The procedure for supplementing the rotational helper about the objects of rotting on the water. Build an English command: what should a sergeant shout before the formation? Command the helmsman to my English

The safety of the ship's agility is within the reach of the ship's control and movement. in terms of fallow, type of construction and nature of their choice, management is divided into head (GSU) and additional (ZSU). Diya GSU lie down depending on the speed of the ship or according to the nature of the robots. Before the main controls, there are rudders of various types and rotary nozzles.

Additional controls are propulsion and kerm complexes, which are not connected with the work of the head engines of the ship. To the additional control devices, it is possible to add an extension (PU), an active kerma (AR), a hanging propulsion-kerma column (VDC) and a rotary column (PC). In singing minds, on some projects of ships and underwater chovniv, additional management can be victorious and like the main cause of the rush.

Head office management. Steering wheels and their geometric characteristics

The ship's kermo has a wing of a symmetrical profile. Behind the method of connecting the kerma pen with the ship's hull, the rudders are simple, semi-suspended and suspended, according to the position of the stock axis of the kerma pen - unbalanced and balancing (Fig. 1.1). On ships, only balancing or semi-balancing kerma are installed. The extension of the area of ​​the balancing part of the kerma to another is called the coefficient of compensation of the kerma. Sound vin kolivaetsya in the range of 0.2 to 0.3. The most important geometrical characteristics of the kerma: its area Sp, the height of the undercut λp, the shape and thickness of the profile of the cross section? R.

The area of ​​the feather kerm Sp should be in the middle close to 2% of the pierced area of ​​the diametral plane (LxT).

Vіdnosne podovzhennya λр \u003d h²p / Sp, de hp - the height of the kerma feather, it sounds fluttering in the range of 0.4 to 2.5.

Mal. 1.1. Steering wheel classification

Is it visible to the profile of the cross section of the kerma? P \u003d lp / bp, de lp is the largest width of the profile, and bp is the average width of the kerm, sound more 0.15-0.18.

The height (range) of the kerma hp is determined by the minds of its placement in the stern brace.

On single-propeller ships, one kermo is installed, which is placed behind the screw.

Gwent and trigwine ships can have one or two kerms. In the first one, the kermo is ripped in the diametral plane (DP), and in the other, it is symmetrical behind the side screws.

The position of the kerma that is flowing on a new flow is characterized by the cut of the kerma ap and the attack a.

The cut of the kerma ar is called the cut of the turn of the kerma, wiping in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the baller. ar sea vessels sound between 35 ° The cut of the attack of the kerma is called the cut, the flatness of the symmetry of the kerma and the flat, which pass through the entire baller and run from the direct flow, which is inflated.

Mal. 1.2. Propulsive pads on kermi

To move the propulsive k. P. D. Rowing gwent, propulsion (pear-like) nadyalinks are installed on the kermі inodі (Fig. 1.2). The positive effect of propulsion attachments is brought up to the elimination of the associated flow and the change in the swirl during the operation of the screw.

Rotary nozzles are a straight nozzle of the propeller screw, reinforced on a vertical stock, all of which is twisted from the suspension of the propeller screw in the plane of the screw disk (Fig. 1.3). Rotary direct nozzle є part of the ruin complex and at the same time serve as a governing body, replacing the kermo.

The nozzle was brought out from the DP as a kіltseve wing, on which the bichna pidomna force is blamed, which calls out the turn of the ship. Blame the hydrodynamic moment on the Baller nozzle (both in the forward and in the reverse gear) to increase the speed of the shift. To reduce the injection of this negative moment, a stabilizer with a symmetrical profile is installed in the tail section of the nozzle.

Mal. 1.3. swivel nozzle

Additional management assistance

The active kermo (Fig. 1.4) is a typical kermo with an additional screw inserted into a short nozzle on the new one. The screw is driven by an electric motor, ripped in a sealed case.

The tension of the electric motor becomes close to 8-10% of the tension of the main power plant, and the diameter of the auxiliary screw is equal to 20-25% of the main one. Active kermo secures the ship's movement with a speed of 3-4 knots. The most effective way to achieve this is in a mode close to mooring. Such a kermo ensures the turn of the ship without a move, it is practical on a mission. The active kerma drive allows for some rotation of the ship's DP up to 70-90 °. When the electric motor is turned on, the active kermo diє, like a savage.

Mal. 1.4. active kermo

The steering attachment (Fig. 1.5) is structurally a cylindrical pipe 3 in the ship's hull with accommodation in a new wing 1, building draft in two opposite straight lines, perpendicular to the DP.

