Why is gasoline cheaper at TNCs. We pay for refills: at some gas stations do not top up the pallet & nbsp. Porushen - masa

Before, this did not happen: the driver, the vilazyachi from the car, putting the gun into the neck himself and paying for gasoline at the cash desk. Lately, millions of young people showed up at gas stations ready to work for a new job. And also - wipe the windshield or pump the wheel.

Today's gas stations (one or a sprat) are practically drawn at any gas station (for sure, at the great merezhevs). Rich whoever is not wise, now the stench is needed. And really, now?

In fact, the gas station at the gas station is not equipped to make you feel welcome. And not to the one who needs the director of the gas station to screw up his blue-television. It appears that when you arrived at the gas station, it was connected with ... safety. Most motorists cannot correctly and safely follow the procedure for installing a fire-dispensing column (TRK) pistol in the neck of a fire tank on a car. Nebezpeka zberіgaєtsya in the tips of the fingers, yakі conduct static electricity every hour of the trip. You, perhaps, don’t know, but “gain electricity” gradually: when rubbing your back about the synthetic upholstery of the seats, about the plastic elements (for example, about the kermo) and so on. Electrified clothes carry a serious problem. In the course of refueling with a dot to metal surfaces, a spark can slip through. When you bet on gasoline from the tank, they come up with a burn and settle around the neck of a vibukhon-unsafe gloom. It's not far from the fire here. Or maybe a vibe.

To this very fact, special people appeared at the gas station - gas stations, as they help motorists with refueling cars with fuel. Don't wear special clothes and think all the time about dotrimannya safety equipment. And what about all the same "flying"? Well, then the car driver will have a chance to judge the operator of the overage, bringing to you and your car.

Well, trust a stranger, the mystery of pouring gasoline into the tank of your car can not be leather. Visnovok: you need to do it yourself for safe entry during the final procedure. First, when you go to the gas station, turn on synthetic clothes and a seam. When rubbing, vibatch, fillet about the armchair, you accumulate an electric charge on the tily. Good, so you can “throw off the static” in the supermarket (through the bus). What about at gas stations?

In another way, at the hour of refueling a car with a pale one, it’s better not to stick around to the filling gun with your hands. First open the gas tank cap, stroke your car. This is not a ritual, but a test to collect statistical electricity from the body. You only need to work with your bare hands, and not in mittens. Carry out the same procedure and then the fuel dispenser (it is the fault of the earthed one) - to remove the accumulated charge. While the refueling process is going on, do not sit in the chair of the water - leave the sound of the car. Before that, how to remove the pistol from the tank, about every turn, I will again reach the column.

And the axis of the sprat is pleased with the drive of refueling a car at a gas station. Objects are electrified more quickly in sunny and dry weather. In this rank, there is less chance of gaining a static charge - a charge for an hour to a day or a snow. For the same reason, it is not recommended to collect fire in a plastic canister. For the storage and transportation of the pallet, it is only necessary to coristuate with a free container.

And also instructions to take care of the victoriousness in the process of refueling the car with hot stylish phones and turn off the engine in order to avoid the generation of electromagnetic fields, building static charges on the car body. Before speech, turn off the engine when refueling the car with a fire, vimagaє the law (paragraph 451 of the “Rules for the anti-burning regime in the Russian Federation”).

Residents of the capital chirp, at some gas stations it is more likely to refuel in the city of Moscow. Representations of the rating of gas stations are focused on quality, as well as additional advantages, as they promote stations.

Now to the food about those, yak gas stations are still the best in the capital. Like a bachite, the fact that de vie is refueled and like a diesel fuel or gasoline is of high quality plays a great role. That's why we have chosen for you the best filling stations, as they work on. In appearance, the likeness of a proponated toe is taken, rіven dovіri and the reputation of the company. So, there may be some blame for the reasons for the unfair, uninterrupted cursing of the taken stations. Ale, in its own way, at these gas stations is propagated with the most optimal fire.

Among the negative reviews, the most popular ones are skarga for underfilling paliva. The organization does not support such a scarf, the call center practically does not work. If it is necessary to have a positive impact on the engine and transmission of a car, then it is important to assess it in terms of effectiveness - for which it is necessary to draw a long line. When you want to fill up after refueling, the motor is practically not strange, it runs smoothly and without problems. Coristuvachi also confirm the reduction of the cost of the paliva and the economy of the money. The most short-lived company is the short-lived service and qualifications of the staff at the top gas stations in Moscow, as well as the uneven quality of the fire itself.

