Why doesn't the gasoline pump pump gasoline? The gasoline pump does not pump gasoline. Possible reasons, ways to solve the problem Reduction of breakdowns of the gasoline pump

Without a fire, not a dvigun, but without a dvigun - everything is іnshe.
Bagato avtovlasnikiv, buvak, do not see about those that have been constructively transferred on these cars to such electric attachments for firing, roztashovannye either in Baku, or not far from it, but if I know about this one - that is.

Vserioz think about yourself, the gas pump can be dated, if the car raptly stands in the middle of the road in a clean field. Gasoline є, oil in the norm, spark in obviousness, but the car is not going.

The axis here і fix food і jokes of reasons.

By changing your mind, you can use the electric petrol pump in the wrong situation:
1) waste of exertion,
2) the car will start nasty on the programmed engine,
3) dvigun is deaf, troite, collapses with crimps with persistent shvidkost, single wrap "float".
4) noise, hum, dzizhchannya, creak, whistle, go out from the tank (with a submersible pump) or from the bottom of the body (when suspended)
One at a time about skin points:
Waste of exertion.
All on the right is a gasoline pump - I want it not to be put up to the vitreous materials like the filter or the pokryshka, however, there is a large supply of energy. Virobnik car vrahovutsei fact і I turn off the gas pump, which is embossed when the pump is loaded on 12 volts, for example 8 bar, I want the pump for the installation of the valve skidding, as it pidburyu seize the grip, і spratsovuє at 5 bars. It takes an hour and the pump is old, with the same load, the pump can still reach a maximum of 6 bar and so far. Problems with the second thrust of the engine arise if the maximum grip of the pump appears below that, which is necessary in the firing system for the normal robotic firing apparatus of the pump (underfilling the support of the firing filter for fine cleaning, etc.), flushing, etc. Scho in zaglichny to produce up to a lack of gasoline dvigun, and as a legacy of drudgery.
It's disgusting to start.
The car starts up badly for any reason, or one of them may be the disparity of the fuel pump? For a normal robotic movement, a grip in the firing system is necessary. In the ideal, for that, as a damping motor - in the fire system, the grip is saved, and when the ignition is turned on, the pump will be pumped into the fire system to start. However, due to wear, there may be a drop, if the pump flips the necessary grip for more than an hour, and the valve does not trim the grip in the system, so it is guilty. At the bag - the car starts up rotten.
In some cases, the car can start up because the car stopped for a while, if it stalled in front of the cim and did not start for the first time. You can talk about those that the gas pump is clogged, for the gasoline is normally consumed in the flask, the pump is hit.
As soon as the car starts up every other time, or if it starts hitting the pump, it’s better for all the connections between the fuel pump and the graphite brushes. Independently change it not go, so how to find it successfully and start the pump inside the pump, replace the brushes on the new one, turn on the pump, it’s just like it’s going to be hidden, so it’s how it’s going to be done, so it’s just like it’s not going to start. not of the same hardness, without the required additives, in gasoline.
Incorrect robot dvigun
Dvigun pratsyuє with interruptions or deaf - there are also problems in the next points: the sieve is clogged, or the pump is faulty. Wiring problems take an hour: it is simply not possible to reach the pump, otherwise, as a result of the nasty contact, hide the clems on the pump, etc.
There are also many reasons for coming out for trouble, among them the most popular є:
1) Riding on a "dry" tank
2) Robot fuel pump when driving on gas
3) The obstruction of the filter (sieve) of the gasoline pump to the stage of "vacuum packing", as well as the deterioration of the mechanical integrity.
4) Water in the tank
5) Brood / іrzha / smittya in baku
6) Jamming the grinders / rollers of the pump with third-party objects, which were consumed in the tank.
7) Wear of the armature / pump blades
8) Deformation of the tank and lesions of the pump / pump module.
9) Natural wear.
10) Handicraft installation / zyattya gasoline pump "Indians"
І so, in order:
When driving on an empty tank, the fuel pump gets hot. The whole fact is at least obvious because of the fact that gasoline is only going to drain the pump and cooling, and only passing through a new engine. When gasoline is running out, for any lack of quantity, the pump is hot for two reasons: for the first time mechanically rubbing the fuel pump's institutes, in another way, through the post-flow stream, to pass through the pump (3-12 amperes). As a result, the pump will get hot, the gaps between the rubbing parts will change as a result of the thermal expansion, and the whole new pump may be put into the bag, if the outsider does not burn out - just the boiler is attached to the tank until the pump is melted down to the pump casing, which is connected to the pump module. mіzh fuel pump terminals.
When driving on gas, the injury rate of the pump is so high that it is in the specified point because of the presence of gasoline in the tank.
The car-pupils, who went to the gas, think about the little bit of forgetting about gasoline, do not cringe about it, and often the pump does not turn on the pumping gasoline from the tank (if there is gasoline there є) on the pump ramp to the engine, as well as a car on gas - like a hot ramp. hot gasoline go into the return line to the pump, ring it into the pump flask, pour oil into the fire, and heat it.

