Why is the gum on the wheel nervous. Uneven tire wear - what can be the cause? On the bus there are only a few songs of a carpenter. The reason is that the disk is deformed or the wheel balance is broken

deformation- tse zmіna rozmіrіv аbо forms а solid body pіd dієyu zovnіshnіkh forces. Stopping up to the tires, you can see two types of deformations:

  • Functional deformation;
  • Critical deformation.

deformation is functional to enter the ring of obov'yazkіv, yakі may vykonuvati the current bus. And itself - deforming, reducing the vibration and noise, pouring into the car and water, as if vinicating when the tires are stiff on the surface of the road. The flexibility of the structure of the tire, as well as the correct grip in the middle, allow the tire to perform its function without any problems, thus increasing the number of deformations per hour without negative effects.

critical deformation just as it is characterized by the fact that the last one can be outwardly or partly ruined tires, which excludes vikoristannya away. Before critical deformations, you can see:


Vinication at three-shaft parking of the car;

What is the last ride with a vice lower than recommended;

Shokov with the ruining of the sidewall.

Deformation of the tire, which is to be blamed for incorrect beading

Poshkodzhennya, yakі otrimuє tire when the rules of tire protection are violated, є to increase the expluatation ushkodzhenny, є not є є naslіdnya vikonannya tire of its funktsіy. In the middle of this type of critical deformations, the following tires are worn:

- the evils of the onboard ring , What is to be blamed for the trivial saving of tires "yalinkoy". Unfortunately, saving in a similar way is even more widely practiced, although tire manufacturers recommend vikoristovuvaty only one hour, necessary for the transportation of tires. Damage to the sidewall is a non-repairable defect, and it is not recommended to install such tires on wheels.

Yak niknuti:

very respectfully look at the new tires when you buy: The side rails of the tire are due to the mother strictly round shape without minimal evil. Krim tsgogo, with a thriving safety, it is recommended to put the tires on the tread, in a vertical position, vicorist special racks, so as not to damage the tires.

- tire curvature when saving in stacks . A similar way of saving is often used earlier, and it is also especially unsafe for quiet tires that have slumped at the bottom of the pile. The more the design is given, the lower tires suffer the most. Similar precautions can lead to internal tire distortion, which, in turn, can cause the tire to move to the side, as well as to unregulated imbalance or vibration.

yak unknuti:

Buy tires in unique shops, where in the trading floor there is a great number of stacks of tires (more than one tire in height). So, as the internal curvature of the tire can be seen with a visual inspection, and only a balancing versat will help to reveal the first signs of problems with the tire. When picking up the tires, it is necessary for the sergeant to take the same stack of tires, let him put a bunch of tires around the chotirma.

Deformation of the tire, which is caused by a three-wheeled parking of the car

Few people know about those that tires can go wrong and after a long period of rebuking at the vertical position, Three times in the middle. As a rule, it is reasonable when the car is parked in one place. A similar station deforms the tire, allowing for a perfectly round shape. When driving on such a tire, vibrations and noise may appear. It is possible and non-repairable damage to the internal structure of the tire, especially for tires that have been in operation for a long time.

Yak niknuti:

In technical documents, it is recommended to use the terms of a similar three-wheeled change of up to two decibels for cars with a higher cost and up to ten decibels for non-advanced transport costs. If you need more parking space for cars, then reduce the burden on tires for additional supports or transfer the car.

Tire deformation later on when running on a low grip

One of the widest forms of critical deformation is non-negotiable tire change, Yake vydbuvaetsya through the operation of the tire with a low internal pressure. Through these insufficiencies, the primary working deformations become closed, and the tire walls, which are not protected on the surface of the world, begin to heat up over the world. In this rank, the ruination of the tire itself begins. The sealing ball collapses on the back: the veins begin to bulge on the inner surface of the sidewall and the big path, then, as you go, the sealing ball settles down. We sweat the sidewall, bare to the threads of the carcass, it starts to crack, and again it fills the tire. Away driving on such a tire can lead to a complete resurfacing of the sidewall of the tread.

Yak niknuti:

Step behind the vise. It is necessary to change the valves regularly, repair tires regularly and regularly, do not allow driving on tires with earplugs. So everything can be brought to full use of pressure and to the appearance of a critical deformation of the tire.

