Crossing Sweden to the right-hand car lane. H day. Like Sweden switched to right-hand drive in one night

Few traffic jams and floorings were organized and coordinated, like those, like small places of buti on the streets in the whole of Sweden on the 3rd of spring 1967. On that day, exactly about the fifth year of the wound, there was a lot of traffic on the roads. Let's do it properly and carefully, motorists, motorcyclists and cyclists sent their cars, motorcycles and bicycles across the road, to the other side. Sweden has proven that she no longer travels on the left side.

Chaos zapanuvav all over the country, if millions of motorists, like all life, drove on the wrong side of the road, tried to stick to the new rules. Scholarly trips to work and back have become so irresistible. Nayvazhche bulo reawaken m'yazovu memory, yak will take care of most of the water.

It is not surprising that the Swedes began to protest if the proposition to switch to a right-handed move was hanging on the cob of the 1950s. In 1955, a number of referendums were held, and 83% of those who voted against this idea. Irrespective of the price, the order stood up for change, so that Sweden did not stand in front of its European sovereigns.

It is a great part of the world to travel on the right side of the road, wanting in the past the Romans and Greeks, and therefore, a large part of Europe, walked or traveled along the left. Tse allowed the leaders of the trimati to lead with their left hand, and the swords with their right, if the stench stuck with the robbers. Changing the turn from the left-hand side to the right-hand side in the USA was the same, if the chasers began to beat the majestic vantage, charging the deck with pairs of horses. On the vіzka there was no room for the chaser, he was sitting on the left rear horse and trimming the batig in the right hand, which allowed him to scold with all the stones. Cholovik, sho sdіv zlіva pogonich, naturally, hotіv, schob іnshі vozdzhali povzdzhal zlіva vіd nygo, schob buti insinuated, scho not to waste the wheels are approaching vіzkіv. Z cієї cause vin їhav on the right side of the road. The English were cultivating a left-handed movement, the shards of their vіzka were majestic, and the stench did not see any difficulties in keeping up with traditions. The countries that became part of the British Empire adopted the left-hand movement. Some powers, like Canada, changed the rules at the end of the day to make it easier to cross the cordon from the United States.

Sweden had similar reasons - all її sudіd, including Norway and Finland, because Sweden divided the land cordon - traveled on the right side. However, the most impudent food bula bezpeka. In 90 cars on the roads, the kermo rose from the left side, most of them were imported from the received racks. Well, a lot of Swedish automakers, such as Volvo, let out cars, which were intended for driving on the right side of the road for the domestic market. As a result, there was a lot of expensive transport facilities.

In 1963, the swedish order decided that the country would switch to a right-hand drive. The 3rd of spring 1967 was recognized as the day of the transition. Tsya podium went down in history as Day "H" (short for Högertrafikomläggningen - "right-handed Rukh").

The preparation of the country and її mayzhe 8 million inhabitants before the mass transition was a road and folding tasks. Changes bumped into traffic lights, road signs, crossroads, markings, buses and bus bells. A lot of these modifications were rozpochati for a few months and completed without the middle before the "H" Day. The new lights were burnt out in black plastic until the last moment. A similar order, new lines, painted on the roads, were covered with a black line. Close to 360,000 signs across the country were replaced in one day.

Bula held a large-scale PR campaign, poklikana to reconcile the bulk with these changes and find out about it, like the stench will be zdiisnyuvatisya. The broken logo looks like the great letter “H” from the arrow, which shows the change in movement. Vіn becoming z'yavlyatsya on all products, from milk packs to lower whiteness. The order released special goods, such as colored mittens and new headlights, to make the waters sound like the stench is due to go right-handed. The Swedish TV station Navit held a competition for the best song to help people not forget about the upcoming change. The melody-reminder, Håll dig till höger, Svensson ("Ride on the right, Svensson"), was chosen by the national vote and hit the spot in the Swedish hit parade. Celebrities have appeared on popular TV shows to spread the word about H-Day. Gromadyan was also informed by radio, newspapers and billboards.

At the godini, which was blowing over the passage, panuvala chi is not a svyatkovka atmosphere. At the ranking light, the natovpi began to gather. Buli fireworks and spiv. Most of the cars were removed from the road to make it easier for the robot workers. At 4:50 a.m. the horn pierced the wound, and the Guchnomovets voiced: “The time has come for the transition!” New signs appeared on the road, and cars were relocated to the other side.

