Zagalni vimogi traffic rules. Water vehicle. Skilki passing parts may be given the road

1. It is not allowed to collapse to walkers:

§ sidewalk;

§ Uzbek;

And if you don’t know how much you need to know the rules to behave properly.

Axis of kіlka corisnyh porads:

    check the bus or trolleybus on the sidewalks in a specially designed area, on the teeth; Calmly get on and off the bus, so as not to disturb other passengers; Do not respect water. Silence is needed for Yomu, so that he will be interested in Russian transport; Be respectful to other passengers. Take a look at the past and the admissions of a woman of a summer person, a young mother with a child, a disabled person, etc. DONT MAY SIT A PIDLITOK, BUT A PENSIONER STAND! Don't spoil and don't go crazy inside the bus or trolleybus; When you get out of the car, buckle up, while the bus is in sight, to cross the road. Remember that the bus should bypass the rear, so that other cars can be taken.



YAKI LOVE TO RIDE on roller kovzan.

    Do not drive on a part of the road on roller shovels and do not ride on the sidewalk! It’s safer to ride only in specially designed places - parks, paths, squares and maidanchiks. Always put on the zakhist: Sholom, elbow pads, knee pads, zakhist for the wrist. Be especially respectful of the date before the possible transfer on the road. For your safety, it is necessary to handle them carefully. Never mind transport costs! Do not ask your friends to make you stronger! And never ride from the mountain - in the woods, not far from the road, on the floor and repair roads. Be respectful when riding in richly crowded places: small children can be big, people of a frail age can walk freely, mothers can walk with baby strollers - DO NOT catch them!


For the sake of the fathers

1. When approaching a pedestrian crossing or a crowd of pedestrians, roll over the traffic, so as not to overwhelm the traffic in the next rows, do not allow other cars to overtake;

2. Be-yaky pіshohіdny transition sіd proїzhdzhati on nіkіy shvidkostі, scho not obganyayuchi іnshі cars;

3. Before getting out of large-sized transport, switch over, don’t “curl” your car, look at pedestrians, reduce speed, be ready to galvanize;

4. When using Russian transport, watch out for "unsafe" pedestrians near the passing part. After remembering the children, remember: blame you, shvidshe for everything!


1. Having commemorated a group of children on the prozhdzhiy part of the street, show respect, there are no “stand-ups”. Tі, hto zzadu, do not mark the troubles!

2. You hit the ball, check the kids to run after it. Lower the speed and get ready for the galvanization;

3. Remembering the walker to live in front of the fishing machine, remember that you are guilty, better not to fight for everything. Reduce the speed and be ready for galvanization;

4. Having reminded children or a group of children to walk along the sidewalk with their backs to your car, be careful. Watch out for the kids!

pickup by carє part of the everyday life of the skin of a modern person. without permission water and driving a car a person to get close to the freedom to move in space. On our website, you can get acquainted with the materials on, i.
And you can also know what you need without knowledge. learning practical water in learning freedom of choice auto-instructor s vodіnnya, i tim more student can not evaluate or equal professional vigor and ability instructor. Skin people for getting rich skills water cost per year autoroll. Tse to lay down like in the special zdіbnosti of the most learned, so and in auto-instructor. services private instructor the cost is not so expensive, but it gives you the opportunity to get a job and an instructor from a driving school. It's no secret to anyone that additional run-up h instructor driving schools are often more expensive than services private instructor with water .

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So you can prepare yourself to be drunk in the traffic police. For whom, on the site, give the following materials online іspit.

On the site you can learn about the basics of water workmanship, as well as get the form of water skin instructor training. It's not a secret for anyone that auto-instructors use different methods in training. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to learn from the building to take information in different ways, and also to lie down and in the form of pridbanih, water novice in a driving school.

If you have learned how to drive a car, or if you want to improve and complete your driving skills, then you need to know an instructor for driving a car on manual transmission or automatic transmission. What would it be like to know how an autoinstructor conducts training? You have to select a suitable instructor and look over the voice of the voice, which describes the information about the promotion of services in the field of water. On which car and with which gearbox ( manual transmission,automatic transmission) Run forward. For yak routes, a primary race is carried out.

It is important to know that a leather instructor teaches different and vicorist methods to learn. Choose a good one, but it’s hard to finish the instructor yourself. Wart to go to the tsgogo nutrition seriously and vidpovidally, so that the results would not embarrass themselves for a long time. So you can deal with the instructor without intermediary your questions.

butt: Parking, increasing the distance, working with a steering wheel, driving and a lot more.

know: An individual pidhіd is shorter than a “conveyor” one.