Tire deformation during shock shock loading

at tires falling into a hole, Hitting a third-party object on the road may cause deformation of the tire, as it may cause one-time damage. If you are going to be on a high windshield, and the edge of the pits or the object will be hard and sharp, then the chances of ruining the tires on the mitt will increase. In such a situation, the sidewall of the tire is pinched between the disc and the surface, for example, in the pits. Influx of other factors (speed, aggressiveness of change) should be produced until impact force appears, as if opening a sprat of carcass threads. For people out of the water, the sidewall of the tire is easily deformed by the internal pressure, and a hernia appears. Further operation of the tire is not recommended. Varto means that sometimes opening the threads of the carcass is accompanied by opening the inner and outer balls of the sidewall of the tire, which leads to a squeeze, which, obviously, includes further repair of the tire and її twisting.

Yak niknuti:

Carefully, lowering the speed, passing the roads with filthy pokritty, do not allow hitting the curb stone and other third-party objects. Even if the roads are filthy - to finish the sight more often, then we will not gain respect for the technologies that protect tires from the poor. For example, the company Michelin uses IronFlex technology for some of its models (X-Ice North 3, X-Ice 3), as a way to reduce the shock resistance of the sidewall of the tire during shock deformation. For this reason, the method of zastosovuetsya podvіyny carcass for pozashlyahovy tires of the family, which also reduces the stability of the front tire exit from operation through the squeaky threads of the carcass.

Guma zastosovuєtsya in rich butt constructions: different hoses, narrower valves, adapters, car spare parts. Through the years of the year, from the assigned material, they get out of tune, dry up, lose elasticity, become clumsy in the jam. Once you buy new elements, not varto, you can try rosemary huma in your home minds.

Reinvented \u200b\u200bhumic detail by the method of zastosuvannym gas

Gumovі elements under the influx of zvnіshnіh chinnikіv spend their cobs of power, become less springy, harden. Їx away vikoristannya will not bring bad effect, strengtheners, for example, cannot make the system more airtight. The purchase of new humic elements is sometimes steep through the number of choices required, or by their dependent variety.

Rozm'yakshiti gum is allowed to come on speech:

  1. Gus. Allows the growth of the gum details soft, vplyvayuchi on the structure of the material. After processing, the gum element becomes absolutely elastic. Renovation technology is coming:
  • fill in a small amount of gas (choose the size of the container in the fallow time according to the size of the viroba, which should be renewed);
  • place the item in a container with gas for 3 years;
  • after the appointed hour, turn the vibrate into softness, as a result of the final result: wick the material and wash it with warm running water;
  • hang the material in a natural way, without drying the hair dryer or batteries.
  1. Alcohol ammonia. The process of renewal of the old material of advances:
  • dilute the indications of alcohol with water at the ratio of 1: 7;
  • place the gum material in the ointment of the rozchins on the pivgodini;
  • after finishing the part, wash it with warm running water;
  • let the details dry before її vikoristannyam.

Vow: you can’t trim gum in the range of ammonia and water for more than a year. If the material does not become elastic after finishing 30 lengths, use another renovation method.

  1. Medicinal alcohol with distant zastosuvannyam glycerin. Technology of "resuscitation" of gum parts:
  • fill the container with medical alcohol;
  • place in alcohol a detail that will remind you of a sprat of years;
  • after the appointed hour, turn the camp over, as if it were to be washed softly, pull the element out of the gap and wash it with warm miles of the gap;
  • rub glycerin, vicorist sponge (cloth) into the surface of the part;
  • remove excess glycerin from the surface.

Instead of glycerin, it is allowed to saturate car oil, rub it into the surface of the viroba, then, before choosing the details, shave it off. For instructions, the period of gum becomes elastic.

  1. Ketamine and silicone. Let's wash it again - this method allows you to quickly "reanimate" the old gum, but the effect of renewal is not long, after a few days, you will become firm. For the designated method, complete the following sequence:
  • smear the part with silicone;
  • bud 10 minutes;
  • after the end of the appointed hour, the detail can be beaten.

Fuck: a similar effect is available to castor oil stagnation. Yogo is rubbed into the surface of the part, after which it becomes soft and elastic.

