Why does a VAZ injector car start up so quickly but not so easily?


Vlasniki VAZ 2107, 2110, 2112, 2114, and other cars may encounter a problem - the car will start and become deaf.

little bits, you can add some flavor to it.

And because of the flooding

fresh tank , then it’s better to anger the surrogate as a sin. Worn darts and old (faulty) candles are also often the cause.

Compression of the engine, or more precisely its compression, can provoke a situation in which the engine suddenly becomes “lost”.

This is already a serious breakdown, the appearance of which is accompanied by a host of other symptoms that are simply impossible not to notice while operating the car.

The injector starts but becomes silent

The first thing to do is to do independent cleansing of the fuel system and the carburetor, keeping in mind that any uninformed manipulations can lead to a great increase in fuel consumption.

Another reason why the engine is not running smoothly is because the filter in the carburetor in front of its inlet is clogged.

If the car starts and stops working after a few seconds through this filter, then it needs to be cleaned and flushed.

To do this, use a toothbrush and a retailer (gasoline or acetone).

Afterwards, clean the socket where it is inserted with the filter.

It happens that in VAZ cars, within a few seconds after starting, the circuits fall due to a malfunction of the solenoid valve.

The verification is carried out in the following order: the valve is turned, the positive contact is energized, and the housing is connected to the engine ground.

When the valve is working correctly, there will be a distinctly clear sound, and the head will go into the body.

It turns out that the jets and pipes of the system that dose will begin to change.

This also flows into the engine's lower covers, so that the VAZ 2107 becomes deafer in a few seconds.

What is there to do with such a time?

It is necessary to unscrew the jets and pipes under the carburetor cover and clean them.

  1. After this, blow out the wells and jets in the tight air.
  2. If you have a Solex carburetor, then clean and vent the necessary combustion jets, which are located at the bottom of the wells.
  3. Regulating the level of fire in the float chamber (Solex carburetors)

If everything is over-inflated, the engine speed drops if the flow rate in the carburetor (float chamber) is incorrectly adjusted.

As a result, the burning sum either wastes gasoline or is rich.
When adjusting the VAZ 2107 carburetor, it does not need to be driven out of the engine.

Check out the upcoming events: remove the air filter housing by unscrewing all the fasteners; remove the carburetor cap; reverse the position of the floats. For this purpose, separate and bring them together to achieve the correct spreading.

Adjusting the carburetor on the right is not easy and it is best to entrust it to professionals, but at least tell you about the Russian mentality.

We don’t want to pay like some guy when we can earn everything ourselves, torment, and otherwise earn!

Self-regulating the idle speed of the VAZ 2107 will save the money you spend at a car service center.

  • Moreover, such a skill is especially needed in unusual situations far from home.
  • With this publication, I will inform all pesimists that they can adjust the idle speed with their own hands.
  • Before further regulation
  • First step before the operation, it is necessary to change gears, so that the unstable engine operation is caused by incorrectly setting the idle speed.
  • You need to check the following points:
  • Jets for smіchennya;

Correctly positioning the fire pit;

Harmful to gasoline;

The rhubarb was burning in the floater's chamber;

  1. The strength of the start sensor;
  2. The effectiveness of a roasted candle. If all the specified points are normal, and nothing has changed with the car, then the radio is malfunctioning, the reason is idling. However, it is necessary to begin this regulation inclusively in the working stage of describing the mechanisms.
  3. Having warmed up the engine to operating temperatures (return the air to the wind, it may be in an open position), you can start before the procedure.
  4. Adjustment with additional devices
  5. Having obtained a multimeter and a gas analyzer, the results of regulation will be similar to those expected by car service specialists.
    Adjust the correct ignition zone using a multimeter (connected to the coil unit) and fix the trampler.

