Lada Kalina 2008, it is not the fate of diligent supervision that it is not guilty to exceed 5.8 liters on the highway and 9 liters in the boundaries of the place. Gasoline saving at Lady Kalina Hatchback in the city does not exceed 7 liters.

The real vitrata paliva at Lady Kalina for 100 km from the different Vlasniks, it’s obvious that there are little signs of the norm:

  • vitrata in the boundaries of the place - 8 liters, but in reality - more than ten liters;
  • on the road, the posture of the settlement: for the norm - 6 liters, and the hairdressers remind that the indicators reach the signs of 8 liters;
  • with a different cycle of traffic - 7 liters, in practice, the figures reach ten liters per 100 km of driving.

Lada Kalina Cross

The first model of the car entered the market in 2015. On the basis of the previous options, Lada Kros as a whole can be carried for technical characteristics to crossovers.

Lada Kros is used in offensive modifications: 1.6 liters with front-wheel drive and mechanical controls and 1.6 liters with front-wheel drive, ale, automatic transmission.

The average weight of the palm is 6.5 liters, according to the technical passport of the car.

Ale, spozhivannya paliva on Lada Kalina Kros in different minds, the transfer and exploitation will be quarreled with the normative indicator.

So on the road, the local warehouse is 5.8 liters, but, if you will move around in the borders of the city, then you will grow up to nine liters per hundred kilometers.

Lada Kalina 2

Since 2013, the birth of another generation of vase Lada Kalina began in such body options as a station wagon and a hatchback. The engine of this model has a volume of 1.6 liters, ale, various pressures.І in fallowness due to tightness vіdpovіdno i vіzny vitrate gasoline.

Spozhivannya palno at rusі on mіskіy trasі kolivaєtsya vіd 8.5 to 10.5 lіtrіv. Vitratipal in Lada Kalina 2 on the highway in the average 6.0 liters per hundred kilometers.

How to change vitratu paliva

Use a copy of simple rules, dorimuyuchis of which you can use the reason for the advancement of the patient:

  • Pour in an exclusively high-yielding fire.
  • Steps for the technical reference of the car.
  • Show more respect in the manner of water.

Lada Kalina 2. Knocking fingers in the engine

The piston pin is a storage element of the crank mechanism. The assigned part is the entire displacement of the connecting rod in the area where the connection with the piston is implemented. In other words, the piston pins allow the joint of the hinged type to be brought into contact with the connecting rod head and the piston.

The pressure, like a piston as a result of the burning of the charge of the fire-repair sum in the ICE cylinders, is also transmitted to the piston pins. In parallel, the force of inertia pours into the finger, susilla on the vigin. In these stats, we can see why fingers tap in the engine during acceleration, which causes fingers to tap during stress, etc.

Piston fingers are knocking: why do you feel so

It is clear from the fact that the knocking of piston fingers in the engine can be caused by decals. Mentally, the causes can be divided into two groups:

Mechanical failures;
peculiarities of the burning of the fire-spraying sum and the pressure on the power unit;
At the first moment, the piston pins clatter through the wear of the stressed elements. It is also a possible option, if there is an hour for the repair of the internal combustion engine and the installation of new piston pins, pardons were allowed. Otherwise, the fingers behind the rosemary may not indicate the landing site, or, if installed, caused defects. The result is those that in the area of ​​the piston and fingers spit backlash and start knocking. Appointed knocks are well heard on a cold engine, so knocking can be done after warming up. The tapping is most pronounced at the moment when the piston is at TDC and BDC.

In another vapadku, water can feel the sharp clatter of piston fingers, which blames only for singing minds. Such a phenomenon is called detonation of the engine and does not mean in any way that in the link between the finger-piston-rod, there were problems with the mechanics. Come out, fingers tapping on the internal combustion engine with a reference KShM. Let's unravel.