If the sieve is completely blocked, the normal pump can be malfunctioning in some days. The pump sieve, being clogged, does not allow gasoline in the required amount.

Everything is not so scary and neat, as well as not ignore. A clogged sieve can be cleaned, changed and faster for all that can be done to help the car, it is normal, and autoclassians are spared for repairs or replacement of the pump. In some cases, the car was consumed insignificantly, and then the symptom disappeared with a rapt - a powerful option if the sieve was clogged, and was rubbed in the tank until such openings were established, which were adequate for the sieve's visibility. I will block the consumption of everything only in the pump until it breaks down.

Water in the tank. I want gasoline і weakly soluble in water (0.001-0.004%) will drop into the tank. It should be used when refueling with a mild fire (it is possible to refuel with emulsion water and gasoline when a gasoline tanker recently visited for refueling), and during a natural process of condensation of atmospheric conditions in the middle of the tank with a temperature rise. Water to produce until the tank is corroded, and being more important than gasoline, picking up the particles from the bottom of the tank sniffs and flushes behind you.
Water is poured into the pump and the nozzles of the injector. As soon as the water appears in the fire mains in the winter hour, it just might freeze and break the plug, it just won't start through the yaku.

Brood / іrzha / smittya in baku
Brood into the tank and drink it in the same way as water - and the refueling itself with an inaccurate firing, ale, it appears there for a special firing with additives, or even additives. On the right in that, when drinking special speeches, indicating a breakdown, dirt deposits on the sides of the tank, poured, being a good friend, do not rush, but are seen with plastics from the gasoline-fueled fuel tanks. Also, such additives can cause corrosion of the tank, for the part of the drive, they can be produced before the appearance of the irrigation, right up to the loss of the tightness of the tank.

Jamming the pump / rollers with third-party objects, which have been drained into the tank, the pump has lost its value.

The wear of the armature / pump blades is slow to flow when driving without gasoline (on gas), even if it is on the tank. Gasoline, being the only mastic material, replaces the tertiary surfaces of the anchors and brushes. In case of inadequate minds, the robotic mechanism of a hand-held mechanism will go out of hand in two or three months.

The deformation of the tank and the history of the pump / pump module rupture is a manifestation of the desire and development, but it is still the same. The most commonplace way is to sinister the bush, the hole, having thrown the tank, as if the insides of the rest come into disrepair, however, it happens that the car simply stops, when the tank is seen, the whistle of the soiled baktry spits into the tank. Reason: the adsorber was clogged with gasoline steam, through which it did not go into the tank. All that, with a new tank of gasoline, it’s not a lot to be over there, but in the world of vitrazhennya firing yogo mіsce you won’t go through the adsorber, and if it’s wrong with the "air release", then the pump fired from the bottom of the tank baku, from which it can flatten, and the development can reach such steps, but the pump is not even in the air, but it’s not enough to pay the dvigun.
Natural wear of the pump is inevitable, protects will accelerate, if abrasives get into the grinder / roller mechanism - a squeak, other metal shavings, etc.

Yakirno-shchitkovy mechanism is lost in the administrative mill, strumming in between the norms, and increasing the gaps between rubbing with parts to produce to a loss of productivity and reducing the grip in the burning system.
And a couple of words about the fact that the installation / zenyattya of the fuel pump "Indians" is also handicraft.
The reasons for and breakdowns when an incompletely known and unaware intrusion into the system of feeding is a lot of fines, but for more than a dozen times in the practice of repairing and replacing gasoline pumps, and when a statement was made, it’s possible to see 4 groups of unsuitable gasoline factors.
- adjustment of a non-standard pump. (For example, for Passat from VAZ, etc.)
- installation of a pump without a sieve.
- incorrect installation of the pump, pump module, sieve.
- installation of a pump without special tools.