Heating - Dive method

Container with prepared water for boiling humovyv

There are situations when the gum element is easily removed from the structural details through hardening. You can achieve a good result by heating the humus with a stream of hot wind, vicorist hair dryer. With a splash of high temperature, the material will become softer, so you can pull out the details.

Too "zadubiliy" element rozm'yakshuetsya bubbling in salty water. Technology is coming:

  • fill the container with salted water;
  • let the water boil;
  • place the humic element in okrip for the 10th century;
  • vytyagnіt gumu and swidko vikoristovyte її for recognition.

Tsey method dosit dієviy, but may have a short-term effect. Having cooled down, I will become a zhorstka again.


Rosem'yakshiti gumu can be done in the ways described above. In case of need, it is necessary to be safe: a trivial effect after renewal, there may be a way out. Guma, after yogo zastosuvannya for a long time becomes soft and elastic, so the structure of the material changes. Reshta methods do not allow such a result to be achieved.

Guma is considered one of the most extensive materials for today. Over the years, the main characteristics can be significantly reduced. You can call it as a way to increase the number of meals, how to carry out the expansion of gumi. A similar procedure can be done independently in home minds, it is important to follow up on all recommendations.

Self-supporting gumi

All materials waste their exploitative power over time. It is often possible to make the situation clearer if the gum becomes too hard and loses its springiness. When bazhannі can establish the main power of the material, it is not obov'yazykovo wikidating. Rozm'yakshiti gum can be the most manipulative method. Among the features of this diet, the following moments are significant:

  1. Humovі cuffs and amplifications of deyakikh pristosuvan with an hour spend their main power. In any case, you can buy new glassware materials, since their quality is not high.
  2. It is easy to know the deyakі elementi for sale, which is connected with the extraordinary form and authority. In this way, it is possible to carry out a rozm'akshenya with the zastosuvanni of different advanced technologies.

It is necessary to achieve a large number of different ways to expand gumi, the most extensions of the field are in zastosuvanni gas.

What is needed to restore gum elasticity?

Guma is considered one of the most elastic materials. Itself z tsієї reasons її zastosovuyut when preparing different wounds. After that, as for the improvement, it is necessary to pour in the vanity of the building's wines, turn your minds. This moment signifies the expansion of nutrition, as it reinforces the elasticity of the gum. The year is like power, so it is spent. With too much wear and tear, cracks appear on the surface;

Razm'yakshiti humu in domestic minds is possible with vikoristanni widening speeches. The following speeches are most often victorious:

  1. Gas can easily show an indicator of elasticity. Tsya speech is ideally suited for the processing of small virobivs, it is possible to soften it with a path of soaking.
  2. Mozhe vikoristovuvatisya ammonia, shchob rozm'yakshiti structure. For whom it is enough to create a small bath, in the yak, the virib falls on a sprat of a year.

When soaking the humi in the rіdini, for recognizing the varto vrakhovuvaty, that the material can be more accurately zbіlshuvatisya in rіzmіrah. For the removal of speech from the surface, it is thoroughly washed with water with sweetness.

At some vipadkas, you can vicorate hot water to soften the gumi. This method is to be used for reinforcing the insulation of the door opening of the refrigerator. The strength of the reach effect can be achieved by wetting the surface with silicone.

Improvements from the reviewed material should be taken into account when choosing vicons. For the promotion of insulating capacities, the gums are rubbed hourly with silicone and glycerin. Similar speeches can be made without special problems.

How to give gum elasticity?

  1. Zhorstkіst moves in times, as if the gum is known for a long time in a dry camp. The springiness is reinforced by a way of wetting the surface with oil. Razm'yakshennya is recommended to be carried out periodically to achieve the desired result.
  2. Car doors can be covered with silicone grease, for which the surface is softened. Obviously, it is possible to restore the old design only if there were no mechanical defects between you.

Krіm tsyogo, for sale you can use special warehouses, yakі can change the structure after the application.

How to expand the hum in household minds?

In domestic minds, the growth of hum is possible with the stagnation of various materials. The largest width of nabuli:

  1. Gus.
  2. Castor oil and silicone.

The high temperature also leads to the fact that the rubber becomes more soft, and the indicator of wear resistance decreases.


