The principle of the robot is an automatic traction device.



I'm flying, dear friends!

How many of you are planning to install a towbar on your car to improve your vehicle's transport capabilities? Therefore, I recommend that you first find out what the main head is and what the main device is. Two concepts, why the superechok, discussion and roses are blamed a lot. I will try to tell you in detail about the skin condition and help you make a choice. Additional devices

If you are precise, then the traction is greater. Don’t forget about the seat mechanisms, which are also used for towing vans. Only the stench is relevant for tractors, especially great ones

old cars

  • for transportation of containers and other goods.
  • Show up and
  • related devices
  • for a walk-behind tractor, which is also relevant for summer cottages.

Let's move on to the main topic.

We are looking for a traction-coupling version of the attachment (TSU). Ikh mi i vikoristovamo for passenger car

. What kind of gobbledygook is this? Under this cunning name there is a hitch that is familiar to you. So, it is correct to call it a towing device, although behind the fact it has been called a towbar. The following TSUs are popular:


  • Leader-Plus;
  • Trailer;

Thule and in.

  • If you are planning to buy them and install a durable passenger car with your own hands, I recommend choosing bright ones that will last more than one season.
  • The trailer hitch is being vikoriized to secure the
  • different types

Let's find out who and who.

Manufactured trailer hitches show high levels of reliability, but otherwise you won’t be able to operate them.

Then the towbar will always be present on the car. Previously, this was relevant and expanded. Already, alternative solutions have appeared in the form of large and flanged towbars.

They are easily perceived as necessities.

I want it to be so clear from the name.

Then cost the stench more expensive for the beasts.

There are no claims to significant mechanisms behind the indicators of reliability and value when choosing an acidic virus.

The flanged trailer hitches are mounted on a special platform behind the preparations.

This needs to be re-batched before installation.

I would like to call them the optimal decisions in the minds of today

  • automotive world
  • And what happens on the roads.
  • Ale vibirati, be it for you.

Their prices vary depending on their softness, reliability, and durability.

Remove traces of uncertified devices.

  • The smells are prepared according to the highest official standards, which guarantees consistency with the intended purpose and the original head.
  • The axis moves smoothly to those key heads.
  • But you weren’t marked.

Split heads

These heads come in different shapes, so they can easily connect with profile and round pipes, ideally fitting under the body.

They vary according to diameter and cross-section.

It is not difficult to select an SG for a pipe with a 60×60 mm girder.

Everything is standardized, which is obvious from one thing to another.

Shock-absorbing elements are present here in order to dampen the forces that flow into the car during sudden galvanizations and jerks.

Since the shock-absorbing device is used every day, there is a high likelihood of a shock-absorbing failure of any hitch and a towbar installed on the car (the hitch of the device, you remember).

The role of the fastening is extremely clear, the fragments of the stench testify to the simplicity and reliability of connection.

The heads are separated from each other, depending on the reason for which the stink is caused. For example, for traction for passenger cars, they are designed for less important structures; for installations, the structures are designed for more important structures. If you bought a car with a great pozashlyakhovik, it will probably turn out to be too low. This is explained by the different installation height of the tow bar on cars and jeeps. A spacer will help you here. This helps to adjust the height and achieve optimal alignment between the tow bar and the hitch head..

This reduces the risk of infection, increasing the effectiveness and safety of galvanization by saving resistance to exposure.

As part of the selection of principles, they are verified at special stands, vikors and additional mechanisms are used.

Without this, the design cannot be approved for sale. If you actively use the tow bar and the tow bar itself with its head, we recommend that you always have a repair kit on hand. You may end up in a bad age, heading off on a long journey.

Who knows, maybe you’re going to the father’s house near the village to collect the harvested potatoes for your dacha and get a bathhouse, which will benefit from a ton of wood.

Towbar - tse

traction device

(TSU), which allows you to attach a trailer to the vehicle for transporting vans, transporting snowmobiles, boats, ATVs.

  • The trailer hitch is being vikoriized to secure the
  • Tow bar design
  • The devices can be modified according to the principle of fastening to the car and being portable.

It folds up from the fastening platform and the hook from the spool.

The diameter of the core should now be set to 50 mm.

The fastening is done as follows: the clamping device on the clasp is pushed onto the butt and secured with a special lock.

Types of towbars by fastening type Depending on the type of fastening, the trailer hitch is divided into three types: mentally-smart; stationary (unknown). The names of the species speak for themselves.

The unique design is attached to the platform behind an additional mechanism that locks and provides the ability to install or remove the fastening from the spool at any time.

Mental mechanisms can also be attached and attached to the platform.

  1. Why bother with the bolts and keys for them?
  2. Then you will need to spend a little more time manipulating this type of cooler. For stationary options, it is not possible to attach it to the welded platform and not remove it. When installed
  3. traction device It may be necessary to remove the bumper when the bumper visor is installed. and minіvenіv.