More details about "Indians" - read in the offensive statty.

One of the most important elements is an electric fuel pump, which is located in the car's fuel tank. The firing pump will pump the firing pump into the system h, flashing the vise.

Fakhivtsi in the repair of cars see the onset of the expansion of the problems of the firing system, which are connected with the firing pump:

  • disgustingly pumping the gasoline pump and not breaking the vise;
  • the fuel pump does not pump when the ignition is on;

In addition, the fire pump is an electro-mechanical attachment, the most popular faults of the gasoline pump are connected both to the mechanical and the electrical part. It is far away, as there are signs of a breakdown of the gasoline pump and why stop pumping the gasoline pump on a frequent basis or increase.

Read in the tsy statty

Signs of fuel pump malfunctions

The main symptoms of running out of the gas pump, as well as of trouble in your robot, є:

  • the car starts up with a start, the engine is unstable, it prevents failures, jerks when the gas pedal is pressed, etc .;
  • the pump does not pump when the ignition is turned on, nor does it pump the gasoline pump, the engine does not start;

This is also the case if you stop pumping the gasoline pump right in Russia. Dvigun, in a suitable situation, started to do something with battle and deafening at once, as surplus gasoline could flow into the mains. The problem can occur regularly as well as periodically.

Chi does not pump the gasoline pump: causes and diagnostics

It’s more important because there’s a gas tank of storage, charging, dry and on them є spark, the starter is normal to turn the engine, if the motor does not start, it’s not connected, so I’ll pay respect to the gas pump. A frequent problem є those who do not go to the fuel pump for the fuel pump are turned on. In a similar rank, the inequality manifests itself in Russia, if the fuel pump has disappeared and the engine is unsupported deaf.

Not the least important point є and those, skіlky pumping the gasoline pump. In other words, the pump can be buzzing and dzizhchati (food is supplied), but do not open the necessary grip in the main main. The grip in the palivn_y system with a robotic petrol pump is more than 3 bar (it’s possible to lay it down for a specific car model). The vise is assigned to accumulate in the fire ramp and the indicator is 300 kPa and the indicator.

For recalculation, it is necessary to put a pressure gauge on the grip of the burner racks with indicators, which are the norm for a particular car model. On the butt of the injector VAZ, the grip when the ignition is on is 3 atmospheres, at idle the indicator becomes 2.5 atmospheres, with the pressure on the gas 2.5-3 atmospheres. Daniy sposib will help you with the exact value:

  • incomparability of the regulator in the ramp;
  • breakdown of the gasoline pump or any decrease in productivity through wear;
  • more difficult filter (burner filter and / or gasoline pump network);

In another, when the pressure on the gas is pressed, the grip does not grow, in the last fall, the arrow of the pressure gauge falls, or even more abnormally.

Decrease of the indicator in a vice lower than the norms of production until the motor may not start or start up with a lot, triple, shrink, become unstable due to failures. It’s because of the blame of the pump, and not of the burner filter, because it’s just that the rough cleaning of the gasoline pump is clogged. In general, there is no need for this, so as it will be enough to replace it, or to find a clean sieve.

Yakshcho є at the age of, there are no strains on the gasoline pump, there is a simple way of quick change. It is enough to turn the ignition key and listen, so at the moment the key is turned, the sensitive light hum of the fuel pump is to blame. Yakshcho such dzizhchannya is not a bit, it means that there is no need for a gasoline pump, there are no problems with wiring, etc.

Dodamo, which gives a way to design a robotic pump by sound when not for all cars. On some models (especially of the "premium" class), noise isolation is at a high level and the fuel pump is turned on immediately when the doors open, and not just before turning the key into the lock. In the whole vipad, you can start, but not spratsovu gasoline pump when the ignition is on, when
the sound of a robotic pump may simply not be felt.

Also in the list of possible reasons, for which the fuel pump is not pumped, for example:

  • vikhid from the fret of the petrol pump owner;
  • breakdown of the fuel pump relay;
  • problems with the "masoyu" of the fuel pump;
  • incomparability of the electric motor of the gasoline pump;
  • oxidized by a hall of contacts and terminals of the gasoline pump;
  • the fuel pump itself is wrong;

Wiring to the fuel pump

On most cars, the wiring to the gasoline pump is three darts: "plus", "minus", as well as the wire for showing a few drops in the gas tank. Yakshcho the gasoline pump is not pumping, for the reason may be the lack of food.