When you look at it, like a rozm'yakshiti hum richly add the ability to zastosuvannya gus. Similar speech is built to show the indicator of elasticity.

The peculiarities of the stoking are due to the fact that the product is soaked in a special bath, after which the surface is thoroughly washed and hung. If the length of the vorobi is great, then you can burn. Vitrimuєtsya in gas for rozm'yakshennya protyag dekіlkoh years, so as the gas does not blow.

The whole speech was widened, it could also be more soft. The procedure looks like an upcoming rank:

  1. The capacity of the vіdpovіdny obyagu is chosen.
  2. Ammonia is diluted in water to remove the stain.
  3. Virib is placed in retail for a year for rozm'yakshennya.
  4. After the first change, the element is removed and washed with clean water.

Drying is carried out at room temperature. Varto vrakhovuvati, that high and low temperatures are always negatively vibrating in the camp of gumi.

Silicone and castor oil

A non-trivial effect can be achieved in different ways with silicone and castor oil. Among the features of the stagnation, there are significant moments of advancing:

  1. Silicone gives only a timchasov injection. Yogo can be bought in specialized stores.
  2. After the smearing, it is necessary to get a good hour. The silicone can fit into the structure, making it more elastic.

On the next day, Guma will be ready until the anniversary. Varto vrakhovuvati, that the achievement of the effect will be timely. When looking at what can be used to soften similar material, you can add respect and castor oil.


In some cases, it is necessary to use only timchasovy rozm'akshennia, for example, when pulling the hose on the branch pipe. You can solve the problem in the same time by using the path of the Timchas's lowering of the virobi into a hot bath. After one hour of high temperature, the elasticity moves up.

In case of trivial exploitation, the gum can be zadubіt. Virishiti problems can only be in different boils. Іstotno increase the efficiency of the procedure can be done by way of adding to the salt warehouse. Boiling is carried out right up to the moment when the surface becomes elastic.

Difficulties are blamed on the removal of pipes and hoses, then heating is carried out by way of heating with a warm winding stream. For whom you can win a budіvelny or a great hair dryer. At the concentration of a high temperature flow in one area, the plasticity moves steadily.

At the end, it is significant that only with the presence of defects it is possible to carry out a renewal of the material. Some of the recommended methods can lead to improvements in some performance characteristics. To the very same, follow all the recommendations.

How little did the tire workers explain this whole fact. But all the "comments of fakhivtsiv" sounded down to one: the owner of the car is guilty - it is careless to drive on uneven roads; revantazhu the car, do not stitch behind the wheels of the installation of wheels, a vice in the tires, balancing ...

The dobrosovіsny avtomobilіst, having read or felt similarly, marvels: "Because of the tightness of the stitch, I don't overwhelm the car, I roll it up and balance it in order. Іnshі і 25 thousand vyhodzhuvali - the tread is more than good, but it's impossible to drive. To the point, gentlemen tire workers, why don't you trap with the products of your foreign competitors? "

Let's first think about why the tire - on vіdminu, for example, in the form of a chamber - takes care of the size and shape, is it pumped like that? The one that, as everyone knows, is not only ruined by gumi! Mayzhe non-extensible cord frame is rich in what is indicated by the strength, wear resistance, mechanical losses during stiffness and a number of other important power of the lining.

The current radial tire (Fig. 1) by its name goiter is due to the fact that the cord threads of the main (from side to side) carcass 1 are stitched in the radial planes and do not tumble, like in the first days, but diagonally. Zey cord, as a rule, textile.

The crown zone of the tire, knowing the advancement of the tension, additionally reinforcing the power ring - with a metal cord breaker balls. The design predicts the grid.

Її the width of the mayzhe is consistent with the tread, the length of the threads is free - not tied to anything. Ale after vulcanization, the breaker is practically inextensible, even if you want to make it soft. Tse allow the tires to be normally kittened. Such tires are less able to save on energy costs (tobto paliva), the car with them has more keratinization, their tread is more saved, etc. But all pluses are easily crossed by one minus. Warto torn zv'yazkіv mizh cord and gum - and the breaker twists. The tire, to say, went with a screw. And even then, with a decent protector, nothing is left behind, as if it were separated from her.