Our auto-instructors will help you feel inspired by the kerm and not be afraid of the road. On our site 1avtorul you can choose a private auto-instructor for a driver. Read related topics navchannya water. Dznatisya on some initial cars to be carried out auto rolling. How to get water from an autoinstructor. What an instructor has had a good job, and so it’s like a wine to learn water and a little cost of his service.

Information for instructors:

Our site is so self-supporting with instructors in different places of Russia. The auto-instructor can talk about his services.

The Rules have the following meanings and terms:

"Avtomagistral"- the road, marked with the sign 5.1 ** and may for the skin directly move the passage of the part, in the Kremlin, one in one of the split smug (and if it is open, - road fences), without crossing in the same lane with other roads, railroads or trams, other roads tracks.

"Autotrain"- mechanical transport zasib, zcheplene with the trailer(s).

"Bike"- transport zasіb, krіm іn wheelchairs, yak mає prinaymnі two wheels і be driven as a rule m'yazovoї energі їy osіb, yakі perebuvayut on tsomu transport zasobі, zokrema for the help of pedals or handles, і can also be as much as possible in the mode of the electric motor trivial drive, which does not exceed 0.25 kW, automatically turns on at a speed of over 25 km / year.

"Cyclist"- a person who likes a bicycle.

"Bicycle path"- Structurally, water reinforcements in the part of the road passing through and the pavement of the road element (otherwise the road), designations for traffic cyclists and sign designations 4.4.1.

"Water"- a person, as if by some kind of transport, chasing, guiding the way of the upper, upper and upper creatures or a herd. The initial water is equal to the water.

"Vimusena Zupinka"- pripinennya ruhu transport zasobu through yogo tekhnіchnu nepravnіstnost or nebezpeka, svoryuvana vantage, scho to be transported, camp water (passenger) or pereskodoy on roads.

"Head Road"- the road is marked with signs 2.1, 2.3.1-2.3.7 or 5.1, according to the distance to the gravel (which is close), or the road with hard coatings (asphalt-i cement concrete, stone materials thinly) according to the distance to the dirt, otherwise be - as the road by extension to the vizdіv from the adjacent territories. The presence on another row of roads without a middle in front of the crossroads of the plot with covers does not break even for the values ​​​​of the crossroads.

"Days of fire"- zvnіshnі svіtlі vlady, prichenіnі for polіpshennya visibility ruhomoy transport zabu front in the light hour doby.

"Road"- lined or pristosovana and vikoristovuvan for the transport of transport facilities smug land or the surface of the piece sporud. The road includes one or more sections of railway parts, as well as tramways, sidewalks, Uzbek and smoky streets with their presence.

"Road Rukh"- sukupnіst suspіlnyh vіdnosin, scho vykayut in the process of moving people and vantage for additional transport zabіv or without such at the borders of the road.

"Road and Transport Use"- podіya, scho viniklo in the process due to the cost of transport zabou i z yogo part, in case of death, or injured people, injured transport workers, sporud, vantage, or zapodіyano іnshiy material congestion.

"Zalіznichny transfer"- crossroads of the road with transshipment stakes on one river.

"Route Transport Zasib"- transport zasіb zagalny koristuvannya (bus, trolleybus, tram), recognized for the transportation of people on the roads and rushes behind the established route with the designated places of zupinki.

"Mechanical transport zasib"- transport zasib, crim of a moped, which is driven by a dvigun. The term is also expanding to include tractors and self-propelled vehicles.

"Moped"- two or three-wheeled mechanical transport zasib, the maximum design speed of which does not exceed 50 km / year, which can move the internal combustion engine with a working volume, which does not exceed 50 cubic meters. cm, or the electric motor with a rated maximum exhaustion in the tribal drive mode is more than 0.25 kW and less than 4 kW. Quadricycles are compared to mopeds, which can
similar technical characteristics.

"Motorbike"- two-wheeled mechanical transport zasib with a side trailer or without it, the working volume of the engine of some kind (at the time of the internal combustion engine) is moving 50 cubic meters. see or the maximum constructive speed (with any engine) moving 50 km / year. Tricycles are compared to motorcycles, as well as quadricycles with a motorcycle landing or a motorcycle kerm
type, which may have an unfavorable weight, which does not exceed 400 kg (550 kg for transport costs, indications for the transportation of weights) without upgrading the mass of batteries (in terms of electrical transport costs), and the maximum efficiency of the engine, which does not exceed 15 kW.

"Population item"- the territory was forgotten, in the direction of the yak and the sight of the sign 5.23.1, 5.23.2, 5.24.1, 5.24.2, 5.25, 5.26

"Lack of visibility"- the visibility of the road is less than 300 m in the minds of fog, wood, snowfall thinly, and also during the day.

"Obgin"- the expiration of one or more transport costs, due to the departure of the smuga (before the passing part), is recognized for the western rush, and the coming turn in the early part of the smuga (before the passing part).

