Pass the intersection with the additional section to the left. Turn left at the intersection with the razdilovaya smuga

A left turn, like a turn, is one of the most unsafe maneuvers. It is not safe to turn around.

In Ukraine, for example, the scheme for organizing traffic on country roads is to turn right, and then turn around, rather than turn left.

The main task when making a left turn is to give way to fast traffic?

Are you driving your vehicle before turning left or not? After an accident, don’t bother anyone.

The water of a fast-moving car has an advantage. It is necessary to give up to a car that collapses straight or to the right.

When making a left turn, you should not forget about pedestrians, especially quiet ones, who cross the road at intersections.

And when turning left, the position of these pedestrians is extremely unsafe, since, turning left-handed, the water disperses, causing water to flow directly from the steering wheel of the car.

Depending on the schemes for organizing the movement at the intersection (type of intersection), the number of objects that need to be sacrificed changes.

Main road or main green light signal

Turn left on head dose at an uneven intersection and on green, the main signal of the traffic light at a regulated intersection follows the same rules.

Basic rules for making a left turn at the front road or when the traffic light turns green:

If there is fast transport, it is immediately closer to the center of the intersection of the axis of the road along which we are collapsing.

You need to move closer to the center of the road where we are going, so that at a small intersection your car can avoid the water, which you need to go straight or to the right.

It stops before the entire intersection of the road, having not reached nearly 1.5 - 2 meters.

The intersection of the road axes is the center of the intersection.

Є two steps when turning left, if you need to drive to the center of the intersection, giving way to a speeding car - but if we have the main road or the main green light signal.

Stand up, as we do not know when the link to the axle crosses the road - this is the stand that is necessary for getting around to the final maneuver. This method will be used to prevent water from cars manual transmission gears and clutch pedal.

Well, why do you have mechanics and parts? If a fast-moving car passes through the intersection, after you complete the maneuver, it will immediately begin to crash with straight wheels on the rear stand.

And since only this car passed behind you, already in Russia, we turn the corner into a turn. So work more carefully and safely, so as not to subside across the intersection, wrapping the kerma and destroying it at the same time.

Before turning, do you still need to know how to get on your way and walk?

Whether you have an automatic machine or a robot, you can only be late. On an automatic machine, there is no need to twist like this. Pressing and driving.

I guess I’ll guess again. When making a left turn, as well as when making a U-turn, it is not safe to immediately twist the seal in the direction of the turn. If you hit me from behind, your car is on sustrichnu smuga, And there is a frontal connection.

Only turn the wheels to turn if there is already a car parked on the surface and you want to turn left-handed (turn around). Ale and here we need to be careful. So that it doesn’t happen that the sustric car comes out, and you end up deprived of the sustria smoothie.

If there is no public transport, there is no need to go to the center of the intersection. Please note, when there is no traffic, the water begins to twist the kermo into the left turn, as soon as the front wheels have passed the intersection of the road parts. When the radius of the turn increases, it is not necessary to wrap the kerma as much and the fluidity during the turn can be greater.

There is great speed in the left turn - this is “PLUS”, as we say about those who need to move directly from the direction of express transport.

Ale at the same time and “MINUS”. "Vilitavshi" from the intersection, you may not be able to catch up in front of by pedestrian crossing and hit a pedestrian.

If there is no public transport, going further to the intersection will only take up to an hour and can accidentally create an emergency situation.

The rear drivers, who were hesitating when there was fast traffic, may try to get ahead of you right at the intersection.

Signs “Give up the road” or “Rukh is fenced in without a hole”

If in front of you there is a sign “Give up the road” or “The road is completely blocked”, absolutely all cars will give up the road.

And pedestrians. Tim, how to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing before crossings. And this is how to cross the road beyond the intersection, regardless of the obvious pedestrian crossing.

If there is a sign in front of you “Give way to the road”, before entering the main road, you must cross at any objects that may be in your way, especially cars and pedestrians, who are crossing the road at the intersection.

Therefore, the objects need to be carefully pressed both to the very intersection and to the crossbar of the passing parts.