The EKA company does not deal with the distribution or production of crude oil, but only buys oil from the great importers and sells yoga in retail stores. As a representative of the Moscow Fire Association, I have positive results from all the revisions. In the midst of the company's milestone, we see the seasonality, quality and environmental friendliness of products. Also, the organization is famous for more than 1000 partner companies and the trust of the largest post-employees in Russia, among them Rosneft, Lukoil and Sibneft.

Positive feedback about the current service and the fire, as it has not yet led. Compliance with GOSTs and technical regulations on the website is not verified. There are also available discount cards and the ability to redeem for fire with special bonuses “Thank you”. On the other hand, negative reports about the underfilling of the fuel at various gas stations, the presence of a whirlwind and a working hot line. The company's manager declares that it is not possible to control the work of filling stations in distant places.

Tatneft is one of the implementers of the budget segment, which has won dovira and popularity among the metropolitan automobilists. The organization does not shyly, but simply sells the products of the largest oil refineries in the country, closely controlling the quality of skin supply in specialized laboratories. The organization insists that only the best additives are used for vicorification, so that they do not have a negative effect on the running system of the car and protect the engines from dry wear.

Vіdguki svіdchat about those, scho at the gas station Tatneft octane number of fire is in line with the declared. At the same time, the company is constantly modernizing filling stations in order to compete with market leaders. For whom, new cafes are regularly opened and the range of services and goods in minimarkets is expanded. It is also a plus that Tatneft said it was necessary to talk about those who add additives to the fuel.

Most of the motorists are serving as servants of Tatneft, including the light of the low vartost paliva. When practical, half of the reviews are negative in nature - the number of services at different points changes.

It is worth noting the new line of gas stations in Moscow, as it was quickly known to be popular among the motorists of the capital. Reviews of clients show that the company is more environmentally friendly and affordable than average. Care is firmly established that in order to improve the quality of service, re-verifications and modernization of filling stations are regularly carried out. І tse commemorate the service in the cafe and places of repair. The track is the leader of a new type of paliva - Premium Sport, which increases speed and dynamics. Gasoline is recommended to win for tight cars with a great number of Chinese forces.

Feedback from clients is generally positive. There are cafes and mini markets on the territory of a large gas station on the Route. The company cooperates with other post-employees and gives payment cards, which are available from partners. There is a lot of water to write about what is on the highway, the car is moving far away. On the other hand, the organization's innovations called for a negative reaction. For example, since recent feasts, it is not possible to pay for gasoline without delay after refueling. So the waters are afraid of the bitterness of the fire in the distant regions of the capital. At the central part of the service and the quality of gasoline on high.

British Petroleum is one of the largest companies not only in Moscow and Russia, but in the whole world. The company is engaged in the production of bottles and the sale of firewood near the gas station. The main partner on the territory of Russia is Rosneft, which develops new reservoirs and technologies for the production of oil. The company can recommend such light car brands as Jaguar, Volvo, Skoda, etc.

The main trump card of BP is the special gasoline Activ with unique powers, the implementation of which in Russia began in the early 2000s. Cleaning is special, which cleans diesel engine nozzles, combustion chambers and valves in a special way. Zavdyaki tsomu after 30 years, the robotic engine will practically restore the tightness. Also, you can see the list of post-reorganizations of the service and the gas stations themselves, so that we can then take over the largest representatives of the segment. On the territory of Russia this year there are 5 oil refineries, stars, and the supply of paliva is being fluctuated.

From the other side, the company was repeatedly involved in great scandals. For example, in 2012, the distribution of kerіvnitstvo took away the reference to discrimination against the market and the piece statutory prices for gas stations, because of which the stench is so filled with one of the largest gas stations in our rating. The biggest scandal occurred in 2010, when the oil-bearing platform "Deep Water Horizon" swelled in Mexico. As a result of the incident, the rating went down by one point, and the donor company suffered losses and suffered from the consequences of an accident. Irrespective of the price, the bitterness of the fire is filled with the best of the middle.