"Uzbіchchya"- an element of the road, which adjoins without a middle to the passing part on the same level with it, which is considered by the type of cover or vision for additional markings 1.2.1 or 1.2.2, which is vikoristovuetsya for the traffic, the teeth and the parking lot are in line with the Rules.

"Visibility is limited"- the visibility of the waters of the road in a straight line, surrounded by the relief of the landscape, the geometric parameters of the road, the growth, budovy, spores and other objects, including transport facilities.

"Nebezpeka for ruhu"- a situation that has been blamed in the process of road traffic, in case of any continuation of traffic, in the same way, directly and from the wind, I create a threat to the road traffic accident.

"Unsafe vantage"- speeches, made out of them, in the course of virobnicho and іnshої gospodarskoї ї diyalnostі, yakі by virtue of the authorities attached to them can cause a threat to the life and health of people, zavdat navkodishnomu middle, poshkodite or motherhood.

"Viperedzhennya"- ruh transport allowance from the speed, greater speed of the passing transport allowance.

"Organized transportation of a group of children"- organized transportation of eight and more children in buses, which can not be brought to the route transport facility.

"Organized food column"- a group of people has been appointed to point 4.2 of the Rules, collapsing along the road in one straight line.

"Organized transport column"- a group of three and more mechanical transport zasobіv, yakі direct without intermediary one after one on one and the same smooth flow with permanently switched on headlights in the main transport system with special color schemes applied on the outside surface and flashing beacons of blue and red colors.

"Zupinka"- navmisne pripinennya ruhu transport zabobu for an hour up to 5 hvilin, and also for more, as it is necessary for landing or disembarkation of passengers, or zavantazhennya or rozvantazhennya transport zabobu.

"Island of security"- an element of road cladding, which divides the flow of traffic along the straight lines (including smuga for cyclists), constructively seeing a curbstone over the carriageway part of the road, or designating technical methods for organizing traffic flow and assigning a crossing to the pedestrian part of the road. To the island of safety, a part of the rozdilovo smuga can be placed, a pishohidny passage is laid through the yak.

"Passenger"- a person, a crim water, who is in a transport barrier (on a new one), as well as a person, like entering a transport barrier (siding on a new one) or exiting a transport barrier (getting off a new one).

"Parking (parking area)" - Specially, with the non -chosenly, I was the way of the Mix, in that number of the auto -mmobno roads I (abo) to the proxy, Uzbekchi, EBOCADI PASTO PIDACADS ABOS ABOS. єkіv street and road barriers, budіvel, sporud or sporud and recognized for organized parking of transport facilities on a paid basis, or without coordinating payment for the decisions of the clerk of the second clerk of the motor road, the clerk of the land plot or the clerk of the weekday part

"Cross"- a place of intersection, lying down or rozgaluzhennya roads on one level, bordered by obvious lines, which crosses the middle of the road, the largest distance from the center, crossing the cob rounded off the proeznyh parts. Do not vvazhayutsya crossroads viїzdi from adjacent territories.

"Perebudova"- borrowed from a borrowed smuga or borrowed from a row of savings from the first straight line.

"Pishohid"- a person, like a bula posture for transportation on the road and not bending to her work. Individuals are brought up to walking, like falling in wheelchairs without a motor, driving a bicycle, a moped, a motorcycle, carrying a sled, a cart, a child or a wheelchair, and also vicorist for re-sleeping roller-shoes, scooters and other similar devices.

"Pishohidny transition"- a caravan of the carriageway, tram tracks, signposts 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 and visions for pedestrian traffic across the road. If the layout is visible, the width of the crossover is determined by the difference between signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

"Pishohidna path"- lined or attached to the soil for the movement of the soil, or the surface of the piece spore, marked with the sign 4.5.1.

"Pishohidna zone"- Territory, recognized for ruhu pishokhodiv, the cob and end of which are marked by signs 5.33 and 5.34.

"Pishohidna and bicycle path (Bicycle-pishohidny path)"- Structurally, the fencing of the passing part of the road element (or other side of the road), the appointments for split or sleeping with pedestrians, the traffic of cyclists and designations by signs 4.5.2-4.5.7.

"Smuha ruhu"- be it from the late smoky part of the road, it is marked or it is not marked with a mark and may be wide enough for a car to move in one row.

"Smuga for cyclists"- smuga of the traffic part, recognized for traffic on bicycles and mopeds, with a horizontal marking on the roadway and marked with sign 5.14.2.

"Perevaga (priority)"- the right to the first movement in the planned direct way for the transfer to other participants in the movement.