Mal. 1.5. Principal scheme of driving an annex with the main lengthwise screws, which are wrapped

Inlet edges of the channel are rounded to improve the efficiency of the PU. Lattices are installed at the entrance of the PU 2. The tension in the engine 4 is transmitted through the vertical shaft 5, the final reducer 6 and the horizontal shaft 7. Depending on the type of shaft, they are divided into extensions with crest screws (fixed screw screw - VFSh and adjustable screw screw) rushієm or reversible pumps. Sound the pidrulyuyuchy attachment roztashovuetsya in the bow of the stern part.

Mal. 1.6. Principal diagram of a suspended propulsion-steering column

May I put two attachments on the bow and stern. As a demonstration of the operational status, the efficiency of the power steering attachments is sharply reduced with the increased speed.

Visuvna propulsion-steering column (Fig. 1.6). Rushієm in WPRK є screw 1, expansion in the guide nozzle 2. The pressure to the screw is transmitted to the electric motor 3 through the vertical shaft 4, the upper spur gearbox 5, the vertical splined shaft 6, the rotation in the middle of the stock column 7, and the lower rotational gearbox zabezpechuє reversal of the gwent complex - a nozzle for any kind of kut. Lifting and lowering the complex vibrate behind the auxiliary mechanism of the lift 10 near a telescopic hydraulic cylinder.

The turntables are similar in principle to the VDC, but do not forget the pidyom mechanism. A number of vipadkіv vikoristovuyutsya turntable columns.

From the refurbished ones, the self-propelled guns are the most effective air defense missile systems: Stinks can climb on the move of the ship and do not create additional support.

The effectiveness of any self-propelled guns is characterized by a craving, i.e., a craving for a single strain. Call out to become at least 10 kgf / l. With. The self-propelled guns can be vikoristovuvatysya as a joint with the lead propulsion and rudder complex, and independently. The stench knows a wide zastosuvannya for mooring, a turn in the narrowness with a daily course and small moves.

Diya kerma and hydrodynamic forces that blame on nomu

When shifting the kerma to the kut αr on the front yogo plane, after a change in the fluidity of the flow, the area of ​​the raised vice is increased. On the back plane, where the flow increases, the pressure decreases. The difference of the vice should be brought to the end of the resultant hydrodynamic force Rp, straightened out perpendicularly to the area of ​​the pen kerma and applied in the center of the vice.

The value of Rp to fall in the area of ​​the kerm feather, the attack point and is approximately proportional to the square of the density of the water flow, which accumulates on the kermo.

To see the difference, the kerma is equal Rp is laid out on warehouses in the coordinate axes, invariably related to the ship: Rpy (p_djomna force), Rpx (frontal opіr) and warehouses along the axis of the baller Rpn and Rpt (normal and tangential vіdpovіdno) (Fig. 1.7) .

Mal. 1.7. Hydrodynamic forces that are on kermo

Hydrodynamic forces are connected with equal forces and among themselves by advancing waters:

Diya kerma on the forward move (Fig. 1.8, a). The shifting of kerma on the forward course is accompanied by the appearance of a bichnіy hydrodynamic force Rpy. By applying in the center of the ship's shaft G two equal and oppositely straightened forces Rpy take away the moment Rpyl. The moment RPyl is accompanied by the ship's reverse displacement and the appearance of a drift α. The presence of a drift will lead to the establishment of the biological force Fy, as it is added to the center of the support of the ship and the turning point straight ahead Rpy. In this rank, when the Russian ship is deployed on the forward course, it will appear as the sum of the moments in the forces of RPy and Fy:

Mal. 1.8. Sili, who is going to the ship for an hour of shifting kerma

Diya kerma in reverse (Fig. 1.8.6). In reverse, the shifting of the kerma also indicates the appearance of the force RPy due to the moment RPyl and the drift of the ship. When drift appears, it is also accompanied by the vinification of the force Fy and the moment of Fyx. However, diya Fyx is parallel to diya Rpyl.

In this order, the reversal of the ship in reverse will be due to the difference of moments;

Therefore, the ship's keratinization under the ship's kerma in reverse is significantly worse, lower in the forward. Exit from the exhausted reverse circulation for the help of one kerm is practically impossible.

The moment equal to the axis of the baller is called the hydrodynamic moment on the baller. This value is determined by the fallow

de a - distance of the axis of the baller from the leading edge of the kerma;

Xp - distance to the center of the vice from the leading edge of the kerm.