Zavdyaks to the relay planning, a large-scale transition went through miraculously, without fear of inevitable traffic jams and decals of other accidents, which happened without casualties. Dozens of journalists, as if climbed on the streets in the bloodshed, were disappointed.

For a long period of months after the transition, a number of road and transport opportunities sharply rushed through special protection, in which people drove transport vehicles. Obviously, as only a few people called to the new rules, about three years later, the number of accidents and mortality turned to a lot of shows.

In total, the project cost Swedish payers 628 million crowns in taxes, which is equivalent to approximately 2.6 billion crowns (216 million dollars) in terms of today's pennies. But to compare with the scale of the project, the figure was remarkably small, as the historian-economist Lars Magnusson argues.

In the words of Peter Kronborg, the author of the book about H-Day, I will call Håll dig till höger Svensson, it seems that in modern minds such a project is practically impossible. The Swedish community was heavily stormed, and the yakbi politicians continued to oppose their own referendum results. Until then, the availability of mass information at that time was less critical and only confirmed about those that the experts told them.

At the time of the H-Day, only one TV channel and one radio station were founded, and “everyone was amazed and only heard them.” Ale, looking at the current diversity of media channels, including social media, the whole population would be richer.

The Swedish roadway is also more broken, less than fifty years later, and there are more cars on the roads, which increased the financial cost ten times. The latest transport strategists in Sweden argue that the equivalent of H-Day is unlikely to pass today as smoothly as it did in 1967.

In 1997, Sweden came up with another initiative in the field of road traffic under the name Vision Zero. The project is aimed at the elimination of all road traffic accidents with fatal injuries and serious injuries, especially on highways. Since that moment, the country has changed the focus of security and reliability to safety on everyday roads. Low water exchange in the boundaries of the city, pishohidni zones and bar'iers, which look like cars in the form of cyclists and grassroots, reduced the death rate on the roads. Sweden is also a pioneer of the 2 + 1 road system, with such two-way smog becoming three hundred meters wide, so that lightly ruhomy cars could safely cross the right waters. At the present time, such roads are laid in the greater part of the territory of Europe, as well as in certain places in Canada and Australia. Today, Sweden may be one of the lowest in the world of deaths on the roads - 270 deaths in 2016 rotations, in equal parts from 1313 in 1966 rotations, for the river before, as it became Day "H".

Irrespective of those that most of the world powers have long adopted the right-hand side of the road, such great lands as Australia, India, Japan, PAR, Great Britain won the left side of the highway. Sweden also rode on the left side for a long time, until the day of Dagen H arrived, which can be translated as "the day of the transition to the right side of the road."

Tsіkavі statti

Susіdi Scandinavi in ​​the right -sided ruh, great part of the єvropi on the right, Kermo on the auto mssevo tuhniye Vobrinita, was known to Zliv, Ale Shveti, the result of the high -industrial referenia of 1955, the population was in the population of 195% of the population of 195% of the population of 195%. After twelve years and an indefinite number of accidents, the patience burst in a row and it was decided to enter into the opposition of the people's will. For a long time, Swedish carriages, carts, and from the end of the nineteenth century, cars were shifted according to left-handed rules. Ale, after two and a half centuries, archaism became not just unruly, but also very unsafe, which clearly showed the equal number of accidents in Sweden and the dry Scandinavian lands. On the 3rd of September 1967, at 4.50 a.m., the cars moved in full and carefully to the opposite side of the road and froze, so that, about the fifth hour, they began to collapse in a new way - on the right side of the road.

The Swedish order virіshiv zdіysniti transition to the day off, schob to get away from mass congestion, traffic jams and emergency situations, but not far away from the chaos. At Choma, it’s easily possible to re -heavier of the servants of the servant, the yak of Shverei switched to the right -sided auto -power rhh abdo dagen h 3 Veresnya 1967. The Maybutno situations to see, invaria, he was in the worship of his own half -sided, the yaki was the same. .

A street in Sweden, on the coming day, after that, as a left-handed road, it was changed to a right-handed one.

Sweden has a right-handed ruh. Ale was so on top of it. Only in 1967 did Sweden switch from left-hand traffic (as in England) to right-hand traffic (as in Russia).