"Pereshkoda"- non-destructive object on the route (incorrect or defective transport zasib, defect in the passage part, third-party objects, etc.), which does not allow moving on to this route. Chi not є pereskodoyu congestion or transport zasіb, scho zupinilosya on tsіy smuzі ruhu vіdpovіdno vymog Rules.

"Attached territory"- Territory, without intermediary, lay down to the road and is not recognized for, all-round traffic of transport facilities (courtyards, housing estates, parking lots, gas stations, businesses, etc.). Rukh on the adjacent territory is subject to compliance with these Rules.

"Prichip"- transport zasіb, not possessing a dvigun i is recognized for ruhu in a warehouse with a mechanical transport zasob. The term also expands to napіvprichepi and prichepi-releases.

"Prozhdzha part"- an element of the road, assignments for traffic without rails transport zasobіv.

"Rozdilyuvalna smuga"- an element of the road, structurally and (or) for additional marking 1.2.1, which divides the sum of the parts and not the purposes for the traffic and the zubinka of the transport facilities.

"Maximum weight allowed"- the weight of the ordered transport order with the weight, the driver and the passengers, is set by the receptionist as the maximum allowable. For the maximum weight allowed to the warehouse of transport costs, so that they are locked and ruhomih as one purpose, the sum of the allowed maximum weight of transport costs, which enters the warehouse, is accepted.

"Regulator"- a person who, in accordance with the established procedure, has been given the reins of regulation of the road traffic for additional signals established by the Rules, and as a matter of course, the regulation has been ordered. The regulative officer is guilty of wearing a uniform dress and (or) mother of a badge of recognition and equipment. To the traffic controllers are the guards of the police and the Russian automobile inspection, as well as the practitioners of the road maintenance services, the chergovs on the railroad crossings and poromny crossings when they wear their landing shoes.

"Parking"- for an hour more than 5 minutes of reasons, which are not related to boarding or landing of passengers, or to entanglements or to rozvantazhennyam of transport zabu.

"Dark Hour Dobi"- a gap between the hour from the end of the evening days to the ear of the early days.

"Transport zasib"- attachments, appointments for the transportation of people on the roads, vantage chi installation, installed on a new one.

"Sidewalk"- an element of the road, the purpose of which is for traffic flow and adjoining to the passing part or for water fencing in front of the lawn.

"Give way (do not make a pereshkod)"- Vomoga, which means that the participant in the road traffic is not guilty of starting, reinforcing or continuing the disruption, trying to make a maneuver, as it is possible to embarrass the other participants in the disruption, which can be reversed to a new turn

"Participant of the road rush"- a person who takes an uninterrupted fate in the process of traffic as a water, a pedestrian, a passenger of a transport vehicle.

"Shkilny bus"- specialization of transport facilities (bus), which allow for transport facilities for the transportation of children, established by legislation on technical regulation, and those that are on the right of authority, or on the other legal basis of preschool education or the organization of national education

Methodical materials

The high rіven of child road traffic injuries inevitably zmushuє shukati most effective ways to save lives and health of children. With the help of the method of learning and vihovannya as a form of prevention of guilt, it is necessary to get well.

Golovne zavdannya - teach the child to be safe, behave correctly and orientate yourself in traffic situations, vihovat svidome setting up the Rules of the road traffic.

form roboti

Carrying out special exercises to improve the Rules of the road traffic;
-organization of child saints;

Working with cyclists and conducting theoretical and practical exercises with them

Organization of a competition for the shortest little ones for road topics;

Conducting quizzes, olympiads, etc.


Practical methods: right, training, modeling situations, roles

Games and etc.;

Scientific and illustrative methods: work with posters, illustrations in
primary books, films, videos, photographic materials, etc.

Perelik nutrition from the basics of road safety

1) Elements of the road: a part of the road, sidewalk, Uzbek, crossing, pishohidny
crossing, line of sidewalks or Uzbek, rozdilova smuha

2) Basic terms: transport zasib (TZ), main road, water,
pishohid, passenger, advance, step on the road, regulator, zupinka,
parking lot, vimushena zupinka.

3) Mіstsya, where are walkers allowed to go.