Mal. 1.9. Hydrodynamic moments on the Baller of a simple and balancing kerm

In the balancing kerm (Fig. 1.9), with small vertices of the shifting, the center of the vice is folded in front, and with large ones - behind the axis of the baller. In a simple kerma in the world of zbіlshennya kuta, the center of the vice is all the time away from the axis of the wrap. Tse to bring to a constant increase in the hydrodynamic moment on the Baller. In order to shift the kerma, a steering machine of great intensity is needed.

ship circulation

With the introduction of kerma from the DP on a deaky kut, the ship is more likely to develop a curvilinear motion along an open curve of the spiral type. The trajectory, described by the center of gravity of the ship (CG), in this way is called circulation (Fig. 1.10).

Mal. 1.10. ship circulation

If the ship's momentum is restored, the circulation becomes a stake. The diameter of this stake is called the circulation diameter Dc.

Characteristics of the circulation curve:

Hanging l1; - stand, how to pass the ship's center of gravity in a straight line to the direct course in the moment of the cob of kerm shifting before turning by 90 °; the value of the hanging changes in the range of 0.6-1.2 Dc;

Straight line l2 - move along the perpendicular to the primary course, on the way the center of the ship's ship moves in the direction of circulation until the moment of its turn by 90 °; the value of the direct displacement changes in the range of 0.25-0.50 DC;

Zvorotne zmіschennya l3 - the largest vіdstan, on the way the center of the ship's ship is shifted in a straight line of the cob course in the bіk, zvorotny circulation; the magnitude of the return sound does not sound beyond the width of the ship;

Tactical diameter DT - the shortest distance between the ship's diametrical area on the primary and return courses; the value of the tactful diameter sounds in the range of 0.9-1.2 Dc;

The circulation period T is the hour required for the ship to perform a complete 360° turn. The period of circulation to lay in the condition of the ship's dryness and maturity is approximately 3-5 min.

To assess the turnability of the ship, they are corseted by the circulation diameter, which is determined by the displacement Dc / L. Its value for sailing ships is indicated by the circle in the ranges 4-7.

When the circulation is vaccinated, it is mentally subdivided into three periods.

The maneuvering period is three times on the cob until the end of the kerm transfer (10-15 s).

The evolutionary period starts from the moment of completion of the kerm shifting until the ship turns by 90-180 °, if the forces that are on the ship come to eve. After that, a period of steel circulation begins, which is three, until the position of kerma is changed.

Roll of the ship on circulation

The shifting of kerma on a ship advancing in a straight course, to bring the trajectory of the ruh to a curve, turning the kerma. As a result, the wind center force is blamed, the moment of which is a slight roll on the side, where the kermo is shifted.

This roll is also affected by the moment of bіchnoї force, which is on the kermo. At the world, the curvature of the trajectory of the center of gravity changes, and then it increases. Under the influence of the moment of force, as it reaches the CG of the ship, the ship begins to heel to the side, turning the kerm straight ahead, moreover, the ship was healed first more, the greater the roll of the kerm in the direction of the kerm (Fig. L.ll).

Mal. 1.11. Forces, roll the ship on steel circulation

The maximum sickness of the ship to the side, turning the kerma straight ahead, is called a dynamic heel roll. Sound the dynamic roll roll overturn the roll on the steel circulation by 1.3 2 times. The maximum value of the roll on the steel circulation is determined by the formula of G. A. Firsov:
De V0 - speed of the ship on a direct course to the ear of circulation, m / s;

T - the average ship's berth, m;

H - cob transverse metacentric height, m;

L-ship length, m; Zg - the ordinate of the center of the ship's ship, the m. Z of the formula is strong, which in singing minds is not safe to circulate on the great wind. It is especially important to guard when sailing on a passing wind and when turning to the wind.

ship wrap center

The nature of the ship's circulation on the circulation depends on the position of the point on the iogo diametrical plane, where the drift is & beta \u003d 0.

Mal. 1.12. ship wrap center

Geometrically, the position of this point is determined by the span of the ship's DP from the perpendicular, let's lower it from the center of circulation (Fig. 1.12). This point is called the center of the wrapping of the ship. Її the position on the ship's dozhina is characterized by the values ​​of Lcvv-Rβo. Vіdstan ltsv, vrazhene in parts of the ship's length L along the waterline:
The absolute value of the value at the corners of the kerma shift, which exceeds 20 °, lies in the boundaries
The center of the wrapper should always lie in the nasal part. Sounds like an important practical visnovok, which controls the ship on the turns to move around. It is necessary to secure post-mortem when mooring a ship, passing through narrowness and navigational difficulties.