International experts estimate the quality of Rosneft's fire and service at gas stations as one of the best in the region. The organization has passed the high standards of service, reverification of the quality and characteristics of the fire. Rosneft was assisted by the services of third-party authorities and may have mobile laboratories in order to control the quality of products at all stages of delivery - from the type of bottle to the direct transportation to the gas station. Such laboratories also conduct regular service and quality checks at all gas stations in Moscow. The company is an official partner of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the largest representatives of the segment.

Rosneft has a license from British Petroleum, which confirms the high quality of the fire, is up to European standards and is constantly updated with technologies. Crimean gasoline, Rosneft filling stations promote all types of fuel, including diesel, gas and engine oils. Over 1,000 gas stations have been stocked on the territory of Russia, the left half of which are located in Moscow.

The main advantage of the company in front of other participants in the rating is in the fact that there is a turning point here. The hot line efficiently processes the clients' scars and gives the results of the revisions. From the other side, a lot of water floods with negative reviews, as a sign of low service.

In 2014, the third quarter of the year was named Gazprom Nafta as its shortest gas station for the quality of gasoline. In order to win over customers for their loyalty, the company will improve the Going the Same Way loyalty program, as there are over 11.4 million participants in 29 regions of Russia, most of them staying in Moscow. Participants can choose balls for fire, produce and services at gas stations.

One of the key tasks, which is to put before you the company's ker_vnitsvo, є podtremannya high quality paliva, motor oil and other products available at їх gas stations. A large part of the pale is located at the Moscow, Yaroslavl and Omsk refineries, which are among the most advanced in Russia. In 2013, the company's oil refinery factories switched to the production of motor fires according to the Euro-5 environmental standard.

In 2014, after the completion of its safety program and the transition to the production of fuel to the EURO-5 standard, Gazprom moved to another stage of the modernization program of plants - an increase in the depth of processing and production of light petroleum products. The largest oil refining asset of the company is the Omsk Oil Refinery, which was the leader of the industry in 2014, processing a record 21.3 million tons of crude oil.

Gas stations in Moscow "Gazprom" hopes for a wide range of cheap services: cost-free Wi-Fi, car wash, fresh pumps, gas station, terminals with fast payment, ATMs and a wide range of tourist goods, including goods of a high brand. The comfortable Drive Cafe gives customers a fresh drink, savory cava or tea and everything they need for the road.

The organization is keeping up with the shortest service practices and regularly increasing the number of filling stations. Information about the number of gas stations is available on the interactive map or through a mobile addon.

The first place in the top is occupied by one of the shortest lines of gas stations in Moscow Lukoil. The organization can boast of a great number of cities and certificates, promoting be-yak-see gasoline, including environmental and Euro-5. The high variability of the paliva is really true to its high quality - more evidence to tell about those that Lukoil gasoline does not harm the engine or the running system of the car. For the same reason, the main part of the motorists in Moscow chooses Lukoil as a post-employee paliva and refuels only here.

The company has been successfully implementing a partnership program and since 2010 has been serving dealers and private franchisers. Leather new gas station obov'yazkovo is obliged to comply with high standards and pass suvoriy vіdbіr. Lukoil to its own control over oil refineries and laboratories.

Tilki you virishuvati, de vie will refuel your car. Ale save, trying to fill in the gasoline that you found, it’s definitely not a varto. Tse pull behind him no problems. And what are the gas stations in Moscow that you think are the best, and why? Obov'yazkovo write your thoughts in the comments and argue.

The leather maker of automobile "fuel" sings us at the fact that it is the best way to refuel your own horses at our own gas stations. True, everything is different, but the difference is that at some gas stations the best gasoline is most often possible only with experience. Ale navit їm often supplement the rating of gas stations in Moscow and other places in Russia.

Why varto refuel cars with yakіsnim gasoline

A lot of water does not give great importance to such a factor, like the stench of gasoline, like the stench of refueling your car. But the traces of the nasty bitterness of the fire can be very different:

  • there are problems starting the engine;
  • go out of the way of the candles;
  • poshkodzhuyutsya units of the heating system.

In addition, you can fix other problems. To lay everything aside, as long ago the car was refueled with low-level fuel, and a kind of warehouse.

How is the quality of gasoline determined

Unfortunately, in Moscow, in other places of the country, the situation with the amount of gasoline is filled with a deplorable stretch of rich fates. Vodіїv vіdverto deceive navit at branded gas stations, not seeming already about small-sized drіbnі refueling.