Until this hour, Sweden was left behind by the rest of the country in continental Europe, which was a victorious left-handed road. So, the left-handed movement has been and is still being abandoned in England, for example, or in Japan, but the island powers! And all the dry land from the land of Sweden (Denmark, Finland, Norway) were koristuvalis right-handed, which created a lot of inconsistencies when crossing the cordon of Sweden. Reveal: you are moving across the cordon in a car and leaning on a smoky smoothie! To the point, a large part of the Swedish cars were owned by the left kerm.

Bula vikonana majestic robot: it was necessary to install new road signs and traffic lights on the other side of the road, to reconfigure the crossroads, on the streets with one-way traffic to transfer the bus bells to the other side; all cars are due to work on headlight adjustment. Another important article was the need to replace headlights and subdivisions for cars. Cars with livim kerm mali leva headlight, like visvitlyuє uzbіchchya. After the crossing, the countrymen began to seep out the serpentine machines, and the Uzbeks were left without additional beams of light.

At the same time, a new road marking of the white color was prepared for the replacement of vicorist earlier yellow.

I’ll confuse the problem with a huge transport: Swedish buses were right on the right and the doors were closed. During the process of preparing to change sides, Swedish car companies produced 8,000 "transitional" bus models, like small doors on two sides.

4 (!) Years before H-day, the Swedish Parliament approved the State Commission for the transition to the right-hand traffic (Statens Högertrafikkomission). I respect you - it was not a commission, as I hired controlled firms and firms for giving pennies to the national project. People wanted to reduce the discomfort of their citizens when they were talking to the courts: Norwegians, Finns and Danes have long traveled on the right side. I killed myself.

It was necessary to add new signs, svetlofori, re-dominate the crossing (the Swedes began to victorist the white rozmіst zhovtoi, vikoristovuvanoї earlier). Okremo varto meant a huge transport to carry teeth was only necessary on roads with one-way traffic, and the axle of the bus needed to be rebuilt. І bus manufacturing factories (respect!) Developed and produced about 8,000 transition models of buses with doors on both sides (it became the most important part of the entire transition project for the state).

3 spring Stockholm called trams - they have long wanted to get through the narrow streets. Other tram systems in Gothenburg and Norkoping became right-handed. The combination of pedals on the old machines "cheplennya - gas - galmo" should be changed to "zcheplennya - galmo - gas". In Sweden, as everything sounded concrete, they simply did not allow the operation of machines that had not undergone modernization.

At night on the day of transition і to 6, the wound of the special transport was blocked. Near Stockholm and Malmö they blocked the wreck on Saturday and practically until the evening of the week - they carried out the rest of the work to dismantle the signs and organize the wreck. The deyaki of the place so themselves expanded the hour of the delimitation.

Great respect was given to information for the population. "Change Day" at 5:00 a.m. on the week of September 3, 1967.

At the "Day of Changes" at 4:50 am, all transport services were to blame, and change the side of the road; Rukh was allowed to continue until 5:00. At first, after the transition, a special regime was introduced for the freezing of dry matter.

In general, the transition to the right-hand side was calm. There was no registered road and transport utility, directly tied to the crossing. In the first month after the "Change Day", there was a significant decrease in the accident rate, so that everyone drove more carefully and strictly followed the signs and dear.

Who knows a lot, that in England, on the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih єropejskih kraїn, still pir vikoristovuyut left-hand traffic transport. For a long time, left-handed traffic was saved in some continental regions. Over the years, all the stinks have switched to the more obvious right-handed one, ale buli and vinyatki. Sweden has found its way.

Until the end of the 1960s, Sweden lost its remaining edge in continental Europe, like a left-handed movement. It was too hard for everyone. All the northern Scandinavian lands (Norway, Denmark and Finland) were already richly decorated with the “European” version of the automobile traffic, which created a lot of inconsistencies when crossing the cordon, both for the Swedes themselves and for tourists from the southern lands. Chi did not add to the goodness and those that even a large part of the cars, including the Swedish one, were possessed by the left kerm: the automakers simply did not want to release right-hand drive cars for the small Swedish market.

The transfer of Sweden to the right-hand car traffic was prepared for a long time. Back in 1955, the government held a referendum to change sides, de 85 hundred participants categorically advised that they should change. But the problem did not go anywhere, and in 1963 the Swedish parliament failed to create the Sovereign Commission for the transition to a right-handed movement.

The committee has performed a great job: new road signs have been installed, a reconfiguration of the crossroads has been carried out, all traffic lights have been moved to the other side of the road, and bus bumps have been moved there on the streets with one-sided traffic. For all the lands on the roads, a new road marking was applied to the white color instead of vicorist earlier yellow.

