Vitrata Largus for 100 km on the highway. Why is the real cost of driving on Lada Largus: according to the passport (technical characteristics), but in life? Factors for reducing the cost of gasoline

Let's say to the shanuvalniks that Lada Largus is a small-format universal "state employee", a kind of splitting by AvtoVAZ with the direct participation of manufacturers from Renault-Nissan. Tse znayshlo v_dobrazhennya in zvnіshnostі cars, oskolki won є similar to the popular modification of Dacia Logan MCV. The positive aspect of the universal "Russian woman" is its adaptability to domestic road minds. We will please this building car with a spacious interior, a modern look of the body and a soft luggage port. The very values ​​of today form the basis of the priority of a car over the category of practical officers.

Not a trace of deprivation without respect is such an actual display, like a vitrata of gasoline. In the universal Lada Largus, the parameter is directly deposited in the version of the power plant. I also make a special contribution to keeping up with the tradition of making a manner of water.

Engines of this vіtchizny car

For power units, with which AvtoVAZ kindly completes its station wagons, retailers stocked 4-cylinder blocks. The working volume of all "half-hearts" becomes 1.6 liters.

Use the following motor versions:

  1. "K7M" - a unit with a head design of 1.6 8 valves, and a building on the pressure of 84 "forces". The engine vibrates on the Romanian license "Automobile Dacia", which is to be found in Renault.
  2. "K4M" - version 1.6 16 valves, manufactured at the European enterprise "Renault Espana". The pressure parameter of the unit reaches 105 liters. With. Also, an analogue of this motor is carried out in the minds of the vіtchiznyany branch of "VAT" AvtoVAZ ". The best option is the security of performance with the EURO-5 regulation, although it destroys the potential in the characteristics (tension - 102 hp, And the moment - 145 N * m).
  3. Engine type "VAZ" (code - "11189"), which is traditional in design with a head 1.6 8 valves and can generate pressure of 87 liters. With.

We repeat, that in the version of the engine there is no need to lay waste on gasoline.

Let's look at the option with the K7M engine

LADA Largus with this version of the engine can boast of a speed of 155 km per year. Changing dynamics is not the strength of this model, even if the first “hundred” is “changed” after 16.5 seconds. Calm down, regulated by a virobnik, become:

  • for the Russian cycle, the norm of vitrati paliva is not less than 12.3 liters;
  • on the zamіsk routes, the norm of vitrati paliva is close to 7.2 l .;
  • in mixed mode - approximately 7.5 liters.

What is the building motor "K4M" for?

This unit allows the vіtchiznyany station wagon to reach the dynamic dynamics in 13.5 seconds. The maximum speed is three times higher and reaches 165 km per year.

Statements by the maker of rіven pallid vitrati attacks:

  • place - 11.8 liters;
  • trasa - close to 6.7 liters;
  • change mode - approximately 8.4 liters.

Largus with vіtchiznyany unit "11189"

With such a power plant, the Lada Largus building demonstrates unenviable dynamics, even up to the first “hundred” the car is launched in 15.4 seconds. Chi will not please and shows the maximum speed, shards of 157 km for the year today are hardly anyone.

Let's move on to vitrati:

  • the mіsk mode will require 12.4 lіtra;
  • on the highway it is possible to save - vitrata is more expensive 7.0 l .;
  • change cycle - close to 7.7 liters.

Real vitrata paliva on Largus

The practice is to verify that the indications of Lada Largus are assigned, they can be blown up, in most cases, in a big way, especially on the engine 1.6 16 valves. On the given furnishing, add such factors, like:

  • mode, when the car was running in;
  • driving style (aggressive style is predicted to increase the rate of posture);
  • zastosuvanny vlasnik Lada Largus dodatkovo obladnannya, especially the climate system, which increases the pressure on the power plant (guess that the inclusion of air conditioning building zdatkovo pokazhivanie approximately up to 1 liter per 100 km of the route traveled);
  • faults without a middle in the power unit;
  • stosuvannya paleva neakіsnih conditions;
  • operation in the minds of winter, especially without the ability to finish heating the unit.