Command that they are served for kermo. The order of the turn

"The commander of the ship appoints the course and speed of the ship through the shift officer." In okremih fluctuations (with the designation of maneuvering elements, adjustments of fittings and navigation in narrowness), at the discretion of the commander of the ship, the right to directly give commands to the kermo can be given to the navigator.

For a successful victorious turn with additional kerma, the commander of the ship, navigator and shift officer should be given the following data:

Circulation diameter when shifting the kerma to the right and to the left in different modes of operation of the head machines;

An hour to describe the complete circulation and part of it at different speeds and combinations of working machines;

Loss of fluidity on circulation when shifting the kerm to the set number of degrees for different fluidity during the course;

- "dead gap" to the hour from the moment of giving the helmsman's command to the cob of the actual turn;

The value of the ship's heel roll on the circulation in fallow land during the speed is possible.

Vikonuyuchi turn, keruyutsya the following rules:

Before giving a command to the kermo, it is necessary to assess the situation and accept all entries for a safe maneuver;

Going to transfer the kerm “on board” is only necessary in times of extreme necessity (when turning the ship in a narrowness, to identify it with another ship, to heal in case of navigational problems and enemy attacks);

It is necessary to ensure the possibility of a quick transition to the reserve post of kerm;

During sleep navigation, the turn of the ship is due to the indications set by the Flag or by a light signal from the moment the command is given to kermo to the end of the turn;

When changing the course in the line of the wake, the turn should be adjusted so that the stem is on the inner edge of the wake stream ahead of the matelota.

Commands for kermo duties are submitted in the suvoriy vіdpovіdnostі s “Command in words” (addition to the Ship Statute of the Navy). Give the command of the steering goiter to rehearse in a booming voice, with the word "Є".

The following main commands for kermo have been adopted:

team "Right (left) on board" it means that the kermo is guilty of buti provisions until the boundary is set in the assigned bill. The command is given for the improvement of the speedy re-laying of the kerm.

behind the team "Right (left) kerma" the helmsman's goal is to shift the kermo to the set number of degrees (for this ship) at the indications of the bik and add: "The rudder is right (left) in style." In the process of turning the rudder, you add 10 ° new values ​​to the course through the skin. This command is given when there are significant turns on a new course and joint maneuvering with ships of the same type.

When turning with a greater or lesser, lower sound, with a circulation diameter, the command “Stylki some degrees right (left) kerma” is given.

team "Vvodity" move when the ship is close to the recognized course (sound at 10-15 °). For this command, the kermo is entered into the ship's DP, after which the kermanich confirms: "The steering wheel is straight." Analogous ones are victorious and on the command “Directly kermo”. The command is given if necessary to interrupt the turn. Following the commands “Vidvodity” and “Pryamo kermo”, the rudder complements the course through the skin 3 °.

team "Obtain" it is given, if 3-5 ° is lost before the recognized new course. Following this command, the kermo is shifted by a small number of degrees to the side, the circulation is reversed. Rulyovy dopovidaє heading for the compass through skin degrees.

team "So Trimati" means that Kermanich is guilty of taking the compass to the exact degree of the course, on which the ship was lying at the time the command was given, or straight along the coastline and trim the ship on that course, adding: “E, so trim, on the rumby some degrees of degrees” .

command-request "On the rumby" means that the Kerman is guilty of marking the course with a compass and adding: “There are some degrees on the rumby.”

team “Stylki some degrees right (left) behind the compass” means that Kermanich is guilty of changing the course on the indicated number of degrees, after which he adds: “There are some degrees on the rumbi.” The command is given at the slopes, if it is necessary to change the course of the ship no more than lower by 15-25 °.

Commands can be given to the confirmed helmsman: “Right (left) kerma. The course of a degree is a degree "; “Trim in the wake of such and such a ship”; "Lie down on target"; "Leave such and such an object right-handed (levoruch)" and so on.

In this way, the helmsman independently wins the appointments and adds: “On the line. On the rumby, the styles are some degrees "or" On the rumbi, the styles are some degrees "and etc.

Vikoristannya autopilot

In the rest of the year, for automating the control of the ship on a given course, the main way to control the kerm is to automatically stabilize the course (Avtorulyov). Automatic heading control in rotation with manual steering makes it easier for the rotational helmsman and ensures more accurate control of the ship on the course, changes the bowing and ensures the task of turning the corners. Zastosuvannya autopilot transmission feasibility of using a software add-on or a system of remote transmission. Zalezhno vіd zavdan, yakі vykonuyutsya avtorulyovym, mozhlivі two modes of yoga work.