  1. Rules for the movement of pilgrims in the installed areas.

  2. Mіstsya, where are you allowed to go through the part.

  3. Rules for the transition of the forward part in the unrestored areas.

  4. What is being occupied by walkers.

  5. Obov'yazki passengers.

  6. Vimogi PDR to ride bicycles and mopeds.

  1. The meaning of road signs and road signs.

  2. Perederzhuvalni signs.

  3. Priority signs.

  4. Defensive signs.

  5. Signs of special orders.

  6. Information signs.

  7. Service signs.

  8. Signs of additional information (plates).

  1. Road marking.

  2. See the lights.

  3. The main signals of the 3-section light-light, their recognition.

  4. Svitlofori with additional sections.

  5. Regulator signal.

  6. Early signals that are given by water.

  7. Tipi cross.

  8. Ruhu rules at the regulated crossroads.

  9. Ruhu rules on unregulated crossroads.

  10. Violation of the rules for the passage of pedestrian crossings.

  11. Rush through the railroad crossings.

  12. Rules for the transportation of people.
30) Roc in living areas.

  1. What is the safety of the rush.

  2. Zupinny way.

  3. Obov'yazki pishokhoda in case of an accident.

  4. Cause of the accident.

  5. Classification of accidents.

  1. Come in for the prevention of DDTT.

  2. The value of the PDR for the safety of the safety.

  1. Federal Law dated December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ “On the safety of road traffic”.

  2. The role of YUR in the prevention of DDTT.
recommendations for fathers

1. Before that, like a child, go to school, fathers are guilty
a little time to go through the entire route with him, show him the place, de need
zupinitis and where to marvel. Yakshcho є svitlofori, explain what
you can only switch to the green light signal (to the yellow
cross the streets of the red one, that road is not possible, it is not safe). Sleeping with a child
you can come up with a game for the development of okomiru. For example, for example
walk up to approaching cars (far - close), shvidkіst (shvidko

Povilno), rosemary (large - small).

  1. Vikoristovuyuchi batkivsky authority, always show the butt in the pre-trimann Rules of the road traffic.

  1. Positive sounds in children are formed mainly by fathers.

  1. The fathers are guilty of victorious methods of navigation and reconciliation, regularly repeating the following settings to children:
- before that, how to go to the prozhzhdzhu part, sing and tell yourself: “Be
amulets ";

Never mind the road in front of the approaching car:
the water can't sound the car in a row;

  • in front of it, how to go to the passing part, cross over, which is angry, to the right and to the back, as if crossing, no transport is approaching;

  • Do not go out onto the road because of standing on the pavement of cars, or other crossings that make you look around;

  • get out of the bus, trolleybus and tram, don’t go around the front or the back, buckle up, while you’re out of the way. Know the pishohidny crossing, but there’s no way around, look around at all the sides and, with the presence of cars, cross the road into the city, you can clearly see in the offending sides;

  • NOT vybіgav on the road, as there is no pishohіdnogo transition. In this city, the water does not check the pedestrians and it is not possible to have a car;

  • do not walk on the streets and roads on roller shovels, bicycles, scooters, sleds;

  • do not play in the ball and play in order on the passing part of the road. For igor є dvir, childish maidanchik chi stadium;

  • cross the road only across, and not sideways, otherwise you will be more likely to change to it and you can take a car;

  • don’t hurry, know that you can’t fight for the price;
- if you go out with other children to the part of the road, do not be shallow,
concentrate and tell yourself and the boys: "Be careful."

  1. Chi do not zalyakuyte children unsafe on the streets and roads. Fear is so shkidlivy, like carelessness and safety. Young schoolchildren are guilty of orienting themselves in the road situation.

  2. May meaning and clothes of a child. A hood, a winter hat with a fur coat, a tightly tied scarf to tie up the ruhi, to aggravate your hearing. Make it easier to turn your head.

  1. Tick ​​the spontaneous motives of careless behavior:
- careless children to confuse fathers with wrong actions;

Knowing possible traces of wrong behavior, like
can lead to unfortunate depressions and accidents.

8. Controlling the adoption of the rules of safety behavior, not following the same
road traffic. Golovne razuminnya, understanding and understanding of the Rules.

9. "Budinki yakomoga often ask children food for the development of logic-myslennia. For example:" What will you work, if you don’t work on the crossroads?

visnovok The ethnicity of the profession of the Dietechetic road traffic injuries, with one side, lay the vid of actively mutual submarine, the zziykali of the nonsense of the road ruh, the zbereznnye of the Zhitty Tu Pidlikov, and the Nechydnoye - Nechydnoye - the Necheyny - Necheyny - Necheyny - Necheynya - Necheyny - Necheyny - Necheyny - Necheyny - Necheyny - Necheyny - Necheynya - Necheyny - Necheyny - Necheyny - Non -Ochiye - Non -Ochiye - Non -Ochiye - Non -Ochiye - Non -Ochiyre - new pedagogical technologies. The main directives of the activities of the establishment of the enlightenment of the guilty buti:

Ensuring the safety of the lighting process, starting from the preschool
establish, deform, develop and attach to children
safe behavior on the streets and roads, then start and turn
study of lighting installations on the basics of road safety

Improvement of forms and methods of prevention of DDTT;

Development of a number of new creative associations of scientists on the basis of pedagogical,
scientifically grounded illuminating programs z navchannya Rules
road traffic;

Vihovannya law-hearing, disciplined participants in the road

PDR Signs Rozmіtka Tolerance of the Customs Union

1. Light position

DA paragraph: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

1.1. Qi Rules of road traffic establish a single order of road traffic on the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Other normative acts that are worth the road traffic are guilty of being primed on the Rules and not super-ready.