On this video you can see the change in the pace of the Lada Largus in the minds of a real rush:

Also, by the magnitude of the equalization of the building, the flow of cars is pushed in by itself, and even parts of the river from the month in traffic jams are sprung up by the windshield.

Palivniy vitrata along the highway

In order to achieve the sevnoї ekonomії slid to dorimuvatsya shvidkіsny regime, appointed by the state regulations. The formation of the actual slowness of the fire is observed under different modes of movement, for some hours, some speed can be increased from 30 km per year to the current 130 km per year. The average speed indicator for LADA Largus is approximately 77 km per year.

Important! On the basis of the analysis carried out, based on the numerical observations that Largus Vlasnikov exploited, one can draw a hundred-seventh average vitrati paliva. Also, for this wagon itself, it should be close to 7.2 liters.

Real vitrata paliva Largus in the minds of the mind

If you put your own water as a metaphor for the real value of the fire stained glass of your LADA Largus station wagon, then for the purity of the experiment you need to go into such entries:

  • navmisno potrapit in a traffic jam;
  • perebuvat in pototsі for the year-peak;
  • to stand on the lights or walk the street with the maximum number of such regulating outbuildings;
  • do not forget about the need for a permanently working air conditioner.

Such a mind їzdi zgіdno with targeted statistics can lead to a real level of the city's vitrati, equal to close to 13.3 liters per "hundred" run.

Dodatkovі korisnі vіdomosti about pale vitrate Lada

If you go to experience on the Internet, then Largus’s Vlasniks say:

  • 33% of the number of experi- ences osіb vyslovilis for the cost of paliva per 100 km at a level of 8-9 liters;
  • 26% slapped on the display of vitrati at 9-10 years old;
  • 15% indicated a recovery period at 10-11 years;
  • And only 10% was lost during the Duma, so the actual amount of fuel per 100 km is about 11-12 liters (for traffic - about 8 liters).

For Lady Largus, a 100 km mileage is more than 10 liters according to the passport. І tse - m_sky cycle, and not zm_shany or yakiy sche. Here we are talking about 16-valve valves. So the axis, after the tribute of BC, the car spent 12 liters on the back of the head, and after a day, it added 10.5 liters, and then - the same cycle. Lie behind a passport 7.9. Food: what's wrong? Maybe just a bug in the VAZ BC?

Real numbers vitrati paliva and figures in the technical specifications

It is necessary to understand yourselves: the common sorcerer does not show the real numbers of vitrati paliva. Mova go about the victory, which is carried out according to the singing technique, so that we can win the result for the repair of cars, different equipment, etc.

Improve your style of water in the first month of break-in

After running in the vitrata paliva on Ladi Largus, it can become 7, and less than 7 liters per hundred. Here I go to the language about traffic on the highway and about the 16-valve engine.

The photo shown above is a screenshot of the BC display of a real car. It is not necessary for us to update the results, before that, the results do not reach the "passport" numbers.

Passport data for petrol by car Lada Largus

For the butt, we look and compare two tables. In one case, the number for the Dacia Loan MCV wagon will be indicated.

The data given to AvtoVAZ is more likely to appear, and in the next table - the figures declared by the Renault company.

Vikonaemo analysis of what mi bachimo:

  • Lada Largus and Dacha Logan MCV are one and the same car. In the version with a 16-valve internal combustion engine, the vitrata is guilty but the same, so the numbers in the upper row of the two tables are to blame. Ale vіdminnostі here є, i pomіtnі.
  • The current table cannot be changed during operation. However, the correct information in the passport data is still to be avoided: you can change different configurations, as well as indications “for the place” and “for the road”.

How to make tables? butt 1

Reader fed, chi is not too high vitrata paliva, so that chi complies with wine standards. For Lady Largus, the norms of vitrati paliva should not be found anywhere, just like for any other car. And now let's take a look, how to show off with passport danims:

  1. Let's go with Russia along the BC route, showing vitrata 7.4 liters. We know our equipment in the tables, we can find the number 6.7 there. Dali will be a proportion: 6.7 will be brought to 7.4, like 10.1 to X.
  2. The number X is one 11.2 - price and є the norm of traffic in the city, but only for this car, for which the wedding was “7.4” on the highway.