2. Control mode. In this mode, the Autopilot is responsible for ensuring the direct change of the ship's turnaround to the point where it can be operated. With any change in the rate, you can either change the software regulation (according to a predetermined law) or for an additional system of remote monitoring. The automatic heading control system is composed of a control object and an autopilot (regulator). The object of regulation is a ship, which represents a regulated value at the rate of some kind, and the kut of the kerma ar is an influx. Functions of the autopilot viconu

1. The sensor of the actual heading of the KGK ensures the sign and the value of the inconsistency (following the ship's heading according to the given value), as well as detecting an erroneous signal. Functions of the sensitive element, ring the gyrocompass.

2. Program attachment - set heading sensor - secures the heading program, which can be set manually, with a simple program (zigzag) or a ship's ECM.

3. The sensor of inconvenience to serve for the generation of control signals when the ship is moving along the set course.

4. pіdsilyuvalnoї-transform pristrіy pristrіy bolstering the control signal and vibrating the corrective signals, yakі vrakhovuyat the security of sight of the ship from a given course and systematically one-sided improvement of the ship from a given course from a given course, pіd deєyu various factors (including d. machine, parc).

Mal. 1.13. Schematic diagram of the autopilot

Sound in the auxiliary-transforming attachment, the regulation of the parameters of the autopilot (sensitivity, the coefficient of the turn signal, etc.) was transferred according to the maneuverability of the elements of the ship and the actual minds of swimming.

5. Vikonavchy attachment (steering gear) may have a sensor of the main negative turning signal, assignments for the increase in the level of automatic control of the kerm (safely extinguishing the ship's heading after the set course - back).

(2) Semi-suspended kerma balancers are called semi-balancers.

(3) According to the principle of dіїі and the nature of the choice of additional management, it is considered to be active management (ACS).

(4) The position of the center of the vice is determined by the mass of the peretina equal to the plane of symmetry of the kerma.

(5) KU-59 (Voenizdat, 1967), Art. 830.2-17


Exist., M., Use. comp. often Morphology: (none) what? kerma why? kerma, (bachu) what? kermo, lower? kerm, about what? about kermi; pl. what? steering wheels, (no) what? rule, why? rudders, (bachu) what? steering wheels, lower? steering wheels, about what? about rudders 1. Kerm is called attachment for ... ... Tlumachny dictionary of Dmitriev

"KERMO ON BOARD"- (Helm hard over, hard a starboard, hard a port) an order to the helmsman to put the kermo to the right or to the left (in the fall behind the front team) to the top. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L .: Derzhavne Vіyskovo sea Vidavnitstvo of the NKVMF to the Union of the RSR, ... ... Marine dictionary

HMS B.11- B 11 B.11 ... Wikipedia

HRT (Formula 1 team)- HRT Cosworth ... Wikipedia

Titanic- Coordinates: 41°43'55" Mon. 49°56'45"W. / 41.731944 ° N sh. 49.945833°W d. ... Wikipedia

2001 Formula One season- 52nd Formula 1 World Championship ◄ 2000 season 2001 to 2002 ... Wikipedia

2001 Formula One Season- The 52nd season of Formula 1 was composed of 17 Grand Prix, passing from 4 days to 14 days. Michael Schumacher became the champion of the world, the Ferrari team won the Constructors' Cup 52nd season of Formula 1 2001

Formula 1 in the 2001 season- 52nd World Championship Formula 1 ◄ 2000 season 2001 2002 ... Wikipedia

Porsche- (Porsche) Porsche company, company history, company activity Porsche company, company history, company activity, company's construction Ing. h.c. F. AG Logo History 1931-1948: ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

Mansell, Nigel- Wikipedia has articles about other people with such a nickname, divas. Mansell. Nigel Mansell ... Wikipedia

Bikged- # A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y ... Wikipedia


  • Primary guide in food and supplements for a sailor of the 1st and 2nd class, Balanchuk A. (comp.). To avenge the various changes in nutrition and the Russian language, which hoards the area of ​​competence of sailors of the 1st and 2nd class. Additions to the English mine: "Teams for kermo", "Teams ...

2. For some exchange rate cuts, the court should become the most unsafe?

If one ship is watching for a better course on the right.