If there are no objects, you can rotate them, but reduce the speed in any case.

If in front of you there is a sign “Rukh is completely fenced in” it will be necessary in any case. Before the stop line, and behind it, before the crossbar of the walking parts.

Before the left turn, going up to the main road along another road until the intersection of roadways, you can twist the kermo to the left.

Until you cross the intersection of road parts, you need to roll with straight wheels along the axle of your road. Otherwise, with the hub, you will occupy the steering wheel of the car, the driver of which is turning with the left hand, moving up to the intersection, with the right hand facing you.

Before speaking, you can avoid a blow to the forehead from such water and not tightening the kermo. When turning left, the water starts to flow as soon as possible.

Make a cut, trying to stand up and turn left-handed in front of an approaching car. So, when you leave, you should marvel at such comrades.

If you have crossed over, so no one needs to step in, and you are standing in front of the crossing of the moving parts, only the passing crossings already begin to wrap the kermo into a turn.

Additional left arrow

The most tame, safe and Swedish way turn left - this is the additional section of the light light “to the left”. Moreover, it is independent of the main signal of the traffic light.

When the additional arrow “to the left” is on, either the main green light or the main red one, all waters that flow from other directions will light up the main red light signal. And the chervona will burn lightly for the pedestrians.

Therefore, having turned the arrow “to the left”, turn it gently, without obscuring the rear water. Just remember about those who, from walking, can drink on the red light, and who can start the roc on the light red from the water. So, as it seems, hurry up and not hurry up.

equal to intersection

When planning to turn left at the same intersection, you need to be aware of pedestrians, oncoming vehicles, and cars that are approaching the intersection on the right in front of you.

It is not safe to drive towards the center of the intersection in order to give way to a speeding car. It’s better to lose the remaining parts in front of the crossbar.

Otherwise, while you are standing at the intersection, you may be hit by a right-handed car. You yourself know what our waters are like. Don't respect two people.

And it’s easier for the inspector DAI to write a report on the driver to which other car the right-handed person is approaching. You won’t be able to figure out what your right-hand driver might do to you and avoid accidents.

The equivalent of an intersection is this problem, if you can come up with a task that cannot be solved at the additional points of the road map in the section “Transition to the intersection.”

Find out that from several sides to the same intersection, several cars were driving at the same time.

Either one of the three cars needs to turn left or turn around.

The “theoreticians” insist on what’s behind the Rules road ruhu In this situation it is necessary to act like this:

To turn left, a crimson car must drive into the center of the intersection;

The crimson car has greenery behind it;

After the green light, a yellow car passed straight ahead;

After passing the yellow one, finish your crimson maneuver.

We have already been told that it is not safe to look at the center of the equal intersection. And here paragraph 7.2 comes to the aid of watermen. PDR. No one has said anything about those who are not responsible for causing speed bumps and problems with road traffic. And all the necessary actions should be carried out summarily, correctly, respectfully and mutually responsive.

Although we really did invent situations, there are more faults with the rules.

Equal intersections are small intersections with low traffic flow intensity. And until such an intersection, everyone needs to move carefully.

Main unsafe situations when making a left turn

Speaking about unsafe situations, we will not specifically discuss the scheme for organizing the movement at the crossroads. Such situations occur at various intersections, and in this case it is more important to remember the situation itself.

1. Turning the left-handed hand, we were amazed at the fast transport. It is important to watch and walk behind the intersections with the left hand. Moreover, pedestrians need to be surprised before you start to miss the maneuver itself. Otherwise, crossing the road on foot may cause you to skid right across the road from a speeding car.

The same situation can happen if, giving way to pedestrians, you stumble front car, And the back one was deprived of the oyster smoothie.

2. Bachachi makes a fast right turn in a speeding car, you cannot start your left turn.

A fast car can go straight. You can start a left turn only after the driver has started to take a right turn.

3. You cannot fall behind the front car when the driver starts a left turn.

When the front car begins to turn left, drive rear car takes his place and, only having reached the point of transport, begins to take his left turn.