The car with these parameters, which were indicated, is valid. Yogo traveled 30,000 km.

Test Largus with K4M engine

I am rewriting tables for my own purposes. butt 2

Motor 11189 - economical, lower "FrenchK7 M». Finished:

  1. From tables Renault take a column;
  2. The upper number is normalized to the VAZ numbers: 7.9 goes up to 7.5, like 8.2 goes up to X.
  3. X \u003d 8.6. The same method was used for the K7M motors, the same as for the ICE 11189 and K4M (upper table).

Number 8.6 - more, lower 8.2. Axis mi and povnyali two motors. In reality, for Lady Largus, the vitrata will be different, with a VAZ, with a French 8-valve.

About the reduction of vitrati paliva in the process of running

Details about those, how to reduce the cost of the Lada Largus in the material:

Please state: you have a test route on which to conduct measurements. With the growth of the run, the economy changes:

  • For a run of 30,000 km, the stock indicator is 9.3 liters per 100 km;
  • For 60,000 km on the same route, other numbers will be removed - 8.3 liters per 100 km.

For these figures, you can roughly judge those, if the run-in ends.

All the numbers, above, can be seen up to a really good car with a K4M engine.

Vitrata in the area near the 16-valve Lada Largus, butt on video

The Lada Largus car is very popular among fans of such car models. Design, complete set and vitrata paliva Lada Largus for 100 km are tested according to the number of Lada models.

New generation Lada

The presentation of Lada Largus, as a joint project of the VAZ and Renault companies, was made in 2011. The method of winemaking for such a version of Lady Bulo is similar to the Romanian Dacia Logan 2006 release date, which is suitable for Russian roads.

Technical characteristics of Lada Largus, vitrata paliva and indications of maximum speed for all models are practically the same. To the main parameters in the configuration, you can add:

  • Front drive;
  • Engine volume of 1.6 liters;
  • 5-speed manual gearbox;
  • Palivo, scho vikoristovuєtsya - gasoline;

Leather car may have 8- and 16-valve engine, cream version Kros. Vaughn is equipped only with a 16-valve engine. The maximum speed of a car is 156 km / h (with an engine capacity of 84, 87 horsepower) and 165 km / year (an engine with 102 and 105 hp). Rowing up to 100 kilometers takes 14.5 and 13.5 seconds, and obviously. The average vitrata of the paliva at Largus for 100 km in a mixed cycle becomes 8 liters.

See Lada Largus

The car Lada Largus has several modifications: a passenger R90 station wagon (for 5 and 7 months), a vintage van F90 and a station wagon with increased traffic (Lada Largus Kros). The leather version of the vase is equipped with a motor with different pressures and a number of valves.

Fuel stained.

Vitrata paliva in the skin model Largus buvaє raznim. І pozniki schodo normi vitrati paliva on Lada Largus Ministry of transport rozrakhovuє in the ideal minds of the water. Therefore, official data are often reviewed as real numbers.

Finger recoil for 8-valve models

Prior to this type of engines, cars with the exhaustion of the engine of 84 and 87 horsepower are seen. According to official statistics, the amount of gasoline for 8-valve Lada Largus is 10.6 liters in the city, 6.7 liters on the highway and 8.2 liters with a different type of ride. The real numbers of how much gasoline is spent look like a trifle otherwise. A look at the numerical reports of the Vlasniks of this car may result in the following: the stained glass bowl is 12.5 liters, the mixture is close to 8 liters and in a mixed cycle - 10 liters. In winter, water improves the fall, especially in severe frosts, and it grows, on average, by 2 liters.

Vitrata Paliva 16-valve engine

The engine of a car with a pressure of 102 Chinese forces is equipped with 16 valves, to which the norm of the Lada Largus fire for 100 km depends on the increase in its performance.

