New Logan abo Almera. Renault Logan or Nissan Almera: auto repair and better. Start of sales with us in Russia

Porovnyuyuchi such widely widened cars, like Nissan Almera or Renault Logan, for the cob to clarify what they have sleeping. And scorched rich.

Zagalni rice

For the first time, regardless of the name, the cars are built by the Renault-Nissan Autoalliance and are based on the Nissan B0 universal platform. This platform is vikoristovuєtsya, the beginning of its versatility, for the selection of a large number of models, ranging from poshlyahoviki and ending with subcompact cars, up to and including Nissan Almera or Renault Logan.

The buyer, who chooses his own car among these brands, is guilty of knowing the main thin skin of them, in order to equalize and call all the “for” and “against”.

Having offended the brandy, they recognized a few stages of restyling, which is objectively equal in order to be recognized, in short, it is required to be viroblyat on models of one generation. The rest of the Almeri Classic generation was inspired by the same Renault Logan and Nissan BlueBird Sylphy. As a result of such an approach, the current look of Nissan in the line with Logan of the rest of the generation (not to say about the first releases) only won, creating the defeat of an expensive prestigious car.

features of salons

Rozcharuvannya ohoplyuє if you look into the middle of the cabin - car insults can be modestly minimalistic internal improvements, which are not rich in variety of options. Not surprisingly, take the price category to respect. Ergonomics of the water area is well thought out, insured little bits of front modifications, zocrema, Renault moved the control buttons on the door for scumbags. Passengers, especially on the back seat, will feel more comfortable in Nissan - a wider and lowered interior, and a practically complete transmission tunnel.

If you choose a car according to the criteria for passenger comfort, Nissan is in a competitive position here.

In both cars, there are comfortable seats, on which you can easily make three trips.

features of audio systems

Audio systems in models of different types. Expensive equipment of Renault is equipped with a fully equipped car radio, which is in line with modern conditions. The control buttons are ruffled on ceramic in handy places. On Nissan, the radio tape recorder stuns the speaker to think about the most recent change, the keys to touch the sensor control do not change the sound of the day, the ability to play music in MP3 format or turn on the calling flash drive.

Driving characteristics

If you compare cars in terms of driving comfort, then there is no difference in one model. Pіdvіska, adapted pіd vіtchiznyаnі realіії, аlє zdіyсnyuvat їzdіznyuvaty not іїlki іnіnіnіh highways, аnd th nоrіvіnіh zamіs'kyh roads. Offended machines can dosit energy supply, as in the mind, there are significant inconsistencies.

High road clearance (160 mm from the lowest point) and the factory protection of the crankcase of the engine allow you to move over the stony impassability without fear.

Behind the vіdgukami vlasnikіv, pіdvіska Renault volodіє great nadіinіstі і nevibaglivіstyu. Small dimensions and vіdmіnna kerovanіst robyt tsey avtomobilі bazhanim at rusі in іsnih minds of the place. Cause problems with maneuvers and parking. At taxi service Renault became one of the largest zruchnyh cars.

dynamic characteristics

Cars cannot boast of outstanding dynamic characteristics through a weak engine - 102 hp. With. And as for the five-step mechanical power box, basically there is nothing, then the two-step automatic machine looks like an anachronism.

Cars, equipped with automatic transmission, cannot boast of a pale economy and dynamics, especially in the Moscow regime.

Baggage and security

Offensive models may be good, the volume of the trunk is approximately the same volume - in the range of 500 liters. But with the method of easing and lowering the cost of cars, whether it be Renault Logan or Nissan Almera, you cannot boast of folding rear seats, it is impossible to increase the size of the trunk into a dovzhina.

Airbags (pillows) for water and the front passenger are taken care of, as well as an anti-blocking system. On Logan, the ESP system (dynamic stabilization) and help when starting on the pidome (HSA) were additionally introduced, earlier it was installed more importantly on the crossover.


Pіdvodyachi pіdbags, you can zrobiti visnovok, scho choose a car between the names of two models - food is not a big one. Know clearly the criteria for equalization, it is important to determine if the floorings are similar between two competitors. Yakshcho take to respect parts of the trip to the great countryside - here the priority is for Nissan for the comfort of the cabin. For trips to a busy place, it’s better to choose a better choice on Logan - smaller dimensions and better keratinization allow you to know your own place in a smart pot without any effort.

Compact cars are becoming very popular on the Russian market, through those that are more economical and maneuverable. Obviously, the leader of the post-market is the Asian auto companies, and the Europeans are not strong among them. Today, we are similarly Nissan Almera and Renault Logan, as you can boldly call them legendary models.

The debut version of the Nissan Almera first left the assembly line in 1995. A rather difficult task was placed in front of the car - to surpass your eminent successor, the Nissan Sunny, running ahead, it is significant that you were far away. The issue of Almera of the first modification of the letters of separation into two stages: before 1998, and after 1998. Among them, you can remember the details of the details, as in the main they stand for the design of the exterior.

