Where should I store the waste from burning my car?

Driving school Z viperjayachy us Opel Zafira one could notice three happy glances. The water flowed lightly out of the road and, having leveled off

Ford Focus

, turning your head to our side for 10 seconds. So, on a gloomy evening you will see a car on the Moscow Ring Road with all the windows open and two wonderful people in the cabin, dressed in lute. If only the people from Opel knew that we have been driving through Kiltseva for the fourth time!

And all for the sake of one thing - to find out how the open windows in the car spill into the waste water.

It’s no secret that opening the windows destroys the aerodynamics of the car body as intended by the manufacturer and leads to increased fuel consumption.

Having pleased the photographer to dress warmer, the weather forecast did not promise us a comfortable trip to a distance of more than 100 km in a car with all the necessary windows.

Having arrived at Kiltseva, we stopped at the first gas station where we were filling up, and before the “check-in” we filled the 55-liter Focus tank with 95-liter gasoline. Right at the gas station, we reset the odometer and the indicators of the middle vitrati paliv (let's check your kidnapping). We repaired all the windows, turned on the climate control and set off on the road.

As they let us go, the Moscow Ring Road appeared empty. We set the cruise control to 95 km/year, took the driver's seat and began to discuss the topic of social inequality in Mozambique with the photographer. First kilometers 10 on-board computer showing middle of the vitrat maybe 6 liters per hundred. Then the figure actively began to decline, and when we traveled the same distance, the average consumption was up to 5 liters. Having completed another round of the Moscow Ring Road, we stop at the same gas station.

On the panel of accessories – 4.9 liters per hundred.

The odometer indicates 112.7 km.

We are moving to the third stop, a year ago we filled up the new tank, we insert the gun.

“Before the end, on the third, be kind,” - I beg the money to the cashier. I inform you that our consumption amounted to 5.8 liters per hundred. “Until the third point”,- I tell the grinning cashier how to tskat: “What do you have there, ring races?” The gun was inserted when 6.46 liters of gasoline were filled into the tank.

We take the calculator to hand and go to the parking lot.

Respected For the cob, it is time to burn it with closed windows. Divide 112.7 by 5.42 and subtract 20.79 - how many kilometers we travel on one liter of gasoline. Now we divide 100 by 20.79 and subtract the contribution - 4.81 liters per 100 km . The computer showed 4.9 liters per hundred. Now, in a similar way, it is important to pay for a car with additional windows. Pouch -

5.73 liters per 100 km . (The computer showed 5.8 liters).

In our open window, the costs of the Ford Focus 1.0 EcoBoost increased on

0.92 liters per 100 km

If the machine is equipped with a manual cooling regulator, then set the temperature regulator to the maximum value, gradually changing the cooling stage to match the speed of the fan operation.

If the air conditioner is not functioning properly, it may require refilling with freon.

This procedure is carried out practically at a skin car dealership.

However, if the leak in the refrigerant turns out to be serious, the cost of repair will be considerable.

It is also possible to check the wind filter located in the car interior. That's why it needs to be replaced. Experts are pleased to divide the service of such systems into two terms, the fragments were split up and assigned to clean roads, not proportional to our routes.

It’s not that you lack the power of a light-colored fabric, but parking a car in the shade will reduce visible results.

  • Such actions are the most effective and will help you significantly save your expenses.
  • Climate control and yogo vpliv na vitratu paliva
  • The climate control system will provide additional heat protection and ensure safe driving.
  • So, cleaning the glass will make it easier to look at, and
  • automatic control

temperature and moisture will ensure the efficiency of water.

This is especially important when driving large distances and when transporting unsafe cargo.

  • The climate control system in our time is a richly functional solution for the car interior:
  • you will be reinstated and promptly leave the salon;

So it turns out that any installation that produces electricity takes part of the engine's load.

One day is enough to get rid of the hot water in the climate control system.

So, if your robot has no need for such devices, just turn them on.

This way, you lose significant benefits that keep the fuel in the tank of the car, and therefore in the influx of reasonable consumption.

Please note that the generator components have developed the function of heating the windshield in such a way that the air conditioner automatically turns on when it is turned on.

The decals are difficult to mark because there is no corresponding indicator on the panel. Therefore, be sure to follow the operation of the air conditioner and turn it off independently. During the heavy summer heat, it is important for the water to be sealed, and especially if your car has such features as climate control and air conditioning.