4. On multi-lane roads, it may happen that the rear car is covered by the front car when making a left turn.

If a left turn is only permitted in one row, then the traffic rules will be violated. Alas, in the minds of a real ruin, if “an hour is pennies”, no one should be surprised. And no matter what is less important, no one is punished for it. Even making a parallel turn for several cars at a time effectively saves time, as more cars can pass through the intersection. And every time the water came around like that, the smut, so that the stench rose one after another during the hour of the maneuver and thought about each other.

It turns out that a turn is allowed in two places at the same time. Then everything follows the Rules, otherwise accidents will occur no matter what happens.

Call the car that hides great dimensions. For example, a bus, trolleybus or vantazhivka.

If you try it, it will be more fraught. There may be an accident, either with passing or with transit vehicles.

If offended, the water starts to turn in the same row.

The car in front is starting to get loud.

Before speaking, the situation is when the rear one wants to go faster, and the front one begins to flare up, one of the widest.

Remember! If the front water begins and does not begin the maneuver, this is the first sign that you want to turn around.

Another situation parallel to the turn, when the front car stalls, and the rear one continues the maneuver and gets hit by a speeding car.

The front car is often a bike transport service or simply a car of drivers, which at first did not bob the speeding car, and then bobbed and stopped right at the intersection.

And it happens inadvertently. The front one, the other vehicle, is forced to accelerate, and the other one loses water under the impact.

At T-like intersections, turn from adjoining roads to the green signal of the Pompeii water traffic light before the pedestrian crossing into all the visible rows, roads, because of the stink.

In such a situation, everyone has the same number of rows of permission to turn left. You can’t have all the same cars, and “pumping” helps you pass more cars at one time.

However, two unsafe situations may arise here.

When two waters come together, don’t mix one with the other.

Or hitting a pedestrian, which one of the drivers has not passed through another vehicle.

5. And, of course, we will not forget about the situation when the crystalline water collapses into a fleeting green, which as a result becomes either yellow or red light.

It is also common for someone to go to the red light signal without admitting it. Everyone “swear honestly” who was driving towards the green, blinking signal of the traffic light.

And there is no video recording from the security camera or evidence of a broken handrail with a gunman, in an accident, you will always have to drink wine if you turn it to the left.

Therefore, it is impossible to complete the turn without overshooting the fact that no one passes the intersection directly from the sharp straight line, if you complete the turn on the red light.

Unsafe situations:

Look around the closed traffic, so stand in the right direction or take the left turn. Here comes the sustrichny roc.

Then the water starts to boil as the green color starts to glow, the liquid starts to burn, and the “normal” oyster water begins to reduce its fluidity and become thick.

There is also a row in which there are no cars anymore.

And there could be a car there, driving one, turning on the blinking green signal of the traffic light, or trying to slip through and pressing on the gas.

And when the driver is about to complete the maneuver, a car rushes in.

It turns out that before leaving for the crossing, the trooper crashed not in the right lane, but in the occupied lane, and then woke up.

Such a car is even more foldable. But in any case, you need to remember about such a car.

And as soon as there was an accident, you don’t need to walk near your car, but immediately run to the waters, which were stuck on the red light and scooped up the signs.

Or just write down the license plates of all the cars that were parked in front of the intersections, if any of them were to pass by.


At the crossroads of great roads, call for the installation of a traffic light - their signal itself regulates the traffic. If you reach the intersection, behind you take the right part of the road - if you plan to turn right, or the left part - if you do, continue to turn straight or left. In case of bad weather, if the road is rich, the people behind you will show you which way to choose. Having marked the red signal of the traffic light, you are obliged to stop in front of the “stop” line. When the light is green, the light signal informs you that you need to prepare to begin the roc, and on the green light you can cross the intersections.

If you have a green light on, you plan to turn left when there is a rush of cars ahead and you need to let them pass. If you have already reached an intersection, continue the maneuver at a high temperature until the traffic light comes on.

In a fall, if you turn to the right, your shift doesn’t care about anything, and you collapse in the same direction. In Russia, right now, you may have a cross-border at the sight of the car from the current flow, which is about to turn, but in this case the priority will be on your side - continue to chew the ruk, having crossed over, so that they will let you through.