Therefore, in the locality it becomes 10.1 liters, on the highway it is close to 6.7 liters, and in the mixed cycle it reaches 7.9 liters per 100 km

If the correct data, taken from the forums in the water vase, then the real slowdown on the 16-valve Lada Largus looks like an offensive rank: the Russian type of the ride is “quiet” 11.3 liters, on the highway the growth is up to 7.3 liters and in the mixed type - 8.7 liters per 100 km.

Factors for reducing the cost of gasoline

The main reasons for the decrease in the number of paws are:

  • Palivny vitrata dviguna often zbіlshuєtsya for the rahunok of a non-acidic palm. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya in that moment, as if it happened to be quick by the servants of unverified gas stations or “pouring” gasoline with a lower octane number.
  • An important moment is the choice of additional electrical power or non-consumable lighting of the road. The stink of burning a great amount of gasoline for short terms.
  • The style of the owner of the car's owner is considered the main factor that influences the consumption of Lada Largus gasoline of all models. In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to win the smooth style of water and to tinker.

Lada Largus Cross

A new, modernized version of Lady Largus was released in 2014. At the thought of rich car enthusiasts, this model is vvazhaetsya by the Russian zrazy pozashlyahovik. І deyakі tekhnіchnі characteristics і komplektаtsіya spriyat tsomu.

The basic rate of vitratypal at Lady Largus on the road warehouse is 7.5 liters, the average is 11.5 liters, and the change type of water is 9 liters per 100 km. If the gasoline is reduced in efficiency, then the actual amount of fuel at Largus Cross increases by 1-1.5 liters on average

Lada Largus is a Russian budget station wagon. The car has a number of pluses: locality, safety, high dynamic performance. But for the average Russian water, an even more important criterion is the consumption of gasoline.

Passport vitrata paliva for Lada Largus looks like the actual one. Therefore, in the case of Largus, the indicator of vitrate paliva can be changed. Faktichnі vrati lie down in the absence of factors: the technical characteristics of the motor, the pace of the water, the probіg of the car, the temperature of the fire. For a rational choice of a car, Lada vodiy is responsible for the nobility and factors, as well as for investigating in a domestic heating system. And if it is necessary to anger the bed, clean the system or replace the sump pump.

Passport pokazniki vitrati Lady Largus

The Russian station wagon Largus is produced with three variants of petrol power units.

The first unit from the concern Renault-Nissan K7M reaches the maximum pressure at 5.5 thousand. About / hv, and the peak torque of 124 Nm rises already at 3 yew. About. The engine is equipped with 4 cylinders and 8 valves. The speed limit is 156 km / h, and a hundred is reached in 14 and a half seconds. Passport vitrata gasoline to become 12.3 liters per 100 km in the city, 7.5 liters in Russia on the highway and 9.3 liters in the mixed mode.

The VAZ motor is picking up a peak of tension at 5.1 thousand. About / hv. The maximum torque of 140 Nm is reached at 3.8 yew. About. The number of valves is also 8, and 4 cylinders are arranged in a row. The maximum speed indicator and an hour of acceleration to 100 km / h are equal to the same parameters for the K7M. Vitrata Paliva according to the passport: 10.6 / 6.7 / 8.2 liters.

The most powerful Largus engine is a 105-horsepower 16-valve Renault K4M unit. Obsyag is also expensive 1.6 l, the peak of thrust is reached at the reach of 5.75 yew. About / hv. The maximum torque of 148 Nm is reached at 3.75 thousand. About. Maximum speed - 165 km / h, up to a hundred hits in 13.1 seconds. Vitrati gasoline: 10.1 / 6.7 / 7.9 liters.

All three units are operated in a system of separate subdivision with electronic controls. For pyanny, yak gasoline, in the Kerivnitvi, according to the exploits of the Vidpovіd, the Vikoristovati is recommended gasoline by the number of not the lower 95. Mensh Potuzhni Dviguni Tyida Kilkіstlivikh, the norm is not to the norm of the norm. .

Gasoline tank cap for all units - 50 l.