In 2000, the production of Almera 2 started, which quickly became one of the bestsellers on the market in its segment and was sold well, especially on the Russian market. Since 2006, a modification of the model in the body of the B10 has been delivered to the domestic market, as it was called the Almera Classic. In the summer of 2012, the "Japanese" was picked up at the Togliatti plant of the Nissan company, which greatly contributed to the fall of the price of the compact car.

The budget subcompact Renault Logan first appeared in 2004, and immediately after the presentation, a new recruitment began at the Romanian enterprises of the company. Through rіk, vikoristovuyuchi module B0, vіtchiznіnі fahivtsі. Through those that the distributors of zmusheni were included in the framework of the model's compatibility - 5000 euros, the stink of zmusheni was donated, and, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, apparently, Logan is NOT hostile.

For zbіlshennya to drink, the French concern has significantly expanded the range of bodies. Crimean sedan, now you can take a station wagon, a van and a pickup. In 2008, the Frenchman recognized modernization, as a result of which the car safety level improved.

In 2012, a number of Logan 2 performances, but the “Frenchman” began to be delivered to the Russian market only after two years. Approximately the same, the folded model began to be installed at AvtoVAZ. Logan was recognized as the car of fate for the pіdbags of 2013.

What is better - Nissan Almera or Renault Logan? Regardless of those that the “Japanese” career started much earlier, Logan succeeded more successfully, to that I should win in this point.

Technical characteristics

The newest version of Almera was released in 2012, Logan 2 was updated in 2014, the technical characteristics of these models are comparable to those of today. Also, the offense of cars was driven on front-wheel-drive carriages and equipped with automatic gearboxes.

However, for the dimensions, such parity is no longer possible. The body of Almera is 310 mm thicker than Logan and the new one is 5 mm higher. The size of the wheel base is larger in the Japanese car - 2700 mm / 2634 mm. The situation is similar with the height of the road clearance - 160 mm / 155 mm. Looking at such a difference in dimensions, it is not surprising that Logan is 65 kg lighter than his opponent - 1,156 kg / 1221 kg. How do you think: who has the largest baggage allowance? Better for everything, more to give an opinion: “It’s definitely Almer’s”, ale, it didn’t sound like a miracle, the trunk is 10 liters more spacious at Logan - 510 l / 500 l. Both cars are equipped with 15-inch wheels.

Now let's dive into the topic of power units. On both models, a 1.6-liter gasoline engine is installed. The difference between them is only better in that the “Japanese” engine is not very hoarse to the point of burning, and you can safely work on the 92nd, which you can’t exactly say about Logan. Leather engine products 102 kіnskih forces. However, through smaller expansions Logan, and obviously smaller body parts, more dynamic than its own counterpart. Judge for yourself: to disperse the "Frenchman" from zero to a hundred, you need to spend 11.7 seconds, and Almere - 12.7 seconds. Price per second! Until then, Yogo vitrata in the average to become 8.3 liters, which is 0.2 liters less, lower for the opponent.

Starry look

Visually, the models are more similar, but you can still remember the acts of authority in the designed exterior. From the same name, Logan victorious in a dynamic and voluminous style, and also a Japanese competitor can adopt a solid and representative modern look, with notes of traditionalism and conservatism.

In front of Logan's equipment, the large overall ones are swollen with a windshield and a smooth falling hood. A similar arrangement of elements and a Japanese car. On the "nose" you can mark the firm radiator grill, which guesses the shape of a bird, replace the dzhoba with the company logo, and majestic conceptual headlights. Almera can put up a straight-cut false radiator grate and finish the front lights in a unique design. The lower part of the bumper of both models looks narrower and is equipped with similar fog lamps. The main features between counters: Logan has a wide chrome decoration element, while Almera has a trapezoidal shape.

From the side of the car, it is also very similar and from this angle you can change the fact that the body of the Almera is significantly older than the opponent. Offensive models are dome-like and stylishly wheeled arches. Three points of view are aerodynamic, the “Frenchman” has an optimal body shape.

The back of the car is arranged as a whole for the class, which stink to represent. І yakby is not different for the style of the design of the optics, they can be confused. Before speech, the stench is equipped with tight and overhead bumpers.

Chose what? In connection with this, that Exter'er Logan is more modern and more technologically advanced, the Frenchman of scandals himself is awarded victory in this aspect.


Checking the interior of cars, you can see a clear favorite - obviously Renault Logan. It is impossible to say that the interior of Almera is richer, it just looks like something even simpler, and to enter the world without relish. And the Logan axis of the design is in a progressive and innovative style, and can boast of a high level of layout and the appearance of smart design solutions.

In the design of the accessory panels of both models, you can display deep images, but all the same, the “French” console looks more readable and informative. The steering wheel is also more technologically advanced from Logan.

In terms of city, the Nissan Almera looks better. From the observations of real Vlasniks, it was possible to find out that the rear passengers of a Japanese car consider themselves like “kings” and turn around. Unfortunately, what can not be said about Logan. However, the quality of the supporting materials is better for the "Frenchman".


The average price on the Russian market is 690 thousand rubles. Nissan Almera will cost about 100 thousand rubles cheaper. However, on the thought of rich fahіvtsіv, tse same thing, if you overpay the most, and get a bigger car. Until then, Renault Logan has a rich set of basic equipment.