If the traffic lights are not working properly or if they are present, you need to follow the signs. The sign looks like a yellow diamond with a white edge to indicate that you have a main road and you can chew the roc. Be respectful, under this sign there will be images indicating the direction of the main road, which is seen as a thick, dark, and not always straight, the other road is marked with a thin line. If you cross an intersection near the main road, there is no need to let other cars pass, continue your route. At the end of the day, if the main road goes to the right, and you intend to turn left, you must let through all the traffic that is rushing along the main road as the right hand turns towards you.

By walking to the intersection and having shown the sign “to give up the road” (a white jersey with a red trim), you are obliged to let through all the traffic that crosses your path. If the trajectory of the crash of other vehicles at the intersection does not overlap with your route, you can continue to chew the crash, for example, you are driving along a different road and turn to the right, and the speeding car turns towards you to the left.

At the intersection of rural or residential roads, which are not equipped with traffic lights and signs, you follow the rule of “crossing on the right”, so that you let through all the cars that are crashing right-handed in front of you. Since at such an intersection you need to turn left-handed, be sure to let through those cars that are collapsing right in front of you, so that when you turn, the right-hander may appear in front of you.

When driving a car, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all the rules for the transfer of traffic regulations on the roads, established by law. Otherwise, damage or water damage will result in penalties. And also, failure to comply with the generally accepted norms can lead to the creation of an emergency situation, which may lead to consequences.

When driving around the clock, the waters appear to be mixed up, for example, that it is absolutely necessary to turn left and turn around at the crossroads.

Riding on forks

fundamental by the traffic rules rule When making U-turns at intersections, this is the moment that the MS cannot go onto the road that goes its own direction.

In order to make a left turn according to the rules, you need to get to the place where the moving parts are moving, otherwise you may lose your way to the center of the fork, which is necessary for the ability to navigate the transport routes of the sour cream.

In this situation, it is necessary to show special respect, the fragments of victory in Russia are subject to TK, which should be straight, otherwise the appearance of becoming surrounded by machines that are turning. It will be best to wait until the moment is enough to look around, and then, if there is a mistake, make a turn.

As practice shows, it is not uncommon for the situation to go wrong if, while turning, a gap is created in another row. The waters of other cars, in a hurry, often begin to jerk, and many of them, not following the distance, drive to the middle of the fork, creating emergency situations. It’s not a good idea to bring it up, especially hanging on the dark skin. Such fragments can lead to accidents. It is necessary, obviously due to the formed situation, to adjust the pressure a little earlier, otherwise you will not have to wait until you reach the crossbar in order to move to a new place. Even if you make a left turn from the road, you can work if the handwheel becomes operational, and the car will not create additional code crossings.

Turning around on tram tracks

When making such a turn on the crossbar, where there are tram tracks, first of all, it is necessary to cross over in front of a tram, which is collapsing in the opposite direction, marveling at the rear-view mirrors. After this, check the availability of trams from the eastern route, as well as similar cars, and then make a U-turn.

Sometimes, unsatisfied waters think that they will be able to pass first, and a speedy car or a tram is still far away. Unfortunately, the reality is that such maneuvers can lead to irrevocable inheritances.

Rules for turning left at an intersection

Effective singing maneuvers, it is necessary to know the meanings traffic rules, Don't let it go emergency situations and do not break the law.

Zokrema, turn left PDR, conveys upcoming moments:

  1. Cooked until turned. It is necessary to think about this maneuver in advance in order to determine how to choose it for further transfer. When you are about to turn left-handed, you will be on the far left side on the side of the road passing straight ahead. If there is a marking that separates the sustril flows, then move closer to the marking line, which will indicate the left position of the car.
  2. Out of the middle turn. It is necessary to strictly follow this direction and not cut the cut. The fragments will be disruptive to the collapse of existing vehicles.
  3. Select trajectory. The traffic flow will be completely trimmed in that fall if the trajectory is created in such a way that the flow passes clearly through the center of the intersection. Such a roc can be allowed to spend the entire hour on its own side of the road.
  4. After the maneuver. Having completed the turn, you can fall asleep on the road, as it may be one or two inches of the hand. Please remember that the rules do not indicate the specifics of behavior in a given situation. So, you can exit manually, and then return to the row that is necessary.

