Why do Jews and Arabs write right-handed to the left, and reshta - backwards?



The theory of the vine leaf is meaningless, but it is clear that we cannot rely on hundreds of hundreds of facts about them - we are talking about the processes of many thousand years ago, about the everyday letter writers (note the pun) Not much was saved.

The same can be said about other “prehistory of civilization”: we do not know for sure where the first Indian Europeans lived and what their language sounded like, who were the first people who crossed the Bering Strait, and when a dog was first domesticated, we can avoid being timid reconstruction and lowering of a different stage of priming.

The main method of writing in most human civilizations, for reasonable reasons, is the first one (soft surface + farb/rubbing): it is simple and does not require great physical effort.

Therefore, most of the known writing systems vikorist the leaf of evil to the right.

Today's right-to-left writing systems may have a historical root in another variant, due to the processes that are so far away from us at the time that we cannot insist in a melodious manner that the right was the same.

As for other methods, all smells are similar to their meanings.

The similar sheet went downwards - the same sheet of evil to the right, which unfolded as a result of the fact that the written material was burned into rolls, which gradually unfolded.

Western Asian boustrophedon (

In the same way, the sheet of paper is turned to the right, with each surface (plate) turned 180 degrees towards the skin row.

How many banal meals would be given, as it is literally calm before our eyes.

Before speech, if it is more important to admire the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, it can be noted that this configuration can be seen in the fact that initially the letters were hanging from something solid.

It is much easier to represent such letters with a chisel rather than with a pen.

Naturally, from that time the stone ceased to be the only permanent saver of information, but the rules of the sheet had already been formed, so it was decided not to change the rules of writing in a cardinal manner.

What date is there for this version?

Right off the bat there was a word

Nearly 4,000 years ago, people began to feel the need to write, then.

convey information to other people not by spoken word, but by written word.

The first tests were pictographs, that is.

little ones.

The writers of those hours, melodiously, were even proud of themselves, but it is clear to us that their ability to describe pains and emotions was scanty.

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Hieroglyphs appeared as a development of pictographs.

In addition to small objects, images have appeared that provide descriptive information.

Behind the hieroglyphs there were strong understandings, and the number of such hieroglyphs grew.

The writings were now composed of hieroglyphs and pictographs.

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This list has 88 characters.

In fact, their number varies from 50 to 100 at different stages, in different places and in different successors.

As is common in all languages ​​nowadays, a skin vocal sound can combine with one of the 5 vocal sounds to create an open warehouse, for example:

Pa, Po, Pu, Pi, Pe.

On the photograph we wrote bachimo, details in the 16th century.


It was found in Egypt in the El-Khol gorge (the deep gorge) - the oldest known inscription written in the phonetic alphabet.

This form of writing today is called a linear sheet, the fragments of the front forms of the sheet with hieroglyphs were written in a horizontal line in all directions.

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The El-Khol gorge is located about 500 km in Egypt.

uphill beyond the flow of the Nile River near the town of Ka'ir near the area where Jews settled in Egypt near the 16th century.


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The linear warehouse sheet was perfected in the period 16 - 14 tbsp.


At 13th Art.

BC The development of this leaf has a revolutionary stripe - the price is lower. the greatest loss in the history of mankind.

The use of wheels, gunpowder, penicillin and the Internet are insignificant in comparison with it.

This is a universal benefit for expanding information for people around the world.

Without it, humanity would have practically slowed down in its development 3200 years ago.

This alphabet has such revolutionary advantages:

1. by allowing you to record BE-YAKA sounds sounds INDEPENDENTLY in your language, speaking and without meaning to any reasonable sense of what was said.

2. It will be available to every person for treatment during treatment days, then.

having opened the gates to literacy for the common people.

Export alphabet to Europe

1194 - 1154 BC.

The Jews are afraid of coming out - they are depriving Egypt of the stench and populating Canaan.

At the onset of 450 years, immortal works such as the Torah, the psalms of King David, the Song of Songs and other immoral works were written in my Hebrew alphabet using this alphabet.

What would the population of Europe do if the Jews began to read and write, became Jerusalem and argued about the foundations of morality, the principles of the 10 commandments?

During those hours, Europeans wandered through the forests in their skins, hunted for urchins and primitive fields, lived in caves, worshiped stones and sparkles.

So it went on and on, ALE...

At 732 rub. BC

Reading from the great pieces of skin is a little short - there is an inescapable need to turn your head when moving from row to row.

To hem the roughness of the 6th – 5th tbsp.


a tendency has emerged and developed to change the direction of the sheet from row to row - the right-handed row to the left, the right-handed row to the right, etc.

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For us it’s insignificant, but after minimal training it’s completely pleasant.

I remember that when I first learned in childhood that people, for example, Arabs and Jews, write right-hand to the left, I was quite amazed.

It seemed to me that I was too stupid to write.

Adje, it’s scary and unmanageable!

I actually tried to write directly at the gateway, only to immediately smear everything with the hand I was using to trim the pen.

My question is, why do Jews and Arabs write like this without giving any reasonable explanation?

Therefore, for a long time I was unable to be satisfied with the explanations that the stink just happened that way.

The answer to this riddle did not give me peace of mind, even though I was sick.

It seemed to me that there might be a reason for writing directly to the “wrong” person.