Nissan Almera may have significant design solutions for Renault Logan. Both models occupy not only one niche of transport facilities (B - compact), but also may have similar functional characteristics and prices. Prote, motorists take them like two absolutely different cars, similar to competitors. This is true, as with the skin new generations and restyling of the vіdmіnnost between Almera and Logan is becoming more and more. In order to find out which car is better, it is necessary to carry out a report of the match.

Description Nissan Almera

Japanese car of the subcompact class, which has been produced since 1995. More than 20 years of successful rebuying on the Almera market, changing a number of generations and removing the sprat restyling. Since 2012, Nissan has been launched at the Russian AvtoVAZ plant. This is the third generation for Almeria - in the new generation, the growers tried to live up to the Russian waters, having equipped the car with more equipment. In the number of others, it is necessary to travel and travel in good minds - Nissan updates are ready until the hard winters and the roads are not the best. At the heart of the Russian Almera lies the first generation of Renault Logan, which is similar to Nissan having a positive interior and a few more important characteristics.

Description Renault Logan

Yak and Nissan Almera, each French car is up to class. Another, more relevant generation of Renault Logan is produced at the same AvtoVAZ plant - in Togliatti. When choosing a car, you can make a bunch of sleeping rice, including the wheel base, transmission, range of engines and interior.


Looking at the numerical similarities of Nissan Almera and Renault Logan, it is simply impossible not to compare them when buying. The stench is not only found in the same niche in the market (subcompact economy-class sedans), but it can also be a sleeping place and a number of constructive features.

complete set

Nissan Almera has three options for complete sets, which, in their line, can be divided into a few modifications. The most cheap cost for buyers is 540,000 rubles and will be equipped with step by step:

  • Gasoline engine with a volume of 1.6 liters and an exhaustion of 102 horsepower;
  • transmission gears with front wheel drive;
  • Anti-blocking system;
  • Pidsiluvach kerma;
  • Sklopidomnik front doors;
  • Possibility to upgrade the steering column.

Pochatkov complete set of Nissan Almera may have a modest functionality, which, better for everything, would not have more water for full operation.

Almera will have the following equipment in the world to promote Almera:

  • Automatic transmission on chotiri shabli;
  • conditioner;
  • On-board computer;
  • Pidsiluvach kerma;
  • Electric glass dimmers;
  • Pidgriv sitin;
  • Light alloy wheels;
  • Fog lights;
  • Navigation is enabled.

With this engine, Nissan Almera in more new configurations is left with the same one. The maximum version of the cost is 667,000 rubles.

Pochatkov complete set of Renault Logan will cost buyers 470,000 rubles. Її equipment:

  • Gasoline engine with a volume of 1.6 liters and an exhaustion of 82 horsepower;
  • Front-wheel drive transmission and five-speed manual gearbox%
  • Anti-blocking system;
  • Pidsiluvach kerma;
  • Water safety pillow.

The minimum equipment for Logan is more modestly equipped, the lower one for Almera. But the car itself costs 70,000 rubles less - you allow me to bring the car for less pennies, for example, to the taxi fleet - Renault Logan is a popular transportation in the field.

With a larger budget, the buyer will take advantage of the following functionality:

  • Gasoline engine with a volume of 1.6 liters and a pressure of 102 horsepower (identical to the cost of Almera);
  • Front-wheel drive transmission with a choti-speed automatic transmission;
  • Stabilization system;
  • Two airbags for the front row of seats;
  • Climate control;
  • On-board computer;
  • Audio system with support for CD and MP-3;
  • Pidsiluvach kerma;
  • Central lock with remote locks;
  • Mirrors with heating and electronic regulation;
  • Electric glass dimmers;
  • Pidgriv sitin;
  • Adjustment of the steering column and seat water;
  • Light alloy wheels;
  • Fog lights;
  • Vbudovaniya passive cruise control;
  • Assistance system when going uphill.

In this way, the maximum configuration of Renault Logan, which costs 720,000 rubles, ensures greater comfort and shorter running capacity from the point of view of functionality. Having paid less than 50,000 rubles, a car enthusiast can choose a number of great brown options.

Technical characteristics

Dimensions Nissan Almera:

  • Dovzhina - 4656 mm;
  • Width - 1695 mm;
  • Visota - thousand p'yatsot twenty-two mm;
  • Clearance - 160 mm;
  • Luggage compartment - 500 liters;
  • Fuel tank volume - 50 liters.

The car can carry a solid body, which can reach you from the Bluebird Sylphy - the infamous champion of Almer and Logan. The trunk lid was created under the European number, the front bumper was upgraded for off-road driving, and the lacofarb coating became resistant to corrosion, so that in Russia the roads are filled with reagents.

Dimensions Renault Logan:

  • Dovzhina - 4346 mm;
  • Width - thousand sіmsot thirty-three mm;
  • Height - 1,517 mm;
  • Clearance - 155 mm;
  • Trunk volume - 510 liters;
  • Fuel tank volume - 50 liters.

Body Logan may be close to Almera parameters. The only thing that falls into the eyes is Nissan, which is 30 centimeters lower. Prote, the body of Renault in the last generation was shorter. The car has received a new soundproofing.