It is possible to expand the load up to 3.5 tons.

Towbar with electrics When the trailer hitch is installed, it is also necessary to connect to a new electrician so that the brake lights, parking lights and turn signals can be switched on. You can earn money directly from darts

rear lights

But for the additional help, the block will use the so-called Smart-Connect.

The electrics with the unit are universal and suitable for all models of current cars.

Good afternoon, crazy reader. (or traction device) – a special element of the car, used for securing the trailer. To put it in layman's terms, the towbar is a chain, which is what it is used for. So, since there is no towbar, then it is impossible to vikorist. Behind

By the remaining rocks

the legislation has recognized impersonal changes, including the fact that vikoristanya is fussing

additional possession

  • , and readers of the site are increasingly relying on nutrition to ensure that the tow bar is legal. Let me remind you that for the unauthorized change of design in 2020, you can get away with not less, but also. Is it necessary to register a towbar in the Department of Road Safety and Motor Vehicles in 2020?
  • , and readers of the site are increasingly relying on nutrition to ensure that the tow bar is legal. In this case, everything is stored right next to the towbar itself and in the form of documents available: Yakshcho

documents for the towbar є, then the driver does not need to go to the Department of BDR to make changes until the registration certificate is received.

You can simply install the towbar and safely operate the car with the towbar.

There are no documents

If it is impossible to renew them, then installing a towbar requires changing the design, which must be registered in the Department of Road Safety. Note. The required documents for the towbar will be listed below.

For example, since the original tow bar is installed on the car at the factory, then no additional steps are required when upgrading to the DIBDR to install the car in a functional manner.

In practice, this connection is a possible option. If the traction device is already installed on the machine, but there are no documents for it and it is impossible to update them, then we can find something simpler, faster and cheaper buy a new tow bar with documents

, how to register a change in the design of the car in the Department of Road Safety and Inspectorate

Documents for a tow bar for a passenger car

In 2020 there will be a birth in Russia.

The document itself may be indicative of the transport features and ownership installed on them.

Let's look at paragraph 77 of section 4 of chapter V of the technical regulations:

  • 77. Transport means do not facilitate conversion in the following cases:
  • 1) when components are installed on the transport unit:

assignments for which transport unit are those that have undergone an assessment of the type of warehouse transport unit, which is confirmed by the documentation of the component manufacturer;

transferred by the distributor to the transport specialist in the operational documentation;

  • 2) in the case of serial changes made to the structure on a stand divided and approved in the established order of design documentation, on the basis of which an assessment of the type of changes made was made.
  • Also, there are 2 types of attacks for which the towbar may not be registered in the DIBDR:
    • When serial changes are made to the design. You will often find out about the installation of a trailer hitch at the factory. When installing a towbar as an additional equipment, you need to install 2 washbasins at the same time:
    • Virobnik has described the installation of the tow bar in the operating documentation.

Go to this place about benefit from exploitation What you see when buying any car Open this document and find the section dedicated to the specific purpose.

  • If there is such a division, then everything is fine.
  • The towbar is subject to the manufacturer's documentation, which confirms that it is intended for use on the vehicle of your model and has passed the conformity assessment.
  • In such a manner

list of required documents for vikoristan tow bar: Guide to using a car. Documents for the towbar, which confirm that it is suitable for the required vehicle model..

They can be saved at home.

Just if you ask the DIBDR inspector to supply the towbar, immediately tell him that you have all the necessary documents and the towbar is installed legally.

Ask someone to finish it.

  • If the policeman still wants to formalize it, then you can disgrace him on the basis of obvious documents. Why bother, since there are no documents for the trailer hitch? If you have a daily list of documents for the towbar, go to the dealer for its possession using the method of making copies.
  • Organizations that respect themselves can provide copies of documents without any problems.
  • You can return:


documents for the towbar є electronic form - through the organization’s website; especially - through an official representative at your locality;

by mail - we recommend a sheet.

If the documents are not updated, then the option of purchasing a new electrical device or officially making changes to the design through the DIBDR is lost.

Actions of organizations to demonstrate

buy a package of documents for the tow bar


I recommend ignoring such words, because...

  1. The grower's documents are kept by the picker himself. If such documents are seen by another organization, they will be detailed. Why bother, what are the plans to add a tow bar? If you plan to install a traction device on your car, then you have reached this point immediately..
  2. Why bother, since the tow bar is already installed?
  3. If you would like one of the documents to be missing, go to the towbar selector and request them.

As practice shows, growers have no problem posting documents to reject.

Please note, if you are buying a car that has a tow bar from the dealer, you will need to collect the documents from the dealer.

In another case, DIBDR may be able to dismantle the equipment before registering the car.

Below is a summary of this article: Most towbars are supported

Each part of the towbar (socket) can be viewed in the same way as the whole towbar.

As practice shows, growers have no problem posting documents to reject.

If you have documents (for the entire set, or just for the socket), then there will be no problems with DIBDR.