3. What is the entrance to the mooring warehouse? How is the supply of mooring cables to the berth?

To the warehouse of the mooring outbuilding enter: windlass, spire, winches, windlasses, mooring cables, mooring clews, rollers, bales, cleats, bollards, fenders, slings.

To supply the moorings to the shore, or for another time, ring out the vikoristovuetsya scam - a light spinning cable with a squeak in a cable sheath on the ends. Kіnets krіplyat for the mooring light and the rest to submit through the Mooring or towing lock. Wikidannya is put into the hoses and, priming for the free time, they are thrown onto the pier. For the help of this light cable, a pair of important mooring lines are pulled ashore.

4. Where are the bindings given for the skin member of the crew? What is the procedure for starting a boat engine?

At the alarm desk and cabin cards

Starting the engine of the boat should follow the instruction, placed near the engine control panel.

5. Send us an ash-boat to take the rubbish away tomorrow.

1. What is the role of the helmsman with the command to “win”?

team « get “Submit, if before the recognized new course, 3 +5 ° has been lost. from tsієї teams kermo shifts a small number of degrees to the side, reverse circulation.

Commands that are served for kermo and їх vikonannya, including commands that are served with English language.

Commands for kermo are all duplicated: - Straight kermo. - Vidpovid: - Straight kermo. - put the kermo straight. Indication on the axiometer "0" and additional information: Straight kermo. ! Right! Starboard! Left! port! Right kermo! Starboard the helm! Leo kermo! Port the helm! More right! More starboard! More left! More port! Right on board! Hard-a-starboard! All starboard! Left on board! Hard-a-port! All ports! Easier, guide! Ease the helm! Easier right! Ease to starboard! It's easier! Ease to port! Straight kermo! Midships get it! Meet her Steady! (Steady so!); Steady as she goes! Right not to go! Nothing to Starboard! Leo don't go! Nothing to port! Rule the course! Steer the course Rudder right ten (twenty)! Starboard ten (twenty)! Kermo left ten (twenty)! Port ten (twenty)! Bring kermo up to 5 degrees! Ease to five! Right kermo, trimati 82 degrees! Starboard, steer zero eight two Levo kermo, trimati course 182! Port, steer one eight two! Levo kermo, trimati 305! Port, steer three zero five! Trimati on the buoy, sign! Steer on buoy, on beacon! Follow the kriegolam in the wake Follow Icebreaker! Respect for cerm! Watch you steering

2. Which sector of the exchange rates is the most important in case of caution?

Thin sectors, studded with balaclavas, vantage half-masts and pipes,

3. What is the recognition of stoppers, throwing resht, korintsiv?

Stoppers serve for fastening and serpentine of the rope / yakir lance. The stoppers serve, for example, for trimming mooring cables when they are transferred from the drum of the mooring mechanism to the bollards.

Kidalny kіnci serve to supply mooring cables from the ship to the berth or from the berth to the ship.

Fenders serve to intimidate the ship's board by hitting and rubbing against the berth or another ship.

4. How to correctly install the magnetic compass on the boat? How to signify directly into the sea on the ryatuvalnyh zasoba, when leaving the fret of the magnetic compass?

The direction of the ship's compass heading is carried out on a card against the bow heading line. The heading lines of the magnetic compass are installed strictly in the diameter of the ship. A compass course will be cut between zero distances of potatoes and nasal course rice.

Without a compass, you can directly follow the Polar Star or follow the Sun. Opivdni sun reaches the nayvischoy point of its pidyoma - ZENITH, the shadows become the shortest in a day. If you stand with your back to the sun, then in front it’s pivnich, behind it’s pivnich, right-handed - skhіd, zliva - zakhid, like on the map (and in pivdenny pivkul it’s all right). If every day of the check is nicole, vikoristovuyut a year-old with arrows. Lay the godinniks horizontally so that the godinnikov’s arrow marveled at the sun. Now they cut between the arrow and the midday line of the year, which went through the center of the path. Tsya line will show on the day. When is noon? About the twelve. Kіntseva zіrka of the tail of the Little Vedic Medicine is called the Polar Zirka. You can know, the thoughts of the last two extreme stars of the Great Vedic Medicine and continuing the line to the first bright star - tse and will be the Polar Star. If you stand before her, then right in front of you there will be a pivnich.

5. You have to double up fore and aft, a gale is expected tomorrow

1. How do you act as a helmsman with the command “so trim”?

The command “So trim” means that Kermanich is guilty of marking the course on the compass to the nearest degree, on which the ship was lying at the time the command was given, or straight ahead along the coastline and trim the ship on that course, adding: “E, so trim, on the rumby a few degrees.