We called out that the quality of gasoline is determined by offensive indicators:

  • octane number;
  • number of additives and third-party speeches;
  • fractional displays.

At first glance, with an octane number, everything made sense. Tse - 80, 92, 95, 98 or the greatest indicator of viscosity, which conforms to the European standard, that is gasoline with the prefix "Euro". Prote, for the amount of various additives, the octane number of gasoline is increased by a piece way, with AI 92 for the amount of special additives, you can easily increase AI 95 and so on. Ale, the yakіst tskogo paliva will be lower, lower sums with an octane number of 95, depending on the vikonavtsya. It is especially important that the virobnik is crusted with the same additive.

The number of third-party speeches is another problem of domestic gas stations. You can use: acids, organic speech, meadows, smite, water and richly other. Such a hotly manager of the original shkodi system of eating cars.

In the fractional warehouse to deposit the temperature of the vaporization of gasoline, the operation of the engine in different minds, the term of the first service. This show is far from being consistent with the norms at small filling stations, which cannot be said about the great gas stations.

You can recognize all these shows only in laboratory minds, but far from all waters go to your destination for the sake of knowing, de refuel your car yourself.

The signs are taken from low-grade gasoline

Regardless of those expensive branded gas stations, they have a good reputation, but sometimes they have a low quality. The blame for this is the logical power supply: the stars start to come from the filthy gasoline and why is yoga so rich in Russia? There are a few reasons for this:

So, at the same gas stations to refuel cars in Moscow and other places of the country?

Rating of gas stations in Russia

So at what kind of gas stations do you fill up the shortest gasoline? What trademarks of naphthoproducts should be trusted with your car? To expand on this food, look at the rating of gas stations for the quality of gasoline 2015-2016.

10 th - MTK

Don't be surprised by those in the rating of gas stations in Russia MTK - for the time being, one network of gas stations is controlled by the Moscow order. Gasoline and diesel fuel comply with the Euro 4 standard, pass suvoriye quality control in laboratory tests. We clean the whole room ecologically. A number of prices at MTK gas stations are the most accessible in the capital.

9th place - Tatneft

To enter the top ten among the filling stations of the country. One of the advantages of the region lies in the fact that you can easily know them all over Russia. For example, it is easier to use Tatneft on the ІЗС route, lower the SHell point. The products that are supplied to gas stations are carried out by the Moscow oil refinery. The brightness of the fire is strongly controlled in the factory laboratories. In the prepared paliva, only those additives are used, which effectively increase the amount of sumishness and ensure the good operation of the motor of the maximum threefold term. As practice shows, at non-filling stations Tatneft practically does not experience underfilling and changing grades of gasoline.

8th place - Phaeton Aero

On top of the two previous grades of gasoline, Phaeton Aero is the product that is supplied at the same gas station and three times by virobniki plants. tse:

  • ZAT "Rutek".
  • TOV "PO Kirishinefteorgsintez".
  • TOV "Tekhnokhim".

7th place - Sibneft

Naftova company Sibneft can improve its technical base, which allows it to produce syrovine at a greater depth, in line with its main competitors. The company started its activities in the Tomsk region, and in a short period of time it quickly expanded its sales area. Today, Sibneft gas stations are practically sold in all regions of Russia. The quality of gasoline is on high for the growth of new technologies and the most advanced additives.

6th place - Trasa

The gas station "Trasa" TOV is one of the most popular types of filling stations in Russia. At the thought of a lot of water, like gasoline and diesel fuel at the company's filling stations, it's enough. In addition, AI-95 "Premium-Sport" appeared at the gas station not so long ago.

5th place - British Petroleum

Gas stations of this company can be found not only in Russia, but all over the world. British Petroleum is the largest oil refining and processing company on the planet. The fuel of the company meets the highest European standards, filling stations are also equipped with everything necessary for the success of customers. True, prices for all types of gasoline are not found cheap in the country.

4th place - TNK

One of the largest oil refinery companies in the CIS. Tretina of the whole paliva, as it is sold at gas stations, complies with the Euro-5 standard. Dodatkovі firm additives zbіlshyut tuzhnіst unit, priyâyat ekonomіchnіy vіtratі yogo resourіvіv, zberigaє purity yogo uzlіv. In addition, the fire at the stations of TNCs is sold at democratic prices.