What to deposit the actual amount of gasoline

Factories, what to add to the real vitrata:

  • - tightness of the engine;
  • - number of valves;
  • - volume of cylinders;
  • - svoєchasnist remikannya programs;
  • - press on the gas pedal;
  • - inclusions of the air conditioner or the air conditioner.

You can see behind the passport data of the car that the technical characteristics of the engine are added to those that will be the norm. Fallen in the number of valves and tightness change with gasoline. Vitrata paliva Largus 16 valves and Largus 8 valves significantly ventilate. French 16-valve stained-glass window 0.5 l less, lower VAZ-11189 and 2.2 l less, lower K7M.

The same story and the same hardness. With a 105-horsepower engine, the passport vitrates Lada Largus gasoline for 100 km in a mixed cycle - a total of 7.9 liters. For 87-strong and 84-strong Danish aggregates, the indicator should be 8.2 and 9.3 liters, obviously. On a vitrata, the paliva is poured in and the working volume of the cylinders, but in this case, the wines are 1598 cm3 in all three engines. The real vitrata paliva Lada Largus with different engines will also look good.

How many liters of gasoline are spent in staleness depending on the manner of driving? A great vitrata is guarded by quiet waters, so that the car can be smashed with a sharp depression of the trigger in the plea. In such a state, a quick set of engine revolutions is established, for which in a short hour you can find the maximum amount of money to boost sums in the cylinders. And for the mіskoї їzdi characteristic torn pace. The influx of partial teeth on the light headlights and the quick start of the month are clearly indicated on the fire.

However, the number of revolutions on the tachometer is too small, which actually saves gasoline. When driving uphill, it is necessary to turn on a low gear, but in another fall you will have to press the gas pedal in a slow way, so that you need to gain a lot of revolutions. The most acceptable indicator on the Largus tachometer: 2200-2500 rpm. At such a pace, the engine does not “choke”, gaining good dynamics and drinking at least gasoline. Remember that Lada is equipped with a 5-speed gearbox, the optimal and economical driving mode is 90 km / year.

At the time of summer, it is possible to reduce the temperature of the finger by turning on the neutral gear. Under an hour of thriving descent, the pressure on the gas pedal is brought to a neob'yazkovoy vitrat gasoline. But such cunning is allowed only on a dry road. At the winter hour, the choice of "neutrals" is unacceptable, even if it is to lead to the skidding of the car.

When vikoristanni air conditioner stained more gasoline by 5-10%. And the speedy ride on the highway with the help of critical winds strengthens the aerodynamic operation, and after that Largus slows down by 0.1-0.5 liters more. The number of kilometers traveled is added to the value of the weight of the paliva. In the event of an increase in the run of the Largus, it will be run in and the vitrata will be changed.

For Lada Largus vitrata paliva for 100 km lie down in the complex of chinniki. Rational operation of the car helps to save on the finger.

Beginning in 2011, the joint venture of AvtoVAZ and Renault launched the Lada Largus car. The car is small in number of different bodies, in the middle of them there is a van, for transportation of vantazhiv, a passenger option and two types of station wagon, for 5 and 7 boarding seats. Vitrata paliva in various modifications of Lada Largus can be installed in fallowness depending on the type of body or different installed dvigun.

Lada Largus 1.6 and 84 k.s.

The most low-power motor K7M may be 84 kn forces and the volume of the hot water is 1.6 l, this selection is based on the exhaust pressure in Romania, and the car with such an engine develops a maximum speed of 155 km / h. low-pressure, and yogo, the basic norm of vitrati is folded:

  • Miska boundary - 12.3.
  • Change cycle - 7.5.
  • Route - 7.2.

If you want to improve the speed of a car with a K7M engine, then the smallest vitrata paliva per 100 km can be universal, in the average economy of gasoline, it becomes close to 500 gr. The data on the passenger and vantazhny variant of the body are practically identical.

