Basic computer programs for schoolchildren.


Driving school

Katerina Morozova

Reading hour: 8 hvilin


In our time, people of old age can no longer imagine living without phones and tablets.

What do they already say about schoolchildren and students, for whom living without a smartphone is already unthinkable.

Of course, this is a bad idea (as any doctor can confirm), if you can’t get it out of it, you’d like to download a bunch of cool programs to your high school student’s smartphone.

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! Extremely brown, handy, useful for skin and skin.

Especially for schoolchildren and students with their “girl” memory.

Notepad for necessary notes (seminars/lectures, homework, etc.);

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! creation of special notebooks by several koristuvachs for the search for quick solutions;

Vikoristannaya for admin/notification and information.



Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! Extremely brown, handy, useful for skin and skin.

ABBY Lingvo

One of the shortest transfers.

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! Extremely brown, handy, useful for skin and skin.

A handy addition from all sides.

440 rub.


Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! Extremely brown, handy, useful for skin and skin.

This collection of encyclopedias is for the benefit of every student.

Here you will find everything you can about control robots.

There is no longer any need to carry books, flash drives and laptops with you.

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! There are enough programs to support almost all reading formats.

One of the most guilty “readers” to help the rodents of science.


That corisna “halo” is handy for forgetful students.

You can remain calm - now you have everything under control!

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! We have discovered an extremely handy program that will help you record all your records for months ahead and guess about them instantly.

About Evernote distributors.

This addition is for students who need to scribble ideas and notes onto their notepad.

A program to help you learn independently - from level to level, in a gaming manner.

For Russian-speaking foreigners - the acquisition of German and English languages.

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! Extremely brown, handy, useful for skin and skin.

One of the most exciting cartographic projects to help the teaching of any VNZ or any school.

In addition, you will find the most accurate and up-to-date maps of the country and place with hidden facts, statistics and facts, including weather and news.

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! Here you can also calculate the parameters, change the filters, and add “pins” for a quick search, etc.

66 rub.


Are you getting ready to sleep?

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! Do you need visual structure for your materials?

This program will provide you with the ability to formulate any schemes on an endless “canvas”, ideas and plans.

For this purpose, you can change the font, adjust the colors, etc.


Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! Extremely brown, handy, useful for skin and skin.

If you unblock the “export” option, you will have to pay 279 rubles.


Advanced technology (together with neuropsychologists) - a program for brain storming.

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! With this help, you can clearly prepare for important rosum achievements, increase your intelligence, improve your memory and concentration.

As training is realized, special authorities are responsible for the task of different levels of foldability.

Do you need a smart voice recorder?

This is the program for you!

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! With this help you can record sound in 4 formats, enhance/shorten up the sound, add notes and shortcuts, organize files into folders and edit recorded fragments.

There is also rewinding, manual search for records and other useful options. You can save audio clips directly into Evernote, and then send them by mail or export them to Dropbox.

129 rub.

Full version: 599 rub.


The edge is a brown “gut” supplement, which allows you to find out what kind of food you eat.

Advanced training with ABBYY gives you more capabilities, and your proficiency with the programs is completely improved.

An addition that will benefit not only students and schoolchildren, but also rich adults.

If you have problems (or problems) with writing, then download the program without hesitation!

It is no longer necessary to guess at the same time and write “not” with words, 2 or 1 “n”, with or without a soft sign.

Hey, let's get our smartphone before school! A dictionary program that functions in offline mode, quickly fill the memory gap!

Also here you can choose the correct placement of division signs and find out the correct voice.

99 rub.
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Knowing that it is much simpler and easier to get used to is to choose your assistant assistants wisely.

There is no need to carry around a bunch of handbooks and pore over crib sheets all night.

All you have to do is load your smartphone with all the programs - and everything will come to mind in an easy and accessible form.

There are so many of them that your eyes run wild and you don’t know where to start.

To prevent you from drowning in a sea of ​​information,


Having selected only the best programs for schoolchildren and students.



PhotoMath is a calculator that uses a smartphone camera - just point the camera at a mathematical problem, and PhotoMath will immediately provide you with step-by-step solutions to the problem.


Unraveling of ranks by krok

The calculator can calculate all types of equations (except differential ones), correct expressions and apply to enter your options.

The report shows solutions to quadratic, simplest trigonometric equations.

Spelling of Russian language

"Spelling" is a test, a game, and a quiz.

The words in which you find rewards will appear in future tests, so that you memorize them memorably.

Spell-checking will help you spend time and improve your spelling and literacy.

Accordingly, you can prepare for the Russian Federation.

Grammar of Russian language

30 works of literature from grades 9 to 11 at a glance.

Works without internet connection.

Various intelligent landowners have long infiltrated our life.

Today, no one is called upon to have a smartphone or tablet; such technology is available and widely represented! However, gadgets are associated with excitement, and even with their help, you can simplify the process of learning a school program, without the need for a few special add-ons. With them, learning will become handy and interactive.

Lessons in English, German, French and Spanish are available for Russian language teachers.

You can take an unlimited number of courses at the same time. First of all, the addition means the exact level of preparation, after which an individual program will be created. DuoLingo focuses on basic vocabulary and the foundations of short lessons and meals.

For greater motivation, you can count the number of hours spent on starting a day. Without exaggeration we can say that Photomath

- Camera calculator.

Instead of traditional data entry, the addition of a vikory camera for recognizing mathematical applications.

For ease of reference, you can consider safe zones, for example: a school, a booth, a football section, etc.

The service will notify the fathers that the child has left or been deprived of the designated territory.

In this case, the program maintains the right to special space, if necessary, you can immediately turn on the tracking of your smartphone.