Commands that are served for kermo and їх vikonannya, including commands that are served with English language.

Commands for kermo are all duplicated: - Straight kermo. - Vidpovid: - Straight kermo. - put the kermo straight. Indication on the axiometer "0" and additional information: Straight kermo. ! Right! Starboard! Left! port! Right kermo! Starboard the helm! Leo kermo! Port the helm! More right! More starboard! More left! More port! Right on board! Hard-a-starboard! All starboard! Left on board! Hard-a-port! All ports! Easier, guide! Ease the helm! Easier right! Ease to starboard! It's easier! Ease to port! Straight kermo! Midships get it! Meet her Steady! (Steady so!); Steady as she goes! Right not to go! Nothing to Starboard! Leo don't go! Nothing to port! Rule the course! Steer the course Rudder right ten (twenty)! Starboard ten (twenty)! Kermo left ten (twenty)! Port ten (twenty)! Bring kermo up to 5 degrees! Ease to five! Right kermo, trimati 82 degrees! Starboard, steer zero eight two Levo kermo, trimati course 182! Port, steer one eight two! Levo kermo, trimati 305! Port, steer three zero five! Trimati on the buoy, sign! Steer on buoy, on beacon! Follow the kriegolam in the wake Follow Icebreaker! Respect for cerm! Watch you steering

2. What should be considered before the sound means of giving signals on ships?

To the sound of their means are related : Ship's whistle or typhon, ringing, foghorn and gong.

3. Name the mooring cables in Russian and English languages ​​in the fallage in the direction of the vessel.

Fallen straight ahead, for some stench of filing, mooring cables took away their name Ropes are called springs (spring bow and stern vodpovidno). Yakі pratsyut in a straight line, prolezhnoy his podovzhny kіntsya, and in pairs with other springs vikonuyut the same work, scho and later. Nareshti, cables, filings at a straight line, perpendicular to the berth, are called bow and stern close. The stench pereskodzhayut the ship's entrance to the berth during the squeezing wind.

4. How do you see alarms set on ships? How do you come in when you launch a ritual raft?

Commands to the helmsman

Right kermo!
1 starboard!
2 Helm a-starboard!
3 Starboard the helm!
4 port!

Leo kermo!
5 Helm a-port!
6 Port the helm!
7 Hard a-starboard!

Right on board!
8 All starboard!
9 Hard a-port!

Left on board!
10 All ports!
11 Midships!

Straight kermo!
12 Amidships!
13 Right the helm!
14 Meet her!

Get it!
15 Meet the helm!
16 Check the helm!
17 Hard over the helm! Get better!
18 Steady!

So trim!
19 Steady so!
20 Keep her steady!
21 Steady as she goes!
22 Straight so!
23 Right so!

More right!
24 Better (More) starboard!

More left!
25 Better (More) port!

Little by little right!
26 Starboard easy!
27 Easy to starboard!
28 Starboard a bit!
29 Port easy!

Little by little!
30 Easy to port!
31 Port a bit!

On course!
32 Steer the course!

Right not to go!
33 Nothing to Starboard!

Leo don't go!
34 Nothing to port!

Right kermo on course 030º!
35 Starboard on course 030º!

Levo kermo on the course 030º!
36 Port on course 030º!

Do not catch woofs on kermi!
37 Mind the helm!
38 Watch your steering!

Follow in the wake for the tugboat!
39 Follow the tug!

Follow the boat in wake!
40 Follow the launch!

Follow the krigolam in the wake!
41 Follow the icebreaker!