To convert the harvest to the gas pump, take a 12-volt light bulb by feeding it to the fuel pump. When you turn the ignition, the control lamp is guilty to light up. As far as not to be seen, it means that the problem is in the lasting lantsyugs. Lighting up the lamp in addition to the need to rewrite the internal contacts of the fuel pump.

To reverse the wiring, follow the connection of the positive and negative contacts, which are known from the socket of the borehole pump, to the mass of the pump. Contacts are also required to connect to the fuel pump relay. It’s okay to open the minus contact on the PC, when the igniter is turned on and the light comes on, so it means that the contact is wrong. That has a problem, as if the light bulb did not come on, so there are obvious problems with the "plus". As soon as the contact on the relay is open, the light will light up when it comes on, and the wire is connected to the wire, which is connected to the relay and the fuel pump itself.

fuel pump electric motor

As a result, the revision of the grip on the pump ramp and the final wiring to the gasoline pump give positive results, so that the engine of the gasoline pump is reconverted. The electric motor is used for circulating gasoline in the middle of the pump.

It is necessary to change it for an hour, but the very clems on the gasoline pumps may oxidize power, as a result of which the food is not supplied and the pump is not pumping. In such a case, the motor is working, ale clemy needs to be cleaned or re-soldered.

Check the engine of the gasoline pump, make sure to close the dart of the control lamp on the empty and correct the clamp of the electric motor, if you turn on the igniter. Lighting up the light bulbs on those that are not working with the motor of the gasoline pump.

Bulk pump oil contact

On the problem with the fuel pump oil, you can use a flare sensor, which is not a proper function. Masa can be badly locked, the gas pump is not pumping. Provid masi call to be found on the panel attach and go around the cabin. It is necessary to know the indications of the wires, to reconsider and clean up all contacts, then it is necessary to secure the mass on the gasoline pump.

The fuel pump relay is often attached to the pump with the oil pump, so that the panel is attached. Normally, the relay is triggered when it is energized for a couple of seconds, allowing the pump to open the grip in the system and immediately turn on.

At the moment of turning the key, the ignition of the water chu is characterized by a clack (the relay is turned on), then there is an analogous clack, even if the fuel pump relay is turned on. As there are no such claps, there is a reason for the incompatibility of the relay of any contacts. Optimal solutions will replace the fuel pump relay with a new one, or with a good reference. Dodamo, a whole lot of spare parts are available.

zapobizhnik gasoline pump

Pid hour of diagnostics obov'yazkovo slid reconvertize the fuel pump owner. Zapobizhnik of 15 A let it roztashovuvutsya in a block of zapobizhnik in the podkapotnom space and maє markuvannya FUEL PUMP, which in the cross section means a pump.

The owner of the gasoline pump needs to use it and look at its contact. The integrity of the contact will be said about those who are accustomed to the norm. Possibility of contact for those who have burned out the fuel pump. In general, it is necessary to put a new foreigner, which is even less viable (as in the situation with the fuel pump relay).

Інші causes of malfunctions of the fuel pump

It is often unprofessional to install a supplementary electrical installation or to provide security counter-systems to the point where the fuel pump disappears through confused contacts in any of the connections.

It is also not a matter of chance, and the possibility of the fact that in the car alarm system, or the security complex, is placed in order to block the fuel pump. In other words,.

At the end of the dodamo, the fuel pump in the gas tank will turn into gasoline, in which it will actively cool down. The ringtone drive from the empty tank can quickly drive the electric motor of the gasoline pump to the fret, so as to see it.

Read also

Yaki funktsii vikonuє fuel pump relay, signs of a breakdown. De-vstanovlyuєs relay pump pump, how to properly re-invert the fuel pump relay.

By itself, gasoline (diesel fuel) from the tank of the car into the engine cannot be consumed, for which it is required to pump the mechanism - a fire pump. If it’s out of tune, if the transfer is awkward, the car stands still. There may be a lot of reasons for this, and since the stench is typical for any car brand, talk about them more beautifully for a specific butt. Admittedly, it’s not working the VAZ-2110 fuel pump.

Types of pumps

Serіyne virobnitstvo "dozen" appeared in 1995, tobto in that period, as long as many cars possessed more carburetor systems. They had a mechanical-type gasoline pump (pump) for pumping a fireball. The function of such a pump is without the front of the car engine.