Situations with a one-time turn

In practice, it is necessary to achieve a wider range of losses from the soybean rose on the fork.

When this situation arises:

  • How motorized traffic is permitted and prohibited singing signals light light;
  • since the transfer takes place along the main highway at an unregulated fork, in which the road does not change its course;
  • when traffic occurs on another highway with an unregulated crosswalk, in which the main highway is not occupied and its straightness changes;
  • when there is a crossroad, cross the intersection if the road is clear.

If there is a one-time turn to the left, the waters are adjusted to the main unspoken mind: if the intersection is small, then the exit turns with the left sides of the car, if it is large, then with the right.

On auto routes, conditions often arise due to unprepared conditions, which is necessary due to the situation in which the rules are followed. It’s also important to remember about those situations, such as the barrier maneuver. In such places, as a rule, there is a road sign, or there is a marking to inform drivers about it.

It is necessary to know what is blocked from unfolding:

  • in tunnels;
  • at pedestrian crossings;
  • at railway crossings and bridges;
  • at shipping points intended for public transport;
  • in areas where visibility is less than 100 m.

Keeping up with the current rules of the chaos on the highways, the waters may in the future be convinced that they are right, when they get into travel aid. If, when making a left-hand turn at an intersection, you maintain the required distance and do not interfere with other traffic, the possibility of getting into an accident can be reduced to a minimum.

Video: the correct way to turn left-handed

In today's statistics we will talk about those how to properly turn left at an intersection, Or rather, let’s look at two options for this maneuver, which is consistent with the rules of the road.

1. Turn left from the far left corner

2. Turn left from the two extreme left corners.

In addition, we will look at the possible problems that may arise during these maneuvers. absolutely everything Possible options It’s impossible to look at it, but we’ll try to get as close as possible. So let's get started:


With the addition of the traffic rules "Road Signs" it is stated that signs 5.15.1 "Directions for traffic in smoothies" and 5.15.2 "Directions for traffic in smoothies" go to all intersections, as other signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 are installed directly on Nyoma (most often over in pronunciation crossing) do not indicate otherwise directly. These signs allow both a left turn and a U-turn. A question that is often asked by car enthusiasts, for which there is no clear statement in the traffic regulations, so which smuga at a dose can/needs to be taken by turning at the intersection to the left from the leftmost smuga?

How can you navigate the roads by turning left-handed from the far left?

If in zagal rice, then the line of turning must pass through the mental center of the intersection, and if there is a separate dark layer, then turn to the left following such dark color behind the line, so as to pass through the center of the intersection.

It would be all right if all participants in the revolution followed these inviolable rules, then it would be possible to calmly choose trajectories and rotate, but in reality it turns out that this is not the case at all. Each member of the Ruhu, with their plans and goals, and sometimes, does not want to compromise with other participants of the Ruhu, ignoring their priority. In addition, at the regulatory intersections, the hour of the turn is surrounded by a traffic light, so that participants in the movement want to pass through the intersections at any cost. Let's take a look at the number of options available.

At regulatory intersections, the rush through the new one is surrounded by a “doubt” of traffic light signals, and, as a rule, no one wants to check the upcoming cycle. Therefore, it is certain that all the participants will want to “get to pass” at any price. This can manifest itself either in urgent actions, or, so to speak, in reasonable disregard of someone else’s priority. The number of options available will be discussed below.

STOCK FIRST: cut to turn

In this case, a couple of participants turn the hand to the left, move the lantern to the middle of the intersection, and bend to let the water flow through. As soon as there is a moment to pass an intersection, the streets begin to fall one by one, and then one of the participants begins to cut the roads in order to go into the turn. As a result, there is a very high likelihood of two cars colliding when exiting the intersection. Therefore, be respectful and show respect for the situation behind your car.