Commands for anchoring

1 Get the starboard anchor ready! Prepare the right yakir before delivery!
2 Get the port anchor ready! Prepare livy yakir before delivery!
3 Get both anchors ready! Offend the anchors before the vіddachi prepare!
4 Stand by the starboard anchor! Stay right anchor!
5 Stand by the port anchor! Stay white anchor!
6 Let go the starboard anchor! See the right yakir!
7 Let go the port anchor! Hello leviy yakir!
8 Pay away the cable (chain)! Truїti anchor-lanceug!
9 Keep the cable (chain) slackened! Trimati weakly yakir-lanceug!
10 Hold on the cable! Take care of the yakir-lanceug!
11 Put the windlass in gear! Get the windlass!
12 Be ready to heave in! Get ready to pick!
13 Heave in the starboard anchor chain! Choose right yakir-lansyug!
14 Heave in the port anchor chain! Choose the lion yakir-lanceug!
15 Heave in upon the cable! Vibirati anchor - lanceug!
16 Avast heaving in the cable! Stop vibirati anchor- lanceug!
17 Disengage the windlass! Rose the windlass!
18 Secure the anchor for the sea!
Yakir is cool!
19 The anchor is up and down! Panera!
20 The anchor is apeak!
21 The anchor is atrip! Yakir is up!
22 How is anchor? Yak yakir?
23 Clear anchor! Yakir is clean!
24 Foul anchor! Yakir is not clean!
25 Stand clear of the anchor cable! Chi do not stand in front of the yakir ¬- lanceug!
26 Pay away three shackles of chain! Try three zmichki yakir - lancers!
27 Have short the cable! Pіdіbrati yakіr - lansyug!
28 How is the cable leader? Yak varto yakir - lanceug?
29 The cable is leading forward, starboard. Yakir - lansyug varto forward from the starboard side.
30 The cable is leading aft, port. Yakir - lantsyug varto back from the port side.
31 Stand by fore and aft! All up!
32 All hands on deck!

Commands for mooring

1 Give on shore the heaving line! Give a scam!
2 Send on shore the head rope! Give me a nose!
3 Send on shore the stern rope! Give fodder!
4 Send on shore the bow spring! Give a bow spring
5 Send on shore the stern spring! Give fodder spring!
6 Send on shore the breast line! Give a hard one!
7 Pay away the bow spring! Rub the nose spring!
8 Pay away the stern rope! Try the fodder!
9 Check the head rope! Hold your nose!
10 Check the stern spring! Grab the stern spring!
11 Check the breast line! Hold tight!
12 Make fast the bow spring! Krіpiti bow spring!
13 Make fast the stern rope! Creepy fodder!
14 Make it fast!

So scream! (So ​​we will stand!)
15 Cast off the head rope! Look at the nose!
16 Let go the head rope!
17 Heave in the bow spring! Vira nasal spring!
18 Hold on! Stop picking!
19 Avast heaving in!
20 Veer out handsomely! Twist little by little!
21 Veer out cheerily! Truity is more fun!
22 Heave in aft! Choose stern moorings!
24 Haul in the slack! Pick up the slack!
25 Haul taut! Vibrate tight!
26 Haul fast!
27 Ship the fenders! Put the knuckles on!
28 Unship the fenders! Clean up the fenders!
29 Fleet the cable upon the windlass! Start (enclose) mooring on the windlass!
30 Lower down the ladder! Lower the ladder!

Commands for towing

1 Is the towing hawser fast? An anchored tug?
2 The towing hawser is fast. Anchor tug.
3 All fast. Everything is fixed.
4 Are you ready for towing? Are you ready for towing?
5 Everything is ready for towing. Everything is ready for towing.
6 Commence towing! Start towing!
7 I am commencing to tow. I'm starting to tow.
8 Shorten in the towing hawser! Shorten the tug!
9 I am altering my course to starboard. I turn right.
10 Steer to starboard! Go right!
11 Pay out the towing hawser! Grab the tugboat!
12 Veer out the tow-line!
13 I must cast off the towing hawser. I am to blame for the tugboat.
14 Cast off the towing hawser! Give me a tugboat!
15 The towing hawser has parted. The tug burst.
16 Shall I continue the present course? Chi am I guilty of continuing to go the same course?
17 Continue the present course! Keep following the same course!
18 Stop your engines at once! Zupinіt your cars negainno!
19 I am stopping my engines. I ring my cars.
20 Keep away before the sea! Lead the hell out!
21 I am keeping away before the sea. I see sickness.
22 I must get shelter or anchor as soon as possible. It’s necessary for me to get together, or become a yakir yakomoga shvidshe.
24 Bring me to shelter or to an anchor as soon as possible. Bring me to a closed place, or put me on a yakir yakomog shvidshe.
25 Shall we anchor at once? What are the faults of me negainoly become a yakir?
26 I want to anchor at once. I want to stand on a yakir negainno.
27 Go slower! Change hid!
28 I will go slower. I'll change the hid.
29 My engines are going astern. My cars run in reverse.
30 Go astern! Give me the rear!
31 Increase your speed! Better go!
32 I am increasing my speed. I've got my best head.
33 You are standing in danger. You go to hell.
34 I am paying out the towing hawser. I am a tugboat.
35 Get spare towing hawser ready! Prepare a spare tug!
36 Spare towing hawser is ready. The spare tug is ready.
37 I can't carry out your order. I can't vikonate your orders.

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