For the correct robotics, the carburetor does not need a high vice, because the pump is of a simple design, similar to water pumping systems. Vstavlyuєitsya vіn bezposeredno under the hood of the car, scho, madly, lie down the service or replace.

With the emergence of injectors, the modification and design of the gasoline pump has become electric. The changing principle of yogo robotics. As for the function of a mechanical pump, it is necessary to start the engine by turning the number of parts of the shaft, then in the injection system there is a fire pump, which, with the help of a built-in electric motor, opens the necessary grip in the main line.

This type of fuel pump is installed directly into the fuel tank.

In such a rank, there are two types of firing pumps: mechanical and electric.

The gas pump is not pratsyuє: signs of a breakdown

Regardless of the design of the engine, when the fuel pump is being used, the symptoms of its breakdown for both types are manifested the same way, and the stench manifests itself in such a way:

  1. Ikshcho sv_chki zapalyuvannya spravі, іskra is good, dvigun twist, ale slept in cylinders dumb.
  2. In the cylinders of the dvigun, there are some sleepers, but the engine does not start.
  3. The engine will start up, but not at all "float" turnover.
  4. The engine starts to run, the idle wrap up to the norms, but when you try it, the motor is deaf when you try it.
  5. For an hour, the car collapses, when you try to turn over, you see gaps in the engine's robot, and the car's dynamics go down (not tyagne).

Varto respect that similar symptoms can appear in case of minor breakdowns, for example, with severely obstructed filters of fine cleaning, an unjustified DMRV (vitra sensor) or clogged nozzles. This is definitely possible when such symptoms are detected in the pump.

In the injector cars, when the ignition of the rear seat is turned on, the lunar dzizhchannya is turned on, the electric motor turns on, it will pump the fire, if the sound is dumb, it means that the gas pump is not good.

Mechanical gasoline pump vidmoviv: what are the reasons?

The reasons why the VAZ-2110 gasoline pump is not working can be a spike:

The electric fuel pump is not working, it may cause a breakdown

The injection engine has a firing pump that looks like an on-board electric car, so that it’s not a problem for a breakdown of the pumping mechanism itself. The reason for the iniquity can also be attributed to the following: viyshov for a fret zapobizhnik, relay or oxidation, fired contacts on the wires, live electric motor.

For the same reason, which is not a practical VAZ-Injector gasoline pump, it can be a part of a filter, an installation at its entrance. Unimportant for those wines of the signs for the cob, rough cleaning of the firing, the yogi mesh can reach the solid structure. And since the pump is located in the tank, it’s practical to go to the bottom and accumulate a siege there, which is difficult.

Well, the most important thing is a breakdown of the motor, which is caused by the circulation of gasoline in the middle of the pump, or it is caused by the failure of the elements of its design.

Methods for converting a gasoline pump

Diznatisya, pratsyuє chi a mechanical gasoline pump, it’s even simpler, for a sufficient amount of hose, a pump with a carburetor, і, having lowered it into an empty dance, get a hand on the pump once it’s important The gasoline is guilty of the pulsing jet of the gasoline. Tse allow z'yasuvati, as compared to the internal elements of the pump.

Prospect, why the gas pump is not working on the injection engine, there is a lot of "prodzvoniti" yogo elektrolantsyug. The rework is more beautiful to fix from the end point, tobto from the pump itself. The control lamp comes before the last one, and as soon as the key is turned into the ignition lock, it will light up, which means that everything is in order with the electricity, a breakdown is required in the pump itself, which is dumb, then in the driver, relay a.

To reconvert the fuel pump itself, it is necessary to know how to turn the grip on the fire ramp:

  • On blank yogi wraps, the value is guilty of buty in between 0.23-0.25 kPa.
  • Per hour starting the dvigun - 0.3 kPa.
  • With a pressure on the accelerator - 0.28-0.3 kPa.
  • When clamping the vortex tube, turning the excess gasoline into the tank, the vice is guilty of increasing up to 0.4 kPa.

Even in the case of the grip mode, the grip is not normal, but the gas pump is not correct, as it is guilty - this element is very worn out and will require repair or replace it.

Drowning in injustices

If you need a mechanical gas pump, you need to add a repair kit, which includes a diaphragm and a valve - these parts can be remembered independently. It is also not a warehouse of special difficulties and the replacement of the mover with a spring. If the breakdown is more serious, then the sense in reanimation will disappear, cheaper and easier if you put a new pump.