Even more collapsible tangle of problems vyyavivsya hulk transport. On the right, in the fact that the doors in Swedish buses were ripped open. І tsі bus and more could not be vikoristovuvati - it seemed that the vodієvі had a chance to visadzhuvat passengers on the part of the road. Tom in thousands of buses happened to install doors on the other side.

Great respect was given to information for the population. There was a special information booklet and a special logo, which was applied to practically all accessible surfaces. Two colored water mittens were handed out to the waters: the red lion, the right is green, which they guarded straight ahead on the left side of the road. Buv navit recordings of the radio hit "Trim to the right, Svensson."

І Axis 3rd Spring 1967 the year of the so-called ranks Day "H" - the date of the transition of Sweden from the left-hand to the right-hand car traffic.

Early in the week it started from the fact that from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m., only emergency road services, as well as cyclists, could get on the roads. On the roads for the installation of signs, light-bearing lights and other possessions, all practical workers of road services and army units were put in a full warehouse.

At 04:50 am, all the transport services were due to be carefully zupinitsya and moved to the other side of the road, after 10 hvilin it was possible to continue the traffic with the fringed swidkistyu.

And yet, despite the greatness of the number of voices, signs, publications in newspapers, television programs and plays from any radio receiver “Try to the right, Svensson”, part of the Swedes appeared not in the know of what was going on. That is why the inhabitants of the great cities happened to close the axis with such paintings on their streets.

The transition to the right-hand lane for Sweden is calm. In the first days, no accidents were registered with fatal consequences, everything was covered with crumpled wings, broken headlights and we caught the sound of water. Tsіkavo, that in the first month after the “H” Day, the accident rate decreased significantly - water became more respectful and more controlled on the roads.

Thus, from the map of Europe, another country emerged with a left-handed direction. And approximately across the river, having choked on the successful butt of Sweden, another country carried out a similar operation. Iceland was the main land.

change your mind

Until this hour, Sweden was left behind by the rest of the country in continental Europe, which was a victorious left-handed road. All the dry Scandinavian lands (Denmark, Finland, Norway) were covered with a right-handed movement, which created a lot of inconsistencies during the crossing of the cordon, especially on a long stretch and not long marked in the military cordon from Norway. Before that, a large part of the cars (similar to Swedish production) was possessed by the left kerm: a handful of Americans did not want to work special cars for such a small market, like Sweden, and they sold left-hand drive cars driven by a “good visible Uzbek”, then conservatism is right.

Advocates for the transition to the right-hand traffic, supported by a number of experts, were aware that it would lead to a reduction in accidents on the roads. Zokrema, victoria of the left kerma with right-handed Rus, gives water a short look at the smoky swag and can accept a change in the frontal glare.

Hurry up even to the fact that most of the cars at that time had standard cheap round headlights. In Europe, there has been a trend towards the transition to straight block headlights, specific for those other brands and significantly more expensive - so that the skin of the injections of the river would transform into additional stains.


Great respect was given to information for the population. A special 30-sided information booklet was issued, expanded and widely distributed (up to small prints on a woman's life) a special logo. They handed out two-coloured water mittens: red leva, green right. An informational song was broadcast on the radio "Trim right, Svensson" ("Håll dig till höger, Svensson").


Day H is scheduled for 5:00 a.m. week, September 3, 1967. All day from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m., the operation of special vehicles was fenced off (emergency services, commercial transporters were employed; bicycles were allowed). At the great places of the fence, the boulder was more advanced: for example, in Stockholm - from the 10th wound of Saturday to the 15th year of the week. In an hour of fence, the workers turned on the right lights, spreading new signs - the European sign. Through the marriage of working hands, soldiers had a chance to join.

At Day H about 4:50 am, all transport services are to blame for the bulge and change the side of the road; Rukh was allowed to continue until 5:00. At first, after the transition, a special regime was introduced for the freezing of dry matter.


In general, the transition to the right-hand side was calm. For the first two days, no fatal accident was registered - as the newspaper "Time" hung, "we got crumpled wings and we tangled up the mind." In the first month after Day H, there was a significant decrease in the rate of accidents. However, it is easy to evaluate the transition to the number of benefits on the road: having mastered the new rules of traffic, water became less respected, and the number of benefits began to grow again.

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