However, if there is no air conditioning in the car interior, it is necessary to restore the environment so that there will be significant damage to the heat, no matter what.

Effective control of combustion is entirely possible with a low-voltage air conditioner, especially if you pay attention to the condenser unit and its position before the engine cooling radiator.

Ways to save money on air conditioner installations

Just a few simple things and just an hour effective ways To save money, turn on the inlet, taking into account the possibility of turning on the air conditioner.

So, in case of traffic jams or low fluidity, it is better not to use the air conditioner and instead open the window, and in case of high fluidity, as a matter of fact, close the window if possible and turn on the air conditioner. Please note that the air conditioner temperature you set is not 5 degrees lower than what is outside - you will not only protect yourself from the heat, but also protect yourself from sudden temperature changes . It is also not a good idea to install the air conditioner if the car is stationary.

idle run In this situation, the engine becomes more powerful, and, obviously, the engine begins to perform better than the engine. Vitrata fire is a very important topic for any waterman.

Especially in

summer period

, if you are planning long trips, roads, voyages on Pivden and in. Doctors know that many modern cars are equipped with air conditioners and climate control systems, which are based on the air conditioner. This topic is periodically discussed on forums dedicated to cars, about the power supply and the power supply for turning on additional devices and air conditioning.

Often the topic of injecting air conditioner into the air conditioner has already been discussed in the article “Swidkist, air conditioner and air conditioner.”

This article stated that when the air conditioner is turned on during a crash, the road is not displayed

in English

A car equipped with an on-board route computer allows you to increase fuel consumption when the air conditioner is turned on. Table 1. Table 1 contains real data taken from the beginning of the summer of 2012.

Increased heat loss when the air conditioner is on

Table 1

As can be seen from Table 1, turning on the air conditioner increases heat consumption by 0.5 l/year.

Of course, when the engine is running in an unfriendly mode, turning on the air conditioner reduces fuel economy.

Why is there not a noticeable increase in wasted fire under the hour of the collapse of the highway?

Table 1 shows that the air conditioner consumes 0.5 l/year.

It is acceptable that the air flow rate of the air conditioner in normal Russia should be 0.5 l/hour.

So, in a normal Russian car with a speed of 100 km/year, the air conditioner is turned on, giving an increase in fuel consumption of approximately 0.5 l/year.

In other words, the fuel consumption in normal Russia on the highway may increase by 0.5 l/100 km. This is the maximum value of the vitrat of the heater, controlled by the operation of the air conditioner. In reality, the route has a much different character.

When the water is running economically, the water flows under the fluid flow marks (until the intersection is reached) with the gas pedal released

mitteva vitrata burning

equal to 0 l/100 km.

Thus, when driving on the highway in economy mode, the air conditioner delivers heat consumption of less than 0.5 l/100 km. On average, it turns out that the air conditioner delivers (depending on the topography of the highway, the number of overtaking and other factors) 0.2-0.3, rarely 0.4 l/100 km. Such values ​​of fuel consumption are found between the practical accuracy of measurements and are often masked by other factors. Table 2.

Vitrata paliva, fascination with the car and the character of the rouhu On average, it turns out that the air conditioner delivers (depending on the topography of the highway, the number of overtaking and other factors) 0.2-0.3, rarely 0.4 l/100 km. Table 2

Vitrata paliva, fascination with the car and the character of the rouhu So, for example, a trip with water and a passenger with the air conditioner on

(the route and route of the Ruhu Novy) is accompanied by an average flow rate of 5.9-6.1 l/100 km. One person's trip On average, it turns out that the air conditioner delivers (depending on the topography of the highway, the number of overtaking and other factors) 0.2-0.3, rarely 0.4 l/100 km.(the route and route have not changed) is accompanied by an average fuel consumption of 5.7-5.9 l/100 km.

with the air conditioner turned on

(the route and route have not changed) is accompanied by an average fuel consumption of 5.6-5.7 l/100 km. Doctors know that many modern cars are equipped with air conditioners and climate control systems, which are based on the air conditioner. vitrat paliva because

masked by other factors.

How does the air conditioner flow into the boost dynamics?

How does the air conditioner contribute to the increased dynamics of the car? Absolutely negative. Air conditioner (as well as other everlasting possession) during its operation, it uses up some of the engine's effort.