The electric petrol pump is an unbearable building, and it’s not easy to repair it without any obvious tools, so it’s more beautiful to trust the robot. Alone, it can be done independently, - replace the sieve of the internal filter for coarse cleaning. Ale and here it is necessary for the nobility, but the nets are of different kinds, so it will be possible to wyimati from the filter tank, to correct the eyes.

Repairing breakdowns of the fuel pump

Schob to prolong the life of the fuel pump, it is required:

  1. Stitches for the yakistu palyva, scho to refuel in the car.
  2. I will increase the frequency of water getting into the water tank.
  3. Pid hour of scheduled maintenance obov'yazkovo miniati palivnі filters.
  4. Once a mechanical filling tank is used, it is necessary to dismantle the fuel pump and recondition it.
  5. Periodically clean the fire tank from a possible purchase of a siege, and store it from other solid particles, which can be found in gasoline.

Viconannya tsikh of simple rules are pleasantly recognized not only on the firing system, but on the dvigun itself.

The automobile gasoline pump is a pristіy, designations for the uninterrupted supply of the fire before installation, in which the statement of the fire must be considered. Finding the best inequality can cause problems in the robot, and if there are more serious problems, you just don't start it.

The situation is clear, if the gasoline pump doesn’t pump a fire, or if it’s pumping, but not in the same number, as is necessary for a power unit for a normal robot. We will also try to solve the possible reasons for this, for any irregularities in the attachment of the fire, and the methods of self-reliance on the butt of a car of a VAZ-2114 carburetor and a VAZ-2114 carburetor are discussed.

Yaki buvayut petrol pumps

Automobiles with gasoline engines, depending on the brand, model and modification, can be equipped with gas pumps of different design. But all the stinks are divided into two main categories: mechanical and electrical. There are a large number of mechanical annexes for the supply of fire. Yaksho brothers (carburetor), then from the plant there is a complete set of DAAZ virobnits. The main reason for this annex is the simplicity of the construction, so go to the awkward way to find the new ones. The carburetor "dev'yattsi" has a petrol pump for retassement in the engine drive of the car. Yogo awkwardly grasping behind the characteristic hemispherical droplet and along the hoses of the firing line.

Dviguni injectors VAZ 2114 are equipped with an electric fuel pump. At the core of the design is also a membrane, albeit on the view of the "mechanics", attachment of the fire in cars with automatic fires, it is not located under the hood, but directly in the tank.

Signs of malfunction of the fuel pump

Yakim bi dvigunom not having possession of your car, signs of that, with the attachment of feeding, it was not firing like that, analogous. Before them you can add:

  1. The visibility of the dvigun's reaction to the launch test.
  2. Damage to the stability of the robotic power unit on idle wraps.
  3. Troenie.
  4. Reduced pulling.

Construction of a carburetor fuel pump VAZ 2109

If you don't want to see it (carburetor), let's briefly see the design. Otzhe, adjust the feed of the "nine" to be stored from:

  • body;
  • shtovhacha with the importance of mechanical podkachka;
  • diaphragms in the fence;
  • valves with valves and fittings for fastening hoses;
  • net filter;
  • the importance of manual pumping.

The principle of a mechanical fuel pump

The gasoline pump is guided into the diy by a cam of the rosette shaft, like a rocket in a horizontal straight line, a snarling robit of a rocking-forward roach. The shtovhach, in his own heart, poured into the importance of the mechanical pump, and already the stem of the membrane was lowered.

This is the rank of the singing grip, which I will attach to the valves of the Krishka. One of them skips the firing line in the middle, not letting it back, and the other one goes to the firing line, which goes to the carburetor.

Yak bachite, the design is even simpler, so, for the reason that the gas pump does not pump, to finish the job and to reconsider the main elements.


Oskіlki the body doesn’t pour into the robot of the gasoline pump, as it is, it’s not shitty, it’s probably from the driver. Cei element of vikonaniy from steel and you just can't get angry. And the axis is worn out - be a weasel, especially if it is not original, but purchases from a viglyadi okremoi spare parts. Varto yogo dovzhiny changed to a few milimeters, and the fuel pump does not pump fire.

Vіrnіshe, wіn-something kachaє, ale, the amplitude of the diaphragm is rapidly speeding up. Looks like a low grip of the fire in the system, as a legacy, interruptions in the robot's motion. The standard downdraft for the DAAZ pump is 84 mm. Freeze your dinner, and if necessary, replace the relationship.