Vіdguki Vlasnikov

  • Arsen, Kirov. Having added Lada Largus for work in a taxi, this car turned out to be very universal and not inexcusable. Basically, I take bookings for the transportation of passengers, but if the robots are transported with baggage, I can take passengers and take care of the fact that the average cost of transportation is 11 liters, I don’t go minus.
  • Andriy, Kostroma. I have a big family, so I’m happy for the appearance of a country station wagon for 7 landings, because Lada Largus has more suspension and a steering wheel, just like on Renault Logan, in other words, it doesn’t drive. Vitrata paliva on the 84th strong Largus can still be low, which allows you to save pennies on the family budget.
  • Vadim, Ussuriisk. Having added cohabitation, the car Lada Largus 2014 to the release date, and on the basis of the norms of vitrat paliva, they didn’t have to worry about it, as if they were announced by the picker without respect for a solid run. Based on my calculation, I can say that in the place where the working brandy is, it rarely saves more than 12 liters of fire, Zamiri on the highway gave a result of 7.5-8 liters of gasoline, in the fallow on the road.
  • Vasyl, Nizhnyovartovsk. Having taken from one for a similar price Lada Largus on the 8th valve engine, as if knowing that they looked after the car well, I won’t be in accidents. As for the norms of vitratypal, I can say for such a great machine, also selected at our factory, the stench is quite pleasant. In order to improve our harsh climate, when traveling to work and from work in the boundaries of the place, I fill in the fire with 13 liters of water per hundred square meters, and for the cost of washing 20 fine heating 2 times a day.

Lada Largus 1.6 and 90 k.s.

The car is equipped with a VAZ-11189 unit of domestic production, while Lada Largus has similar technical characteristics with an 84-horsepower engine. Data on this model Largus vitrata will be discussed a little:

  • Miska boundary - 12.4.
  • Change cycle - 7.7.
  • The track is 7.0.

As you can see, in free Russia, not surprised by the greater number of Chinese forces, the vitrata of the pale Lada Largus on a 100 km freeway should be lowered lower in the 84th strong version.

Vіdguki Vlasnikov

  • Kirilo, Astrakhan. I have a carpentry, and I work kitchen furniture for cleaning, so my choice is based on a Lada Largus possessed by a van, it does not take up a lot of space in the garages and clean it up, in a razor-shaped look it fits a practical object of interior. Costs for gasoline are acceptable, obviously the price is not a sedan with a 1.6-liter engine, which is 8 liters in the city, but for such dimensions of 12-13 liters, the price is not so rich.
  • Sergiy, Armavir. Skoda, earlier there were no analogues in such a place like Lada Largus. I have added a car in 2011 to the year, but it just came out of the assembly line, and I don’t know about it, the details are always in the open in any store, although breakdowns are not often traplyayutsya, as well as service maintenance of the main hubs. Skoda, our engineers have not yet learned how to work more economical motors, even if it is 8, so 16 valves in Largus are close to 13 liters, in Russia in the city.
  • Evgen, Naro-Fominsk. This car will become a good choice for those who love the comfort of seeing nature, as a place for all the essentials of the car. Until then, the suspension of the nemov was created for off-road driving, and the axis of the normative tympanic in Lada Largus was dependent. According to the crossing of the volume and part of the wind at high speeds, windmills can accumulate up to 15 liters per hundred km of the way.
  • Grigory, Ivanovo. When choosing a car, I relied on the quality of service and the price of branded materials, obviously in this plan there are no competitors in domestic cars, everything is easy to install and easy to know. The only unacceptable moment is that the real oil consumption at Lada Largus is lost, after a hundred thousand runs of veins have increased and become a hit in the gut, at this moment, in order to be calm, I pour 14-15 liters of gasoline into the gas station per hundred kilometers of the road.

Lada Largus 1.6 and 105 k.s.

Cars with more powerful engines can be driven under the hood 105 k.s. with 16 valves, tse bezpechuє greater gains in the number of fluidity and a small reserve of tightness building virucity in critical situations. The K4M engine was produced at the Renault Espana plant, and was immediately prepared at the AvtoVAZ concern. The rest of the modernization under the EURO-5 standard led to a decrease in tension to 102 k.s., the torque also changed to 145 Nm. Vitrata paliva on Lada Largus with the K4M engine can be compared with the tribute to the virobnik plant with other power units:

  • Miska boundary - 11.8.
  • Change cycle - 8.4.
  • Track - 6.7.