To support a smooth flow of power in the spirit of the benefits permitted by the “Rules”

road ruhu

“The entire power of the engine is not required, so part of the power can be spent on operating the air conditioner. With intense acceleration of the water, all the power of the engine is required, which is why there is a noticeable decrease in the dynamic dynamics of the car when the air conditioner is turned on. It is especially noticeable on low powered engines.

Operating vehicles with engine power less than 100 liters.

    showed that during intense overtaking, especially uphill, it is better to turn off the air conditioner or climate control system, so that the car can improve its dynamics.

    More dynamics

    heavy vehicles

    (with an engine tension of more than 100 hp) the air conditioning system or air conditioner does not produce such a noticeable surge, or, admittedly, this surge is not so noticeable.

    You can say it more casually,

    The air conditioner, which operates as a supplementary system, will increase the vehicle's heating costs.

However, this does not mean that the air conditioner should be removed;

The increase in heat loss in Russia with a working air conditioner is insignificant and often appears between the effects of extinction or is masked by other factors;

The active air conditioner flows into the exhaust air (increasing the exhaust air) in a smaller amount, lower than the car's interior;

The dynamic style of driving essentially promotes the burning power of the fire;

Economical operation reduces the amount of heat generated when the air conditioner is running; The air conditioner, which is running, reduces the acceleration dynamics of the car.

Mostly it is suitable for cars with an engine capacity of less than 100 hp. 2012 website.
All rights reserved.
Good luck on the roads!
The more important the car, the more fire there is.

Check the tire pressure regularly. We recommend 1 time every 2 years.

Picking up the vitrati pole- This is a smooth roar, and this is not a strong one.

In new cars, the first 10-15 thousand km burn out a little more than normal - this is normal.

Shift in gear and galvanization of the engine will give greater savings, lower shift in neutral gear for a modern car.

The condition of the road surface flows into the vitrata of the burning - more: the road is full of potholes, the road is wet, slimy... low gear, forging, skidding

Few car enthusiasts are not interested in economical storage operation transport department.

Let’s take it as “twin cars”: a car of the same make, model, in the same configuration, different owners will have different fuel consumption. Vitrata burning with head rank to lie in the style of water (manners of water), minds of exploitation, so that the fire will stagnate oilseed materials


  • Vitrata is optimal for the transport department. Constantly control the pressure of the tires (the pressure of the tires is indicated in the table on the filler neck);
  • fire tank
  • warm up the engine in Russia;
  • uniqueness of frequent and sharp acceleration;
  • carry out mixing of gears, ensuring that the engine operates at a frequency of 2/3 of the maximum frequency;
  • Carry out regular technical maintenance;
  • do not carry unnecessary ballast in your car (the more important your car is, the more it will burn);
  • do not install additional external equipment that will affect the aerodynamic characteristics of the car; refuel with yak fire

, let's assign it to the virobnik. Vitrata of fire really increases in Russia near high places, at short distances (the engine does not reach operating temperature), when driving, when driving around the city. Season of roku - collection of vitrat paliva more, lower vlitku:

winter tires

, troubleshooting, warming up the car, increased wear and tear of light fixtures, worsening of the road surface, etc. How does the air conditioner flow in? The air conditioning system is in current car You can’t afford to protect it - for standard minds, if for you 3 - 5% is not enough, try to do without an air conditioner.

At the same time, when the air conditioner is running

So, you didn’t have mercy!

Cars are more economical if they are made in light colors - reported by researchers from the Californian city of Berkeley. Yesterday we took two new cars, painted in black and silver colors, and carried out investigations - in full swing dovkilla

(sun) under the hour of operation of the car air conditioner.

As a result, it was found that the temperature in the interior of a light-colored car was on average 5-6 degrees lower, lower in the interior of a black one, and similar to the cooling of the interior of a light-colored car, 13% less energy was wasted, for cooling black.

For a fraction of the energy consumption per hour of operation of the air conditioner, the burning of a silver car is 1.1% less, less black. How does the width of the wheel fit into the vitrata? Wide wheels make the aerodynamic support much more narrow.

Apparently, the waste of fire is increasing and inadvertently.

  • The best option is the size of the wheels and tires recommended by the manufacturer. Regularly carried out technical service
  • car allow you to change the cost of the fuel.
  • Before you think about it - more vitrat paliv:
  • unexpected replacements
  • air filter
to 10 %;

non-working candles, burning up to 10%;