1.2. The Rules have the following meanings and terms:

The road is marked with the sign 5.1 and May for the skin straight ahead of the road passing through the part, in the Kremlin one in one in one of the wide swathes (and with її in the daytime - road fences), without crossings in the same line with other roads, railroads or trams.

"Autotrain"- mechanical transport zasib, zcheplene with the trailer(s).

"Bike"- transport zasіb, krіm іn wheelchairs, yak mає prinaymnі two wheels і be brought into operation as a rule m'azovoї osієyu osіb, yakі perebuvayut on tsomu transport zasobі, zokrema for help of pedals or handles, і can also be used as much as possible in the mode of the electric motor power, which does not exceed 0.25 kW, is automatically turned on at a speed of over 25 km / year.

"Cyclist"- a person who likes a bicycle.

Structurally, water reinforcements in the form of a part of the road and the pavement of the road element (otherwise the road), designations for traffic cyclists and sign designations 4.4.1.

"Bicycle zone"- Territory, recognized for the movement of cyclists, the beginning and end of which is marked by signs 5.33.1 and 5.34.1.

"Water"- a person, as if he were a kind of transport guard, chaser, guiding the way of the upper, upper and upper creatures or a herd. The initial water is equal to the water.

"Vimusena Zupinka"- pripinennya ruhu transport zasobu through yogo tekhnіchnu nepravnіstnost or nebezpeka, svoryuvana vantage, scho to be transported, camp water (passenger) or pereskodoy on roads.

"Hybrid car"- transport zasіb, shcho may not be less than 2 different energy conversions (engines) and 2 different (on-board) energy storage systems for the purposes of bringing the transport facility into operation.

"Head Road"- the road, marked with signs 2.1, 2.3.1 - 2.3.7 or 5.1, according to the distance to the gravel (which is close), or the road with hard coatings (asphalt-i cement concrete, stone materials thinly) according to the distance to the dirt, otherwise be - as the road by extension to the vizdіv from the adjacent territories. The presence on another row of roads without a middle in front of the crossroads of the plot with covers does not break even for the values ​​​​of the crossroads.

"Days of fire"- zvnіshnі svіtlі vlady, prichenіnі for polіpshennya visibility ruhomoy transport zabu front in the light hour doby.

It is clad, or pristosovan and vikoristovuvan for the movement of transport facilities of the smog of the earth, or the surface of the piece sporud. The road includes one or more sections of railway parts, as well as tramways, sidewalks, Uzbek and smoky streets with their presence.

"Road Rukh"- sukupnіst suspіlnyh vіdnosin, scho vykayut in the process of moving people and vantage for additional transport zabіv or without such at the borders of the road.

"Road and Transport Use"- podіya, scho viniklo in the process due to the cost of transport zabou i z yogo part, in case of death, or injured people, injured transport workers, sporud, vantage, or zapodіyano іnshiy material congestion.

"Zalіznichny transfer"- crossroads of the road with transshipment stakes on one river.

"Route transport zasib"- transport zasіb zagalny koristuvannya (bus, trolleybus, tram), recognized for the transportation of people on the roads and rushes behind the established route with the designated places of zupinki.

"Mechanical transport zasib"- transport zasib, which is driven by a dvigun. The term is also expanding to include tractors and self-propelled vehicles.

"Moped"- two or three-wheeled mechanical transport zasib, the maximum design speed of which does not exceed 50 km / year, which can move the internal combustion engine with a working volume, which does not exceed 50 cubic meters. cm, or the electric motor with a rated maximum exhaustion in the tribal drive mode is more than 0.25 kW and less than 4 kW. Quadricycles are compared to mopeds, which may have similar technical characteristics.

"Motorbike"- two-wheeled mechanical transport zasib with a side trailer or without it, the working volume of the engine of some kind (at the time of the internal combustion engine) is moving 50 cubic meters. see or the maximum constructive speed (with any engine) moving 50 km / year. Tricycles are compared to motorcycles, as well as quadricycles with a motorcycle landing or a motorcycle-type kerm, may have an unfavorable weight, but do not exceed 400 kg (550 kg for transport equipment, indications for the transportation of vans) without upgrading the mass of batteries (in other electric transport) maximum efficiency of the engine, which does not exceed 15 kW.

Forgotten territory, in'yzdi on yaku and vyzdi z kakoї signified by signs 5.23.1 - 5.26.

"Lack of visibility"- the visibility of the road is less than 300 m in the minds of fog, wood, snowfall thinly, and also during the day.