For these data, you can judge that the K4M engine is bigger than the current one and the KKD is even lower on two other engines, which are equipped with Lada Largus, you can judge the real numbers based on the observations of the Vlasnikov in the machine.

Notes about vitrata Lada Largus 16. 105 k.s.

  • Volodymyr, Kaliningrad. When buying in me, standing in the middle of an inexpensive country, or a new car, or a German analogue with a test in Europe, but at the last moment, I switched to Lada Largus and let the norm of the cost of fire and more lower in the European analogue, but in the service is cheaper. Another plus is the yakіsna pіdvіska, even if the rest of the models navіt rokkruchennykh brendіv not always can boast of the superiority of this important knot. To estimate the real cost of fire, the data are approximately the following: local 12-13 liters, highway up to 8 liters, at a good price.
  • Roman, Yekaterinburg. Having bought a completely new car Lada Largus Kros 2018 to the release date, and a new K4M engine. Even if you are satisfied with the purchase, put the whole mule in the set of speeds, don’t go for bagat sedans, so you can talk about lowering the showings of the weight of the paliva, which you could get far away when you took over the European dosvid from the preparation of power units. I live mainly in the city, and my intestines are not so empty, as I have cleared, for the flurry in the open traffic I fill 12 liters of rozrahunka. per 100 km of road.
  • Viktor, Novoshakhtinsk. Vіdmіnna machine, yakscho є yavlennya, yak you can beat all її pluses. For the sake of my luggage, I can accommodate all my fishing gear, but in the open spaces of the cabin, my friends are comfortably accommodated. Okremo want to say about pіdvіsku, nadіyna dosit out, not feeling earlier, what would vіdvodila. You can especially see the value in the gap between Grant and Kalina 2. As much as the burner is slower, I can say that it is more pleasant for gasoline, especially at high speeds there is a rich car, but on the highway everything changes in the best direction. For a zvichkoy, I pour 10-11 liters of gasoline into the tank from a rozrahunka per hundred kilometers.
  • Vitaliy, Yeysk. I managed to buy an old Lada Largus, to say that I suffered a lot, to say nothing. The colossal vlasnik neabiyak її splashed, dvigun buv more and more murders, the norm of slowing down the fire was not invested not in the framework, before that, the engine was in oil, blasting the gas and clearly turning black zabarvlennya. When pererakhunku kіlkіst filled with gasoline in rubles soum came out lakaє. For a hundred kilometers, more than 15 liters blew through the city, just like the old motor of the 24th Volga. If you want to be more respectful when buying, you yourself are guilty.

How to reduce vitratu paliva

Spozhivannya palny on a car, lie down in a number of subjective and objective factors, depending on the vanity of the route, traffic, the number of lights on the track and sometimes rock, ending with the style of water. Driving in an aggressive style has led to a rise in the norms of consumption of gasoline, and driving a new car can be blamed for distortions of data according to the Lada Largus passport.

Important! Whether it be unprimed, the increase in the turnover of the tse verny way on the way to the increased supply of gasoline.

The main factors of improved recovery can be considered:

  1. Low viscosity is filled with gasoline, at rich gas stations it increases the octane number for additional additives, but the car is not much better, and the axis of the exhaust gas is increased, so that it can lead to high performance.
  2. All electric power, like it is turned on for an hour, takes on a part of the generated energy, which can also become a factor in increasing the cost of gasoline in a car, be it a brand of a car.
  3. At the time of winter, the fate of a richly loaded glass is used to warm up a cold engine, which naturally increases the amount of gasoline.
  4. Vibrable details of the engine are one of the main factors in increasing the temperature of the fire, in order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to follow the camp of the car and take care of the color of exhaust gases (when the valves are worn in the fire, oil is consumed and the exhaust gases melt into a characteristic black color smell).

The main reason is that you can identify problems in your own time, and for whom it is important to follow the changes in the performance characteristics of the car. To eliminate one of the partial reasons for the increase in the consumption of gasoline at Lada Largus, you can simply replace or clean the oil filter.

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