The gas analyzer is inserted into

I'll blow the pipe

  1. The amount of torque is set at the position of the nominal rotation frequency of the crankshaft (820/900 rpm).
  2. Gwent jakosti catches maximum wraps.
  3. Increase the crankshaft speed to 950-1035 rpm (15%), with the help of a torque screw.
  4. We check the screws, you are obliged to stay in position as much as possible possible revolutions for continuous reshaping of gwent kіlkostі.
  5. We repeat points 3 and 4 until the end of the third point, adjusting the yoke screw until the wraps are reduced.
  6. Tighten the screw to the nominal wrap.

The correctness of this procedure can be verified by removing the terminal from the solenoid valve; the engine will go quiet.

If this does not happen, then most likely, the throttle valve is open, which is regulated by the screws.

Remember, in cold weather it is recommended to set the idle speed in the range of 900-1000 rpm, and in warm weather - 800-900 rpm.


As you have changed the car yourself, the carburetor is a collapsible thing, but you don’t need any special care to adjust the idle speed. Do not try to repeat the procedure if your car is running on gas, the process will be smooth, and the carburetor does not work with this type of burning. You can try to adjust the injector, but if it is highly possible to install the device in such a way that the descriptions there are ineffective, it would be better to turn to professionals.

All descriptions and more procedures are clearly demonstrated on video, making it easy and simple to learn how to use a carburetor.

The power unit of the VAZ 2107 car runs on gasoline, which is fuel storage and does not always meet the same standard.

Contamination of the carburetor and the system that ensures operation in idle mode can lead to unstable operation.

  1. Regardless of the stage of obstruction, the manifestations can be different up to the motor’s own point.
  2. The main reasons for the unstable operation of the VAZ 2107 car engine when idling:
  3. incorrect rhubarb is burning in the float chamber;
  4. monitoring of the mesh filter, jets and channels;
  5. obstruction or difficulty in overflowing the valve in the EPH;
  6. inspection through damaged gaskets, membranes or tubes;
  7. Checking the air filter;
  8. burning of contacts or improper spacing between them;

substandard candles;

Incorrect regulation of heat and vibration.

First of all, start adjusting the carburetor to ensure that it is necessary, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve the desired result.

Maintenance and troubleshooting Regulatory work on systems that ensure engine operation should begin with a thorough review. For ease of use, remove the air filter housing from the carburetor and inspect any dry air filter tubes.

There are no cracks on them, and the material must maintain elasticity.

If necessary, the carburetor is dismantled and externally examined for defects and replacement of faulty parts.

At the initial stage, diagnostics are carried out, identification of malfunctions and regulation of the ignition system are carried out.

  1. It is recommended to use a fine emery paper to clean the contacts in the distributor, replace the spark plugs and correctly install the spark plug.
  2. Whenever you change the settings of the screw screws, the screws will need to be tightened using additional screws. This action comes down to a number of methods constant control
  3. Viklopu.

The drop in idle speed is compensated by the fact that the VAZ 2107 carburetor is cushioned with a screw as much as possible. The procedure is very difficult, the engines will not be able to work smoothly in this mode


If necessary, the adjustment of the reference carburetor on a VAZ 2107 car may be without it. In case of singing, this operation does not take a lot of time. Adjusting the idle mode without an attachment Majority of the confirmed masters

  1. and the waters will be adjusted
  2. power unit

VAZ 2107 at the next rank:

Using a screw, the carburetor speed is adjusted to the minimum speed, for which engines run unsteadily, rather than dullly.

The frequency of wrapping increases with the addition of sum.

The procedure with the screw is repeated until the carburetor is safe for the engine. In practice, this method ensures that it is completed often and, with sufficient evidence, a positive result is guaranteed. VAZ (Lada) 2107 1982 - 2013

VAZ 2107 carburetor. Recently, the car began to squeal and collapse, then began to deafen. Having changed the fuel pump, installed a baker, the car is still deafening.

Having replaced the rod, the old one was removed from the same. Heat filter Having installed a new one, without changes, the deafness will continue.

I'll start it manually.

I'm already so timid.

Today I went on a special trip, but the docks did not calm down.
Having removed the carburetor, close the float chamber to the lower channels on the jets.

The carburetor was burned out, but a new portion was not found.