Starry look

The body design of the third generation Nissan Almera is rich in what I repeat Bluebird Sylphy of another generation. At the same time, only the same parameters are the same, since Almera may have other physical parameters. The plates in the Nissan are bigger, and the body of the creations behind the technology is as quiet as anyone in a car. The starry look of the Nissan Almera 3 tells Teana that he bought it with his dozhinoy, creating a nefarious likeness of a premium car.

The old look of another generation of Renault Logan has significantly changed in line with the front. Only the main drawings have been lost, as if earlier to give a body of charisma. The new design looks more presentable. This fact adds competitiveness to the Nissan Almera, and also allows you to be seen on the aphids of other budget models, such as saving on a modern look.


On the view of the body, Nissan Almera does not adopt the interior of the Bluebird Sylphy - in order to save money, the virobniks significantly "urized" yoga, having installed the interior of the first generation of Logan. In this rank, mayzhe povnistyu іnter'єr Almera vіdpovіdaє old Renault and can dosit handless accessory panel and console, thin kermo and non-ergonomic jumpers. In addition, the water is squatting on the seat - they have a short pillow, and the water is more swept up through the thick back.

Prote, Almera has unique interior design and ergonomics. So, Nissan can have mirrors that are more powerful, lower at Logan. The high saloon allows you to install the bed itself, having fixed it for the front seat. At the top of the list, the Nissan Almera is in the class of middle sedans. The low transmission tunnel provides sufficient space for boarding tall passengers, and the back row of seats accommodates three grown-ups. It’s a pity that the space is nasty optimized - there is no way to create banal cups.

The design and ergonomics of the new Renault Logan are among the best among all the company's products available in Russia. The entire interior is smooth and smooth, yakіsny plastic and chrome inserts. Such an interior has a wide functionality that looks especially expensive and winning. Organs of management are in comfortable places, and the seats are comfortable.

Zrozumilo, the moments were lost, as if I also wanted to bachiti in the new vikonanna. For example - a system of turn signals, "blinking" like this earlier is not possible in automatic mode. Prote, Renault Logan is also propagating more richly for its category.

running yakosti

Due to the dynamism, it should be noted that the smaller Nissan Almera engine and the units of Renault Logan may have identical characteristics. At the same time, Almera has three more maximum speeds (175 km / year, which is 4 more, lower than the competitor), and Logan is more dynamic - it can go up to a hundred in the shortest configuration, taking 11.7 seconds, which is a second more, lower at Nissan.

Nissan Almera otrimav pіdvіsku vіd Bluebird Sylphy (but dvigunі budget version ії dіstaliі vіdpovіdnі) - її pristroіy idenichno right up to disk galms. And the energy capacity of the transmission has grown, so like Almera's insurance for transferring on Russian roads. The springs have become thicker, but go longer. In addition, the new shock absorbers have more comfortable power. Nova, m'yaka pіdvіska mає і nedolіk: when you turn the body of Almera, you can almost go out. In case of a soft ride, it will ensure a calm ride along the crossings from speed bumps to viboins in asphalt - this is also the merit of high energy capacity.

Renault Logan may have two engines. In one of them there are 8 valves, and in the other 16 - tse i secure the difference in tension (82 and 102 kіnskih forces). І more straining may characteristic booming sound when shifting. Discomfort when driving on Logan, the shifting of gears. The important checkpoint may be too late for the handle, as if I’m afraid to miss the required step. So, with the miraculous design, it was absolutely incomprehensible why the kermo and important gears may have a constant background vibration, so as not to lie in the speed and turnover.

At the same time, Renault Logan is one of the first in price and class niche. On a dirt road, a car should be driven better for itself, lower on asphalt - in line with competitors on asphalt Logan їzdit better for everyone.


When the Nissan Almera and Renault Logan are matched, it is possible to increase the offensive visnovok: the “Japanese” can be less ahead of the “Frenchman”, so that its equipment and running capacity are three times weaker, and in terms of cost, the proposition does not look so smart. Prote, Almera is still a winning option on the aphids of any other subcompact, which would be Logan.

Porovnyuyuchi such widely widened cars, like Nissan Almera or Renault Logan, for the cob to clarify what they have sleeping. And scorched rich.

Zagalni rice

For the first time, regardless of the name, the cars are built by the Renault-Nissan Autoalliance and are based on the Nissan B0 universal platform. This platform is vikoristovuєtsya, the beginning of its versatility, for the selection of a large number of models, ranging from poshlyahoviki and ending with subcompact cars, up to and including Nissan Almera or Renault Logan.

The buyer, who chooses his own car among these brands, is guilty of knowing the main thin skin of them, in order to equalize and call all the “for” and “against”.