Such a situation at the intersection occurs when one of the participants in the steering wheel with the left “turn signal” does not drive to the middle of the intersection, which is good, but instead goes wrong. The other participant in the turn, who also turns left-handed, without thinking for long, hugs the first participant and stands first across the turn.

Such a “maneuver” should be performed in places for turning around and at T-intersections, so that the first ones are ready to turn around. If the main alignment does not change, the steering of the car is indicated by the inclusion of the corresponding “turn signals” and the steering does not cross, then there is no damage.

As soon as it becomes possible to complete the maneuver, the “first” ones are offended by completing the left turn and rushing forward. As a result, you may get stuck when entering a turn.

The legal advantage will be with the driver whose car is owned by the right-hand driver.

A similar situation can arise if a participant in the movement is tempted to turn left-handed from the middle or extreme right lane, following the rules for turning barriers. This situation had the effect of a surprise, since no one realized that this participant had taken and turned from the right lane. And again in this situation the advantage will be with the driver, who is right-handed. Therefore, in the event of an accident, they will not look into which lanes of water they have driven, but they will joke about the one who did not follow the rules of “crossing on the right” and also show respect for the nature of the situation, so that someone is caught up, and someone is squeezed. I’m glad that since your priority is being ignored, it’s better to skip ahead and save your nerves.

It is clear that the advantage in Russia in the situation that has arisen is that of that robber, who is now right-handed. If there is an accident and wine jokes begin, then if you cross on the right, you will have to pay attention to the nature of the situation, so that someone has caught up with someone or “wound.” To prevent unpleasantness from arising, such a situation cannot be turned off as much as possible, and you need to steadily monitor the situation around your car, and not just angrily from behind. If someone outright ignores your priority, then completely skip ahead and don’t worry about your nerves.

This is by no means the entire list of possible conflict situations when turning left-handed at an intersection; the situations can be varied and unique. Ale, let’s move on to the next part of the article in which we will look at turning left at the intersection, without permission from other areas other than the one on the far left.


In itself, turning left at the intersection of the two extreme left turns, which can also be called parallel, does not interfere with the traffic flow. She doesn’t call out until their tracks begin to move, so that if one of the participants in the movement shifts from their own misfortune to another, it creates an unsafe situation that can lead to an accident.

For the great rakhunko, the rubbish itself blames itself through the skin of the skin participant for crossing the crosshairs with the first one, and as a result, the super-chick is to blame, who is to blame for such an episode of compromising the road.

For the best situation, it is necessary to remember that signs 5.15.1 “Directions for smoothies” and 5.15.2 “Directions for smoothies” apply to all intersections, like other signs 5.15.1 and 5.15 .2, installed directly on the new one (usually All other signs appear over the pronunciation part of the intersection) do not indicate anything else directly.

In the same hour with a marking of 1.7 (short stroke, between the dark spots between the intersections), if it is, it is clear that it collapses when turning at the intersection, but in reality this marking on most of the intersection is simply not there, which does not mean that ї not at all. It’s just that if the marking is 1.7 at the intersection of the day, the dark spots between the intersection are intellectual. The problem is that people have different spaces (even more so, in the face of collapse), and not everyone can drive smoothly between their mental confusion.

If you turn left at the intersection of permissions from two extreme left corners (possibly more, less than two), then turn completely, crumbling in between your mental circles as if parallel to one another (little ones below), and then no one u are not respectable. Well, in order to get to the crossroads (left and right), it’s best to choose a distant route.

As we know, the rules do not prohibit turning left on any road where there is a turn, in paragraph 8.6 of the Road Traffic Regulations it is stated that a turn (either a left turn or a right turn) must be made in such a manner that what about the intersection of words parts, transport sіb without stopping at the sustrichny smoothie.

On the basis of this, whoever is on the road who turns left on his own road has the right to enter on whatever road he is turning on. And whenever you leave your mental troubles at the time of turning (on the crossbar of the moving parts), it is necessary to remember that in such situations the so-called rebuilding rule comes into force (clause 8.4 of the PDR).