If there are no documents, then the socket has a self-changeable design and can turn on the power supply of the DIBDR.


Chergovy's way of extracting pennies from the population.

All our lives we've all driven with towbars and no one had a problem, but here they got it.

Everyone who lives in the regions washes towbars on cars and trailers - they need to be taken out of the yard and supplies brought.

Great places don’t need chepi. Also, under the blow of our power, the inhabitants of the “richest” village are being destroyed.

So many people have become familiar with the “thorn” sign, and how many pennies have been taken from people and are now starting to take charge of the towbars!

Having purchased a Chevrolet Niva 2123-55 at a car dealership in 2014 with additional options, including a towbar (b/niva) Stupino.

They just saw the order for installation. In 2015, the car dealership was closed. And you won’t find any documents there. Yak buti? Copy of OTTS Є (I copied). Evgen-272 All our lives we've all driven with towbars and no one had a problem, but here they got it.


  • Look for a similar brand;
  • At any time, prepare for the preparation on your own.

What is a traction device

In fact, two types of TSU have taken root in Russia:

The advantage of this design is the possibility of equipping the trailer. galm system, Yaka Bud Pracyuvati for the pre -nuclear of the mechanic colivan through Kulia in the Zchipna head I forget the Nivelyuvatim of the Shvidki -Lydsny on Dorozi: Galmomobil, Choip for the Inerziyu with Vuevel on Kulia, included in Galma.

Self-designed TSUs are designed to fit into a specific application.

  • Otherwise, there may be a fence for exploitation.
  • There are a lot of models on the market.
  • The stench is all over the place:
  • For your classification;

behind the design;

  1. fastening method;
  2. Features of electrical installation.
  3. Towing with non-standard values ​​can lead to bad results.

Therefore, the classification of towbars begins with the emphasis.

The presence of your group will ensure the trival life of life.

  • For passenger cars with a permissible trailer weight of 1.5 tons;
  • For station wagons, minivans with similar values ​​up to 2.5 t;
  • For minibuses, utility vehicles up to 3.5 tons.

Towing vehicle classification:

European system.

The variety of products is the size of the bag, which is marked in inches:

1-7/8 is up to 47.6 mm;
2 up to 50.8 mm;

2-5/16 – 58.7 mm.

American design.

The trailer hitch is attached to the frame of the car body.

The bumper is important because its role plays the main part of the cause.

  • In certain situations, it is necessary to drill the spar and install the guard plates.
  • If you install a proper towbar, it’s not difficult on the right.
  • If the car manufacturer has transferred the installation site, opened the other elements for installing the tow bar, as well as a document (usually a purchase certificate) with the characteristics of the original device, then self-installation is completely legal and logical.
  • The service reserves a fixed price.

This will pay off once the additional openings are drilled and a new tow bar is installed, which is consistent with the characteristics.

The service provides written instructions about compliance with standards.

The body of the same trailer hitch requires constant verification of the presence of:

  • Unscrewed, broken nuts and bolts (grower to ensure unscrewing, but not torn);
  • Mastila kuli;
  • Cleanliness of the outlet;
  • Welding seams.
  • Kulya senses a critical need, strong enough to wear out.
  • Measure the diameter of the skin's requirements for 1-1.5 thousand kilometers.
  • Testers of traction devices
  • Finally, you can make a list of your favorite TSU manufacturers:

Bosal – 200 tickets for passenger cars and vans from Belgium;

Brink - leading position in Holland; VFM - Russian association under the banner of the Bosal company; Westfalia is a great German company.

Over 800 namenuwan;

Aragon – Spanish leader; HiddenHitch is an original American company;. AvtoS - a Russian company vibrates the chains and towbars; BALTEX is a domestic company from St. Petersburg. Video review of Bosal towbars. Delivery set of all products including installation and fastening tools. Many manufacturers also supply towbar sales with an electrical wiring kit. The traction drive unit (TSU) is formed from the “Body” and so on. The “body” is supposed to be attached to the side members of the car.

Great importance is attached to the preparation of the towbar for foreign cars, fragments through

weather minds and road reagents over time, unclear preparation provokes food production from the outside looking in TSU. Unclearly prepared traction devices need to be prepared approximately once or twice a season, which creates additional indestructibility, so it is better to buy a towbar for a foreign car from the very beginning.

  • The hooks on the traction devices are welded and sealed.
  • The price of your safety, the safety of loved ones and the safety of those who live away lies in the depth of the prepared tow bar.
  • Buy a tow bar in the Mnogofarkopov online store

With us you can buy or install a towbar from Moscow at an affordable price original and not original for all cars in the world. Mnogofarkopov sells towbars for foreign cars for all popular and unpopular car models.. Here you can compare the models that are suitable and understand their significance. The main function of towbars various virobniks Do you know if you need a towbar model?

Call our specialists or write to us by e-mail.

We will choose the towbar model for you!