Naybilsh often detects an inconsistency in diaphragms - the process of cutting. Trapez also, as soon as you deform. Unaslіdok tsikh pozkodzhen diaphragm began to pass through itself the fire, but also the reason for the fall of the grip in the system.

It is possible to find such an inequality, only if you have chosen the setting of the fire. Well, the fact is that the gas pump is not pumping, the diaphragm itself is wrong, you must pump it all at once. Take such a problem out of the way and change it.

Krishka with valves and fittings

If you have already picked up a gas pump, do not go overboard with changing the valves. One of them is guilty of letting in a palivo, and the one of them is guilty of a vipuskati. Just eat it and get it up, get a clean stench to clean it up. Well, the valves cannot cope with their own employees, they can replace the cry in the fence.

Pump filter and manual pumping importance

First, please, you will be able to pick up the pristy feeds of the paliva - the sotchasty filter. Vіn vikonaniy z thin perforated plastic. The reason for this is that it’s not pumping a gasoline pump, it can serve іvіn, because there is little deformation or more frustration.

For the first one, the filter needs to be replaced, for the other one - for cleaning the carburetors.

The importance of manual pumping before the gasoline pump does not pump when the rosette shaft is wrapped, it does not matter. Alone, perhaps in a new zlamatisya - tse a spring, see yogo in the cob position.

The fuel pump is not pumping: Injector

As it is already said, the pumps in the carburetor and injector engines may have a different design. In cars with primus fires, all the processes connected with the feed into the fire chamber are controlled by an electronic control unit, which can be a reason for the failure of a variety of electronic attachments.

For the main reasons, for which the fuel pump of an injection engine does not pump, it is possible to include:

  • incomparability of the electric drive to the annex;
  • setting the pump filter;
  • go to the fret of the relay;
  • peregorannya zapobizhnik.

Yak intelligence, the reason for the interruptions in the robot's engine is the fuel pump itself

Diagnosis of problems with a gasoline pump in a car with an injector motor is simpler than in a car with a carburetor motor. On the right, when the ignition is turned on, the sound of the robot of the electric motor of the firing module can be felt. Win triva kіlka seconds. The sound of tsey svidchit about those who turn the fuel pump, hitє palyvo.

As soon as the key is turned, it means that everything is in order with the attachment itself, and the reason is needed to be shouted in the first place. Well, if you don’t feel the characteristic sound of a robotic pump when you turn on the ignition, you can start playing - the problem is new, or in the elements of its energy security.

Read from relay and zapobizhnik

I’ll look at whether the module for feeding the fire is located in the tank of a car, and it’s not so easy to get to it, diagnostics is more beautiful than using a relay and a safety device:

  1. Introduce the gvinty mount from the steering column.
  2. Find out the owner F3 (15 A) and relay R2. Tse і є ti elements, as we need to reconvert.
  3. If you are a zapobizhnik, then you need to "ring up" with a tester. In case of non-compliance - replace it.

Revision the relay in the drainage of the garage to finish quickly. Alternatively, you can take an analogue (from the middle socket), a reference relay, and put it in place of the diagnosis. Now turn on the flame. Kacha gasoline pump? The reason is known! Well, as far as nothing changed, we were far away.

Electric drive and filter

The fuel pump in the engine VAZ 2114 is an element of the firing module, which can be removed in the tank of the car. The store also includes:

  • filter for coarse cleaning;
  • palny pivnya sensor;
  • fittings for attaching to the firing line.

To reach the module, it is necessary to take the lower part of the rear seat, from the day to the end of the carriage and to the winding of 8 gints of the attachment of the yogi kryshka. Wiimit all pristіy in zborі. Look at the coarse filter first. Yaksho vіn delusions, substitute yogo.

To change the electric motor, it is necessary to connect it without a second to the battery terminals. If the robot is normal, "call out" the wiring and reverse the contact to the mass wire on the module's terminal. Yaksho zh elektrodvigun doesn’t give a sign of life, food “who doesn’t pump the gasoline pump” nareshty knowshov own solution.

Namagatsya yogo remontuvati self-numbly. Just buy a new motor and replace the old one. And yet, it’s not hard to spend money on the purchase of the whole module, for at a time it’s close to 3 yew. Ruble Buy okremo electric motor and new filter. All the prices will cost you three times cheaper.

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