3rd place - Shell

Filling stations SHell are among the three shortest filling stations for the quality of gasoline in Russia. The SHell board is environmentally friendly and complies with all European Galuze standards. Varto signify that SHell fire is prepared according to GOST and complies with the Euro-5 standard.

2nd place - Gazpromneft

Tsey gasoline overtakes TM SHell like a fire. At the same gas stations, a number of smaller domestic and foreign manufacturers are sold. The product is prepared according to TU and meets the Euro-4 standard.

1st place - Lukoil

It is important that in Russia on this day the best number of gas stations for the quality of gasoline. Products under the price of TM were awarded the "Ecological Sign" and comply with the Euro-5 standard. Acceptance bonus - the same prices on the Lukoil palm.

At the same gas station, fill in the bed - the special officer on the right of the skin auto-sweeper, but the recognition may be of great importance. That is why it is recommended to be ranked by the rating of the best filling stations in the country in order to choose the best gasoline.

Massive underfilling of paliva was revealed at Russian filling stations: 76% of filling stations in the country were filled with it. Authors doslіdzhennya vіdznayut, scho through underfilling spozhivach hour buy palivo for zavishennuyu tsіnoyu, yak until well do not comply with the standards. At the least, they deceive at the gas station, as if they were selling hot oil from the great oil companies. The reason for the massive underfilling of experts is called the economic situation in the country, as zmushu drіbnі refueling deceive the spontaneous.

The Federation of Automotive Workers of Russia (FAR) conducted an investigation, the results of which showed that many gas stations deceive people without adding more fire. Monitoring of AI-92 and AI-95 underfilling was carried out at 34 filling stations in 13 regions of Russia. In the course of the monitoring, five integrated oil companies (VINK), 25 federal and regional companies and most small-scale and private filling stations were reviewed. To further improve the FAR developed a method for determining the underfilling of fuel at gas stations in the “secret purchase” mode, which allows you to calculate the actual amount of fuel lowered into the tank of a car, as well as conduct a vote of fuel to recheck the capacity for compliance with the technical regulations of the Mitny Union (TR TZ).

“Because of our method, for underfilling, more than one hundred thousand was taken, we will pay for it and actually take it off in half. As a result, underfilling was revealed at 76% of the filling stations, ”the website of the FAR says.

It appears that underfilling of the middle VINK (they can be seen Rosneft, Lukoil, Surgutneftegaz, Gazpromneft, Tatneft, Slavneft, Bashneft, Russneft) clave 20%, one salary yati (underfilling 1.63% - on a equal basis), among federal and great regional merezhes it was revealed in 81% of losses (average underfilling 4.97%, maximum 19.03%).

Underfilling among small chain and private filling stations is 100% (average underfilling 5.66%, maximum 8.03%). The average underfilling according to the choice is 5.05%, which means that it can actually be added up to a price per liter.

As they say in the FAR, underfilling the fire - it’s not just a cheating of the spy, but an element of unfair competition.

Vykoristovuyuchi underfilling, unscrupulous participants in the market, in fact, sell palivo for the highest market price, as it still does not support the TR TS.

So, for example, filling stations in the Krasnodar Territory sold AI-95 at 44.70 rubles per liter, underfilling 19.03% of the fuel and, in fact, lowering the bill for 55.21 rubles per liter.

In the Moscow region, according to the same principle, the man overpaid more than four rubles per liter. The gas station sold fuel at 39.90 rubles per liter, underfilling the fuel by 12.8% and actually paying 44 rubles per liter.

The FAR states that the reason for underfilling can be economic reasons.

“Because the wholesale price for gasoline is higher than the retail price, then it’s inevitable to bring down the most and most of the shows allowed at the gas station paliva, which means that all of us have the risk povіdomlennі.

“It’s a pity that you can’t jump into this situation at once,” head of the FAR Sergiy Kanaev told Gazeti.Ru. - To bring it to the locality, to bring the fact of underfilling the obvious, not to see, that one is glad to fill in 10 or 20 liters at sumnivny gas stations, like Petro Shkumatov, looking at my eyes is unlikely to help. Tse definitely will not be a guarantee against underfilling.

You can correct the situation with the help of a way to develop a methodology for determining the amount of money in the mode of purchase by a secret buyer and a distant appointment of exact number of indications. The technique can be expanded by the power, but the control over the work of the gas station is to blame but the sovereign-gromadsky "

“It’s really incongruous. Since there are precedents, it is necessary to sort them out. That's why, insanely, when you don't fill up, only at the very bottom, on the level of the filling stations themselves. Let us trust our state corporations to take care of them and get a security service, ”Anansky told RT.