At the norm, the piston rises uphill, zdiisnyuyuchi squeezing the hot-sprayed sum in the cylinder. At the moment of approaching the TDC (upper dead center), a spark settles on the spark plugs, as if the sum is squeezed. At that moment, if the piston reaches TDC, it will burn over the entire volume of the combustion chamber. As a result of burning, a vice is created and gases expand, as if the piston is pushed down and, by the same token, the robot is pinned down. The front of the half-light, which vinikaє pіd hour burning sumishi, evenly expands, so that the sumish burn. Such a process of burning a fire charge is considered normal.
How to show that under the hour of the piston stroke uphill it will vibrate, and not burn, then the width of the half-moon is very large. Gases expand with majestic force to press on the bottom of the piston, jumping over the top of the piston to TDC. As a result, the piston literally “hits” in the sleeve, which means that the pressure on the crankshaft, including on the piston pins, increases significantly. A watery smell of iron metal knocks in the engine itself at such moments, as the pressure of gases in the cylinder is growing strongly. At the same time, the dampness of the motor decreases, the engine starts to dim and vibrate, and the temperature of the power unit rises. It is significant that detonation can be blamed on both gasoline and diesel engines.

Such an anomalous process of burning the sum of the ruined internal combustion engines, causing the pistons to burn out, breaking the piston rings and \u200b\u200bt.d. The effects of detonation can be even more serious, as the details of the engine seem to be significantly moving forward and collapse. Defects are blamed both on the bottom of the piston and on the other head. Shock wave in the vibration of the fire charge beats the oil slick on the walls of the cylinders, as a result of which the walls of the cylinders themselves wear like rings. Vibrations in the detonation furnace call for the collapse of the bearings in the connecting rods (inserts), defects in the area of ​​​​the partitions, as there are between the piston rings. In a word, the detonation of the building is very short-lived resource of any dvigun of internal combustion.

Through the vinification of the detonation, the fingers tap for a short time during acceleration. It is especially often manifested if the water is trying to speed up at the hour of the turn, for example, on the move, getting stuck in the forward gear. Such a detonation is called a knock of fingers when driving in tension. In order not to change the engine, it is necessary to switch to that gear at the same time, as if it were a mind blow. All tse lay only in the water. At the same time, there are other reasons for cim, for which fingers start knocking.

Knock of piston pins: fire, zapaluvannya and temperature of the internal combustion engine

As it was already said, the piston to the connecting rod is secured behind the help of the piston pin, with which it is necessary to realize the possibility of piston movement by extending to the connecting rod. Viniknennya pіdvishchenih navantazheni lead to the fact that the fingers knock in the landing seats. As for the KShM on the motor, everything is in order, but the main culprit is detonation.

The fire in the cylinders can almost detonate:

As a result of a wild or local overheating of the motor;
yakscho blamed problems with a warehouse of sumish;
refueling with gasoline with an indicator of octane number that is not suitable for this internal combustion engine, lead to detonation;
if it is too early to show up too early, it also causes detonation;
malfunctions of the ECM sensors (DPKV, coolant temperature sensor, knock sensor) can lead to vibration combustion of the sum in the cylinders;
It should be checked that the detonation of the engine can be blamed on the new engine. As long as the temperature of the unit is normal and there are no problems with the operation of the cooling system, then turn off the ability to fill with an undesirable fuel. Next, it is necessary to proceed to the re-checking of the priming, summishness and electronic sensors in the internal combustion engine control system (on units with an injector).

Sensors are tested for additional computer diagnostics of the engine or alternative available diagnostic equipment. On some cars, an emergency check can be carried out independently without an attachment by way of closing the necessary contacts on the OBD diagnostic socket. This allows you to initiate the launch of self-diagnostics of the car. The results are displayed by the blinking of the light bulb on the accessory panel, after which you can more accurately fix the problem by looking at the pardon code table.
Now it’s time for food, when it’s lit, fingers tap. If the moment of firing is early, then it will be fired at the moment when the piston is still collapsing at TDC. The desire for KShM in a similar way gradually grows, the fingers begin to knock, what to talk about the need for regulation of the UOZ. The detonation of a burning fire can be possible and in that veil, as if in the cylinders, the sum is overwhelmed. Such a change is possible as a result of a second blow, a strong clouding of the hot water filter, injector nozzles or jets in a vent with a carburetor internal combustion engine.