Having offended the brandy, they recognized a few stages of restyling, which is objectively equal in order to be recognized, in short, it is required to be viroblyat on models of one generation. The rest of the Almeri Classic generation was inspired by the same Renault Logan and Nissan BlueBird Sylphy. As a result of such an approach, the current look of Nissan in the line with Logan of the rest of the generation (not to say about the first releases) only won, creating the defeat of an expensive prestigious car.

features of salons

Rozcharuvannya ohoplyuє if you look into the middle of the cabin - car insults can be modestly minimalistic internal improvements, which are not rich in variety of options. Not surprisingly, take the price category to respect. Ergonomics of the water area is well thought out, insured little bits of front modifications, zocrema, Renault moved the control buttons on the door for scumbags. Passengers, especially on the back seat, will feel more comfortable in Nissan - a wider and lowered interior, and a practically complete transmission tunnel.

If you choose a car according to the criteria for passenger comfort, Nissan is in a competitive position here.

In both cars, there are comfortable seats, on which you can easily make three trips.

features of audio systems

Audio systems in models of different types. Expensive equipment of Renault is equipped with a fully equipped car radio, which is in line with modern conditions. The control buttons are ruffled on ceramic in handy places. On Nissan, the radio tape recorder stuns the speaker to think about the most recent change, the keys to touch the sensor control do not change the sound of the day, the ability to play music in MP3 format or turn on the calling flash drive.

Driving characteristics

If you compare cars in terms of driving comfort, then there is no difference in one model. Pіdvіska, adapted pіd vіtchiznyаnі realіії, аlє zdіyсnyuvat їzdіznyuvaty not іїlki іnіnіnіh highways, аnd th nоrіvіnіh zamіs'kyh roads. Offended machines can dosit energy supply, as in the mind, there are significant inconsistencies.

High road clearance (160 mm from the lowest point) and the factory protection of the crankcase of the engine allow you to move over the stony impassability without fear.

Behind the vіdgukami vlasnikіv, pіdvіska Renault volodіє great nadіinіstі і nevibaglivіstyu. Small dimensions and vіdmіnna kerovanіst robyt tsey avtomobilі bazhanim at rusі in іsnih minds of the place. Cause problems with maneuvers and parking. At taxi service Renault became one of the largest zruchnyh cars.

dynamic characteristics

Cars cannot boast of outstanding dynamic characteristics through a weak engine - 102 hp. With. And as for the five-step mechanical power box, basically there is nothing, then the two-step automatic machine looks like an anachronism.

Cars, equipped with automatic transmission, cannot boast of a pale economy and dynamics, especially in the Moscow regime.

Baggage and security

Offensive models may be good, the volume of the trunk is approximately the same volume - in the range of 500 liters. But with the method of easing and lowering the cost of cars, whether it be Renault Logan or Nissan Almera, you cannot boast of folding rear seats, it is impossible to increase the size of the trunk into a dovzhina.

Airbags (pillows) for water and the front passenger are taken care of, as well as an anti-blocking system. On Logan, the ESP system (dynamic stabilization) and help when starting on the pidome (HSA) were additionally introduced, earlier it was installed more importantly on the crossover.


Pіdvodyachi pіdbags, you can zrobiti visnovok, scho choose a car between the names of two models - food is not a big one. Know clearly the criteria for equalization, it is important to determine if the floorings are similar between two competitors. Yakshcho take to respect parts of the trip to the great countryside - here the priority is for Nissan for the comfort of the cabin. For trips to a busy place, it’s better to choose a better choice on Logan - smaller dimensions and better keratinization allow you to know your own place in a smart pot without any effort.

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As you can see, there are no ugly women - there are few burners. It seems that there are no ugly cars either - it’s a filthy point for a photo session. Hardly my own mantry, I put the new Nissan Almera here and there, with a camera, I climb the notes in advance and I will call her on the knees in search of the G-spot itself, so I’ll bring you to a visually aesthetic orgasm, but ... written beautifully from "Almera" as if it did not come out. Mozhe, hoch s character spared?!

At Nissan, the new "Almera" has already been christened with an "entry ticket". This is not poetry, but pure marketing prose. For the company Almera at once - just the first, "input" model in the segment of low-cost cars of class B, the Japanese company has not promoted anything before. Stop, but what about the Almera Classic ninth?! Nissan declares that the Classic was positioned as a model of a higher class C. The new Almera is larger than the "Classic", however, in terms of the set of units, but cheaper. That's why Nissanovtsy declare a novelty in a more affordable and growing class B: for marketing research, in this way, up to 40% of the sales of the last segment can be saved for a part of budget cars. Another half of the "prosy": the Japanese are arguing that the new Almera has become cheaper for the rich buyers of the first new foreign car and the "entry ticket" to the Nissan brand itself. So why check quietly, who to buy this "receipt", virishivshi join the ranks of nіssanovodov?

Vzagali, new Almera - tse rich in what the old know. Did you recognize the Nissan Bluebird Sylphy? І you often make a walkie-talkie! Bluebird Sylphy of another generation (yogo index - G11) was launched from 2005 to 2012 and released yoga in Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan. Moreover, this "Bluebird" is a relative of Renault Logan: both cars are based on the B0 platform! Only now the car has changed its registration: for Russia "Almera" is picked up at "AvtoVAZ". Ale "Blakytniy ptah" changed not only the name and the "nest": after the rebirth into a new Almera, in fact, one "feast" was lost!