"Obgin"- the expiration of one or more transport costs, due to the departure of the smuga (before the passing part), is recognized for the western rush, and the coming turn in the early part of the smuga (before the passing part).

An element of the road, which adjoins without a middle to the passing part on the same level with it, which is considered by the type of cover or vision behind the auxiliary mark 1.2, which is vikoristovuetsya for the traffic, the dents of the parking lot are consistent with the Rules.

"The Visibility Is Fenced"- the visibility of the waters of the road in a straight line, surrounded by the relief of the landscape, the geometric parameters of the road, the growth, budovy, spores and other objects, including transport facilities.

"Nebezpeka for ruhu"- a situation that has been blamed in the process of road traffic, in case of any continuation of traffic, in the same way, directly and from the wind, I create a threat to the road traffic accident.

"Unsafe vantage"- speeches, made out of them, in the course of virobnicho and іnshої gospodarskoї ї diyalnostі, yakі by virtue of the authorities attached to them can cause a threat to the life and health of people, zavdat navkodishnomu middle, poshkodite or motherhood.

"Viperedzhennya"- ruh transport allowance from the speed, greater speed of the passing transport allowance.

"Organized transportation of a group of children"- transported by bus, which cannot reach the route transport allowance, a group of children numbering 8 and more people, who can travel without their fathers or other legal representatives.

"Organized transport column"- a group of three and more mechanical transport zasobіv, yakі direct without intermediary one after one on one and the same smooth flow with permanently switched on headlights in the main transport system with special color schemes applied on the outside surface and flashing beacons of blue and red colors.

"Organized food column"- a group of people has been appointed to point 4.2 of the Rules, collapsing along the road in one straight line.

"Zupinka"- navmisne pripinennya ruhu transport zabu for an hour up to 5 hvilin, and also for more, as it is necessary for landing or disembarkation of passengers or zavantazhennya or razvantazhennya transport zabobu.

"Ostrіvets bezpeki"- an element of road surfacing that distributes traffic (including traffic for cyclists), as well as smuga traffic and trams, constructively seeing a curb stone over the carriageway part of the road parts of the road. To the island of safety, a part of the rozdilovo smuga can be placed, a pishohidny passage is laid through the yak.

"Parking (parking area)"- specially designated and, if necessary, cladding and possession of a place, which, in addition, a part of a motor road and (or) adjoins to a passing part and (or) a sidewalk, Uzbek, overpass, or a bridge, or a part of a large public bridge 'єkіv vulichno-Dorozhnіy merezhi, budіvel, sporud or sporud and recognized for organized parking of transport facilities on a paid basis, or without consulting the payment for the decisions of the clerk of the second clerk of the motor road, the clerk of the land plot or the clerk of the weekday part

"Passenger"- a person, a crim water, who is in a transport barrier (on a new one), as well as a person, like entering a transport barrier (siding on a new one) or exiting a transport barrier (getting off a new one).

"Cross"- a place of intersection, lying down or rozgaluzhennya roads on one level, bordered by obvious lines, which crosses the middle of the road, the largest distance from the center, crossing the cob rounded off the proeznyh parts. Do not vvazhayutsya crossroads viїzdi from adjacent territories.

"Perebudova"- borrowed from a borrowed smuga or borrowed from a row of savings from the first straight line.

"Pishohid"- a person, yak bula posture transport zabobu on the road or on pishohidnіy or velo-pіshohіdny dоrіzhtsі and do not viroblya on them to the robot. Individuals are brought up to walking, like falling in wheelchairs, driving a bicycle, a moped, a motorcycle, carrying a sled, a carriage, a child or a wheelchair, and also vicorist for re-sleeping roller-shoes, scooters and other similar devices.

It is clad or attached to the soil for the movement of the soil, or the surface of the piece spore, marked with the sign 4.5.1.

Territory recognized for ruhu pishokhodiv, on the cob and end of which is marked by signs 5.33 and 5.34.

Structurally, water fencing in the prozhdzhoy part of the road element (or okrema road), appointments for split or sleeping with pedestrians traffic cyclists and designations signs 4.5.2 - 4.5.7.

Dіlyanka prozhzhdzhoї parts, tram tracks, designations signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and (or) marking 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 and visions for traffic pedestrians across the road. If the layout is visible, the width of the crossover is determined by the difference between signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

"Smuha ruhu"- be it from the late smoky part of the road, it is marked or it is not marked with a mark and may be wide enough for a car to move in one row.

Smuga of the passing part, recognized for traffic on bicycles and mopeds;

"Perevaga (priority)"- the right to the first movement in the planned direct way for the transfer to other participants in the movement.