Another reason for the detonation of fire is the soot, which accumulates in the combustion chambers of the engine, and is formed on the walls of the head of the block and the block of cylinders itself. Lighting up the soot to the point that the temperature and pressure in the cylinder grows, being the cause of the detonation fire of the sum. Tovsty ball of carbon build-up changed the combustion chamber, which means an increase in the stage of compression of the motor. As a result, the fire charge is strongly squeezed, which leads to a forward vibration.

An additional cause of detonation of a pallid can be a red-hot (KZ). This zapaluvannya means that sumish spalahuє not in the form of sparks on the candles, but in contact with the baked parts of soot or details. In my mood, the moment of burning becomes completely uncontrollable.

The short circuit safety is due to the fact that the temperature in the combustion chamber with such ignition is much higher. As a result, overheating of parts leads to burnout and destruction of engine elements. Most strongly weak to overheating of the piston rings, it is also possible to melt the piston and burn out the valve. In case of high temperature rises, bring the connecting rod bearings and the connecting rods themselves out of tune. As soon as the motor overheats, it is exploited further, even if the attacking part, as it suffers, the crankshaft appears.
Dodamo, sho often douse the spotting blame for the fall, as if the candles were chosen incorrectly. On the right, in the fact that it is necessary to adjust the candle for the improvement of physical measurements and incandescent number. Tse means that for the skin motor they use such names as “cold” and “hot” candles, as they are suitable for expansion. So behind the camp, candles need to be stitched, periodically twisting them for re-verification. At the time of the manifestation of defects, it is recommended to change the color of the candles, or immediately install a new set.

In a pouch
Also, as a sign of the clatter of fingers during dispersal, fingers clatter on vanity, etc., as well as for the cob:

Pour yakіsne palivo;
carry out a re-verification and regulation of the moment of ignition;
turn off the problems with eating paliva, which will lead to a crazy sum;
pereviriti the system of eating on a possible basis again;
predict the operation of the engine cooling system;
carry out diagnostics of the internal combustion engine and decoking of the motor (if necessary) to remove carbon deposits from the combustion chamber;

Vitrata paliva Lada Kalina on skin movement and generations. So, the motor 1.4 is more economical, lower 1.6, but with this, it is possible to lose pressure. Vitrata paliva bezposeredno lie down in the technical state of the car.

Vitrata paliva Lada Kalina for different generations to become a different value.

obsyag dviguna 1.6

On-board display average vitrate 8.5 liters

So, for a sedan with a volume of 1.6 liters, the indicator on the highway is 5.9 liters / 100 km of run. And the axle with the mist is already thicker - 8.14 liters. Change cycle, when you go out - 7 liters per 100 km of run.

obsyag dviguna 1.4

Engine displacement of 1.4 can boast of the smallest power in the Kalin line

As for obsyagu 1.4, then there are three other shows. Vitrata on the spot to become 7.38 liters, and the axis of the route - 5.36 liters. In this rank, the average indicator will be 6.4 liters.

another generation

For another generation, factory norms are changing in the light of real indications, and the stench has increased in the past. The average city vitrata may show 11.4 liters, and the axis along the highway may be 9 liters. In this order, it appears that the average water content in the warehouse is 10 liters, which is much larger, lower indicated in the service documents.

Where to lay the middle vitrata paliva?

Vitrata paliva lie down in the technical station of the car. Chim stan girsche, tim. Let's take a look at the main indications, yakі vplyvayut on those skilki car "ist":

All these factors without intermediary po'yazanі z vitratoi paliva on Kalinі.

How to change vitrata

It’s real to speed up the paliva on cars more or less. Let's look at how you can rob:

  1. Chip tuning. The most wide-ranging way to change the windshield on your car. The EBU chip on the savings of vitrate plus the security software will help Vlasnikov save up to 20% of the burned.
  2. yakіsny gasoline and in due course technical services will help to remove vitrata at the factory level, or change a little of it. !
  3. Installation of aerodynamic watering , Also help to speed up the vitratu of the palm.

    HBO under the hood Kalini


As you can see, vitrata paliva on Kalina of the first generation is low, on the vіdmіnu vіd of the other. Speed ​​and so low vitrata is real and possible. In the first place, it is necessary to follow the technical camp of the machine and fill it with fire, and in a different way - different “gadgets” will help you to get even more savings.

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