The new Nissan Almera is being picked up at the pressures of AvtoVAZ with 50 percent localization. Here they stamp, cook and farbuyut bodies, and Russian enterprises-suppliers supply seats, plastic elements for the cabin, side mirrors, tires, opaque blocks and lighting equipment. Crimea of ​​Russia, "Almera" is also planned to be sold in Ukraine and Belarus.

The Bluebird Sylphy and Almera have identical external dimensions and interior design, galvanized design, body panels and yes with stiykami. However, "Almera" has specially strengthened the platform on our roads and increased the stiffness of the body structure for the wings of additional expansions and the point of zvaryuvannya. The trunk lid is already a European license plate, the front bumper has a bigger cut in the door, and in the minds of our "reagent" winter there is less wear on the car, the chrome-plated elements of the body now have a greater resistance to corrosion.

But all the changes are not so thrown into the eyes, like those that have become of the salon. It's a pity, but the solid interior of the Bluebird Sylphy (vin є in the photo gallery) for the sake of cheapening the possible Almera buv "sweeps" cleanly! And the deputy of the new ... Hello, Logan, I've known you! That hіba can be confused with your characteristic "oak" panel by attaching it with a swivel flounce of the "climate" block, a thin kermo with a massive matochina (settings for villot and earlier it is not possible), "beeping" on the butt of the turn signals of the gearbox and the automatic selector, more similar to the "breaker" of the ship's telegraph? How can you not recognize the roztashuvannya klavіsh sklopidyomnikіv i joystick regulation dzerkal, dbaily zahovanny pіd "handbrake", sob pіdstupnі people's fingers didn't reach the new one?

Loganivska spadshchina lіze literally zvіdusіl, wanting to see why "Almera" tries to fight, let's go with a change of success. In the planning of sightseeing, I put an unambiguous "zalіk" according to the large and sruchny, lower in Logan, large mirrors. Almera's windshield struts are not "thin" at all, after a one-time activation of the omivach, the door switches do not turn on suddenly, but on windy winds from the frontal fold in the water, often blowing "tears" from the windshield. The wide adjustment of the water armchair in height allows the system to be placed on the chair itself (and the wine in "Almeria" is high!), And the "lift" itself is broken in Loganivska: to adjust the pillow on the seat, I will again have to adjust it. At the front seats, there is a dressing and a post-head, but the same profile and a similar construct, so it’s much shorter, lower at the “Frenchman”, they didn’t stink. The armchair is still noticeably "breathing" when dispersed, the "warm up" buttons were used to lay the foundations of the seat as early as possible, the back is narrow and noticeably short in height, and the adjustment is tight and slimy "washer" is not handy.

Hinge over the central deflectors - an axis, perhaps, a single visible element, a kind of attachment panel Almera type Logan. Ale on vіdminu vіd "Logan", in Almera the front side airbags can not be installed for a surcharge - only the front ones, which are included in the basic equipment. Then, in the top configuration of Tekna, there is an available Russified navigator.

Vivchayuchi salon, continue to run into all the new traces of economy. There's a little thing, here's a clap... For "Almeri", the engineers were generous with adjusting the front belts in height and stele handrails with a microlift, and a mirror in a sunshade visor - only for the passenger, intestines on the back side of the back - also for the passenger seat. On the front doors of some configurations of the lower Logan, there are already “boomerangs” of normal door handles, but in Almera they also saved them: they just zrobirovki in the door panels. Garazd, fit like a gut for dribnitsa, where you can throw a phone or a package of chews.

And yet the simpleton Almera often takes revenge for the most spacious room in the class cabin, especially in the back row. The place is here - the wagon! The low transmision tunnel does not affect the legs, the sash sofa appeared in an honest trimming, in my winter clothes, with a height of 180 cm, about 10 cm above my head was still about 10 cm, and the insoles and the knees showed a knee in the back of the front seat, pushed all the way back. You sit on a wide "halortsі" with a pass, at the feet of two people it's warmer, it's warmer with a lot of deflectors ...

However, the budgetary "jokes" of Almera tell you that you are not in an expensive limousine. P'esh it's colder - everything happens to be trimmed in the hands, so there's nothing in the back and the strain on the coasters. The back is absolutely flat and a bichna pіdtrimka - not about her. Before that, the back itself does not fold and there is no hatch in it (like on Logan). So it is easy to transport the dovgomir wiide, to be able to adjust it with a wrench, lifting the back and partition behind it.

Almera has not only found a wheel base in the class, ale and mayzhe "limousine" space for nig: for this show, the new car outdid the VW Passat of the past generation. In the end, in the racks, they got out of the Nissan Bluebird, and the back of the sofa did not fold the axle - out of the same "Logan". That massive footrest is spun in a folded look, it is clear that they look back.

The right "masterpiece" of ergonomics is the keys of the rear seats, which should stand on the floor between the front seats! Navit me with my height and long, like at the KDB, with my hands, I had a chance, folded navpil, to reach for these buttons so, like in a movie it is strained to reach for a pistol. By God, it’s easier to push these keys with your foot, the lower axis is so squirming! Perhaps, with an hour in Nissan, be able to change it? And not only that - in the course of the test, my colleagues and I "dumped" the Nissans a little respect for the car. They diligently wrote down everything, made claims until they were accepted and, if possible, changed it. I'm guessing what to take and send.

