Presentation on the topic "Cars of the future."

Traffic rules

Cars - ancient and modern


Kurushin Glib


Ragozina Nadiya Oleksiivna

My buried

Part of my car collection

I am a designer

Meta surveillance

upgrading of current cars

  • with cars of the past
  • Collect information about various stages of car development.
  • Conduct an analysis of the collected information.
  • Conduct a survey in the middle of the classroom.
  • Conduct a survey among the fathers.
  • Compile a rating of the most famous cars.

Publish a newspaper: “Cars and emblems”

Subject of investigation

literature about cars. Object of investigation


differ from the old ones in terms of their appearance and other parameters.

  • Investigation methods
  • Be careful
  • Analysis
  • Questionnaire

Collection and processing of information

History of the word “Car” AUTOMOBILE (from the Latin mobilis - rough, easy to collapse), a transport rackless vehicle with a head on wheels, which collapses due to the power of the engine ( internal turmoil

, electric steam).

First transport service The first transport system brought into operation by a couple was dismantled by Nicholas-Joseph Cagnot and initiated by M. Brezin in 1769. It could reach a speed of 6 km/year.(!) Two reasons for the fact that I was able to design another, richly advanced,

steam engine

  • First car There were actually two of the greatest cars
  • .

Regardless of one another, two German engineers, Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, instantly became their own self-destructing crews.

In 1885 r. Benz first drove a three-wheeled carriage that collapsed on the street of the place.

The novelty did not arouse any particular interest; instead, it swarmed the bastards with the roar of its engine.

first four-wheel drive car

Daimler Vinaisov's first four-wheeled car. This car got angry

  • up to 18 km/year. Persha

racing car

Russian car

When most people think about the first cars on the road, they think that their creator was Henry Ford.

This is not entirely true. For the first time, one of Henry Ford's cars appeared in court in 1896. Henry sold his first car, which he called the Quadracycle, and used all the money he had to pay for the life of another car.

Advance car

Ford reserves sales for 1903.

Ford's first mass car

This is the ancestor of Italian sports cars

And that’s what it’s worth.

An incredibly smart, luxurious car.

Just dreaming!!!

Father minibus

Today's minibus

Here's the Mercedes

Mercedes 600

Vin is not at all like his grandfather

This is a relative of the sports car

This is a current sports car

The vehicle can develop a speed of over 300 km/year.

Cars of the future

Cadillac with nuclear engine


A car with a hybrid engine

working type of electrical

  • Flying cars


With a long history of success, flying car projects have been fragmented

How many cars are there on the planet?

There are approximately 522 million passenger cars on our planet.

The small town of Luxembourg has the most cars.

There are 6 machines per skin bag.

  • Japan is quickly producing the largest number of cars.

Approximately 8 million pieces.

  • On the other side is the USA.
  • There are six and a half million cars spinning there.
  • On the third place is Nimechchina.
  • How many cars are there at Verkhotur?
  • As of early 2014, 6,517 cars were registered at Verkhoturye.
  • What is the future car like?
  • Questionnaire of classmates
  • 1. What brands of cars do you like?
  • The most popular types:
  • Mercedes-5 VAZ -3 Volga -2 BMW-6 Toyota -2 Skoda-4 Peugeot-2 Lamborghini -1 Jeep Hummer-1
  • Mercedes-5


Volga -2

  • BMW-6
  • Toyota -2
  • Skoda-4
  • Peugeot 2

Lamborghini -1

Jeep Hummer-1

  • Do people really need a car?
  • For a trip to Robot-22
  • For handiness-3
  • Garnim – 5 chol

Shvidkisnim -12 chol .

Safe – 20 chol

Ecological -15 chol Most class members appreciate that a car is needed not for travel, but for business, and value safety in cars. Questionnaire of fathers Do you have a car or anything, what brand? having taken away the winemaker of the motorized carriage, Karl Benz was born in 1888. In Russia, in 1910, the people opened a school for drivers. To take away rights, it was necessary to know the rules

road ruhu , drive a car and take a look around, and upload a photo of the little ones of your car. chervony ( , Zhovtiy,


or a bunch of words about the rules of the road)

The rules of the road are as bad as the car.

Qia robot:

allowed me to learn a lot of new and interesting information about the history of the car;

, ,

knowledge expanded due to the creation and emergence of new brands of cars;

Today's cars surpass their ancestors in terms of creativity, modern appearance, engine power, and environmental friendliness.

I respect that it's mine

doslednytska robot

It would be nice for these guys, who are not familiar with the development of the automobile industry, to allow them to learn a lot of new things about the history of the automobile.


The presentation was vikorized from materials from the site:

The first car In 1885, the first 3-wheeled car with a single-cylinder engine appeared.

It has a total capacity of 250 kilograms on bicycle-type wheels with spokes, and the front wheel is much smaller than the two rear drive ones.

The single-cylinder, four-stroke engine developed a force of 0.85 horsepower and produced 200 revolutions per cylinder. The engine was installed in the back, under the seats. It took so much pressure from the engine to accelerate the car up to 15 kilometers per year. 3 June 1886 Benz decided to drive his car first on the street of Minheim, his local place. The sound of the engine and the very sight of the amazing vehicle made everyone cry.

Zagalom Benz has owned three such cars.