Having removed the hose and turned the engine, the gasoline is no longer flowing.
Having taken one gasket, the car began to drive, but still failures were felt.

I'm trying to adjust the stroke of the rod.

Having replaced everything, purged it, adjusted it, there are no claims to the combustion system.
We kindly ask! Idling - Over time, a person who struggles with a car with a broken idle, makes a decision about its regulation, because as we all know, if the idle speed is too small, then the engine will go silent every hour, and then visoka to vitrata paliva u tsyogo The engine gets stronger and here you have to joke about the golden mean. To find this middle ground, you need to learn how to adjust idle speed on a car from the beginning, and not all people know how to adjust idle speed.

So today we’ll look at the power supply for regulating idle speed on cars of the “Classic” family.


For regulation you only need one twist!

Short summary:

Having removed the hose and turned the engine, the gasoline is no longer flowing.
To adjust the idle speed:

First of all, regulation must be carried out at the operating temperature of the engine (90-95 °C), and also during regulation

air filter

Having removed the hose and turned the engine, the gasoline is no longer flowing.
It is clear that in the photo there is a higher image of the crankshaft, which is how the idle speed is controlled.

As you know, the screw is located deep in the body of the carburetor throttle valves, so in the photo the screw under the number “1” is not visible.

On some cars, bushings are pressed onto the screws, but these screws can only be turned by turning them.

Having removed the hose and turned the engine, the gasoline is no longer flowing.
If through these bushings it is not possible to turn the screw properly to adjust the idle speed, then unscrew the screws and break the heads of the bushings.

If the screws are unscrewed, sweep away any excess broken bushings and then light the screws in their place!

Having removed the hose and turned the engine, the gasoline is no longer flowing.
Adjusting the idle speed using an additional device Gas analyzer:

1) Start the car immediately and let it warm up to operating temperature of “90-95 ° C”.

Having removed the hose and turned the engine, the gasoline is no longer flowing.
After all adjustments, get into the car and sharply press and release the gas pedal.

Make sure that pressing the pedal of the engine works without interruption, and when the engine is released, the car does not cause deafness.

If the engine stalls after releasing the gas pedal, increase the rotation frequency of the crankshaft to “800 rpm”.

Having removed the hose and turned the engine, the gasoline is no longer flowing.
The crankshaft rotation frequency is adjusted with a screw under the number “2”!

Idle control without a gas analyzer:

Having removed the hose and turned the engine, the gasoline is no longer flowing.
1) For the cob, slowly begin to wrap the gvint in the warehouse sumisha, which is indicated under the number “1”.

Turn it until the rotation frequency of the crankshaft is not maximum. (The frequency of rotation of the crankshaft can be easily determined by the tachometer readings) When the screw is wrapped, the release of waste materials into the atmosphere is regulated. When this gwent is ignited, the amount of “CO” that is released into the atmosphere will change, and when turned out, it will increase! 2) Then use a screw under the number “2” to set the crankshaft rotation frequency to “1100 turns per spindle”.

The screw under the number “2” regulates the rotation frequency of the spindle shaft, so when the screw is turned on, the rotation frequency incrementally changes, and apparently when the shaft is turned out, it increases incrementally! What is your passenger car

The VAZ-2107 appears to be faulty, due to its deafening engine, further steering becomes problematic. And it is difficult to find out the cause of this malfunction for the injection engine “Simka” without the presence of diagnostic equipment, some of the reasons for which it is expected to turn around. part shaft , sorry for the richness. Most often, the injection engine is deaf in robot mode

idle .. You can verify this by twisting the spark plug. If the stench is covered with black soot, it means the sum is rich.

The quantity of gasoline that is supplied to the engine cylinders should be stored in the position throttle valve and the correctness of the temperature sensor reading, which is an illuminated left hand at the rear of the cylinder head.

When replacing it, you will often have to drain antifreeze from the refrigeration system. You can achieve great wealth and get out of trouble air mass sensor

(DFID). You can check the test using a multimeter. Dimming is carried out between the green and red wires (2nd and 4th terminals, so that the left one is turned to the right) when the ignition is turned on.