And from the change under the hood, we are weak. The bottom line is that according to the Bluebird Sylphy and Almera technique, they go further apart. "Bluebird" had a wide range of units, which included three gasoline engines (1.5, 1.6 and 2 liters), three gearboxes (mechanical, automatic and CVT) and a new drive for the second-half engine! Ale in the budget Almera "attraction of generosity" covered up. Now the drive is just the front, so there is only one motor. Almera's replacement for Nissan units used the 16-valve Renault K4M engine with a volume of 1.6 liters, but I already know the Logan / Sandero models and see everything "unruly" for a transport tax of 102 k.s. The base 5-speed manual transmission of the JH5 series and the 4-speed "automatic" DP2 with winter mode are the same as in Logan, moreover, the transmission numbers of boxes and drive axle in Almeria and Logan are the same.

Suspension schemes for Bluebird Sylphy and Almera are still the same: McPherson "candles" with disc galms are in front, and a twisted beam with drum galmіvniy mechanisms is in the back. Cheap and cheerful! Ale "Almeriy" lie big on our roads, so the suspension was practically reconfigured for the increase of energy capacity. For this reason, they lifted the suspension (now they stink like Logan), along the way, they “strengthened” the springs, the front stabilizer and the rear beam, plus they put shock absorbers on the car with more comfortable adjustments.

Installations on the "Almera" 1.6-liter 102-horsepower Loganovsky K4M engine with adaptations for cold starts, equipment with a stronger starter and a battery, and can "overcharge" 92, 95 and 98 gasoline. The neck of the 5-liter tank of the cloomivacha, in the Loganovsky manner, is stitched on the "police" under the frontal fold (in the photo - the top of the hill).

Even after a spoonful of dogtu it dripped. As for the "brother" Bluebird, both 15- and 16-inch wheels were worn, while Almera has a choice of wheels up to 15-inch with 185/65 tires, on which the car looks like it’s already budget-friendly. On my zdivovane "why so ?!" nissanovtsi vіdpovili, scho pіd 16-inch wheels need to "tighten" go pіdvіsok, "khimіchiti" z podkrylkami, that y vzagalі, movlyav, pіdvіska on Almera vіdrazu "sharpened" the very same pіd tsey typorozmir. Everything is like Logan / Sandero, it is more than 15 inches and is not allowed. It’s unlikely that our hands of auto-vlasniks will sound just like that, as they will sing along to “snap” bigger disks on Almera.

Ale and on 15-inch wheels Almera ran along the mute beaten asphalt of the Yaroslavl region so that the famous "I'm going to see a sweetheart on the go" suddenly guessed. I know you again, old Logan! I already know that I don’t care about setting up roads. Axis and Almera scald over sticks and cracks in the canvas, various-caliber pits and vibrating primers with the indestructibility and softness of the tank, or less with tires over unevenness. Courage on filthy roads and add a clearance of 160 mm under the standard 2-millimeter steel bottom.

True, for the "everyday" long-stroke pіdvіski you have to pay with a chimali roll when changing the smug and the sharp transverse bovtanka, if you "roll" along rough roads on high speeds, if you want it to be a big one. The agility of management also appeared to be neutral, there were more adjustments for comfort, and less for driver's comfort. And if it’s not easy on dry roads for 120 km / year, then we need to prepare buti to the fast growing "soullessness" of kerma in the near-zero zone. The kermo itself is not badly insulated from the road "storms" and only on great unevenness, or "combing" wines periodically "shtovhaєtsya".

The Logan scale of accessories migrated to Almera without changes. Turn on the turn signal buzzer - and that type of "Logan"! At the tachometer, as before, there is no red zone and through the same digits of the wines they stray with the speedometer, the orange indicators and the "stovpchiki" of the fuel gauge and coolant temperature did not go anywhere, and the turn signal on the "tidy" shows the same "inappropriate" indicator.

Then, the 4-speed "automatic" works smoothly! That one in the kick-down mode, the box jumps "down" with a minimum fading. Mabut, I can save more on the "suspension" of the automatic transmission during the transition from the 3rd to the 4th meeting of the gas off, ale, scorched and in general, the settings turned out even better. And the axis of the mechanical box was worthy even less after a long time, it was obviously roaring important and no more than a high clarity of transmission - it is easy to confuse the gears from the gears.

As for the traction talents of a 1.6-liter engine in conjunction with an "automatic", then with a hundred "horses" for 1.2 tons of vagi, obviously, it doesn't go particularly well: expanding to "hundreds", for example, borrowing 12, 7 seconds. Well, it’s not a sports car, but a calm “family car” for a trip from point A in the alphabet. If you remember, then the motor is as strong as it is in the city, so it is on the highway, you can speed up, and overtake. With this, for the rahunok of the “shumka” garnet, the engine does not sing on all sides and on cruising speeds at 110-120 km / year, there is no tension. And yet, due to the fact that due to the "short" gear ratios in the transmission, the engine works at about 3100-3400 rpm on the higher speeds.