Two of them are missing, and one is in the German Museum in Munich, and it has been miraculously preserved; you can ride it now. Slide 5 On September 29, 1886, the winemaker took out the German Imperial patent for a “vehicle with a gas engine” under the name “Motorwagen”.

In 1893, Benz began producing a 4-wheeled car, the Victoria, with a three-speed engine.

Kin forces In 1894, the “Velo” model went into production. approved for carriage of one to seven passengers. Buses are used for large-scale transportation of passengers. The buses are parked and are intended to be transported either by one or another. I'll put the group together tourist buses . Based on passenger capacity, buses are divided into buses of low, medium and high capacity. Vintage cars can have a platform and be used as universal ones transport facilities for the transportation of various vanities and can be specially designed to wash bodies that are attached for transportation okremikh vantazhіv


Okrim body type

vintage cars

classified for their efficiency and throughput. Special vehicles

designated for any specific task.

These include: fire stations, sanitary stations, auto-vehicles, watering stations, and motorway stations.

* The classification of cars can be seen on the diagram

Slide 8

Classification of vehicles Transport vehicles Special passenger vans Passenger buses


Subject: Zagalny pristry car


bookkeeper of special disciplines Adzhimefaev Redvan Ismetovich The rear part of the car

A car, of any modification, is made up of interconnected main parts: the engine, the chassis and the body, and the skin of which may be used.

Installed on most cars piston engines internal combustion, which transforms the thermal energy of the burning fuel into mechanical energy, necessary for the vehicle’s propulsion.

  • SH A S S I The vehicle chassis includes a transmission (power train),
  • chassis and control mechanisms Transmission The transmission transmits torque from the engine to the drive wheels of the car and is made up of a coupling, a box
  • gears, cardan drives , head gear, differential and rear gear. Zcheplennya serve for short-term coupling of the gearbox from the engine, its smooth connection when the vehicle is towed from the seat and reversal of gears.
  • Transmission – allows you to change the amount of torque that is transmitted to the
  • collapsible shaft - Ensures the ability to wrap the drive wheels at different frequencies when driving the car on turns and on uneven roads.
  • Pivosi - Transfer the wrapping to the wire wheels.

Khodova partina

The chassis of the car is made up of frames (for cars - the body that carries it) and car suspension mechanisms: springs, shock absorbers.

Control mechanisms

The control mechanisms include a kerma and galm system.

Rulovim Keruvannyam - change the direction of the car's steering by turning the cerated wheels.

Galmivna system – will ensure a decrease in the speed of the car, which will increase the strength of the indestructible body.


A vintage car has a separate body and cab.

A platform with sides (van, tank, etc.) is connected to the body and is used for placing accessories.

The cabin has space for the driver and one or two passengers.

Passenger cars and buses have a body to accommodate passengers and work space.

Consultants who work in car dealerships report and describe in detail car models, and in this way their knowledge is felt superior characteristics cars.
To achieve such a high level, you need to constantly read about cars, read special literature and information about new cars. In this process, it is important that consultants do not use a lot of special terms, and they cannot show the client their superiority in front of him. When dealing with potential car buyers, the manager is not guilty of resorting to rude favors and belittling clients.
The most common characteristic of car salesmen is their assessment of the purchasing power of clients, which is based on their behavior patterns.
Most often, consultants only demonstrate a car because they want to recognize the driver.
Auto showrooms encourage potential buyers to get into a car, rather than avoid being in such places, where clients may have a low level of awareness, and will overwhelm the proposition.
The car for sale must be shown in action, for which it is necessary to turn on the heating in order to be able to press all the buttons and so that all the lights burn off.
With this method, many car dealerships promote the popular “test drive” service.
Since this type of service is not offered for older models, the manager can drive the buyer through the nearby streets or in the backyard of a car dealership.
In order for the buyer to feel comfortable in his car (even if it’s someone else’s), it is imperative to adjust the mirrors and seats.
Nini credit systems support the rapid development of sales of cars.
In other words, often managers of car dealerships that spend money go with a guilty manager who does not want to understand the client and satisfy his needs.

Therefore, the sales obligations of car dealerships appear to be too low and the reason for this is that salespeople do not supply food to customers.

Please make sure to sell your car.

Slide 2

The first car and its creator The power of the car Classification of cars Car models and ratings of their sales Information devices

Slide 3

Pioneer auto repair

Karl Friedrich Benz is a German mechanic and entrepreneur, a pioneer of the automobile industry, officially recognized as one of the creators of the first automobile.

steam engine

Born on November 26, 1844 near Ladenburzi.

Graduate of the Higher Polytechnic School near Karlsruhe.

Worked as a photographer, a laborer, a roboticist, an armchair worker and a mechanic.

On September 29, 1886, the winemaker took out the German Imperial patent for a “vehicle with a gas engine” under the name “Motorwagen”.

In 1893, Benz began producing the 4-wheeled Victoria car with a three-horsepower engine, and in 1894 the Velo model went into production.

At the beginning of 1901, Benz's enterprise became one of the largest in Galusia.

As a sign of recognition of the engineer's merits, the Karlsruhe Polytechnic School awarded him the status of honorary doctor.

In Russia, the first Mercedes-Benz car with a capacity of 1.5 liters and two seats appeared in 1894.

First sold to rock in St. Petersburg in 1895.

Years ago, the first Benz car became the prototype of the first Russian production car of the gasoline and gas engine factory of industrialist Yakovlev in St. Petersburg.

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