Oleg Ashikhmin, First Vice-President of the Russian Fuel Union (RTS), President of the Naftovy Club of St. Petersburg, commented on the news about the massive shortage of fuel at Russian gas stations.

“These are the trends, and not the trend of the current market for the retail sale of petroleum products. It's a pity, those who have revealed the FAR, may be misplaced. І tse є spadshchina, as it came to us from the Radyansk Union.
Vlasnik of the gas station is not zatsіkavleniy in that avtovlasnikovі underfill. Tse chastіshe vіdbuvaєtsya on the level of the operator, master. I know the situation in the middle. I know that the authorities of the companies attach great respect to them, they are engaged in security services. Ale there, de є mozhlivist here, take it, "our" people cherish.
If you arrive at the station with a canister of gasoline and fill it up, then you will sing, topping up your gas. Tse rozkradannya, as it is difficult to punish. It is the responsibility of the police to take care of it. But in such a situation, it is necessary to immediately file a claim with the station operator in order for the stench to misrepresent the fuel dispenser (TRK) for supply, in order to signify the moment when you drink, what you do not refill. And don't be afraid to get involved in the company's swindle," - naming Ashikhmin.
“The incident of incidents with them, that unscrupulous owners of gas stations and spivrobitniks, for which one should not be surprised, obviously, beat the most ignorant priyomi and deceive motorists.
In the first quarter, it is necessary to goit the vlasnikіv refueling stations to put things in order, for example, by way of control purchasers. Show similar vipadki and get to the administrative and serious material viability. In other ways, you can turn it to criminality, as if I’m talking about the systematic deception of a gentleman, ”Mayorov told RT.

It is necessary to say that the signs with a crossed phone are not at all gas stations - mainly at gas stations, which should be very large. And now I’m afraid to think about their relevance - as if the enterprises of “automobile eating” are not confused by guards, it means that it’s not obov'yazkovo and the problem is not really obvious?

But regardless of those who are 99.9 people per hundred, either they don’t mark the signs, or they simply ignore their calls, on various Internet forums, the topic of unsafety or the safety of a mobile phone at a gas station is drunk regularly. The main national hypotheses of the advent of the marvelous fence sound like this:

  • the mobile phone can be connected to the electronic device that controls the pump, and you will not get enough fire, or you will have to turn it off and stop working;
  • the mobile phone of the building to light a bet with gasoline “to its radio frequency vibrations” and it will be lit up;
  • a mobile phone in a thunderstorm attracts a bliskavka, and if you hit it at a gas station, then it will vibrate everything, like in “The Goods of Italians in Russia”.

It is possible, to develop and more enchanting theories, but we are already intertwined with the trioma, with the permission of readers.

"Glitches and underfilling"

“The obvious MIF - Adja Mobilni Phones of the dozen purchases praznyu prazuyu to the assignment with the Elektrony Vagami I tangled in stores, I ї Metrologa, the filling of it is not to be shit of the rosmovichs, the command of the Tatsino Rus, the Director of the Pyliykh, Rosiyahiya. Tatsuno Corporation speakers. - Old radiotelephones were even more serious generators of shift codes and could effectively infuse electronic control - it’s good to get a feel for the problems of suspension of control systems at gas stations and blocking of columns. However, today's modern fire-dispensing columns are not up to the influx of mobile phone devices - their electronics are prepared according to special regulations and are tested by those special ranks. That is why we didn’t put any forward signs on our columns and didn’t put a call on the mobile phone drive.

“Our fire dispensers are being tested for electromagnetic compatibility in special accredited laboratories,” said Vitaliy Lisikov, defender of the chief engineer of Topaz-Service, a Russian company that tests fire dispensers. - The last streak of the skin electronic vibration is taken to the stage of protection for the help of special stands for the formation of electromagnetic plants. When designing electronic attachments, a whole series of approaches should be taken into account at random in the electromagnetic field, screening sensitive elements, filtering signals, interfacing high-voltage transformers, grounding housing parts and screens of signal cables. Therefore, do not be afraid of the electromagnetic zavad vіd phone stench.