They were worthy of an effort and a transparent-informative galma with a slotted, short-stroke pedal. Ale, nuance. Three active safety systems in the arsenal of Almera are only ABS with a galvanized duster, and the axis of the stabilization system is basically non-existent. So you can "catch" the car with your own hands. I tell you that with a sharp galvanizing and a good move on the asphalt along one side of the Almera, a sprat has broken the "cross" so that the hour has already come to cross oneself. Zagalom, with active galvanization on various coatings, it is better to be ready.

Trunk volume - 500 l. It's not bad, but you can't pull on a record - the same "Logan" already had 510 liters and the opening is wider. Ale, on the vіdmіnu vіd nіgo, at "Almer" a set of tools and a jack was tidied up under the log and lie in the niche of a fully sized reserve. From the inner side of the lid there is a handle for closing, and the axis to open the trunk can only be opened with a key, or by closing the lock stopper on the bottom near the water.

From "Almeria" I parted in different feelings. From one side, they rattle on our clothes. Here, the novelties especially shine with nothing: in this segment, the cars are much nicer, the other one is better equipped. Ale, Almera has his trump cards in his sleeves. It’s simple, like a sokir, the trunk is great, the interior is spacious, the clearance is decent, the windshield is broken under the bad roads - everything that Russia needs, it already has.

And, obviously, the price tag, which for the new "Almera" is guilty of such a "forgiveness" of the greater ogrikhiv. Moreover, for the range of prices Almera again Ide vpritul s Renault Logan! You will find a complete set with the name Welcome (you are kindly welcome to Nissan!), which are equipped only with "mechanics". The price is 429,000 rubles, if you want to take 6,000 rubles for all versions for a metallic body. But don't tell Ala that the car will be "naked". The price also has two frontal airbags, a hydropneumatic kerma, front cushions, ABS, an on-board computer and a rear cushion.

Need an air conditioner? Vіn proponuєtsya, pochinayuchi z komfortії Comfort, yak, for rozrahunka marketers, and the fit of the main sales contract. "Povitryany" Comfort will cost 474,000 rubles for a mechanical box and 504,000 rubles for an "automatic". The price also includes a central lock, upgraded front seats and a mirror plus adjustable water chair for height. Qi cars, but with 15-inch alloy wheels, are more expensive by 5,000 rubles.

Only 25-30% of sales of Nissan Almera will happen behind the front sales of Nissan, at the distribution of foreign cars in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Reshta "to go" in the region.

The top version of Tekna costs 523,000 rubles for "mechanics" and 553,000 rubles for automatic transmission. At the base - alloy wheels, rear sklopidomniks with a servo drive and a kermo fitted with a skin. For cars with manual transmission, instead of audio preparation, there is an additional CD / MP3 player with a Bluetooth system and 4 speakers. І only in this configuration with an additional payment of 12,000 rubles for everything is the available Nissan Connect multimedia complex with a 5-inch touchscreen and Russian-language navigation. Moreover, Nissan says that in this class Almera is equipped with a similar built-in system.

Market plans for the new Almera at Nissan are more serious. It should be noted that the average sales volume is 60,000 units per hour, a quarter of the sales of Nissan models in Russia will be brought to the Almera section, and a portion of 7% will be won from the market B-pie. It’s not easy, vrakhovuychi, that on the rear bumper there are a dozen competitors for the same Logan, the record leaders in the Hyundai Solaris class (from 459,000 rubles), Kia Rio (from 490,000) and VW Polo (from 450,000), as well as newcomers for Citroen C-Elysee (ref. 456,000) and Chevrolet Cobalt (ref. 444,000). Chi pіde Almera in great demand, becoming another Russian bestseller? We will soon find out: sales of new items will start already in the province of Bereznya.

Technical characteristics (data of the sampler):

Nissan Almera Almera 1.6 MT Almera 1.6AT


Dovzhina, width, height, mm 4656x1695x1522 4656x1695x1522
Wheel base, mm 2700 2700
Road clearance, mm 160 160
Koliya front, mm n/a n/a
Rear wheel space, mm n/a n/a
Tire turning radius, m 5,7 5,7
Baggage trunk, l 500 500


Engine type 4-cylinder, petrol 4-cylinder, petrol
Maximum tension, k.s. 102 at 5750 rpm 102 at 5750 rpm
Maximum torque, Nm 145 at 3750 rpm 145 at 3750 rpm
Engine volume, cm3 1598 1598
Squeeze step 9,8 9,8
Cylinder diameter, mm 79,5 79,5
Piston head, mm 80,5 80,5
Weight MT / AMT, kg 1177-1198 1209-1224
Weight capacity MT / AMT, kg n/a n/a


drive type front front
checkpoint 5-speed manual 4-automatic transmission

dynamic characteristics

Maximum speed, km / year 185 175
Rozgin 0-100 km/h, w 10,9

peace of mind

Moscow cycle, l / 100 km 9,5 11,9
Zamisky cycle, l / 100 km 5,8 6,5
Change cycle, l / 100 km 7,2 8,5
Paliva type AI 92-98 AI 92-98
Fuel tank volume, l 50 50
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