Ruinuvannya tires hurt more than a bus driver in the gut. Pomitivshi, that on a small speed the car was stolen, the driver of the car was summed up. Zupinitsya, look around the wheels. The axis is out for a reason: one of the tires is dumb!

Let's go back to the butt. An openwork wheel of a bicycle (Fig. 2) with thin spokes, not less, may have sufficient strength and a stable shape ... only for singing minds, if all the spokes are of the same length and equally navantage (Fig. 2a). (More folded schemes are not considered here.) If only one - two spokes burst - symmetrically equal forces are destroyed (Fig. 2b). The desire to begin to reappear, the right spokes lift the matochina to itself, the wheel changes its shape until a new balance of forces has come. But now the spokes nearby burst strongly overwhelmed. I can grow into my own line. The wheel deforms even more.

Approximately the same sounds, as if the cord is bursting. Abo v_dsharovuєtsya vіd gumi i "povze". Such a tire is unsuitable for operation. It’s becoming a jerk of non-pereborny shaking (they’re trying to “balance”, not swinging, that the wheel is irregularly shaped, it’s balanced, it’s all the same shaking!) (As a rule, a shaking motorist lets out a tire early.)


Many people don’t suspect that a single puncture often ruins a metal-cord tire, as if in the open to drink brudna, salty water. As a rule, such a quiet one, who cares for better wheels with cameras. They called the children like this: seal the camera and don’t think about the coating - well, what’s to be done! Before speech, wind textile cord can "rot" in its own way. And metalevium - more. Quite often already, through the river about the call, there was a time to pierce the pierce of the fortuneteller. (“Razkrivshi” such a tire and carefully cut the tread to the cord, into which it is easy to bend over.). Breker, having spent part of the cord, grimaces obov'yazkovo - the reasons have already been named. The moral is simple: whether there is a puncture in the tire, seal it, if you want, obviously, tse - zayviy klopit.

Another risk factor is the pressure of repetition. Follow him - in the interests of the ruler. Decrease (mostly the wheels are lowered at the ledar!) Not only increase the weight loss, reduce the speed, etc., but also speed up the wear of tires, zokrem, carcass cord and broker, which in winter tires (Fig. 3) dodatkovo "zalamuetsya" "I suffer more severely in the same way. In addition, when the tires are under-inflated, more heat is seen - on the deformation (and on the inside rubbing between the gum balls), additional energy is being absorbed. The tire heats up intensively, and if the temperature in the middle, between the balls, "goes off scale" over 120 ° C and farther away, there are no dead ears. The quality of the cord, especially the textile one, drops sharply, the tie breaks, the tire is ruffled.

The attacking enemy of the metal cord broker is a strong blow, concentrations on a small area. As soon as you hit the hot stone on full speed, the pluses of the metal cord become minuses: the high spring modulus of steel does not allow pulling the troch to stretch, smooth out the blow. And weakened by corrosion or wear and tear, the stench can simply burst.

Before the speech, about how to go? From the "killed" tire, to wash the z-pіd of the tread with a tyaganina, to wilt one with pliers. I be surprised. It looks like a thin "gimlet"! Worried about the sudidni. Porahuemo, how many revolutions to rob the "Zhigulivska" wheel on a kilometer track? Close to 600. And for 10 thousand? .. Rakhunok pishov for a million? The axis of skilka razіv, as a minimum, vociferous torn, rubbed against the court! About the roughness of the road, which zbіlshuyut tsey rahunok, i can not say ...

So, as a car as a whole, the “summer” tire is weaker than a new one and will require more dbaylive installation. Those who have a new darma, dvorіchnu - navit with a good, nachebto, protector - easily finish it. And don’t forget about the fastened corrosion: the deacons of poor tires - at the sight of deep holes - bare the cord, but the hairdresser doesn’t know about them, so he doesn’t know the harshness.
In a word, to those who don’t get pissed off a penny, varto is respectfully placed before the surprises of our roads. Vikhav on broken cover - immediately changed swidkist. Having sprung up a sprinkling of plyashkovy fragments - try not to hit. And naїhav - tire change: chi tsіli, do not wash the clothes from the tread? Vchasno їх - tse vryatuvat tire hour.

Gennady Ivanov "The process of pishov ..."
Magazine "For Kerm", 2002 No. 3

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