RULE for the overdone
As the road of cars shifts, the road is obliged to give up the water that flows through its mental dark. If the restructuring is more complete (they are offended by their mental confusion), then the advantage goes to the one who is right-handed.

For example, there is often a fallout when you are offended by turning the car to the left and trying to drive into the same area. Or offended - to the extreme left, or offended - to the central or right side. If this way is bound to “get closer”, then whose advantage will be?

The one who turns from another side and refuses to go to the far left side of the road on which he turns, immediately “cheers” another participant on his right side, who, at the same time, is being angry with the new one, turning є in the same extreme leftist dark (Figure lower). Whose group of “right-wingers” sees their mental darks, therefore, in order to give way to the “left-wingers”.

So, in a “mirror” situation, if the “left” car presses the “right” one at a turn, then it’s an insult to turn left and turn to the right along the road. Only now the priorities are changing: the “Left” is forced to give in to the “Right”.

Whether the rule for rearranging at an intersection comes from the meaning of signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2, guessed at the beginning of the article (the number of signs extends to all intersections). Therefore, changing the intersections apparently with our intentions and minds of the road situation, it is necessary to embrace this fact. And the restructuring rule is laid down in paragraph 8.4 of the Road Traffic Regulations.

Everything that is written above, there is an option to correctly make a left-handed turn at an intersection, with the aim of prioritizing the traffic limit. But in reality, priority in such situations is ignored for various reasons. How can you avoid getting into an accident during such maneuvers?

The effect is such that the advantage in Russia is, as a matter of fact, dotrimannya PDR in general, does not guarantee security. For those who are vindicating their priority, it is necessary for them to deal with what is being sacrificed on their way. Because as it was said by the legal party, the car that was at fault in the accident was the one that did not compromise the plant on the right.

There are often no ideal minds for the development of priority for the simple reason that in in various situations The situation that develops at the exit from the intersection is nothing like the other.

The reasons may be different: there is a massacre in the shape of the intersection, in some cases pedestrians walk across the road, in others - on the right side there is a traffic jam, one with a trace in front, the other with a trace on the other side one car is on the left, another is on the right, There are traffic jams at the intersection, etc., and there is no universal “recipe” for avoiding an accident.

Therefore, as a basis, take the underlying rule of restructuring (clause 8.4 of the Road Traffic Regulations), and in specific situations - actions according to the situation, so that it is possible to avoid a situation. If you have priority and compromise the road, you will NOT violate the traffic rules.

That's all, I wish you good luck on your journey and don't get into an accident!

For writing articles, use materials from the site:

Some of the most serious accidents involve left-handed turning. travel minds often vikonuvati this maneuver with the singing rhizik. The result is broken ends and broken parts. Yuri Krasnov took on the difficult task of teaching cadet Katerina how to make a safe left turn. How do you look at your car? What is important when entering the intersection? In the latest issue, the booklet tells you about the tricks that can be found in water.

When turning left, you are always guilty of following the water, except for two situations - starting from small liknepu Yuri Krasnov. - Persha. When the arrow to the left is lit, the accessory section is operating. Friend. When the main road changes straight to ruin.

According to the instructor, in an unsafe situation at the crossroads, newbie waters are often wasted; Katerina, from recent times in the world Volkswagen Polo Sedan, having decided to look at three situations with a left turn.

First situation. Exit from another lane of the road to the main road, which involves this unsafe maneuver. Behind the kerm is the booklet itself: “For the cob, the meaning of the PDR is clear: between the intersections are indicated by clear lines that connect the lengths furthest from the center of the intersection of the cob rounded Known parts of the roads. That's where the huge curbs begin. It’s not our fault to wait for this rice, as we love it.”

It’s just that in such a situation we are lost. When turned around, the beads run straight into our Volkswagen. Another driver shows us: go ahead! At the end of the day, the depositor shows the message: accepted. How many times have we gotten along without conflicts? What was required under the traffic rules?

We drove to the intersection on a small speed, following behind the minibus. Yogo vodіy us bachiv. In addition, we crashed with the emergency lights on, and we didn’t know that we would make a U-turn,” explains Yuriy Krasnov. - If it turned out that we had blocked our way, it would be our responsibility to help us finish the maneuver, and that’s what happened.