If the voltage is greater than 1.002 volts, then it will have to be replaced.

With strong fuel pressure, the engine is also quieter. And this information is obtained through monitoring the flow of the throttle node. In some places, you can check the gaskets of the intake system or loosen the fastening of the parts between them, or through their breakdown. The place for viewing the wind can be found through the help of the dymar with whom the bjolars are struggling., from which it is possible to open and close the channel, which passes cleanly into the ramp for chaos. Well, first of all you need to check the idle speed regulator. To do this, you need to rotate the drive shaft with the starter and simultaneously release the gas pedal. The engine then starts, but a number of wrappers are gradually changed. There is clearly a breakdown of the IAC - the engine becomes deaf when pressing on the gas.

And most of all

effective method

to resist such unacceptability - this

permanent replacement element. You need to install a new one. On VAZ cars you literally have to fight for the treatment of illness. Problems in droselny zaslintsia Often the reason that the engine begins to become deaf is the throttle valve itself.

Sparkling candles

To check the reference, you need to unscrew them, check the size of the gap, as well as the presence of carbon deposits. And your car is not moving smoothly. The reason may lie in candles.

In practice, this method ensures that it is completed often and, with sufficient evidence, a positive result is guaranteed.

In cases where there is heavy carbon deposits, but the gap is within acceptable values, it is necessary to clean the spark plug electrodes. The best way out of the situation is to install new spark plugs. That guy, because the gap is so big,

supernatural desperation

electrode, cleaning will not help, it is necessary to completely replace the spark plug set. And the axle is even wider because the car is slower when moving. VAZ or foreign car – it doesn’t matter.

This is especially true for older cars.

Many drivers simply forget about the fact that the car has a filter for purifying gasoline. Located at the bottom part.

On carburetor engines - near the split shaft (fragments may come from the new drive).

When the engine stops running, the engine may operate normally at idle speed, but when the engine speed increases, it becomes quiet. However, if the gasoline pump wears out completely, the engine will not start. To avoid this malfunction, it is necessary to either repair the pump or replace it, whichever is most effective.

If carburetor engines are running dry, the pump diaphragm drive rod can become very worn out.

Electrical installationbath

The problem with the motor shaft can be traced back to a faulty electrical installation.

Zokrema, there may be oxidation on the battery.

3. Although after cleaning the problem was preserved, it was carefully neglected that the reason for the deafening of the engine at low speeds could be the TPS (throttle position sensor).

There is a problem, but the procedure is not complicated and can actually be done with your own hands.

There are occasional seizures, if the engine is deaf when moving, it seems like neither of these things.

The lower the risk of overinsurance, and the more frequent the reasons for which this may occur.

The motor gets rough while driving. 1. It’s not clear that it’s burning - the first thing that falls on the minds of most of us is that it’s absolutely necessary to start searching for the cause of the engine’s vibration while moving. You will “have mercy” if it happens immediately after refueling, at which point you can safely say that the problem is with the fire.

Rejoice - she fires with anger.

2. Candles.

As a rule, suspicion falls on them most often, after

nasty scorching

I understood.

6. In stuck cars, the reasons may also be due to electronics and different sensors.

If you are not strong in this and all the overhauled components and parts are normal, then it’s better to go back to the fakes, otherwise you can replace the machine without rust using the “tick method”. Chomu the engine is deaf in the heat,

Why won't a well-warmed engine start? 1. Persha there could be a reason - . When it starts to rain, a lot of wind passes through it, causing the carburetor to become very cold, and at the same time it gets cold and hot as it passes through it. As a result, the carburetor temperature is several times lower than the engine temperature. Because of this feature, problems arise when, after a long trip, you turn off the engine and make a short stop, at which time the carburetor begins to get very hot due to the hot engine body.

Excess gasoline in the float chamber at high temperatures begins to evaporate, leaving the empty filter,

intake manifold

and the carburetor itself is more powerful.


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