"Pereshkoda"- non-destructive object on the route (incorrect or defective transport zasib, defect in the passage part, third-party objects, etc.), which does not allow moving on to this route. Chi not є pereskodoyu congestion or transport zasіb, scho zupinilosya on tsіy smuzі ruhu vіdpovіdno vymog Rules.

"Attached territory"- the territory, without intermediary, lay down to the road and is not recognized for the current traffic of transport facilities (courtyards, housing estates, parking lots, gas stations, businesses, etc.). Rukh on the adjacent territory is subject to compliance with these Rules.

"Prichip"- transport zasіb, not possessing a dvigun i is recognized for ruhu in a warehouse with a mechanical transport zasob. The term also expands to napіvprichepi and prichepi-releases.

"Prozhdzha part"- an element of the road, assignments for traffic without rails transport zasobіv.

An element of the road, constructive vision and (or) for an additional mark 1.2, which divides the sum of the parts, as well as the passage of the part and the number of trams and not the appointments for the traffic and the grains of the transport facilities.

"Maximum weight allowed"- the weight of the ordered transport order with the weight, the driver and the passengers, is set by the receptionist as the maximum allowable. For the maximum weight allowed to the warehouse of transport costs, so that they are locked and ruhomih as one purpose, the sum of the allowed maximum weight of transport costs, which enters the warehouse, is accepted.

"Regulator"- a person who, in accordance with the established procedure, has been given the reins of regulation of the road traffic for additional signals established by the Rules, and as a matter of course, the regulation has been ordered. The regulative officer is guilty of wearing a uniform dress and (or) mother of a badge of recognition and equipment. To the traffic controllers are the guards of the police and the Russian automobile inspection, as well as the practitioners of the road maintenance services, the chergovs on the railroad crossings and poromny crossings when they wear their landing shoes. До регулювальникам також відносяться уповноважені особи з числа працівників підрозділів транспортної безпеки, які виконують обов'язки по догляду, додаткового огляду, повторного огляду, спостереження і (або) співбесіди з метою забезпечення транспортної безпеки, щодо регулювання дорожнього руху на ділянках автомобільних доріг, визначених постановою Кабінету Міністрів Федерації від 18 липня 2016 р N 686 "Про визначення ділянок автомобільних доріг, залізничних і внутрішніх водних шляхів, вертодромів, посадкових майданчиків, а також інших забезпечують функціонування транспортного комплексу будівель, споруд, пристроїв та обладнання, що є об'єктами транспортної інфраструктури ".

"Parking"- for an hour more than 5 minutes of reasons, which are not related to boarding or landing of passengers, or to entanglements or to rozvantazhennyam of transport zabu.

"Dark Hour Dobi"- a gap between the hour from the end of the evening days to the ear of the early days.

"Transport zasib"- attachments, appointments for the transportation of people on the roads, vantage chi installation, installed on a new one.

"Sidewalk"- an element of the road, the purpose for the movement of pedestrians and adjoining to the passing part, or to the bicycle road, or to the water shelters in the lawn.

"Give way (do not make a pereshkod)"- Vomoga, which means that the participant in the road traffic is not guilty of starting, reinforcing or continuing the disruption, trying to make a maneuver, as it is possible to embarrass the other participants in the disruption, which can be reversed to a new turn

"Participant of the road rush"- a person who takes an uninterrupted fate in the process of traffic as a water, a pedestrian, a passenger of a transport vehicle.

"Shkilny bus"- specialization of transport facilities (bus), which allow for transport facilities for the transportation of children, established by legislation on technical regulation, and those that are on the right of authority, or on the other legal basis of preschool education or the organization of national education

"Electric car"- transport zasіb, which is driven by an on-and-off electric motor and is charged for the help of the outside power supply.

1.3. Participants in the road traffic goiter of the nobility and reach them in the light of the Rules, signaling traffic lights, signs and markings, as well as vikonuvat order of regulators, who work in the midst of giving them rights and regulate road traffic with installed signals.

1.4. On the roads, a right-hand traffic lane has been installed.

1.5. The participants in the road traffic are guilty of such a rank, so as not to create trouble for the traffic and not to hurt shkodi.

It is fenced off to protect the road, sign, fence, poshkodzhuvati, arbitrarily install road signs, lights and other technical equipment for the organization of traffic, deprive the road of objects that create crossings for traffic (). The person, as if she had done a change, was to live in all the possible visits for her adoption, and if it was not possible, then with the available means to ensure that the participants in the movement were informed about the problem and to alert the police.

1.6. Individuals, yakі violated the Rules, bear vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdno up to dignified legislation.

Comments (21)

Sergiy 24.01.2018 at 11:55

Earlier, under the cover, the asphalt, concrete, or simply build-up and crushed rubble, the primer was not naked.

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