"Zaimannya vіd radiokhvil"

On the vіdmіnu vіd zvichaynykh hulks, be it a radio engineer-zvyazkіvtsev it is obvious that the robotic radio transmitter of small intensity, like, for example, a mobile phone and a walkie-talkie walkie-talkie is not directly in the range of vikoristovuvannyh frequencies, in the gas station do not breed "whether of some kind, type or type, or heating any bodies and objects to the temperature of gasoline or iogo steam. Vzagali. Vіd word "zovsіm". Abo zovsіm vіd the word "zagali"!

So, harder radio transmitters (the magnetron of a micro-furnace oven can serve as a butt of those in the future) building vibrancy to their own vibrational effects and vortex jets in metal objects, they generate electrical discharges - sparks. Ale tse vіdbuvaєtsya in the middle of the oven - in a crimson enclosed space, designed specially so that it will help the effect, and in case of exhaustion, it will be brought in a couple of kilowatts. In order to make a sparkle and a fire in metal objects on an open space, a radio transmitter is needed outside the barn ...

“Behind the great rakhunok, the telephone is a dzherel of electro-magnetic vibration, and the electromagnetic vibration is still able to generate streams in stream-conducting lances and metal objects. Apparently, the guidance of an electric strum can generate an electric spark, which can ignite the power of a steam fire, - says Oleksiy Nagornykh, commercial director of AltaiSpetsIzdeliya, a company that vibrates block and mobile gas stations. - One for that, a bun, he was not at all, a bagato of the bagato of the namers: the estimate of the transmission is guilty of Boti, the phone, “Private” Vypromiye, is guilty owe the mother to the penny concentration for borrowing ... »

To that, wanting the phone to be called often from the fires at gas stations, the reason is not in the new one. The axis on this video, for example, it is clear that, if a person wants to actively base on the phone, he engages himself at the moment of pushing with the hand of a fire-giving pistol:

It is obvious that the betting fire, which comes out of the tank, ignited a spark of static electricity, as if accumulating on synthetic odor, but we should be worried that “the hour of the call of the mobile phone was sleeping!”. And this video shows a much bigger reason for a fire at a gas station “from a mobile phone”:

"The mobile phone attracts the sparkle"

Why can't journalists and British scientists get through the door of nonsense, if the stench is stupefying, that practically all the glare of the rest of the hour people are small with their mobile phone? The one who has a mobile phone at the same time on the skin - is not unreliable, b'є in a new blisskavka chi nі ... And the "myska legend" about the lack of safety "heavy" with a phone on itself glimmers in a thunderstorm and the next mountain of a gas station in it can not be near you scientific base.

“Nebezpeka tyazhnya phone bliskavka in a thunderstorm to the people at the column - tse myth, - Oleksiy Nagornykh's perekonny. - Electric breakdown during the discharge of the flash is carried along the shortest distance from the negatively charged channel from the fog to the positively charged surface of the earth, or whatever object is located on the surface. That's why bliskavka was in high objects: stovpi, trees, budіvlі, thunderbolts, etc. So, when you are at the gas station with a stylish telephone, if you don’t “attract” a sparkle - you will be attracted to the thunderbolt, or as if the constructions are hanging on the dash, like a richer person with a telephone. Let’s say that the gas station should stand on its own in the open space, “let’s add” for brilliance, the very presence of a conductive object will be brought, and not the mobile phone itself at your hand ... "

So safe chi ni phone at the gas station ?!

It would have been better, after all that has been said, after the development of all the bad myths of food, to ask stupidly. Check it out!

The phone is still building in a row of vinyatkovyh vipadki become a fire - from only not obov'yazkovo at gas stations, and the price is not connected with radio waves, sparkles or electromagnets! Tse, figuratively hanging out, vzagali is not connected with them, scho vin - PHONE.

“With the documents that govern the operation of gas stations, vibro-insecure zones are 3 meters near the dermal flare-dispensing column and 8 meters near the reservoirs for collecting fire,” continues Vitaliy Lisikov. - On the right, in what happens, full of gasoline fumes, you always get out of the car’s tank when it’s filled with ash and sip into the vast expanse. This is not an emergency situation, this is normal, and so it may be possible, in the normal mode, the operation of the column. Modern gas stations can be equipped with a system for catching vapors from the gas tank and turning them into tanks, but not all gas station workers can install such a system, but such a system is propagated not by the method of increased fire safety, but by ecological washing.