Another essential tool for a student is a tablet with an Internet connection. Our order has revealed a great choice for the child. For your small pennies, covering your tablet with a cover is extremely unexpected!

Even if you don’t have a smartphone, it’s easier to view web pages and documents on a tablet. As we begin, we are increasingly seeing books and accessories in electronic format that we need to keep busy. I mean that readers react more calmly to a tablet than to a smartphone – a toy.

Polaris Office is a universal mobile office suite with support for Word, Power Point, Excel, Google Docs and Adobe PDF documents. Helpers, methodical assistants, control robots - the program gets the hang of it! Moreover, the add-on is lightweight - it takes up about 50 MB, which makes it very practical on any device.

YouTube is the most popular video hosting service, which is considered an important resource.

I would like to publish video lectures that will help you master the material and prepare for tests and tests.

Today's knowledge is available as never before, important aids go to another plane, all you need is a handful of electronic gadgets!

To complete the picture - electronic reader.

The editors of Trashbox got to know the reader.

Your internal storage device with a capacity of 4 GB can accommodate the necessary literature.

There is no place for listening to music that can be heard at the same time as reading.

There is also a slot for microSD memory cards up to 32 GB.

We have clearly realized that electronic gadgets are the indispensable assistants of the daily student, as they have wide possibilities and therefore ease the execution of everyday tasks!

If such a technology is in the future, it is necessary to change your settings before it.

Even a smartphone, tablet and e-reader are not just toys, but powerful working tools that promote the effectiveness of your work!

Behind the skin technique there is a table with automatic display of results.

If such a technology is in the future, it is necessary to change your settings before it.

Bali needs to be placed in the middle of a gray color.

Remove the skin marks and enter them before the Diagnostic Sheet.

The archives contain materials from diagnostics.

Whole audience: for 3rd grade

Analysis of dictation and grammar in 1st grade with individual diagnosis of skin lesions.
The teacher will pay a badge for the work;

If such a technology is in the future, it is necessary to change your settings before it.

If you have already started to make a meal, you need to put + from the drop-down list, if there are no benefits, you will leave the bag empty.

The upper middles are active – you can enter the classification of the mixtures.

In individual arches, the program carries out automatic processing of data based on skin studies.

The table has instructions.

Whole audience: for 3rd grade

Subject: Russian language

The table contains a summary of the initial findings, as the reader evaluates the fate of the student.

For evaluation, a 5-point system is used (description available).

The skin tone will be displayed after the head table is filled in.

The template has been modified: you can change the class to quarter, as described in the table.

The table is folded behind the material of Berdikulova L.I.

After entering the results of the skin tests, the program displays an analysis of the work performed.

Whole audience: for 3rd grade

The template has been modified: you can change the class to quarter, as described in the table.

The number of correctly written commands, the nicknames of the students who ran into each other's commands, is displayed.

On individual arches, according to the teachings, the names assigned to a high level are displayed;

Smart, where do you need to increase your respect?

Or if you send him to school, lyceum or gymnasium, the assistants at the beginning are never aggressive.

We have selected 35 sites from which the school program will become a sacred thing for both children and fathers.
1. - this is a reference book, there are video lessons, simulators and tests for all school subjects from grades 1 to 11.
2. - a beautiful program that has a planetarium.
Indispensable for everyone who is interested in astronomy with an eye to the fact that this subject will inevitably appear in the school curriculum.
You can view nebulae and galaxies on this site for hours.

3. - on the site there are ready-made homework from various items and accessories, and other valuable items here are divided into online versions of school guides and biographies of Russian writers.

4. – “Swedish” lessons from the English language for beginners.
5. – with 2000 creative school programs in a short presentation.

6. – interactive service for learning English.

Є cost-free and paid access extensions (availability on the river is limited to 2-3 lessons with a tutor).
7. is a large online children's library that contains texts of software works from literature from grades 1 to 11.
On the portal you can read software works online
8. – a great educational and information portal about the rules and principles of Russian language.
9. – a portal that collects content from various resources, books and texts from all subjects of the school program.
15. – project of the Department of Foreign Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University.
Lectures on physics and a separate section for schoolchildren “Popular about science”.
16. - fund of publications in chemistry, including tutorials and workshops on the subject, including in the MDU im.
17. – interactive multimedia guide with organic chemistry for schoolchildren.
18. – electronic introductory course “Vidkrita Biology” with a subsection of “Botany”, “Zoology”, “People”, “Galna Biology” and “Ecology”.
19. - megaencyclopedia about the creatures that inhabit the planet. is a national project that collects author’s research and presentations from teachers on all subjects.
21. - the main portal with a large number of lectures, testimonies and experts on various subjects.
22. – universal popular science online encyclopedia.
23. - a universal dictionary and interdisciplinary encyclopedia.
24. – electronic library of non-fiction literature

25. is an online platform where students learn school subjects in an interactive and fun way.

In addition, subject olympiads are held here and archives of past olympiads are stored.
26. - useful quests and tasks in mathematics, logic, reading and English language for children aged 5-10 years.
Pixelmania is one of the most common tasks on the site, children can end up with them for a long time.
27. - collection of lessons from primary school from 1st to 4th grades from mathematics, Russian language, life sciences and literacy.
Access is paid, but the price per river does not exceed thousands of rubles.
28. - a magazine dedicated to specialties and studies in mathematics, linguistics, physics and other sciences.
29. – online courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, technology, architecture, mystical science, linguistics.
30. - free basic videos and lessons from physics and mathematics.
35. – online translation of a dozen languages, as well as grammar of English, German and French languages.

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