Let's try the maneuver one more time. The instructor comments on his actions: “Right now I’m grinding in front of the edge of the rounded curbs. I’m amazed at how many walkers, cyclists, roller skaters, and skateboarders there are. Then hang up the front part of the car so that it becomes less noticeable. I check the possibilities, marvel at all sides. I am never in a hurry. Having checked the two, everything is clean, I’m going to perform a final maneuver.”

Another situation. Turn left if the car is on the road ahead. Allow the water to reflect the situation just ahead. Our bookkeeper also marveled in the rear view mirror: “It’s not turned off, so you can stop overtaking. This is allowed at unmarked intersections, since there is no consistent marking line. Anything I want can easily be destroyed. For example, if you turn on your car at the last moment, but the speed cannot be adjusted immediately, the axle will jump into gear. It’s not a fact that in the event of an accident you will be identified as the injured party.”

More unsafe situations. A fast driving car can show a right turn indicator, but then drive straight for any reason. In case of an accident, it will again be your fault to turn left. Therefore, the recommendation is this: roll over until the car, with the indicator on, flattens and begins to move towards the right turn.

At the intersection of Knorin and Volgogradsky streets. Behind the Volkswagen kerm is Katerina.

Don't spin your wheels! If you want to crash into the back of your car, then the car will not stand in the dark, - Yuri Krasnov talks about this aspect.

The girl carefully leans forward. Having turned over, with no one in front, he starts and calmly completes the maneuver. “There’s really nothing complicated. You just need to be respectful,” the cadet said.

Third situation. Bagatosmugova road. The axis is a classic situation on it. Cars that turn left also block your view. How can you find out that no one is walking along the court row?

There can be two scenarios: slowly hang down and tilt your head, peeking from behind the cars, or, if possible, from behind, catch a number of cars that are going to pass straight. To be honest, we absolutely don’t want another option: who else is going to raptom?

The first one does not control the instructor. It’s important: you may end up in an unmanageable situation where you turn everything around, but you end up in a “foreign” smoothie that’s too much for the roachy ones.

If you’re just standing there, you’ll never turn left, that’s for sure.

There is a real need to act according to the situation, the investor agrees. - If you turn a lot of sharp cars to the left, you need to lean in. And the most important rule for any situation: no matter what, don’t turn around!

Let's go to the folding intersection of the street. Karbishev and Logoisky tract. Inspection of the overlaps with a sustrite vantazhivka. The girl looks neat. Having checked everything so that everything is clean, the collapse begins.

It looks like a careless maneuver is behind us, but the taxi driver who was following us sharply shouts. It was even sharper and more unsettling! It turned out that the water term had to be tightened around the edge of the articulated part and thus rise to become immediately ahead of Volkswagen.

Once on the street. “I put Zakharov into an unpleasant situation,” Katerina guesses through a few words of stress. - There is a strong sustric flow. The red one had already caught fire, and the cars continued to drive away. At this moment, cars began to roll right out of the perpendicular direction, and they began to honk their horns. I had a chance to start abruptly.

you're small outside right complete the maneuver. And the fact that they weren’t allowed and also signaled, to confirm about the culture of the waters that got together, - the new instructor was unambiguous.

There is a recommendation due to the peculiarities of the operating mode of traffic lights. The situation is not turned off, so that for sensitive cars the green light will be on, but for you it will be red. Therefore, it is impossible to focus only on signals. Moreover, the waters fall not only on the “orange”, but also on the “russet”.

So you should always be amazed at a fast-paced car. The flow can calm down, but on the far right side, a fighter can fly,” Yuri Krasnov leads the way. - Conduct the maneuver in a sing-song manner, so as not to show mercy and not later prove that you are right.

At the end of the lesson, participants traditionally put up their bags: “When turning left, you must always look in the rear view mirror. As soon as you look around closed - two or three times to check the situation. When the flow is low and the red light signal is on, watch out so that you don’t pass anyone.”

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