So, in a whole series of regulatory documents that regulate the operation of a filling station, there is no direct fence, or it allows the use of telephones on the territory of gas stations without intermediary telephones. Ale zgіdno with paragraph 743 of section XVI “Auto filling complexes and stations” of the “Regulations for fire safety in the Russian Federation”, at the vico-safety zones of the gas station, vicorous water was fenced in, as it is not certified according to the class of vibuhozashchennosti. It doesn't matter - a phone, a child, a toy on a battery, a lighter, an electric drill or a cooker!

And since the mass mobile phones are up to the class of electric power, if you can’t vibuhozakhist, then beat the norms at the gas station. І a plate with a crossed phone is hung on the very one that the driver of the car with a high frequency of mobility has no other electric phone with him!

Phone with a vibuhozakhist - what is it?

For non-fakhivtsiv, the term "vibuhozashchene obladnannya" is vague and foggy. Tim didn’t understand more - how can the phone be “vibuhozashchenim”? Ros'explained!

You sing-songly drilled with an electric drill, which means they blew through the ventilation slots in the body, like sparking a motor collector! The axis of the tse is a classic butt of a non-explosion-proof possession. If you try to drill with such a drill here in the mine, where methane is everywhere, frown on the lads in helmets with likhtariks on their foreheads (vibuhozashchenii, to the point!) It’s smart to explain to you, if you’re wrong ...

Otherwise, it seems, vibuhozashchenim can be buti BE electrically possessed, like pracciuє in places, where it is possible to establish vibrationally unsafe gases and vapors. At enterprises and objects of chemical, oil, oil and gas industry, at warehouses of coal and lacofarb plants, in electroplating and battery workshops, in farbowal chambers, etc. Electrical wiring, vimikachi and lamps, typesetting, tools and fittings, as well as making calls - radio stations and mobile telephones - goiter buti vibuhozashchenimi - which depends on safety standards.

The design of vibration-protection devices and attachments, in principle, includes whether it is a spark or a heating, a building to ignite combustible gases or a steam. Enclosures with accessories for protection against their penetration, batteries, and smut, their contacts, closed with hermetic caps and the like. This principle, on unsafe virobnits, is dormant already richly-richly rocky.

And one hour ago, the telephones of the stylists' telephones appeared. For example, models of brands Sonim, RugGear and others. Koshtuyut stench shalenі pennies and drink on them insignificant. However, such a phone itself can be absolutely officially, legally and 146% safe to win for calls in direct proximity to a stream of gasoline and in a cloud of fumes... mobile phone, and the battery will spontaneously ignite, as it often traps around the iPhones ...

“The main thing was the fire-vibration safety of electrical appliances - all local overheating and sparking,” explains Oleksiy Nagornykh. - So, as a style phone, as a rule, it does not overheat in such a way that it flashes on fire, then it is not safe in the possibility of an electric discharge. Тому вибухозахищені телефони відрізняються від незвзривозащіщенних перш за все своєю іскробезпечними: вони мають герметичний корпус, і вся електронна начинка телефону надійно ізольована від зовнішнього середовища, плюс корпуси таких телефонів виконуються з антистатичних неіскрообразующіх пластиків: вони не іскрять при дотику і не «висікають іскру» навіть when falling on a metal surface.


It is necessary to say that if the site, in the person of the author of the article, proceeded to the preparation of this material, the topic was made more simply, shorter and lighter, but dwindled to a larger scale and, possibly, loadable, further ... But what is the result? And then go out, scho we got lost in the reader. The beginning of the way of the myth is broken, however, according to the norms of the vibuhozakhist, be a mobile phone, a crim of rare special, building-like rapt fire in your hands and light a bet with a fire at the column ... How can you booty? Option here, zrozumilo, two.

The first, absolutely careless, but not handy team, who is guilty of being on the alert for some whim, is to deprive the phone in the middle of the car. In case of tsomu, zrozumilo, vimikati or it is not necessary to transfer yoga to airplane mode.

І variant is different - mother phone with her, in the gut or sumts, navit pіd hour of pouring gasoline. I calmly respond to the term call, as if by rapt you to the call. I especially choose the remaining option, taking into account that the risk of borrowing a battery, or “I’ll leave quickly outside the mobile phone’s case” for the change is insignificant, and you can take it out of danger.

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